
    manifestation techniques

    Explore " manifestation techniques" with insightful episodes like "194 - How to Build A New Identity", "Ep. 291 - How to Manifest a Dream Career - The Process with Jessica Gill", "The Mythic Imagination of Amy Filbin", "KEEP GOING!" and "Exploring the Power of Manifestation with Roz Chandler" from podcasts like ""F* It!", "EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™", "Clairannoyance", "Sunday Messages" and "The Cut Flower Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (55)

    194 - How to Build A New Identity

    194 - How to Build A New Identity

    Amy Ledin raises an intriguing question at the heart of today's discussion: 'What new habits are now a part of your daily life that weren't here before?' 

    In this thought-provoking episode, Amy discusses the journey of evolving one's identity to foster a healthier, more fulfilling life. She shares insights into the psychological shifts necessary for adopting new habits and the importance of belief in oneself. Through engaging narratives and evidence-based strategies, she provides listeners with the tools to shift their identity in alignment with their health and personal goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understand the link between identity belief and behavior alignment.
    • How to achieve internal harmony through aligned beliefs and actions.
    • How environmental influences and social circles can impact your identity shift.

    “The more that you're really clear on this is, this is who I want to be, this is the identity I'm chasing, that becomes easier. Now, people are motivated to seek confirmation and validation of their self-concept. So, if an individual holds a belief about a particular aspect of their identity, they may actively speak that out.”  - Amy Ledin



    If you enjoyed this episode, make sure and give us a five star rating  and leave us a review on iTunes, Podcast Addict, Podchaser and Castbox.


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    Amy Ledin


    There's also like, the self-fulfilling prophecy. It's believing in a particular aspect of that identity, you perceive yourself in a certain way, and eventually, you come into it. This is why I do believe in playing the role, hence, building the health character. At first, you're not going to be there, of course, you're not going to be there. But you want to already be clear on the things that need to happen to be there and start playing aspects of that.


    Amy Ledin


    What are you doing to create your dream life or your best self? Why do we see some thrive through challenges while others struggle? Welcome to F* It!, a podcast where I talk about the main Fs in my life that have helped me in creating my best self: faith, family, forgiveness, food, fitness, and formula. Hi, my name is Amy Ledin and most would say that I've had my fair share of struggles. Whether it was placing my baby for adoption at 18, facing my marriage-ending affair, or battling stage four cancer for almost seven years, it's safe to say that I've been through a lot. Join me as I take you through my story, my journeys, and share with you the tactical strategies every single week that will help you thrive and overcome anything you face. That's right, I'm going to show you how to create a future self that you'll be proud of. So buckle up, get ready for the ride as I take you through my story and bring other guests on that have helped me along the way. 


    Amy Ledin


    Okay, if your old life looks similar to your new life, you're most likely just playing a role. And in fact, you've really just not changed your identity, you're just good at playing that part. Can you hear me out because today we're going to talk all about shifting your identity and what that really looks like. But the reason this came up and why I've been sharing this a lot on my Instagram stories is that research has shown once a person believes in a particular aspect of their identity, they're more likely to act in alignment with that belief. It's like the person that quit smoking and just starts to say, I'm not a smoker and then these are the behaviors of a nonsmoker, right? I don't take as many breaks anymore, or whatever it may be. This could also be someone going from being unhealthy to I'm healthy and what do those behaviors look like? And the more that you are able to believe in these particular aspects of your identity, you're just more likely to pull yourself towards that alignment and then it just makes those habits a lot easier to follow. You know, I'd shared on my Instagram stories, when we got up here to Canada, it was a real big change not just in my routine but in the weather and just getting into the habit of my first thing in the morning, getting a walk in instead, walk started to be kind of just whenever and then before you know what I was breaking my streak. And so I needed to get back to the core identity of I am someone that walks every day. Period. Right? I mean, I get it, things happen, life happens. But I wanted to my core for that to be similar to brushing my teeth in that it would just feel weird. It's just part of my identity of doing these things every day. And so it just got me thinking about when it comes to you becoming this new person, you should see, it's not going to be maybe necessarily overnight, but if I was to compare my life to five, seven years ago, it is completely different. I'm talking completely, like, I have changed my routines, like I've just my whole life has changed. And you know, that is always going to be evident in those things.


    Amy Ledin


    And this all came up because Erik had a returning client that's been with Lean Bodies Consulting over the years a couple of times, so not new to losing weight. And back, this person now is down like 30, or 40 pounds has probably about double that to go. So let's say like 70 to 80 pounds, but about halfway there. And this client's like, you know what? I got it from here. I'm good. You know what? I'm losing and so thanks for everything and I'll see you later. And you know, Erik and I have discussed this, this is very common with people in that they are seeing that measurable thing of the losing the weight is like their problem is solved, right? And so Erik replied, I'm sure it really surprised this person because Erik said, but you don't have it from here. Sure, you know how to lose weight. You've done this before. And back two years ago, you lost 40 pounds, but we're still back here, you've not changed who you are, what new habits are now a part of your daily life that weren't here before. And if you can't list off a ton of them, well, then you know what, you're just playing a role, you really haven't shifted that identity. Right?


    Amy Ledin


    So this, you know, comes up quite often and so I wanted to kind of go through some of these things just to maybe, hey, maybe they'll help you I know they've helped me. You know, for me, it used to be the test of how do I behave on vacations? And don't get me wrong, I know that when we're on vacation, at least when it comes to like my fitness and my eating, it is going to be a little bit different. But is it going to be a free-for-all where I don't even walk and I don't even go to the gym and I'm just eating my face off? No. Now, was I like that maybe 10 years ago? Yes. And that tells me that I haven't shifted my identity of becoming this person. And the reason why you want to do this is it becomes easier to live here. When we are always fighting it, we're fighting the alignment, we're gonna have that inner bitch really talking to us a lot, because we're just not showing up to the potential of where we need to be, right? And so, testing your weekends, testing vacations, testing these one-off days to just really see how you behave.


    Amy Ledin


    Now, I wanted to dive in deeper to why is it that we are more likely to act in alignment? Why does it make it easier? Well, there's a lot of areas, some key factors that come into play when we are working on that self-identity and one of them is consistency and cognitive dissonance. This is where humans have the natural inclination towards cognitive consistency. Hey, when our beliefs, our attitudes, and our behaviors are aligned we do experience this sense of internal harmony. This is really what we're chasing. We are chasing just feeling good. We may think that we're chasing, losing the weight or making all the money, but what we're really chasing is all the behaviors and processes that it takes to get there. It is the daily walks, it is the meal prepping, it is learning to say no to certain spending binge because you're trying to save. It's all of those things, whatever that goal is and then like, being aligned, we really were craving that internal harmony, right? Now, when we don't have cognitive, on the other hand, with cognitive dissonance, that discomfort arising from conflicting beliefs and actions, it doesn't make us want to go with, move towards that and this is where we will start to hear a lot of that inner bitch talking and complaining and saying things to us, because we're just not living there. Right?


    Amy Ledin


    So what you could do in this area, this is where you would want to get really clear on your beliefs, what you're chasing, your identity. For our clients, I always want them to build a health character. In fact, in the show notes, I believe, we would have a link where you can go sign up and do the free health character, because you've got to have some clarity on who you're trying to be. It's like with a client of mine, if we're a few months in, I'm going to continue to remind them, okay, well, who are we chasing here? And not just like a look not just a number, like, how does she behave? What does she do on a daily basis? What time is she getting up every day? Those details matter to our brain because here's the thing, the more that you start to align yourself with that you'll just be pulled towards it. The more that you're really clear on this is, this is who I want to be, this is the identity I'm chasing, that becomes easier. Now, people are motivated to seek confirmation and validation of their self-concept. So, if an individual holds a belief about a particular aspect of their identity, they may actively speak that out. So this is where building that health character and I have mine very detailed, she's someone that every day, does some form of meal prep, she has every day, some form of movement. And the more that I put that in writing, and really, I'm going to seek validation from those things that I've already deemed as being part of that identity, if that makes sense, right? So now you're like, well, this is what a healthy person would do. And then there's also like, the self-fulfilling prophecy. It's like believing in a particular aspect of that identity, you perceive yourself in a certain way, and eventually, you come into it. This is why I do believe in playing the role, hence, building the health character. At first, you're not going to be there, of course, you're not going to be there. But you want to already be clear on the things that need to happen to be there and start playing aspects of that. I really, when I'm going to the grocery store, I play that health character role, especially those first few times where maybe, it may be in the past going to Publix, for example, I love Publix grocery stores, and their cakes and their frosting are so amazing. And I really had to build this character, like my health character, she doesn't go over to the bakery to tempt herself, she's sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store and this is, when she goes to the grocery store, she makes sure that she doesn't buy things that are going to tempt her. And I just go into all that detail because it just makes it so much easier with just playing right into the role.


    Amy Ledin


    And then of course, there's other things that can help shift your identity. One would be around other people's influence. There is a huge power in your environment. In fact, in one of the books that I read, Willpower Doesn't Work, he talked about this phenomenon, that you can have the best strategy, you could have your diet laid out, your training laid out, but let's say no one around you is really supporting that or living that way, it's actually going to be harder for that person versus the person that has really no plan but their group of friends, their tribe, their family, their people, they live healthy lifestyles, that person is more likely to shift their identity to their tribe, than that person that had all the strategies on paper. And so what this tells you is you want to find other people that are living like you. We have in our Look Like You Train program, which it is actually getting ready to enroll, I don't know, by the time this one launches, we'll see. But at the beginning of December, we enroll for that, but one of the powers of our Facebook group, you've got almost 500 ladies in there, but we're all chasing similar goals, right? So when we start to align ourselves with these people, even if your habit isn't, as of yet to say walk daily, you better believe by the end of those 12 weeks in that group, you're walking daily. One of them is that we don't consume caffeine, the first two hours upon waking, and when people get in the group, that's one of the things they're like, oh my gosh, that's just so crazy. No way, I'm not gonna do it. And then as time goes on, they see their tribe, they see their people doing these things, and guess what, it starts to pull them towards that and they start to live in that way. So don't discount your friendships, your environment, your home in helping you shift your identity.


    Amy Ledin


    But the most important thing to ask yourself today is, is my life looking similar to what it looked like last year? And if it does look similar, well, then you know what, it's time to put some of these things in writing some of these habits, some of these behaviors that will truly help you get to the new identity that you're, you're so badly wanting to be at, and really start to measure those on a daily basis. You know, like I said, you'll see on my Instagram right now I'm back, you know, now it's probably three and a half weeks of walking straight. But it's, it's back to being my thing, that first thing in the morning, I go for a walk. And I want that to stay with me. And so I'm going to continue to really get that clarity around what that new identity looks like so I can continue to shift towards it. So I hope this one helps you in working on yours, feel free to download the How To Create Your Health Character, that's just one area of your life that you can build one in, but the email series that gets sent to you also will show you how to put this into other areas of your life and really just hope to continue to help you level up. So, have a great one.


    Amy Ledin


    Okay, I'm on a mission. As you know, if you've been following along, I have a goal to be at top 100 podcasts. And it's less about that top 100 and more about I want to make an impact. I want more people to hear F* It! and learn from all of the mistakes that I've made, along with me bringing on really special guests for you. So my ask here is this. I want you to screenshot this episode today and share it on your social media, share it with a friend, you know, tag me in it. Go give me a review, of course, if you're really feeling it, and rate me. You know, this is the only way things are gonna get seen here. And in a big world of tons and tons of podcasts, I'm hoping that you're going to choose mine and help me on my mission.

    #5for50 #5for50FamilyEdition #AmyLedin #AmyLedin.com #ErikLedin #LeanBodiesConsulting #LBC #Kamele #KamelePerez



    DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent or reflect the official policy, opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Disenyo.co LLC and its employees.

    Ep. 291 - How to Manifest a Dream Career - The Process with Jessica Gill

    Ep. 291 - How to Manifest a Dream Career - The Process with Jessica Gill

    Big dreamers, bridge-leapers, and people who are building up their FU fund–this one's for you. Today we are diving into a profoundly inspiring episode of Expanded as the one and only Jessica Gill shares an intimate look at her personal journey in manifesting her dream career. From her roots in the rural suburbs of New Jersey, to her high-powered position in TV and film, to becoming the driving force behind To Be Magnetic's podcast and content, Jessica unfolds her story with pure transparency, embracing shadow and her own past self. She brings us through the early sparks of her passion for storytelling and media, to confronting the challenges of career change, and the relentless pursuit of aligning personal values with professional aspirations. This episode is rich with Jessica's candid reflections on her upbringing, critical life lessons from her parents, and the defining moments that shaped her path. More than just a narrative, Jessica delves into tangible career advice, passing tests, manifestation tools that moved the needle, and the power of intuition and self-validation. Join us for an episode that provides actionable insights for anyone standing at the crossroads of their career, ready to take the leap towards their dreams.

    Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast


    In This Episode We Talk About:

    • The initial desire for a career shift and the steps towards manifesting a dream job.
    • The role of TBM in Jessica's personal and career transformation.
    • The importance of aligning career aspirations with personal passion and intuition.
    • Challenges faced in the film and television industry and the decision to pivot.
    • Strategies for unblocking and expanding to welcome new career opportunities.
    • The significance of building a "bridge job" and how it differs from a dream job.
    • The process of saving an "FU fund" to facilitate career transition.
    • The impact of parental influence on career choices and manifestation efforts.
    • Utilizing the TBM tools and DI (Deep Imaginings) for career manifestation.
    • The journey from applying for an executive assistant role to becoming Chief Content Officer.
    • Tips for dealing with rejection and silence in the job application process.
    • Leveraging past experiences and skill sets for new career paths.
    • The magic dark period and recognizing when the timing is right for a career change.
    • Maintaining self-worth and purpose during periods of career uncertainty.
    • The ongoing journey of growth and redefining success within a dream career.



    • Jessica’s beginnings and following her initial dream of working in entertainment (00:05:45)
    • The journey from career uncertainty to clarity and purpose (00:44:10)
    •  Achieving and evolving within the dream job (01:00:10)



    Share your Challenge Manifestation Testimonials for a chance to be featured on Expanded!

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    Available in the Pathway until Feb 29th at midnight PST




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    The Mythic Imagination of Amy Filbin

    The Mythic Imagination of Amy Filbin

    We're thrilled to introduce you to this week's guest, Amy Filbin — a multidisciplinary practitioner who artfully and skillfully synthesizes her academic, psychological and spiritual knowledge to help clients across the world. In this episode, Amy traverses tarot, astrology, hypnotherapy and beyond to illuminate the obstacles that keep people stuck in life. 

    Amy's story is profound. She not only enlightens us about the archetypal "Fool's Journey" in tarot, but she opens up about her own Fool's Journey — her life story — which is both singular and universal all at once. Her story is her own, yet you can't help but find yourself within it. In true Gemini fashion, Amy has moved through many of life's contradictions and dichotomies to become personally and professionally resilient. From addiction to recovery, from love to loss, from Greece to Alaska...her trials and triumphs are a testament to the transformative potential of embracing the path of self-discovery. 

    You'll hit play to behold her mythic imagination. But it's her breathtaking humanness that will resonate long after the episode concludes.

    Amy's book recommendation mentioned in this episode: 
    Boundaries & Protection by Pixie Lighthorse

    Amy Filbin is a trauma and IFS-informed multidisciplinary practitioner, astrologist, and Tarot reader who integrates cosmic insights with therapeutic modalities and scientific data to help clients achieve transformational psychological and behavioral shifts. She specializes in understanding the astrological, energetic, and psychologic profile of the high achiever. Her clients range from senior government officials and accomplished academics to professional athletes and celebrities. An accomplished presenter and teacher, Amy is available to book for professional training, speaking engagements, and readings at corporate events and other large gatherings. Most recently Amy received her training in Psychedelic Integration therapy, please email Amy at amy@amyfilbin.com if you are curious and interested in this part of her work.



    Codependency is a natural part of the human experience, but it can be a relationship killer. Ryan Hagan (our guest interview from Episode 5) has officially launched The Hagan Method, a new 12-week self-paced program. Whether you're single or in a relationship, The Hagan Method brilliantly blends science and spirituality to improve your relational abilities. This program will arm you with knowledge and tools to overcome relationship pitfalls, empowering you to experience a more fulfilling and loving life. The program includes 40 audio and video lessons, weekly calls and one-on-one meetings with Ryan, access to a members-only online group for continued learning with other students, and more. 

    Clairannoyance listeners receive a 50% discount on The Hagan Method. CLICK HERE to book a free one-on-one consultation with Ryan so you can learn more about The Hagan Method. Mention the code CLAIRANNOYANCE to claim your 50% discount! Offer valid until the end of March, 2024. 

    Note: The advertisement in the episode states the discount is valid until the end of February, but due to the interest from listeners this discount has been extended until the end of March! Get it while you can!





    EPISODE 279: Today I'm talking all about keep going! Enjoy!

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    Exploring the Power of Manifestation with Roz Chandler

    Exploring the Power of Manifestation with Roz Chandler

    Hello, lovely listeners! Thank you for joining me on today's podcast. This episode delves into uncharted territory for me, exploring the fascinating realm of manifestation. Buckle up for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

    In this unconventional episode, we explore the concept of manifestation, dissecting its origins, dispelling myths, and uncovering practical steps to harness its power. Drawing inspiration from Roxy Nafusi's insightful teachings, we navigate through seven transformative steps towards manifesting our desires.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Clarity is Key: Define your vision across various aspects of life, transcending traditional vision boards to cultivate a profound sense of purpose.
    2. Banish Fear and Doubt: Confront and overcome ingrained fears and self-doubt to pave the way for manifestation.
    3. Action Ignites Manifestation: Align your actions with your aspirations, embracing proactive steps towards your goals.
    4. Navigate Tests with Resilience: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, maintaining steadfast resolve amidst adversity.
    5. Gratitude as a Catalyst: Cultivate a gratitude mindset, acknowledging and appreciating life's myriad blessings.
    6. Transform Envy into Inspiration: Shift envy into positive inspiration, leveraging others' successes as beacons of motivation.
    7. Trust the Journey: Embrace trust in the universe, relinquishing desperation and finding fulfilment in the journey itself.

    Stepping out of my comfort zone, this exploration of manifestation has been both enlightening and transformative. As we navigate our unique paths, I invite your feedback and insights on this intriguing journey. Let's manifest our dreams together!

    Awakenings & Spiritual Genetics: Part 1

    Awakenings & Spiritual Genetics: Part 1

    Is spirituality something people are predisposed to experiencing? Do your genetics make a difference? What external forces are at play that might cause someone to become more spiritual? 

    Spiritual awakenings are a common topic in the spiritual community, but not often something that we dissect and explore in-depth. This is the first installment of our three-part series (well...we think it'll be three parts) where we'll explore how and why spiritual awakenings occur. 

    In this first episode, we share stories about our own spiritual awakenings and discuss common ways people seem to experience them. We preview some larger topics that we'll further dive into for parts two and three in this series, and we also invite listeners to write in with their own spiritual awakening stories so we can share them in a future episode as part of this series! 

    P.S. Remember Michelle Brock, our past life expert? Her new book is officially out! Grab your copy here


    Codependency is a natural part of the human experience, but it can be a relationship killer. Ryan Hagan (our guest interview from Episode 5) has officially launched The Hagan Method, a new 12-week self-paced program. Whether you're single or in a relationship, The Hagan Method brilliantly blends science and spirituality to improve your relational abilities. This program will arm you with knowledge and tools to overcome relationship pitfalls, empowering you to experience a more fulfilling and loving life. The program includes 40 audio and video lessons, weekly calls and one-on-one meetings with Ryan, access to a members-only online group for continued learning with other students, and more. 

    Clairannoyance listeners receive a 50% discount on The Hagan Method. CLICK HERE to book a free one-on-one consultation with Ryan so you can learn more about The Hagan Method. Mention the code CLAIRANNOYANCE to claim your 50% discount! Offer valid until the end of March, 2024. 

    Note: The advertisement in the episode states the discount is valid until the end of February, but due to the interest from listeners this discount has been extended until the end of March! Get it while you can!


    Connect with Clairannoyance:

    036 Unlocking Manifestation: Insights from Horses and Human Connection with Jin Ong

    036 Unlocking Manifestation: Insights from Horses and Human Connection with Jin Ong

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Beyond the Words"! I'm delighted to have you join us as we explore the depths of manifestation, human connection, and the profound teachings we can glean from our equine companions.


    In this episode, we embark on a transformative journey with Dimple and Jin Ong, diving deep into the art of manifesting dreams and desires. From simplifying the process to drawing parallels with the wisdom of horses, we uncover invaluable insights into personal growth, leadership, and the power of intention.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Simplicity in Action: Dimple shares wisdom on simplifying manifestation and taking inspired action towards our goals, urging us to embrace simplicity.
    2. Investment and Leadership: We explore the importance of leading by example and investing in ourselves to pave the way for others to follow suit.
    3. Speed of Achievement: Analysing transportation analogies, we highlight the significance of seeking support to accelerate our journey towards success and fulfilment.
    4. Proximity and Power: Proximity to mentors and like-minded individuals is identified as a catalyst for growth and empowerment, fostering collaboration and shared learning.
    5. Lessons from Horses: Jin reflects on her experiences with horses, uncovering profound lessons on boundaries, consistency, and trust in relationships, drawing parallels between equine behaviour and human emotions.
    6. Reflection on Sensitivity: We delve into how horses serve as mirrors for human emotions, prompting introspection and self-awareness, and how this sensitivity extends to our interactions with others.
    7. Manifestation and Trust: Trusting in the unfolding of desires, setting intentions, and dreaming big are highlighted as essential elements in the manifestation process, fostering a sense of empowerment and alignment with our true purpose.

    Jin Ong Resource Links:

    Thank you for tuning in to this enlightening conversation. Remember to stay connected with us on social media and continue your journey of self-discovery with the "Beyond the Words" podcast. Until next time, keep manifesting your dreams with intention and trust!

    Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimple.thakrar

    Ep. 289 - How To Manifest Money

    Ep. 289 - How To Manifest Money

    Get ready to hear Lacy and Jessica dive deep into one of the most popular TBM topics – how to manifest money.  Despite whatever shame, pain, or programming you picked up around money, you can expand and unblock to manifest it. But that doesn’t mean it’s something that happens automatically. This episode breaks down money blocks, shadows, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from authenticity and alignment in terms of your financial manifestations. Lacy and Jessica share some of their own blocks and evolving perspectives on abundance, and highlight the importance of finding expansion and aligning with your true self to attract financial freedom. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to transform their financial reality and live a life of genuine abundance.

    Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast


    In This Episode We Talk About:

    • The misconception of manifesting money through positive thinking alone.
    • Understanding the role of the subconscious in financial manifestation.
    • The impact of childhood experiences and societal influences on money beliefs.
    • The significance of aligning actions with your authentic self to manifest wealth.
    • Unblocking and expanding: key strategies for overcoming financial barriers.
    • The connection between self-worth, authenticity, and financial abundance.
    • Practical tips for creating a mindset of abundance and deservingness.
    • The importance of surrounding yourself with financial expanders.
    • How to use neuroplasticity and energetics in manifesting financial success.
    • The relationship between money and other areas of manifestation, such as love.
    • Lacy and Jessica's personal journeys to financial well-being.
    • The transformative power of deep subconscious work in manifesting money.
    • A discussion on cultural, systemic, and religious influences on financial beliefs.
    • Steps to take towards achieving financial freedom and living a comfortable lifestyle.



    • The foundational principles of manifesting money, emphasizing authenticity and the subconscious's role. (7:35)
    • Lacy and Jessica’s insights on identifying and unblocking limiting beliefs about money. (28:35)
    • Question on unblocking and manifesting money from the community! (47:10)



    Share your Challenge Manifestation Testimonials for a chance to be featured on Expanded!

    Join The Manifestation Challenge! 

    Available in the Pathway until Feb 29th at midnight PST




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    A Cubby Hole for Life's Clutter with Erik Quigley

    A Cubby Hole for Life's Clutter with Erik Quigley

    What if spirituality is just a place to stash life's chaos? A container to help you find peace with all your clutter? In this modern world, spirituality can be so complex to the point that it's off-putting for many people. Life is messy regardless... so shouldn't spirituality help you tidy up your soul?  

    Erik Quigley joins us to offer a completely different perspective on spiritual living. Unlike most of our guests, Erik is not a professional spiritual practitioner. His point of view is refreshing for this podcast — someone who identifies as spiritual but doesn't make a career revolving around it. Erik runs his own successful creative agency, Uncommon Crowd. After meeting Clairannoyance co-host Ryan on TikTok, the two decided to collaborate and recently launched a business together: BizmosCEO. Like most people, Erik wants to live a fulfilling life. His casual approach to spirituality helps him achieve that goal. 

    P.S. Use code ANNOY20 to get Bizmos at 20% off! Code valid until the end of February. Redeem at www.bizmosceo.com

    Books mentioned in this episode: 

    About Erik Quigley

    For over a decade, Erik has made his way through the design industry as a designer, freelancer and, now creative director, delivering end-to-end creative vision to both private and corporate companies. By aligning his theatrical background within the business space, Erik heads Uncommon Crowd, a creative agency focused on differentiating company brands through their own authentic edge. Ever the book enthusiast, perpetual student and budding thought leader, outside of client work, Erik has found a mission in helping other creatives through content creation, one-on-one mentorships, and community development.

    Connect with Erik:

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    February 2024 Astrology Forecast: Play the Infinite Game

    February 2024 Astrology Forecast: Play the Infinite Game

    ***NOTE: We had some audio issues at first so you'll hear a funny break around 15:25. This took a while for us to fix, so it derailed our recording a while and we were short on time. We had to move through the astrology forecast this month a little faster than we originally planned. It's still an excellent episode though, obviously. Enjoy the chaos!

    February is a short month, and this is a short forecast, but there is a surprising amount of astrological energy playing out! We do our best to condense these themes down into bite-sized pieces for you to make this month as fruitful as possible.

    Major astrology topics we cover in this episode include: the New Moon in Aquarius, the Full Moon in Virgo, the 5 planets changing signs, what it means to have an abundance of energy in Aquarius, how Pluto is getting awakened this month, and the significance of the conjunction between Chiron and the North Node in Aries. 

    We're relating this month's energy to the concept of "repair" - which isn't about fixing something that's broken, but about getting on the right track. In order to achieve repair, we suggest learning how to play "The Infinite Game." 

    Resources discussed in this episode:

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    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!

    The Serendipity Sessions: Overthinking, Affirmations, and Letting Go with Love

    The Serendipity Sessions: Overthinking, Affirmations, and Letting Go with Love

    Our stream-of-consciousness series, The Serendipity Sessions, returns again! Listen in as we have a real-time and fully unplanned conversation that leads us to some significant topics we have on our minds. We land on some thought-provoking conclusions as we discuss various subjects including the debilitating effects of overthinking, to the influence and wisdom of affirmations, to the power of learning how to let go with love. 

    By nature of The Serendipity Sessions, we invite you to hit play and explore these topics with us as we uncover them for ourselves. But if you'd like some additional hints at what we cover in this episode, see this purposefully abstract list below:

    • What do you do when you can't rely on your thoughts OR feelings?
    • How to shift energies that feel unshiftable
    • The role of detaching and observing 
    • Language is crazyyyy
    • What does "promise" mean?
    • We each picked a 'word of the year' for 2024
    • (Un)healthy defense mechanisms when life feels chaotic
    • 2024 cannot and will not be another 2023
    • What does love have to do with liberation?
    • The problem with Oprah

    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!

    About The Serendipity Sessions:
    We began The Serendipity Sessions as a series in the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, The Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defy routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us.

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    Psychic Attacks & Spiritual Assaults: A Case Study

    Psychic Attacks & Spiritual Assaults: A Case Study

    *TRIGGER WARNING -- This episode discusses themes of sexual assault. 

    *PLEASE NOTE -- The videos we're referencing in this podcast have been removed from TikTok. If you search "Keisha and Finnikin" on TikTok you'll find some short clips, but mostly you'll see videos from other people commenting on this whole situation. The two people involved are @keishathemystic and @st.finnikin 

    This episode is a case study in the ways that spirituality can lead to dangerous levels of spiritual psychosis. We're breaking down an intense situation that occurred in the TikTok spiritual community recently regarding two creators who we believe are both problematic. This is a difficult episode to summarize for the show notes, so we simply recommend you listen to the episode. The implications for what has occurred between Keisha and Finnikin are terrifying and damaging for the entire spiritual community. 

    Be discerning. Protect yourself in all ways, always. 

    Love you!

    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!

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    Slaying Spiritual BS with Xyla Bones

    Slaying Spiritual BS with Xyla Bones

    Is it possible to find Zeus at a 7eleven? 

    We're thrilled to introduce you to Xyla Bones, an exceptional astrologer, content creator and artist who we discovered on TikTok and have grown super fond of over the past few months. Xyla's perspective on astrology is desperately needed and fascinating to hear about. With a background in architecture and engineering, Xyla's approach in many corners of the spiritual space is both hyper intuitive and grounded in logic. She's an effective practitioner and a straight shooter who takes a fearless stand against false spiritual practitioners. Simply put, she slays the spiritual BS. 

    In today's episode, we're traversing a wide range of topics, so get cozy and enjoy this hilarious and insightful ride with us! You'll learn about the complex field of vibrational astrology, discover how Lilith and Chiron show up in your birth chart, and explore various dynamics about relationship astrology and how the stars can align for compatibility. We also dive into witchcraft, sex magick, twin flames, and working with Zeus (yes, the Greek God). 

    About Xyla Bones:
    Xyla Bones is an astrologer, content creator, and artist. Future-focused but passionate about the ancient arts and symbolism, she emphasizes the importance of finding oneself through radical self acceptance and courage. Xyla's astrology is often spiritually focused but puts a sense of groundedness first. She empowers her audience to utilize astrology as a tool for their own success in any endeavor. To support people in their journey to self-discovery, Xyla offers astrological readings as a service and creates short-form content on TikTok, featuring astrological interpretations, a touch of comedy, and other spiritually-related information. Explore her work by following @xylabones on TikTok.

    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!

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    The Best of Yourself: A Guide to Self-Love, Confidence, and Living an Extraordinary Life

    The Best of Yourself: A Guide to Self-Love, Confidence, and Living an Extraordinary Life

    In this episode of Flourish or Fold, I’m honored to welcome manifestation coach and author Kathleen Cameron. Join us as we talk about her transformation from a nurse to a world-traveling empowerment figure through unwavering faith and manifestation principles. Kathleen shares her journey, emphasizing the importance of profound faith, detachment from outcomes, and surrendering to the universe. 

    The Genesis of a Manifested Life: Kathleen's story is nothing short of inspirational. In September of 2019, she made a pivotal decision to transform her life. As a registered nurse, she was well-acquainted with the healthcare world, but she yearned for something more. Kathleen embarked on a personal experiment, applying the principles of manifestation to her own life. The results were staggering. She transitioned from her nursing career to a life where she travels the world, empowers individuals, and enjoys the luxury she once only dreamed of. Her secret? Unwavering faith and the application of spiritual teachings.

    The Role of Faith in Manifestation: During our conversation, Kathleen emphasized the significance of faith. She shared how her understanding of spirituality evolved, leading her to recognize a higher power at play. This profound faith became the cornerstone of her manifestation practice, allowing her to transmute her energy into her desires. Kathleen encourages everyone to find their own resonance with a higher power, as this personal connection is crucial to the manifestation process.

    Cultivating Faith in the Unseen: For those skeptical or new to the concept of manifestation, Kathleen offers a compelling perspective. Faith, she explains, is about believing in the unseen. It's about trusting in the same way we trust gravity or the arrival of a package. Manifestation is about becoming aware of what already exists in the realm of possibility. If you can imagine it, it's within your reach. This belief in the unseen is the bedrock of faith that can lead to tangible results.

    Detachment and Surrender: The Art of Letting Go: One of the most challenging aspects of manifestation is the desire to control outcomes. Kathleen speaks to the power of detachment and surrender. It's not about needing our desires to materialize; it's about asking for what we want and then allowing the universe to work its magic. This surrender is not a sign of weakness but a profound strength that aligns us with the energy of abundance and prosperity.

    Personal Growth and Evolving Relationships: Kathleen's journey of manifestation has also deeply impacted her relationships. As she grew in consciousness, her reliance on others for decision-making diminished. She found empowerment from within, which led to the evolution of her friendships, marriage, and other connections. Some relationships flourished, while others naturally faded. Kathleen reflects on the beauty of learning from every relationship and the importance of leading with love and unconditional love for others.

    "The Best of Yourself" and Manifest Toronto: Kathleen's new book, "The Best of Yourself," is a testament to her transformational journey. It's designed to help readers realize their true potential and empower them to embody the best version of themselves daily. Her vision is to guide individuals towards self-love, confidence, and a positive impact on the world. At her recent in-person event, "Manifest Toronto," Kathleen created a space for community, love, and empowerment. She expresses gratitude for the opportunity to serve others and the reciprocal growth that comes from elevating those around her.

    Debunking Manifestation Myths: Kathleen addresses the misconception that manifestation is separate from spirituality or a higher power. She firmly believes that manifestation is a divine tool and cannot be done without tapping into the energy of the universe or God. She also critiques the "fake it till you make it" approach, advocating for alignment with the energy of one's desires to truly manifest them.

    My conversation with Kathleen Cameron was a deep dive into the interconnectedness of manifestation, personal growth, and spirituality. Her insights remind us that with profound faith, detachment, and surrender, we can all manifest the life we envision for ourselves. I hope this glimpse into our discussion has inspired you to explore the power of manifestation in your own life. Remember, it's not just about the destination but the journey of growth and resilience that shapes us.

    Until next time, keep flourishing!

    To learn more about Kathleen visit: https://kathleencameronofficial.com and on Instagram: @kathleencameronmanifests

    Here are some highlights of the episode to look forward to:

    Kathleen’s journey to manifestation (00:01:13): Kathleen discusses her inspirational journey from a registered nurse to a manifestation coach, emphasizing the power of faith and spiritual teachings.

    Kathleen's personal manifestation journey (00:03:06): Kathleen shares her personal journey of manifesting and creating the life she loves, emphasizing the role of faith and personal transformation.

    The role of faith in manifestation (00:05:40): Kathleen discusses the transformation in her belief system, from initially believing in the universe to developing profound faith and the impact of faith on manifestation.

    Understanding and cultivating faith (00:07:05): The discussion delves into the process of understanding and cultivating faith, exploring the concept of a higher power and the impact of faith on personal growth and manifestation.

    Manifestation and the power of imagination (00:11:24): Kathleen explains the role of faith in creating something not yet experienced, emphasizing the power of imagination and belief in manifesting desires.

    Challenges in manifestation and detachment (00:14:31): The conversation explores challenges in manifestation, the impact of energy and belief systems on outcomes, and the significance of detachment in the manifestation process.

    Impact of personal transformation on relationships (00:25:21): The segment explores the impact of personal growth and manifestation journey on relationships, including evolving friendships, changes in dynamics, and the influence of others on personal transformation.

    Relationship Evolution (00:25:42): Kathleen discusses how her relationships have evolved and shifted due to her personal growth and consciousness.

    Positive Manifestation (00:26:46): Kathleen shares her perspective on relationships, conflict resolution, and her evolving understanding of manifestation.

    Manifestation without Time (00:33:29): Kathleen shares her perspective on time and urgency in setting goals for manifestation.

    New Book: The Best of Yourself (00:34:59): Kathleen introduces her new book and discusses its focus on personal growth and self-realization.

    Elevating Others (00:42:25): Kathleen discusses the reciprocal nature of growth through serving and elevating others.

    Manifestation and God (00:43:12): Kathleen addresses the misconception that manifestation is separate from spirituality and explains her belief in manifestation with a higher power.

    Practicing Being (00:44:50): Kathleen emphasizes the shift from "fake it till you make it" to "practicing being" in the context of personal growth and manifestation.

    Abundance Journal (00:48:54): I share my practice of keeping an abundance journal, inspired by Kathleen's teachings on manifestation and my unexpected financial gains.

    Manifestation Success Story (00:53:06): Kathleen shares a success story of a community member who manifested financial abundance and success.

    Thinking Big (00:55:12): Kathleen encourages listeners to think beyond their current limitations and dream of an extraordinary life.

    The Serendipity Sessions: Warrior in a Garden

    The Serendipity Sessions: Warrior in a Garden

    "It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war." — Miyamoto Musashi

    We're back for another Serendipity Session! Megan and Ryan catch up over a mishmash of topics. After a quick catch up (it had been a while since we recorded together!) we dive into the controversy that's resulted in pop culture about the war between Israel and Palestine, which has had major ramifications that cannot be ignored. (#FreePalestine — NO that does not mean we are antisemitic.) Paying attention to current events and what's happening around the world IS a spiritual practice. To purposefully disconnect from this is to be pompous about your privilege. If you're not paying attention, then you are flexing spiritual bypassing, and that's not a flex to brag about. 

    We also discuss the importance of media literacy, and the general lack of critical analysis so many people are proudly displaying right now. We chat about the perverse and persistent need to overreact and our over reliance on the internet and technology as a means to showcase our overreactions. We also have a though-provoking discussion about the role that nihilism is playing in our modern society right now, which we may turn into a full length episode soon as well.



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    January 2024 Astrology Forecast

    January 2024 Astrology Forecast

    HELLO 2024!!! We're a bit behind on posting, but we have so many goodies in the bank ready to release for you! 

    We might already be over a week into January, and we recorded this back in December, but bear with us. The hiatus is because we're busy people!! Anyway, so many good things to discuss for January's astrology, and it's truly just getting going as of this episode being posted. Are you ready to take the year on?

    We're covering all sorts of astrological goodies for January. The New Moon in Capricorn, the Full Moon in Leo, and the beginning of a couple months of NO RETROGRADES!! Plus, we're talking about a very symbolic conjunction between the Sun and Pluto at the very end of Capricorn, mere minutes and hours before they enter Aquarius. "Tradition is the corpse of wisdom." 

    We're also talking about Mars being "out of bounds" - a special astrological concept, but certainly something to pay attention to in January! You'll also get a little preview of some of the energy coming up in February (and beyond). 

    How are you feeling about January? Are you ready to rock this year? 



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    Niche Manifestations with Deva Holliday

    Niche Manifestations with Deva Holliday

    Manifestation is a hot topic in the spiritual space. The practice can be beautiful, but it can also highlight many of the overarching issues that plague the spiritual community including racism, classism, privilege, and spiritual bypassing. If manifestation has been difficult for you to align with, or if you're interested in shaking up your current manifestation routine, you'll want to tune into this episode from start to finish. 

    Join us as we chat with Deva Holliday, a Los Angeles based actress and comedian shining a whole new light on the practice of manifesting. Deva is the mastermind behind Niche Manifestations, which has become a viral TikTok sensation, even catching the attention of major news outlets like Cosmopolitan Magazine and Good Day LA. We dive into Deva's signature manifestation style, which highlights the importance of leveraging humor while walking a spiritual path. We also zoom out to explore the concept of manifesting overall — what it is, why it works, how it can be problematic, and how you can use it as a positive and productive part of your spiritual practice. 

    In this episode, you'll hear about Deva's storied background, from her cult commune upbringing, to decolonizing and reconditioning the religious and social imprints she received as a child, to harnessing the power of gratefulness, to her current thriving life in Los Angeles, and more. 

    About Deva Holliday:
    Deva Holliday is an actress/comedian based out of Los Angeles. Her Niche Manifestations TikTok account is a passion project that she runs solo, from the photographs used to the editing to the writing. In a collaboration with Briana Wolf, Deva (as Niche Manifestations) released two of her manifestations as songs streamable on every platform. The “UTI Manifestation” and “IBS Manifestation” are not only entertaining and useful manifestations but beautiful songs as well. Look out for her in the upcoming horror comedy “Found Footage” along with other projects. To follow “Niche Manifestations” as well as her other accounts, check out her Linktree.

    Connect with Deva:

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    The Healing Art of Sound with Arlyn Ruddy

    The Healing Art of Sound with Arlyn Ruddy

    Sound is a fundamental and all-encompassing element in our lives. It holds a powerful capacity to forge profound connections with our inner selves, with others, and with the very essence of life itself. Sound attunes us to our humanity and provides a gateway to spiritual well-being. The therapeutic potential of sound is vast, offering relief to those grappling with stress, anxiety, grief, depression, PTSD, insomnia, and a spectrum of physical and emotional ailments. From deepening relaxation and enhancing visualization to fostering mental focus, creativity, and spiritual growth, sound is a force of healing and transformation. It's more than music; it's a vibrational foundation echoing through every aspect of our existence.

    In this episode we speak with special guest Arlyn Ruddy, a Charleston-based rapper, Initiated Sound Therapist, and the creatrix of Awaken Spanda (to name a just a few of her many well-trained roles). Arlyn was originally invited to speak with us about sound baths, but after dipping our toes in the water, the conversation evolved into a broader exploration of sound as a healing art. Arlyn opens up about her personal story and reveals how sound became a pivotal element in her healing arsenal. We talk about everything from Arlyn's music and sound healing techniques, to the emotions that music can stir, to sound as a spiritual catalyst, to the commercialization and misuses of sound, its universal nature, and beyond. Tune in and discover how vibration is a language of healing, creativity, and profound connection.

    "At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, it's singing. Before we make music, music makes us." - Joachim-Ernst Berendt

    About Arlyn Ruddy:
    With a journey spanning over two decades in the holistic wellness arena, Arlyn Ruddy is a multifaceted and multi-dimensional creatrix: a rapper, musician, initiated sound therapist and trainer, licensed neuromuscular therapist, body/energy worker and more. She’s worked alongside preventative doctors and professionals in the holistic field of medicine around the country. Through her innovative techniques, Arlyn unlocks the soul’s unique vibrational signature, connecting people to their highest form of consciousness through sound and breathwork. Arlyn’s signatures include Sound Ceremonies, S.E. Breathwork immersions, and Gong Therapy sessions. These transformative experiences are designed to restore optimal human potential and bring unconscious parts of the energy body into conscious awareness for meaningful action in waking life. She integrates her prowess for sound with various healing modalities to support emotional, psychological, and spiritual unity. As an educator, Arlyn’s Integral Sound Training courses, designed through divine guidance and scientific study, empower others to tune into their calling with sound and frequency. Her studies in martial and internal arts, along with her current teacher training in White Tiger Qigong, further enrich her approach. Arlyn Ruddy's life and work are a symphony of healing, consciousness, and empowerment, echoing her belief that integration and healing are not just practices but a way of living – a path to liberation and ultimate wellness.

    Connect with Arlyn:

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    Let's Riff About Reiki

    Let's Riff About Reiki

    Reiki is one of the most accessible forms of energy healing available right now, which makes it all the more important to understand what it is and how it should be practiced. With the sea of scammers intruding all corners of the spiritual space, reiki is one of the more common ways that charlatans can take advantage of vulnerable people. Luckily, we have one of the best in the biz as a host for Clairannoyance!

    Megan has been practicing and teaching reiki for a decade, certifying countless people over the years - including Ryan! - to become proficient in this healing modality. If you've been listening to Clairannoyance for a while, you know Megan will give a no-BS perspective of this topic. We cover the basics including the history of reiki and its foundational elements, plus we dive into plenty of more advanced and nuanced subjects as well. You'll leave the episode feeling like you have a much better understand of what reiki is, how it works, and what to look out for if you're interested in booking a reiki session with someone or pursuing certification yourself! 

    Thanks to Martha for requesting this episode! If there's an episode you'd like to hear us chat about, please contact us via our website linked below.


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    Balancing Writing and Well-Being During NaNoWriMo

    Balancing Writing and Well-Being During NaNoWriMo
    As the leaves fall and November unfolds, writers around the globe gear up for the exhilarating challenge of NaNoWriMo, a month-long literary journey filled with ambition, creativity, and, inevitably, a touch of stress. But fret not, fellow scribes! I've got your back! We're exploring innovative tools like ChatGPT to streamline your writing process, and diving into the transformative world of manifestation to keep your mind clear and creativity flowing. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a NaNoWriMo newbie, this episode is packed with stories, tips, and a whole lot of inspiration to make this writing month your best yet. Ready to transform your writing journey? Press play and let the revolution begin! Tune in now at https://authorrevolution.org/207.

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