
    marketing wellness business

    Explore " marketing wellness business" with insightful episodes like "IWPP B-505 Build the Wellness Business You WANT 101: Step 3 Connects 3,4 and 5", "IWPP B-504 Build the Wellness Business You WANT 101: Step 2 Connect 2 One focused Presentation", "IWPP B-501 Build the Wellness Business You WANT 101: Consider Your Approach when it comes to getting New Clients", "IWPP310 You Have What It Takes! Here’s How I Know and Resources so YOU Know Too! -" and "IWPP309 Ever wonder how some wellness professionals can make a living from their wellness businesses alone" from podcasts like ""Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo", "Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo", "Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo", "Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo" and "Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    IWPP306 Passion, Purpose, Making Money; Building Your Wellness Business NOW! -

    IWPP306 Passion, Purpose, Making Money; Building Your Wellness Business NOW! -

    Visit buildthewellnessbusinessyouwant.com for all the podcast episodes of this Season ;-)

    Want to be on the list when Attract New Clients Course opens for New Students (Fall 2017) go to buildthewellnessbusinessyouwant.com I’ll keep you informed.

    IWPP306 Podcast Transcript

    Passion, Purpose, Making Money; Building Your Wellness Business NOW!

    Working with integrative wellness professionals on Attracting New Clients I learned about the message follow your Passion to Make Money.

    I believe after being in this business for decades going about building your business using this concept is a disservice to those wanting to Build their wellness business. Follow your Passion and Make Money is not the equation that will result in
    Building The Wellness Business You Want.
    Building Your Wellness Business is a strategic intentionally planned out endeavor. That by definition is your Purpose.

    A passion is a strong or powerful emotion.

    A purpose is one’s intention to achieve objectives


    Following your Passion and Building Your Wellness Business in most cases is actually a dichotomy.


    Building The Wellness Business You Want does not result from following your passions.

    Building The Wellness Business You Want does result from following your purpose.


    Purpose can be generated from passion but Building a Wellness Business is dependent on solid strategic intentional actions that fulfill objectives that lead to the next and next step in Building Your Business.

    The majority of marketing advice I heard from students that they were following was:
    Follow your passion, create your product put it out there so you are seen as an expert; have a good funnel and become financially comfortable.

    When participants came into the ATTRACT NEW CLIENTS course they, of course, had their service or an end product already made or in mind and what happened was I believe a surprise to both sides. Mine and theirs. In Module 1 they set up 2-time saving tools covering a top need of theirs of organization and time. This was a quick successful undertaking and we moved into Module 2 the Message module. This is where immediate discomfort; resistance and confusion of what the assignments were leading to arose.

    The pieces we need to Set up the Attract New Clients System; the system that can bring wellness professionals the New Clients they want for their Business service or product seemed for many; I was told a leap of faith because they did not know where I was going with the Lessons in the Module. The preconceived notion of what the Message Module would be did not line up for them.

    It took a while for me to absorb that some actually wanted a blueprint; an explanation up front in the Message Module. They wanted to know how the lessons would be of value to them, how they added up to be a part of their Attracting New Clients Message. I had no idea that this was the first time they would go through this type of exercise.

    When I found myself explaining the very information we must have to work out How to Attract their prospective New Clients toward them— that is when I understood— many had not focused before on their purpose. The Foundational KEY to their offering, their business! They had mission statements, they had avatars, they had focused on titles, books, courses to position themselves and did a lot of work in this type of discovery but had not yet worked through the process it takes to know whether their purpose and the want/need of the prospective client they were going for matched with their service or product

    This one missing step leaves us without the messaging we need to Attract New Clients to those very products and services. It made, even more, sense to me now why so many talented integrative professionals had their Top Need as Attracting New Clients.

    The discovery exercise to be sure our purpose and product/service match with the need and want is the basis of how we go about the steps necessary to create the Messaging that will Attract New Clients.

    The Attract System Setup is 100% dependent on the Message. The Message is 100% dependent on the top need/want of the prospective new client matching the purpose of the business owner. This Messaging is the very thing that will set their Wellness Business apart from the rest.

    I began to think this module 2 could have been a course on its own. I took the students suggestion of explaining and showing the reasoning behind the Message lessons.

    I then decided to expand that and put this information out there for others like you. If I want to change the paradigm of the world’s wellness by getting as many integrated wellness practitioners out there available for all those who so desperately need them I need to share this epiphany with as many of you as possible.

    The Module 2 Lessons were real work for the participants, as was the resistance, the realizations that came out of the lessons and the Messages it was amazing.

    Some told me they finally felt at home and congruent in their purpose, in what they have to offer and how to articulate it succinctly and with a confidence. This Message that evolved from their work will translate to those they want to attract.

    The transformation of their Message was amazing. Some moved their idea of who they wanted to serve completely around Their product and service is the same what changed is who and how they Attract them.

    Others felt like their true offerings could now percolate to the top as they were now free of the burden they placed on themselves trying to follow the marketing gurus.

    It took us 3x the amount of time allotted for this Module. This extra time has value for them and me. I learned so much about their needs/wants their words, perspectives. Leading me to share this information in this podcast with you.

    There are 2 takeaways for you today.

    1.To let you know if your business is not building using the passion for making money concept there is a reason and it’s not you. The follow your passion you have been working so hard at is actually a Dichotomy. It is partitioning of your time into two focuses that are jointly exhaustive and incongruent to your goal of Building Your Wellness Business.

    1. If your focus is on your title, product, service instead of your clients want and needs that align with your purpose your business will not have the foundation to grow.

    The best name, titles, programs, funnels that are informed by your passion (a strong or powerful emotion) leaves out the 2 most crucial elements that Your Wellness Business is Built on

    1. the need/want of the client ( and it must be their need and want not what you believe to be their need and want. That can only come from their words.
    2. determining if those needs of clients you are going after match your purpose (the intention or objective of building your wellness business).

    Setting up the Attract System (which is your message) is the very first Step in the Building The Wellness Business You Want Blueprint. The Attract Step Message is 100% individual to your business. Out of the Attract Message Process, the ‘Perfect Pitch’ is generated. This exact message is what will Attract The New Clients in a nanosecond.

    You may have found your purpose through your passions. That is truly awesome. BUT knowing Your Wellness Business is built on your purpose; your intentions that fulfill the objectives results in Establishing Your Business.

    Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 12.01.55 PM

    When the steps to the Message Process is complete the strategic mapping out; discovery of prospective clients needs and wants. Understanding their hurdles, their objections; the words that will resonate with them immediately…. that is when your business has the foundation on which to begin establishing itself.

    The online courses, products, websites coming from a place of passion are literally a diversion from what you must first do to accomplish the first phase ( the Establishment Phase) of Building The Wellness Business You Want Now. They have their place in Building Your Wellness Business, they can even be parallel BUT they cannot replace taking the first Step of working out your Message. Taking the actions to identify how your purpose and the Top Need/want of your potential client Merge. That is what your business is built on.

    Developing your Message to build your Attract System for the expertise you have Now is the fastest way to Begin to Build The Wellness Business you Want NOW and This same process will be used by you again and again and again growing your business, building the thread that will shine on your expertise like nothing else.

    As you learn from the clients; just like I learned from my student’s needs you discover what the next and the next product is your ability to exponentially expand your business then grows. Knowing your purpose matches with their needs creates a connection that leads to understanding more of their needs and wants. They are part of the equation. They are part of your purpose.You will continue to build the services and products to fulfill them. Each building on the one before. Intentionally moving you from one step to the next building the financial viable wellness Business you want NOW and in the future. All this from doing the work it takes to master your Message.

    I hope this relieves some of you thinking about not fulfilling your dream of building the wellness business you want. You really do have what it takes you just need a little help knowing how to use it!
    Want to be on the list the next time Attract New Clients Course is available to head over to buildthewellnessbusinessyouwant.com I’ll keep you informed.

    IWPP304 Making Mountains Outta mo-hills - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of i-we.co

    IWPP304 Making Mountains Outta mo-hills - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of i-we.co

    Visit buildthewellnessbusinessyouwant.com for all the season episodes

    Visit buildthewellnessbusinessyouwant.com for all the podcast episodes of this Season ;-)

    PODCAST Transcript:

    Today I am going to pitch the idea to you that Making Mountains out of mo-hills is the way to success for you and your clients! See what I did there Mountains outta mo-hills!!!!

    Ugh, I crack myself up…having this one-sided conversation called podcast leaves me without the real-time reactions of eyes rolling I can see when speaking to a group…So I am imagining all your faces rolling your eyes. ….


    Making Mountains OUT of mo-Hills is exactly the way to Build the Wellness Business You Want.
    Let me explain,
    .. you are here, listening to me presumably because you want to build the wellness business you want. I am here because I want to help you Build The Wellness Business you WANT.

    We are on the same page.

    Now, I could overwhelm you with all the experience, the expertise, I have accumulated over 30 plus years because I know if you could just know everything I want to share about what it takes to Build The Successful Business YOU WANT you’ll succeed. And in a nano-second, I will lose you.

    I can rattle off how to use your expertise to Attract clients, Attain those that are top notch clients, how you can step by step Retain them and have life- long base of clients, How you can figure out bio-individual self care using the expertise you already have, how to use specific exercises to alleviate 80% of the back issues clients bring you, rebuild, gut flora, find good testing, use Cell salts, Bach, EFT, Address Prenatal, Postnatal, infant, geriatric, chronic conditions, food intolerances, environmental toxins,… how Building Your Wellness Business goes through 2 business phases to succeed…you see my list of what I want you to know so you can be successful is already overwhelming AND it mistakenly comes across as you thinking you need to have all this knowledge to Build The Wellness Business You WANT when in reality a minutiae of the information is all you need to get started.

    My 3+ decades in the wellness business have taught me that dumping a MOUNTAIN of information doesn’t help you it actually can have you running for the hills! (Ok ya gotta admit this whole mo-hill, mountains and hills thing is kinda funny)


    If I instead use the technique of creating that MOUNTAIN by slowly making it out of mo-hills we both win!

    Instead of you standing at the bottom of a huge information mountain thinking to yourself “SHUCKS!” (or something like it)
    “How the “FLIP’ (or something like it ) am I gonna do all that! I don’t have time for what I am trying to accomplish NOW!”
    I would not empower you by dumping my Mountain of INFO.

    My Mountain of helpful info is keeping you from making your next best move.
    HAD I instead used restraint, pulled with laser focus the best piece of information I could from my expertise and presented it to you with an action step that empowered you (that would be my mo-hill of information) ultimately when pieced together with the other mo-hills you would successfully be building your mountain! Walaa! Your goal to Build a Wellness Business You WANT becomes a reality because you kept taking your best next step. served and my goals to help you build that wellness business is served.

    The mo-hills of information served your goals and my goal as well to help you build that wellness business you want.

    Your accomplishment of stepping up onto and conquering the first mo-hill leaves you with the experience of success…  Success begets success and you want more are willing to do the work for it because you know it is paying off.


    Ultimately when you build your mountain out of those mo-hills you make it to the top way faster than if you keep stopping with overwhelm.
    WIN WIN! Any of you who already know me THAT is what it is about double and even triple WINS!.


    OK. Let’s review two things you must have to Build The Wellness Business You WANT. You Need to have systems I place for the 2 Phases of Building The Wellness Business You WANT.

    Phase 1 the Establishment Phase and Phase 2 the Expansion Phase.

    You must have the Processes to use your integrative wellness expertise on the bio-individual CELL’f Care level, so Your Client Attains the wellness they Want.

    Let’s address how Making a Mountian out of Mo-hills works there.
    When we start out with clients who want and need what we offer we are in the same beginning situation as above. The client is the one who WANTS WELLNESS they see you have what they WANT and you, of course, want to help them right away so you SHARE everything you can pack into your first Session sometimes for FREE! And then you wonder why they never returned right? Well, now you know where they are — running for the hills!
    Yes in your nanosecond moment you plopped a mountain right in front of them and told them how great it is to arrive at the top.
    That I have learned the hard way is NOT helpful. That is why they are running (for the hills) they have no way to imagine even in their wildest dreams how they should make that happen EVEN if you tell them how it is going to bring them to their goal and break it into baby steps. It is still a mountain you plopped!

    We want to make the mountain they want to climb out of the molehills!
    To successfully do this we need to use a few processes.


    The first process is what I call S.T.O.P.

    All my major breakthroughs in my wellness and my wellness business came from starting with STOP.
    S is for STOPPING. Just STOP taking in new information.
    T is for Thinking things through, Taking stock.
    O is for Organizing those thoughts.
    P is for planning the process

    I use STOP today. When I shifted from working with clients to working with practitioners, it was a 3-year transition. I kept STOPPING to re-group, seek help and choose molehills I believed I could make my mountain out of. It saved my sanity and slowly lead me here to today working with you.

    You can come back for the other processes once you’ve mastered this mo-hill

    1. Stop
      2.Think through writing down your personal health journey, all the detailed twists, turns, revelations, setbacks, frustrations, moments of euphoria that lead you to become the integrated wellness professional you are.
    2. Organize it. Use three columns or 3 highlighters to tag what worked for you what did not. The 3rd for highlighting spots of transformation.
    3. Plan. Plan out what mole hill moment/technique that worked/ones that didn’t you will share with the client you will be seeing.
      Refer to this list often they are nuggets of gold for helping your clients.


    This same structure helps clients that most as well.

    Have them work through STOP with you…

    1. Stop. Stop taking more new health plans, packages, fads, information in.

    2. Think things through. Write down their entire health history as far back as the can remember. Then where they are now, all the items about their body, they want to change and what they want to accomplish. As well as all the things they have tried, people they have worked with, groups, etc…

    3. Organize those items they have tried, and those they are still using. Then use three columns or 3 highlighters to tag what is working, what is not. The 3rd for highlighting areas where things shifted and became more frustrating or improved in their opinion.

    4. Plan. Have time to review this wonderful work your client has put forth and then together at your next session: Plan together what mole hill moment/technique you will share with the client beginning their molehills into MOUNTAIN path to success with you!

    And that my friends are the why and how Making Mountains outta mo-hills should be part of Building the wellness Business you want!

    Head over to our new FB group i-we integrative wellness professionals

    You’ll find an array of dedicated integrative wellness professionals to network with so join us!

    IWPP303 How do I answer my Clients Vitamin D Question when we have just started our work together? -

    IWPP303 How do I answer my Clients Vitamin D Question when we have just started our work together? -


    Today I am sharing a forum question from the i-we.co foundation education course:  Finding Point A.


    i-we.co foundation education


    The practitioner and I talked about the question and answer at her monthly practitioner session.

    At the end, she told me the information we covered clarified a lot.

    Her ah-ha moments motivated me to place the information she found valuable into this podcast for everyone.

    This is the transcript of the podcast uploaded to: Build the Wellness Business You WANT: Episode IWPP303

    When we began discussing her question I realized how many wellness professionals; especially those interested in or trained in the N. Nutrition field look to educate clients on using supplementation early on.

    They see it as a logical way to help clients get going toward the wellness they want.

    I know I did too. That is until I realized it was not uncovering my true bio-individual wellness picture or that of my clients by doing so early on.

    I explained- first, before supplementation we want to discover if the micronutrient is in fact:

    – missing, low or

    – if there is a reason for increased amounts.


    Here is the specific question posted:

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    Now when I saw it on the forum I did not immediately respond.

    The reason I hesitated was because I was surprised about the question. Here is why:

    In  i-we.co Foundation Course  we focus on_ Identifying the missing _ Macro nutrients  that the Cell is dependent on for its:

    1. Existence

    2. Function and

    3. S.M.I.L.E.. (Structure, Machinery, Instruction, Lotsa Energy). Cell Needs SMIE

    We help clients figure out:

    -which of the ESSENTIAL  M.E.N. (Motion, Emotion, Nutrition) in_ their _lives are missing.


    – how they can incorporate the missing ESSENTIALS (M.E.N) into their daily lives.

    The ones that will promote Self Care.

    The CELL is our focus because Wellness is a by product or result of Self Care.

    Self Care is = to the sum of CELL‘f Care.

    To figure out the bio-individuals ESSENTIALS we:

    **1. ** Spend time together with them  Gathering  all we can over a few sessions (Intake process) and then use the

    2. Identify Here Process  to ** ** help point us to the  M.E.N.  that currently exist in their lives (positive and negative) _ and _ those missing.

    1. Once the  M.E.N  are Identified as either missing or  P.  Provided

    the work changes from the  Gather and Identify Here process  to focusing on the:

    4.  **HOW TO ** of  P.   P ROVIDING their missing  **ESSENTIALS. **



    This is the  **foundation ** of the ** ** WELLNESS clients WANT.

    Hence the name of the_ i-we_.co  foundation  education course.

    Self Care is the sum of CELL’f Care.

    Our Wellness is dependent on how we and our clients care for our CELLs.



    The question:

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    is a: N utrition Question. It is specifically a  **Vitamin Question. A vitamin ** is a focus of Micronutrients. ;-).

    Micronutrients are important. Understanding their value, if they are in excess or missing is a big part of  N.  Nutrition. But that exploration comes after a client has incorporated all missing ESSENTIALS the CELL is dependent on.

    It is also a Organ question verses a cellular question.

    Our Organs are made up of tissues made up of cells.

    If the body has excellent cellular health the tissues the organ is made of may mean it functions more effectively than a liver that is suffering from lack of Self Care.

    This is more of** Point A to Point B Process. (Level 2 + i-we.co courses **where the N. Nutrition focus is O ptimized.  😉

    I point out in the i-we.co foundation education course that first we aim to P. P rovide _ then _ we aim to O. O ptimize CELL’f Care after that.


    So how do we answer the client’s question?

    portrait of a very old woman taking off her glasses

    We certainly do not need to be through a level 2+ course to answer the question or help the client.

    I’d also like to point out having done the other courses would not change your answer or process anyway. It may add to the detailed examples but not the bottom line that:

    There is no short cut if a client WANTS WELLNESS.

    We first use the:

    Gather process

    Identify Here process and

    Finding Point A process

    to ultimately help, every single client attain the WELLNESS they WANT.


    Our first goal is to see what the body status is when all the missing ESSENTIALS are provided.

    Many ‘issues’ especially chronic ones can fall away as the ESSENTIALS the Cells need for their   S.M.I.L.E. S tructure, M achinery, I nstruction and _ L otsa_ E nergy are incorporated.

    The Key  in Wellness is finding the missing ESSENTIALS. Seek out versions that work for the client, their lives, their goals and implement them on regular basis.

    Then after that, it is the time to discover the need for extra of a specific Nutrient such as D.


    First, help the client identify if the Macronutrients and ESSENTIAL M.E.N. can provide the CELL with what it needs.

    In the N. Nutrition portion of Finding Point A course we cover the ESSENTIAL Macronutrient Nutrition the CELL needs.


    These Macronutrients do p rovide your client with the micronutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals).

    Which Macro nutrients clients consume regularly determines the micro nutrients their body is receiving.


    We all would like to jump to the add this supplement to  **resolve that issue. **

    spoon with pills dietary supplements on vegetables background

    Especially our clients. I use to hear it all the time. Oh, I thought you could just tell me what to take and how much to fix this or that.

    I would explain that it ends up being ineffective answering such micronutrient questions with yes, no or maybe so; before we add MACROnutrient ESSENTIALS.

    We don’t know if the supplementation is needed. Or if the Macronutrients they choose will end up supplying the micronutrient they want to know about;-).

    The Nutrition data tool we use in the Module for levels of specific Macronutrients like the ESSENTIAL fats and Omega 3, 6 ratio; Complete amino acids… can help you or your client detail what the Macro nutrients are Provided to the body offer in Micronutrients if you really want to explore this more immediately.




    What we want to keep in mind is that since our Self-Care is the result of our CELL’f Care we should always look to the sum of our CELL’f Care  first.


    To know_ how_ to answer if vitamin D supplements will build up in the liver, we have to know ‘who’ is taking the supplement.

    We need to know the  MACRO Nutrient  status of their CELL’_f _Care to help them explore what Vitamin D would mean to them.

    Identifying the missing  M otion,  E motion,  N utrition ESSENTIALS is how we do that.

    It is what we do in  Identify Here. It is how we improve the results a client will experience. It is the way to discovering their path to wellness or not.

    What is necessary for attaining WELLNESS is the individualization.

    Knowing which of the ESSENTIALS; the  M.E.N.  client presently provides their Cells with.


    All ESSENTIALS are needed to support the CELL’s  S.M.I.L.E. (Structure, Machinery, Instruction and Lotsa Energy). What they are and how they are incorporated are all dependent on the client.


    This is their CELL’f Care.

    To answer the question

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    we first:

    _Gather; _

    _Identify Here, _

    Add Missing ESSENTIALS to Find clients POINT A.

    _It is always the initial work with each and every client. _

    The  foundation education  work of MACRO-nutrient discovery is relevant to answering this question.


    Here are examples of how I answered such questions. It also supports the value of the work they are doing in Identifying their Here and Finding Point A. with you.

    Karen the businesswoman showing a board. Write your message on this board

    {Client name},  of the  M.E.N. your life, ** let’s focus today on ** N. N utrition because your question stems from  N utrition.

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    My answer to you is:_ It depends. It depends _on you the bio-individual.

    It depends on the MACRO Nutrients you consume  at the time  of taking a supplement. For instance: Is there good fat available for this fat soluble vitamin?

    It depends on the MACRO nutrients and their ratios you consume on a regular basis. For instance Vitamin K.

    It depends on other supplements you are taking.

    It depends on your bodies use of the vitamin D as well as the other vitamins.

    It depends on where you live. It depends on the time you spend in the sun with your skin exposed to the sun without sunscreen use.

    It depends on autoimmune issues of the gut which may interfere with fat absorption…..

    It depends on many things.

    This is why we first use the  GatherIdentify Here and the  **Finding Point A ** processes.

    They help narrow our focus on HOW TO  P. P rovide the ESSENTIALS that work for you.

    Then we can place focus on how vitamin D may play a role in  _your _ wellness.

    Like If Vitamin D is it already provided:

    – Can you make its absorption more effective?

    -What body signals lead us to believe this one vitamin should have supplementation?….


    {Client name}, t he question is a good example of why work to  **Gather ** what you already know about your self-care matters.


    Why  Identify Here  is so important. How knowing which ESSENTIALS your CELL has and doesn’t have can help design your best path toward Finding your Point A.


    The CELL, when it has what it needs, the ESSENTIALS to  S.M.I.L.E. it often needs less supplementation. Or it can point out extras that you may benefit from.


    The  **MACRO nutrients we are focused on; they actually provide the micronutrients you are asking about. **

    Vitamin D  is a Micronutrient.

    Often real food ‘packages’ micronutrients in desired ratios. Not to mention other co-factors we do not know are helping.

    spoon with pills dietary supplements on vegetables background

    Vitamin D, in particular, can be particularly difficult to attain from foods. But you may be a big consumer if your local diet is high in particular fish, or liver pate’ or live in sun all year round. So let’s find out first where your Cell’f Care stands.

    Don’t get me wrong. I use vitamin D3 supplementation. It is definitely high on the list to look at when focusing on the N. Nutrition with a client. I use supplements of vitamin D3 to support my genetic predispositions and where I live. It changes seasonally. So does my family’s amount. Each of us with our individual supplement support. Dependent on our CELL’f Care and Self-discovery.

    It is important to also know sometimes ratios can be pulled out of balance by adding a single Micronutrient.

    Knowing you eat foods with Vitamin D might not be enough. We want to look at how foods are prepared.

    Preparation can make a difference of bio-availability or inflammation as just 2 examples.

    Pairing certain macronutrients with others can enhance their bio-availability.

    Then there are always factors to consider such as:

    -our genetics.

    – if our body knows how to disassemble and use the micronutrient.

    – let’s say we are in a state of inflammation; we may need more than someone who is not inflamed. The same ‘suggested manufacturer dosage’ would mean another may be over supplemented while we would be under supplemented.

    – Do you consume the specific Macronutrient: Carbohydrate vegetables that provide vitamin K1?

    – Or Macronutrient Protein animal liver, for instance, fermented foods that provide K2?….

    -Does your body efficiently use K?

    Why understand all this?…

    “There is even evidence that the safety of vitamin D is dependent on vitamin K, and that vitamin D toxicity (although very rare with the D3 form) is actually caused by vitamin K2 deficiency.1.”

    So now vitamin K sounds like a good supplement especially if we are supplementing with D3!


    Are there Liver Issues? Fats absorption issues? Does the person have Blood clotting issues? Bleeding Issues?….

    We would not want to encourage clients with a slow use of Vitamin K to consume more, especially if on medications that Vitamin K can influence.

    To better be able to explore the best answer to the question:

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    The answer is: It depends and that is why we work together through the

    Intake process of Gather by Eliminating the 3 Big BIG Blunders we begin attaining the very bio-individual information that will help us answer the question being asked and that is again why

    Identifying Here Process is essential when someone WANTS WELLNESS.

    so we can Focus on Providing the ESSENTIALS to help you Find your Point A.

    It is here when you feel you know more about your true bio-individual starting point to the WELLNESS you WANT that we can explore the education behind specific micronutrients that match with any symptoms that linger for you.

    That is a part of the ** Point A to Point B process.**

    First, let’s see where your Macronutrients P. PROVIDE your CELLs with the Micronutrient Vitamin D3. 😉

    It may be you decide incorporation of a basic good quality vitamin D3 is probably a good idea. That is great and we will include it when thinking through the ESSENTIALS of your CELL’f Care.

    Your question is about higher amounts and toxicity. That is a different question.

    It is one to visit after all your ESSENTIALS are provided to your cell. It is one that maybe checking blood levels can be helpful to use as a guide determining the need above your basic supplementation. All these factors to consider are better understood after as many ESSENTIALS as one can are incorporated into ones’ lifestyle.


    There you have it that is how I answered such questions.

    -once I understood the Gather , Identify Here and Finding Point A processes were the way to truly help clients work toward their goal of attaining the WELLNESS they WANTED. It was much easier for me to explain the : ‘the answer depends on your body‘.


    Granted the above answer is sprinkled with education information from Level 2(+) (+ = Above the ‘ Systems  Focus’ Level 2).

    BUT  the answers still stems from first knowing the client.

    Knowing that all M.E.N. Essentials are being P. P rovided.

    Reinforcing that for all of us who WANT WELLNESS providing the body with CELL’_f _Care ESSENTIALS is always  FIRST.


    Bridging the gap with the above-detailed examples and information that I provided meant the practitioner could walk the client through the answer at their next session in more detail.

    Bringing such questions to the practitioner sessions provides you with confidence and guidance of how to help your client immediately at their next session as you continue to learn more and more about ways to use your expertise. In this case using Nutrition expertise more effectively with clients.


    So the answer to the question:

    “Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver.”

    is dependent on the bio-individual you are being asked by.

    You are in the position to offer an educated answer explaining why that is.

    The actual need of supplementation or amount is figured out after the initial focus on P. providing the ESSENTIALS the CELLS need.

    Because often when our bodies receive the ESSENTIALS supplementation is eliminated or reduced. Not to mention the body is most likely better able to use supplementation.

    After the initial focus of finding and P. P roviding the missing ESSENTIALS.

    Then we can move to the  O.  in  P.O.P.  The  O ptimize with Micro Nutrients like Vitamins 😉

    (Having your client read the transcripts of the WANT WELLNESS: CELL’f Care- one focus presentation I gave for decades is a very efficient way for them to be introduced to Self Care and help them quickly understand how your work to help them move to the WELLNESS they WANT is the best way to approach attaining the WELLNESS they WANT. It is in Kindle and soft cover formats). Copy and Paste this LINK to send them:   WANT WELLNESS transcript LINK

    Sound good! I hope this helps you see even more clearly the value of incorporating Self Care discovery processes of Gather , Identify Here, and Finding Point A in your Wellness Businesses. Until next time remember I believe in you whole – heartedly! You’ve got this!

    Businesswoman wants the business concept. Retro style pop art

    The Link Icon. Linked Symbol. Flat



    1. Weston Price foundation, K2

    2. i-we.co Foundation Course Description page

    3. WANT WELLNESS transcripts in paperback and Kindle