

    Explore "mauthausen" with insightful episodes like "Medjedovic als Spielverderber in Mauthausen", "A Conversation with WWII Veteran Alan Moskin", "Le vite di Ada", "Premiere an der Donau in Mauthausen" and "Angoulême : le Convoi des 927 Espagnols déportés" from podcasts like ""Chip & Charge", "World War II On Topic", "di storia / in storia", "Challenger Corner" and "Traces"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Medjedovic als Spielverderber in Mauthausen

    Medjedovic als Spielverderber in Mauthausen
    Beim ATP Challenger in Mauthausen gab sich in der letzten Woche vor allen Dingen die österreichische Tennisprominenz die Ehre. Doch keinem der einheimischen Spieler war es vergönnt, den Titel zu holen. Florian Heer (tennis-tourtalk.com) und Andreas Thies berichten. Die Interviews vor Ort führte Dietmar Kasper. Mauthausen ist als Standort eines ATP Challengers noch recht neu. Erst zum zweiten Mal traf sich die Szene in diesem 5000-Einwohner-Ort. Einen großen Boost, vor allen Dingen die Zuschauerzahlen betreffend hatte dieses Turnier erhalten, als Dominic Thiem seine Zusage gegeben hatte. Er, Dennis Novak, Sebastian Ofner und Filip Misolic waren die prominentesten Namen aus Österreich, die zu ...

    WERBUNG 10 Euro gratis bei NEO.bet Sichert euch 10 Euro gratis beim Wettanbieter NEObet, ganz ohne Einzahlung. Einfach den Promotion-Code tennis10 bei der Registrierung auf neobet.de eingeben und sofort mit den 10 Euro loswetten. Link zur NEObet-Registrierung: https://neobet.de/de/Sportwetten#account/Account

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    A Conversation with WWII Veteran Alan Moskin

    A Conversation with WWII Veteran Alan Moskin

    This is World War II on Topic: Veteran Voices. This episode is a collaboration between the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy and the Curatorial Services Department.

    Back in May 2021, when Senior Curator, Kim Guise, had a conversation with WWII Veteran and Concentration Camp Liberator Alan Moskin.

    Moskin was a member of the 66th Regiment of the 71st Infantry Division and participated in the Liberation of the Gunskirchen concentration camp in May 1945. He discusses his pre-war life, wartime experiences, and being a part of an innovative exhibit installation, Dimensions in Testimony: Liberator Alan Moskin, an interactive biography from USC Shoah Foundation.

    If you would like to view the original conversation, you can see it here:


    Premiere an der Donau in Mauthausen

    Premiere an der Donau in Mauthausen
    Es ist mal wieder Zeit für eine neue Ausgabe der Challenger Corner. Es gab nämlich über eine Premiere zu berichten. Die Danube Upper Austria Open in Mauthausen. Challenger-Tennis hat in Österreich einen wieder gestiegenen Stellenwert und dem trug man mit einem ATP Challenger der höchsten Kategorie Rechnung. Dass dann auch noch ein Lokalmatador mit Jurij Rodionov gewann, setzte dem Ganzen natürlich die Krone auf. Andreas Thies (Chip & Charge) und Florian Heer, Macher von tennis-tourtalk.com haben über diese Premiere gesprochen und eine Menge an Interviews inkludiert. Denn Florians Kollege Dietmar Kasper war vor Ort und hat sehr viele interessante Stimmen zusammengetragen. Wie ...

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    Angoulême : le Convoi des 927 Espagnols déportés

    Angoulême : le Convoi des 927 Espagnols déportés

    Le 20 août 1940 927 réfugiés espagnols furent déportés d'Angoulême  vers le camp de Mauthausen. Ce fut le premier convois de déportation de civils parti d'Europe occidental vers un camp nazi. De ces familles qui fuyaient la répression de Franco seulement 73 hommes sur les 470 en ont réchappé tandis que femmes et enfants furent livrés en gare d'Irun à la police franquiste.

    En 2005 la journaliste Montse Armengou a consacré un documentaire sur cette tragédie. C'est l'entretien que j'ai eu à l'époque avec elle que je vous propose d'écouter dans ce nouveau podcast.

    Folge 16: „Die Bestie von Melk“

    Folge 16: „Die Bestie von Melk“
    „In den 1950er Jahren gerät in Fulda ein Mann wegen Bigamie in das Zentrum von Ermittlungen. Er soll neben seiner aktuellen Ehe bereits mit einer anderen Frau verheiratet sein. Bei den Überprüfung des Mannes merkt die Polizei jedoch wer ihnen da ins Netz gegangen ist. Der Verdächtige ist ein Kriegsverbrecher, der mehr als 200 Menschen umgebracht haben soll.“

    Antonio Somma - il partigiano Scugnizzo

    Antonio Somma - il partigiano Scugnizzo
    Mio nonno - Antonio Somma - avrebbe compiuto 97 anni tra qualche mese. Campano di nascita e pugliese d’adozione, ha combattuto sulle montagne parmensi come partigiano. Se n’è andato una mattina d’autunno di 15 anni fa. Per l’esattezza, il 2 ottobre 2005 che per un’assurda coincidenza divenne proprio quell’anno la “festa dei nonni”.
    Nel 2013, è stato pubblicato il libro-intervista "La storia di un protagonista del sud - Antonio Somma", a cura di Alessandro Rodia.

    Soggetto e testo: William Zullo
    Voce: Giorgio Consoli
    Musica: Ludovico Nisi

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel
    What does it mean to be born in a concentration camp, arguably one of the most inhospitable places on earth? Eva Clarke was one of three “miracle babies” who saw the light of day in KZ Mauthausen in Austria. Nine days after her birth, the Second World War ended. As a newborn, Eva’s chances of survival were extremely slim; against all odds, she lived, making her and her mother Anka the only survivors of their extended family. In 1948, they emigrated from Prague to the UK and settled in Cardiff, Wales. Eva regularly addresses audiences, and her remarkable story has been featured in the British and American media. She and her mother are among the protagonists of Wendy Holden’s book Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Hope (Harper, 2015). Series: "Library Channel" [Humanities] [Show ID: 32849]

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel
    What does it mean to be born in a concentration camp, arguably one of the most inhospitable places on earth? Eva Clarke was one of three “miracle babies” who saw the light of day in KZ Mauthausen in Austria. Nine days after her birth, the Second World War ended. As a newborn, Eva’s chances of survival were extremely slim; against all odds, she lived, making her and her mother Anka the only survivors of their extended family. In 1948, they emigrated from Prague to the UK and settled in Cardiff, Wales. Eva regularly addresses audiences, and her remarkable story has been featured in the British and American media. She and her mother are among the protagonists of Wendy Holden’s book Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Hope (Harper, 2015). Series: "Library Channel" [Humanities] [Show ID: 32849]

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel
    What does it mean to be born in a concentration camp, arguably one of the most inhospitable places on earth? Eva Clarke was one of three “miracle babies” who saw the light of day in KZ Mauthausen in Austria. Nine days after her birth, the Second World War ended. As a newborn, Eva’s chances of survival were extremely slim; against all odds, she lived, making her and her mother Anka the only survivors of their extended family. In 1948, they emigrated from Prague to the UK and settled in Cardiff, Wales. Eva regularly addresses audiences, and her remarkable story has been featured in the British and American media. She and her mother are among the protagonists of Wendy Holden’s book Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Hope (Harper, 2015). Series: "Library Channel" [Humanities] [Show ID: 32849]

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel

    Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen with Eva Clarke -- Holocaust Living History Workshop -- The Library Channel
    What does it mean to be born in a concentration camp, arguably one of the most inhospitable places on earth? Eva Clarke was one of three “miracle babies” who saw the light of day in KZ Mauthausen in Austria. Nine days after her birth, the Second World War ended. As a newborn, Eva’s chances of survival were extremely slim; against all odds, she lived, making her and her mother Anka the only survivors of their extended family. In 1948, they emigrated from Prague to the UK and settled in Cardiff, Wales. Eva regularly addresses audiences, and her remarkable story has been featured in the British and American media. She and her mother are among the protagonists of Wendy Holden’s book Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Hope (Harper, 2015). Series: "Library Channel" [Humanities] [Show ID: 32849]