

    Explore "mezzo-soprano" with insightful episodes like "Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano de légende", "Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo-soprano", "Marine Chagnon, la mezzo-soprano a trouvé « sa voix » à l'Opéra de Paris", "The Voice as an Instrument with Mezzo-Soprano J'Nai Bridges" and "Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano" from podcasts like ""Stars du classique", "Portraits de famille", "Vous avez moins de 20 minutes", "Between 2 Stands" and "musicmakers"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano

    Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano

    In the first episode of musicmakers by medici.tv, Gramophone editor-in-chief James Jolly sits down with superstar mezzo Joyce DiDonato, who opens up about her love for Berlioz and Frederica von Stade, the magic and community of performing onstage, the privilege of a strong audience-performer rapport, the excitement of stepping into a brand-new role, what's coming next in her brilliant career, and much more…

    Presented with the generous support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet.

    S3 Episode 8: Mezzo-Soprano Deborah Humble - from Wagner to Wine

    S3 Episode 8: Mezzo-Soprano Deborah Humble - from Wagner to Wine

    As a special holiday edition of the podcast, and the final episode of this current series, I’m joined by Internationally acclaimed Mezzo-Soprano Deborah Humble.

    She is highly regarded for her Wagner roles and has performed in opera houses around the world including Paris, London, Sydney and Hamburg.

    She’s also been a friend of mine for over 35 years.

    Born in Bangor, Wales, Deborah grew up in Adelaide, Australia.  She received her musical and vocal training first at the Elder Conservatory of the University of Adelaide and later at the University of Melbourne.

    Deborah was a member of the Young Artist Program of the Victoria State Opera, and in 2002 became a principal artist with Opera Australia at the Sydney Opera House. She was also the winner at the beginning of her career of the prestigious Dame Joan Sutherland Scholarship in 2004, and the following year, she became a Principal Mezzo with the State Opera of Hamburg.

    In 2008 she was a finalist of the International Wagner Competition of the Seattle Opera.

    In 2009 she was included in the Who’s Who of Australian Women.

    Since 2010 she has been a freelance artist and she has performed over 60 operatic roles worldwide.

    In 2016, after 25 years living in Europe, Deborah returned to live in Sydney, and today she's coming to us from Brycefield estate in the Hunter Valley where she lives with her Partner Dr Bruce Caldwell.

    Like many performers, Deborah has had to adapt to multiple cancellations and changes brought about by the global pandemic.

    In this podcast, Deborah looks back on her 25-year career as a Mezzo-Soprano and also looks at how she has adapted by becoming a winemaker, created a show channelling Julia Child and a look behind the scenes at how Operas are made and what can go wrong, alongside a look at how different cultures respond to Opera.

    In this fascinating chat, we covered literally Wagner to Wine: 

    • Deborah’s journey from Wales to Australia
    • When did you decide to become an Opera singer?
    • Why pick Opera as the genre to focus on?
    • How Opera singers project their voice
    • The preparation required for a huge Opera
    • The experience of living in Hamburg
    • Being an Australian in Hamburg
    • Why did you return to Australia?
    • The need for resilience
    • The Brycefield Music Festival
    • The Hunter Valley region
    • Becoming a winemaker
    • The need to change direction during the pandemic
    • Becoming Julia Child
    • Performing at the Bennelong Restaurant at the Sydney Opera House
    • Stories from the life on the road
    • The story behind Opera costumes
    • Performing for different audiences
    • Dealing with negative feedback
    • German vs English vs Australian audiences
    • What’s next?
    • Career highlights

    More on Deborah

    Brycefield Estate Website
    Deborah's Professional Website

    Your Host: Actionable Futurist® & Chief Futurist Andrew Grill
    For more on Andrew - what he speaks about and recent talks, please visit ActionableFuturist.com

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    S2E2: Jennifer Larmore Interview 次女高音拉莫爾專訪 (part 1)

    S2E2: Jennifer Larmore Interview 次女高音拉莫爾專訪 (part 1)
    With four decades of career under her belt, the star mezzo Jennifer Larmore is still going strong, adding new roles to her already impressive resume, as well as passing on her wisdom to vocal students. In this latest interview, Jenny talks with infectious passion and candor about a wide range of topics, such as the post-Covid-19 world, reading choices, singing the Czech language, the importance of vowels and legato, weight control, operatic roles, and her performing philosophy. 本輯專訪明星次女高音Jennifer Larmore:她出道時是首趨一指的羅西尼次女高音,演出喜劇女主角耀眼奪目、也能反串雄糾糾氣昂昂的年輕將帥,也在古樂領域、以及其他美聲曲目繳出傲人的成績單。這次透過連線訪問,她熱情分享許多經驗與見解,包括武漢肺炎後的生活、平日的閱讀、演唱技巧與曲目、圓滑線條的重要、以及如何在四年內減重成功等等,毫無保留,而且有許多是首次揭露的內容。 拉莫爾1986年在法國Nice首次登臺,演出莫札特《迪多王的仁慈》Sesto一角。她與知名古樂指揮Rene Jacobs合作多次,他們的韓德爾《凱撒大帝》錄音拿下1992年留聲機大獎,她的詮釋至今仍是該角色標竿。在Renee Fleming推薦下,她1994年回到美國,在卡內基音樂廳演出貝里尼《卡普雷提與蒙太奇家族》的男主角Romeo,同年以羅西尼《賽維西的理髮師》登上大都會歌劇院,還獲得重要的理查塔克大獎,1996年也在亞特蘭大奧運時閉幕式中演唱。她享譽全球,除了歌劇外也演出多樣音樂會曲目,2002年獲法國政府頒贈藝術與文學勳章騎士勳位,錄製的《韓賽爾與葛瑞特》(又譯糖果屋)更在2007年拿到葛萊美大獎。2012年起她轉戰戲劇女高音和次女高音角色,包括馬克白夫人、揚納傑克《顏努花》的後母Kostelnička、貝爾格《伍采克》女主角Marie等。 她年輕時是Teldec的當家花旦,錄了許多燴炙人口的錄音,後來則與Opera Rara合作,灌錄各色罕見但精采的曲目,包括美聲歌劇、奧芬巴赫、和歌曲等,被譽為錄音最多的次女高音。 ☆緊緻圓滑奏各大平臺:https://linktr.ee/legatintensita ☆支持緊緻圓滑奏持續創作:http://bit.ly/LcI_zec


    第一季開頭介紹了次女高音,第二季開頭來介紹假聲男高音:這集講了假聲男高音的發展歷史、常見的迷思、在歷史上與閹伶及女聲的消長與對比、演唱的曲目和有趣的小故事、以及一些欣賞的途徑。 ☆緊緻圓滑奏其他平臺:https://linktr.ee/legatintensita ☆每月支持緊緻圓滑奏:http://bit.ly/LcI_zec ☆之前寫關於Andreas Scholl的文章:https://bit.ly/SchollLI ☆之前寫關於Philippe Jaroussky的文章:https://bit.ly/JarousskyLI


    本集繼續訪問抒情次女高音鄭海芸小姐; 求學期間沒有學過戲劇表演的她,回台灣卻常常演歌劇,也因此自己下了不少工夫; 後來即使不懂俄文、也能把著名女高音Svetlana Aksenova弄哭? 常常反串男生的她,這次也聊到她如何演男生! 她在台灣唱了很多羅西尼與馬勒,這次也分享了一些詮釋上的見解。 最後鄭小姐也推薦了她喜愛的次女高音,以及建議如何入何古典樂和聲樂~ ☆緊緻圓滑奏各平台:https://linktr.ee/legatintensita ☆贊助緊緻圓滑奏:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/legatintensita ☆緊緻圓滑奏4月要辦講座了!https://www.facebook.com/legatintensita/posts/3125534201009302 ☆延伸閱讀: 2020/7國臺交演出Bernstein Songfest:https://wp.me/p37RFv-2aU 2019/9樂興之時演出室內樂版《行腳徒工之歌》與《大地之歌》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1K7 2020/10台北愛樂歌劇坊《費加洛的婚禮》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-2fa 2018/1臺北歌劇劇場《馬克白》臺灣首演:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1EA 2017/8兩廳院歌劇工作坊《灰姑娘》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1iE 2015/11北市交《尤金.奧涅金》臺灣首演:https://wp.me/p37RFv-cX


    這次podcast節目專訪中, 抒情次女高音鄭海芸小姐談到, 她在台灣念大學時,原本唱的是抒情花腔女高音; 到美國考碩士入學考前,卻轉變為抒情次女高音。 到底女高音與次女高音有什麼不同? 鄭小姐除了深入淺出地解說, 更平實坦白地談到轉型中的挫折 、留學時重要的收穫。 而當我們聊到古樂時,也討論起 像她這樣的嗓音在古樂領域, 會如何選唱女高音或次女高音曲目。 🎧 緊緻圓滑奏各平臺: https://linktr.ee/legatintensita ☆贊助緊緻圓滑奏:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/legatintensita ☆延伸閱讀: 2018/5樂興之時演出室內樂版馬勒《大地之歌》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1GR 2019/8 莫札特《c小調彌撒》(台北合唱音樂節):https://wp.me/p37RFv-1Iw


    首次在podcast中訪問聲樂家,果然專門練聲音的就是不一樣:除了嗓音穩定充沛、輕輕說話也不怕麥克風收不到音之外,更神奇的是完全不會有任何氣音噴麥的狀況!不過這也是我第一次遇到自走炮型的受訪者,錄音途中幾次我不得不關掉麥克風,等笑完再繼續錄啊! 這次很榮幸邀請到國內活躍的抒情次女高音鄭海芸小姐,請她搶先透露她接下來的演出; 她除了在聲樂界耕耘多年,也常唱台語經典歌謠、甚至曾經唱過音樂劇。 唱台語轉音有什麼樣的訣竅? 演唱不同音樂又該如何轉換唱腔? 快來聽本集節目! ☆每月一杯長島,支持緊緻圓滑奏:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/legatintensita ☆緊緻圓滑奏各個平臺:https://linktr.ee/legatintensita ☆台北歌劇工作坊即將演出《小孩與魔法》與《可愛的牧羊女》: http://bit.ly/3k9GYG5 ☆延伸閱讀: 2020/7國臺交演出伯恩斯坦Songfest:https://wp.me/p37RFv-2aU 2019/9樂興之時演出室內樂版馬勒《行腳徒工之歌》與《大地之歌》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1K7 2019/8 莫札特《c小調彌撒》(台北合唱音樂節):https://wp.me/p37RFv-1Iw 2017/8兩廳院歌劇工作坊《灰姑娘》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-1iE 2017/6《李天祿的四個女人》世界首演:https://wp.me/p37RFv-Ei 2017/4《霍夫曼的故事》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-oM 2015/11北市交《尤金.奧涅金》(臺灣首演):https://wp.me/p37RFv-cX 2020/10台北愛樂歌劇坊演出《費加洛的婚禮》:https://wp.me/p37RFv-2fa