
    mindset first podcast

    Explore "mindset first podcast" with insightful episodes like "The Art of Change: What it Really Takes with Nancy Levin", "Mindset First Podcast 2.0", "Women In Leadership: Lessons from A Retired Chief of Police with Janet Davis", "The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals" and "Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt" from podcasts like ""Mindset First Podcast", "Mindset First Podcast", "Mindset First Podcast", "Mindset First Podcast" and "Mindset First Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    The Art of Change: What it Really Takes with Nancy Levin

    The Art of Change: What it Really Takes with Nancy Levin

    So, when I was revamping my podcast to have more meaningful conversations about mindset and how we can truly become greater versions of ourselves, I immediately knew I wanted to have my friend, master coach and best-selling author Nancy Levin come back to the podcast. She has just released a new book called The Art of Change and I’ve invited Nancy back to talk a bit about what it really takes to create the change we want - but also, what does it really take to take the initial leap into what we most want. Nancy also walks us through her pillars of reinvention and shares some great insights on how you can begin to get to where you want to go.

    Mindset First Podcast 2.0

    Mindset First Podcast 2.0

    After a month hiatus, the Mindset First podcast is back and it’s being revamped to help you go deeper to uncover your mindset blocks, experience shifts and share the stories from others like you who have conquered their mindset challenges. On this episode, I talk about why I’ve decided to shift my focus a bit on the podcast and some of the things I’ve been experiencing that are driving me to have more real and meaningful conversations with you! Tune in and I hope that you walk away with a little bit more excitement about what this podcast can do for you - and what you can do for the audience you serve today!

    Women In Leadership: Lessons from A Retired Chief of Police with Janet Davis

    Women In Leadership: Lessons from A Retired Chief of Police with Janet Davis

    Welcome to the 100th episode of the Mindset First podcast! I’m so excited to have reached this milestone and share with you this week someone I met a few years back when I was still doing marketing strategy and copywriting. Janet Davis is a retired chief of police from Three Rivers, California who helps executives further their career by focusing on authentic leadership. When Janet and I met a few years ago we instantly connected because we both grew up in male dominated professions - me as an attorney and Janet as a police officer and we talked in detail about what it meant to lead as a women in these kinds of fields. It can be confusing to know how to lead authentically when there is a temptation to fit in and be one of the guys. But, what I love so much about Janet is that she really tapped into what it means to lead authentically as a woman and shares her experiences and knowledge with us during this episode. I’m glad she gets to be my 100th guest as I think she offers both men and women something powerful to think about.

    The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals

    The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals

    This past weekend I attended a conference in Orlando where I had the honor of delivering the keynote speech on redefining success and optimizing your business. But before I ever began the speech, I asked business owners what they most wanted for their business in the next year and what they thought got in the way. Overwhelmingly, people wanted a business that generated more money and flowed better - but the most stated reason they shared was that they didn’t have the time or money to implement what they wanted. It’s a common problem for business owners - but is that it? Is that the real reason why your goals get off track and your business doesn’t look like you want it to? This week on the Mindset First Podcast I share the real reason you might be getting off track and how you can learn to commit better to your goals.

    Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt

    Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt

    As a service provider who directly works with clients one-on-one, the time in exchange for money game can get tiring. But should you add digital products to help you create other means of revenue? The truth is that it feels like every service provider now also has a digital product to help create so-called passive revenue. But how do you know what’s right for you? And how do you deal with some of the mindset traps that come from putting out a product?

    This week I invited Katie Hunt the founder of Proof to Product, to help us get the answer. She’s a business strategist and mentor to product-based entrepreneurs. But this week - she’s come to the Mindset First Podcast to help me answer the question of when is the right time to add a digital product - and what we should consider! 

    This brought a lot of clarity to me even for my own business and can’t wait for you to listen to her sage advice.

    Do You Really Want to Grow: Unconscious Commitments to Less

    Do You Really Want to Grow: Unconscious Commitments to Less

    On this week’s episode of the Mindset First Podcast, I tackle an important topic - unconscious commitments. The reality is that many business owners will say they want next level growth in their business - but find themselves taking steps back, self-sabotaging and not taking action in important areas of their business. It can be a constant source of frustration for some - and pretty confusing because deep down in your soul you want more for your business and yourself - but you can’t seem to make it happen. This episode answers the question why sometimes it can seem as if we’re unable to create the growth we say we want and why we see a discrepancy in our businesses. This episode may answer all those questions for you and give you a tool to help you finally take action.

    The Importance of Owning Your Voice In Making An Impact

    The Importance of Owning Your Voice In Making An Impact

    On this week’s podcast episode, I dive into the topic of owning your voice in making an impact.

    I think these days as our personal lives and business lives blend more and more as entrepreneurs (especially service based online business owners), it can be extremely difficult to discern your own voice from others and how far to take your own voice. I won’t lie - in the face of the Supreme Court decision this past week, I questioned how strong my voice needs to be because in my personal life I tend to be pretty strong.

    But does that serve my business? Does that alienate or include those who need the mindset work I do to have real conversations. This week I explore the idea of voice and the impact you want to make in your business. I hope this helps you draw the line for yourself. 

    How Growth Mindset Becomes Fixed Around Business Growth

    How Growth Mindset Becomes Fixed Around Business Growth

    A few years ago, Carol Dweck introduced the idea of growth mindset versus fixed mindset in her appropriately named book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She pointed out that when we have a fixed mindset it becomes harder to reach our goals and achieve the success we want. And while many of us would like to think we have a growth mindset or have achieved a more flexible growth mindset in our personal lives, when it comes to business - we tend to be fixed in ways that hold us back and keep us from cracking our own success code.

    In this episode, I talk about how a fixed mindset might be holding you back from taking your business to the next level. 

    Secrets to Scaling Your Business with A Team

    Secrets to Scaling Your Business with A Team
    One of the first things you’ll hear from experts about scaling your business is that you need a team. But where do you start? Who do you hire first? And how do you find the money to make it all worthwhile? More than any other area of scaling - building a team can bring on head trash and a lot of hesitation because the truth is that who you hire can have a great impact on how you grow your business. On today’s Mindset First Podcast episode, I invited Rachel Mazza who is a marketer and integrator who has helped grow her team from 3 to 23. She shares some of the ins and outs of growing a team and how you can avoid some of the mistakes people make when it comes to scaling this way.

    I love this conversation with Rachel because she’s so real and shares both strategic and mindset tips to getting beyond your fears and growing a team that can take your business to the next level!

    I'll Work On This Later & Other Mindset Traps That Halt Success

    I'll Work On This Later & Other Mindset Traps That Halt Success

    It’s easy to push business strategies off to the side - especially when life and business get busy. You tell yourself you’ll get to it later, only to push ideas off to the side repeatedly as your incompletions list grows. You tell yourself you wish you had more time, but nothing really changes. Later becomes never, and your business stalls. This is the time where satisfaction and joy starts to take a big dip for business owners. In this episode, I take a closer look at how the “I’ll work on this later” is really costing your business and some simple things you can do to overcome procrastination and increase productivity and growth in your business.

    Perfect your pre-launch strategy to get more sales with Ash Chow

    Perfect your pre-launch strategy to get more sales with Ash Chow

    When it comes to launching your products or services, there is a ton of talk in the marketing world about what you should do during your launch to maximize your sales. But there is this period before the launch that most business owners forget about or neglect - or to be honest, don’t know what to do with, so they simply focus all their efforts around messaging and nurture to the launch. And that leaves a lot of money on the table that goes unclaimed. So, when I started to learn more about what Ash Chow was teaching business owners with digital products, my ears perked up. Ash is an Australian based copywriter who teaches business owners around the world how to improve their sales on day one of their launch by focusing their attention on pre-launch strategies. Instead of packing all your efforts into the end, Ash shares how you can actually pack more of a power punch by starting your efforts earlier. I love what Ash has to share and have worked with her to talk about my own strategies. There is a ton to learn from this episode and she even spills some of her own mindset stories about getting into this space!

    The YES Mindset: Being More Adventurous With Your Business

    The YES Mindset: Being More Adventurous With Your Business

    Although I’m a big fan of saying no to things that sap your time, I’m also a proponent of experimenting in your business and saying YES to things that help you grow, excite you and push you out of your comfort zone. This week I dive into why so many of us stay attached to all of our shoulds and don’t say YES enough to the things that we would love to be doing more of in our business.

    The idea of experimenting has been a big topic in my groups and programs and this week, I want to help you adopt a YES mindset and become more adventurous in your business so you can grab onto that freedom, fun, time and intentional money in your business.

    Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck

    Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck

    On today’s episode I invite back Harvard law Grad turned entrepreneur, Bobby Klink to talk about how we can all get better at writing emails that our subscribers WANT to read. He actually built his multiple six figure business selling something pretty boring - legal templates. But he did so through his email process and has built a cult following because his emails are actually fun to read. 


    People have compared his sales sequences to "murder mysteries" that you just can't put down... and people actually email him concerned that they've missed something awesome on the rare weeks that he doesn't email his list.


    Bobby has distilled his email wisdom into a snark-filled book titled Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck: Have Fun Writing Emails Your Subscribers Will Want To Read (And That Will Actually Make You Money!)" Set to be released on May 3, 2022, his book reads like his emails... his personality jumps off the page as he makes an otherwise dry subject entertaining to learn.


    As always Bobby and I have a quick-paced, information filled conversation where I hope you’ll learn a trick or two to keep your audience engaged and wanting to buy from you!

    Why You Need A Success Blueprint for Your Business (+ Tips to Start)

    Why You Need A Success Blueprint for Your Business (+ Tips to Start)
    Have you ever reached that point in your business where you feel stuck? Where you’re unsure which direction to take, whether to shift your niche or focus, or how you really want to take your business to the next level? The truth is that most business owners can say yes to all of these questions. And on today’s podcast, I share why having a success blueprint can be essential when it comes to getting “unstuck” and will help you answer the question - what comes next. The truth is that having a clear blueprint - or vision - can make the difference between a good business and an incredible business. But not all business owners invest in the time and energy to create a proper business blueprint and the reason why isn’t because they’re lazy, too busy or don’t know where to begin - no, it’s something different and I touch on it in this week’s episode. I also share with you how you can start to think about your own blueprint and take your business to new heights.

    The Success Code: Redefining Success on Your Terms

    The Success Code: Redefining Success on Your Terms

    It’s a question we all ask - how do I become more successful? But instead of asking what success really means or looks like for us, we tend to skip to the doing part and look at how we can make more money - faster. Few of us look beyond money as a definition of success and fewer of us reach a satisfying level of success that gives us the things money is supposed to bring.


    So, in this episode I tackle the question of how to redefine success on your own terms and perhaps let go of some of the old - outdated definitions that don’t seem to be giving you the things they promised. I also share some of my own personal experiences with success and hope that you’ll get some insights about how the code you have been following is leading you down the wrong path!

    My Life Blew Up Anyway: The Reason I Avoided Mindset Work

    My Life Blew Up Anyway: The Reason I Avoided Mindset Work

    In this episode I take a closer look at the story of my own mindset journey. One that kept me from even looking at what was going on in my own life and perpetuating bad patterns and habits long after I knew I was avoiding something. The truth is that many of us are scared to look at mindset - instead of working on our mindset we TRY anything else. We implement strategies to avoid, we collect new skills and buy tons of courses, we hide and tell ourselves lies. . . . all in the name of not blowing up our life as it is. We stay comfortable in our discomfort and never do anything to change. I can tell you from experience that even when you’re avoiding blowing up your life or your business - it can happen anyway. I blew up my life just as I was trying to avoid blowing it up and then perpetuated a bunch of bad patterns and habits as a result - because I painted myself into a real life corner. On this episode I share my personal journey of how I blew up my life anyway. Hopefully it can help you if you’ve been avoiding taking a closer look inside.

    Finding the Core Beliefs that Kill Business Growth (and how they show up for you) with Maya Stojkovich

    Finding the Core Beliefs that Kill Business Growth (and how they show up for you) with Maya Stojkovich

    This is one of those topics I could address on my own, but I wanted to bring someone else in to talk a bit more in depth about how much mindset and specifically your core limiting beliefs impact your business growth. I decided to invite my own daughter to sit down and talk about this because she offers the perspective of a young, newer business owner and also employee (something we all need to consider if we’re building a team). And I wanted to share some of the core beliefs that still show up for me as a seasoned business owner. We talk about how our beliefs show up in various aspects of our business and strategies you can use to identify your core beliefs and take action against them. Understanding how core beliefs actually hold you back from making more money, finding time for yourself and living in your freedom is an essential first step to creating a framework that finally has you stepping over blocks and getting to what you want. 


    If you’ve been feeling stuck in your business, but are unsure what beliefs are holding you back from making progress, keeping you in perfectionist loops or even people pleasing to your own detriment . . . this episode will be eye opening. I’m excited to share this with you.

    Recovering from Burnout: The Steps You Can Take Now

    Recovering from Burnout: The Steps You Can Take Now
    On this week’s podcast, I want to talk about something that I see more of as a repetitive cycle in many of our businesses rather than a state of being - and that is burnout. We hear a lot about burnout from entrepreneurs and that’s because burnout is really something that is associated with our work stressors more than anything else - and the truth is that when we get to burnout, all we want to do is rest, talk about something fun AND not talk about mindset. But the truth is that I wanted to tackle this topic because it truly sabotages success and unless and until we see how WE (yes, I’m gonna call us all out) actually create a cycle of burnout - it will be impossible to stop it or to see a way out. Burnout creates more stop/start problems in business than other mindset struggles because sometimes burnout ends up being the only coping mechanism we have when things get tough. So, I’m hoping that by listening, you’ll start to see your own patterns so that you can powerfully dig your way out of burnout for good!

    Finding the RIGHT Partner for Business Growth with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug

    Finding the RIGHT Partner for Business Growth with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug
    On today’s podcast I sit down with two people who started out as my mentors and have now become partners in helping people grow their business and manage their mindset. Rob Marsh & Kira Hug are the founders of The Copywriter Club, an organization that supports over 14,000 members to help them launch and grow their own businesses in the copywriting field. They also host a series of programs including a think tank mastermind and a live event that brings together people from all around the globe to connect, conspire and learn more about business growth. I’ve invited them here because they started off as unlikely partners to form a group that has been instrumental in launching others’ careers and know a little bit about the importance of picking the RIGHT partner when it comes to taking your business to the next level. They’ve also invited me in to support their members - and I couldn’t be more excited and proud to be involved with these two. This is a great opportunity for you to listen in if you’ve been wondering who you should partner with to take YOU to the next level.

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