

    Explore "miri" with insightful episodes like "#24 如何不再为负罪感所累", "HONZA "TRÁVA" TRÁVNÍČEK: „Jsem vysokohorský turista."", "ep. 64 – 別先下定論", "Unverschämt. Follower-Fragen 2021 an Miri." and "Früher war mehr Lametta - Unsere Spiele in den 80´s" from podcasts like ""图布读书", "HausboTalk Petra Horkého", "阿丁時間 Ah Tin's Time", "kontext*denken: NLP mit Miriam Deforth und Florian Groß" and "Hahn im Korb -DER KAFFEEKLATSCH PODCAST FÜR PREMIUM BOOMER-"" and more!

    Episodes (21)

    #24 如何不再为负罪感所累

    #24 如何不再为负罪感所累
    今天介绍是本独立出版的成功学图书Replacing Guilt (https://replacingguilt.com/)。书中的一系列文章主要探讨了以内在动机代替以罪疚为基础的动机的各种思维方式。作者认为,我们在世界中的价值不是基于我们的努力程度,也不是基于别人对我们的评价,而是基于我们的行动对宇宙历史造成的实际影响。我们的目标应该是尽可能地让未来朝着我们期望的方向改变,而不是被过去的罪疚感或别人的期待束缚。 本书作者Nate Soares,是美国加州的非盈利组织Machine Intelligence Research Institute(MIRI, 机器智能研究所)的研究负责人。该机构的主要目标是确保人工智能的发展过程安全、受益于所有人,并且不会给人类社会带来风险。他们通过技术研究、政策倡导和公众教育等方式来实现这一目标。 书中的内容全文可以在这里阅读 (https://replacingguilt.com/toc/)。书的第一部分稍稍晦涩一些,也可以从第二部分 (https://mindingourway.com/should-considered-harmful/)或者第四部分 (https://mindingourway.com/shifting-guilt/)开始阅读。 主播:斯图亚特、布朗主任 剪辑:布朗主任 RSS (https://sspai.com/post/57960):https://feeds.fireside.fm/books/rss 【时间线】 02:02 机器智能研究所与LessWrong社群 08:00 是怎么知道这本书的? 18:33 一种常见的愧疚感来自于不知道该做什么 23:12 这一段让布朗主任放松而斯图会觉得好累 29:50 为什么要先做完事情才可以休息啊? 37:09 很少有人真的觉得休息是人生的终极目的吧? 47:45 用到意志力去自律的时候就已经输了? 55:02 这本书适合什么样的读者? 【相关资料】 02:55 LessWrong (https://www.lesswrong.com/) 是一个社区博客和论坛,专注于讨论认知偏差、哲学、决策理论以及其他与人类理性和推理相关的领域。灵魂人物Eliezer Yudkowsky是MIRI的资深研究员和理事。LessWrong以其"序列"帖子而闻名,入坑可以从这里开始 (https://www.lesswrong.com/rationality)。 03:40 人体冷冻技术 (Cryonics) 的相关讨论 (https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/cryonics),现时只应用于在临床和法律上已被宣告死亡的情形,并且在主流观点中属于伪科学。而目前被认可的是深低温保存 (Cryopreservation),可以参考维基词条 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryopreservation)。 08:23 The Art of Learning的书评 (https://stephenmalina.com/post/2021-01-23-book-review-the-art-of-learning/),作者Stephen Manila现在在一家AI医疗公司从事机器学习的研究与实践。他有一个My favorite random internet writing (https://stephenmalina.com/post/2021-01-20-internet-writing-tier-list/)的阅读列表。 10:02 Tim Urban和他的The Story of Us (https://waitbutwhy.com/2023/02/last-six-years.html),出书的时候改名为What's Our Problem (https://waitbutwhy.com/whatsourproblem),还是对原来的名字印象更深。 13:20 Omakase (お任せ),意思是“交给您了”,是一种由主厨决定菜单的就餐方式,通常以较贵的食材为主。 32:00 《围城》第8章,方鸿渐"想起在伦敦上道德哲学一课,那位山羊胡子的哲学家讲的话"。 44:45 Doom游戏制作者之一John Romero和Tim Ferriss的访谈 (https://tim.blog/2023/07/12/john-romero/),他的新书是一本回忆录Doom Guy: Life in First Person (https://www.amazon.com/Doom-Guy-Life-First-Person/dp/141975811X/)。 如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎在小宇宙、Spotify或其他泛用型播客平台订阅、留言、分享,谢谢!
    en-usAugust 02, 2023

    HONZA "TRÁVA" TRÁVNÍČEK: „Jsem vysokohorský turista."

    HONZA "TRÁVA" TRÁVNÍČEK: „Jsem vysokohorský turista."

    Co to vlastně je a jak funguje „horolezecký byznys"? Konečně jsme spolu s Honzou „Trávou" trochu pochodili po Nepálu a po království Mustang a bylo možné spolu během cesty debatovat - a pak z toho udělat tento rozhovor! 
    Zajímalo mne,  jak plánuje výpravy, proč sám sebe označuje za vysokohorského turistu, jak funguje spolupráce ženská x chlap ve stěně...na kopci... 
    Kolem lezectví i trekaření je veliká a nádherná aureola dobrodružství a příběhů, ale také je zde prostor pro obchod, ba byznys! Jak to funguje? 

    Vážení posluchači, pokud budete chtít, můžete nám poslat dobrovolný dar zde:  www.patreon.com/petrhorky anebo zde: 1035355738/6100.

    Support the show

    ep. 64 – 別先下定論

    ep. 64 – 別先下定論
    來這裡找我: https://linktr.ee/ahtinstime 國外的乾爹們可以點上面的鏈接用咖啡來支持我,也可以用PayPal打賞喲~(ahtinstime@gmail.com) 大馬國内的乾爹們,如果想都抖内支持我,可以匯入6393740317(Public Bank Berhad),謝謝啦~ 延伸閲讀: 第1則新聞. https://www.chinapress.com.my/20220413/%E9%83%91%E7%AB%8B%E6%85%B7%EF%BC%9A5%E4%B8%87%E5%B0%8F%E6%A1%A5/ 第2則新聞. https://www.sinchew.com.my/20220413/3734647/ 第3則新聞. https://www.facebook.com/322729928392259/posts/969340450397867/ 資訊來源:中國報、Astro Awani、Berita Harian、光華日報、borneodihati、星洲網 Music: “Time to Spare” by An Jone. “ Just Dance” by Patrick Patrikios. #Malaysia #Podcast #SamKeTing #沈可婷 #Sarawak #砂拉越 #Miri #美里 #KampungMutap #Jeti #SultanSelangor #FahmiReza #China #Shanghai #上海 #Jilin #吉林 #Guangzhou #廣州 #广州 #XiAn #西安 #Borneo #MojoJojo #PowerpuffGirls #鄭立慷 #郑立慷 #洪伟翔 #洪偉翔 #ProfessorDrMohdTajuddinBinMohdRasdi

    Unverschämt. Follower-Fragen 2021 an Miri.

    Unverschämt. Follower-Fragen 2021 an Miri.
    Ihr seid schon cool. Florian und Miri stand zwar nicht die Schamesröte ins Gesicht geschrieben, als sie die 20 am häufigsten gestellten Fragen des Jahres 2021 an Miri beantworteten, ab und an haben sich die beiden allerdings schon gewundert, was Ihr Euch so traut. Der Jahresabschlusspodcast 2021 bleibt in alter Tradition ein Fragen-Podast und ist gleichzeitig der Start einer neuen kontext*denken Podcast-Epoche. Denn Miri und Florian sind back in front of the microphone. Ab jetzt gibt’s monatlich was auffe Ohren und die erste offizielle Folge wird dann auch gleich schon am 04.01.2022 folgen. Wenn Du Miri und Florian auch mal live und in Farbe sehen möchtest, dann komm in unsere Facebook-Gruppe. Den Link dorthin findest Du in den Show-Notes. Dort geben die beiden einmal wöchentlich ein kostenfreies LIVE-Training.

    Früher war mehr Lametta - Unsere Spiele in den 80´s

    Früher war mehr Lametta - Unsere Spiele in den 80´s
    „Mensch, ärgere Dich nicht!“ Das ist nicht nur ein wohlgemeinter Imperativ, sondern auch ein absoluter Klassiker unter den Brettspielen. Weißt Du noch, welche Spiele Du als Kind am liebsten gespielt hast? Damals – in den 80ern? Insbesondere jetzt in dieser Jahreszeit, wenn es draußen kalt, feucht und früh dunkel wird? Das ist doch DIE perfekte Zeit, um mal wieder ein paar alte Spiele aus dem Schrank zu holen und den Spaß zurückzuholen, den wir damals dabei hatten, bunte Plastik- oder Holzfiguren auf Pappbrettern hin- und herzuschieben, sich gegenseitig lustige, interessante und manchmal auch tiefgehende Fragen zu stellen, um Gummibärchen zu spielen oder mal den eigenen inneren Ehrgeiz-Mokel auszutesten. Wir jedenfalls finden das. Und deshalb haben wir sie schonmal für Dich aufgemacht – unsere Spieletruhe aus den 80ern. Und hatten dabei einen riesen Spaß! Wenn Du Lust dazu hast, Dich mit uns auf eine Reise in unsere Kindheits-Vergangenheit zu begeben, dann wünschen wir Dir schon jetzt viel Spaß beim zuhören. Und vielleicht zündet unsere Podcast-Folge ja auch bei Dir die Idee, die Würfel oder Karten in die Hand zu nehmen. Ein paar Spiele-Tipps von uns findest Du in den Shownotes. Falls Du diese Folge über Apple Podcast hörst, freuen wir uns sehr über deine anschließende Sternebewertung und Rezession. Damit hilfst Du uns, immer besser zu werden, und damit dieser Podcast noch sichtbarer wird für weitere Zuhörer. Wir freuen uns auf Dich! Deine Miri, Kerstin & Paddy Memoarr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct09sC86WHU Alleswisser http://www.alleswisser-quiz.de/?gclid=CjwKCAiA78aNBhAlEiwA7B76p5hY8JFscqAxj4ICiSJh4rkbf6aHr2U3Qecsbiwk8uI07dpkDr7e4hoC2lIQAvD_BwE Vertellis https://vertellis.de/?gclid=CjwKCAiA78aNBhAlEiwA7B76p1Xws7rloVYmq32YzUvoQFVKggc5Ii0JLn0YbPAh0yXGD119h8N7kBoC6CsQAvD_BwE Freeways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OzC-LG9pG4

    Peinlich? Fragen an Miri

    Peinlich? Fragen an Miri
    Die traditionelle Podcastfolge zwischen den Jahren ist immer die mit den vielen Fragen. Miri wertet beflissen über das ganze Jahr die vielen Fragen, die ihr über Social Media, per E-Mail oder auch persönlich gestellt werden, aus und in dieser einmaligen Jahresfolge beantwortet sie die 20 häufigsten davon. Peinliche Fragen? Naja, der eine oder andere könnte meinen, das sei so. Die Wahrheit ist, dass jeder Mensch die Qualität von Fragen durch seine eigene Empfindungswelt schiebt und dann sehr individuell einordnet. Was für den einen peinlich scheint, ist für den anderen völlig normal. Miri hat sich an brisante, sehr persönliche, liebevolle, witzige und investigative Fragen gewöhnt und antwortet eben einfach. Vielleicht macht das den Charme dieser besonderen Folge in jedem Jahr aus. Lustig wird’s auf jeden Fall wieder. Und es ist eine jener Folgen, die wirklich nur einen einzigen Sinn haben: Sie soll ausschließlich Spaß machen. Vielleicht ist Deine Frage ja auch unter den diesjährigen Top 20. In jedem Fall spiegelt sich dieses besondere Jahr 2020 auch im Inhalt der Fragen wider. Was Miri und Florian besonders spannend fanden.

    The Woman Behind the HIT songs!!! -Miriam Israeli

    The Woman Behind the HIT songs!!! -Miriam Israeli

    Miriam Israeli, is an American-born lyricist and singer of contemporary Jewish religious music.

    She performs internationally for women-only audiences.She released her first album of songs in 1999; however, her songs on this and a subsequent album were recorded by male vocalists per the directive of her Rav.

    Her songs have been recorded by Benny Friedman, Yaakov Shwekey, Ari Goldwag, Mordechai Shapiro, Uri Davidi.

    You probably recognize the songs: Vezakeini, Bonei Olam, Yesh Tikva,Ivri Anochi, Maamin Benisim and Tadlik et Haesh, Machar, Friends, Hakol Mishamayim, Muchanim, Ein Od Milvado.

    She performs her own songs in concert tours for women- and girl-only audiences in the United States, England, and Israel.She is also a freelance writer and author of a serialized diary, "Music Maker", for Mishpacha magazine.

    Miriam and her husband have 11 children; they reside in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem.


    To contact Franciska- franciskakay@gmail.com

    88: Spock's Altered States of Consciousness

    88: Spock's Altered States of Consciousness

    The Original Series Season 1 - Essential Trek Philosophy.  

    The entire Star Trek franchise, with over 700 television episodes and 13 feature films (to date), owes its existence to the strength of season 1 of Star Trek: The Original Series. If season 1 hadn't been as strong as it was, we wouldn't have the Star Trek franchise we know and love today. Season 1 of The Original Series isn't just strong dramatically, however. It is also strong philosophically, episode by episode exploring abstract ideas, future human potential, and the human condition.  

    In this episode of Meta Treks, hosts Mike Morrison and Zachary Fruhling go back to where it all began in a discussion of their top picks for Essential Trek Philosophy from season 1 of Star Trek: The Original Series. Join Mike and Zachary as they discuss the four dominant philosophical themes in the premiere season of Star Trek: ethical and moral dilemmas, transhumanism and future human potential, the internal struggle of conflicting human natures, and the ethics of war.  

    Intro (00:01:19) 
    Initial Thoughts on TOS Season One (00:01:58) 
    The Four Main Philosophical Themes (00:10:26) 
    Moral Choices and Ethical Conundrums (00:14:54) 
    The City on the Edge of Forever (00:15:07) 
    Transhumanism (00:21:13) 
    The Cage (00:22:24) 
    Arena (00:26:28) 
    Errand of Mercy (00:28:11) 
    The Return of the Archons (00:33:39) 
    Space Seed (00:37:47) 
    Where No Man Has Gone Before (00:39:52) 
    Charlie X/The Squire of Gothos (00:40:30) 
    What Are Little Girls Made Of? (00:42:32) 
    Miri (00:46:13) 
    Dagger of the Mind (0047:31) 
    Exploration of Human Nature (00:50:49) 
    The Enemy Within (00:52:06) 
    The Conscience of the King (00:56:21) 
    The Alternative Factor (00:58:03) 
    Ethics of War (01:03:48) 
    Balance of Terror (01:04:33) 
    A Taste of Armageddon (01:06:14) 
    This Side of Paradise (01:08:35) 
    Devil in the Dark (01:11:38) 
    Recap and Final Thoughts (01:15:08) 
    Closing (01:18:31)  

    Mike Morrison and Zachary Fruhling  

    Mike Morrison (Editor) Zachary Fruhling (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Patrick Devlin (Associate Producer) Kay Shaw (Associate Producer) Mark Walker (Associate Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)

    HotMix Club #316.1 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil

    HotMix Club #316.1 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil
    Armin que adora o Brasil está de volta para mais uma apresentação. TOUR DATES: 12/Out - Sambodromo - Rio de Janeiro/RJ TRACKLIST: Armin van Buuren & Lyrica Anderson - Gotta Be Love (Arston Remix) Armin van Buuren & Kensington - Heading Up High (Years Remix) Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat Armin van Buuren & Miri Ben-Ari - Intense (Dannic Remix) Armin van Buuren & Lauren Evans - Alone (Orjan Nilsen Remix) NO AIR: Rádio Comunitária CPA FM - 105,9 MHz - Cuiabá/MT Sexta, 22h | Sábado, 22h25 - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radiocpafm.amaisouvida.com.br/ Rádio Boiuna - 87,9 MHz - Boa Vista do Ramos/AM Domingo, 9h - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radios.com.br/aovivo/radio-boiuna-879-fm/26485 Rádio Trans BJ - 87,9 MHz - Bom Jardim de Minas/MG Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiotransbj.com Rádio FM Tibau - 104.9 MHz - Tibau/RN Sábado, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) www.fmtibau.com.br Rádio Vespasiano FM - 87,9 MHz - Vespasiano/MG Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 www.vespasianofm.com Rádio Campo FM - 87,5 MHz - Campo do Tenente/PR Domingo, 15h00 - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) www.tenenteanafm.com.br Rádio Comunitária Itaquera - 87,5 MHz - São Paulo/SP Sábado, 21h | Domingo, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://rcitaquera.com.br/ Rádio Ipanema Comunitária - 87,9 MHz - Porto Alegre/RS Sábado, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.ipanemacomunitaria.com.br Beat Top Som Domingo, 05h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://beattopsom.com/ Rádio Cidade Paraíba Domingo, 18h | Terça, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiocidadeparaiba.radiostream123.com/ Antena Web (Portugal) Quarta, 01h - GMT+1 (Horário da Europa Ocidental) http://www.antenaweb.info FCM Cidade Sábado, 22h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.fcmpublicidade.com.br Agente Oficial: Marina Navarro Viagens e Turismo https://www.facebook.com/marinanavarroviagenseturismo/ Divulgação: Brazuka Tracklists https://www.facebook.com/BrazukaTracklists/ https://soundcloud.com/brazukatracklists/ https://www.youtube.com/brazukatracklists Assine (Subscribe) iTunes: http://apple.co/1I3VxyW Tunein: http://bit.ly/1JrnQZa Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MCe5ex

    HotMix Club #316.1 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil

    HotMix Club #316.1 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil
    Armin que adora o Brasil está de volta para mais uma apresentação. TOUR DATES: 12/Out - Sambodromo - Rio de Janeiro/RJ TRACKLIST: Armin van Buuren & Lyrica Anderson - Gotta Be Love (Arston Remix) Armin van Buuren & Kensington - Heading Up High (Years Remix) Armin van Buuren & W&W - D# Fat Armin van Buuren & Miri Ben-Ari - Intense (Dannic Remix) Armin van Buuren & Lauren Evans - Alone (Orjan Nilsen Remix) NO AIR: Rádio Comunitária CPA FM - 105,9 MHz - Cuiabá/MT Sexta, 22h | Sábado, 22h25 - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radiocpafm.amaisouvida.com.br/ Rádio Boiuna - 87,9 MHz - Boa Vista do Ramos/AM Domingo, 9h - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radios.com.br/aovivo/radio-boiuna-879-fm/26485 Rádio Trans BJ - 87,9 MHz - Bom Jardim de Minas/MG Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiotransbj.com Rádio FM Tibau - 104.9 MHz - Tibau/RN Sábado, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) www.fmtibau.com.br Rádio Vespasiano FM - 87,9 MHz - Vespasiano/MG Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 www.vespasianofm.com Rádio Campo FM - 87,5 MHz - Campo do Tenente/PR Domingo, 15h00 - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) www.tenenteanafm.com.br Rádio Comunitária Itaquera - 87,5 MHz - São Paulo/SP Sábado, 21h | Domingo, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://rcitaquera.com.br/ Rádio Ipanema Comunitária - 87,9 MHz - Porto Alegre/RS Sábado, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.ipanemacomunitaria.com.br Beat Top Som Domingo, 05h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://beattopsom.com/ Rádio Cidade Paraíba Domingo, 18h | Terça, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiocidadeparaiba.radiostream123.com/ Antena Web (Portugal) Quarta, 01h - GMT+1 (Horário da Europa Ocidental) http://www.antenaweb.info FCM Cidade Sábado, 22h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.fcmpublicidade.com.br Agente Oficial: Marina Navarro Viagens e Turismo https://www.facebook.com/marinanavarroviagenseturismo/ Divulgação: Brazuka Tracklists https://www.facebook.com/BrazukaTracklists/ https://soundcloud.com/brazukatracklists/ https://www.youtube.com/brazukatracklists Assine (Subscribe) iTunes: http://apple.co/1I3VxyW Tunein: http://bit.ly/1JrnQZa Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MCe5ex

    Trek Geeks Theatre: Miri

    Trek Geeks Theatre: Miri

    In our ninth Supplemental Episode, we provide an episode commentary for the "Miri" from The Original Series! Cue up this classic episode on your DVD, Blu-Ray, or even Netflix, and we'll tell you when to hit play. Then, sit back and enjoy our comments on one of our least favorite episodes!

    Plus, we have special guests this week! Our wives, Sue Davidson and Kelly Smith, provide their opinions on this episode--and we guarantee you won't want to miss that!

    It's our first installment of Trek Geeks Theatre, so get yourself a tall glass of something and endure this episode by listening to Your Independent Star Trek Podcast!


    Music for the Trek Geeks Podcast is graciously provided by FIVE YEAR MISSION! They're creating one original song for every episode of the original Star Trek series and we love them and their music. Please head over to their website to get all of their albums--we know you'll become as big a fan as we both are!


    HotMix Club #273 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil

    HotMix Club #273 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil
    O 5 vezes melhor dj do mundo volta ao Brasil para única apresentação no Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi em São Paulo. TRACKLIST: Armin van Buuren & Lyrica Anderson - Gotta Be Love (Arston Extended Remix) Armin van Buuren & Kesington - Heading Up High (Years Extended Remix) Armin van Buuren & Miri Ben-Ari - Intense (Dannic Remix) Armin van Buuren & Aruna - Won't Let You Go (Tritonal Remix) Armin van Buuren & Cindy Alma - Beautiful Life Armin van Buuren & Lauren Evans - Alone (Orjan Nilsen Remix) Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Tom Fall Remix) Armin van Buuren vs Mc João - Ping Pong vs Baile de Favela (Hardwell Edit and David Nam Reboot) Armin van Buuren vs Diplo & Justin Bieber - Off The Hook vs Where Are Ü Now (David Nam Reboot) Armin van Buuren, Chris Jones & Dj Shah - Going Wrong Armin van Buuren & Eric Vloeimans - Embrace Rádio Comunitária CPA FM - 105,9 MHz - Cuiabá/MT Sexta, 22h | Sábado, 22h25 - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radiocpafm.amaisouvida.com.br/ Rádio Gabirobas - 104,9 MHz - Ritápolis/MG Sábado, 22h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiogabirobas.net.br/ Assine (Subscribe) iTunes: http://apple.co/1I3VxyW Tunein: http://bit.ly/1JrnQZa Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MCe5ex

    HotMix Club #273 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil

    HotMix Club #273 - Especial Armin van Buuren no Brasil
    O 5 vezes melhor dj do mundo volta ao Brasil para única apresentação no Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi em São Paulo. TRACKLIST: Armin van Buuren & Lyrica Anderson - Gotta Be Love (Arston Extended Remix) Armin van Buuren & Kesington - Heading Up High (Years Extended Remix) Armin van Buuren & Miri Ben-Ari - Intense (Dannic Remix) Armin van Buuren & Aruna - Won't Let You Go (Tritonal Remix) Armin van Buuren & Cindy Alma - Beautiful Life Armin van Buuren & Lauren Evans - Alone (Orjan Nilsen Remix) Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia - J'ai Envie De Toi (Tom Fall Remix) Armin van Buuren vs Mc João - Ping Pong vs Baile de Favela (Hardwell Edit and David Nam Reboot) Armin van Buuren vs Diplo & Justin Bieber - Off The Hook vs Where Are Ü Now (David Nam Reboot) Armin van Buuren, Chris Jones & Dj Shah - Going Wrong Armin van Buuren & Eric Vloeimans - Embrace Rádio Comunitária CPA FM - 105,9 MHz - Cuiabá/MT Sexta, 22h | Sábado, 22h25 - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radiocpafm.amaisouvida.com.br/ Rádio Gabirobas - 104,9 MHz - Ritápolis/MG Sábado, 22h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiogabirobas.net.br/ Assine (Subscribe) iTunes: http://apple.co/1I3VxyW Tunein: http://bit.ly/1JrnQZa Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MCe5ex

    Cecilia Uddén med Rouzbeh Parsi, Behrang Miri, Lena Ag och Paul Simons

    Cecilia Uddén med Rouzbeh Parsi, Behrang Miri, Lena Ag och Paul Simons

    Om saudisk olja som smörjer vapen och krig. Och vad är en avslutning på Cecilia Uddéns vecka i Almedalen, utan ett framträdande av rapparen Behrang Miri.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Intervju med Paul Simons, en av världens främsta oljeanalytiker. Lena Ag berättar om kvinnor som tar vapnen ifrån soldater i Syrien och kämpar för att ta plats vid förhandlingsbordet. Rouzbeh Parsi analyser konflikten mellan Iran och Saudiarabien.

    Season 1, Episode 3: "Miri" (TOS) with Phil Gonzales

    Season 1, Episode 3: "Miri" (TOS) with Phil Gonzales
    Puberty is a death sentence this week as we delve into one of the most affecting episodes of Star Trek's original series, Miri! Join me and guest Phil Gonzales as we talk 60's male sexuality, Kim Darby, terrifying children, and sharp pencils! Every red-blooded human should hear this show! Phil can be found at @PCoryGonzales and at his Berenstain Bears podcast at @BStainBearcast and Deep in Bear Country!

    miri regevs cultural revolution

    miri regevs cultural revolution
    israels minister of culture miri regev is leading a cultural revolution against the 'old azkenazi' cultural elites. regev - herself daughter of moroccan immigrants - is demanding more oriental - mizrahi - music on the officiel radio stations and is going to hand out the cultural budget according to national spirit and respect for the symbols of the state - while punishing cultural institutions who doubt israels right to be a jewish and democratic state or wont perform across the invisible green line in the westbank.

    #106: Pretzel & the Little Bread – Podcasterbating

    #106: Pretzel & the Little Bread – Podcasterbating

    #106 | TOPICS:

    • Ace's Trip to Texas. (Southwest Airlines, Chex Mix, Kevin Smith, Chili.)
    • The Blair Witch Project.
    • Pixar movies. (Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur)
    • The Beforthnoon Cafe.

      Would You Rather « Only communicate with Etch-A-Sketch -or- Lite Brite?
      What Are We Drinkin'? « Not Your Father's Root Beer (Small Town Brewery)

    #106 | EPISODE EXTRAS:


    Podcasterbating Shop

    SUBMISSIONS (News, List, WYR, Misc.): E-Mail Ace & Herm

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    Många ballar i luften med Behrang Miri

    Många ballar i luften med Behrang Miri

    Artisten, skådespelaren, folkbildaren, föreläsaren och estradören Behrang Miri gästar Lilla Al-Fadji! Kärt barn har som sagt många namn och LAF är imponerad över att träffar någon som har så många ballar i luften. Behrang får feeling och freestylar en rap i LAFs ära. Det blir snack om mynta, Behrangs smeknamn Rap-Tor och kärlek. För övrigt tycker Lilla Al-Fadji att Behrang ska byta smeknamn från Rap-Tor till Tor-Rap för att göra det hela lite mer asagud-klingande. I programmet får vi även träffa Rosalinda DeLa Cruz - Lilla Al-Fadjis nya granne och Ömer såklart och han låter precis lika uppgiven som vanligt.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Meeting MIRI and Detecting Dark Matter

    Meeting MIRI and Detecting Dark Matter
    Can a mid-infra red view reveal the universe's secrets? In this month's Naked Astronomy, we meet MIRI, the Mid Infra Red Instrument set to launch on the James Webb Space Telescope. It should give us a glimpse of the very first galaxies and examine the clouds of hydrogen gas spread throughout the universe. We'll also find out how distorted galaxies can shed light on the distribution of dark matter, discover El Gordo - a newly discovered galaxy cluster. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

    Miri Rubin

    Miri Rubin
    Miri Rubin is medieval historian and Professor of Early Modern History at Queen Mary, University of London. In 'Mother of God', Rubin presents a history of the Virgin Mary, arguably one of the most powerful, influential and complex of all religious figures, and asks whether the history of Western culture and religion could have been the same without her.

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