

    Explore "netherland" with insightful episodes like "Episode 15: Communicating with journalists in the Netherlands", "Netherland Ban Mobile Phones to Stop School DisruptionsÂ", "2020BC", "2020BC" and "Episode 9 – Martha Buffington: Following her own North Star" from podcasts like ""Media Coffee Podcast", "Africa Business News", "elhamkhalilvoice's podcast", "elhamkhalilvoice's podcast" and "Industry Leader's Journey"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Netherland Ban Mobile Phones to Stop School DisruptionsÂ

    Netherland Ban Mobile Phones to Stop School DisruptionsÂ
    The Dutch government has announced that devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning.
    The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.
    Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf says Students must be able to concentrate in classrooms and be given every opportunity to learn well.
    The government says it would be up to individual schools to agree on the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices from schools.



    Hello and welcome

    I continue my podcast elhamkhalil voice on Apple, with first episode of the series 2020BC, not before Christ, but Before Corona.

    What did we do in 2020 years?

    And maybe it is a good time to reconsider the importance of certain things in life.

    I begin by a positive message, explaining and simplifying the reasons and importance of going to church and the tremendous benefits of it.

    How it is the most simple and natural way for not only gaining a healthy body and soul, but having a happy and balanced relation with family, friends, and society, where no place for loneliness or fear of death, but strength in facing life problems.

    And most importantly paving a loving assured and full of joy and confidence way to the eternal life with Jesus Christ after.

    All that is given free to you, on the loving and willingly acceptance of you.

    And here I’m interested in those in Holland and in Europe who were Christian, or their families were Christian, but they don’t believe in God or go to church anymore.

    Or don’t know what to believe.

    Other podcasts were on reconciling science with the Bible

    My name is Elham Khalil, I am international communication media expert with PhD doctorate from Amsterdam University, drama degrees from Cairo, Amsterdam, and Oxford universities, with long career in the media.

    My books are on Amazon

    I am Coptic Orthodox. born in Egypt, live in Holland since 197



    Hello and welcome


    I continue my podcast elhamkhalil voice on Apple, with first episode of the series 2020BC, not before Christ, but Before Corona.

    What did we do in 2020 years?

    And maybe it is a good time to reconsider the importance of certain things in life.

    I begin by a positive message, explaining and simplifying the reasons and importance of going to church and the tremendous benefits of it.

    How it is the most simple and natural way for not only gaining a healthy body and soul, but having a happy and balanced relation with family, friends, and society, where no place for loneliness or fear of death, but strength in facing life problems.

    And most importantly paving a loving assured and full of joy and confidence way to the eternal life with Jesus Christ after.

    All that is given free to you, on the loving and willingly acceptance of you.

    And here I’m interested in those in Holland and in Europe who were Christian, or their families were Christian, but they don’t believe in God or go to church anymore.

    Or don’t know what to believe.

    Other podcasts were on reconciling science with the Bible

    My name is Elham Khalil, I am international communication media expert with PhD doctorate from Amsterdam University, drama degrees from Cairo, Amsterdam, and Oxford universities, with long career in the media.

    My books are on Amazon

    I am Coptic Orthodox. born in Egypt, live in Holland since 1970

    Episode 9 – Martha Buffington: Following her own North Star

    Episode 9 – Martha Buffington: Following her own North Star
    “…we're not just about sourcing, we're not just about savings, it's really about having bigger picture strategic impact on the business…” Martha Buffington, Chief Procurement Officer of Royal DSM, a €9 billion global company producing health, nutrition, and sustainable living products to enhance the lives of people and the sustainability of the planet, shares her career purpose and personal goal along her journey from the U.S. to Netherland. As a mentor and supporter of women in business, Martha talks through her overseas experience, the passion for digitalization, and making the world better for people.


    CCR、ㄈㄈ尺、異國戀?本系列第二彈由台妹珍奈特和艾倫姐分享跨文化交往經驗,內容包含刻板印象、政治不正確、樣本數偏差的文化觀察,請小心服用~ ▍02:30 掐屁股錯了嗎?!法國🇫🇷前任每天都要穿長袖襯衫以保持時尚優雅、會管艾倫約會的穿著? ▍09:40 秘魯🇵🇪情人很在乎在外形象、歐美男友嘴較甜常常稱讚?法國🇫🇷前任震驚於艾倫會要求餐廳客製化 ▍16:50 歐美人體味重每天都要噴香水?德國🇩🇪現任真的很準時?一板一眼很嚴肅?愛喝啤酒?愛吃豬腳?愛吃麵包?德國人對二戰歷史的愧疚自省 ▍28:00 德國人🇩🇪對職涯和未來的想法很類似亞洲文化的入世觀?家庭觀念重、家庭旅遊盛 ▍30:30 過去一年疫情對於感情的影響?珍奈特與秘魯🇵🇪情人同居而共患難感情加溫、艾倫與德國🇩🇪現任更專注於彼此身上 ▍36:00 拉美朋友在酒吧把妹招式讓其他人都傻眼、對亞洲人的歧視? ★ 25:00 名詞補充:Pretzel 🥨 德國椒鹽卷餅(鹼水硬麵包),通常扭成繩結、故又稱蝴蝶餅,適合配啤酒。美國後來又做成迷你餅乾零食,賓州有因有大量德國移民而成為全美 Pretzel 生產重鎮。 #感恩聽眾回饋冷知識 ★ 04:05 艾倫提到法國前男友無時時刻都要穿襯衫 shirt ,根據維基百科,早期襯衫僅供男子穿著在外衣內部,所以襯衫其實最早對西方人來說是內衣,所以對他來說就是穿吊嘎的港覺啦! 🎙社群追蹤與各平台收聽《北加州洋行》https://linkby.tw/NorCalCo.podcast 🧋歡迎乾爹乾媽贊助 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/5805a91a-68ce-43ed-8b00-2376cb69e02f #文化 #CCR #relationships #異國戀 #感情 #love #跨文化交往 #跨文化戀情 #約會 #UK #London #Netherland #Amsterdam #法國 #Jevousaime #德國 #ichliebedich #拉美情人 #tequiero #teamo #Peru #latino #北加州洋行 #NorCalCo #NorCal #Podcast #Podcaster #Podcastofinstagram


    CCR、ㄈㄈ尺、異國戀?本系列第二彈由台妹珍奈特和艾倫姐分享跨文化交往經驗,內容包含刻板印象、政治不正確、樣本數偏差的文化觀察,請小心服用~ ▍01:45 S1E3 珍奈特的秘魯🇵🇪情人回顧、艾倫與法國🇫🇷前任&德國🇩🇪現任的相遇 ▍12:40 法國男友的刻板印象? 浪漫?天真?我行我素?fancy dining?時尚?愛抱怨? ▍22:50 法國男友對法國歷史文化特別驕傲、French fries 法國薯條🍟的真相、 認真了解台灣、法國人偶像是拿破崙? ▍27:50 法國⚜天主教信仰與自由文化的衝突? ▍34:40 交友、約會、來往、交往定義各表;跨文化衝突時誰配合誰? 拉美情人放閃旁若無人 ★ 22:25 名詞補充:PDA = public affection display 當眾親熱 🎙社群追蹤與各平台收聽《北加州洋行》https://linkby.tw/NorCalCo.podcast 🧋歡迎乾爹乾媽贊助 https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/5805a91a-68ce-43ed-8b00-2376cb69e02f

    EP17|🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續2|軟體公司永續目標?The Social Dilemma 紀錄片|珍奈特&溫蒂@荷蘭🇳🇱

    EP17|🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續2|軟體公司永續目標?The Social Dilemma 紀錄片|珍奈特&溫蒂@荷蘭🇳🇱
    珍奈特任職於銀行💶永續金融部門,溫蒂則是科技公司永續專案負責人,「Sustainability 永續🌏」產業聽起來很潮,但揪~竟是在幹嘛?沒有供應鏈的軟體公司怎麼訂永續目標?看完《智能社會:進退兩難 The Social Dilemma》紀錄片有什麼感想? ▍00:55 溫蒂乾媽到底在哪裡上班?軟體公司沒有供應鏈,怎麼「Green Wash 漂綠」? ▍04:05 看完《智能社會:進退兩難》The Social Dilemma 紀錄片卻什麼都沒做?已經太遲了嗎? ▍10:00 溫蒂為何反社交媒體?薇琪擔心極端化&FOMO 📍Bistro S 荷你聊永續底加 ▍https://www.facebook.com/BistroSforSustainability ▍https://bistrosforsustainability.wordpress.com/ ▍社群平台與破碎的自由意志:責任投資該如何回應?http://bit.ly/3hbpZ4R ★ 名詞補充:02:20 Green Wash 漂綠:指公司、政府單位或組織透過公關廣告或其他手段來宣揚自身對環境保護、社會責任的貢獻,實際上效果則不怎麼樣或未可知。 ★ 名詞補充:11:50 FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out 社群錯失恐慌症,是指一種由患得患失所產生持續性的焦慮,得上這種症的人總會感到別人在自己不在時經歷了什麼非常有意義的事情 。 🎙訂閱收聽《北加州洋行》 ▍https://linktr.ee/NorCalCo.podcast 🔖 Facebook 看薇琪呢喃廢文 ​ ▍https://www.facebook.com/NorCalCo.Podcast/ ​ 📸 Instagram 看薇琪北加州生活日常 ​ ▍https://www.instagram.com/norcalco.podcast/

    EP16|🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續1|邊愛護地球🌏邊發大財、邁向KOL之路?!|珍奈特&溫蒂@荷蘭🇳🇱

    EP16|🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續1|邊愛護地球🌏邊發大財、邁向KOL之路?!|珍奈特&溫蒂@荷蘭🇳🇱
    珍奈特任職於銀行💶永續金融部門,溫蒂則是科技公司永續專案負責人,「Sustainability 永續🌏」產業聽起來很潮,但揪~竟是在幹嘛?工作好玩嗎?可以發大財嗎?此外兩位來賓與夥伴們在工作之餘推出「🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續」粉專和網站到底在搞什麼?薇琪來蹭個流量先~ ▍00:50 來賓介紹、商業銀行的永續金融部門是在幹嘛?太有爭議性的公司沒人要幫做永續金融 ▍06:45 公司為什麼想做永續金融? ▍11:00 什麼是 ESG 投資人? ▍13:35 公司內部的永續專案負責人是什麼角色?永續供應鏈怎麼做? ▍18:54 法國人🇫🇷&荷蘭人🇳🇱互控工作不認真、珍奈特為什麼很常加班? ▍27:15 溫蒂珍奈特做🍺Bistro S 荷你聊永續&薇琪做🐿北加州洋行的心路歷程 ▍41:54 薇琪總結~ 📍Bistro S 荷你聊永續底加 ▍https://www.facebook.com/BistroSforSustainability ▍https://bistrosforsustainability.wordpress.com/ ★ 名詞補充:11:00 ESG = Environmental 環境 + Social 社會 + Governance 公司治理,是投資人用來評估公司永續發展與社會影響力的主要因子 🎙訂閱收聽《北加州洋行》 ▍https://linktr.ee/NorCalCo.podcast 🔖 Facebook 看薇琪呢喃廢文 ​ ▍https://www.facebook.com/NorCalCo.Podcast/ ​ 📸 Instagram 看薇琪北加州生活日常 ​ ▍https://www.instagram.com/norcalco.podcast/

    EP08|40 度和零下 20 度的聖誕節分別是什麼概念?澳洲 v.s. 歐洲

    EP08|40 度和零下 20 度的聖誕節分別是什麼概念?澳洲 v.s. 歐洲
    「可以去海邊看看衝浪的人會不會戴著聖誕帽在衝浪⋯⋯」 ✨ 精彩段落: 04:10 好逛又好玩的歐洲聖誕市集 09:17 不一樣的荷蘭聖誕節! 22:40 零下 20 度到芬蘭找聖誕老公公 28:36 南半球 40 度的澳洲聖誕節 🤹 和我們繼續聊: FB|www.facebook.com/chavelspace/ IG|www.instagram.com/chavelspace/

    118-Dutch Colonization part 7

    118-Dutch Colonization part 7

    The Dutch could no longer maintain control of their holdings. The English had surpassed them in population numbers and the Duke of York wanted his territory. The unsettled European politics didn’t help matters. Pieter Stuyvesant was not willing to let go but, the civilian population was ready for a new government besides, many of the Dutch colonies had English among them. Good-bye New Netherland, hello New York.

    117-Dutch Colonization part 6

    117-Dutch Colonization part 6

    With the treaty of Munster in 1648, it gave the United Netherlands a new start from the control of the Spanish crown. The English and the Dutch had been always been on friendly terms, that was about to change. It didn’t help that the United Netherlands were not a tight confederation and there were contentions between the two parties. Most of the sea faring delivery of goods was made by Dutch vessels and added much to its wealth. The Dutch made a treaty with Denmark directed at hindering English interests. In retaliation, the English passed the Navigation act, this lead to the Anglo Dutch war in 1652. On other side of the world, it put the colonies on edge, and Dutch did what they could to fortify their positions.

    Achieving a research led university

    Achieving a research led university
    The Research Office was delighted to welcome Prof Ritsert Jansen, Dean of Talent Development and Head of Bioinformatics Centre, University of Groningen to the University of Limerick. Prof Jansen gave a talk entitled Achieving a research-led university, detailing the University of Groningen’s experiences in developing young research talent and maximising the potential of researchers. The University of Groningen is ranked 80th overall in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and is home to 2016 Nobel Prize Winner Professor Ben Feringa. www.ul.ie/researchimpact

    Ep 10: Choosing Gratitude and Glitter with Nancy Netherland

    Ep 10: Choosing Gratitude and Glitter with Nancy Netherland

    I am thrilled to share this heartwarming conversation with Nancy Netherland, a healthcare advocate and a self-proclaimed mom-ologist with on-the-mom training in infectious disease, hepatology, rheumatology, gastrointestinology, and glitterology.

    Nancy is also a healer and an artist.  She is a mom to two mermaids ages 9 and 10 and works as a writer and data strategist for non-profit and safety-net healthcare entities. In the past five years, she has helped secure over $100-million in grant funding, influenced international policy, and provided research for publications and speeches presented before the UN, WHO and the US Congress.

    In our conversation, we explore how Nancy’s parents instilled a sense that anything is possible, something she has needed to draw on as she faced the loss of her husband and the serious, chronic illnesses of her daughters. She shares how she and her girls cultivate generosity and pay that generosity forward through something they created called “gratitools.” And, we talk about how she has developed relationships with other parents of sick children, despite their vastly differing viewpoints, a message deeply needed during today’s divided times.

    I was moved to tears by Nancy and how she consciously chooses gratitude to ensure she and her children experience joy and laughter in the midst of adversity. I hope you will join me in saying yes to Nancy’s challenge... to find the magic not only in the everyday, but especially in the midst of something hard.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • How her parents influenced her childhood by teaching her that anything is possible
    • Resiliency and mindfulness during traumatic events
    • The importance of creating magic in our lives
    • “Gratituding” as a verb
    • Her favorite book “Man’s Search for Meaning”
    • Advocating for your children’s health
    • The importance of community, especially as a caretaker
    • Building deep relationships with people of differing viewpoints

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    A big THANK YOU to our first "patrons" for helping to bring these conversations to myself and other mothers through financial support: 

    • Fran and David Lieberman - who provided a "dedication" for this episode
    • Cameron Miranda
    • Debbie and Alan Goore
    • Jenise and Marianne of the Sustainable Living Podcast

    Do you enjoy this podcast and want to support more meaningful conversations such as these? Visit the Mother’s Quest Patreon Page to become a regular patron or visit this link - www.mothersquest.com/be-a-supporter to make a one-time donation.

    009 Delicious December

    009 Delicious December

     “’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house/ Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse./ The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,/ In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.”

    Undoubtedly, you have heard, or read, this first stanza of Clement Moore’s famous “A Visit from St. Nicholas” (1822) poem, but have you ever wondered about the traditions and saint contained within its lines?

    Where did the Christmas traditions of stockings, presents, and cookies come from? And what about jolly, old Saint Nicholas? Who was he and why do we often call him Santa Claus?

    Peter G. Rose, culinary historian of Dutch foodways in North America and author of Delicious December: How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats joins us to discuss the origins of Santa Claus and edible goodies such as cookies in the United States.

    Show Notes: http://www.benfranklinsworld.com/009


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