

    Explore "newmovie" with insightful episodes like "37 - Oops, All Jumpscares!", "His Only Son with Director David Helling", "Episode 13: Thor Love and Thunder Review", "Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus" and "Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus" from podcasts like ""That was Horrorble", "Flourish-Meant: You Were Meant to Live Abundantly", "Dave's R&R (Rambles & Reviews)", "Crackers and Grape Juice" and "Crackers and Grape Juice"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    37 - Oops, All Jumpscares!

    37 - Oops, All Jumpscares!

    This week we are possessed by the start of a rebooted trilogy with: Exorcist: Believer (2023)



    His Only Son with Director David Helling

    His Only Son with Director David Helling

    What can we learn about our own trials, our own suffering, our own need to persevere and perhaps even lift up a sacrifice from the new feature film coming out right now, His Only Son? That's the topic we're going to address today on Flourish-Meant in this. Easter episode.

    Flourish-Meant is sponsored by Access More. Today I have with me an award-winning director, David Helling. He was a Marine for five years, which sent him into the desert, and there's through some battling even within himself, he discovered that his calling was to help bring scripture. From the page to the screen,  and he's here to talk to us today about his new film, His Only Son.

    Welcome David. I am so pleased to have you on Flourish-Meant.

    David:  I'm looking forward to talking about just what the Lord did in the life of Abraham and what he's been doing in, in this.

    Tina: Tell us a little bit about that personal journey that you went through when you were a Marine and you went through this war inside that brought you to know more of who God is in your life and more desire to delve into scripture and then share it with the world.

    David: Yeah, well, you gave the summary of it and really it was during my time as a Marine in Iraq. I grew up in a Christian home and asked Jesus into my heart when I was eight years old at church camp. But really I was just kind of living morally for moral's sake Whenever I went to Iraq, by God's grace, I had taken my Bible with me. And I just got really convicted. It was over there primarily. My team was holed up in one of Saddam Hussein's old missile bunkers in Al Ambar province near the town of Hoban, right on the edge of ancient Babylon. The Lord really began to work in my heart through those long and lonely nights and show me my sin and showed me just how deep it actually ran and that even though I confessed to be a Christian, I had no desire to read his word. And I got really convicted about that.

    And so I started reading the Bible. And as I started reading the Bible, I actually started in First Samuel. Cause I didn't even know where to start. I thought, well, my name is David. I'll start with the life of David. And so through going through his life and cross-referencing to the gospels, to the epistles, to the Psalms, just seeing the depth of my own sin and the heights of his grace and the gospel came alive to me and it was like, wait, did I ever get it before? Did I ever really understand what it meant that Jesus died for my sins? That God's standard is holy, but we all fall short of that standard, so the Lord himself came and met that standard in his son Jesus Christ. And through that perfect life, in spite of that perfect life, he was put to death anyway, the just for the unjust. And he atoned for the punishment that we were due. He died the death that we deserve, and he conquered death for all those who believe. Our eternal life with him is by faith in his finished work alone. And all that came alive to me. And not only that, but the people in scripture came alive to me as well. It was no longer letters on a page. It was people in real life. From that moment I had a strong desire to, show people what I was seeing when I read the Bible and to illustrate these accounts we find in in history to show that these are real people.

    When you paint that vividly and you see them as real, that's a proper hermeneutic. Hermeneutics is how you study the Bible, and a proper hermeneutic is you start with the text. Who was the writer? Who was the audience? What did the word mean to these people in that time? Then once you have that fleshed out, then you see the true meaning of the text.

    Then from that point, you see how it applies to you. 

    There's a lot of scripture in the film, but this is a tool, which the homiletics is preaching essentially. And I mean, just a pastor would prepare a sermon and you dig from the text and then you set the context in the world so that people better understand the text of scripture. That's what I'm trying to do with this film.

    Not everything in the film is scripture, so lemme be clear about that. So this isn't supposed to be a replacement for scripture at all. This is not, you don't go see this movie and think you got your Bible time in for the day. You want to go home and dig into the word. But I know there are many things in this film that are touching on, not only with Abraham's trial and his testing of faith, but for the first time ever, I think there is a richness that is given to Sarah's struggle with infertility and as she works her way to the birth of Isaac . That will resonate differently than, Abraham's story will resonate with people. And so the Lord will use it just like our own testimonies, right? We bear witness of how the Lord has brought us from death to life. And there's different parts of our testimony that the Lord will use in shining that light or sparking that spark in people's lives.

    So yes, so I can see the film being used in that regard, and I think it already,

    As far as local churches going to see this film and giving talking points, especially even now during Easter, because you know so many of us, we like to invite our lost friends and family to church on Easter.

    But there are those that won't even go to church on Easter, but they'll go see a movie. And so what that'll do is you're able to then have those discussions with your lost friends and family and, and be able to talk about what the Lord was doing in Abraham's life and, and what that means for us today. It's not for entertainment primarily, it's for eternal.

    The Lord's perfect timing in having it come out right now, in Easter. I was actually praying for an Easter release.

    If you haven't entered into that relationship with Christ, if you're not covered by his righteousness, by his finished work, and you know that you can't cut it, you can't do it. So the Lord himself did it. Christ did it. He lived the perfect life. He went and died to death that you rightly deserve. And in the proof that atoning work was sufficient before the father is, he's risen from the grave.

    And so all we need to do is put our faith in that. And what we put our faith in that, yes, his work is finished. I now can stand before the Lord, before the throne blameless because it's his righteousness that covers me. When you put your faith in that. Then we love him and if we love him, then we keep his commandments.

    We are saved to good works. We are not saved by good works. You wanna be careful you don't flip down on its head. So if you haven't put your faith in Christ, then do that now. This life is hard and it's difficult. We have to consider the amount of affliction that Christ, the only innocent one went through. Otherwise, we become weary in our own affliction.

    We're called to do hard things and in the hard things we see that Christ's Grace is sufficient. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. 

    Tina: So how can people access all the resources available along with the movie and how can they find theaters to invite their friends and family members and their church community to go visit those theaters to see the movie this weekend?

    David: If you go to angel.com/son, you can get your tickets there. You type in your zip code, it'll show you where it's playing near you, and. It's cool because Angel Studios actually came up with brand-new technology. Technology that they've been using for The Chosen to get The Chosen out to over a hundred million people around the world for free.

    Their pay-it-forward model that people pay for The Chosen so that it stays free for other people that can't afford it. I know it's a hard time economically for all of us, including me.

    There are many families that can't afford to go to the movies ever. And I think the last time I checked as of yesterday, there had been, already 16,000 tickets that have been purchased through Pay it Forward so that people can take their families to go and see His Only Son in theaters if they can't even afford it.

    And so if you wanna get tickets or pay it forward for others so that others that can't afford it can go see it in Easter, you go to angel.com.  I think there are resources for churches and things like that at hisonlysonmovie.com. You might be able to see that also on angel.com/son. 

    Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus

    Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus
    Our guest for episode #310 is filmmaker Chris White about his new film, Electric Jesus.

    CHRIS WHITE has written and directed three micro-budget features: showbiz comedy CINEMA PURGATORIO (2014, co-writer, director, actor), and broken family dramas GET BETTER (2012, co-writer, co-director, actor) and TAKEN IN (2011, writer, director). He co-wrote the screenplay for SIX LA LOVE STORIES (2016), and has written and directed for the multi-award-winning, web series phenomenon, Star Trek Continues. White has write-directed many acclaimed short films-collecting his most recent for a 5-film, "southern gothic comedy" anthology called UNBECOMING (2016, writer, director).

    About his fantastic new movie, Electric Jesus, Chris writes:

    "I was raised by devout Southern Baptist parents and fully immersed in (and committed to) Evangelical Christian youth culture—which included Sunday School, Bible studies, summer camps, retreats, choir tours, ski trips—all of it set to an ‘80s Christian rock soundtrack.

    This immersive religious culture is difficult to explain to many of my friends today—but it’s even more difficult to explain why I loved it. The fact that something so alien to most of the world is so vivid in my memory...and kind of embarrassing to talk about now... It makes me feel odd.

    Just listen to a Christian hair metal anthem of the era—let’s say Stryper’s “To Hell With the Devil”—and you’ll start to understand. Honestly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I revisit that time in my mind, but either way, there’s no looking away.

    Turns out, my Christian friends and I were a lot more like all of you than I’d thought. Who can’t relate to being young and wistful, devoted to a big unifying idea…and in love? Who doesn’t remember the moment or the moments when you saw your youth, your naiveté...your hope slip away?

    We’ve all been young. We’ve all had plans and dreams and loves that didn’t work out the way we’d hoped. And from time to time, we think about it. We remember.

    ELECTRIC JESUS was born out of years of looking back, reconstructing, re-discovering moments and memories I’d long since left behind that suddenly fascinated me. I missed being a Christian youth group kid. I missed the certainty, the comfort…I missed Jesus.

    But then, as I wrote and eventually as we shot the film, a bigger revelation came to me. I’d been operating under the illusion that my churchy teen years were all about me—that I’d been the sole protagonist in an origin story about me…that coming of age was something that happened to me, while everyone else was just kinda along for the ride...my co-stars.

    So that’s what ELECTRIC JESUS came to be about to me: believing in something so much it all gets too big to fail, all the while completely missing the existentially huge story that’s happening right under your nose. And only being able to realize that several decades later when it’s too late to do it over."

    Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus

    Episode 310- Chris White: Electric Jesus
    Our guest for episode #310 is filmmaker Chris White about his new film, Electric Jesus.

    CHRIS WHITE has written and directed three micro-budget features: showbiz comedy CINEMA PURGATORIO (2014, co-writer, director, actor), and broken family dramas GET BETTER (2012, co-writer, co-director, actor) and TAKEN IN (2011, writer, director). He co-wrote the screenplay for SIX LA LOVE STORIES (2016), and has written and directed for the multi-award-winning, web series phenomenon, Star Trek Continues. White has write-directed many acclaimed short films-collecting his most recent for a 5-film, "southern gothic comedy" anthology called UNBECOMING (2016, writer, director).

    About his fantastic new movie, Electric Jesus, Chris writes:

    "I was raised by devout Southern Baptist parents and fully immersed in (and committed to) Evangelical Christian youth culture—which included Sunday School, Bible studies, summer camps, retreats, choir tours, ski trips—all of it set to an ‘80s Christian rock soundtrack.

    This immersive religious culture is difficult to explain to many of my friends today—but it’s even more difficult to explain why I loved it. The fact that something so alien to most of the world is so vivid in my memory...and kind of embarrassing to talk about now... It makes me feel odd.

    Just listen to a Christian hair metal anthem of the era—let’s say Stryper’s “To Hell With the Devil”—and you’ll start to understand. Honestly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I revisit that time in my mind, but either way, there’s no looking away.

    Turns out, my Christian friends and I were a lot more like all of you than I’d thought. Who can’t relate to being young and wistful, devoted to a big unifying idea…and in love? Who doesn’t remember the moment or the moments when you saw your youth, your naiveté...your hope slip away?

    We’ve all been young. We’ve all had plans and dreams and loves that didn’t work out the way we’d hoped. And from time to time, we think about it. We remember.

    ELECTRIC JESUS was born out of years of looking back, reconstructing, re-discovering moments and memories I’d long since left behind that suddenly fascinated me. I missed being a Christian youth group kid. I missed the certainty, the comfort…I missed Jesus.

    But then, as I wrote and eventually as we shot the film, a bigger revelation came to me. I’d been operating under the illusion that my churchy teen years were all about me—that I’d been the sole protagonist in an origin story about me…that coming of age was something that happened to me, while everyone else was just kinda along for the ride...my co-stars.

    So that’s what ELECTRIC JESUS came to be about to me: believing in something so much it all gets too big to fail, all the while completely missing the existentially huge story that’s happening right under your nose. And only being able to realize that several decades later when it’s too late to do it over."

    Episode 110 - "Brick Madness" with Justin McAleece

    Episode 110 - "Brick Madness" with Justin McAleece

    What started as a dare to make a movie that would take very little time to finish, became an 11 year journey from script to screen. Making the mockumentary took a group of dedicated friends pitching in, and unwittingly allowing filming in their homes, using personal credit cards to cover expenses, and hiring a number of background actors. Director Justin McAleece takes us through the making of "Brick Madness." 

    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 77 / Brian Landis Folkins

    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 77 / Brian Landis Folkins
    The BLF, Brian Landis Folkins joins us for episode 77 to discuss his new film 'Rent-A-Pal out now on IFC https://www.rentapal.movie/

    Brain stops in to discuss his most recent film 'Rent-A-Pal' a Thriller based in the 90's, Brian stars as David a lonely bachelor, worn out from caring for his elderly mother. While seeking a partner through a video dating service, he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal... BLF talks about his journey into acting began and the places it's taken him along the way.

    This was a great conversation we really enjoyed connecting with Brain and appreciated his insight on what it takes to get yourself into character for a role for a Thriller like Rent-A-Pal.

    Stay Connected!!!
    Rent-A-Pal Clip https://youtu.be/U3RN6WnCB0Y
    Rent-A-Pal IFC https://www.rentapal.movie/
    The BLF https://brianlandisfolkins.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/theblf?lang=en
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brianlandisfolkins/
    IMBD https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1870529/?ref_=m_nv_sr_2
    Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user1511035
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheBLF

    The Airey Bros.
    IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/

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    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 77 / Brian Landis Folkins

    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 77 / Brian Landis Folkins
    The BLF, Brian Landis Folkins joins us for episode 77 to discuss his new film 'Rent-A-Pal out now on IFC https://www.rentapal.movie/

    Brain stops in to discuss his most recent film 'Rent-A-Pal' a Thriller based in the 90's, Brian stars as David a lonely bachelor, worn out from caring for his elderly mother. While seeking a partner through a video dating service, he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal... BLF talks about his journey into acting began and the places it's taken him along the way.

    This was a great conversation we really enjoyed connecting with Brain and appreciated his insight on what it takes to get yourself into character for a role for a Thriller like Rent-A-Pal.

    Stay Connected!!!
    Rent-A-Pal Clip https://youtu.be/U3RN6WnCB0Y
    Rent-A-Pal IFC https://www.rentapal.movie/
    The BLF https://brianlandisfolkins.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/theblf?lang=en
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brianlandisfolkins/
    IMBD https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1870529/?ref_=m_nv_sr_2
    Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user1511035
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheBLF

    The Airey Bros.
    IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/

    Handmade in Longmont, Colorado, 42% of every Honey Bunchies Gourmet Honey Bar is pure honey with peanuts, pecans and sunflower kernels. Our bar contains simple, clean ingredients and are gluten-free, grain-free and soy-free. A perfect salty-sweet combination packed with all-natural energy that will make your tastebuds jump for joy! Use ABR1512 at check out for 10% off your next order https://honeybunchies.com/

    Do you enjoy a well made pour over but don't have the time for set up, brew time and clean up? Check out Mount Hagen Coffee. Organic, Fair Trade, instant, freeze dried.

    Have you tried Keto Soups from Kettle and Fire they are delicious and they are essential for any ultra marathon crew. Don't get stuck using powdered broths and top ramen at your next ultra, use Kettle and Fire, you won't regret it. Order now and save up 30% on your order


    People always ask us about supplements my answers vary from time to time with what using at any given moment but one constant since 2013 has been Cordyceps Mushrooms from Onnit. Shroom TECH Sport helps you turn up your training volume. Whether you’re a recreational exerciser or a dedicated athlete, this means MORE: reps, circuits, miles, laps, more of the hard work you love to hate. Best of all, Shroom TECH Sport delivers improved performance all without the use of stimulants like caffeine. It's designed to be used before exercise or for a daily energy boost.


    The Man in Camo

    The Man in Camo

    From paper mache art objects that turn into entire cities, to zines and even a new film, Ethan Minsker is a non-stoppable creator, residing in New York and making the best of the current times and his endless creative energy. 

    On this episode of Red Transmissions, we discuss his creative process, the challenges and influences, ideas and dreams that lead him to be so productive. Ethan resides in the LES of New York, and from there, he invites you to check out his new film "The Man in Camo", and follow his work at: 


    Places to rent or buy the film 

    ARTiculation Radio — PLAYING ON THE BIG SCREENS (interview w/ Filmmaker Taylor Ri’chard)

    ARTiculation Radio — PLAYING ON THE BIG SCREENS (interview w/ Filmmaker Taylor Ri’chard)


    Listen anytime Tuesday (05/19/20) or thereafter to this episode of ARTICULATION RADIO (www.ArticulationMedia.Club) where you can enjoy music from indie artists from around the world including Erika Johnson and Jy-Quvius J. DeMyers Sutton. You can also listen to Goddess Sage talk with Actor/Director Taylor Ri’chard about a little of everything including his non-profit organization and film production company📽🎞💽



    Make it a habit to listen to ARTICULATION RADIO (www.ArticulationMedia.Club) to hear news headlines, indie music, inspiring interviews, and candid commentary from proven Doers and established Moves Makers every week.🎧




    Episode 15: Ethan made two mistakes

    Episode 15: Ethan made two mistakes
    This episode we're joined by your Favorite Guests Jake and Cole, where we mess up the whole episode intro, talk on Corporate twitters, how PR is a nightmare, Jake talks about Wataburger, Ethan attempts to fight Arkansas, Ethan gets bullied by Cole, the skittles yogurt boy, sad sunny D and then a movie about a man that's, Invisible? later in the show we're joined by return guests Avery and Parker.

    Cruisin' the Planet is a casual show run by the problem child of the station and we can't stop him. What is to happen? Who can say? listen in.

    Cruisin' the Planet podcast is the audio taken from a Youtube Live show of the same name, If you'd like to interact with the show or listen live, follow us on our socials or subscribe to the Youtube channel.

    Twitter- @theplanet1007
    Insta- @theplanet100.7

    Episode 15: Ethan made two mistakes

    Episode 15: Ethan made two mistakes
    This episode we're joined by your Favorite Guests Jake and Cole, where we mess up the whole episode intro, talk on Corporate twitters, how PR is a nightmare, Jake talks about Wataburger, Ethan attempts to fight Arkansas, Ethan gets bullied by Cole, the skittles yogurt boy, sad sunny D and then a movie about a man that's, Invisible? later in the show we're joined by return guests Avery and Parker.

    Cruisin' the Planet is a casual show run by the problem child of the station and we can't stop him. What is to happen? Who can say? listen in.

    Cruisin' the Planet podcast is the audio taken from a Youtube Live show of the same name, If you'd like to interact with the show or listen live, follow us on our socials or subscribe to the Youtube channel.

    Twitter- @theplanet1007
    Insta- @theplanet100.7

    Episode 7: Bollywood and the Travel Industry

    Episode 7: Bollywood and the Travel Industry
    On this episode of Design Your Life Ruby Bhandari welcomes Victor Abraham Chief Executive Officer and President of The Skypass Group, which includes Skypass Travel, Skypass Entertainment, Skypass Hospitality and Skylife Sucess.
    As a pioneer in the Texas South Asian travel scene, Victor has a wealth of knowledge in the business and we're thrilled to hear all about his journey and about his impact in the community.

    If you'd like to learn more about Victor, please visit:

    ARTiculation Radio Show - ARRIVING SOONER THAN EXPECTED (Interview with Author William Turner)

    ARTiculation Radio Show - ARRIVING SOONER THAN EXPECTED (Interview with Author William Turner)


    Listen Wednesday (04/10/19) to another episode of ARTICULATION RADIO (www.ArticulationMedia.Club) to hear music from indie artists from around the world, and listen to Goddess Sage’s interview with Author William Turner about his second crime novel, DEATH COMES FOR THE PRESIDENT, and its upcoming movie.📚📽


    Make it a habit to listen to ARTICULATION RADIO (www.ArticulationMedia.Club) to hear news headlines, indie music, inspiring interviews, and candid commentary from proven Doers and established Moves Makers every week.🎼


