

    Explore " nourished" with insightful episodes like "How You Can Balance Your Hormones By Understanding Nutrition, Stress, Sleep & Exercise", "Macros Vs. Intuitive Eating — Which One is Right For You?", "Cycle Syncing — How To Use Your Menstruation Cycle To Achieve Your Weight Loss, Fitness and Health Goals", "Choose Your Hard- Health or Disease" and "How A Busy Single Mom and CEO Lost 80 lbs During The Pandemic and Turned Her Health Around" from podcasts like ""The Empowered Feminine With Ciara Foy", "The Empowered Feminine With Ciara Foy", "The Empowered Feminine With Ciara Foy", "The Empowered Feminine With Ciara Foy" and "The Empowered Feminine With Ciara Foy"" and more!

    Episodes (60)

    How You Can Balance Your Hormones By Understanding Nutrition, Stress, Sleep & Exercise

    How You Can Balance Your Hormones By Understanding Nutrition, Stress, Sleep & Exercise

    This week, Ciara dives into a deeper look at how she provides an experienced and thorough approach when working with her clients. Instead of just guessing at what to eat, when to eat it, and foods to add in or take away, it is important that you become clear on what is happening with your hormones, and what personalized approach would work best for you. Ciara talks about the DUTCH test and gives a few examples of specific recommendations she would give to her clients based on their symptoms. She explains why she doesn’t do recipes or meal plans but really teaches her clients how to eat for their own situation to balance their blood sugar, manage weight, and reach new levels of health.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • How Ciara works with her clients based on her experience, their symptoms, and the DUTCH comprehensive hormone test to make recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes.
    • The importance of good sleep for body repair, healthy melatonin levels, and insulin sensitivity.
    • How sleep impacts our hormones and why it’s important to not eat too close before going to bed.
    • All of it matters — how much you are eating, what you are eating, and when you are eating it.
    • Ciara doesn’t do specific meal plans but works with each client so they get a personalized road map of how to start making small changes for big results.
    • More about the 10 Day Detox that helps to eliminate inflammatory foods and repair gut health and balance blood sugar.
    • When you work with Ciara, you also learn how to make sure you include enough protein in your meals and get a feel for when to have certain types of carbs and starches based on your energy levels and goals.

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    Hormone Solution

    Macros Vs. Intuitive Eating — Which One is Right For You?

    Macros Vs. Intuitive Eating — Which One is Right For You?

    This week, Ciara discusses a topic she gets asked about regularly: “Is the macro diet right for me?” First, she breaks down what macronutrient eating is, why it can be beneficial for some people, and who it may not be right for. Ciara also talks about why a calorie is not just a calorie, the alternative option of intuitive eating instead of a macro diet, and how both can affect the most important aspect of your health, balancing your blood sugar and controlling your insulin. For those that are interested in a macro-based program, there are some tips and tricks that can help you stay committed and focused, but it’s important to remember, the best program is going to be the one that feels good and that you do consistently.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • It’s important to look at the quality and processing of food, not just calories in, calories out.
    • If you do not balance your blood sugar, you can not balance any of the hormones in your body.
    • Balancing blood sugar is the most foundational step you need to take in order to lose weight and reverse diabetes.
    • How our body responds with inflammation when we eat canola, soy oil, and other highly processed foods and additives.
    • How you sleep, move, and mitigate stress are also huge factors in maintaining your health.
    • Just losing weight isn’t going to balance your hormones and reverse disease.
    • Health is not a one size fits all approach, and there is not just one way to meet your goals.
    • Ciara’s program offers a full health intake and clinical evaluation so she can really understand what is going on and then offer support on top of that.
    • The 10 Day Detox will also help you reset your eaten patterns to provide a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs that helps your body run more efficiently.
    • Why it’s important to make half your plate at every meal consist of non-starchy or leafy green plants, but also to make sure you get enough protein.
    • Who a macro diet may not be for.
    • The hard part about transforming your life and taking back your health is your mindset and coming to your health from a different perspective.
    • It’s important to look at what works for you. If you have tried macros and it didn’t work for you that doesn’t mean you are a failure.

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    Hormone Solution

    Cycle Syncing — How To Use Your Menstruation Cycle To Achieve Your Weight Loss, Fitness and Health Goals

    Cycle Syncing — How To Use Your Menstruation Cycle To Achieve Your Weight Loss, Fitness and Health Goals

    Have you ever felt totally great and energetic, your diet plan is on point, and then your period comes along and seems to derail everything? If so, you aren’t alone and there is no need to beat yourself up — but you do need to get clear on the information Ciara puts out this week. Ciara shares a video from her Hormone Solution program all about the menstrual cycle. She breaks down each cycle and how it can affect our mood, diet, and energy level, and how we can use this knowledge to navigate it with what our body really needs. The more you understand the different cycles and how to use foods and movement to nurture them, the more you can flow with nature and your natural rhythms and not against them.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • The different phases of your cycle including menstruation, the follicular phase, proliferative phase, Ovulation, the luteal phase, and the secretory phase.
    • Why it’s important to track your cycles each month to gather as much data as possible.
    • How your hormones fluctuate during your cycles, and what that can mean for your diet, sleep, and exercise.
    • The average length for a period, and how to also use pain and flow as a barometer for health.
    • What very painful cramps can be telling you about your body, and how to reduce inflammation.
    • What types of foods your body craves most depending on each phase of the cycle.
    • Some ideas for starchy foods, and which ones Ciara makes for herself each month.
    • How long and intense your exercise should be about where you are in your cycle.
    • Why our nutrition plans are harder to stick with during a certain time of the month, and what to do about it.
    • How to get your body out of survival / fat storage mode.


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    Hormone Solution

    Article about the US Soccer Team

    Choose Your Hard- Health or Disease

    Choose Your Hard- Health or Disease

    Ciara got such a great response from last week’s episode with Trish, the single busy mother who took a year to get her health and mindset straight, lost over 80 lbs and found her motivation, drive, and inner strength in the process. The comments and emails were overflowing with gratitude for sharing Trish’s story, and one common takeaway - in order to really make progress and get healthy - we need to put ourselves first and really get accountable on our habits and daily choices. This week, Ciara talks about choosing your hard, and how eating right and moving your body may seem hard, but the consequences of what happens when you don’t are so much more serious and complicated. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    •  A lot of people have many reasons why they can’t do something. They are too busy, other people need them, not enough time, etc. Ask yourself, are the things you are fighting for aligned with your goals or self love? 
    • Ciara discusses the concept of “hard” when it comes to eating right and taking care of yourself, and how what is really hard is the consequences that come with illness, lack of energy, and even more serious outcomes. 
    • When you don’t abandon yourself and your values for what others want or expect,, you gain more respect and trust in yourself. 
    • Trish was a great example of choosing her hard. She pushed her body and sacrificed eating processed foods, but she realized it was even harder risking not being there for her child. 
    • When things are tough, that is not the time to abandon ourselves. That is the time to dig in. 
    • Everything is a choice. The limiting beliefs that are the things stopping you from your goals are usually just stories we tell ourselves, and the things you think are hard are a drop in the bucket compared to the things that can happen if you don’t take consistent and continuous steps to take full responsibility for your health. 
    • The things you think are hard in life are nothing compared to losing your health. Nothing is harder than disease. 
    • It is not a question of IF we will get sick if we don’t take care of ourselves, rather it is when will those things come?

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    How a Busy Single Mom and CEO Lost 80 LBS During The Pandemic and Turned Her Health Around 

    How A Busy Single Mom and CEO Lost 80 lbs During The Pandemic and Turned Her Health Around

    How A Busy Single Mom and CEO Lost 80 lbs During The Pandemic and Turned Her Health Around

    This week features a real and raw conversation with an amazing woman who not only lost 80lbs in one year, but completely reinvested himself. Trish had a health scare that showed her that she wanted to live a different way, and step by step, every day, she followed that path. Now, she looks like a living, breathing fountain of youth and is an example to women everywhere that it is possible. Trish talks with Ciara about the amazing ways her life opened up when she decided to take control of her life, how she prepares her healthy diet to include enough protein as a busy single mother and career woman, and the benefits of working with a transformation coach. Trish is always on a mission to see how good it can get, and she’s not stopping anytime soon. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    •  The life altering event that caused Trish to really think about her “why” and led her to shift her habits on a consistent basis and put her health and wellness first. 
    • If Trish makes time for a clean diet and exercise as a single mom and busy entrepreneur - so can you! 
    • Trish shares some of her tips for success when traveling and being on the go so you can still win the day. 
    • If we don’t listen to the little nudges our body is sending us, we will have to make time for our illness. 
    • It seems as though taking care of yourself will take so much time, but really, it frees up time and gives us more energy to be a better mother, friend, leader, etc. 
    • Excess weight doesn’t always have to be about someone just eating more. Oftentimes weight can be a barrier and protection mechanism. 
    • Start where you are. Trish may be extremely disciplined and detail oriented, but even just committing to walking more or lessening processed foods is a great start. 
    • Trish’s journey of hiring a transformation coach, and why it’s crucial to pick the coach that is right for you and then really apply what they are telling you. 
    • Trish and Ciara discuss the importance of getting enough protein, along with feeding your muscle and metabolism, it is anti-aging and won’t make you turn into a bulky bodybuilder despite what others may say. 
    • Trish focused more on what her body could do rather than a number on the scale or a pants size. 

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    The Big Leap  

    Brene Brown 

    Empowered By Food 

    The Desire Factor with Mindset Expert Christy Whitman

    The Desire Factor with Mindset Expert Christy Whitman

    This week, Ciara welcomes Christy Whitman, New York Times Best Selling Author, teacher, coach, and channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy talks about her new book, The Desire Factor, and how she wrote it with the intention to spark a shift in the consciousness of the reader, and to help them go inward to process their emotions so they could align with their highest potential and be a match for all the abundance waiting for them in their highest vibration. Ciara and Christy also talk about feeling the “bad” emotions to get to the good, some practical tips to become more present and grounded today, and how happiness and joy are almost always our choice, despite what the external environment may temporarily look like. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Our thoughts and words are so powerful, and they create a mind / body response that attracts things to (and away!) from us.  
    • Christy’s resources and tools to show people how we can positively impact our mental health no matter what is happening in the external world, including her new book The Desire Factor. 
    • When we feel our emotions rather than suppress them, it frees us up. 
    • How Christy went from having everything she thought she wanted and a perfect life on paper to really digging into her conscious spiritual journey, that led her to now be one of the most prominent and well known voices in spirituality and wellness. 
    • Christy’s own story of meeting one of her mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and how it was a direct result of her taking responsibility and shifting her own energy. 
    • How we can turn it all around, even when we are feeling stuck and hopeless. 
    • Whatever you focus on is what you are going to get more of. 
    • It’s not about what’s happening outside of us, it’s about our reaction to it. 
    • The three questions that can ask yourself that will change your life.
    • How to set yourself up to be a vibrational match for what you desire by already feeling as though you have it. 

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    Christy Whitman | Instagram | The Desire Factor 

    Finally Beat Self-Sabotage and Achieve Anything With This Mindset Shift

    Finally Beat Self-Sabotage and Achieve Anything With This Mindset Shift

    Ciara reflects upon a recent post of hers that brought up a lot of emotion for others, and wanted to bring it here for an open and honest discussion. It’s always important to take responsibility for your life and your actions, but now more than ever, the world is calling on you to take full accountability for your health and circumstances. It’s tough, and not an easy path, but Ciara discusses self care and growth tools to make it a part of your daily habit. She talks about why we feel resistance and sabotage ourselves right when it feels like big change is around the corner, and how to finally move forward. This is the time to get stronger, by putting one step in front of the other. You aren’t alone. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    •  This is an opportunity to let go of the stories keeping you stuck.
    • If you are someone that has been struggling, the number one thing you can do is to take responsibility. 
    • The truth may be harsh, but if you want to continue to blame outside sources, you have no ability to change and move forward.
    • When you develop internal self love and trust, you are able to cultivate it on your own despite the external circumstances. 
    •  The only person that gets in your way is often us. 
    • No matter what is going on in life, there are always gifts to be found. 
    • Journaling is a great way to hold up a mirror to yourself and see how you are showing up and what that is ultimately attracting. 
    • It’s important to take time for introspection. 
    • If you want to change things, you have to accept that you will feel resistance. It doesn’t mean that you should quit. 
    • You have the tools and the power, and your voice matters. You can change your life. 
    • When we hold on to these emotions without observing and processing them, we cause trauma and tend to self-medicine in many different ways, including with food.  

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    Instagram Post  

    Busting The Myths About Protein And How It Helps Us with Hormone Balance, Insulin Resistance, Satiety, Aging Well and Much More

    Busting The Myths About Protein And How It Helps Us with Hormone Balance, Insulin Resistance, Satiety, Aging Well and Much More

    This week Ciara talks about something super important that is one of the pillars of health and hormonal balance - protein. She shares why protein is her favorite macronutrient, and the truth behind the fear mongering and misinformation out there, making women miss out on this vital piece of information that they should be focusing on. Ciara talks about why we need more protein as we get older, why she doesn’t recommend Keto for perimenopausal or menopausal women and gives some tips to get more protein in your diet. She discusses the role protein plays in a healthy insulin response, lowering inflammation, and supporting our lean muscle mass. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Why protein gets such a bad rap, and some truth behind the myths and misconceptions. 
    • Eating protein does not automatically mean you are going to gain muscle and start to look like a bodybuilder. In fact, we start losing about 1% of our muscle mass per year starting at around age 30, so it’s critical to keep active and your muscle mass up. 
    • We focus so much on fat loss and eating less, when the real conversation should be more about increasing our muscle mass and finding ways to get high quality and clean protein in our systems. 
    • Protein is not going to put on muscle - you have to work it and do resistance training in order to break it down and build it up. 
    • Why you need even more protein if you’re sedentary! 
    • As women, if you want to age gracefully and keep the belly fat down, getting enough protein is a critical component of our nutrition choices. 
    • Your body composition has a huge impact on your risk of diabetes and many other degenerative diseases.
    • Getting enough protein starts at breakfast, Ciara shares some ideas on how to get that 30g in your first meal of the day. 
    • Protein is even more critical because we are so sedentary right now during the pandemic. 
    • Getting enough protein doesn’t mean you skip plants and eat like a caveman!  Ciara always recommends at least half your plate consists of plants!

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    The DUTCH Hormone Test, What it Is, How To Get It, and Why It Could Positively Impact Your Health

    The DUTCH Hormone Test, What it Is, How To Get It, and Why It Could Positively Impact Your Health

    Ciara gets a ton of messages from women asking whether or not you really need to work with a practitioner when taking the DUTCH test, so she takes the opportunity this week to dive into all things DUTCH test. She talks about her process for understanding the nuances of the test, why it’s such a game changer when it comes to a holistic view of health and really understanding what’s happening with your body, and what types of things the DUTCH test can measure. She also breaks down the analysis behind understanding the DUTCH test results, and why it’s so important to work with someone to hold you accountable rather than just getting the test and doing it on your own. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • What the DUTCH test is - Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones, and what makes it unique. 
    • Why the DUTCH test is such a game changer in testing hormone and gut health, and treating symptoms from the root cause. 
    • Why it’s important to work with a practitioner when taking the DUTCH test, as Ciara explains that a deeper look is sometimes needed to understand why certain symptoms are occuring in congruence to the test results. 
    • After doing over 100 tests with clients, Ciara sees that every test is different, which is why it takes a skilled practitioner to review the test to best understand the information and next course of action.
    • The second eye Ciara uses when reviewing her client’s DUTCH test results. 
    • In addition to understanding hormones, the DUTCH test also gives us a look at 24 hour cortisol patterns to see how the body responds to stress, the metabolic pathways, B12,  glutathione and much more.  
    • What things may be better off tested from a urine test rather than a blood serum test. 
    • Many symptoms overlap from different conditions, and the DUTCH test helps delineate why certain things are happening and which protocols will have the best results. 
    • In addition to the symptomatology, we are really understanding why you are having the symptoms and where you need to adjust. 
    • Lack of information is not where people stumble, it’s about having support and accountability. 

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    DUTCH Test 

    What I learned By Failing the #75hardchallenge

    What I learned By Failing the #75hardchallenge

    Ciara gets brutally honest this week and admits something she often tells her clients not to do. She broke a promise. After announcing to herself and her clients that she would be doing the 75 HARD Challenge, she only did the program for a week. In this episode, she explains why she cut the program short, and how our goals should ultimately align with our values and integrity. Our body is amazing and has an extraordinary way of knowing intuitively when something may not be our highest calling, and it definitely can act accordingly to slow us down or make us change our path. Ciara explores why a positive mindset and consistency are important to meet our goals, but also how feminine energy honors our choices rather than forcing them. Listen in!

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • So many people set themselves up for failure when they really don’t want to do something, and Ciara wants that to stop! There is a difference between resistance to a goal you really want and truly not wanting to do something.
    • It’s important to be able to tune into your intuition to try and listen. The more you embrace feminine energy, the more you can honor your body and make choices that are aligned with feeling good.
    • Ciara explains what the 75 Hard Challenge is, what made her decide to do it, and then how she ultimately knew it wasn’t the right fit for her to do it.
    • Ciara talks about turning 40 and seeing how her consistency rather than goal setting got her to be in the best shape she’s ever been, and how you too can be unwavering about making progress towards feeling great instead of a set weight loss number or body composition goal.
    • It’s not sustainable when we feel as though we are depriving ourselves. If you can’t or are not allowed to do something, that is something you will always want to fight and rebel against.
    • If you are finding it hard to keep up with health and fitness during a pandemic — yes, it is — give yourself permission to observe that, but find ways to keep your integrity and accountability.
    • Ask yourself who you want to be, and make small steps every day in alignment with that identity.
    • Data isn’t a “pass” or “fail” or even something that tells us if we are “good” or “bad”. It’s information that can help us overcome challenges, redirect our actions, or even show us that we are on the right path.

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    75 Hard Challenge

    Amanda Moxley

    Dan Martell 

    What Are You Really Hungry For with Kiki Athanas

    What Are You Really Hungry For with Kiki Athanas

    Kiki Athanas knows that a solid relationship with our own mind, body, and soul is so much more important than being “perfect” when it comes to healthy eating. This self described “Ex-Perfectionist” talks with Ciara about how she finally turned around her relationship with food after trying almost every diet and eating fad out there. Now, she coaches and guides busy and powerful women to change their mindset when it comes to food and to really use their intuition to find what works best for their bodies. Kiki and Ciara also share some tips on being more mindful when eating, freedom from emotional eating, and where to begin even if you feel far away from optimal health. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • How to begin to create a better relationship between yourself and food. 
    • When we try to be “perfect” about our eating and our diet, it can turn unhealthy and become an obsession. The real power is within the flow of knowing we have a choice to pick what foods make you feel great. 
    • Kiki shares how she used the technique of mBraining to connect her heart, brain, and gut to all be working in tandem with each other instead of being out of sync. 
    • It’s usually never about the food itself, it’s more about the stored and blocked emotions that we use food to distract ourselves and push these uncomfortable feelings down. 
    • Kiki shares more about her 6-week collectives where she works with women to get into the flow of their feminine energy and really connect to their own bodies. 
    • Why hunger gets a bad rap! 
    • Intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating everything in sight just because it’s there, nor does it mean eating junk food non stop! 
    • Eating is simple and life is hard, but often we get the two backwards. 
    • The body loves and craves variety. The more diverse your microbiome, the healthier your immune system. 
    • When it comes to eating in a way that supports your health, you don’t need to learn something new, it’s a relearning of what you already know and carving out blockages so you can reconnect with what’s there. 
    • Food is one of the most abused drugs out there. 
    • Kiki and Ciara also help women build trust in themselves and see that they have their own back and can show up and be accountable for themselves instead of always putting others or their work first. 
    • Choosing to not eat something can absolutely come from a place of abundance. 
    • Three deep breaths to get you into coherence where your gut brains. 
    • Your body makes the rules and tells you, and it’s your job to pay attention. 
    • The poison is in the amount in the foods your body can not tolerate well. Once you heal you may be able to incorporate a small amount. Work with where you are. 
    • The more you are out there living your dream life, the less you will want to overeat. 

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    The Ex-Perfectionist 


    Study on how choice can bring brain back into balance 

    Kyla Fox Centre


    How Lockdowns Have Impacted Your Movement (not exercise) And Why It Is Having Such A Huge Impact On Your Health

    How Lockdowns Have Impacted Your Movement (not exercise) And Why It Is Having Such A Huge Impact On Your Health

    As we come upon the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, Ciara reflects on how the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have changed our life and impacted our health — not for the better. This is an important episode to listen to and share with loved ones, as Ciara gives crucial tips for getting in movement and keeping the body going even if your commute and daily habits have been drastically changed. She talks about NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and why we need it, how to get those walks in during your workday, and tools to set yourself up for success while working from home.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • We already had a health crisis prior to 2020, and now with everyone staying at home, ordering in food, and not out and about, this makes obesity and its consequences even more dire.
    • It is better to be active during the day with many smaller things than sedentary with just one hour of high-intensity exercise.
    • Why should you commit to getting in 10k steps a day, even if you have to build or get together to walk to right now.
    • NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is the energy expended from activities such as walking, working, typing, etc. Not high-intensity exercise or playing sports.
    • The little movements throughout our day also make up for the largest calorie expenditures of our day, so getting in that NEAT is crucial.
    • There are 3.2 million deaths each year due to physical inactivity.
    • Ciara gives great tips for getting in movement in your workday such as less sitting during Zoom meetings and more walk + talk calls, standing desks, and getting up every half hour or so.
    • Your walking is not the same as exercise. You need both.
    • Standing can lower your risk of serious health issues and increase your energy, productivity, boost your mood and metabolism.

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    Getting Unstuck, Weight Loss, and Loving the Journey - A Hormone Solution Transformation

    Getting Unstuck, Weight Loss, and Loving the Journey - A Hormone Solution Transformation

    This week, Ciara welcomes her former client Barbara to set an example of how The Hormone Solution can change your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Barbara talks about the night and day difference she sees in her emotional and physical health since she started the program in December 2019. She not only has lost weight but balanced her blood sugar, improved her relationships, and gained a whole new level of confidence. She opens up about how she finally decided to commit to her health, what challenges she overcame, and how she is now just enjoying the journey. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Why Ciara made the Get Unstuck Program the first tier of her program, and why it made the biggest impact on Barbara out of all the modules. 
    • How the Hormone Solution gave Barbara a level of confidence to go after all the things she wanted, including her passion for fashion blogging. 
    • Why Barbara decided to join The Hormone Solution in December 2019 and make a commitment to her health. 
    • Oftentimes we know what we need to do, but are stuck in our negative self stories and bad habits. 
    • Learning how to change your language is critical to navigating into what you want and a higher level of self mastery and self love. 
    • Barabara opens up about learning to trust herself and follow through with her non negotiables. 
    • How Barbara sets up her day to not only feel good, but enjoy the journey rather than just have it be the means to an end. 
    • Why it’s more important to rely on discipline rather than motivation. 
    • The challenges Barbara encountered during the beginning of the pandemic with her gym closing and how she overcame it. Even if you have a set back, you can gather yourself and begin the journey again.
    • Having a routine not only helps you stay on track but it gives you grounding, certainty, and comfort and those are things that we need right now. 
    • Some eating tips for counting your macros and making sure your plate is filled with enough protein and vegetables. 

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    How To Have It All Without Sacrificing Your Health

    How To Have It All Without Sacrificing Your Health

    Ciara welcomes Sarah Makhomet, a busy business woman, single mother, and health inspiration. While founding and building a multi-million dollar business and raising her child as a single parent, Sarah has always put a high price on health. This week, she shares her methods for taking impeccable care of herself, how her upbringing in the Soviet Union created a foundation for self care, and how to stay focused through the work at home orders due to the pandemic. Sarah is an example to all of us that health is actually our number one priority for a successful life, not something that should be sacrificed

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • As the founder of Dominion Lending Centres in Canada and a single mother, Sarah has a lot on her plate. If she finds a way to put a premium on health, so can you. 
    • If you have health as your value system, you can use it to propel yourself forward. 
    • You don’t have to sacrifice yourself and your health to reach your dreams. 
    • Sarah shares how she always has food on the go that keeps her feeling satiated and full. 
    • How to squeeze in some movement and exercise even during a 12 hour work day. 
    • How Sarah’s upbringing in Communist Ukraine and Soviet Union affected her view on taking care of herself and keeping healthy habits as part of her normal. 
    • When you create healthy habits early, it’s something that becomes part of your value system. 
    • We have to work for the things that are important to us. 
    • How to navigate the added stress from work from home orders due the pandemic and even have fun with showing your children that great health is of utmost importance. 
    • How Sarah manages her schedule as someone with major time constraints. 
    • Taking care of yourself is not an either or. If you want to work at a high level long term, you need to take care of yourself. 
    • Advice for setting up boundaries around your non negotiables, including sleep. 
    • Health is the #1 area of success in our life, even more than money or outside achievement. 

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    Dominion Lending Centres  

    How To Have Healthy Pain-Free Periods with Madeline McKinnen

    How To Have Healthy Pain-Free Periods with Madeline McKinnen

    It may feel as though you are destined to live with all the symptoms of your period and deal with the pain, but Ciara’s guest this week proves that is simply not the case. Madeline McKinnen is a nutrition consultant and women’s health coach who specializes in giving women current and practical info on holistic period pain relief and hormone balance. Madeline talks about her Period Pain Relief guide that provides a map on how specific changes in your diet can make a huge difference. She shares her own personal story about overcoming period pain, and her and Ciara talk about the difference between finding a coach and mentor vs. expecting to outsource your health.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • You aren’t alone if you have painful and debilitating periods, and there is help out there.
    • Madeline shares her own journey as a nutritionist that also had to put in the work to level up to overcome personal health struggles.
    • Madeline came up with a Period Pain Relief Guide after fixing her own issues and helping many women address their issues when it came to periods and their menstrual cycle.
    • The role that an anti-inflammatory diet has in setting a foundation for an easier and less symptomatic period.
    • Madeline talks about customized tests that help identify the core issues, but Ciara reminds us that tests won’t do the work for us, so make sure you are ready and willing to make some lifestyle changes.
    • Supplements can be very effective, but they need to be done in conjunction with making the appropriate nutrition and lifestyle choices.
    • Going for a walk first thing in the morning is a simple yet powerful practice.
    • The top three things Madeline cites as non-negotiables when it comes to period health.
    • The healing properties of vegetables on our overall health and also our periods.

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    Article on Reducing Death by 40% by eating more vegetables: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140331194030.htm

    Period Pain Relief Guide 

    Natural Hormone Healing


    Making Your Subconscious Work For You With Adele Tevlin

    Making Your Subconscious Work For You With Adele Tevlin

    Adele is a powerhouse woman with a background in nutrition, psychology, and therapy, and her signature program, THE CEO Blueprint, works with high level achievers to break through blocks and limiting beliefs. She joins Ciara to talk about the confidence, empathy, and opportunity pieces behind her program, and how every aspect of your life can be transformed when you heal core wounds and address issues at the root of your subconscious. She and Ciara also discuss two practical ways to begin setting an intention of leveling up, and grounding yourself into the present moment. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • The intention behind Adele’s signature program, the CEO Blueprint. C.E.O. stands for Confidence, Empathy, and Opportunity. 
    • Whether it feels like it at the time or not, Adele has had solid proof through her own path and the hundreds of women she has worked with that everything that happens in our life can be used as a catalyst for spiritual growth. 
    • It’s difficult to create sustainable changes on our own without coaching from others and work on our subconscious beliefs. 
    • Adele’s varied background including work as a professional nutritionist, psychologist, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, helps her work with her clients from a very supportive and holistic foundation. 
    • It’s when we work what’s really beneath the surface of our habits and patterns that lasting change and shifts can come about. 
    • Up to 90% of our day is created and navigated by patterns from our subconscious programming! 
    • It’s not selfish to take time for self care, it’s actually necessary and a selfless act.
    • Our brain is like an amazing computer that seeks out information to prove us right. 
    • Why humans tend to have the same common two core wounds - “I’m not worthy” and “I'm not good enough”, and what we can do about it. 
    • Whether you can or you can’t, you will be right either way. The first step towards seeing opportunity and manifesting is to pull away from fear. 

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    C.E.O Blueprint 



    The Reality of Losing Weight and Improving Hormone Health For Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women

    The Reality of Losing Weight and Improving Hormone Health For Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women

    There is a whole lot of BS in the belief system that so many women have when it comes to their bodies, and this week Ciara wants to set the record straight. She has had thousands of hours with women over the topic of weight, hormone health, and seeing results, and is here to make it easier and more effective for you. Even if you feel as though results aren’t possible or you are a lost cause, some pivotal pillars must be set into place consistently. Ciara talks about why women in menopause and perimenopause should be paying attention to their muscle mass, insulin sensitivity, and where they are holding weight. She gives a real pep talk about why you can’t outsource your health, and how a good coach is not always a cheerleader.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Although there are many shapes and sizes that represent a healthy body, it is important to look at where you hold on to weight.
    • For women, especially those in their 40’s and 50’s during menopause and perimenopause, extra abdominal weight can have a significant impact on hormone and immune health.
    • It’s up to you to take personal responsibility for your health. The external world may give you distractions and surprises, but the common denominator is you when it comes to implementing consistent action towards your health.
    • Knowledge is power, but none of it matters if you are not taking consistent action.
    • A good coach doesn’t always equal a cheerleader. The best ones hold up a mirror for you to really see your truth, and point out the cold hard truth of what you aren’t doing that could really make that extra difference.
    • When you are in perimenopause it can feel impossible to make any changes, but it’s not. It may be harder, but not impossible.
    • Muscle mass and increasing insulin sensitivity are also a huge part of your overall success.
    • Ciara’s 10-Day Detox is a fantastic way to reduce inflammation and balance blood sugar, but ultimately your dedication will determine your success.
    • It takes consistent action for a long period of time to see results.
    • You aren’t broken, and you have more control over your results than you most likely think.

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    How To Do It All, Stay in Your Brilliance, And Not Burn Out

    How To Do It All, Stay in Your Brilliance, And Not Burn Out

    This week Ciara welcomes former client and friend Renee Warren, author, speaker, coach and founder of the We Wild Women community and Into the Wild podcast. As a super busy professional, wife and mother, and passionate woman, Renee knows firsthand the importance of building practices that promote self care and health rather than burnout. She talks with Ciara about recognizing her own burnout, advocating for ourselves when overcoming a health challenge, and how to be even more productive while taking care of your mind, body, and spirit. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    •  The importance of finding a good coach or mentor who has done what you are trying to do before, and can easily show the path. 
    • Renee has always been an active go-getter, and her responsibilities ramped up even more when she had Irish twins and launched her business in the same year. 
    • How to recognize when your body is heading into burnout mode, and what to do. 
    • The importance of advocating for yourself, even if it means pushing the envelope or getting a second opinion. Renee shares a story of how she did this with her iron deficiency after she was getting worse and needed a change fast. 
    • Just eating healthy doesn’t mean we are bulletproof. It’s also about managing our stress level and lifestyle on a consistent basis.
    • Renee shares her strategy for running a VERY busy household and supportive marriage. 
    • With food it’s not enough to eat healthy. Level of stress and lifestyle. 
    • Burnout can come after the busy or stressful times, since your body is in “go” mode trying to take care and support you. 
    • It’s okay to push hard, but you need to build in time to rest and recuperate. 
    • Renee’s We Wild Women community and coaching helps high achieving women learn to successfully reduce the stress in their life while still making themselves a priority. 
    • A few of the foundational habits that are Renee’s non negotiables for health and happiness. 
    • You can’t do everything at once! Renee and Ciara discuss time blocking and doing one thing at a time instead of multitasking. 

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    Into the Wild Podcast 

    We Wild Women 


    75 Hard

    Five FREE Ways To Lose Weight That Have Nothing To Do With Restricting Calories

    Five FREE Ways To Lose Weight That Have Nothing To Do With Restricting Calories

    It’s a New Year, and Ciara is here to talk about health and weight loss in a way that’s not your typical “New Year, New Me” reset talk! In this episode, she gives her Five Top Tips for bringing in vitality and health through gentle practices, fit into a flexible schedule, and best of all, free or at little cost. Follow these, and you will not only lower your body fat, but also boost your mood, increase your gut health, and supercharge your immune system.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Our habits and practices can have a massive impact on how well we respond to viruses and illnesses.
    • Two important hormones, ghrelin and leptin, that help us feel satiated and control our appetite.
    • The importance of good sleep and rest and the impact it has on keeping a healthy weight and steady metabolism.
    • If you are overweight in any way, you are dealing with some form of inflammation. Chronic inflammation slows down metabolism, but there is a lot we CAN control in terms of the right diet, sleep, and movement.
    • The top offenders when it comes to wreaking havoc on our gut microbiome — gluten, dairy, glyphosates, and other toxic chemicals.
    • Some great anti-inflammatory foods to bring in to create a diet rich in minerals and nutrients, which will make our gut very happy!
    • Movement is an active component of our health. There’s always something you can do to start getting the blood pumping, whether it’s getting a walking pad, taking frequent breaks during work, or getting a standing desk.
    • It’s not just what you eat, it’s the timing of when you eat it that also makes a difference.
    • Up to 70% of your immune system is dependent on a diverse microbiome. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to rotate your food choices for a diverse amount of healthy foods and to bring fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi into your diet.
    • Don’t sanitize yourself into oblivion! Make sure you get out in the dirt and play every now and then.

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    Live Dirty, and Eat Clean 

    You Aren’t Alone This Holiday Season

    You Aren’t Alone This Holiday Season

    Ciara shares a super raw and vulnerable episode this week, talking about the feeling of some heaviness and sadness that comes with this year’s holiday season. With so much uncertainty around us this year, Ciara wanted to acknowledge the feelings, but then also really encourage you to step up and not wait for the New Year to make health a priority. She talks about how to make this holiday season a time to set solid boundaries and commit to choices that make you feel your best, with tips for keeping your healthy eating and drinking habits intact during a time where there could be added pressure.

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Even with all the practices and tools for health and grounding that Ciara has, everyone feels heaviness and sadness now and then. Ciara opens up about the challenges that this holiday season brings, especially when it comes to being separated from family and friends.
    • As humans, we need to connect with each other. Our immune system and mental health depend on that. Even if you can’t physically see your loved ones this season, even just a phone call or Zoom can make a real difference.
    • Let’s not wait until January 1 to commit to taking impeccable care of ourselves and invest in self-care.
    • Ciara shares some great tips on being social and enjoying great food without feeling regret or shame.
    • It’s really about being present with the ones we love (as much as we can this year) during the holiday season.
    • How little changes such as drinking more water, taking some walks, and eating your protein first can make a big difference.
    • It’s not about restriction or not having fun, it’s more about tapping into how you want to feel and making it memorable for all the right reasons.

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