

    Explore "npl" with insightful episodes like "金銀銅鐵轉賺鑽-第79集-中美金融地雷層出不窮,台灣的隱藏金融地雷在哪裡?", "The NLP Way: Easy Steps to Increase Your Energy and Focus | Amrita Auer", "Wie ticken Distressed Debt Funds?", "#126. Fine delle moratorie, crisi geopolitica e NPL: il punto della situazione" and "#126. Fine delle moratorie, crisi geopolitica e NPL: il punto della situazione" from podcasts like ""金銀銅鐵轉賺鑽", "Le Podcast de Prêt à Parler", "What's up, Corporate Finance?", "#define banking" and "#define banking"" and more!

    Episodes (87)


    2023年雖然全球股市觸底反彈,科技股紅透半邊天,但金融股卻因為3月美國矽谷銀行和區域銀行金融風暴,歐洲有瑞士信貸危機,中國則因為房地產不景氣和地方債務府影子銀行問題,金融業潛藏問題真不少,那台灣呢?台灣的隱藏金融地雷會在那裡呢? 【金銀銅鐵轉賺鑽-第79集】金毛、銅嫂、銀哥(梁兄哥)和白鐵,梁兄哥最近去柬埔寨考察,除去考察南向的金融業的高利率美元定存之外,他也發現台灣南向政策下,也有國銀行在當地吃壞帳了,為何南向國家近來經濟也不好了,到底出了什麼問題,梁兄哥與你分享他的觀察和發現。 台灣的行庫吃壞帳,相對美歐是小巫,放眼2023年,金融業很不平靜,美國利率高,區域銀行財務不穩,瑞信事件後,歐洲還會有金融危機嗎?回到亞太地區,美國高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)估計,中國地方政府債務累計高達94兆元(連結),台灣金融業在中國曝險,因為兩岸關係緊張,金融業在政府暗示下,紛紛降低中國放款曝險部位,算是一種福禍相倚。 台灣是科技島,科技產業好,整體景氣氛圍要弱不易,台灣金融業雖然對中國曝險已降低,但近來台灣因應綠色能源產業發展,離岸風電不僅建置進度落後,業者還面臨融資挑戰,風電放款是台灣隱藏銀行放貸的地雷嗎?【金銀銅鐵轉賺鑽-第79集-中美金融地雷層出不窮,台灣的隱藏金融地雷在哪裡?】這集錄音有點長(近57分),關心全球金融市場和台灣是否有金融危機的人,一定要按下收聽鍵,讓我們來跟你剖析箇中奧妙。

    The NLP Way: Easy Steps to Increase Your Energy and Focus | Amrita Auer

    The NLP Way: Easy Steps to Increase Your Energy and Focus | Amrita Auer

    The Empowered Learners is a series of interviews that were originally recorded as Instagram lives.

    😔 Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed at the idea of learning/improving your French?
    😵‍💫 Does it feel like an insurmountable task which you don't really know how to tackle?

    💪🏼💪💪🏿In this episode, Isabelle talks with Amrita Auer, BodyMind and NLP coach based in Nyon, Switzerland, about small, easily achievable steps and tips to shift a low energy into a more positive and active one.

    To learn more abour Amrita's coaching services: http://www.amritaauer.com 

    #97. CRIF. Credito e NPE: lo scenario oltre i numeri

    #97. CRIF. Credito e NPE: lo scenario oltre i numeri
    Nel settimo episodio di define banking next, il podcast sulla banca del futuro che AziendaBanca realizza insieme a CRIF, torniamo a parlare di come il mercato finanziario si sta preparando all’impatto della pandemia sui crediti deteriorati. Abbiamo chiesto a Luca D’Amico, Senior Director di CRIF e Direttore Generale di CRIF Ratings, di aiutarci a leggere i dati e i numeri che provengono dal mercato.

    #97. CRIF. Credito e NPE: lo scenario oltre i numeri

    #97. CRIF. Credito e NPE: lo scenario oltre i numeri
    Nel settimo episodio di define banking next, il podcast sulla banca del futuro che AziendaBanca realizza insieme a CRIF, torniamo a parlare di come il mercato finanziario si sta preparando all’impatto della pandemia sui crediti deteriorati. Abbiamo chiesto a Luca D’Amico, Senior Director di CRIF e Direttore Generale di CRIF Ratings, di aiutarci a leggere i dati e i numeri che provengono dal mercato.

    Credit Management e Pandemia

    Credit Management e Pandemia
    Quali saranno i principali temi che banche e servicer dovranno affrontare nei prossimi mesi?
    Cosa potrebbe succedere dopo la fine dell'effetto "anestesia" delle misure governative?
    Quali i possibili impatti relativamente ai crediti con garanzia MCC e SACE?
    Massimo Famularo e Oreste Vidoli ne parlano insieme ad Alberto Vigorelli, Amministratore Delegato del Gruppo Fire nella dodicesima puntata di "Attenti a quei due", il podcast di Credit Village.

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 9 - Prorogare le Moratorie o rateizzare i Debiti prodotti dalla Pandemia?

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 9 - Prorogare le Moratorie o rateizzare i Debiti prodotti dalla Pandemia?
    L'enorme massa di debiti che si sono creati per effetto della Pandemia da Covid 19, giungerà a scadenza e non è ancora stata individuata una scelta politica chiara su come affrontare questo delicato scenario. Abbiamo raccolto la proposta dell'Avvocato Dino Crivellari, già AD di Istituti di Credito specializzati in NPL, orientata a stimolare la politica a legiferare non una semplice proroga delle Moratorie ma una profonda Rateizzazione da 10 a 20 anni dei debiti.

    Les banques face au défi des prêts non performants

    Les banques face au défi des prêts non performants

    Pour les banques, la question des prêts non performants est un enjeu majeur, notamment d'un point de vue réglementaire. Mais alors que la crise sanitaire s'éternise, le sujet concerne un nombre croissant de ménages, parfois fragilisés par la période actuelle. Est-ce l'occasion pour les banques de sortir de l'approche strictement comptable pour réinventer le rôle d'accompagnement de leurs clients ? En trois minutes chrono, Aude Couderc, consultante chez Square résume de façon limpide un enjeu aux répercussion beaucoup plus concrètes qu'il n'y paraît au premier abord.

    Permission to Pivot ft. Lily Nicole Howard | 221

    Permission to Pivot ft. Lily Nicole Howard | 221

    In this episode we discuss:

    • So, you’ve decided This is who I am now.” How can you exercise making changes in your business after you’ve spent so much time, effort, and energy getting people on board?
    • What new business models can look like, and, what that means for you.
    • Learning to trust your intuition - what does that look like, feel like, and what tangible steps can you take to develop the relationship between you & your intuition?
    Lily Nicole is a Master Life Coach & NLP Practitioner; Host: Bold Bodied podcast; Focused on conscious healing, inner child healing & body connection for the modern woman.
    Connect with Lily Nicole:

    Haven't left a review yet? If you've had an ah-ha or breakthrough from the show, all you need to do is head to heyjencasey.com/itunes  to share some love!

    Struggling to effectively coach your clients? Learn how to reframe the 12 most common limiting beliefs, so that you can facilitate faster client breakthroughs! Download it free at: heyjencasey.com/guide

    For full show notes & links, visit: heyjencasey.com/221

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 4 - Mercato NPL: il punto di vista degli investitori stranieri

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 4 - Mercato NPL: il punto di vista degli investitori stranieri
    Con Clemente Reale, Country Manager Italia per Hoist Finance e Vicepresidente UNIREC facciamo un approfondito excursus sul mercato dei crediti deteriorati e sul settore del credit management. Discutiamo del punto di vista di un investitore istituzionale straniero sull'Italia in questo particolare momento storico e di come gli aspetti industriali e tecnologici costituiscano un fattore determinate di successo nell’attività di recupero.

    Why Reframing your Clients is Creating Resistance | 220

    Why Reframing your Clients is Creating Resistance | 220
    Have you ever been reframed and felt like it broke rapport? Bypassed your emotions? Was missing the mark on what you really needed? Or perhaps yu were the coach in this scenario, and in hindsight, realize that using a reframe wasn't the right move in that moment?
    In this episode, we are exploring how overusing or misusing reframing can create resistance in your client.
    I'll be sharing:
    • FIVE questions to consider before offering a reframe.
    • Coping mechanisms as a way of maintaining homeostasis.
    • How looking at specific language can impact powerful transformations.
    • What it really means to acknowledge and validate the messages our emotions carry.

    Haven't left a review yet? If you've had an ah-ha or breakthrough from the show, all you need to do is head to heyjencasey.com/itunes  to share some love!

    Struggling to effectively coach your clients? Learn how to reframe the 12 most common limiting beliefs, so that you can facilitate faster client breakthroughs! Download it free at: heyjencasey.com/guide

    For full show notes & links, visit: heyjencasey.com/220

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 2 - Giubileo Bancario: la proposta del Senatore Pittella, l'opinione di Dino Crivellari

    "Attenti a quei due" - Episodio 2 - Giubileo Bancario: la proposta del Senatore Pittella, l'opinione di Dino Crivellari
    Da diversi anni si è parlato in diverse sedi della possibilità di una “remissione generale dei debiti” per ridurre il carico di NPL nel sistema. Si tratta di un tema controverso per i comprensibili rischi di moral hazard e per le difficoltà di individuare con precisione i destinatari.

    Ne parliamo con Dino Crivellari, avvocato tra i maggiori esperti italiani di questa tematica, per decenni ai vertici di istituzioni leader a livello nazionale nel credit management e oggi Advisor indipendente.

    30 Days in the Harvest

    30 Days in the Harvest

    A hallmark of #NoPlaceLeft is a continued focus on lostness, both at home and abroad. Thirty Days in the Harvest is a great way to start and keep that focus.


    Jay and Brian encourage and challenge us to start with the lost when we venture into ministry as it will set the tone for our days and schedule.

    Other Notes:

    Bryan was on the Movements Podcast with Steve Addison.

    Check out the “411” tool that Brian and Jay reference.

    e3 Partners

    More on 30 Days in the Harvest:

    An interview from Steve Addison

    Troy Cooper’s explanation

    My personal experience

    Dave in Ohio with a video series on his harvest experience

    Check out all of Season 1 of On the Road for more interviews on simple tools to pursue #No Place Left.

    Listen to this and other On the Road podcast episodes at ontheroad.link/podcast.

    Visit ontheroad.link to subscribe to get this podcast and blog posts from Pheaney delivered to your email.

    Gov. Financial Intervention in Response to Covid – Vossmeyer, Claremont McKenna

    Gov. Financial Intervention in Response to Covid – Vossmeyer, Claremont McKenna

    As the nation struggles to get back to some type normalcy, the reality is that we will see further shutdowns as we head into the winter months.   It’s impossible to forecast the full economic and financial impact of the pandemic, but we do know that many people are unlikely to return to normal work and economic consumption patterns anytime soon.  It’s also anticipated that  household and business defaults will likely increase and negatively affect the financial sector.  

    Joining the podcast to explain the federal government’s response and potential future intervention is Angela Vossmeyer, Assistant Professor of Economics at Claremont McKenna College and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.  Dr. Vossmeyer’s research interests include econometrics, simulation-based inference, financial economics, financial crises, and economic history.


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