
    nuclear plant

    Explore " nuclear plant" with insightful episodes like "Tuesday, August 22, 2023", "Gorbi and Chernobi - What Changed The Soviet Union?", "Podkast #14: Raziskovalni reaktor TRIGA (dr. Luka Snoj, Jan Malec)", "Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout" and "Podkast #13: Razogljičenje elektroenergetskega sistema (dr. Ferdinand Gubina)" from podcasts like ""France News Brief", "Let Me Tell You About...", "JedrskaSI", "The Michele Tafoya Podcast" and "JedrskaSI"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    Gorbi and Chernobi - What Changed The Soviet Union?

    Gorbi and Chernobi - What Changed The Soviet Union?

    The Russian history series continues!  This episode, Aleks covers the dissolution of the USSR after The Great Human Event of Chernobyl and the fall of the Berlin wall.  Also, the drunkest election, Mikhail Gorbachev's pizza palace and even more!

    Image shownotes: https://imgur.com/gallery/SEa9tW7

    Talking Points: soviet quota reporting,russian wagies aka ragies,boneitis,the great human event,meat clown,great russian comedy,chernobyl,AZ-5,everything is fine,battlebots,the human chain,KAZAKHSTAN MENTIONED,April 9th Tragedy,JAPANESE POPSTAR SENSATION HATSUNE MIKU MENTIONED,the berlin wall,the first (and last) election,republic of dave,the red square,Boris Yeltsin with the Spiderman 3 suit and Tad has literally the worst shirt idea ever.

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    Podkast #14: Raziskovalni reaktor TRIGA (dr. Luka Snoj, Jan Malec)

    Podkast #14: Raziskovalni reaktor TRIGA (dr. Luka Snoj, Jan Malec)

    Gosta 14. epizode, dr. Luka Snoj, vodja odseka za reaktorsko fiziko na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan, in Jan Malec, raziskovalec na področju reaktorske fizike na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan, sta ekipo JedrskaSi povabila v Reaktorski center Podgorica, kjer deluje raziskovalni reaktor TRIGA. Je eden izmed 52 reaktorjev TRIGA, ki jih najdemo skoraj povsod po svetu. Namenjeni so predvsem znanstvenim raziskavam in usposabljanju kadrov jedrske stroke. Zaradi kakovostnega programa sta slovenski reaktor TRIGA in Izobraževalni center za jedrsko tehnologijo zelo priljubljena tudi med tujimi znanstveniki.

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kaj počnejo v Reaktorskem centru v Podgorici?
    • Kdaj in čemu je bil zgrajen reaktor TRIGA?
    • Kolikšno dozo sevanje prejmete med obiskom reaktorja?
    • V čem se reaktor TRIGA razlikuje od reaktorja v NEK?
    • Kakšna je prihodnost jedrske energije?
    • Ali bi mali modularni reaktorji rešili potrebe po vse večji električni energiji?

    Če vas zanima več:

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    Podkast #13: Razogljičenje elektroenergetskega sistema (dr. Ferdinand Gubina)

    Podkast #13: Razogljičenje elektroenergetskega sistema (dr. Ferdinand Gubina)

    Dr. Ferdinand Gubina je upokojeni redni profesor Fakultete za elektrotehniko, nekdanji prodekan Fakultete za energetiko za raziskovanje in predsednik slovenske CIGRE ter Elektrotehniške zveze Slovenije. V svoji karieri je med drugim raziskoval vprašanja vodenja ter stabilnosti elektroenergetskih sistemov, zaščite sistema pa tudi problemov trga električne energije, v 13. epizodi podkasta pa smo se z njim pogovarjali o razogljičenje elektroenergetskega sistema, o izzivih, ki nas čakajo, ter o pomenu jedrske energije. Kot pravi sam, nam časa primanjkuje, kot rešitev pa navaja čimprejšnje ukrepanje in načrt razvoja elektroenergetike.

    Epizodo smo posneli v Računalniškem muzeju v Ljubljani. Hvala za sodelovanje!

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kakšne izzive prinaša elektrifikacija in vse večja poraba električne energije?
    • Kakšen je načrt za samozadostnost z električno energijo?
    • Kako je s shranjevanje električne energije - ali obstajajo rešitve?
    • Ali je razogljičenje Slovenije možno in kakšno vlogo ima pri tem jedrska energija?
    • Ali resnično potrebujemo jedrsko energijo?

    Če vas zanima več:

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    Podkast #12: Izkušnje za prihodnost (Stane Rožman in Leon Magdalenc)

    Podkast #12: Izkušnje za prihodnost (Stane Rožman in Leon Magdalenc)

    Tokratni podkast je poseben. Gost je ključna osebnost 40-letne zgodovine Nuklearne elektrarne Krško. Stane Rožman je delal v NEK od leta 1975. Spremljal je gradnjo elektrarne kot razvojni inženir, nato je bil operater v komandni sobi, 34 let pa je bil predsednik uprave.

    Da bi bil pogovor ustrezno osvetljen z zgodovino in hkrati usmerjen v prihodnost, smo vodenje zaupali Leonu Magdalencu, novinarju, prvemu voditelju oddaje Studio City (takrat Studio Ljubljana) in kolumnistu časnika Dnevnik. Njegov prihod na nacionalno televizijo pa tudi časovno sovpada z nastopom Staneta Rožmana na vrh uprave NEK.

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kako je NEK sploh postal življenjski projekt Staneta Rožmana?
    • Kdaj je bilo najtežje?
    • Kako so tri jedrske nesreče vplivale na jedrsko energijo in industrijo?
    • Kakšno vlogo naj ima jedrska energija v prihodnosti?
    • Kakšen odnos ima do JEK2 in očitkov o potencialni korupciji pri tako velikem projektu?
    • Po kom se mora zgledovati Slovenija?

    Če vas zanima več:

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    Podkast #11: Ali imamo problem z izobraževanjem o jedrski energiji? (dr. Leon Cizelj in Garsia Kosinac)

    Podkast #11: Ali imamo problem z izobraževanjem o jedrski energiji? (dr. Leon Cizelj in Garsia Kosinac)

    Na nas so se že obrnili učitelji, ki so iskali gradivo za poučevanje o jedrski energiji. Naleteli smo na serijo spornih vprašanj in odgovorov z mature in nacionalnega preverjanja znanja med leti 2004 in 2022. Brali smo seminarsko nalogo, ki je pokazala, da so se učenci pri pouku učili neresnice. Našli smo srednješolsko prezentacijo z napačnimi podatki glede jedrske energije. 

    Zaznavamo, da so težave na področju izobraževanja o jedrski energiji in energetiki še razsežnejše. 

    Z nami sta se pogovarjala dr. Leon Cizelj, vodja Odseka za reaktorsko tehniko na IJS in profesor na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani, ter Garsia Kosinac, profesor fizike in tehnike, ki dela kot strokovni sodelavec v Svetu energije.

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kakšno je naše splošno poznavanje jedrske energije?
    • Kakšen je odnos učiteljev in profesorjev do pridobivanja znanja o jedrski energiji in energetiki?
    • Kolikšno je zanimanje za študij jedrskega inženirstva in zakaj?
    • Kaj vpliva na število vpisanih študentov?
    • Zakaj prihaja do napak pri poučevanju jedrske energije v primarnem in sekundarnem šolstvu?

    Če vas zanima več:

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    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    JedrskaSI - podkast #010: ARAO in odlagališče radioaktivnih odpadkov (mag. Sandi Viršek)

    JedrskaSI - podkast #010: ARAO in odlagališče radioaktivnih odpadkov (mag. Sandi Viršek)

    Gost 10. epizode podkasta je mag. Sandi Viršek, direktor Agencije za radioaktivne odpadke, ki je bila ustanovljena pred več kot 30 leti z namenom, da se ravnanje z radioaktivnimi odpadki v Sloveniji centralizira. 

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kaj vse so naloge, s katerimi se ukvarja ARAO?
    • Kje nastajajo NSRAO?
    • Kako je potekala izbira lokacije za izgradnjo odlagališča NSRAO?
    • Kakšen je vpliv takšnega jedrskega objekta na okolje in ljudi?
    • Kdaj lahko pričakujemo izgradnjo NSRAO in kako bo odlagališče zgrajeno?
    • Kaj so primeri dobrih praks upravljanja radioaktivnih odpadkov v drugih državah?
    • Kako in kje se izvaja monitoring radioaktivnosti?
    • Zakaj je Slovenija tako uspešna pri ustvarjanju izredno majhne količine radioaktivnih odpadkov?
    • Kaj je to varnostna kultura? 

    Če vas zanima več:

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    JedrskaSI - podkast #009: Radioterapija in ionizirajoča sevanja v medicini (Miha Oražem, dr. med. in Rihard Hudej)

    JedrskaSI - podkast #009: Radioterapija in ionizirajoča sevanja v medicini (Miha Oražem, dr. med. in Rihard Hudej)

    V 9. epizodi podkasta JedrskaSi se z Miho Oražmom, dr. med., in Rihardom Hudejem pogovarjamo o sevanju, njegovih učinkih na zdravje ter načinih uporabe v medicini. 

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Kaj je sevanje in kje vse ga najdemo?
    • Kaj je bananadoza in ali mikrovalovna pečica povzroča raka?
    • Kakšne posledice ima ionizirajoče sevanje na človeka?
    • Na kakšen način sevanje uporabljamo v medicini?
    • Kaj je rak in na kakšne načinega ga lahko zdravimo?
    • Kaj je radioterapija in kako deluje?

    Če vas zanima več:

    Host / Voditeljica: Klara Eva Kukovičič

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    JedrskaSI - podkast #008: Remont (Ida Novak Jerele in Gorazd Pfeifer)

    JedrskaSI - podkast #008: Remont (Ida Novak Jerele in Gorazd Pfeifer)

    Ida Novak Jerele in Gorazd Pfeifer nas v 8. epizodi podkasta JedrskaSi povabita v simulator komandne sobe Nuklearne elektrarne Krško. Ta se nahaja v netehnološkem delu elektrarne in je kopija komandne sobe NEK, v kateri upravljajo z elektrarno.

    V NEK so 1. oktobra 2022 po 513 dneh neprekinjenega delovanja elektrarne začeli z remontom, zato nas je zanimalo, kaj remont je, kaj so cilji in dela med enomesečno zaustavitvijo jedrske elektrarne.

    V epizodi izveste:

    • Remont (ang. outage) je vnaprej načrtovana zaustavitev jedrske elektrarne.
    • Vsak remont vključuje menjavo gorivnih elementov, vzdrževanje in posodobitve ter testiranja. Tudi letošnji remont prinaša posodobitev, ki bo povečala zmogljivost naše jedrske elektrarne.
    • Kako pogosto so nekoč izvajali remont?
    • Zaradi remontov se je proizvodnja električne energije v NEK močno povečala. Koliko?
    • Koliko aktivnosti predvideva en remontni plan?
    • Koliko ljudi sodeluje pri remontu v NEK in od kod vse pridejo?
    • Vsi sodelujoči pri remontu najprej opravijo temeljno usposabljanje.

    Če vas zanima več:

    • Nuklearna elektrarna Krško (https://nek.si/)
    • Poročanja o remontu spremljajte na družbenem omrežju Twitter pod hashtagom #remontNEK.

    Host / Voditeljica: Klara Eva Kukovičič

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    JedrskaSI - podkast #007: Finish Greens For Nuclear (Tea Törmänen) - Finski Zeleni za jedrsko energijo

    JedrskaSI - podkast #007: Finish Greens For Nuclear (Tea Törmänen) - Finski Zeleni za jedrsko energijo

    In the 7th episode of the podcast, we spoke with Tea Törmänen, director of RePlanet and a representative of the Finnish Green Party, which, like other green parties in Europe, took a position against nuclear energy until recently. This May, however, at its party conference, a large majority voted to adopt a pro-nuclear policy. The party's manifesto now states that nuclear energy is "sustainable energy", making them the first green party in the world to adopt such a position. Find out how and why they made such a decision in the new episode of the podcast. 

    V 7. epizodi podkasta smo se pogovarjali s Teo Törmänen, direktorico RePlanet in predstavnico finske Zelene stranke , ki je tako kot druge zelene stranke po Evropi do nedavnega zavzemala stališče proti jedrski energiji. Letos maja pa je na svoji strankarski konferenci z veliko večino glasovala za sprejetje projedrske politike. V manifestu stranke so zapisali, da je jedrska energija »trajnostna energija«, s čimer so postali prva zelena stranka na svetu, ki je sprejela takšno stališče. Kako in zakaj so sprejeli takšno odločitev, razlagamo v novi epizodi podkasta. 

    Podkast s slovenskimi podnapisi na voljo na Youtube kanalu jedrskaSI. 

    Host / Voditeljica: Klara Eva Kukovičič

    Naši kanali na družbenih omrežjih:

    VesperTrend 8/19: Anti-Woke, Mitch McConnell, Andrew Tate, Sesame Street, Nuclear Plant, Bjork

    VesperTrend 8/19: Anti-Woke, Mitch McConnell, Andrew Tate, Sesame Street, Nuclear Plant, Bjork

    In this edition of VesperTrend, Jack and Miles discuss a federal judge upholding the law in "Stop Woke Act" trial, Mitch McConnell's grim midterm forecast, Andrew Tate getting banned from Facebook and Instagram, Sesame Street disappearing from HBO Max, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant bombing, and Bjork's new album

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    US Congressman Mike Bost | Russia Invades Ukraine | Impact on America and Europe

    US Congressman Mike Bost | Russia Invades Ukraine | Impact on America and Europe
    Join America's Roundtable co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with U.S. Congresman Mike Bost (R-IL). U.S. Congressman Mike Bost is ranking member of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. The conversation focuses on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its impact on America and the West. President Joe Biden's State of the Union address will be reviewed as America continues to face significant challenges on the economic, energy and security fronts. Rep. Mike Bost represents the 12 counties of Illinois’ 12th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Sworn into office on January 6, 2015, Mike is continuing the fight for our Southern Illinois’ values in Washington – a fight he began in U.S. military, then as a first responder, a local job creator, and a state representative. In the 117th Congress, Rep. Mike Bost serves on two key committees: Veterans’ Affairs, and Transportation & Infrastructure. On the Veterans' Affairs Committee he serves as the Ranking Member, the top Republican on the Committee. Prior to his election to Congress, Rep. Bost served for two decades in the Illinois House of Representatives, rising to the leadership position of House Republican Caucus Chair. Rep. Bost also served as a firefighter for the Murphysboro Fire Department. He graduated from the University of Illinois' Certified Firefighter II Academy in 1993 and continued to serve the Murphysboro Fire Department during his six terms as state representative. Prior to that, Rep. Bost worked for 13 years at Bost Trucking Service, first as a driver and then for 10 years as a truck manager. Rep. Bost is a lifelong resident of Murphysboro. He graduated from Murphysboro High School in 1979. After high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps serving his country from 1979 to 1982. He was trained as an electronic specialist and radar repairman and received an honorable discharge as a Corporal E-4. https://ileaderssummit.org/services/americas-roundtable-radio/ https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RepBost @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @ileaderssummit America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable from Washington D.C. informs, educates, empowers and challenges the listening audience about the importance to restore, strengthen, and protect our freedoms, the rule of law, and free markets. America’s Roundtable advances the ideas of freedom, the significance of freedom of speech, limited government, and the application of free market principles to solve problems. America’s Roundtable presents in-depth analysis of current events and public policy issues while applying America’s founding principles. America’s Roundtable radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. America’s Roundtable is aired by Lanser Broadcasting Corporation on 96.5 FM and 98.9 FM, covering Michigan’s major market and the upper Midwest, SuperTalk Mississippi Media’s 12 radio stations and 50 affiliates reaching every county in Mississippi and also heard in parts of the neighboring states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee, and through podcast on Apple Podcasts and other key online platforms.

    Rainer Saks, Estonia's Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2015-2020) | War in Europe: Putin's Russia Invades Ukraine | Impact on America and Europe

    Rainer Saks, Estonia's Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2015-2020) | War in Europe: Putin's Russia Invades Ukraine | Impact on America and Europe
    Honorable Rainer Saks, former Secretary General of Estonia's Foreign Ministry (2015-2020), Chief of the Foreign Intelligence and Head of the President's Office joins America's Roundtable Radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy for a conversation about the War in Europe as Putin's Russia invades Ukraine and how it will impact America and Europe. The program highlights the importance of advancing principled solutions and the significance of "peace through strength" policy. Brief excerpt from Estonian World: Rainer Saks, a former chief of the Estonian foreign intelligence and a former chief of staff of the Estonian foreign ministry, said the Russian leadership thinks the Western countries are weak and therefore Russia hopes it will end Ukraine’s Western integration. “The way Russia operates towards Ukraine comes from the fact that it regards the Western reactions essentially non-existent,” Saks said on a radio programme called “Vikerhommik”. “Russia thinks it can act and it regards the Western countries as weak. And the question is not whether the Western states actually are weak, the question is how Russia sees them.” He said it was a paradox of a historical window that Russia’s leadership has defined the current time window as the ending of Ukraine’s integration towards the West. “And I’m not talking about stopping it, but finishing. Ending forever. That’s why this is happening.” Saks also noted on the Estonian Public Broadcasting radio programme that if the Western countries impose sanctions on Russia, then the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, is prepared to strategically suffer through them. Brief bio: Mr. Rainer Saks served as the Estonian Secretary of State from 2015-2020. From 1999 to 2001, Saks worked as an adviser to the foreign minister. From 2001 through 2006 he served as the deputy coordination director at the coordination unit of the Government Office. From 2006 to 2011 Saks headed the Office of the President, while simultaneously heading the council of the International Center for Defense and Security (from 2007-2011). From 2011 Rainer Saks held the office of the Director General of the Information Board. Mr. Saks is a member of the Management Board at CybExer Technologies, a NATO-awarded Estonian cybersecurity company. https://ileaderssummit.org/services/americas-roundtable-radio/ https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @ileaderssummit America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable from Washington D.C. informs, educates, empowers and challenges the listening audience about the importance to restore, strengthen, and protect our freedoms, the rule of law, and free markets. America’s Roundtable advances the ideas of freedom, the significance of freedom of speech, limited government, and the application of free market principles to solve problems. America’s Roundtable presents in-depth analysis of current events and public policy issues while applying America’s founding principles. America’s Roundtable radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. America’s Roundtable is aired by Lanser Broadcasting Corporation on 96.5 FM and 98.9 FM, covering Michigan’s major market and the upper Midwest, SuperTalk Mississippi Media’s 12 radio stations and 50 affiliates reaching every county in Mississippi and also heard in parts of the neighboring states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee, and through podcast on Apple Podcasts and other key online platforms.

    Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo | Affirming the Abraham Accords | The Iran Nuclear Threat | US Policy Toward Communist China | Announcement of Champion American Values

    Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo | Affirming the Abraham Accords | The Iran Nuclear Threat | US Policy Toward Communist China | Announcement of Champion American Values
    Join America's Roundtable co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy for a conversation with special guest Honorable Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State (2018-2021), former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2017-2018) and member of the U.S. Congress (2011 to 2017). This discussion focuses on US leadership in foreign policy led by the Trump administration and through Secretary Pompeo's principled approach in securing peace through strength in the Middle East. The importance of affirming the Abraham Accords and institutionalizing this significant endeavor is brought to the forefront. Secretary Pompeo raises serious concerns about the Biden administration's rush to sign an Iranian nuclear deal which threatens Israel, the region, and beyond. The conversation also highlights the measures undertaken by the Trump administration to hold to account Iran, a state-sponsor of terrorism. Secretary Pompeo also weighs into the urgent work at hand to address communist China's striving for economic, technology and military dominance through intellectual property theft, creating vassal states around the world through its Road and Belt initiative, and military encroachments in the South China Sea. Secretary Pompeo announces the launch of Champion American Values to promote shared values and principles: https://cavpac.com/ https://ileaderssummit.org/services/americas-roundtable-radio/ https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. America’s Roundtable is aired by Lanser Broadcasting Corporation on 96.5 FM and 98.9 FM, covering Michigan’s major market, SuperTalk Mississippi Media’s 12 radio stations and 50 affiliates reaching every county in Mississippi and also heard in parts of the neighboring states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee, and through podcast on Apple Podcasts and other key online platforms.