

    Explore "nutritionresearch" with insightful episodes like "Balancing Your Hormones With Neal Barnard, MD", "Plant-Based vs. Ketosis: Diet Wars With Cardiologist Joel Kahn, MD", "Ray Cronise & Julieanna Hever On Everything Plant-Based Nutrition", "#1058 - Nina Teicholz" and "Cardiologist Kim Williams, M.D. Wants To Eradicate Heart Disease" from podcasts like ""The Rich Roll Podcast", "The Rich Roll Podcast", "The Rich Roll Podcast", "The Joe Rogan Experience" and "The Rich Roll Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    Balancing Your Hormones With Neal Barnard, MD

    Balancing Your Hormones With Neal Barnard, MD
    A predominant theme of this podcast is the profound impact of nutrition on long-term well-being. Less discussed is the importance of hormonal health. Most would be surprised to learn that certain maladies -- including infertility, menstrual cramps, weight gain, hair loss, breast and prostate cancer, hot flashes, and many others -- have one thing in common: they are fueled or influenced by hormones hiding in everyday foods. The good (and surprising) news is that proper nutrition can also help restore endocrine balance, often with benefits that rival popular medications. To provide insight on how hormones wreak havoc on the body, and how specific diet and lifestyle changes can help alleviate years of stress, pain and illness, I'm joined today by my friend Neal Barnard, MD. Making this third appearance on the podcast (check episodes #242 / #296), Dr. Barnard is a pre-eminent authority on diet, nutrition and its impact on illnesses such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s. In addition, he is the founder & president of The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), where he leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. Dr. Barnard is also an adjunct associate professor of medicine at George Washington University and has authored over 70 scientific publications as well as 18 books, including Power Foods for the Brain, 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart, Dr. Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes and The Cheese Trap. Hitting bookstores February 4 and currently available for pre-order, Dr. Barnard's latest offering -- and the focus of today's discussion -- is entitled, Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health. A powerful step-by-step guide to better understand what you can do to feel better fast, it covers the important hows and whys of striking hormonal balance for optimal wellness. Today we dive deep to better understand the mechanisms of optimizing hormonal health. We begin with a deconstruction of recent science on the implications of eating meat on human health. We then turn to a wide-ranging discussion on the endocrine system. The impact of testosterone levels in men. And how diet and lifestyle impact fertility and menstruation in women. We examine how left unchecked, hormone imbalances can lead to everything from autoimmune diseases, hyperthyroidism, adrenal fatigue, depression and anxiety. And we conclude with the many simple things you can do to prevent such imbalances and thrive. You can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the conversation streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. I love this man. This is a fascinating discourse. And I sincerely hope you enjoy our exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich

    Plant-Based vs. Ketosis: Diet Wars With Cardiologist Joel Kahn, MD

    Plant-Based vs. Ketosis: Diet Wars With Cardiologist Joel Kahn, MD
    Recent years have seen the ascendency of low-carb, high fat diets. Indeed, the ketogenic lifestyle has been heralded as a veritable health panacea. In parallel, we bear witness to mainstream acceptance of the plant-based approach to vitality, lifestyle disease prevention and reversal. The debate pitting these distinct approaches to nutrition is as emotional as it is divisive — an impassioned war for hearts and minds waged across the scientific literature, mainstream publications and the internet that can leave even the most intelligent and well-intentioned consumer utterly baffled. So who's right? To help divine the line between truth and fiction, Joel Kahn, MD joins the podcast for his third appearance. Dr. Kahn is an Interpreventional Cardiologist, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity in Michigan, and a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of Michigan’s prestigious Inteflex program (a 6-year undergraduate / graduate program that developed doctors fresh out of high school). He’s authored hundreds of articles on heart disease, is a frequent lecturer on heart disease and its prevention, has performed thousands of cardiac procedures, and is the owner of GreenSpace Café in Ferndale and Royal Oak Michigan. In addition, Dr. Kahn is the author of five books, including The Whole Heart Solution* and his newest offering, The Plant-Based Solution*. This a comprehensive and highly instructive conversation that endeavors to provide needed clarity when it comes to the aforementioned debate — a deep dive into the veracity of nutritional research findings to provide the information you need to promote maximum health, hinder lifestyle disease, and abet longevity. In addition, we explore emerging research on the benefits of intermittent fasting and why everyone should get a coronary calcium scan. Amazingly informative, this is straight talk from a trusted and experienced man I'm proud to call friend. As a final note, this podcast episode is also available in video format on YouTube. If you are enjoying the video version of the show, please subscribe to my channel at youtube.com/richroll to be alerted when new videos post. Finally, if you missed our previous conversations, check out episodes #44 & #128. For the visually inclined, you can watch watch (& subscribe!) to the podcast on YouTube here. I sincerely hope you find our conversation instructive — because health is wealth. Peace + Plants, Rich

    Ray Cronise & Julieanna Hever On Everything Plant-Based Nutrition

    Ray Cronise & Julieanna Hever On Everything Plant-Based Nutrition
    What happens when a NASA scientist teams up with a plant-based dietitian? Today we find out, with the return of my friends Julieanna Hever (RRP #13) and Ray Cronise (RRP #212). Specializing in weight management, disease prevention & sports nutrition, Julieanna is one of the world's most respected plant-based registered dietitians. She is a sought-after lecturer, talk show host, TEDx speaker, VegNews Magazine nutrition columnist, and the author of numerous journal articles and books that include The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition* and The Vegiterranean Diet*. In addition, Julieanna has contributed recipes to both New York Times bestselling Forks Over Knives books and appeared on a myriad of television programs including Dr. Oz, Steve Harvey and E! News. Ray is a scientist-innovator focused on disrupting diet and nutrition advice. A former NASA scientist that spent 15 years with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center working on Physical and Analytical Chemistry and Biophysics as Assistant Mission Scientist on four Spacelab missions, he matriculated to found Zero-G with X-Prize founder Peter Diamandis before pulling meticulous focus on nutrition to solve his decades-long battle with weight and lifestyle infirmities. A Matthew Kenney Culinary graduate, Ray teamed up with leading academic researchers at institutions such as Harvard and the National Institutes of Health to publish work at the intersection of healthspan and plant-based diets. He delivered an amazing talk at TEDMED 2010 and has been featured on ABC Nightline and profiled everywhere, including WIRED Magazine, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, Men’s Journal, The Guardian, The 4-Hour Body and magician Penn Jillette’s book Presto!* as the mastermind behind Penn's dramatic plant-based diet 100-pound weight loss. These two recently combined their wonder twin powers to collaborate on a number of projects that include personalized nutrition consulting and the co-authoring of both medical journal articles as well as their recently released book, Plant-Based Nutrition (Idiot’s Guide Series)*. Today Julieanna and Ray join me for a mind-blowing geek dive into everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about plant-based nutrition, weight loss, chronic lifestyle illness and more. Break out that pen and paper, because you're going to want to take notes. Enjoy the exchange! Peace + Plants, Rich

    Cardiologist Kim Williams, M.D. Wants To Eradicate Heart Disease

    Cardiologist Kim Williams, M.D. Wants To Eradicate Heart Disease
    Heart health is serious business. Serious as a heart attack, as the saying goes, given that currently 1 out of every 3 people in America die from cardiovascular disease (CVD) – our #1 killer. According to the American College of Cardiology, CVD currently accounts for approximately 800,000 deaths in US. Among Americans, an average of one person dies from CVD every 40 seconds. Right now more than 90 million Americans carry a diagnosis of CVD. And over 45% of non-Hispanic blacks in the United States live with heart disease. But this isn't just an American problem. On a global level, CVD is the single largest cause of death in developed countries and accounts for 31% of all mortalities. If you take a moment to ponder these staggering statistics, you quickly realize just how vast the epidemic of heart disease has become. And yet there is hope. Because this disease that's debilitating and killing millions annually is entirely avoidable. It's completely preventable. And it's even reversible. The solution begins with personal responsibility. It's about what you put in your mouth. It encapsulates your lifestyle choices. And it extends to erecting systemic changes in our health care model to prioritize prevention over symptomatic treatment. To walk us through these important issues I sat down with former American College of Cardiology president Kim Williams, M.D. — one of the most inspiring, intelligent and pioneering leaders in the growing movement to modernize how we think about, treat, avoid, and prevent our most onerous threat to human health. A graduate of the University of Chicago and the Pritzker School of Medicine, Dr. Williams currently serves as Chief of the Division of Cardiology at Rush University Medical Center, and is board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. In addition to his tenure as President of the American College of Cardiology (2015-16), Dr. Williams has also served as the President of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and Chairman of the Board of the Association of Black Cardiologists. Tangential fun fact? Dr. Williams was also a teen chess champion before becoming Illinois' No. 3 singles tennis player at 15 years old with no previous background in the sport. Faced with a choice between pursuing professional tennis or medicine, he chose medicine. Back in 2003, Dr. Williams became concerned that his LDL cholesterol — the kind associated with an increased risk of heart disease — was too high. After some research into the positive benefits of adopting a plant-based diet, he decided to give it a shot. It worked, bringing his LDL down to normal levels. He then began prescribing his nutritional protocol to his patients. That worked too. Then an interesting thing happened. Dr. Williams became president of the American College of Cardiology, a 49,000-member medical society that is the professional home base for the entire cardiology profession. This gave him a broad platform of authority to advance awareness and the legitimacy of a plant-based diet as both a treatment and preventive protocol for heart disease. Today we unpack his story and probe the science, economics and politics behind nutrition and cardiovascular health on the road to avoiding, combating and ultimately overcoming America's #1 killer. Peace + Plants, Rich

    China Study Critics & How Plant-Based Nutrition Can Prevent & Reverse Disease

    China Study Critics & How Plant-Based Nutrition Can Prevent & Reverse Disease
    This week we hit a huge milestone – 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS!  Wow. I was blown away when we hit 1 million after about a year since we started this experiment. Then just five months later, we hit the second million. I am beyond words. I love doing the podcast, love it. I do this for you. So it means more than you can imagine that it has found a passionate and loyal audience. With utmost sincerity, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise to honor your commitment to the show by striving to always do better and be better. In honor of the milestone, I thought it appropriate to bring you one of my most compelling and important interviews to date. A conversation with a man I owe my life. A man whose studies, books and tireless advocacy have transformed countless lives across the globe. A man absolutely instrumental in paving a path for my own personal transformation – a journey that begins and ends with my adoption of a plant-based diet. T. Colin Campbell Dr. Campbell may not have invented the whole food plant-based diet, but he is most certainly the regal lion of the movement, pioneering it from fringe acceptance to modern age, widespread mainstream adoption. He is best-known as the author of The China Study*, one of the most important, ground-breaking, massively best-selling books ever written on health & nutrition. More recently, Dr. Campbell published an important follow up, Whole: Rethinking The Science of Nutrition*. But even if you have not read either of these books, there is a solid chance you saw him and his work profiled in the incredibly powerful documentary Forks Over Knives*. The simple truth is that how we are beginning to understand the ways in which food and nutrition impact the underlying causes of so many Western diseases that unnecessarily plague developed cultures — and the means to prevent and reverse them — is due in large part to the tireless scientific research to which Dr. Campbell has devoted his life. He is, quite simply put, an absolute paradigm-busting legend of the modern movement for long-term wellness, disease prevention & reversal, sustainable ecosystems, animal welfare, and agricultural reform. For the uninitiated, T. Colin Campbell is a Cornell and MIT trained Ph.D. in nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology and current professor emeritus at Cornell specializing in both nutrition & toxicology – specifically the effects of nutrition on long-term health and even more particularly the role nutrition plays in the causation of certain types of cancer. In addition to the two books mentioned above, he is the author of over 300 peer reviewed research papers on a variety of subjects related to the above. Maybe you're new to all this — I don't get all the fuss. What exactly is The China Study?

    Michael Greger, MD On Omega-3’s, Antioxidant Impact on Exercise Recovery & The Hows and Whys of Protein Intake

    Michael Greger, MD On Omega-3’s, Antioxidant Impact on Exercise Recovery & The Hows and Whys of Protein Intake
    In today's episode, Rich talks with Michael Greger, M.D., the man behind the incredibly informative non-profit website NutritionFacts.org. We discuss plant-based nutrition, the pros and cons of a wide variety of popular diets from Pritikin to Paleo to Atkins, and the impact of corporate food and pharmacuetical interests on everything from food marketing/labeling to the current state of nutrition research and medical school curriculums. Dr. Greger then gets down to the nitty gritty on specific nutrition subjects like omega-3 fatty acid oil supplementation, the impact of antioxidant intake on exercise-induced oxidative stress and athletic adaptations to training, and of the course the hows and whys of protein intake. At the end of the day? All roads lead to kale. Enjoy the listen Peace + Plants, SHOW NOTES * NutritionFacts.org * AtkinsExposed.org * Pritikin Institute * Plant Positive / Primitive Nutrition YouTube Channel * Dr. Greger on Twitter: @nutrition_facts * NutritionFacts on Facebook *Disclosure: Books and products denoted with an asterisk are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.