
    pastor lawal

    Explore " pastor lawal" with insightful episodes like "Being Fruitful", "Jesus Is Forever the Answer", "Self Esteem", "Appeals to the Fathers" and "My Utmost for His Highest" from podcasts like ""IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH's Podcast", "IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH's Podcast", "IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH's Podcast", "IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH's Podcast" and "IKOYI BAPTIST CHURCH's Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (30)

    Jesus Is Forever the Answer

    Jesus Is Forever the Answer
    BE PROFITABLEDo you know that today, Sunday July 2, 2017 is exactly the beginning of the 2nd half of the year 2017? What can you pinpoint as your achievements from January till now? Can you call it time of usefulness and fulfillment or you just merely existed marking the time? Perhaps you achieved a lot personally for yourself but the question is what did you achieve for the Lord?I got this tip and I felt encouraged by it as to how to avoid distractions that will not make you hit your goals in 2017.1)Stop spending time with people who do not add value to your life. Same can be said for attending meetings that add no value to your life.2)Stop making excuses for not wanting to press on in tackling what you think is impossible.3)Try to write down your goals for each day and evaluate yourself after the day is over.4)Spend less time on social media when you should be getting work done.5)Believe that God is taking you somewhere. When the thought of “I CAN’T” comes in, say “I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me.” You will then see that affirmative words like “I am worthy,” “I am capable,” “I deserve a better life,” “I have what it takes to make it happen,” will occupy your mind.At the end of the year, I pray that you will testify that “I made it, I am better than I was when I started.”July to December will be profitable months for you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    God Cares For You

    God Cares For You
    The trials came with sorrows and woe.I felt like asking, "Where did God go?"For days, my skies were weary and gray,But I cast my cares upon God one day.I welcomed Jesus to shine in my life.He took away my heartaches and strife.His light dispelled darkness and fearAnd replaced it with joy and cheer.To God, I must take my burdens and care,Casting them down and leaving them there.God drives the shadows and sadness away.He fills my heart with peace each day.My friend, when trials come your way,Get on your knees and earnestly pray.Cast your cares on God, the strong towerAnd trust in His holy, infinite power.

    What The Lord Wants From Us

    What The Lord Wants From Us
    JESUS ROSE TO LIFEIf Jesus be dead, in the grip of a tombThere’d be nothing for us but fear and doomLife would be sad, with no way to copeDeath would reign all, without any hopeIf Jesus be dead, in the grip of a tombWe’ll have no future, only dark and gloomNo life after death, no eternity in sight,No hope, no joy, no Saviour, no light.But…. (And aren’t we thankful there is a “but”)But thanks be to God, Jesus rose to life.The debt all paid, though sin was rifeHis body lay in the tomb three daysThen up from the grave his life was raised.Yes, thanks be to God, Jesus rose to life.He conquered death, all sin and strife.To those who believe, from death set freeWith hope, with joy, their Saviour to see by John R. Cross.

    Be an Evangelist for Christ.mp3

    Be an Evangelist for Christ.mp3
    Every Christian is expected to be an evangelist. If we are not making any effort to witness for Christ, we need to check our relationship with God. You cannot love God as you are supposed to and still be ashamed to proclaim His love to other people. In Matt. 28:19, every believer is commanded to go make more disciples.Interestingly, many of us Baptists believe in the “Priesthood of all believers” but we only claim to be when it is convenient. However, you do not have to be a preacher by profession in order to be a “reacher” of others who are lost in sin. Just open up to the Holy Spirit to direct you to someone He has prepared to hear the gospel message. Rather than sit down and be judgmental about the non-Christians going to hell fire, do all you can to save yourself from blood guilt (Ezekiel 3:18; 33:8). Whoever wants any human being to go to hell is worse than the Pharisees and Jesus said “except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:20).Be obedient to your Lord so as not to get disqualified before Him on the judgment day (Luke 9:26).


    FIGHT AND RUN TO WINChristian walk is likened unto a warfare. We war against principalities and powers of darkness. Satan and his angels are always in opposition with God and those who are for God to live a holy life. We are warned in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god of this world preventing the glory of Christ who is the image of God to shine in this world. Eph. 6:12 tells us that we are at warfare, wrestling against Satan. I Tim. 6:12 says we should fight the good fight of faith and 2 Cor. 10:4 tells us that the weapons we fight with are not of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.Christian walk is likened to running a race. In I Cor. 9:24, we are challenged not to just run but to run to win. Obstacles may be on the way but we are to persevere by looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. Paul declared that there is a victory crown from the King of heaven for all Christians who will run to finish well. So like Paul, let us run our earthly race to win and to please our King.

    Desire Spiritual Growth

    Desire Spiritual Growth
    Salvation is by faith in Christ Jesus alone. That is God’s provision for mankind.1.You must accept it (Acts 4:10-12; 2 Cor. 5:7).2.You must confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9).3.You are not perfect but forgiven (Romans 8:1).4.You are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).5.Eternal life is yours (John 3:16).6.You must keep living for Christ (Col. 1:23).7.You need to go to church regularly (Heb. 10:25).8.You need to pray daily (I Thess. 5:17).9.You need to read (study) the Bible daily (Ps. 119:105).10.You need to be baptized in water (Acts 2:38).11.You need to live a holy life (Col. 1:10; 2 Cor. 7:1).12.You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).13.You need to tell others about Jesus Christ (Matt. 10:32-33).

    Desiring God’s Favour for 2017

    Desiring God’s Favour for 2017
    BIBLICAL EVIDENCE OF GOD’S FAVOUR1.Joseph- God’s favour brought him supernatural protection and promotion2.The Hebrew Children- God gave them REST- “The Restoration of Everything Satan Took as they left Egypt for the Promised Land.3.David, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego: i) God honoured them in the meals of their adversariesii) God caused rules and regulations, laws and policies to be changed to their advantage even in foreign land.4.Esther: God gave her power for prominence and preferential treatment before a foreign king to save His people.5.Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat: God won battles for them without their lifting a finger in war against mighty opponents.6.David- God gave him recognition though he was the least among his brethren to become king.7.Paul- God called him, who was “the chief of sinners” to suffer for His cause among the Jews and Gentiles.Who can be favored? Read Psalm 5:12, Psalm 37:23-26; 2Cor. 5:21-22.

    Serve God Reasonably in 2017

    Serve God Reasonably in 2017
    We are breaking out a new calendar and it is also a time of new beginning for services onto our King of kings and Lord of lords as we ask for grace for a renewal of strength and purpose from our God through the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not asking or suggesting for members to make resolutions to serve the Lord because resolutions can be a wishful thinking that may soon be forgotten. What I plead for is a renewal of our minds to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us to the level of being a vessel unto honour to our God and King.Let our fresh start be a commitment to attend worship services regularly. Do not be malnourished spiritually this year when God has prepared a table of feasting before you in your church. Rise up and count for God in your attendance of Mid-week service, Sunday service with Sunday school and services of prayer and fasting. Also have a fresh start in Evangelism Outreach of the Church and personal outreach in your area of work and residence. We must herald the good news of Jesus more than ever before.As we celebrate our year of jubilee, we prophecy the rest of Christ upon our lives. God will restore everything satan took from us and deliver us from the snares of the fowler in Jesus’ name. None of us shall be in want of anything good in the mighty name of Jesus.I must pass a caution to all members that the fear of God should rule us in all our endeavours that we may be blessed anywhere and everywhere we go. May 2017 be a jubilee for you in all ramifications. Amen.

    I Want to Be A Christian

    I Want to Be A Christian
    WHAT EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST POSSESSThere is a misconception about who a Christian is in our world today. Some believe that they were born a Christian because their parents are Christians. Some claim that they are Christians because they have been baptized and are partaking in the Lord’s Supper in any church they go for worship. Some even think that the moment they stepped foot in a church building, they automatically become Christians.The label “Christian” was first used in Antioch when the unbelievers saw the followers of Christ living a different life-style that was worth emulation. The meaning of “Christian” is “little Christ” or “one who lives a noble, good and Christ-like life.” It will be rightly used to describe a believer in Christ who is truly living a life patterned after Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.There are 3 essential virtues that Christ has called us to possess if we are truly determined to be like Him. These are:1.A life of sacrifice: Luke 9:232.A life of humility: Matthew 11:28-303.A life of obedience: Philippians 2:8As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us bear in mind that our celebration can only have meaning and be blessed by God only if we are determined to be His true ambassadors in the world (2 Corinthians 5:20).

    Thanks Be to God

    Thanks Be to God
    BENEFITS OF THANKSGIVING TO GOD1.It is right to give thanks to God.2.Thanksgiving will change our view of life from being selfish to being generous to others.3.Thanksgiving will magnify the blessings of the Lord in our lives.4.Thanksgiving is a unique way of witnessing to those around us that our God is dependable.5.It instills in us the truth of God’s indescribable love and mercy.6.It gives us a sense of contentment so that we think less of what we do not have.AVOID THE FOLLOWING WHEN GIVING THANKS TO GOD:Don’t disregard God’s worth in the scheme of things.Don’t give to God without your heart being in it.Don’t give hastily, put some thought into it.Don’t give out of necessity or grudgingly, give cheerfully.Don’t give out of competition with others, give out of love and appreciation.Don’t forget that you will get a harvest of what you sow be it good or bad.

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