

    Explore "paulwilliams" with insightful episodes like "Lessons in Faith - Paul M. Williams", "Faith’s Folly - Paul M. Williams", "The World Passeth Away - Paul M. Williams", "By Faith - Paul M. Williams" and "Called Unto Holiness" from podcasts like ""Bethesda Shalom", "Bethesda Shalom", "Bethesda Shalom", "Bethesda Shalom" and "Bethesda Shalom"" and more!

    Episodes (76)

    Lessons in Faith - Paul M. Williams

    Lessons in Faith - Paul M. Williams

    2 Chronicles 20

    The account contained in 2 Chronicles 20 concerns a certain king named Jehoshaphat; a godly king, who though not perfect, was a man of tremendous faith who feared the Lord and walked in the ways of his father David. Throughout his 25-year reign as the King of Judah, Jehoshaphat witnessed firsthand, the supernatural hand of God in delivering him out of a number of precarious situations in which his life was placed in great jeopardy. Here stands an account of one such deliverance that I trust shall be a challenge and an encouragement to you. 

    I want to present to you three lessons in faith. #1. FAITH’S TRIAL, #2. FAITH’S ANSWER, and #3. FAITH’S REWARD

    Faith’s Folly - Paul M. Williams

    Faith’s Folly - Paul M. Williams

    2 Kings 5:13

    If there’s one thing that I came to learn quickly as a newborn babe in Christ, it was this: it’s not everything that God asks of us, we’re going to understand.  In fact, many times, what God asks seems foolish when brought to the bar of natural reasoning.  There are many reasons why God sets things up this way, not least for the testing of faith and for the glory of His name.  Faith forever stands diametrically opposed to sight as north stands opposed to south and east to west.  Sight believes because it sees, but faith believes because God said it!   “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5). 

    In this sermon, I endeavour to set before you, three accounts of where God’s people were instructed by God to do things that on face value seemed foolish and against all human logic.  Their faith and obedience are an inspiration for us all and in every case, the Lord worked in miraculous power to bring to naught the wisdom of men. 

    The World Passeth Away - Paul M. Williams

    The World Passeth Away - Paul M. Williams

    1 John 2:15-17

    They tell us, “...nothing’s built to last”.  It’s not always that I agree with what “they” like to tell us, but in this instance, they’re spot on!! I like walking, and at odd times my path leads me into farming land.  I love standing by the gate and looking out at the wheat fields, the ripened heads swaying in the wind.  Upon my journey, I sometimes see an old clapped-out tractor with a rusty plough lying amidst the undergrowth.  Immediately my mind begins to wonder, “...there was a day when this tractor ploughed these fields and this plough didn’t have a spot of rust upon it. One day when the tractor’s engine was started for the first time, its brand-new coat of paint shone with pride.  I wonder how many sat in its seat?  I wonder are they still alive?”  You, know there’s something about history that fascinates me but there’s one thing about history that forever holds true — what was, no longer is, and what it shall one day no longer be.

    This sermon is an appeal to flee from covetousness and to escape the spirit of materialism which plagues this generation.  Jesus offers to give to all who would come to Him, water to drink, the likes of which a soul would never thirst again!!

    By Faith - Paul M. Williams

    By Faith - Paul M. Williams

    Hebrews 11:1-3

    If there were just two words that I would have you take away with you so as to keep in memory, it would be these two words, “BY FAITH”.  No less than 16 times within the 40 verses that span the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews; the words, “By faith” appear. Beginning with Abel, the son of Adam, the names of men and women are chronicled and the mighty victories that they wrought by faith are held in review for our remembrance. Abel, Enoch and Noah.  Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Jacob. Joseph, Moses and the Gentile harlot Rehab. All had one thing in common, one thing that wrote their name in the book, they believed God!! 

    Brothers and Sisters, I can think of no greater experience as a Christian than when God asks you to stand this side of faith and to trust Him.  Against all odds, against everything that the natural eye would say otherwise. To take God at His Word and to simply say, “God I believe you and  I’m going to trust you”, is the story of the heroes and heroines of the faith!! 

    Called Unto Holiness

    Called Unto Holiness

    1 Thessalonians 4:1-7

    If I was to ask the vast majority of professing believers, what it was that Jesus accomplished upon the cross.  Without hesitation, the overwhelming response would be, “He died that sins might be forgiven”, to that I say amen!!  But if I was to probe a little further by asking the second time, “what was it that Jesus accomplished upon the cross”, for the most part, I would be greeted by blank faces. The Church in our hour regrettably, has chosen to focus only on that one aspect of the cross — sins forgiven — and the conclusion that it has drawn from this, though it would never say it is this: “The only difference between the world and the Christian is this; the Christian has been forgiven of their sins whereas the world has not?”  In other words, when it boils down to Christian living, there isn’t really any radical difference between the child of God and the child of wrath.  But friends, the Bible that I hold in my hand rejects this darkened reasoning.  What saith the Apostle?  “...Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Rom. 6:1-2).  Not only did Jesus die to save us from the penalty of sin, but He also died to save us from the power of sin. 

    In this sermon, we move from the category of sins general, to focus on sin specific, namely the sin of sexual immorality. Let us heed the warnings given to us in God’s Word.   

    If These Things Be in You and Abound - Paul M. Williams

    If These Things Be in You and Abound - Paul M. Williams

    2 Peter 1:1-12

    Doctrine matters! Foundations matter!  Everyone wants to build but if there are no foundations upon which to build, the building’s not going to stand.  We must begin with foundational matters/those great positional truths of Scripture - they are anchors to our soul. But we must never allow ourselves to settle there. We must be poured out into the vessel of experience. Too many Christians have remained for too long settled on their lees, living in the realm of the positional and never coming down to the land of the experiential. 

    In this sermon, we look at the glorious truths that Peter furnishes for us and the exhortation which follows to live in the reality of this.

    Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing - Paul M. Williams

    Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing - Paul M. Williams

    Matthew 24:1-5

    As nears our Lord’s return, the Word of God tells us that widespread deception will mark the generation that shall witness the Second Coming of Christ.  When the disciples asked our Lord saying, “...Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Mt. 24:3).  The first words out of Jesus’ mouth were, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (vs. 4).  Of all the many things He could have said, and of all the many things He went ¬on to say; first thing’s first, He warns the disciples against deception; “Take heed that no man deceive you”. 

    As a Pastor/shepherd, I see so many of God’s people in this late hour, wandering hither and thither, “...scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd”. Brothers and Sisters, I want to be straight with you, this is no hour for wandering about, there are prowling wolves out there waiting for their dinner, and guess what’s on the menu?  You got it...SHEEP!!  If there’s one thing I’ve learned not to do as a Christian, that is to ignore the warnings given to me in the Word of God.  When God warns us, He warns us for a reason and He says, "TAKE HEED" because there are genuine consequences for not doing so!  Part of our being ready for when Christ comes is being found in truth.  Not only must we be found abiding in holiness when He comes; but we must also be found abiding in the truth! 

    When My Heart is Overwhelmed - Paul M. Williams

    When My Heart is Overwhelmed - Paul M. Williams

    Psalm 61:1-4

    As one walks through this fallen world, it seems that pain and sorrows are the appointed lot of man.  Sinners and Saint alike taste of these bitter waters, but the added comfort for the child of God is the knowledge, that whatever trials are traced upon his dial, they are done so by the Son of love.  Be this as it may, God’s people do not always recognise it as so.  In times of great calamity, rather than looking to the Lord, they can draw away from Him 

    This sermon is an encouragement to those enduring hardship to look to the Lord!  “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Ps. 61:1-2).  

    Lessons From the Life of Naaman - Paul M. Williams

    Lessons From the Life of Naaman - Paul M. Williams

    2 Kings 5:1

    There’s nothing like sitting before an open Bible, with an open heart, asking that the Lord might breathe upon the text and illuminate one’s understanding.  Ah, to have those rhema moments where the text of Scripture seems to leap from the page, where the Word of God is comprehended from His Spirit to our spirit, there’s nothing that compares like unto it. 

    Fasten your seatbelt, as we go for a ride through chapter 5 of the Book of Second Kings to learn lessons from the life of Naaman the Syrian.

    Behold, I Come Quickly – Paul M. Williams

    Behold, I Come Quickly – Paul M. Williams

    Revelation 22:7-15

    Many have endeavoured through the ages to predict the date of Christ’s Second Coming.  In the 1830s, a Baptist minister from New York by the name of William Miller began publicly sharing his newfound belief, that Jesus Christ was going to return around the year 1843.  This belief began to gain momentum across denominations, and by 1840 it had become a nationwide campaign with between 50,000 and 100,000 followers.  This growing group was dubbed ‘The Millerites’.  When 1843 passed without Jesus coming, one of William Miller’s followers, a  preacher by the name of Samuel Snow, pinpointed an exact date for the Lord’s return — October 22, 1844.  Such was the expectation and hope placed in the October 22 1844 date that many of those devout Millerites cast in everything, giving away all their possessions.  If my dates are correct, today marks the beginning of a new year, January 1st, 2023, and what do you know? Jesus hasn’t come back yet!! When October 22 1844 came and went without the Lord coming, William Miller’s followers were left devastated, their hopes dashed into pieces!!  Many were left to pick up the pieces and begin the painful process of rebuilding their lives from scratch.  This event became known as the ‘Great Disappointment’. 

    If the Millerites had cared to consult the Bible, it would have saved them a great deal of disappointment! What did Jesus say? “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Mt. 24:36).  Though we know not the day nor the hour, we can know the season.  All around the signposts of prophecy declare the soon return of Jesus Christ.  It is one thing to read the signs and another to allow these signs to move us to readiness to meet the Lord. A cry goes forth from the heart of God, “Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready”.

    The Man Christ Jesus – Paul M. Williams

    The Man Christ Jesus – Paul M. Williams

    1 Timothy 2:1-6

    A presentation of the Gospel!

    “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time”.

    Cutting Corners – Paul M. Williams

    Cutting Corners – Paul M. Williams

    2 Samuel 11:1

    There’s something inherent within the heart of man; an instinct that he carries with him from birth.  If tasked with the mission of travelling from A to B to C, if there’s a route that will take him straight from A to C, he's sure to find it out!  It’s the lazy postman syndrome, rather than go up the path and down the next, he cuts straight across the lawn, much to the annoyance of the resident whose garden it is!  Go to a rectangular field and look for the public right of way.  Seldom is it ever the two paths forming a right angle, it’s usually always the diagonal distance right through. Now in this particular instance, mathematically speaking, it is always profitable to cut the corner.  But what about the spiritual? What happens when God’s people begin cutting corners in matters of holiness?  Tragedy always follows in its wake.

    In this sermon, we look at the fall of King David and try to lessons for us today.

    God's Choice - Paul M. Williams

    God's Choice - Paul M. Williams

    1 Samuel 16:6-7

    Imagine for a moment, if upon awaking out of sleep, you were caught up to the third heaven beholding things indescribable, and hearing words unspeakable, “...which it is not lawful for a man to utter”. Suddenly, you find yourself before a throne and glancing upward, you see one seated upon the throne, high and lifted up.  “...he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone” (Rev. 4:3).  Oh, what a scene most glorious!  A voice is heard coming from around the throne, “Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?” (Is. 40:13-14).  By this point you’re on your face, prostrate before the majesty of God, when suddenly a voice is heard; “Let him be His counsellor”.  Terror grips your soul and before you can even think,  another sounds aloud, “What shall he counsel?”, to which he gives answer, “Have him choose from among the children of men, a vessel of service unto the LORD”.  Tell me this morning, how would you counsel? 

    In this sermon, we look at the qualities of the vessel God chooses for service in His house.

    What is Your Life? – Paul M. Williams

    What is Your Life? – Paul M. Williams

    James 4:14

    James, writing under the inspiration of God, asks his audience a question —and by extension, to us also, “For what is your life?”  Everyman thinketh in his heart, though he may not say it, LONG…PLENTEOUS...OF GREAT LENGTH!!!!  But what saith James?  “It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away”.  Selah!!  Job puts it this way, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days...He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not” (Job 14:1-2). “Behold (saith David), thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah” (Ps. 39:5). 

    Tell me Christian, what are you living for, or can I put it this way, WHO are you living for?  Oh that each one us might say, “For me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). 

    Godly Counsel – Paul M. Williams

    Godly Counsel – Paul M. Williams

    Proverbs 12:15

    You’ve all heard the saying, “Feelings come, and feelings go” — how true this maxim is!!  I thank God for the gift of feeling, our emotions are given to us by our Creator.  It was never God’s design to make robots.  I don’t know if you ever noticed, but robots don’t have feelings — they do what they’re programmed to do. You can drive a robot off a cliff and you’re never going here it complain!  Humans on the other hand are made to feel.  When we’re sad, we cry, when happy, we laugh!!  When in love, we don’t reach for the Oxford dictionary to search for a definition, every fiber of our being experiences it!! Now, whilst feelings can be a tremendous blessing to us, they can also be a great curse.  Many a man acted rashly in a moment of hot temper based on feeling, only to regret it on the morrow in the cool light of a new day.  We can think of all types of thoughts which in turn induce all manner of feelings, but we can be totally wrong in our thinking!!  Only a fool allows his life to be governed by his feelings.

    In this sermon, we look at feelings, decisions, and the desperate need for godly counsel.

    Spiritual Stirrings - Paul M. Williams

    Spiritual Stirrings - Paul M. Williams

    Genesis 1:1-3

    It is upon my heart to speak to you about the spiritual stirrings of God amidst unfavourable times of spiritual depression!!  Is this not an apt topic for the crisis hour in which we find ourselves?  As I look around, after the natural eye, I don’t find much encouragement outwardly to commend much hope to my soul. As a nation, spiritually, we’re not in a good place — darkness covers the face of the deep, and by all natural reasoning, it seems that the light has been extinguished, never to rise upon the land again!!  Yet, as one traces the moving of the Spirit in the history of the pages of God’s Word, one sees time and again, where darkness abounded, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep and God said, let there be light and there was light!! 

    It is my firm conviction, that God is at work, stirring the hearts of His people to pray because it is His desire to move again in revival power!

    A Battle Lost, but a War Won – Paul M. Williams

    A Battle Lost, but a War Won – Paul M. Williams

    Luke 22:31-34

    On 3 September 1939, France declared war on Germany following the German invasion of Poland.  Between 10 May and 22 June 1940, in a six-week lightning campaign, Germany’s armed forces overran Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg, humiliating the British and defeating the French.  During the fighting, the British, French, and Belgium forces had been pushed back to the French Port of Dunkirk.  Hundreds of thousands of allied troops were left stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk, surrounded by massive German armies consisting of many more troops and tanks — it seemed an almost foregone conclusion.  Knowing the peril of the moment, on May 24th, 1940, King George VI addressed the British nation, calling for a national day of prayer!  On that self-same day, for reasons still unknown, Hitler suddenly and unexpectedly commanded the advancing Panzer tanks to halt, giving the allied forces 3 invaluable days of reprieve.  On May 26th, 1940 the nation of Britain went to prayer committing their cause to Almighty God, imploring Him for divine intervention!  Millions across the British Isles filed into Churches, and in some quarters, chapels were filled to overflowing.  Now what happened next cannot be humanly explained.  For the next nine days, some 338,000 troops were evacuated from the port and beaches of Dunkirk right in the face of the Germans!  The allied forces may have lost the battle at Dunkirk but they went on to win the war!!

    This sermon is an encouragement to those who may have lost battles in this Christian fight.  You may have lost a battle, but you have not lost the war!  There’s a work that God has for you to do. The time for licking your wounds is over and it’s time again to join the fight. 

    #273/Shoring Up Paul Williams: Architect Scott Kelsey + Musical Guest John Armato

    #273/Shoring Up Paul Williams:  Architect Scott Kelsey + Musical Guest John Armato

    Sometimes even the best design needs a little help, particularly when Mother Nature is having a bad day. Her earthquakes, for example, do not care whether your building is Modernist.  Her monsoons are not impressed with how famous the architect was, even if he was Paul R. Williams.  One of California’s most well-known architects, Williams’ buildings get more famous year by year.  There are two in Los Angeles at UCLA that have been recently restored and shored up for such ominous natural events, and joining us is the architect for those University projects, Scott Kelsey of CO Architects.  After that, jazz with musical guest John Armato, the drummer who loves ballads.

    Be Ye Therefore Merciful – Paul M. Williams

    Be Ye Therefore Merciful – Paul M. Williams

    Luke 6:27-36

    In his classic commentary on the Bible, Adam Clarke writes concerning mercy: “A merciful or compassionate man easily forgets injuries; pardons them without being solicited; and does not permit repeated returns of ingratitude to deter him from doing good, even to the unthankful and the unholy”.  Can I ask you?  Are you merciful?  Do you extend mercy towards those who wrong you?  I understand all about justice and principles, “...they’ve done this to me and so why should I show them kindness in return?”  Dear soul, allow mercy to have its work in you, and you’ll soon be extending the hand of grace!!  Hear the words of Jesus Christ, “Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful” (Lk. 6:36).

    No Coincidences With God – Paul M. Williams

    No Coincidences With God – Paul M. Williams

    Acts 23:23-24

    When we think of the life of the Apostle Paul, many of us if we’re not careful, can have a distorted view of how things really were for this man of God.  We look at the self-professed Apostles of today and by comparison, they live like superstars. From the very start, the Lord gave word to Ananias, “...Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake” (Acts 9:15-16).  How would you fancy a call like that?  Paul didn’t shrink away from this calling but embraced it! 

    This sermon is a call to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ.  There are no coincidences with God.  “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).