

    Explore "pert" with insightful episodes like "2024 The Good, the Bad, the oh-so Ugly of AI 02-22-2024", "#92 - Manage yourself to better manage others feat. Johanna Rothman // The Pragmatic Manager", "S2 EP46|如何快速解決職場複雜問題?高效工作者都會用的「思考框架」!專訪 《經理人月刊》總編輯 齊立文", "Editorial: Um “Refis” para a pandemia" and "Episode 206 - Robert Frantz, MD" from podcasts like ""Author U Your Guide to Book Publishing", "alphalist.CTO Podcast - For CTOs and Technical Leaders", "職涯履行家 Creating Our Future", "Editorial - Gazeta do Povo" and "I'm Aware That I'm Rare: the phaware® podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    2024 The Good, the Bad, the oh-so Ugly of AI 02-22-2024

    2024 The Good, the Bad, the oh-so Ugly of AI  02-22-2024
    AI Is Back … the good, the bad, and the ugly to come In this week’s AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, Host Dr. Judith Briles invites AI expert Greg Jameson back to dig into AI – the good, the back, and the ugly to come. AI has transitioned from clumsy in the beginning to clunky to sophisticated as 2024 begins. Your listening takeaways include: - The advances in AI in 2024 will dwarf what rolled out in 2023. - Watch for custom niche AIs. - Legal issues over copyright are going to require lawmakers to put laws into place. - AI hallucinations will become less. - Ethical problems will increase as deepfakes get better. - Phone and email scams will increase. - Expect to see at least one major shakeout in the AI industry. And my recommendation. If you are using any AI for research-related writing, make sure that you are using Perplextity.ai to identify all resources that are used to create your copy. Tune in for lots of ideas and how-to tactics via the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Since its inception, over 16,000,000 listeners have downloaded various shows for practical publishing and book marketing guidance. Join me and become a regular subscriber.

    #92 - Manage yourself to better manage others feat. Johanna Rothman // The Pragmatic Manager

    #92 - Manage yourself to better manage others feat. Johanna Rothman // The Pragmatic Manager
    Want to become a better manager? Then manage yourself better! From managing the time you spend managing, and all the way to managing how you give your team new tasks... Let's get real with Johanna Rothman, whom they don’t call the Pragmatic Manager for nothing. You will love her straight-talking approach to management. After almost 40 years in management, she can boil down things to sharp principles that will make you either hand pump💯, shoot the link to your buddy🤣… or smile sheepishly🫣. Yip, she got you. (Don’t worry, we won’t judge. Patterns exist because everyone does them. Which is why we need people who have been around the block to call us out 📢on them). Listen to find out: - Why you need to manage yourself to better manage others - Micromanagement: A recipe for multitasking chaos🤯 and WIP overload. - Why Gantt Charts are bad👎. Use Flow Metrics and PERT instead. - Who actually needs to be in the C-Suite (HINT: Not 25 people 🤣) - + how things have changed since the 70s: from the CTO Role to Feedback loops. Listen here: https://alphalist.com/podcast/92-johanna-rothman-the-pragmatic-manager BROUGHT TO YOU BY: WorkGenius (https://link.alphalist.com/work) and codecentric (https://link.alphalist.com/cc)

    S2 EP46|如何快速解決職場複雜問題?高效工作者都會用的「思考框架」!專訪 《經理人月刊》總編輯 齊立文

    S2 EP46|如何快速解決職場複雜問題?高效工作者都會用的「思考框架」!專訪 《經理人月刊》總編輯 齊立文
    我們都知道工作當中,要挑選重要但不緊急的事情來做,但實際的職場現況,經常有各種重要但緊急的臨時任務。 身為工作者的我們,該如何用聰明的思考方式,在最短時間找到正確的方法,快速解決問題? 今天非常榮幸邀請到《經理人月刊》總編,同時也是「一流工作者的商業思考框架」課程講師齊立文,來跟我們分享商業思考框架,以及他採訪超過百位經理人的工作心法。 本集精彩一次看 ➤ 《經理人月刊》嚴選 10 個商業思考框架,教你快速解決工作難題! ➤ (01:19) 用系統思考拉大格局,重新安排事情的輕重緩急 ➤ (08:26) 小學生都會用!激發創意的思考框架:KJ法、曼陀羅法、6頂思考帽等 ➤ (14:28) 梳理系統、精準溝通的思考框架:金字塔法 ➤ (21:07) 複雜問題怎麼解?麥肯錫、BCG管顧公司都知道:假說思考法 ➤ (28:39) 總編揭密!業界厲害的經理人竟然是這樣思考的 ➤ (36:57) 思考框架的最高境界:無形中快速抓到重點、問出對的問題! 📍課程簡介: 《經理人月刊》與新商業學校合開「一流工作者的商業思考框架」線上課,嚴選10個職場人絕對用得上的思考框架,包括:系統思考、決策樹、金字塔法、假說思考、PDCA、ARCI、PERT、曼陀羅法、KJ法、六頂思考帽。一次解決3種工作應用情境:向上管理、專案管理、會議管理,保證效率翻倍,做出超越老闆期待的成果! 🔥來這裡了解更多《商業思考框架》課程內容,職涯履行家聽友專屬折扣碼「yourator300」,結帳現折300元! 🙌🏼兩堂一起買更划算:加購「一次搞懂Chatgpt」實用工具課,讓你快速上手AI工具,加速做出高績效!點擊課程頁面看優惠>https://pse.is/5eplzy ⭐️ 喜歡這集節目也歡迎到《職涯履行家》Apple Podcast 底下留言 + 5星好評🤩 ⭐️還聽不夠嗎?精華文章看這裡! 🌟同場加映|全台年度最大《職涯博覽會》要來了🌟 Yourator 年度盛事——數位職涯博覽會,2024年1月6號在松山文創園區2-4號倉庫登場囉! 本次數位職涯博覽會以
:「2024 你最應該關注的 3 大職場關鍵字 - AI、DEI、X-Career」
為主題展開,帶你一同跨步無限可能的未來! 現場超過80+參展企業,招募千名職缺,還有履歷健檢,與一對一職涯諮詢服務,等你來參加! 每個人都值得擁有更好的工作,快來Yourator 數位職涯博覽會,看到你的更多職涯可能性! 免費票卷數量有限,手刀報名這裡請 ➡️ 點擊連結。 💠 到各社群平台找到 Yourator,給我們回饋! :https://linktr.ee/creatingourfuture 💠 合作邀約 :mkt@yourator.co

    Episode 206 - Robert Frantz, MD

    Episode 206 - Robert Frantz, MD

    Robert P. Frantz is the director of the Mayo Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic, which has a robust referral practice of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Dr. Frantz has served as the Mayo site PI on numerous multicenter trials in PH including the majority of trials resulting in FDA approved PH therapies. He also performs complex hemodynamic studies in the catheterization laboratory including right heart catheterizations for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and also patients with left heart failure. He also evaluates and manages patients with CTEPH, with particular interest in the role of balloon pulmonary angioplasty.

    Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Never miss an episode with the phaware® podcast app. Follow us @phaware on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Linkedin Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phaware #phawareMD #CTEPH #CTEPHday #ClinicalTrials @MayoClinic @CTEPHAdvisor  @BayerPharma @BayerUS  @antidote_me

    Episode 190 - Victor F. Tapson, MD

    Episode 190 - Victor F. Tapson, MD

    Victor F. Tapson, MD discusses the PERT Consortium, a network of multidisciplinary pulmonary embolism response teams working to improve the care of pts w severe PE. The PERT Consortium intends to guide and influence pulmonary embolism (PE) care and research in institutions across the U.S. and will be the driving force behind increased survival rates and the future of PE treatment.

    Learn more about pulmonary hypertension at www.phaware365.global. Never miss an episode with the phaware® podcast app. Follow us @phaware on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Linkedin Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phaware #phawareMD @PERTConsortium