

    Explore "peterthiel" with insightful episodes like "Jonathan Taplin vs. the tech billionaires", "Mentally Girarded *TEASER*", "Paypal-Konto schließen zum Einschlafen", "Paypal-Konto schließen zum Einschlafen" and "雷曼兄弟風暴將再引爆?懶人包秒懂全球銀行金融事件!矽谷圈高盛美國矽谷銀48小時離奇破產!史上最蠢CEO的詭異爛攤!瑞士國銀砸兆元搶救瑞士信貸倒閉危機?|國際政經54" from podcasts like ""California Sun Podcast", "Red Scare", "Lust Auf Zorn", "Lust Auf Zorn" and "Emmy 追劇時間"" and more!

    Episodes (18)

    Jonathan Taplin vs. the tech billionaires

    Jonathan Taplin vs. the tech billionaires

    Jonathan Taplin, a film producer, scholar, and director emeritus of the Annenberg Innovation Lab, is a vocal critic of excessive techno-optimism. In his book, "The End of Reality: How Four Billionaires are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto," he argues that the California-centric billionaires Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen are diverting public attention from critical issues. He criticizes the media's role in glorifying them and advocates for a cultural shift that emphasizes real solutions over escapist narratives.


    全球金融危機是剛剛解除還是才要開始?矽谷銀行倒閉,引發全球銀行股拉警報,為什麼一家美國網路公司最倚賴的銀行,48小時內豬羊變色,被自己的客戶提款到倒閉? 瑞士信貸脫離險境了嗎?瑞士政府頂著國家銀行去年一千四百多億帳面虧損的財報,也要救瑞士信貸,向全世界發出了瑞士銀行不能倒的信號。 風暴之中,最精彩的追劇,持續連載中! 👇👇更多精彩影片就在這👇👇 習近平救不了中共半導體倒閉潮!全球僅剩張忠謀台積電獨強!英特爾三星重創,虧損調降財測!強國5700家晶片公司暴斃,中芯長江存儲死亡倒數?|半導體爭霸44|中國仆街58 https://youtu.be/NCvKzPeD9ro 新亞洲金融風暴降臨?日元韓圜中國人民幣大貶,韓國貿易逆差破紀錄,半導體出口下滑,金絲雀預測全球經濟將走入地獄?國際政經25|中國仆街33 https://youtu.be/ccJuY2zkOcE 恐怖加密貨幣數百萬人踩雷!台灣金融損失數百億,超越雷曼兄弟!揭秘SBF真面目!交易所FTX六天倒閉,大谷翔平Curry大坂直美全被告,幣安也會倒嗎?|國際政經28 https://youtu.be/8NJo600Gi0s 台灣怎麼這麼強!?台積電拯救全球軍用半導體大缺貨!烏克蘭存亡關鍵!影響全球戰爭局勢!教訓習近平私下軍援俄國普丁,拜登讓蔡英文訪美!AMD蘇姿丰FPGA晶片萬眾矚目|半導體爭霸43|國際政經52 https://youtu.be/fO4CGrvl3wI AI世界大戰,美國台灣聯手擊潰中共!百度阿里巴巴京東商城人工智慧全面潰敗,山寨ChatGPT叫ChatJD!模仿NVIDIA廠商全倒,軟硬體都笑死人的中國仆街56|國際政經50|半導體爭霸42 https://youtu.be/4U7iUSJZDQk 美國國防部送習近平二十大稱帝致命大禮!砍半導體、查馬斯克買推特資金,逼蘋果退長江存儲晶片,再殺量子運算?第三次世界大戰要開始了嗎?神秘的Alan Estevez又是誰? https://youtu.be/G0_FYcypoZA 🔔 Youtube【追劇時間Emmy】:https://reurl.cc/WE23E7 👍 Facebook【Emmy 追劇時間粉絲團】:https://reurl.cc/4y0aaV ❤ Podcast【Emmy追劇時間】:https://reurl.cc/depEDy

    EP52 矽谷天王彼得・提爾的0到1創業哲學

    EP52 矽谷天王彼得・提爾的0到1創業哲學
    『本集重點』 ・彼得・提爾是誰? ・0到1是什麼樣的創業概念? ・為什麼循序漸進的發展不一定是好事? ・Raina跟Maggy的創業辛酸史。 ・想要創造有價值的企業該尋找什麼? ・在資本市場中為什麼要避開「競爭」? ・要怎麼樣找到發展企業的「祕密」? ・為什麼現在的人都找不太到祕密? ・我們的教育體系框架了什麼? ・為什麼「一帆風順」對創業不是好事? ・有什麼你覺得很重要但別人沒想過的觀點? (本集節目錄製於2022年11月25日) 購書連結👉 https://reurl.cc/vmL9gN -------Follow Us---------- Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/unwhacker_us/ Telegram Channel:https://t.me/unwhacker_us YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHZjWP8lOJ8mbS486-EzNQ

    The SQ (w/ Beyond Woke and Problematic) (PREVIEW)

    The SQ (w/ Beyond Woke and Problematic) (PREVIEW)

    Meme account extraordinaire Beyond Woke and Problematic Discusses the Thiel/Soros pipelines, Kali Yuga, BAP, Kantbot, and the mesmeric allure and insidious confusion of niche internet ideology.

    Royal Trux - Teeth (Live)

    Martin Denny - Little China Doll

    Kid606 - Going Back To Kali Yuga

    Mutilation - Born Under The Master’s Spell 

    Agonal Lust - Satan’s Den 

    Pin Group - Hurricane Fighter Plane 

    Rusted Shut - Chemical World 

    Funkadelic - You and Your Folks, Me and My Folks 


    BWAP Twitter 

    BWAP Instagram: @bwap_2

    Max Chafkin on the "godfather" of Silicon Valley

    Max Chafkin on the "godfather" of Silicon Valley

    Peter Thiel is considered by many the "godfather" of Silicon Valley. His influence, as a venture capitalist, a political contributor, and a leading alumnus of what has been called the PayPal mafia continues to shape the culture of the valley. He mentors new leaders, uses his wealth to reshape politics, and strikes fear into those who oppose him. This week we talked with Max Chafkin, a Bloomberg editor and author of the new Thiel biography "The Contrarian," about the entrepreneur's influence in California and beyond.

    1756: John Hyre, Death of SDIRA Retirement Plans, Peter Thiel, Worldwide Housing Bubble Part 1

    1756: John Hyre, Death of SDIRA Retirement Plans, Peter Thiel, Worldwide Housing Bubble Part 1

    In today's episode, we have John Hyre, a tax attorney sounding the alarm on what the law makers are doing to control YOUR retirement funds, covertly slipping in legislation that will affect your SDIRAs, IRAs, ROTHs, 401ks etc. You need to take action before it's too late. 

    The Democratic House is looking to gut self-directed retirement accounts (especially IRAs, possibly 401(k)s and Solo 401(k)s), and they are attempting to do it very quietly and very quickly.

    You can stand by and do nothing…and pay the price, literally. Or you can fight. To protect your retirement (or the funds that feed your business if you raise money from SDIRAs/401(k)s), you will need to fight promptly and loudly. Procrastinators are useless in this fight. On “how to fight it” visit the sites listed below.

    Key Takeaways:

    [1:30] Homes sold BEFORE built 

    [4:12] The World Housing Bubbles

    [6:20] A Brief Intro on our Guest

    [7:54] Housing Bubble Risk on VisualCapitalist.com

    [10:45] Rollercoasters, the Perfect Housing Metaphor

    [12:30] The Collective- an Invitation

    [14:14] Introducing John Hyre

    [15:02] The Tax Practice

    [16:16] Why Should We Be Concerned About this New Tax legislation

    [18:01] If It Passes, What Will Happen?

    [21:28] HandsOffMyIRA.com

    [25:28] Building a Berlin Wall Out of Paper

    [26:43] What You Can Do

    [27:35] Strategies Moving Forward

    [30:50] Sample Deal

    [32:51] What Peter Thiel did

    [33:44] The Broader Economic Impact

    [36:01] Ken McElroy Invites You to the Collective Mastermind



    A government that is broke becomes predatory on it's citizens. Jason Hartman

    The government is trying to force you off of Main Street into Wall Street. John Hyre

    They're building a Berlin Wall out of paper backed by guns. They don't care if you leave; but your money needs to stay. John Hyre

    You don't want the tax tail to wag the economic dog. John Hyre









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    Episode 2: All Things Roth

    Episode 2: All Things Roth

    Roth IRAs were created to help the average working American save money. However, records show Peter Thiel and other ultra-rich investors have used them to grow their untaxed fortunes. Now don’t worry if you don’t have six billion dollars in your Roth IRA—most people presumably do not—but in this episode, Steven and Benjamin will be going over how someone can accumulate vast fortunes in a Roth IRA, as well as some tax lessons we can learn from this.

    Listen in as the guys explain the importance of working with a trusted advisor before considering a Roth IRA and why the fear of what may happen down the road should not prevent you from taking action today. You will learn when starting a Roth IRA may be a good option for you and why the Roth is such a powerful planning tool.

    You can find all show notes for this episode at: https://bit.ly/3o5Hx7V 

    PayPal Was Just The Beginning

    PayPal Was Just The Beginning

    We can look around at distributed banking, crypto-currencies, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, and so many other innovative business strategies as new and exciting and innovative. And they are. But paving the way for them was simplifying online payments to what I’ve heard Elon Musk call just some rows in a database. 

    Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and former Netscaper Luke Nosek had this idea in 1998. Levchin and Nosek has worked together on a startup called SponsorNet New Media while at the University of Illinois Champagne-Urbana where PLATO and Mosaic had come out of. And SponsorNet was supposed to sell online banner ads but would instead be one of four failed startups before zeroing in on this new thing, where they would enable digital payments for businesses and make it simple for consumers to buy things online. They called the company Confinity and setup shop in beautiful Mountain View, California.

    It was an era when a number of organizations were doing things in taking payments online that weren’t so great. Companies would cache credit card numbers on sites, many had weak security, and the rush to sell everything  in the bubble forming around dot-coms fueled a knack for speed over security, privacy, or even reliability. 

    Confinity would store the private information in its own banking vaults, keep it secure, and provide access to vendors - taking a small charge per-transaction. Where large companies had been able to build systems to take online payments, now small businesses and emerging online stores could compete with the big boys. Thiel and Levchin had hit on something when they launched a service called PayPal, to provide a digital wallet and enable online transactions. They even accepted venture funding, taking $3 million from banks like Deutsche Bank over Palm Pilots. One of those funders was Nokia, investing in PayPal expanding into digital services for the growing mobile commerce market. And by 2000 they were up to 1,000,000 users. 

    They saw an opening to make a purchase from a browser on a phone or a browser or app on a cell phone using one of those new smart phone ideas. And they were all rewarded with over 10 million people using the site in just three short years, processing a whopping $3 billion in transactions. 

    Now this was the heart of the dot-com bubble. In that time, Elon Musk managed to sell his early startup Zip2, which made city guides on the early internet, to Compaq for around $300 million, pocketing $22 million for himself. He parlayed that payday into X.com, another online payment company. X.com exploded to over 200,000 customers quickly and as happens frequently with rapid acceleration, a young Musk found himself with a new boss - Bill Harris, the former CEO of Intuit. 

    And they helped invent many of the ways we do business online at that time. One of my favorite of Levchin’s contributions to computing, the Gausebeck-Levchin test, is one of the earliest implementations of what we now call CAPTCHA - you know when you’re shown a series of letters and asked to type them in to eliminate bots. 

    Harris helped the investors de-risk by merging with Confinity to form X.com. Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are larger than life minds in Silicon Valley. The two were substantially different. Musk took on the CEO role but Musk and Thiel were at heads. Thiel believed in a Linux ecosystem and Musk believed in a Windows ecosystem. Thiel wanted to focus on money transfers, similar to the PayPal of today. Given that those were just rows in a database, it was natural that that kind of business would become a red ocean and indeed today there are dozens of organizations focused on it. But Paypal remains the largest. So Musk also wanted to become a full online banking system - much more ambitious. Ultimately Thiel won and assumed the title of CEO. 

    They remained a money transmitter and not a full bank. This means they keep funds that have been sent and not picked up, in an interest bearing account at a bank. 

    They renamed the company to PayPal in 2001 and focused on taking the company public, with an IPO as PYPL in 2002. The stock shot up 50% in the first day of trading, closing at $20 per share. Yet another example of the survivors of the dot com bubble increasing the magnitude of valuations. By then, most eBay transactions accepted PayPal and seeing an opportunity, eBay acquired PayPal for $1.5 billion later in 2002. Suddenly PayPal was the default option for closed auctions and would continue their meteoric rise. Musk is widely reported to have made almost $200 million when eBay bought PayPal and Thiel is reported to have made over $50 million. 

    Under eBay, PayPal would grow and as with most companies that IPO, see a red ocean form in their space. But they brought in people like Ken Howery, who serve as the VP of corporate development, would later cofound investment firm Founders Fund with Thiel, and then become the US Ambassador to Sweden under Trump. And he’s the first of what’s called the PayPal Mafia, a couple dozen extremely influential personalities in tech. 

    By 2003, PayPal had become the largest payment processor for gambling websites. Yet they walked away from that business to avoid some of the complicated regulations until various countries that could verify a license for online gambling venues. 

    In 2006 they added security keys and moved to sending codes to phones for a second factor of security validation. In 2008 they bought Fraud Sciences to gain access to better online risk management tools and Bill Me Later.

    As the company grew, they setup a company in the UK and began doing business internationally. They moved their EU presence to Luxembourg 2007. They’ve often found themselves embroiled in politics, blocking the any political financing accounts, Alex Jones show InfoWars, and one of the more challenging for them, WikiLeaks in 2010. This led to them being attacked by members of Anonymous for a series of denial of service attacks that brought the PayPal site down.

    OK, so that early CAPTCHA was just one way PayPal was keeping us secure. It turns out that moving money is complicated, even the $3 you paid for that special Golden Girls t-shirt you bought for a steal on eBay. For example, US States require reporting certain transactions, some countries require actual government approval to move money internationally, some require a data center in the country, like Turkey. So on a case-by-case basis PayPal has had to decide if it’s worth it to increase the complexity of the code and spend precious development cycles to support a given country. In some cases, they can step in and, for example, connect the Baidu wallet to PayPal merchants in support of connecting China to PayPal. 

    They were spun back out of eBay in 2014 and acquired Xoom for $1 billion in 2015, iZettle for $2.2 billion, who also does point of sales systems. And surprisingly they bought online coupon aggregator Honey for $4B in 2019. But their best acquisition to many would be tiny app payment processor Venmo for $26 million. I say this because a friend claimed they prefer that to PayPal because they like the “little guy.”

    Out of nowhere, just a little more than 20 years ago, the founders of PayPal and they and a number of their initial employees willed a now Fortune 500 company into existence. While they were growing, they had to learn about and understand so many capital markets and regulations. This sometimes showed them how they could better invest money. And many of those early employees went on to have substantial impacts in technology. That brain drain helped fuel the Web 2.0 companies that rose. 

    One of the most substantial ways was with the investment activities. Thiel would go on to put $10 million of his money into Clarium Capital Management, a hedge fund, and Palantir, a big data AI company with a focus on the intelligence industry, who now has a $45 billion market cap. And he funded another organization who doesn’t at all use our big private data for anything, called Facebook. He put half a million into Facebook as an angel investor - an investment that has paid back billions. He’s also launched the Founders Fund, Valar Venture, and is a partner at Y Combinator, in capacities where he’s funded everyone from LinkedIn and Airbnb to Stripe to Yelp to Spotify, to SpaceX to Asana and the list goes on and on and on. 

    Musk has helped take so many industries online. Why not just apply that startup modality to space - so launched SpaceX and to cars, so helped launch (and backed financially) Tesla and solar power, so launched Solar City and building tunnels so launched The Boring Company. He dabbles in Hyperloops (thus the need for tunnels) and OpenAI and well, whatever he wants. He’s even done cameos in movies like Iron Man. He’s certainly a personality. 

    Max Levchin would remain the CTO and then co-found and become the CEO of Affirm, a public fintech company. 

    David Sacks was the COO at PayPal and founded Yammer. Roelof Botha is the former CFO at PayPal who became a partner at Sequoia Capital, one of the top venture capital firms. Yishan Wong was an engineering manager at PayPal who became the CEO of Reddit.

    Steve Chen left to join Facebook but hooked back up with Jawed Karim for a new project, who he studied computer science at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana with. They were joined by Chad Hurley, who had created the original PayPal logo, to found YouTube. They sold it to Google for $1.65 billion in 2006. Hurley now owns part of the Golden State Warriors, the MLS Los Angeles team, and Leeds United.

    Reid Hoffman was another COO at PayPal, who Thiel termed the “firefighter-in-chief” and left to found LinkedIn. After selling LinkedIn to Microsoft for over $26 billion he become a partner at venture capital firm, Greylock Partners. 

    Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons co-founded Yelp with $1 million in funding from Max Levchin, taking the company public in 2011. And the list goes on.

    PayPal paved the way for small transactions on the Internet. A playbook repeated in different parts of the sector by the likes of Square, Stripe, Dwolla, Due, and many others - including Apple Pay, Amazon Payments, and Google Wallet. We live in an era now, where practically every industry has been taken online. Heck, even cars. In the next episode we’ll look at just that, exploring the next steps in Elon Musk’s career after leaving PayPal. 

    Deep State Current Events: Clearview AI (Altright Intelligence)

    Deep State Current Events: Clearview AI (Altright Intelligence)

    In this episode, our first in what we'll be calling "Deep State Current Events" we examine a company called Clearview AI, the developers of some powerful and widely used facial recognition software.  It turns out Clearview AI's founder, Hoan Ton That, has some very close ties to neo-nazis and other far right extremists, and even more troubling is that they all have close ties to the Trump administration. 

    Libby Emmons on NPR Celebration of Looting, Michael Gibson on Luminar Going Public - A Neighbor's Choice

    Libby Emmons on NPR Celebration of Looting, Michael Gibson on Luminar Going Public - A Neighbor's Choice

    Libby Emmons, senior editor at the Post Millenial, calls in to talk about the leftist defense of looting, which is even seen by one author as 'reparations.' Are there powerful entities behind the organizing of the rioters? Listen to the full episode for Libby and David's analysis, and more. Also in the show, Michael Gibson, co-founder of the 1517 Fund, joins David Gornoski to talk about one of 1517's companies, Luminar Technologies, going public. Gibson takes us through how Luminar started out and its mission to engage in innovation outside the restrictions of ivy league campuses. What are some of the radical innovations that Luminar is aiming at? How can science and technology bring peace and prosperity in a society rife with anger?

    Email A Neighbor's Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at hello@aneighborschoice.com
    Find David Gornoski on YouTube
    Visit the A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborschoice.com

    Belief is the first step - EMP156

    Belief is the first step - EMP156

    I recently read "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel, and one quote that really stood out said that "If you think something hard is impossible, you'll never even start trying to achieve it." 

    Belief is the first step. If we believe we can, we will actually try. When we try and fail and learn, that's when we succeed. 

    Download my free guide on Productivity Hacks I recommend by visiting https://chrisbello.com/free 

    DPP #20: Lucy in the Sky with Nazis

    DPP #20: Lucy in the Sky with Nazis

    In this episode I interview Brian Pace, board member of Psymposia and co-host of the Plus Three Podcast, where we discuss the political right’s embracing and promotion of psychedelics. With fringe Nazi groups and corporate capitalists like Peter Thiel all getting involved in the new psychedelic renaissance, the mainstreaming of psychedelic drugs has opened up deeper questions into what we should value as a society and culture.

    060 - De Cero a Uno (Zero to One)

    060 - De Cero a Uno (Zero to One)
    Que hay para mi?, Conoce los secretos para un emprendimiento exitoso de uno de los empresarios e inversionistas más prominentes del mundo.

    Estos días casi cualquiera puede fundar su propia startup. Ni siquiera necesitas tu propia oficina: muchos emprendedores trabajan desde su sala o café más cercano.

    Esta es una buena noticia para cualquiera que este interesado en innovar productos o servicios. Desafortunadamente, y a mi pesar, la mayoría de las start ups, no duran mucho tiempo.

    En este análisis podrás beneficiarte de las experiencias, filosofía y consejo de Peter Thiel, uno de los empresarios más reconocidos del mundo. Él es cofundador de paypal y fue el primer externo en invertir en Facebook. Su visión única de los negocios te mostrará como tú puedes predecir el futuro y crear uno bueno para tu emprendimiento.

    Para saber más sobre como implementar el conocimiento para acelerar tus resultados regístrate en el programa conocimiento experto elite: https://conocimientoexperto.com/elite

    Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conocimiento-experto--2975003/support.