

    Explore " pledge" with insightful episodes like "E65 - Sport for climate action and nature", "Day 26: Communion of Believers (2024)", "#53 – How Novartis is Renewing (and Keeping) Their Fair Pay Pledge", "528: Pledge the Program" and "Earth Day Special! Ep. 16 - Are your portfolios tobacco free? - ft. Rebecca Brown CFP, of Tobacco Free Portfolios" from podcasts like ""Experts in Sport", "The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)", "Friday Coffee Talk from Planet Fair", "BSD Now" and "YourStake, YourStory"" and more!

    Episodes (72)

    E65 - Sport for climate action and nature

    E65 - Sport for climate action and nature

    Dr Mark Doidge (Reader in Sociology of Sport), Katie Cross (Founder of Pledgeball) and Jenny Amann (PhD student at Loughborough University talk about the impact of climate change on sport.


    00:00 - 06:03 - Introduction to guests, background and topic of the episode
    06:04 - 09:02 - What is Pledgeball now and how do people get involved?
    09:03 - 15:06 - Loughborough University's involvement in this topic
    15:07 - 17:00 - Personal appreciation of the sport and reasons for involvement
    17:01 - 20:39 - How does Pledgeball attempt to mobilise fans into making climate-related changes?
    20:40 - 39:54 - What are common pledges and types of pledges
    39:55 - 51:47 - “I hadn’t realised change is NOT a difficult thing, mobilising football fans on climate change”
    51:48 - 54:32 - Cultural change in football
    54:33 - 58:28 - Where is research regarding climate action and nature?
    58:29 - 01:01:09 - The power of sport to be agents of change, Thank you to the guests and final thoughts

    Day 26: Communion of Believers (2024)

    Day 26: Communion of Believers (2024)
    Today we further realize the sense of the word “credo,” meaning “I believe.” As we read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, we discover the differences between the two and come to understand how the Nicene Creed, which came centuries later, expands upon and explains the beliefs of the Apostles’ Creed. Fr. Mike tells us that these Creeds help us to share the essential elements of Catholicism, acting as “symbols of faith,” and encouraging communion between believers. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 185-192. This episode has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism by the Institute on the Catechism, under the Subcommittee on the Catechism, USCCB. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/ciy Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    #53 – How Novartis is Renewing (and Keeping) Their Fair Pay Pledge

    #53 – How Novartis is Renewing (and Keeping) Their Fair Pay Pledge

    This week, Henrike caught up with Marcus Priest, Head of U.S. and R&D Rewards at Novartis, to learn about Novartis’ public pledge with the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC). Many companies have taken this pledge in their own way, committing to reducing inequalities through targeted goals that fit their organizational culture.

    528: Pledge the Program

    528: Pledge the Program
    If you can use Open Source you can build hardware, Good performance is not just big O, Proof You Should Not Run MWL Code, How to add pledge to a program in OpenBSD, 3D printing on OpenBSD, Getting the right type of certificate, Jenny’s Daily Drivers, and more NOTES This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap (https://www.tarsnap.com/bsdnow) and the BSDNow Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/bsdnow) Headlines If you can use Open Source you can build hardware (https://redeem-tomorrow.com/if-you-can-use-open-source-you-can-build-hardware) Good performance is not just big O (https://jmmv.dev/2023/09/performance-is-not-big-o.html) News Roundup How to add pledge to a program in OpenBSD (https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2023-09-08-openbsd-how-to-pledge-a-program.html) Proof You Should Not Run My Code (https://mwl.io/archives/23082) 3D printing on OpenBSD? Yes, that’s a thing! (https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20230914075444) Getting the right type of certificate (https://dan.langille.org/2023/09/09/getting-the-right-type-of-certificate/) Jenny’s Daily Drivers (https://hackaday.com/2023/08/01/jennys-daily-drivers-freebsd-13-2/) Tarsnap This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups. Feedback/Questions Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to feedback@bsdnow.tv (mailto:feedback@bsdnow.tv) Join us and other BSD Fans in our BSD Now Telegram channel (https://t.me/bsdnow)

    DI's Diversitetsløfte

    DI's Diversitetsløfte

    Mikkel Haarder, underdirektør for Kompetencer og Viden, og Pernille Erichsen, underdirektør for Ledelse og Virksomhedsudvikling fortæller om baggrunden for Dansk Industri’s mangfoldighedsløfte, som stadig flere virksomheder skriver under på og bakker op omkring. 


    Et ekstremt kønnet arbejdsmarked
    "Det danske arbejdsmarked er ekstremt kønnet", konstaterer Underdirektør for DI Kompetencer og Viden. Udsagnet understreger, hvorfor det er vigtigt, at virksomhederne kommer i gang med at arbejde med diversitet og inklusion, og i denne podcastserie, får du viden om, hvad får virksomhederne ud af at prioritere det.


    I Danmark har vi et kønsskævt arbejdsmarked. Kun hver tredje medarbejder i den private sektor er kvinde. Samme tendens gør sig gældende på ledelsesniveauerne, hvor kvinder sidder på 26,6 pct. af stillingerne.


    Derfor har DI lanceret et mangfoldighedsløfte,  der handler om at engagere danske virksomheder til at give håndslag på at arbejde for at øge diversiteten i toppen af erhvervslivet. 



    Underdirektør for DI Kompetencer og Viden Mikkel Haarder
    Pernille Erichsen, underdirektør for DI Ledelse og Virksomhedsudvikling
    Vært: Micha Fuglede

    Alle talenter skal i spil - Tilslut jer DI's Diversitetsløfte - Bliv en del af Diversitetsløftet og få gratis rådgivning og værktøjer til at løfte diversitetsindsatsen i jeres virksomhed. Tilslut jer her: Tilslut jer Diversitetsløftet - Dansk Industri

    Har kvinder Sticky Feet?

    Har kvinder Sticky Feet?

    I denne episode taler DI underdirektør for Kompetencer og Viden Mikkel Haarder og Pernille Erichsen DI underdirektør for HR og Ledelsesudvikling videre om DI’s Mangfoldighedsløfte og hvordan forskellige faktorer påvirker kvinders position på arbejdsmarkedet. 


    Sticky feet syndrome

    Sticky feet syndrome er betegnelsen for en vane, hvor man ubevidst har svært ved - med selvtillid - at indtage de højere ledelseslag, og derfor har en tendens til at klistre fast i de samme job og ansvarsområder, som man føler sig hjemmevant og tryg i. 


    Og netop det udsagn kan bruges på at beskrive bare én af årsagerne til, at der er så relativt få kvinder i det private erhvervsliv og i topledelse, ligesom valg af uddannelse,  den boglige skole, omsorgsfag og barsel har en indvirkning på kvinders professionelle karriere. 


    DI´s Mangfoldighedsløfte er en indsats, der har til formål blandt andet at gøre op med den skæve kønsbalance i erhvervslivet. Ét af de 16 principper i pledget handler om vigtigheden af at arbejde med de fastlåste forestillinger vi kan have omkring valg af uddannelse og bryde med hvad vi opfatter som typiske mande- og kvindejobs.



    Underdirektør for DI Kompetencer og Viden Mikkel Haarder og

    Pernille Erichsen, underdirektør for DI Ledelse og Virksomhedsudvikling.

    Vært: Micha Fuglede

    Alle talenter skal i spil - Tilslut jer DI's Diversitetsløfte - Bliv en del af Diversitetsløftet og få gratis rådgivning og værktøjer til at løfte diversitetsindsatsen i jeres virksomhed. Tilslut jer her: Tilslut jer Diversitetsløftet - Dansk Industri

    Support 💰 the Monique's Tarot Podcast! 🦋

    Support 💰 the Monique's Tarot Podcast! 🦋

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    Your support helps Monique's Tarot 🦋 continue to make great content for listeners everywhere.

    ☀️ You are light 

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    Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime. 

    Monique's Tarot 🦋

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    Support 💰 the Monique's Tarot Podcast! 🦋

    Support 💰 the Monique's Tarot Podcast! 🦋

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    Your support helps Monique's Tarot 🦋 continue to make great content for listeners everywhere.

    ☀️ You are light 

    ☀️ You are abundant 

    ☀️ You are expansive

    Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime. 

    Monique's Tarot 🦋

    Support the show

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    Day 26: Communion of Believers

    Day 26: Communion of Believers
    Today we further realize the sense of the word “credo,” meaning “I believe.” As we read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, we discover the differences between the two and come to understand how the Nicene Creed, which came centuries later, expands upon and explains the beliefs of the Apostles’ Creed. Fr. Mike tells us that these Creeds help us to share the essential elements of Catholicism, acting as “symbols of faith,” and encouraging communion between believers. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 185-192. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/ciy Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. This episode has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism by the Institute on the Catechism, under the Subcommittee on the Catechism, USCCB.

    The Pledge of Allegiance

    The Pledge of Allegiance

    My View on the Pledge of Allegiance

    When I salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, I am not saluting the government. I am saluting those who truly sacrificed for our freedom. I am saluting those who go above the call of duty to protect us (police, first responders, the military). I am saluting rural America which still largely holds to traditional values of Christian morality. To be patriotic, to express Christian Nationalism through allegiance to this nation, is not to condone past administrations or present ones. It is to promote a Biblical Christian worldview inside what was, and for some still is, the greatest nation in the world. Respectfully, I believe that the more we lose our grip on that ideal (however muddy and sin-filled our nation has become) the closer we are to a fallen country which, in turn, will allow Satan to raise up truly totalitarian rule from countries like China and Russia. They and Satan want nothing better than Americans losing all sense of patriotism and nationalism, especially as it becomes a cancer undermining our military readiness. 

    #46 - Alice Karolina @ The Ethical Move on Ethical Marketing

    #46 - Alice Karolina @ The Ethical Move on Ethical Marketing

    We welcome Alice from The Ethical Move this week on A Smaller Life!

    Alice owns a branding firm, and she runs an online community (with the help of dedicated others) that's focused on ethical branding / marketing.

    How do we attract customers without using lead magnets? 

    How can we appeal to our customers without manipulating them? 

    These are the kind of questions they ask at https://www.theethicalmove.org/


    Main Takeaways

    • current marketing strategies are often deeply manipulating
    • industry advice that is given is often based on tricking people into buying things
    • consumerism is not sustainable, not ethical, and it's just straight up harmful in many ways

    more take-aways in the shownotes on the website.


     "...and that is really where the community is strongest, like the community is really meant to hold that space where we work on our ethical marketing pursuits, because they will last a lifetime. This is a great un-learning and a great re-creating of what we want things to be, you know? Like if we don't use lead magnets, what do we do? If we don't use the typical selling strategies, what are strategies that work, that work more, let’s say cyclically or in a natural connection? What about relationship? I just think branding goes a lot deeper than we think."– Alice Karolina, The Ethical Move


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    Hi, I'm here with a quick reminder to tell you that the Ja, Wol Business Circle, the new cohort, starts the first week of March. The early bird prices are now up on the website. So if you are ready to get to work with me, get shit done in your business., this is the time!
    Go to www.ja-wol.com or www.patternshift.fm and find all the information you need about the Ja, Wol Business Circle. I hope you will join becSupport the show



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    for the March cohort of the Ja, Wol Business Program!


    These 7 Tests Will Strengthen Your Faith | 1 The Covenant Test

    These 7 Tests Will Strengthen Your Faith | 1 The Covenant Test

     A wise man once said, “Child, if you come to serve the Lord God, prepare your soul for (Testing) temptation”  (Sirach 2:1 (LES) 

    The covenant between God and Abraham wasn’t just a blessing but, it was also a test that would push Abraham to his limit.  


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    What if practice DOESN'T make progress?

    What if practice DOESN'T make progress?

    Cartoonists Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar field a question from a listener who is worried that they'll lose readers as they improve their skills!


    • Raising prices to match inflation
    • Desigining background "sets" for comics
    • What if practice *doesn't* make progress?
    • How to keep from going stir-crazy while working from home.

    Today is a great time to bump up your ComicLab membership to the $10 tier! Patreon backers at that level will get exclusive access to livestream recording sessions — as well as an archive of previous livestreams!

    You get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon

    • $2 — Early access to episodes
    • $5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast. Plus $2-tier rewards.
    • $10 — Gain access to the ComicLab livestreamed recording sessions (including an archive of past livestreams), plus $5-tier rewards

    Brad Guigar is the creator of Evil Inc and the author of The Webcomics Handbook. Dave Kellett is the creator of Sheldon and Drive.

    Listen to ComicLab on...

    You get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon

    • $2 — Early access to episodes
    • $5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast. Plus $2-tier rewards.

    Brad Guigar is the creator of Evil Inc and the author of The Webcomics Handbook. Dave Kellett is the creator of Sheldon and Drive.

    Not One More: A trauma surgeon's story

    Not One More: A trauma surgeon's story

    This important episode is a must-share and could save a life this holiday weekend – or at any time of the year. Hartford HealthCare’s Steve Coates talks with Dr. Jonathan Gates, chief of trauma at Hartford Hospital.

    Dr. Gates gives us a rare perspective from behind-the-scenes of a Level 1 trauma center. He also shares some of the chaos and seamless coordination he experienced during the Boston Marathon bombings and the Haitian earthquake in 2010.

    Closer to home, Dr. Gates and Hartford HealthCare have joined forces with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for “Not One More” – a campaign designed to prevent the trauma that can result from impaired driving due to alcohol and drugs. He sees the devastating effects every day. It’s an undeniable problem that peaks during the July 4th holiday.

    He is asking for Connecticut drivers to pledge that they won’t have that one additional drink or smoke that will put them and others at risk. His story is a compelling one.
     Please, explore and share the links in this episode’s notes to “Not One More” with the ones you love. There are some impressive videos and resources there that are guaranteed to make us all think twice about “Not One More.”
     Videos, TV spots, resources and more:
    Will you sign the pledge? Visit NotOneMore.org.

    Follow More Life to be notified every time a new episode drops. Just search “Hartford HealthCare” on your favorite podcast platform.