
    portfolio career

    Explore "portfolio career" with insightful episodes like "EP 15 | 保持冒險精神,開展斜槓人生 ft. Jacy | 人類圖原來可以這樣看", "S03:E04 - Redefining Success in a Portfolio Career with Lee Witherell", "Writing your own rulebook with Isabelle Vandenbroucke", "An Antidote to Stagnation and Boredom - the Portfolio Career" and "#10 Portfolio Careers and Semi-Retirement" from podcasts like ""人類圖原來可以這樣看", "The Parent Equation - with Ayesha Murray", "The Career Studio", "The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast" and "The Career Insights Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    EP 15 | 保持冒險精神,開展斜槓人生 ft. Jacy | 人類圖原來可以這樣看

    EP 15 | 保持冒險精神,開展斜槓人生 ft. Jacy | 人類圖原來可以這樣看
    這次的訪談來賓 Jacy,是我在去年一場活動中認識的新朋友。當天光在台下聽她分享自己的海外工作經歷與斜槓故事,就聽得我如痴如醉,決定非要邀請她來當來賓不可,結果過了半年,這場合作終於面世了。 人類圖設計中只有一條 28-38 通道的 Jacy,可說是完完全全活出了這通道的天賦。 大學剛畢業,她就二話不說,跑到美國大峽谷打工渡假(Working Holiday),回來工作才一年多,又隻身前往柬埔寨,當起網絡行銷業務。在柬埔寨生活與工作的這一年,遇上過各種文化衝擊與水土不服,甚至更被飛車搶劫過,但回想這一切,她卻一點也不後悔,甚至笑說很慶幸自己有這些經歷,讓她多年過去仍能以此打開話匣子,認識新朋友,開拓更多有趣的新機遇。 去柬埔寨工作,只是她一連串冒險的起點,回台灣後,她的精彩人生才真正開始。她開始探索工作的各種可能性,逐步建立出她的多方位斜槓人生。保險業務經理、講座分享、活動主持、聲音美學、海外職涯講師、替家業網絡行銷,只要她覺得好玩有趣的,就去嘗試。 🧐 這不禁讓我深生好奇,到底她是如何如此義無反顧,作出這樣一次又一次冒險的呢? 🧐 後來又是如何放下全職工作的安穩,改以經營起斜槓人生呢? 🧐 這些不同工作板塊是如何組合進來? 🧐 過程中又遇上過甚麼挑戰?又因為甚麼讓她繼續走下去? 除了以上問題外,節目中我們還會以她的人類圖設計作切入,去看看她的工作型態與其天生的設計,有著甚麼關連與矛盾。 🔹🔸 本集精彩內容 🔸🔹 (01:43) 沒有刻意斜槓,只是投入於每個自己喜歡的事情上 (08:04)「我想跟她一樣成為發光的人」 (11:42)「活在保護傘下,好像不是我想嘗試的環境」 (17:34)「銷售吸引我的,是我永遠不會知道,這趟出去會有甚麼收獲」 (25:00) 想喝珍珠奶茶,卻遇上飛車搶劫 (31:24) 投射者其實也可以主動;好好盡情發光,路自然會出現在面前 (39:35)「我的個性就是太怕無聊,所以需要其它的東西來調劑我的生活」 (47.46)「以好玩為出發點,我都會有興趣」 (49:13)「只要能為任何一場的任何一人帶來影響,那我的分享就值得了」 (54:07)「喜歡保險,因為可以幫助到人,同時又可以參與他們的生命」 (01:01:39) 投入一份工作之前,先作出最低成本的測試 (01:13:38) 「只要有專業,就一定會被看見」 (01:22:53)「寧願嘗試而後悔,也不要因為沒做而遺憾」 (01:24:50) 讓興趣變現:真心喜歡,然後願意投入,願意鑽研,變成專業 (01:32:04) 如果對於一件事情的關注主要是其難度,而非對實現該事情的渴望,那麼這件事情真的有那麼想要嗎? (01:34:53) 「目標大了,困難就小;困難放得越大,目標就會被擋在後面,讓你看不見目標」 另外,如果大家喜歡這集內容,並覺得有獲得啟發,歡迎分享給朋友,也歡迎按以下連結給予我一些支持和鼓勵,好讓我有更多動力去創作更好的內容給大家:buymeacoffee.com/kevincoaching ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ⫸⫸ Kevin ⫷⫷ 現居台灣的香港人 10年品牌管理、策略執行和市場調研工作經驗 HUMAN DESIGN 人類圖【活出您自己課程】引導師 ➡ 職場引導服務:kevincareercoaching.com/service ➡ 服務與其它資訊:kevincareercoaching.com ➡ FB & IG :搜尋「孭起背包·遊歷不預期」 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ⫸⫸ 訪談來賓簡介:Jacy ⫷⫷ 直覺權威投射者.5/1 人生角色.只有一條 28-38 通道 剛畢業就跑到美國大峽谷打工渡假3個月 曾隻身前往柬埔寨工作一年,從事網絡行銷業務 多方位斜槓:保險業務經理、講座分享、活動主持、聲音美學講師、海外職涯講師、家業網絡行銷 ➡ IG 專頁:instagram.com/jcli1030/ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

    S03:E04 - Redefining Success in a Portfolio Career with Lee Witherell

    S03:E04 - Redefining Success in a Portfolio Career with Lee Witherell

    What would you do if you were hit by multiple redundancies? My guest today, Lee Witherell, chose to turn this into an opportunity and carve out a portfolio career for himself.

    From data services to launching a fitness side hustle during the pandemic, Lee's journey is a shining example of resilience and adaptability. We get into the importance of being in control of your career, the need for collaboration, and the benefits of diversified income sources.

    We cover the role of AI in advertising, the shift in work models, and the necessity of empathy and flexibility in a portfolio career. As we navigate through these fascinating insights, Lee shares his perspective on how the working generation is adapting to this new career model. So, whether you're considering a shift to a portfolio career or looking for some professional inspiration, tune in for some actionable advice and thought-provoking perspectives from Lee's journey.

    Find out more about Lee:

    I'm an accredited career coach with over 20 years experience in the corporate world. Having experienced the working parent juggle first hand, I now coach people through their career and life challenges.

    I'm here to give you the confidence, self-belief and support to help you design a life that works for you and your family. Through tried and tested approaches, tools and methodologies, you'll leave the coaching process with clear direction, motivation and energy.

    If you'd like to find out more about how coaching could work for you, book a free 30 min call at https://calendly.com/ayeshamurraycoaching/discovery-call

    Website - www.ayeshamurray.com
    LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/ayeshamurray75
    Instagram - www.instagram.com/ayeshamurray_coaching

    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

    Writing your own rulebook with Isabelle Vandenbroucke

    Writing your own rulebook with Isabelle Vandenbroucke

    Part of what I wanted to do on this podcast is introduce you to everyday people who are thriving professionally and personally. To show you that feeling energized and aligned at work isn't just for the celebrities or titans of industries that are often featured on other podcasts. It's available to every single one of us - including you.

    My guest is Isabelle Vandenbroucke. Isabelle is a former of client of mine who I met and became friends with in 2016 while we were both doing our MBAs together.

    When Isabelle started working with me she was in big pharma. Today she is an Internal Management Consultant at CEPI - the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which develops vaccines for epidemics and pandemics in low and middle income countries.

    On the side, she runs a professional organizing business, Equilibrium Organising, where she helps people declutter and organize their spaces so they can focus on what's important to them. She's especially interested on how this work can help to reduce our negative impact on the environment.

    Isabelle is Mexican Belgian, grew up in the US and Asia and today lives in London. In her free time she loves swimming, freediving, scuba diving, and surfing. 

    We discussed: 

    • How to move past feeling like a failure
    • The benefits of a portfolio career
    • Breaking out of the 9-5 and designing your day to suit your priorities
    • How feeling your feelings creates self-trust and a sharper intuition
    • Why its never too late to make a career move
    • And much more!

    Are you ready to create an energizing career you love? 

    You can create a career that is simply an extension of who you are and how you want to live your life. If this sounds like what you’re after then I want to invite you to schedule a consultation. 

    We'll get to the bottom of what's going on for you. And exactly where you need to focus to bring your career and life into alignment. It's free!. Just head on over to thecareer.studio/schedule to find a time that works for you.

    For more from The Career Studio

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    An Antidote to Stagnation and Boredom - the Portfolio Career

    An Antidote to Stagnation and Boredom - the Portfolio Career

    While some physicians are ready to fully transition out of clinical practice, others are looking for the best of both worlds: maintaining some clinical work and also pursuing nonclinical interests. Finding this balance through a portfolio career can keep your work interesting and prevent burnout by adding variety to your everyday routine. Today’s guest, Dr. Jingyi Liu, knew early on this was the path for her and is already maintaining a portfolio career as a PGY-2 resident. She’ll discuss how she knew this was the best fit for her and steps you can take to find a portfolio approach that works for you.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:



    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Why clinical practice can feel routine even early on
    • Different ways to approach a portfolio career
    • How a portfolio career can counteract boredom and stagnation
    • What led Dr. Liu to pursue interests outside of clinical medicine
    • The steps Jingyi took to make her portfolio goals a reality
    • How Dr. Liu realized she wanted to maintain a clinical role
    • Jingyi’s advice for those considering a portfolio career

    Links for this episode:

    Dr. Jingy Liu

    Episode 79: Find Flexibility and Fun as an Independent Consultant

    Carpe Diem Resume Kit - Converting your CV to a resume helps recruiters better understand why you are a great match for a specific job. My resume kit will guide you through creating a polished resume for your desired job. Templates are included as well as a bonus on writing your cover letter. Give yourself the best chance of getting that interview!

    #10 Portfolio Careers and Semi-Retirement

    #10 Portfolio Careers and Semi-Retirement

    Since COVID-19, there has been a 37% increase in portfolio careers. Portfolio careers allow individuals to work on a wide variety of different projects, increased flexibility, and you are able to develop new skills or expand your knowledge level. 

    We are joined today by our host Sarah Burgess, and coaches Trevor Merriden, and David Mellor. In today’s episode, we look at what a portfolio career is, how you can set up a portfolio career and the tactics you can use to expand it. Furthermore, we will also look at the steps you need to take to start planning for your semi-retirement. 

    Who we are and how we can help

    10Eighty is all about helping people maximise their potential and in turn, helping organisations harness that potential. Based in the UK and across the globe, we’re a team of coaches, facilitators and leadership consultants – and we work with our clients to build plans tailored to their organisation and goals. Here’s what we do and how we do it: https://youtu.be/XjWv86UUjO4

    Our service offerings include: Leadership and Management Development, Executive Coaching, Career Management and Career Transition.

    Website: http://www.10eighty.co.uk/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10eighty

    Authoring Your New Script: April Rinne on How to Flux (and Thrive) in Constant Change

    Authoring Your New Script: April Rinne on How to Flux (and Thrive) in Constant Change
    April Rinne is equal parts global authority, advocate, ally and adventurer. She spent the first half of her career focused on global development and financial inclusion, and the latter half on the “new” digital economy and the future of work. For more than two decades, she has seen emerging trends early, understands their potential, and helps others do the same.

    Her new book Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change is part personal guidebook, part strategic roadmap, and part blank canvas for discovery, Flux provides a refreshing, unconventional take on navigating change today and far into the future. Each of the eight Flex Superpowers helps you see differently and ground you in your truth. Our conversation is not to be missed if you want to learn how to be empowered to thrive – no matter what changes come your way.

    We have a great discussion of the eight flux superpowers, which she calls a “Bento box for the mind.”

    1. Run slower
    2. See what's invisible
    3. Get lost
    4. Start with trust
    5. Know your "enough"
    6. Create your portfolio career
    7. Be all the more human (and serve other humans)
    8. Let go of the future

    In her book, April provides discussion guides at the end and the exercises and figures in each chapter that I found to be quite instructive.

    We end with some guidance for listeners who are overwhelmed with change and facing anxiety or burnout, her career advice for someone who is worried about where the future of work is taking us, and the seeming paradox of her being a futurist, yet having a superpower be "Letting Go of the Future." We went deep in looking at a world that clamors for "more, more, more," and her perspective on Knowing Your "Enough" and how we can figure out what our enough is.

    And April’s answer to my asking her about what are some of the ways she lives your life in full is not to be missed.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.8 with Entrepreneur Edward Goodchild

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.8 with Entrepreneur Edward Goodchild

    Episode 8

    We interview Edward Goodchild on:

    • staying endlessly curious,
    • keeping kindness at the heart of your actions,
    • how to determine your own narrative,
    • start with an idea, and
    • willingly embrace failure.

    At his heart, Ed is an enthusiastic innovator and perennial entrepreneur. On top of building the Zendht Venture Studio, he is an independent adviser, board chair, forum moderator and charity trustee.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.7 with Founder & Apptreprenuer Anthony Main

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.7 with Founder & Apptreprenuer Anthony Main

    Episode 7 

    We interview Anthony Main, on:

    • fuelling your entrepreneurial spirit
    • disconnecting to create better balance
    • networking consciously, even online
    • sharing, and keeping it human, and 
    • little pivots, not full 180s.

    Having started his work with a portfolio career, Anthony has gone on to create The Distance, an award winning App agency, and is now looking back to his portfolio roots to carve out the next chapter. 

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.6 with Wellbeing & Business Consultant Cara de Lange

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.6 with Wellbeing & Business Consultant Cara de Lange

    Episode 6

    We interview Cara de Lange, on:

    • creating your own schedule to avoid burnout
    • lockdown and the acceptance commitment method
    • getting perspective on loneliness 
    • dialling your career up and down
    • and how it takes a tribe.

    With her career foundations in business administration for global organisations including Google, Cara has taken her Mental Health advocacy to the next level, continuing her portfolio career as a wellbeing and business consultant, founder, author, and change maker.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.5 with Venture Capitalist and Philanthropist Leila Rastegar Zegna

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.5 with Venture Capitalist and Philanthropist Leila Rastegar Zegna

    Episode 5

    We interview Leila Rastegar Zegna, investor, philanthropist, and founder of Kindred Capital VC, on:

    • how to approach success intrinsically, 
    • living a portfolio life, not just working in a portfolio career,
    • work-life integration, not balance,
    • using your competitive spirit as a driving force,
    • prioritisation and balance with intention.

    Leila’s career has been formed with hardworking roots whilst reaching innovative and entrepreneurial heights. Whilst balancing the management of venture funds worth millions, she is also a philanthropist who believes in portfolio life over portfolio work

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.4 with Urban Planning and Transport Expert Steve Chambers

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.4 with Urban Planning and Transport Expert Steve Chambers

    Episode 4

    We interview Steve Chambers, Urban Planning and Transport expert on the importance of:

    • selling yourself as an expert
    • saving time for self promotion
    • investing in yourself
    • finding your own way in, and 
    • creating success in new opportunities.

    Steve is an advocate for charities of all sizes involved in the built environment and sustainable transport sectors. Whilst leading policy and campaigning roles, his portfolio career also includes being a lecturer and media spokesperson.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.3 with Executive Coach Tina Orlando

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.3 with Executive Coach Tina Orlando

    PortfolioCast Episode 3

    We interview Tina Orlando, Coach and Counsellor to executive professionals on:

    • how where you start is just the beginning, not the end,
    • career pivot - the creation of her communication agency,
    • why she became an executive coach,
    • juggling a portfolio career with a family,
    • and never underestimating the importance of your network.

    Having co-founded a strategic business communications firm in New York, and worked at some of the best-known global companies, Tina has built a portfolio career using this foundation to brand, coach and counsel executive professionals.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.2 with Psychotherapist Hannah D'Souza

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.2 with Psychotherapist Hannah D'Souza

    PortfolioCast Episode 2

    We interview Hannah D'Souza, Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor on:

    • What led her to a portfolio career
    • How specialising can create more opportunities
    • Facing misconceptions in order to work wherever, whenever
    • Learning to never settle, and to plan ahead
    • Having confidence to stay with the uncomfortable feeling

    Hannah is an Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor, whose portfolio career has allowed her to gain varied and international experience counselling, mentoring and caring for children and adults in both private and organisational environments.

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.1 with CEO Ben Legg

    PortfolioCast from The Portfolio Collective: Ep.1 with CEO Ben Legg

    PortfolioCast Episode 1

    We interview Ben Legg, CEO and co-founder of The Portfolio Collective on:

    - What is a portfolio career?
    - Why he started The Portfolio Collective
    - The benefits of a portfolio career
    - Who would suit a portfolio career
    - How it has changed his life

    Ben is a former COO of Google Europe, global technology CEO, McKinsey consultant and soldier. He now helps entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves and society.



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