

    Explore " postdivorce" with insightful episodes like "Divorce Roadmap: The Divorce Landscape", "Divorce Roadmap: Should I Stay or Should I Go?", "Voices of Celebration: How I Reclaimed My Sanity, Self Esteem and My Life!", "JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head" and "JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head" from podcasts like ""Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast", "Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast", "Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast", "Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast" and "Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (48)

    Divorce Roadmap: The Divorce Landscape

    Divorce Roadmap: The Divorce Landscape

    The Divorce Landscape provides a 'bird's eye view' of your journey ahead as you enter the world of divorce. We guide you through what areas to educate yourself about in advance of making significant decisions, the importance of prioritizing your efforts, and how to maintain your sanity by focusing on those things you have the ability to influence.

    This episode and those that follow it are designed to dovetail with our Accelerated 12 Step Divorce Recovery program which is all about the emotional journey from reactive to regulated. The Divorce Landscape helps you understand the practical world of divorce, discern what aspects of it apply to your particular situation, and prepare for the many stages and phases so that you can effectively negotiate the bumps and bends ahead with grace and dignity.

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at www.rapidreliefcall.com

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Divorce Roadmap: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    Divorce Roadmap: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    While all decision during divorce are challenging, deciding whether to stay and mend your marriage or to divorce is one of the most stressful and emotionally charged. It is often drenched in judgement, shame, guilt, fear and uncertainty.

    Today Karen McMahon and Carrie Doubts, Sr JBD Coach, help you to unweave your fears and limiting beliefs from the circumstances you are assessing so that you can become clear in determining your best next steps. We also share the huge value in staying long enough to work on your shortcoming so that, regardless of your choice, you emerge healthier in all your relationships.

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at www.rapidreliefcall.com

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.journeybeyonddivorce.com

    Voices of Celebration: How I Reclaimed My Sanity, Self Esteem and My Life!

    Voices of Celebration: How I Reclaimed My Sanity, Self Esteem and My Life!

    While navigating divorce, fear of the unknown often drives us to replace our uncertainty with a catastrophic worst case scenario about our future. However, our greatest fears rarely come true. Today’s session is designed to provide you with hope and encouragement as you hear one woman’s journey from fear and overwhelm to a post divorce life that is very different from what she feared.

    Tune in as she shares the struggles she faced with her narcissistic ex, and how while he never changed, she changed so much that she rarely feels anxiety around interactions with him. Elle shares how she is living a peaceful and joyful life in spite of the fact that she has been divorced for 8 years, co-parenting / parallel parenting her school age child with his dad (and has many years left to go before her child is emancipated). Elle shares specific tools and strategies she received from coaching that you too can use to minimize the stress and tension in your situation.

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at www.rapidreliefcall.com

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.journeybeyonddivorcesupport.com

    JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

    JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

    The neurons in our brains are not all alike. Our brains think and feel in four different ways, every one of us. We may be more aware of certain ways than others, and define ourselves by the ways of thinking that are habitual...which does not always serve us well, especially when navigating divorce and post divorce life.

    In today’s show, Part 2 of You’re Not Crazy: Exploring the Voices in Your Head, Lisa and Karen familiarize you with the four distinct thinking and feeling modes in your brain introduced in Part 1. With this knowledge you can begin to understand how you can expand your responses to the many challenging situations that arise during the divorce journey as well as life in general. Imagine, you have undiscovered resources within yourself that can help you to be more resourceful and your life easier to navigate! Ready to meet yourself in a new way? Let’s go... If you would like to join us on a call with author Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, grab your spot here: http://journeybeyonddivorce.com/wholebrainliving Schedule a call with Lisa at:Email: lisa@journeybeyonddivorce.com Calendar: calendly.com/lisa-brick-jbd

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

    JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

    It is an all too human tendency to react to stressful situations in counterproductive ways, to attack out of intense emotion without a clear purpose, to accommodate long after it's healthy to do so, or to avoid addressing situations that are destructive. While these are rarely wise strategies, they are disastrous strategies prior to, in the midst of, and post divorce.

    During this episode and the following two Team Talks, Karen McMahon and Lisa Brick discuss an alternative approach to attacking, accommodating, and avoiding, help you to understand what part of your brain gets hijacked when you do, and how to be proactive, forward looking, and purposeful. When you use all of your brain, not just the hijacked parts, to handle the challenges that arise around divorce you begin to master your situation.

    These three Team Talks are based on the research and findings of neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor in her 2021 book, Whole Brain Living: the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Lives. If you would like to join us on a call with author Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, grab your spot here: http://journeybeyonddivorce.com/wholebrainliving Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at: Lisa BrickEmail: lisa@journeybeyonddivorce.com Calendar: https://calendly.com/lisa-brick-jbd For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    High Conflict: How To Protect Your Children

    High Conflict: How To Protect Your Children

    You kids have been experiencing conflict throughout the marriage, even if you think you have ‘hidden’ it from them. Now that a decision has been made to divorce, tensions will only rise. It is all the more important to focus on protecting your children now while navigating a high conflict divorce.

    Deciding when, how and what to tell the kids about the divorce is just the beginning. Figuring out how to parent in the ‘in between’ while still living together is another sensitive topic that needs to be handled carefully. Then there is the possibility that you or your spouse may blame, criticize or bad mouth the other to the kids. This is always harmful to them and we discuss what you can do to minimize the damage.

    Finally, the money earning parent may want to increase his/her time with the children. We discuss the importance of honoring and maintaining as much ‘normalcy’ as possible for your kids and handling any change with caution and clear communication, so they understand what is happening and why. Parenting post divorce may be equally challenging. Tune in to hear options for decision making and shared parenting time that puts the kids first.

    High Conflict Divorce - Strategies for Regaining Your Sanity

    High Conflict Divorce - Strategies for Regaining Your Sanity

    Living with a narcissist is ‘crazy making’. Understanding your role in the ongoing insanity is vital in order to create lasting change. In order to navigate your divorce effectively and strategically and emerge confident and renewed, it is essential that you keep your focus on that which you have power over...your thoughts, feelings and behavior.

    Today’s episode invites you into a ‘coaching experience’ where we validate your reality of fear and uncertainty, of your self esteem and confidence having been chiseled away in your dysfunctional marriage. Tune in to access powerful strategies to begin to feel confident and empowered. Learn how futile many of your efforts of engaging with your spouse have been and how to let go of those behaviors. Receive new ways of thinking and being that lead you through your divorce with greater calm and clarity and invite you into a new and immensely more pleasing life experience.

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at www.rapidreliefcall.com

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    JBD Team Talks - Managing the Challenges of a Passive-Aggressive Spouse

    JBD Team Talks - Managing the Challenges of a Passive-Aggressive Spouse

    Does your soon to be ex-spouse appear cooperative, but your gut tells you otherwise? Do they seem outwardly calm and rational, but your interactions feel hostile and chaotic?

    If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, you are, in all likelihood, divorcing a passive-aggressive spouse. This dynamic may not appear to be high conflict, but it is.

    Being on the receiving end of passive-aggressive behavior can trigger frustration, anger, anxiety, and confusion. In this podcast, you will learn how to identify passive-aggressive behavior and strategies for staying calm, grounded, and clear-thinking.

    Schedule a call with Rachel Goldman

    Email: rachel@journeybeyonddivorce.com

    Calendar: calendly.com/rachel-jbd

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Divorce Roadmap: Co-Parenting Post Divorce

    Divorce Roadmap: Co-Parenting Post Divorce

    Your Divorce Settlement has been negotiated and agreed upon. Now it is time to step off the divorce battlefield take off your ‘coat of armor’ and begin the task of coparenting post divorce. The good news is that much of the ongoing stress and tension around the negotiations quickly melts away which provides you with the opportunity to be fully present in attending to your children’s needs. But old habits die hard...so today we are going to highlight some of the most important Coparenting Do’s and Don’ts.

    You and your ex were unable to cohabitate. You have differences that are so extensive that you were unable to mend your marriage. These differences will undoubltedly show up in how you each parent. The task and challenge in every situation is putting your children before your need to be right or better. Today’s show intended to help you set yourself on the right path.

    For more info, visit Journey Beyond Divorce today.

    Divorce Roadmap: A New Style for Men and How to Attract Women

    Divorce Roadmap: A New Style for Men and How to Attract Women

    As we continue our post divorce series, today is all about you guys! As you enter your new life chapter, we will guide you on how to refresh and reinvent yourself through style and image. Today’s guest will share tips on how to become your most authentic, magnetic and powerful self. Grab a pen and begin to explore how to hone in on the deeper blocks keeping you from attracting your dream woman!

    For more info, visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com

    Life After Divorce: Be Psychotically Optimistic About Finding Love with Bela Ghandi

    Life After Divorce: Be Psychotically Optimistic About Finding Love with Bela Ghandi

    Welcome back to another conversation about dating after divorce. Today I am joined by Bela Gandhi, a dating expert and founder of Smart Dating Academy. Bela chats with us about how fun, exciting and fulfilling the dating process can be…under the right circumstances. She shares the three key approaches to dating and yes, online dating remains the most accessible and successful approach. And if you are wondering how to write a true and enticing profile, what images to use and to avoid and how to ensure that you don’t waste time with face to face meetups that lead to disappointment and discouragement…Bela has answers to all these questions and more! Bela Ghandi has always had an uncanny sixth sense of love, which she discovered in college. And while she went on to spend years working in a number of industries, she continued a small side gig of helping people find love…until 2009 when she took the leap and began her entrepreneurial dream - Smart Dating Academy.

    Smart Dating Academy teaches amazing singles to jump start their dating lives successfully after divorce, and find ‘the lid to their pots’. Smart Dating Academy has been described by clients as “going to Harvard Business School, but for dating and relationships.” Academy graduates have had ZERO divorces in the past 12 years, and become like “personal trainers for their love lives” – making dating fun, inspiring, and avoiding bad potholes along the way. Bela attends more weddings than she can count, and she loves love.

    How to reach Bela:

    Bela Gandhi

    Smart Dating Academy

    Founder & President

    Watch: TED Talk - The Secret to Lasting Love!

    Watch: The Today Show - Smart Dating Academy

    Watch: Steve Harvey / Bela Gandhi

    Watch: Good Morning America

    Website: www.smartdatingacademy.com

    Subscribe for Free Video Tips: You Tube Channel - Smart Dating Academy

    Follow us on Instagram: Instagram

    "Like" Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartdatingacademy

    Twitter: @BelaGandhiLove

    Request a Free Jump Start Call at https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/jumpstart

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Life After Divorce: Drop the Mask and Authentically Call in Next Level Love with Junie Moon

    Life After Divorce: Drop the Mask and Authentically Call in Next Level Love with Junie Moon

    As we begin to explore dating, today’s guest shares the vital importance of being authentic and what keeps us from doing so. Not surprising, there is a lot going on in our subconscious that can derail effort to enjoy dating and find healthy partners. Love Coach Junie Moon shares the ‘shadow work’ she does with clients. She helps unearth and tease apart unconscious limiting beliefs and breaks through blind spots so that clients are free to find love again!

    Junie Moon, The Love Coach, teaches women in midlife how to magnetize their ideal partner and experience Next Level Love. Using her unique heart-centered dating strategies, coupled with some powerful mindset tools that helped her magnetize the love of her own life, women learn to embrace this precious stage of life with confidence, playfulness and ease.

    Junie’s an award-winning international speaker, #1 Amazon Best-selling author of Loving the Whole Package: Shed the Shame and Live Life Out Loud, director/producer of the film Shed the Shame, host of the podcast Midlife Love Out Loud and a Certified Shadow Work®️ Facilitator.

    Junie’s Website






    Free Giveaway

    Find Fabulous Love After 40 Guidebook:10 Easy Steps Proven to Welcome In Next Level Love

    Request a Free Jump Start Call at https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/jumpstart

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Divorce Roadmap: Post Divorce: Taking Back Your Space and Creating a Peaceful Home

    Divorce Roadmap: Post Divorce: Taking Back Your Space and Creating a Peaceful Home

    Imagine feeling homeless in your home. That is how so many divorcees feel after their ex spouse has moved out of the home. Today we are speaking to the ones who are left feeling disconnected with their home.

    Today’s guest, Jodi Topitz, founder of We2Me guides us in transforming your home from married to single, and she shares fun, easy, and inexpensive ways to create spaces that make you feel good to heal.

    Click here for more information on Journey Beyond Divorce.

    Click here for more information on Jodi Topitz, We2Me

    Life After Divorce: Entering Dating with the Right Mindset

    Life After Divorce: Entering Dating with the Right Mindset

    Today we begin a new topic in the LIfe After Divorce Series. and I am thrilled to have Bernadette Smith with me to kick it off. …and I think you will want to take notes. Bernadette shares the 6 things we must let go of and the 6 things we must commit to to be successful in our dating endeavors. She also shares key questions to ask up front, how to feel comfortable and confident on every date and the one thing you don’t want driving your decision about getting into a new relationship.

    Bernadette is the founder of Compatible Connections, a boutique coaching firm that works exclusively with divorced women across the country. Her services teach clients how to become confident, conscious daters who use relationship research to find and build loving relationships that last. Bernadette is a Master Certified Coach with over the past 20 years and her mission has been to show every woman she works with how to find the love of their life after divorce.

    Website: http://www.compatibleconnections.biz

    Email: coachbernadette@gmail.com

    Instagram @onlinedatingcoach

    Follow me on Instagram @onlinedatingmatchmaker

    Free Giveaway:

    eBook 55 Ways To Meet Men - just email me

    Complimentary 1-hour dating coaching session - just email me

    Request a Free Jump Start Call at https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/jumpstart

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: Negotiating Custody to Create a Win Win

    Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: Negotiating Custody to Create a Win Win

    Today’s show acknowledges the tender emotions you experience while negotiating custody. We encourage you to notice the nightmare stories that create fear and tension, derailing your negotiations. Our guest, Josh Hecht, shares strategies to cut through the acrimony, negotiate for both the current and the long term needs of your children, and insure that you consider the nitty gritty details to guarantee a rock solid agreement.

    This is one of the most stressful aspects of your divorce negotiation, listen in, take notes and make sure your attorney understands that the emotional health of your children is your #1 priority.

    For more on Karen and Journey Beyond Divorce visit: JourneyBeyondDivorce.com

    To grab your free copy of Divorce Survival Kit: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/divorce-recovery-plan

    JBD Team Talks: Grey Divorce: Too Old or Perfectly Timed?

    JBD Team Talks: Grey Divorce: Too Old or Perfectly Timed?

    Over the past several years, there has been an upward demographic trend of couples over 50 years old ending long-term marriages. This trend has been coined “the gray divorce”. Divorcing later in life brings unique emotional and financial challenges.

    It also creates amazing opportunities for personal growth and choice about how you want to live your life going forward. Join us for tips on how to confidently navigate the unique challenges you may be facing and how to make it to the other side stronger and more confident.

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Life After Divorce: Improve Your Mindset, Mood and Movement with Healthy Nutrition

    Life After Divorce: Improve Your Mindset, Mood and  Movement with Healthy Nutrition

    Welcome back to Life After Divorce. In today’s episode, Improve Your Mindset, Mood and Movement with Healthy Nutrition, we dive into the connection between what we eat and how we feel. Our tendency to go for ‘comfort foods’ when stress is high and time is short undercuts our desire to have clarity of mind, control over our emotional reactions and the energy to navigate our post divorce life. Eating healthy for many seems like a great idea but the time and effort to do so makes it unattainable.

    Today’s guest shares his journey from the pain of poor eating habits to his now vibrant healthy life, rooted in healthy nutrition. Listen in as Scott shares the immense value in healthy nutrition while debunking the belief that healthy eating is too time consuming for our busy schedules.

    Scott Harvell is a Nutrition and Health Coach at Health by Design. Through nutrition, he has been able to conquer severe depression with suicidal thoughts and eliminate all chemical medications. Today he boasts an immune system that’s powerful enough to beat any illness within days and is more energized and productive than ever. Scott shares his passion for helping others discover how they too can live their optimal life through nutrition and personal care.

    Scott and his wife, Dr. Kristy Harvell have an eBook called "How to Maximize Your Health Potential" and online 12-week nutrition program called 90/10 Lifestyle.

    How to Maximize Your Health Potential FREE eBook


    Request a Free Jump Start Call at https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/jumpstart

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    For more information about Soberlink visit: https://www.soberlink.com/partners/jbd

    JBD Team Talks: Divorce Transition Invites Transformation

    JBD Team Talks: Divorce Transition Invites Transformation

    What's the difference between change and transition? And why should you care to know?

    Change is what happens on the outside, and transition is the psychological reorientation and inner integration of the changes that take place in your outer world. Divorce creates a huge amount of change, both for you and for your family. It can be extremely stressful to deal with these changes!

    In this podcast, you'll learn about the 3 phases of transition and strategies to help you turn the chaos and upheaval of change into a transformational opportunity.

    You can access the process here: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/process-transition-to-transformation

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    JBD Team Talks: 5 Tips for Living with Your STBX During Divorce

    JBD Team Talks: 5 Tips for Living with Your STBX During Divorce

    Living under one roof while going through a divorce may be more common than you think. It may be that neither spouse will agree to leave the marital home, finances make it challenging to support two homes, or both spouses agree it is in the children’s best interest to physically separate at a later date.

    Cohabitating during the divorce process can be challenging. Today’s Team Talks provides tips and strategies for cohabitating effectively, including establishing ground rules for cohabitation, setting clear emotional and physical boundaries, and shifting your mindset from living with a life partner to living with a roommate, and the benefits of using an on-line calendar for co-parenting (Co-parenting Scheduling Calendar Apps).

    Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    Life After Divorce: Create healthy habits that nourish your body and soul

    Life After Divorce: Create healthy habits that nourish your body and soul

    As we continue talking about healthy living, today’s guest has a powerful and successful approach to nutrition and exercise. She shares that the first step is to eat what we enjoy AND begin tracking it. By examining the proteins, fats and carbs in our deit, we raise our awareness what our body is receiving and what it is lacking that we need. The thing I love the most about Chas’ approach is she meets each client where they are and helps them to slowly add what is missing and change what is causing harm. She uses the same approach to exercise and tells her client NOT to exercise in the beginning. When they begin it is internally driven.

    Chas Snowden is a Southern girl, a Nutrition Coach and former crossfit games athlete. Chas passionately teaches people how to eat what they love while getting results! She developed the FLA Movement, Tribe and Foundations in order to help people solidify these permanent lifestyle changes!



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    Fla movement

    Request a Free Jump Start Call at https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/jumpstart

    For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

    For more information about Soberlink visit: https://www.soberlink.com/partners/jbd


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