

    Explore "rbf" with insightful episodes like "#356 - Gabriel Thierry (Karmen) - Financement non-dilutif : une alternative au crédit pour les startups", "Jenn's Permanent RBF 01/30/24", "EP20生而臭臉我很抱歉|我沒生氣,真的沒有,是要問幾次🤬", "S04E40 - Male ma non malissimo" and "Revenue-Based Financing Anbieter im Profil: Clearco und Riverside Acceleration Capital" from podcasts like ""Le Morning Boost", "Dave and Jenn on KEE100", "這不是菸斗", "Bitcoin Italia Podcast" and "Startup Insider"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    #356 - Gabriel Thierry (Karmen) - Financement non-dilutif : une alternative au crédit pour les startups

    #356 - Gabriel Thierry (Karmen) - Financement non-dilutif : une alternative au crédit pour les startups

    Pour ce nouvel épisode je reçois Gabriel Thierry, cofondateur et CEO de Karmen. Karmen c’est une solution de “revenue based financing” ou RBF dédiée aux entreprises dont les revenus sont par abonnement. Karmen vient avancer des revenus récurrents futurs pour pouvoir financer des projets ou encore les coûts d’acquisition des nouveaux clients. Ce modèle de financement peut-être intéressant car il est non-dilutif et plus accessible que le crédit.  Le marché du RBF est encore à ses balbutiements en France et dans le monde et ça m’intéressait qu’on puisse en parler sur le podcast.  

    Durant cet épisode, on a aussi parlé du parcours de Gabriel, comment il a rencontré ses associés ou encore sa vision du marché du RBF.  

    Envie d'aller plus loin? Retrouvez cet épisode de Saas Connection sur votre plateforme favorite:
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    你是不是在生氣?真的沒有不開心嗎?這樣的話想必跟我們一樣天生臭臉的人都沒有少聽吧! 小孩會被嚇到、狗狗會迴避視線、旁人會對此感到困惑,彷彿我們有著生不完的脾氣?但真相是我們真的什麼想法都沒有!可能也就腦中思索著等等要吃什麼🤣。 難道天生臭臉就真的沒救了嗎? ❏追蹤我們的podcast和IG,每集節目多聽幾遍並分享出去,以及按讚、留言每一則貼文。FB粉絲團及YouTube頻道也上線囉!

    S04E40 - Male ma non malissimo

    S04E40 - Male ma non malissimo
    È iniziata ufficialmente la Mission Central America 2022 e questo è il primo episodio del BIP SHOW registrato con Rikki in El Salvador.
    Il primo impatto con il paese di Bitcoin legal tender, dopo un anno e mezzo dall'entrata in vigore della legge, non è stato dei migliori. Tanti problemi e adozione nettamente in calo. Vi raccontiamo perché grazia al nostro inviato speciale.
    Inoltre dipaniamo la questione relativa a mempoolfullrbf, spiegandovela nel dettaglio e analizzando le possibili conseguenze. Non possiamo ovviamente non commentare l'ennesima rektata dura per gli amanti del mondo criiiipto e bloccein. FTX non c'è più. Avanti il prossimo.
    It's showtime!🚀

    💣Questo episodio del BIP SHOW è sponsorizzato da:

    🔥BITREFILL: Il sito dove il Bitcoin standard è già realtà.
    👉🏻Acquista gift card per spendere sats nel mondo reale: https://www.bitrefill.com

    🔥IBEX: Pagamenti lightning allo stato dell'arte.
    👉🏻Il migliore servizio lightning del mondo nella tua azienda: https://www.poweredbyibex.io

    🔥BITBOX02: il miglior hardware wallet sul mercato.
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    - Il tweet dove Guybrush fa il graphic designer per Bitcoin: https://bit.ly/3tjsjxw
    - Guarda il nostro vlog da El Salvador: https://bit.ly/3UGi0zc
    - Il tweet di denuncia su Chivo: https://bit.ly/3DYrhMc
    - La forte denuncia di John Carvalho su mempoolfullrbf: https://bit.ly/3fP2IcP
    - La spiegazione di Peter Todd: https://bit.ly/3ToE1S6
    - Il dibattito sul repository ufficiale Bitcoin Core: https://bit.ly/3UFfBos
    - Narrativa mainstream sul caso "Binance vs FTX": https://bit.ly/3UEgPQK
    - Guarda su YouTube lo speech di Guybrush "BTC e crittografia": https://bit.ly/3zA9Y2P
    - Guarda su YouTube lo speech di Rikki&Guybrush "BTC e energia": https://bit.ly/3T65gRc
    - Segui il canale YouTube di Bitcoin Explorers: https://bit.ly/3DCbaFa
    - Segui la pagina Instagram di Bitcoin Explorers: https://bit.ly/3FmB3dB

    ❤️Grazie a tutti i BIPers che ogni settimana sostengono il nostro show con una donazione!
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    Revenue-Based Financing Anbieter im Profil: Clearco und Riverside Acceleration Capital

    Revenue-Based Financing Anbieter im Profil: Clearco und Riverside Acceleration Capital

    Interview mit Mariam Koorang, General Manager DACH von Clearco und Christian Stein, Partner von Riverside Acceleration Capital

    In der Mittagsfolge stellen wir heute zwei Anbieter mit einem umsatzbasierten Finanzierungsmodell namens Revenue-based Financing vor.

    Revenue-based Financing bedeutet, dass der entsprechende Investor im Gegenzug für ein Investment eine prozentuale Beteiligung an den Umsätzen des finanzierten Unternehmens erhält. Diese Umsatzbeteiligung läuft so lange bis eine im Vorhinein vereinbarte maximale Rückzahlungssumme erreicht ist. Das Unternehmen erhält also ein Investment und gibt anstelle von Anteilen für einen gewissen Zeitraum einen Teil der monatlichen Umsätze ab.

    Den Anfang macht Mariam Koorang, General Manager DACH von Clearco. Der kanadische E-Commerce-Investor wurde im Jahr 2015 von Michele Romanow, Andrew D'Souza, Ivan Gritsiniak, Charlie Feng und Tanay Delima gegründet. Clearco stellt Startups eigenkapitalfreie Finanzierungslösungen zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus erhalten Founder umgehenden Zugang zu einem globalen Netzwerk von Partnern. Dabei hat das Finanzunternehmen mit mehr als 3 Milliarden Euro in mehr als 7.000 Online-Unternehmen und Marken investiert, darunter u.a. Vanity Planet, Glamnetic, Public Goods, Soludos und Monos. Clearco plant nun einen Deutschland-Start mit einem Investitionsvolumen in Höhe von 500 Millionen Euro. Damit erweitert es die Abdeckung der Märkte in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Australien, Großbritannien, Irland und den Niederlanden.

    Unser zweiter Gast ist Christian Stein, Partner von Riverside Acceleration Capital (RAC). Das 1988 in New York gegründete Unternehmen versteht sich mit seinem Revenue-based Financing als langfristiger Kapitalpartner für B2B-Softwareunternehmen. Dabei hat RAC den Anspruch, die Portfoliounternehmen über mehrere Runden zu finanzieren und ihnen als strategischer Partner zum effizienten Wachstum zu verhelfen. Mit 3 Niederlassungen in den USA und Deutschland verfügt RAC über eine direkte Präsenz in Nordamerika und Europa. Insgesamt hat der umsatzbasierte Investor 51 Unternehmen in 8 Ländern finanziert, u.a. CircleLink, Cloudlex, LeftShift, Purple, Quivers, SportsRecruits, Turtl, Freightwise, Apica, Casavi, Deckcommerce und SuitePad.

    Episode 96 - Encyclopedia of Dating : His name was 'Narcissus'

    Episode 96 - Encyclopedia of Dating : His name was 'Narcissus'
    Another exciting episode with my friend Mr Red, we dig into an array of topics including: Condescending conversations, closure, the crazies, making friends off dating sites, male and female friendships, why getting ghosted hurts, drinking and driving, socializing alone, RBF (if you know you know), and how our decisions impact our dating life!

    Remember to listen, like and share! Send your comments, feedback and love to us on Instagram @EncyclopediaOfDating

    Alternative Sources of Capital: Revenue-Based Financing

    Alternative Sources of Capital: Revenue-Based Financing

    On the Exponential podcast, we are always on the hunt for alternative sources of capital to talk about and discuss and expose to our audience because only a tiny fraction of startups – 1%– secure the two most talked about sources of funding – Venture and Angel Capital.

    And in this podcast, we are discussing Revenue Financing a source of funding that is gaining visibility in the tech startup community and one under the right conditions that offers a sustainable alternative to venture capital funding.

    Revenue financing — also known as revenue-based financing or RBF — is a type of financial capital provided to a start-up in exchange for a percentage of future revenue.

    The idea actually dates back to mining companies getting financed to dig for oil, natural gas, and minerals.

    And Unlike traditional debt, revenue financing doesn’t restrict operational flexibility. And unlike angel investment or venture capital, the investors don’t take any equity in the business. Instead, the capital loan payments are tied to monthly revenue, increasing in strong revenue months, and decreasing in low revenue months until the initial capital amount, plus a multiple, or cap, is repaid.

    Revenue financing places the focus back on business fundamentals — customer acquisition costs, cash conversion cycles, customer payback — and away from the ego-driven hype around new funding round press releases and pitch events. It focuses on a more sustainable standard and one that has broader application for the great and good SaaS companies and is a capital resource that can help ensure there are more winners than losers overall in the start-up ecosystem.


    The white paper that launched Lighter Capital: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1518&context=ulj

    Early Pioneer: Arthur Fox Article: MIT Entrepreneurship Review | Revenue Capital & Disruptive Models: Venture Funding Tools for Developing Nations (archive.org)

    Jay Batson on Revenue-Based Finance

    Jay Batson on Revenue-Based Finance

    Join Sal's Syndicate: Click Here

    “So, there's been a hole in the market for that kind of company that's going to be a great company that's not venture-scale.”

    Repeat founder and super angel Jay Batson talks about his new passion: Revenue-Based Finance. He likes the possibility it opens up for startups that are great but not quite venture-scale. Learn what RBF does for founders and investors.

    Highlights include:

    • Sal’s Intro
    • Jay Batson’s Bio
    • Acquia & Drupal
    • Revenue-Based Finance Is Introduced
    • The Debt Model vs. The Equity Model
    • “Well, the problem is, there's kind of a hole in the middle, because banks don't like to take risks that startups pose.”
    • “So, venture capital is great if your company is the kind of company that will provide large capital gains to the investor.”
    • “…venture investors tend to say, "Is this a company that could create a billion-dollar company?"”
    • …"This isn't a venture-scale company,"…
    • “So, there's been a hole in the market for that kind of company that's going to be a great company that's not venture-scale.”
    • Wistia as an Example of a Great Company that’s Not Venture-Scale
    • Being Venture-Scale Means You Have to Grow at All Costs
    • “So, the investor makes money by the entrepreneur's business generating the revenue to provide the investor the returns; the entrepreneur retains ownership of the company during the duration.”
    • “…your returns that you see as percentages on your money, are really going to be defined on how fast the entrepreneur repays you.”
    • “It's not venture-scale, but it's going to be a fine company, thank you very much, but it needs an influx of cash to help grow the go-to-market.”
    • “...we want RBF to be the kind of thing that's notable and well-known for something that people do in Boston.”
    • Sal Talks About His Investment in Gelesis
    • Jay Batson and Sal Discuss Various Aspects of the Current Crisis and How Startups Might Respond
    • “…this won't be the first time you've had to embrace the suck, you know? It's kind of part of the deal of being a founder and being an entrepreneur.”
    • “And then, I hate to say this, but now's the time to cut costs kind of hard and fast, and this may mean cutting some people. And that's really hard to do.”
    • “It's not even just snagging other companies, Sal, it's snagging customers.”
    • “…the things that are happening in the stock market in terms of valuations are probably going to happen to you.”


    165. New England OCR Expo and Party!

    165. New England OCR Expo and Party!

    We were part of our first expo, well the first one where we had our own table!  We talked to a bunch of other vendors and awesome people in the OCR and fitness community! Massive thank you to everyone who was able to come out and support the event!

    0 - 2:12 - Intro

    2:12 - 9:32 - News

    9:32 - 10:58 - Content Preface

    10:58 - 51:55 - Expo Interviews

    51:55 - end - Outro

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    Our next episode will be at Raynham's Knights of Columbus Charity 5 Miler (not Spartan Greek Peak sorry)!

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    Intro music - "Streaker" by: Straight Up

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    Episode 314 - How Your RBF Hinders Influence, Likeability, and Trust

    Episode 314 - How Your RBF Hinders Influence, Likeability, and Trust

    Do you have RBF?  I sure do.  I have it bad.  Do you know what RBF is?  Well the nice version is resting brat face.  The “B” is actually a word that is a little harsher.  (I will let you google it.)  What is RBF?  Well, it is when you are neutral or unemotional – your face looks mean and upset.  You look unapproachable.  In this state, you will have a harder time with influence,  building trust and creating a connection. 

    This is more common than you think.  So, how do you fix this RBF?

    Neuroscience Says Doing This 1 Thing Makes You Just as Happy as Eating 2,000 Chocolate Bars

    Join me for this week’s podcast on How Your RBF Hinders Influence, Likeability, and Trust.  I explore where RBF comes from, why it exists and how to fix it.  I also take a deep dive into how RBF affects mood and how mood can destroy your ability to influence others.

    Articles from show: 

    RBF : CNN, testRBF , Photofeeler 

    Worst Product Names





    Episode 308 - Achievement vs Alignment

    Episode 308 - Achievement vs Alignment

    Have you ever felt something was not quite right?  That something was out of whack?  Your motivation was decreasing instead of increasing? Just as in a mutual fund, where one bad stock can pull down the fund’s overall value, one bad area in your life can pull you down and destroy your motivation.

    When we look at life, we have to realize that it is not lived in segments, but rather, it is part of a greater whole. Every aspect of your life will either help or hurt your success. Our aim is to get all areas of our life working together to create a high-performing fund.  If you want balance in your life.  If you want achievement – you must have alignment.  Tune in to find out those 6 areas of your life that are part of your life alignment.

    How Ego Destroys Influence

    How Ego Destroys Influence

    After briefly mentioning it on last week's episode, Kurt and Steve quickly learned that most have a lot of "feelings about" the urban phenomena, RBF (otherwise known as Resting Bitch Face).  So they dived in a little more and wouldn't you know it...there's an actual website that will tell you if you have it!  All we ask is that if you do, you send us your picture to maximizeyourinfluence@gmail.com.  We want to see what RBF looks like!

    Ingratiation: Make Others Feel Important

    Ingratiation is gaining favor by deliberate effort. Ingratiation techniques can include compliments, flattery, and agreeableness. Ingratiation can also involve a special recognition of someone such as, "We don't usually do this, but in your case I'm going to make an exception," or "I am personally going to take care of this matter and see that you get what you want." Many people consider ingratiation sucking up or brown-nosing, but it is an effective technique for making others more persuadable. The reason this strategy works is because The Law of Esteem increases likability and promotes an increase in their self-esteem

    Research has demonstrated these conclusions about using ingratiation. In one study, "ingratiators" were perceived as more competent, motivated, and qualified for leadership positions by their supervisors.  In another study, subordinates who used ingratiation developed an increased job satisfaction for themselves, their coworkers, and their supervisor.  In yet another study, ingratiators enjoyed a 5 percent edge over noningratiators in earning more favorable job evaluations.  Ingratiation works even when it is perceived as a deliberate effort to win someone over. Our esteem is so starved that we accept any flattery or praise we can get. 

    Interesting Ingratiation Facts

    •           It is better to use one great effective ingratiation method, than lots of smaller ones or in other words, less is more.


    •           Ingratiators will be judged more positively using opinion or compliments conformity by the prospect than by a bystander.


    •           Ingratiation will always work better when we are using downward influence (coworker, employee, you are their manager)


    •           When we are attempting upward influence. (boss, CEO, power player)  Using apology, self- deprecation are more successful when you are persuading up or there is a large difference in status.  Using favors or compliments have little effect.


    •           When ingratiating someone and they know you have an ulterior motive and it is transparent it will likely fail and decrease their liking towards you.

    Signs of Deception

    Signs of Deception

    The worst thing for a persuader is that your audience members probably won’t ever confront you about your dishonesty or deception. They are not going to tell you that they think you are lying. They’ll just never work with you again and they’ll then tell all their family and friends about the bad experience they had with you behind your back.


    Even if you’re an honest person of admirable character, it is human nature for people to cast sweeping judgments and formulate opinions without all the facts.  So, if you want genuine trust and lasting persuasion, you must avoid even the slightest appearance of anything that might be considered dishonest.  If you never place yourself in a situation where one might be misled about you or your integrity, then your good, hard-earned reputation will never be compromised.  Don’t embellish the story to make it sound better; don’t omit certain information to cover your own skin.      


    What are some nonverbal behaviors that will trigger incongruence and a sense of deception?


    Forced eye contact

    Shifting back in chair

    Rubbing lips

    Scratching your face

    Dilated pupils


    Pitch of voice rising