
    real estate system

    Explore " real estate system" with insightful episodes like "Effective Operating System For Real Estate Agents", "#040: Pop Up Coaching Call with Eddie Palacios", "#035: Grow Your Business Without Sacrificing Your Life with Alex Pardo", "#034: How Cornelius Got 4 Contracts in 7 Weeks Without Talking to a Seller or Buyer" and "#032: Doing Deals Virtually from India While Still Managing a Non-profit Full Time. Amazing!!" from podcasts like ""Agent Mafia Unleashed", "REI Network with Gavin Timms", "REI Network with Gavin Timms", "REI Network with Gavin Timms" and "REI Network with Gavin Timms"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Effective Operating System For Real Estate Agents

    Effective Operating System For Real Estate Agents

    Being a real estate agent is overwhelming, especially for new agents. There are millions of things you need to set up, an endless number of things you need to learn to provide a great customer experience, and you need to be consistent with your lead generation, take calls every day, and set up an appointment to keep the engine running.

    Sometimes it files up, and agents shut down, or worst they quit. Those things won't happen if they have a system in place. A systematized business is one of the foundations if you want lasting wealth and freedom in Real Estate!


    In this episode, Ray will share his Daily Operating system that helped him succeed in the industry.


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    #040: Pop Up Coaching Call with Eddie Palacios

    #040: Pop Up Coaching Call with Eddie Palacios

    Eddie Palacios is no stranger to real estate, but he’s currently transitioning from being an acquisition manager to a real estate investor. He’s building out his own system right now as he figures out how all of the moving parts work. And he’s creating that funnel that serves him up warm leads to follow up on. We hop on a coaching call to work through the part of the process that he’s a little stuck on.

    Eddie’s done a great job figuring out that being too scripted on a phone call was killing his rapport with sellers. He pulled back from pre-selecting financing options because they were tripping up his conversations, and he shifted to having 80% of the conversation be the seller talking. This is a super common problem, so take this as a reality check; how’s that going for you?

    With a system in place and a VA warming up his leads, Eddie feels confident that he’s headed in the right direction. However, inputting data into the CRM isn’t going as smoothly for him. For me, I like to have as many records as possible to get as many leads as possible. Once the record is turned into a lead, that’s when I input leads into the CRM. Positioning leads this way makes it easier to scale up.

    I advise most of my coaching clients to get a whiteboard. Having a visual reminder in front of you about where your hot leads are at is the best way that I know of to keep them in the front of your mind. There’s no guessing for you or your team about how many properties you have in the pipeline.

    Are you ready for another pair of eyes on your business? Do you need a better business system to help you process your records into leads? I’d love to see if we’d be a good fit.

    What's Inside:

    • Eddie breaks down his current real estate system so that we can find the holes and plug them up.
    • Why I prefer automation on colder leads, and how you can move some work off your plate by putting automation in place for these kinds of leads.
    • The difference between records outside of a CRM and leads inside of a CRM, and why understanding that difference is crucial to scaling up.

    #035: Grow Your Business Without Sacrificing Your Life with Alex Pardo

    #035: Grow Your Business Without Sacrificing Your Life with Alex Pardo

    Alex Pardo’s entrepreneurial life started by wholesaling baseball cards as a kid, but he got distracted by checking all of the boxes for things he “should” do. After college, he took on a corporate job, but it wasn’t long before he realized that he didn’t want to be chained to the W-2 life forever. For him, one of his biggest fears was that he’d look back in the past and regret what could have been.

    As Alex so perfectly puts it, “A salary is a ticket to forego your dreams”. That’s when he started to look into real estate as a side plan to escape corporate life. Alex started scaling up his business, but then he realized that that was not the direction he wanted to go into. As you scale, you need more people to keep up with the volume, and then your overhead rises.

    He was no longer the one talking to buyers and sellers. He was managing people, and he didn’t love it. Pretty soon Alex felt like God was tapping him on the shoulder to do something different. And part of that something different looked like making more money by scaling down.

    Now, in addition to his smaller team, Alex found his passion in helping entrepreneurs get clarity on their vision for their business. He runs an exclusive mastermind named Ascend for entrepreneurs who are serious about building a life around their business. If spending more time with your family sounds like the kind of lifestyle you’re looking for, check out Alex’s podcast Flip Empire.

    What's Inside:

    • How Alex makes more money by doing fewer deals with a smaller team.
    • While scaling down, Alex found that he was passionate about helping other entrepreneurs make that same pivot into living their best life. 
    • Why I believe that 80% of what we do is grounded in our mindset.

    #034: How Cornelius Got 4 Contracts in 7 Weeks Without Talking to a Seller or Buyer

    #034: How Cornelius Got 4 Contracts in 7 Weeks Without Talking to a Seller or Buyer

    The first real estate check I got was for $1500, and in some ways, it still feels like the biggest check I’ve ever gotten because it was proof that wholesaling works. It was such a massive win for my mindset and it gave me the courage to keep pushing forward as I built my investing business.

    Cornelius has had some big wins in the last 7 weeks with 2 houses under contract and 2 more in escrow, but it wasn’t always like this for him. Both he and his wife have full-time jobs, plus a new baby, and sometimes it’s hard for him to consistently work on his business.

    The way we teach our students about wholesaling totally works for anyone, especially for those in the nine-to-five grind. You’re going to be inspired by how creative Cornelius has been able to get once he had a solid system in place.

    If you’re struggling to be consistent or you need some help creating a system, you need to remember that if you don’t change, then you won’t get different results. Set up a call today to see if we’d be a good fit to get your real estate business on the road to success.

    What's Inside:

    • How Cornelius used a Facebook group to find an investing partner.
    • If you’re still holding down a day job, it can sometimes be hard to work consistently in your real estate business.
    • How do you know if you have a VA problem or a marketing problem?

    #032: Doing Deals Virtually from India While Still Managing a Non-profit Full Time. Amazing!!

    #032: Doing Deals Virtually from India While Still Managing a Non-profit Full Time. Amazing!!

    How can you become financially independent in the nonprofit world? And then, what if you’re on the other side of the world? Don’t get confused as you listen to Josh Howard share how his wholesaling business supports his nonprofit Central India Christian Mission. Josh lives in India, but he invests in the Indianapolis, Indiana market, which is sometimes referred to as just Indy.

    In the middle of last year, Josh could see that his work in India would be better supported if he could make more money, but he didn’t want to work a full-time job and a full-time nonprofit job. He partnered with his brother-in-law and decided on a market, but their beginning was just chaotic. They had some small success, but they were dealing with a broken system.

    Additionally, if sellers called him, the time difference might mean that he was answering the phone at 3 am. Josh needed to have marketing in place that accommodated his time change and his distance from the market. Hear how we built a system for him that helped him start hitting $25,000 months just six months after he began.

    If you don’t know where to start, “Keep taking action and taking the next step”, says Josh. If you’re interested in JVing with Josh in the Indianapolis market, or you’re interested in his nonprofit work, you can reach out to him at: JHoward111@icloud.com.

    What's Inside:

    • Why Josh chose the Indianapolis market, and how that made virtual wholesaling there easier.
    • Turning to wholesaling let Josh support the nonprofit work he’s passionate about.
    • An international time change is challenging when dealing with sellers in the US, but Josh made it work.

    #031: Outsource Your Weakness and Play to Your Strengths with Steve & Coco

    #031: Outsource Your Weakness and Play to Your Strengths with Steve & Coco

    Technology may not be your strong suit. And if that's the case, then the idea of getting a system into place might freak you out. I completely get that, but that’s why you absolutely must have a system in place. Steve and Coco, some of my most popular guests, are the poster children for how having a system in place helps you play to your strengths.

    When I first started working with Steve and Coco, you could just see that Steve wasn’t as into real estate investing as Coco. And he was absolutely convinced that it just wasn’t going to work. I see this a lot when an investor is trying to run their business like someone else, and I knew that if we could build the business around Steve’s ability to chat up anyone at any time, then they’d be able to watch their business take off.

    We spent most of 2019 getting Steve and Coco’s system in place, and in 2020 they were able to build out three additional teams. We’re only a month into 2021, and they’ve already gotten five contracts. Now that they’ve gotten used to building a team on a smaller scale, they’ll be able to replicate it on a larger scale.

    And you can absolutely hear the excitement in Steve’s voice when he talks about his wholesaling business. He loves what he does. If you want to buy or sell in Ohio, Steve and Coco are moving properties and they’d love to connect with you. Send them an email at CCBPropertySolutions@gmail.com.

    What's Inside:

    • By ignoring everything that Steve can’t or won’t do, we were able to build a system that supports the one thing he excels at: talking.
    • Why hiring an admin VA has been a game-changer for Coco and Steve.
    • Besides outsourcing their weaknesses, Coco and Steve have outsourced their lower dollar activities so that they can focus on getting the deals over the finish line.
    • Don’t get stuck on all of the “Nos” you’re hearing.

    #026: Case Study - NoDeadLeads.com

    #026: Case Study - NoDeadLeads.com

    As you move into a new market, you’re building rapport and trust with local wholesalers, partners, and investors, so you’ve got to come through with what you promise. If you’re not good at follow up, you’re losing out on potentially tens of thousands of dollars. My coaching client Chris Arnold and I are going to rewarm some cold leads from a CRM that I stopped following upon to prove that not following up is costing you real cash.

    Helping coaching clients put together, I like to focus on getting a system in place first. It doesn’t matter if you have a hundred leads because if your lead manager keeps dropping them, you’re just going to be wasting your money. Chris and I have been working the kinks out of his team so that they can work seamlessly together to build that relationship with a seller and close the deal without a hitch.

    If you’re ready to follow along with the No Dead Leads case study, you can follow the link to the raw material as we create it. This isn’t slick marketing on my part; I want to be real with you about the work that goes into creating a real estate business. There’s no secret to success in real estate because it’s all about creating systems that work and putting in the time to make offers, talk to sellers, and follow up.

    What's Inside:

    • How I help my coaching clients identify the weak link in their business system.
    • My techniques for improving your cold calls no matter how confident (or not) you are on the phone.
    • As Chris has built his market out, he’s quickly learned that he must follow through with every single promise he makes.

    #025: I Can't Handle the Amount of Leads - Coaching Call with Nolan

    #025: I Can't Handle the Amount of Leads - Coaching Call with Nolan

    As a coach, I’m pretty focused on getting my coaching clients set up with a system that will help them build the real estate business that supports their dreams. But sometimes my clients run up against real life, and we need to do some adjusting.

    Nolan shot me a text about a problem that might sound amazing to some of you; he was completely overwhelmed with how many leads he had. I always have my students focus on marketing, talking to sellers, making offers, and following up. And because I really believe the money is in the follow-up, I help my students create a system that guarantees that no lead will fall through the cracks.

    But once Nolan got behind on his follow-ups, he found he couldn’t keep up on his fresh leads either. Pretty quickly, the overwhelm can start to kick in as ten leads become twenty and then forty. So we sat down to figure out a new plan of action.

    Look, there is no right or wrong way to build a system. The goal is to build a system that works for you. What you bring to the table is a hunger for taking action, and I can always help you create a system that takes into account what you have time for and what you’re good at. Let’s take action together today.

    #022: The Best Way to Scale Your Real Estate Business

    #022: The Best Way to Scale Your Real Estate Business

    Some people come into this business to create a job for themselves. They’re out there everyday working this business just like they did when they had a W-2. If this is you, I suggest you take a step back and ask yourself: what are you actually trying to do?

    Create a vision for you and get your foundations down so that you can prepare to scale. The foundations we put in place for your business will be determined by the vision you have for the kind of real estate life you want to live. But you can’t scale until you’ve got these things in place.

    When it comes time to hire, you’ll be adding VAs, assistants, acquisition, and disposition positions to your team. But you don’t need or want these new hires all at once. I like to use a process I call “feathering” to slowly add in and train these new team members so that your expectations are met or exceeded.

    Stop working in your business, and start working on your business. Putting these systems in place is going to increase your productivity and allow you to move into other markets, all without continuing to put in 90-hour work weeks.

    If you have a real estate question or something you’d like me to talk about, send your podcast suggestions to support@reinetwork.com.

    What's Inside:

    • Don’t get overwhelmed; focus on one action at a time and move toward progress.
    • How to know when you’re ready for another market.
    • Who should take on the hot or warm leads in your team?

    #010: “The Struggle is Real”....Be Inspired with Chris and Joe

    #010: “The Struggle is Real”....Be Inspired with Chris and Joe

    When you start with $120,000 in credit card debt, how are you going to turn that around? Joe and Chris are new business partners and my new coaching clients in the Denver market, and the amount of success they’ve had in the short time we’ve all been working together has just been incredible. But it didn’t start out that easy for them. 

    Joe McCall and I have said for years, “Show me a wholesaler that has a great CRM, and we’ll show you a bright one”. Chris and Joe had a great system in place, and the amount of deals that Joe did from referrals alone is just incredible. But they were ready to take it to the next level.

    If you’ve built a wonderful system bringing in all of the leads, but no one’s on the phone, then your problem isn’t the system. One of the ways we’ve been able to help Chris and Joe was to analyze where their system was breaking down so they could figure out how to fix it.  

    After some amazing six figure months, Chris has 3 tips for how you can achieve the same kind of breakthrough. Success is definitely out there, but the struggle to get there is real. 

    Chris and Joe have tightened up their system and are getting ready to scale big. They’re looking for an acquisition person to join their team. If you want to work remotely and you’re not scared of making offers and being on the phone, connect with Chris and Joe. 

    What's Inside: 

    • Your cash buyers become your sellers.
    • Why you want to move from working in the business to working on the business.
    • How your “why” can push you towards success. 
    • Chris’s advice for how to become the world-class investor that you want to be.