
    renewing the mind

    Explore " renewing the mind" with insightful episodes like "EP028 - $3,000,000 In A Cardboard Tube (Recognizing Greatness)", "EP027 - Becoming The Authority On Your Unique Greatness", "EP022 - Be Careful Who You Allow To Define You", "EP019 - 4 Easy Steps For Building Self Confidence" and "EP018 - The Warehouse Of Potential Greatness" from podcasts like ""The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show", "The Principles For Smart Living Show" and "The Principles For Smart Living Show"" and more!

    Episodes (38)

    EP028 - $3,000,000 In A Cardboard Tube (Recognizing Greatness)

    EP028 - $3,000,000 In A Cardboard Tube (Recognizing Greatness)

    What would you have done if someone came into your home, and showed you something that was worth 3, 4, 5 million dollars; something that you walked passed every day? What would change?

    How would you treat that same seemingly insignificant object differently? Would you put it in a safe at your house or a strong deposit box at your local bank? What would you do next?

    Do you realize that there are things already in your life that have even more value than that old painting described in the preceding story?

    And this brings us to our first simple key for unlocking your unique greatness called…

    Key #1 - “Re-discovering Your Real Worth”

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    EP027 - Becoming The Authority On Your Unique Greatness

    EP027 - Becoming The Authority On Your Unique Greatness

    1. You are so unique, that you cannot be compared to anyone else on this planet earth.

    2, In your total unique state, you have no equal and no match – you are unparalleled. 

    You, the “HE = Human Element” – is so unique in the earth that when God made the world in Genesis 1:26, He realized that creation was not completed until there was a being capable of ruling all He had created; so He made a creature just as unique as He was and is.

    Then to make it even more interesting, instead of just speaking mankind into existence like He did everything else, he knelt down and personally shaped man from the ground. If that wasn’t wonderful enough, God then released a part of Himself into man to give him life. (Genesis 2:7)


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    EP022 - Be Careful Who You Allow To Define You

    EP022 - Be Careful Who You Allow To Define You

    Like the farmer in the story, if you think back over your life you too would quickly realize that somehow, people are always trying to tell you how to define the events in your own life.

    But why is this so?

    I have found that we all have an innate desire within us to add meaning to things in life so that we can make sense of them. 

    When we can’t define, categorize and classify our experiences, they don’t make sense–and when they don’t make sense, we seem to have a difficult time being clear on what to do, think, or how to proceed.

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    EP019 - 4 Easy Steps For Building Self Confidence

    EP019 - 4 Easy Steps For Building Self Confidence

    If you stop for a few minutes in your day you will almost be able to pick out of the crowd two different types of people. 

    1. those who have an internal self-confidence issue which causes them to act and react in a scary, unsure way about themselves; and 
    2. those who believe in themselves and move with surety, calmness, and a magnetic presence.

    If you were paying attention for any length of time, you have probably noticed that these self-confident people ordinarily seem to be victorious in all the areas of their lives.

    Does this happen because they are smarter than most? Or does it happen because they have access to more money than everyone else? Maybe they are the ones that Lady Fortune has smiled on the most?

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    EP018 - The Warehouse Of Potential Greatness

    EP018 - The Warehouse Of Potential Greatness

    Let’s start with this simple quote - here it is: God always creates great things using the power and principle of seed manipulation.

    Now if you are very religious, the fact that I said God manipulates stuff, will probably bother you – but stay with me on this and you will understand the point.

    Every great invention that revolutionized the world, began with the seed of an idea…

    Every great political, social, business, or church leaders’ career was birthed from the seed of potential that someone saw in them, and worked to help them mature…

    Every human being that enters this earth realm is born from a seed…

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    EP017 - What Are You Really Worth?

    EP017 - What Are You Really Worth?

    Since as a society we put monetary figures on a thing to help determine its value, here’s a question.

    What if you were worth 20-million dollars?

    What would be different about you, your lifestyle, your relationships, etc?

    How would you expect to be treated? How would you act? How would you look and carry yourself in public?

    Would you want the best of everything in your life? The best foods, clothes, jewelry, cars, people, etc!

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    Session 8 - The Mirror Principle (The Glory of Righteousness)

    Session 8 - The Mirror Principle (The Glory of Righteousness)

    The Mirror Principle

    Let’s read James 1:21-25:


    James 1:21–25 (NKJV) 

    21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls. 

    22 But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 

    23 For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 

    24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 

    25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty (namely the Gospel) and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. 


    Most Christians read this passage and interpret the mirror as being the moral Law of God, in which you have to look continually to see your flaws and sins. In other words, you see what you need to change and then go try changing it, without forgetting the moral flaws that you saw in the mirror, until those issues are removed out of your life. Only THEN will you be blessed in what you do. 


    There are multiple problems with this interpretation. First, the mirror is the perfect law of liberty, and not the moral Law or the Ten Commandments. What is the perfect law of liberty? The perfect law of liberty is the Gospel or the Word of His grace. The perfect law of liberty is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2). That law stipulates that we are dead to sin (Romans 6:11) and no longer under sin’s dominion (Romans 6:14), that God loves us (John 16:27), that we are joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), that all possible blessings are already established and granted to us in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3), that even when we sin we are not condemned anymore (Romans 8:1), that we have power to live in holiness (1 Corinthians 10:13, Philippians 4:13), that we have been healed (1 Peter 2:24), that we are a success (Psalm 1:3), that we are prosperous (2 Corinthians 8:9), victorious (Romans 8:37), above failure, and protected. This is the Gospel and the perfect law of liberty that we need to be doers of, meaning believing these things and walking in them. 


    In the New Testament, the act of doing the Word is believing the Word about you and acting accordingly. The act of doing the Word is not obeying a set of moral rules like in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, you will not be blessed BECAUSE you obey the moral Law. Obedience is no longer a condition for God to bless you, like in the Old Testament. You are blessed regardless of your level of obedience. The more you believe the Word of grace about the perfect being that you have become in your spirit, the more grace is released in your life, and the more blessings manifest themselves from the inside out into the material world. When you come to realize how blessed you are, then the blessing begins to flow in everything you do. You are blessed even before you believe it, once you have come in Christ. But when you believe that you have been blessed, that blessing starts manifesting in your life physically and emotionally.


    Notice that verse 21 says that the Word is already implanted in you and able to save your soul. What does that mean? It means that your new spirit is the Word Itself, because it has been born of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23), and consequently, you have become the Word of God in your spirit. That Word is just locked inside of you and blocked by your mind. When you look in the mirror of the Word, you see yourself, the Word. When your mind receives the revelation of who you really are inside, and accepts it by believing it, that’s when you begin putting “flesh” to the Word inside, the same way Jesus was the incarnated Word. That is the moment when you bring the Word out and manifest it to make your soul immune to the works of darkness on this earth. The works of darkness are: sickness, depression, confusion, lack of peace and joy, failure, anger, lack of wisdom, etc. This is how your soul is saved by the implanted Word of God in you. The salvation of your soul in this context does not refer to the salvation from hell in the future life, but to the salvation of your whole being here in earth from sin and from all its effects that entered the world together with it. 


    Renewal of the mind is not refreshing your mind with the moral Law of God, or the Ten Commandments. The moral Law of God has already been written into your conscience since you were born on this earth. We know good and evil because of the Fall. We don’t need to refresh that knowledge because it’s already in us and in all people. That’s why you have moral people that have never been born again, and neither heard or tried to keep the Ten Commandments, yet behave at the highest moral standards and sometimes better than some born-again believers. That is why you have Greek Orthodox and Catholic people, that are mostly not born again, going regularly to confess their sins to the priests. The conscience is always working in everyone, either we like it or not, and it doesn’t need our help. Renewal of the mind means to renew your thinking about your new identity and nature, to focus and meditate on that, and be aware of that. The new identity is not something obvious to the eyes, but something that you need to behold with the eyes of the Spirit, and refresh your mind with it constantly. Your new nature is what you should not forget about and be a doer of. Then your soul (mind, will, conscience, and emotions) and body will be transformed into, and align to, the same image of Christ, in which your spirit has already been reborn.


    In the mirror, you don’t see your old self, the sinner, or your sinful deeds. Instead, you see Christ, Who is glory, Who is the Word of God incarnated, and that’s who you are as well in Him. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 is also a passage about the mirror that goes along here and it says:


    2 Corinthians 3:17–18 (NKJV) 

    17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 

    18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 


    The way to be transformed into the image of the Lord is to behold the glory of the Lord, that is, to focus on who Christ is in you and who you are in Christ. You do this by reading and meditating on the Word of God and by listening to sermons and biblical teachings. This is how you look into the perfect law of liberty and see who you are and who you have become – the very glory of the Lord. The new creation is no longer fallen short of the glory of God as Romans 3:23 says. That is the state of unbelievers. The new creation in Christ is the fullness of the glory of God here on earth (John 1:16; John 17:22).


    Most of the times, believers read the Bible with an Old Testament perspective, instead of reading it with a New Testament mindset. They read the New Testament in the light and through the lens of the Old Testament, rather than reading the Old Testament in the light and th...

    EP016 - 3 Keys To Developing An Obsession For Your Assignment

    EP016 - 3 Keys To Developing An Obsession For Your Assignment

    There are a number of ways to develop your gifts, talents, skills, and abilities so that you can become successful at what you do, but if you really want to succeed with living out your life’s purpose and walking the path of your destined greatness…it comes with one word “Obsession”

    Now when we think about obsession, our culture has already colored our minds with images of the crazed lunatic who constantly stalks the woman he is totally obsessed with, that we again assume that obsession is a dirty, evil word.

    …But, obsession is powerful simply because it creates focus in your life that is magnetic and hard to avoid…and whatever you focus on long enough, literally becomes the reality that you create.

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    225 - The Science of Healing: A Conversation with Dr. Darlene Mayo

    225 - The Science of Healing: A Conversation with Dr. Darlene Mayo

    Did you know:

    • Your thoughts physically create pathways in your brain
    • Your actual physical heart has brain cells around it tied to your identity/goal center in your brain?
    • If you don't believe you can do, be or have something in your life, your brain will literally create the circumstances to fulfill your beliefs?

    I’ve believed all this for years because of what the Scriptures teach us about renewing our minds, But recently I had the honor of sitting down for a chat with my friend, Dr. Darlene Mayo. Dr. Mayo is a Christian neurosurgeon and neuroscientist and one of the foremost experts on the topic of renewing your mind from a brain chemistry perspective.  

    This is one of the most fascinating interviews I've ever done on this subject, and I know you’re going to want to hear what Dr. Darlene has to share on this topic.

    You can connect with Dr. Mayo online and get your own increase your faith kit at https://scienceofgodshealingpower.net/increase-your-faith?affiliate_id=2906902

    Please Note: The registration for the conference mentioned in this episode is closed. You can find all of our current resources at: https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/resources.html

    Please Note: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning I could potentially get paid if you click on them and buy something. Keep in mind, the reason I'm an affiliate is because I believe in what they are offering.  

    EP014 - Net Worth vs Real Worth

    EP014 - Net Worth vs Real Worth

    Did you know that your life is literally a treasure chest of hidden riches waiting to be opened and shared?

    It is waiting to be discovered first by you – then by others…and once you discover the value in your life, you will act, work, play, and see yourself in a totally different light…and people will do anything to be around you once they discover the value of what your life offers them.

    You see, most people use an incorrect measuring system to measure the value of their lives – and this particular tool will not only frustrate you, but it will leave you with more questions than answers simply because it is not designed to be used to determine life value.

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    Think Positive God Thoughts

    Think Positive God Thoughts

    Seeing from God’s perspective helps us to rejoice during hard times. God commands us to rejoice at all times because rejoicing closes all doors for the enemy to enter.

    Purchase our Daily Positive God Thoughts Journal: A daily journal to help you rejoice in all areas of life: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PX93WZ9

    Want to join our Online Bible Studies? Have any questions or prayer requests? Email us at info@livingrevelations.com

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    Getting Rid Of Vain Conceit

    Getting Rid Of Vain Conceit

    𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸: it can’t be all about God if it’s even a bit about us. Learn how God sees selfish ambition and vain conceit.

    Want to join our Online Bible Studies? Have any questions or prayer requests? Email us at info@livingrevelations.com

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    EP011 - The Secret "SOCC" Principle Of Success

    EP011 - The Secret "SOCC" Principle Of Success

    Now I realize that when you heard about this thing called "The Sock Principle", you immediately began to think of a piece of clothing that you wear on your feet for a comfortable feel inside your shoes right?

    But hey, we're not going to talk about literal socks today - we're talking about a life success principle that God personally handed to Joshua with the instructions that if he followed His advice, Joshua would have good success all the days of his life.

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    EP009 - 3 Secrets For Connecting With A Success Conscious Mindset

    EP009 - 3 Secrets For Connecting With A Success Conscious Mindset

    You know, and if you really stop to think about it, having the proper mindset is really the key to experiencing success in life. This process is so valuable, that the Bible encourages us to renew our minds in the Word of God so that we can prove wonderful things. 

    One of my mentors taught me that whatever you focus on most of the time, is what you eventually attract into your life. He said,  “whatever you focus on most, eventually becomes your dominant reality“.

    Have you ever heard the statement, “Success is a state of mind!

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    How To Live With A Changed Perspective

    How To Live With A Changed Perspective

    A changed perspective is what will bring change to our lives. We can know the truth but if we don't replace our perspective with God's perspective, the truth does nothing in our lives.

    Learn how to live with a changed perspective that will allow you to see God's good and perfect will for your life.

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