
    revelation 13

    Explore " revelation 13" with insightful episodes like "Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun (2023)", "Revelation 13 - Time, what do we really know?", "Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses", "2023-Q2-13 Lesson Review: Ablaze With God’s Glory" and "2023-Q2-12 Lesson Review: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2" from podcasts like ""The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)", "Just a Guy and his Journey Back to God", "Just a Guy and his Journey Back to God", "Rightly Divide the Word of Truth" and "Rightly Divide the Word of Truth"" and more!

    Episodes (20)

    Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun (2023)

    Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun (2023)
    Fr. Mike continues to interpret the symbols within Revelation. He compares story of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the woman in Revelation. Fr. Mike provides context to the letter to the Hebrews, a letter that makes the case for Jesus, explaining who he is and the beauty of what he did for us. Today’s readings are Revelation 12-14, Hebrews 1-4, and Proverbs 31:16-18. Unlock the full experience of The Bible in a Year (with Father Mike Schmitz) with the Ascension App! (https://link.ascension-app.com/fRv0ZJ4OMDb) Get access to an interactive reading plan, the complete text of the Bible, episode transcripts, summaries, and more For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Revelation 13 - Time, what do we really know?

    Revelation 13 - Time, what do we really know?

    All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. Revelation 13:8

    I remember as a kid hearing a deep discussion about the Tribulation. People I respected spoke about the pre and post tribulation church with great conviction, persuasiveness and passion. The book of Revelations does that to people. It's easy to think we know something, but do we really? 

    Instead, I like to admit, I don't understand Time as it involves God's plan because God see things clearly and I see as if looking in a dirty mirror. AW Tozer says this about Grace and I believe it can also be applied to Time:

    "And then He was “slain from the creation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). What can that mean? How could He be slain from the foundation of the world? When God laid the heaven and the earth and caused the grass to be upon the hills and the trees to be upon the mountains, when God made the birds to fly in the air and the fish to swim in the sea, God had already in His heart lived Calvary and the resurrection and the glory and the crown. So He was slain before the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8

    Join me in reading Revelation 13 and be encouraged!

    PS - I will be out of town this weekend, so I'll cover chapter 14 Monday.

    Just a Guy and His World

    Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses

    Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses

    Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm. Revelation 11:19

    What did John see when the Temple was opened? Was it a God that was angry? Ready to send people to their doom? No, instead it was the ark of His covenant! Spurgeon writes, 
    "What did they see when the Temple was opened? When the secret place was laid bare to them, what did they see? That is to be my subject. "There was seen in His Temple the ark of His covenant." If we could look into Heaven at this moment, this is what we would see, "the ark of His covenant." O Sinner, you think that you would see an angry God, but you would see the ark of His covenant! O child of God, perhaps you dream of many things that might distress you in the glory of that sight, but rest content, this would be the main sight that you would see — Jesus, the Incarnate God, the great Covenant Surety! You would see there, where the Godhead shines resplendent, the ark of His covenant!"

    You see, God isn't mad at us, but LOVES us! The covenant is there, near to God in Heaven waiting for us! Gode never forgets His promise to us. Join me in reading Revelatio 11 and be encouraged!

    Just a Guy and His World

    2023-Q2-13 Lesson Review: Ablaze With God’s Glory

    2023-Q2-13 Lesson Review: Ablaze With God’s Glory

    Ablaze With God’s Glory — Review of Lesson #13 of the 2nd Quarter of 2023 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:

    The title of this quarter's theme is: Three Cosmic Messages

    For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2023), we will take a look at the key messages that God has designed for the world to receive to prepare it for the Second Coming of Christ.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

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    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    2023-Q2-12 Lesson Review: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

    2023-Q2-12 Lesson Review: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

    The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2 — Review of Lesson #12 of the 2nd Quarter of 2023 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:

    The title of this quarter's theme is: Three Cosmic Messages

    For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2023), we will take a look at the key messages that God has designed for the world to receive to prepare it for the Second Coming of Christ.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Documents:

    Related Podcasts:

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    2023-Q2-11 Lesson Review: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1

    2023-Q2-11 Lesson Review: The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1

    The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1 — Review of Lesson #11 of the 2nd Quarter of 2023 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:

    The title of this quarter's theme is: Three Cosmic Messages

    For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2023), we will take a look at the key messages that God has designed for the world to receive to prepare it for the Second Coming of Christ.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Documents:

    Related Podcasts:

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun (2022)

    Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun (2022)
    Fr. Mike continues to interpret the symbols within Revelation. He compares story of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the woman in Revelation. Fr. Mike provides context to the letter to the Hebrews, a letter that makes the case for Jesus, explaining who he is and the beauty of what he did for us. Today’s readings are Revelation 12-14, Hebrews 1-4, and Proverbs 31:16-18. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Foundation with Steve Teed Season 2 Ep 3: The Mark of the Beast

    Foundation with Steve Teed Season 2 Ep 3: The Mark of the Beast

    This episode of Foundation with Steve Teed is going to be a little bit unique from the previous episodes.  Instead of the usual format of news stories and then teaching, the theme of the episode will be all on the "Mark of the Beast."

    We will answer what exactly is it and how would people accept such a thing.

    This is done by comparing it to something that is all around us and in our society today. 

    To show this we will look at news stories from all around and see how people are willingly placing a visible mark in places and how if you don't bow down they will seek to ruin your life.

    Counterfeit Exposed

    Counterfeit Exposed

    A short study on what God shows us about one of the greatest counterfeits that Satan has pulled off in the establishment of his kingdom of evil.

    • Revelation 12-13
    • Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28
    • John 14-17

    Isaiah 14:12-14 KJV

    How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”


    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,”  a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines.  We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which  can be found here.

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Documents:

    Related Podcasts:

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    Episode 39-The Coronavirus Vaccine Scenario

    Episode 39-The Coronavirus Vaccine Scenario
    In this episode the Crawford Roundtable examines the possible scenarios that could happen once a Coronavirus vaccine is found? Will citizens be required to take the vaccine? How will the government enforce it? Will we have to carry immunization cards, or be microchipped? Will we be stripped of our rights and privileges if we decline to be vaccinated? Will employers be able to use non-immunization as grounds for termination? Can medical services be denied unless and until one is vaccinated for the Coronavirus? Will restaurants, theaters, sports venues and retail stores be able to decline entry without proof of immunization? Could this be considered, "the mark of the beast?" How closely are our current circumstances mirroring Revelation 13 and 16?

    2018-09-09 – Revelation continues – Chapter 13

    2018-09-09 – Revelation continues – Chapter 13
    In chapter 12 there is a story of a dragon and a woman and a child. The dragon fights the woman (Israel/ the people of God) and the child (Jesus). The dragon cannot reach the child (Jesus) so all his anger is against “the woman” and her descendants (us) - the true believers.

    Satan cannot get to Jesus anymore. Recognize that the devil is turning his attention to you - for one reason - to get at Jesus through you!

    God is in control. He is in control through all of the hard times and the good times.

    We cannot ignore the devil. He is active and present and he wants to destroy any of God’s creation. You don’t have to believe in him for him to destroy you. He wants to kill and steal and destroy.

    Modern, educated people don’t believe in the devil. They think he is a myth. But that is part of his trick. If you don’t think he exists, you let your guard down and make yourself vulnerable to him and his tricks.

    Hyper religious people can be so scared of the devil that they become paralyzed by fear. These are the people who see the devil behind every door.

    The devil has only limited power. God is stronger. You have no need for fear because God is on your side.

    Today, there are kings who want to be like God. In chapter 13 another beast comes out of the sea. The dragon gave the beast his power, his throne, and great authority to rule. It has the body of a leopard (represents cruelty and cunning), the feat of a bear (represents strength and power) and the mouth of a lion (which represents a bloodthirsty nation).

    One of the beast’s heads appeared to have been killed, but the lethal wound had been healed. And the whole world followed the beast in amazement. Bible scholars think this refers to king Nero.

    The beast was given a mouth speaking proud words and blasphemies, and he was permitted to exercise ruling authority for forty-two months. (limited time) So the beast opened his mouth to blaspheme against God - to blaspheme both his name and his dwelling place, that is, those who dwell in heaven. The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation, and all those who live on the earth will worship the beast, **everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was killed. If anyone has an ear, he had better listen! The people worshipped the dragon & the beast.

    This is not the end. God is in charge! True believers will have abundant life. This requires steadfast endurance and faith from the saints.

    Then there is another beast. Sometimes called a prophet or false prophet. This beast looks like a lamb but is actually the devil. We need to beware of these false prophets.

    TMR 178 : Joshua Wisley : Eschaton, Singularity and the Mark of the Beast

    TMR 178 : Joshua Wisley : Eschaton, Singularity and the Mark of the Beast
    "What, then, is the Singularity? It's a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed."—Ray Kurzweil We are joined by Joshua Wisley of the excellent new Eschaton podcast for a fascinating and wide-ranging discussion on his work and on the subject of the Technological Singularity in relation to Biblical prophecy. "Joshua Wisley is the host of Eschaton, a new podcast that explores ancient wisdom and spiritual mysteries through the lens of the modern world and attempts to offer fresh insight into age-old questions. The self-prescribed mission of the show is to turn conventional understanding and popular teachings on their head whenever it becomes necessary to do so. The show also provides its own unique spin on some of the other pressing issues of our time, such as geopolitics, supernatural encounters, and modern religious practices. Joshua holds degrees from Cairn University and Villanova University, where he studied comparative religion, philosophy, and business management (respectively). He lives in the northeastern region of the United States with his wife and two children."—J. Wisley (For show notes please visit http://themindrenewed.com)

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