

    Explore " rsvp" with insightful episodes like "#231 - DC feat. Autorin & Regisseurin Saralisa Volm: Großfamilie statt Job - „Mein Mann will 9 Kinder!“", "#201 ~ Frequency Writer: 2/2024 Marinades: The Invitation, Have You RSVP'd? Reclaiming Our Cosmic Wealth & Divine Inheritance", "Challenge Winner Amy Horn ~ and more adventures for 2024!", "SamBahadur v/s Animal who will rule the Box Office ? Aa Dekhe Zara" and "Longevity in F&B" from podcasts like ""Drama Carbonara", "Whole Soul Mastery", "Being Fuerte. It’s Time to Speak!", "The Girish Wankhede Show: Aa Dekhe Zara" and "Farmer's Kitchen: The Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (37)

    #231 - DC feat. Autorin & Regisseurin Saralisa Volm: Großfamilie statt Job - „Mein Mann will 9 Kinder!“

    #231 - DC feat. Autorin & Regisseurin Saralisa Volm: Großfamilie statt Job - „Mein Mann will 9 Kinder!“

    Sophie K. (27) ist Architektin und liebt ihren Beruf. Ihr Mann Leander ist ein Freigeist und bringt viel Farbe ins gemeinsame Leben. Ein Punkt nervt Sophie aber gewaltig: Leander spricht unentwegt von seinem Kinderwunsch, um genau zu sein wünscht er sich NEUN Kinder. Er selbst ist auch mit acht Geschwistern aufgewachsen und findet diese Anzahl optimal. Leander ist bereit dafür auf seine Karriere zu verzichten und sich um die Familie zu kümmern. 
    Die beiden bekommen zwei Töchter und das Zusammenspiel funktioniert sehr gut. Leander übernimmt die meiste Arbeit zu Hause und will seiner Frau damit beweisen, dass auch noch Platz für mehr Kinder in ihrem Leben ist. Adoption wäre auch eine Option, denn Sophie möchte keine Schwangerschaft mehr erleben. Als der Adoptionsantrag abgelehnt wird und Leander sich immer trauriger zurückzieht, nimmt Sophie die Sache in die Hand. Sie begeben sich auf eine herzzerreißende Reise nach Rumänien und finden das fehlende Puzzleteil für ihr Familienglück.

    Wer mehr über unsere wunderbare und multitalentierte Gästin Autorin, Schauspielerin, Regisseurin, Produzentin, Mama, Kaschemmenliebhaberin uvm. Saralisa Volm erfahren möchte, werfe mal ein Auge auf ihre Webseite und ihr Instagram und ihre Bücher findet ihr zum Beispiel hier.

    Und hier noch der Trailer zu Saralisas letztem Film "Und schweigend steht der Wald" mit phantastischer Musik von unserem lieben Drama-Freund und ehemaligen Berlin-Gast Malakoff Kowalski.

    & hier noch die Info zum Prinzenbad in Berlin


    & hier noch der Link zu unserer dank Podcast-Coach erstellten UMFRAGE

    Danke für die Mitarbeit und euer wertvolles Feedback :)


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    Falls ihr daran interessiert sind, Werbung in unserem Podcast zu schalten, setzt euch bitte mit Stefan Lassnig von Missing Link  in Verbindung. Verbindlichsten Dank!

    Hier geht´s zur Podcast Hörer:innen UMFRAGE!


    #201 ~ Frequency Writer: 2/2024 Marinades: The Invitation, Have You RSVP'd? Reclaiming Our Cosmic Wealth & Divine Inheritance

    #201 ~ Frequency Writer: 2/2024 Marinades: The Invitation, Have You RSVP'd? Reclaiming Our Cosmic Wealth & Divine Inheritance

    To donate to Marie Mohler, click here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/wholesoulmasterydonate. Part 2 of this 2-Part Video Series takes a deeper dive into these powerful February 2024 Energies and Messages.  Topics include The Invitation ~ Have You RSVP'd?, Cosmic Wealth, Reviewing Your Energetic Wealth Portfolio, Reclaiming Our Light & Divine Inheritance, and more.  Thank you for joining me and please share with others who would benefit from these insights and positive energies.

    Part 1 of this 2-Part Video Series spotlights the 1st February 2024 Energy Update from the Arcturian Collective via channel Marie Mohler.  Themes include The Invitation to Mama Gaia and the entire Sentient Collective here on Earth, the Living Light raining and showering all of us in The Great Awakening, Everything The Light Touches Coming To Light, Preparing for Revelations as well as Epic Joy and Liberation, and The Truth that Admission into Higher States of Consciousness within us and all around us IS BY VIBRATION. To tune into the Original Transmission, please visit:

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    SamBahadur v/s Animal who will rule the Box Office ? Aa Dekhe Zara

    SamBahadur v/s Animal who will rule the Box Office ? Aa Dekhe Zara

    Aa Dekhe Zara’ with Girish Wankhede is a weekly analysis of the theatrical releases in Mumbai. It gives the choices to cine goers to opt for the right films and value for their money spend. With a wide experience in Cinema Exhibition sector, Girish Wankhede offers you the right information as a reputed and celebrated Movie Trade Analyst. This week is the celebration of the tussle between Animal’ and SamBahadur!

    You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia,

    For partnerships/queries send you can send us an email at bonjour@eplog.media.

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    Mind Your manners!

    Mind Your manners!

    In today’s episode Lou and Teresa discuss how to handle party invitations and provide some party planning tips. What?! You didn’t know they had information on etiquette? Well, listen in and see how far their knowledge on the subject goes. (Hint: Not far but be a sport and listen anyway.)

    Earrings Off blog post:
    Earrings Off Podcast is on YouTube!  Visit us at:
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    Marketing and Social Media Strategist:   Tyresa Oluyide
    Theme song:                                                               D-Techneekz
    Logo Design:                                                               Claire Ritter
    Producers:                                                                   Lou Ali and Teresa Vaughan

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    Get to Know: MU's RSVP Center feat. Lisa Crader

    Get to Know: MU's RSVP Center feat. Lisa Crader
    CW: SA, r*pe We are going to cover content around the topics of sexual violence and sexual assault. This could bring up some powerful emotions for you. Please listen to your body and if at any time you need to take a break either mentally or physically from listening, please do so. We continue our “Get to Know” series as CASE marketing interns Janae Taylor and DuVonte’ Beard speak with special guest, Advocacy Coordinator of MU’s RSVP Center, Lisa Crader. We discuss how the center strives to support students who have been affected by sexual violence and the importance of seeking necessary help.

    Eight Basic Manners of Tech-Mediated Communication

    Eight Basic Manners of Tech-Mediated Communication

    1. Respond when contacted! Or in other words, RSV freaking P! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some people? If I were to bump into you at the grocery store, say hello and ask how you were doing only to see you snub me and walk by, I’d determine you had become blind, deaf, mute, or had experienced some sort of massive head trauma since our last meeting. Yet, people do this all the time in tech-talk and are further deluded into thinking that is goes unnoticed. In case you were raised by a pack of wolves, I’ll let you in on a lil’ secret and hopefully blow your mind. When someone writes you for whatever reason, your obliged to respond. If you chose not to, people with souls normally consider it rude. Those who respond to each other like mentally healthy individuals greet one other with a smile and a common, “How are you doing?” To not do this in the world of technological dialogue is no different than to not do it in the real.  And yes, you must respond to group messages too. It’s not too hard - If you have time to view 10 Child Stars Who Went From Fab to Drab , then you have time to respond when someone writes you.

    2. Apologize if you respond late. Apologize - it’s a simple acknowledgment of a failure. Try it with sincerity sometime because late is better than never.  

    3. Follow the basic rules of grammar. Since you learned syntax in third grade please spell correctly and use complete sentences like a big boy so we know what the freak you’re trying to say.

    4. Don’t use lame abbreviations. Shortened forms for stupid sentiments like LOL, and ROFL, and IMFAO are just dumb. First of all, no one is rolling on the floor laughing and secondly, there’s no need to abbreviate and further encrypt one’s message. You can be curt without coming across as illiterate or immature.

    5. Don't text “ha” for no reason. I've had so many text messages that either start or end with a completely out of place “ha” or “ha ha” that now it seems out of place if it’s missing. It wouldn’t be surprising if someone wrote me: “Hey man, pray for my Grandmother. She rolled down the stairs, broke her hip and is slipping into a coma - Ha. Thanks.”

    6. Be careful when using sarcasm. Derisive jokes are rarely interpreted as meant.

    7. Be the first to greet and last to say goodbye. If you request to be somebody’s friend on Facebook or any other site like it, be the first to say hello and give a greeting. Yet, if you were requested to be somebody’s friend on Facebook (FB) you should still be one to initiate communication. Strangely, I’ve had people request to be my friend. After I then accept their entreaty I spark the greeting of conversation only to have some of them see my note and not reply. Within the grace period of a few days, these people are then quickly de-friended. And quite frankly they should be imprisoned for their crimes against common sense. Seriously, someone asks to be my friend - I kindly respond, and they don’t have decency to write back a simple “hello”? Maybe I’m overreacting or maybe I’m just growing tired of being befriended on FB just so people can view my photos and feast their eyes on my body. This piece of meat actually wants a relationship - even if it is relegated to FB.

    8. These rules apply to everyone. Whether you’re a hot-shot with over 5000 friends on Facebook (who, by the way should never make a Fan Page) or some loner that’s too cool, these rules apply to us all. I’ve had successful communication with people like Tim LaHaye, (pastor, speaker, and author of multiple best-selling books - one series having sold over 65 million copies) Dinesh D'Souza, (commentator, author, filmmaker, and Christian apologist, who served as an advisor to Ronald Reagan) and others because thankfully they knew that no one is above showing proper communicative etiquette to anyone else. If these accomplished and humble men could take the time and effort, as small as it may have been to respond to me, then you and I have the same responsibility to respond to all those who reach out to us regardless of their age, maturity level, or popularity with common manners of communication that should suit everyone who holds relationships of high value and believes that what they write or chose not to write actually matters.

    Ep. 12: The Need for Entrepreneurs and the Conundrum of "Good Faith"

    Ep. 12: The Need for Entrepreneurs and the Conundrum of "Good Faith"

    In episode 12 of The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast, Ronnie talks to Amit Doshi about the right time to exit a business, why India needs a lot more first generation entrepreneurs, and why the term "good faith" is prone to misunderstanding.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 11: Creating, Seizing and Spotting Opportunities

    Ep. 11: Creating, Seizing and Spotting Opportunities

    On this week's episode of The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast, Ronnie talks to Amit Doshi about how working hard often gets confused with being lucky. He elaborates how working hard also implies working smart and has to do with seizing, seeking and creating opportunities. They also discuss the success of Hungama TV and Rang De Basanti.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Winning From The Outside with Ronnie Screwvala

    Winning From The Outside with Ronnie Screwvala

    How can you conquer time and bank in on opportunities? How does effective communication help you as an entrepreneur? How do you identify the right Co-Founder for your company? These are some common questions asked by present-day entrepreneurs.

    On this week's episode of The Filter Koffee Podcast, host Karthik Nagarajan is joined by Ronnie Screwvala, media pioneer, first generation entrepreneur and one of the most well-known names in the field of business and entertainment. He shares his entrepreneurial prudence, why he enjoys working with raw talent, and also talks about recording his audiobook in his own voice. Tune in for all this and more.

    Tweet to Karthik Nagarajan @The_Karthik and follow his WordPress handle here (https://filterkoffee.wordpress.com/author/karthik215/).

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 06: The Outsider's Perspective

    Ep. 06: The Outsider's Perspective

    On episode 6 of The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast, Ronnie talks to Amit Doshi about the benefits and challenges of being an outsider in an established industry, maintaining long term and short term business relationships, the ethos of a brand and staying your ground in a David-Goliath situation when you're dealing with a business giant. He cites examples of his interactions with Disney and Sony for this point.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 04: Opporunity first, Luck later

    Ep. 04: Opporunity first, Luck later

    "If you have a holistic view of the business then you don't need to know the technicality."

    On episode 4 of The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast, Ronnie talks to IVM podcasts founder Amit Doshi about why he ventured into the laser toothbrush business in the 80's, how inexperience can work in your favour when starting a business, the value of curiosity, factors to keep in mind when appointing co-founders and the role of logic and intuition in decision making.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 03: Risk, Reward and Entrepreneurship

    Ep. 03: Risk, Reward and Entrepreneurship

    "You cannot be an entrepreneur if you're not ready to face the consequences of your actions." On this episode, Ronnie Screwvala talks to Amit Doshi about growing up in a lower-middle-class family, his thirst for entrepreneurship in college and how the ability to take calculated risks helped him shape his entrepreneurial journey. They also run through the chapter summary highlighting the power of humour during your worst adversities and confronting fear.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 02: The Importance of Failure

    Ep. 02: The Importance of Failure

    "One does not have to hold on to a failed venture for dear life, what you need is your reservoir of confidence that you haven't failed even though the venture may have failed."

    On episode 2 of 'Dreaming With Your Eyes Open' Ronnie Screwvala talks to Amit Doshi about why stories of failures are way more interesting than stories of successes. He starts off by briefly mentioning an anecdote from new year's eve which made him look at things from a different perspective, how failure of a venture doesn't mean failure of a person, how age shouldn’t be a deterrent for entrepreneurship and finally gives an insight into setting the right expectations for your venture.

    Follow Ronnie on twitter @RonnieScrewvala

    You can catch up on previous episodes of 'The Ronnie Screwvala Podcast' here: https://ivmpodcasts.com/the-ronnie-screwvala-podcast

    You can listen/download to the audiobook version of Ronnie's bestselling book 'Dream With Your Eyes Open' on the IVM podcasts app & website: https://ivmpodcasts.com/dwyeo

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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