

    Explore "saline" with insightful episodes like "#142 Christopher Walter (Ostseesalz) - Das Salz in der Suppe", "Sole, Sauna, Moor und Outdoor-Escape", "Catchin' Up with Nina - Theresa Stager", "New Roles and/or New Districts" and "82 Libido, Breast Implants, And All Things Sex & MS" from podcasts like ""FOODTALKER - Podcast über die Leidenschaft fürs Kochen und gutes Essen", "Visitblackforest - Schwarzwald Podcast", "MASSP Podcast", "MASSP Podcast" and "Thriving Over Surviving Multiple Sclerosis"" and more!

    Episodes (31)

    #142 Christopher Walter (Ostseesalz) - Das Salz in der Suppe

    #142 Christopher Walter (Ostseesalz)  -  Das Salz in der Suppe
    In dieser Folge geht es um Salz, aber nicht um irgendein Salz, sondern um ein ganz Besonderes: ich habe nämlich Christopher Walter von der Ostseesalz Manufaktur in Kiel besucht. Er ist einer von ganz wenigen, wenn nicht sogar der einzige, der dieses alte Handwerk wieder aufleben ließ und Salz aus Ostseewasser gewinnt und damit ein wunderbares Naturprodukt herstellt. Zum einen stellt er es als reines Salz und auch als aromatisiertes Salz mit entsprechenden Kräutern und Gewürzen angereichert her. Insgesamt führt er über 20 verschiedene Sorten, die im Weckglas oder Reagenzglas angeboten werden, Salz ist - als das wichtigste Würzmittel von Speisen bei jedem von uns täglich im Einsatz und hatte bereits in der Vergangenheit eine sehr hohe Bedeutung - brauchte man es doch um Lebensmittel haltbar zu machen. Auf welche unterschiedliche Weise man Salz gewinnen kann, wieviel Salz der Mensch am Tag zu sich nehmen sollte und worauf beim Kauf von Salz zu achten ist, darüber spreche ich mit dem Salzexperten Christopher Walter. Er schildert auf eindrucksvolle Weise, wie er vor gut 10 Jahren zum Salzsieder wurde, welche Hürden er bei seiner Salzproduktion meistern musste und wie die Produktion des Ostseesalzes abläuft. Das Ergebnis ist auf jeden Fall ein hundertprozentiges Naturprodukt, das tatsächlich ein wenig nach Ostsee schmeckt. Und selbstverständlich hat Christopher als Salzexperte auch ein paar Tipps für das richtige Salzen für uns parat. Links zu dieser Episode: Webseite Ostseesalzmanufaktur: https://ostseesalzmanufaktur.de Diese Episode wird präsentiert von: Der Große Restaurant & Hotel Guide: Ein Guide für Gäste - Inspirationen für Menschen mit Stil und Geschmack https://www.der-grosse-guide.de CUCINARIA - der Küchentempel: Das Fachgeschäft für Küche, Kochen und Kaffeekultur in Hamburg https://www.cucinaria.de

    Catchin' Up with Nina - Theresa Stager

    Catchin' Up with Nina - Theresa Stager

    In this episode, Nina interviews Saline High School Principal and new Region 8 representative, Theresa Stager. Listen as we get to know Theresa better and hear about the great things happening at Saline High School. Theresa talks about her non-linear path to becoming a building administrator and how it's never "too late" to take the path towards leadership.

    New Roles and/or New Districts

    New Roles and/or New Districts

    In this episode, we talk to three, long-time administrators who recently have moved to new roles or new districts. We are joined by Theresa Stager, Principal at Saline HS, Brad Robbins, Principal of Croswell-Lexington MS, and Todd Simmons, Principal of Cedar Springs HS.  Topics discussed include what challenges and opportunities occurred as they made job changes, advice for others considering a change, and how previous administrator experience played a factor.

    82 Libido, Breast Implants, And All Things Sex & MS

    82 Libido, Breast Implants, And All Things Sex & MS

    Has your doctor ever discussed sexual dysfunction with you? Have you ever had any issues with libido in the past? There is actually a high rate of dissatisfaction in the sex department among people with MS. This happens for a variety of reasons. In this episode, Edie explores these topics and much more with Brittany Quiroz, AKA "A Hot MS".  Let's chat it up!

    Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok: @ahotms


    Instagram: @thrivingoversurvivingpodcast



    Pas touche !

    Pas touche !

    C'est à la Grande Saline de Salins-les-Bains que, pendant 1200 ans, on a produit cet or blanc au cœur du Jura. Cette longue aventure industrielle et humaine, inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, est à découvrir sur salinesdesalins.com.

    Envie de tout savoir sur la région ? Faites un tour au coeur des Merveilles de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté : plus de 100 étapes croustillantes pour devenir un véritable connaisseur. 

    Les bons plans pour découvrir ou redécouvrir le territoire sont à retrouver sur www.bourgognefranchecomte.com

    Et pour sillonner les routes régionales, n'oubliez pas votre carte interactive des 14 lieux incontournables à visiter sans faute ! 

     Artips est une production Artly Production // 

     Lu avec délectation par Delphine Peresan-Roudil // 

     Monté et réalisé avec talent par Aude Niclas //

     Anecdote concoctée avec Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Tourisme et adaptée par Gabrielle Mirallié et Delphine Peresan-Roudil //

     Un grand merci pour leurs conseils avisés à Vivien Demeyere, Khrystyna Burak et Benoît Perret

    Rev Radio Ep 2 Murder By Injection and Vax History

    Rev Radio Ep 2 Murder By Injection and Vax History
    Kindness Appreciated: https://www.tipeeestream.com/baal-busters/donation
    OK, this is a clean copy re-upload with far better audio. Spreaker's recorder SUCKS, flatout. It doesn't ever properly record audio clips, so luckily my show was archived at the station. To get the best experience, go directly to FreedomsLips.com Wednesdays 8am-10am EST and Listen in on Studio B's link. You can even jump into the chat room there. I hop in the chat after my show and listen with you as we welcome The Fact Hunter who comes on right after me.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ba-al-busters-broadcast--5100262/support.

    Un monde meilleur ?

    Un monde meilleur ?

    "Il n'existe pas un homme sur la Terre qui ne soit susceptible d'être secouru par un architecte." 

    Claude-Nicolas Ledoux

    Pour voir tout ça en image, c'est : http://arti.ps/podsaline

    Retrouvez le texte de cette anecdote en version web ici : http://arti.ps/anecsaline

    En Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, on n’est jamais à court d’activités. Amateurs de patrimoine ou de paysage, ou encore amoureux de vins ou de gastronomie, il y en a pour tous les goûts.

    Envie de tout savoir sur la région ? Faites un tour au coeur des Merveilles de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté : plus de 100 étapes croustillantes pour devenir un véritable connaisseur. 

    Les bons plans pour découvrir ou redécouvrir le territoire sont à retrouver sur www.bourgognefranchecomte.com

    Et pour sillonner les routes régionales, n'oubliez pas votre carte interactive des 14 lieux incontournables à visiter sans faute ! 

     Artips est une production Artly Production // 

     Lu avec délectation par Antoine Leiris // 

     Amoureusement mis en musique par Benoît Perret / Omnia Studio // 

     Monté et réalisé avec talent par Khrystyna Burak //

     Anecdote concoctée avec Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Tourisme et adaptée par Pernelle Richard, Benjamin Billiet, Antoine Leiris et Delphine Peresan-Roudil //

     Un grand merci pour ses conseils avisés à Vivien Demeyere, et à Aurora, Bernadette et Clara de Artips pour avoir prêté les voix du jingle

    Salz - Wie das weiße Gold Schönebeck und Halle zum Leuchten bringt

    Salz - Wie das weiße Gold Schönebeck und Halle zum Leuchten bringt
    Das Salzlandmuseum in Schönebeck war ein klassisches Regionalmuseum - mit vielen Vitrinen und zahlreichen Sammlungsstücken. Aus dem Haus ist in den vergangenen Jahren ein modernes Museum geworden, das auf Schwerpunkte wie das Salz setzt. Die Saline in Halle/Saale wird derzeit umfangreich umgebaut. Wir haben uns mit Museums-Leiterin Petra Koch, dem Kulturstaatssekretär Gunnar Schellenberger und dem Leiter des Salinemuseums Halle, Ingo Beljan, zum Gespräch getroffen. Sie erklären uns, was Salz so besonders macht und wie das weiße Gold Schönebeck und Halle zum Leuchten brachte - und wieder bringt. Viel Spaß beim Lauschen!

    3' grezzi Ep. 138 Fenicotteri

    3' grezzi Ep. 138 Fenicotteri
    Dopo l'armaghedon gli unici a sopravvivere saranno i fenicotteri. Ve lo garantisco io.

    Io adoro i fenicotteri. Qualche puntata fa vi avevo detto che vi avrei raccontato delle caratteristiche pazzesche di questi animali meravigliosi, ecco lo voglio fare oggi. Quando ero bambina avevo poche opportunità di vedere i fenicotteri perché nonostante Cagliari ne sia piena, visto che è una quarantina d'anni fa i fenicotteri hanno deciso di non migrare più ma di rimanere qui stanziali, c'erano poche opportunità prima per vederli, poi hanno costruito delle belle strade che costeggiano gli stagni con i fenicotteri e anche i parchi, dove si possono andare a vedere molto da vicino, ma io voglio raccontare le caratteristiche pazzesche che hanno questi animali che sono tutt'altro che deboli, tutt'altro che che fragili. Infatti i fenicotteri riescono a vivere in luoghi molto inospitali, pensate che vivono dentro le saline ci trascorrono tutta la giornata, e sono le stesse Saline dove le persone che ci lavoravano dovevano mettere dei guanti di gomma pesantissimi, perché altrimenti il sale gli avrebbe completamente ridotto a brandelli e la pelle delle braccia. E e sono anche gli unici uccelli che riescono a bere l'acqua salata e infatti hanno dei filtri nel naso che come bevono col becco filtrano automaticamente fuori tutto il sale. Sono anche gli animali che riescono a vivere in ambienti molto molto molto più inospitali di quelli che hanno semplicemente il sale perché hanno, ci sono delle colonie di fenicotteri che vivono in questi e laghi dove ci sono tracce di addirittura di arsenico - un'altra cosa che ho letto sui fenicotteri - sì, mi sono proprio informata perché io sono fanatica dei fenicotteri, mi piacciono tantissimo e quindi mi ero messa a cercare tutte le cose strane sui fenicotteri. Un'altra cosa è che riescono a stare anche in posti dove l'acqua è caldissima. Ho letto che c'è questo questo lago in Africa a... non ricordo bene, forse in Tanzania, comunque c'è un un lago dove la temperatura è una specie di terma naturale, sono delle terme naturali dove la temperatura sfiora i 70 gradi centigradi, quindi quasi quasi temperatura di bollitura, ebbene lì i fenicotteri ci stanno a mollo e non gliene frega assolutamente niente. Riesco anche a vivere, tra l'altro dove c'è l'acqua è freddissima, infatti possono stare sempre su una zampa anche se l'acqua attorno a loro è completamente gelato non gli fa niente il caldo non gli fa niente il freddo non gli fa non gli fanno niente i veleni non gli fa niente il sale. E infatti mi ero immaginata una... avete presente fin del Armageddon dove muoiono tutti e poi quando si esce dal bunker sono rimasti solo i topi e blatte? Ecco, secondo me un un'immagine più veritiera sarebbe un mondo dove dopo l'Armageddon gli unici a rimanere lì sono i fenicotteri. Immaginatevi un pianeta deserto popolato di bellissimi fenicotteri rosa.

    Paediatric Surgery fluid balance - part 1

    Paediatric Surgery fluid balance - part 1
    Prescribing fluids in paediatric surgical patients can be daunting. This podcast tells you easy to remember ways of recognising the degree of fluid loss, why signs like diastolic hypertension are important and a method of calculating how much fluid to prescribe whatever the age of your patient. David Keily talks to Shalinder Singh about dehydration, on going fluid loss and maintenance fluids in children. After this podcast you will never be daunted again.
    David Keily is a trainee in Paediatric Surgery in the East Midlands of the UK, and Shalinder Singh is a consultant Paediatric Surgeon and Examiner for FRCS(Paed) working in University Hospitals, Nottingham, UK

    Optimise don’t compromise, peri-intubation physiology

    Optimise don’t compromise, peri-intubation physiology

    Crystalloids and colloids used in critically ill patients have different fluid composition. The composition may affect many things, including response to administration, clinical outcomes, and adverse effects. This talk with discuss the evidence behind the different types of fluids in critically ill patients, including a discussion of pros and cons of each fluid type.The session will be an interactive discussion led by investigators who have conducted randomized trials of different types of intravenous fluids.

    #23 Everything To Know About Fat Transfer To The Breasts!

    #23 Everything To Know About Fat Transfer To The Breasts!

    This week Dr. Barrett delivers the low down on Fat Transfer To The Breasts! Some people have questions and some people don’t even know this is a thing that can be done! It is, and Dr. Barrett and team are absolute pros at it!

    Don’t miss this info packed episode as Dr. Barrett answers the most frequently asked questions and explains the advantages and disadvantages of Fat Transfer To The Breasts!

    What is fat transfer to the breast?

    How is fat transfer to the breast performed?

    Who would be a good candidate for fat transfer to the breast?

    Do you see this procedure on a rise? Are you performing more fat transfer to the breast and why do you think this is trending?

    What are the risks or complications?

    Where are the scars?

    Can you enhance your breast shape if you are unhappy with the original shape of your breasts, or is it better for someone who recently lost weight and is trying to regain volume?

    Where does the fat come from? Does someone also have to get liposuction?

    If you get a fat transfer to the breasts, what happens if you lose weight or exercise a lot? Is there a chance that you could lose that volume?

    How long is the recovery time?

    Do you have limited mobility after having this surgery and if so, for how long?

    How long will the results last? Do you have to get touchups after the first procedure similar to how someone may need to go get touchups with the filler?

    Can people have this done in addition to a Breast augmentation or if they already have breast augmentation add want a more natural fuller look and feel?

    Is the price of fat transfer comparable in price to getting implants if all variables are equal?

    What are the next steps that someone considering getting a fat transfer to the breasts take?

    Check this episode out on our Youtube channel and be sure to subscribe, comment, and click the notifications bell for our latest!

    You can email us at info@barrettplasticsurgery.com or reach us by phone at 310-598-2648

    Visit us on the web at www.drdanielbarrett.com and/or www.Naturalbreastaugmentation.com

    EBB 104 - The Evidence on Saline Locks

    EBB 104 - The Evidence on Saline Locks

    In this episode, I explore the latest evidence on the use of saline locks!

    A saline lock - sometimes called a “hep-lock” in reference to how it used to be used - is an intravenous (IV) catheter that is threaded into a peripheral vein, flushed with saline, and then capped off for later use. Nurses use saline locks to have easy access to the vein for potential injections. They can be useful in administering drugs as needed, and in the event of emergency surgery.

    What is the latest research on the use of saline locks in labor and delivery? What is the evidence for the saline lock in someone who wants an un-medicated birth or wants to avoid medical interventions as much as possible? Should a saline lock be in place “just in case” it may be needed? I’ll cover the evidence on this topic, along with the risks and benefits.

    For more information and news about Evidence Based Birth®, visit www.ebbirth.com. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Ready to get involved? Check out our Professional membership (including scholarship options) and our Instructor program. Find an EBB Instructor here, and click here to learn more about the Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class.


    Bailey, J. M., C. Bell, R. Zielenski (2019). “Timing and outcomes of an indication-only use of intravenous cannulation during spontaneous labor.” J Midwifery Womens Health 00:1-7. 

    Bateman, B. T., M. F. Berman, et al. (2010). “The epidemiology of postpartum hemorrhage in a large, nationwide sample of deliveries.” Anesthesia and analgesia 110(5): 1368-1373.

    Maki, D. G., D. M. Kluger, et al. (2006). “The risk of bloodstream infection in adults with different intravascular devices: a systematic review of 200 published prospective studies.” Mayo Clin Proc 81(9): 1159-1171.

    Newton, N., M. Newton, et al. (1988). “Psychologic, physical, nutritional, and technologic aspects of intravenous infusion during labor.” Birth 15(2): 67-72.

    Rickard, C. M., D. McCann, et al. (2010). “Routine resite of peripheral intravenous devices every 3 days did not reduce complications compared with clinically indicated resite: a randomised controlled trial.” BMC Med 8: 53.

    Want evidence on more topics? Access all of the Evidence Based Birth Signature Articles at our blog.

    When An Allergy Is Not Just An Allergy [Podcast 75]

    When An Allergy Is Not Just An Allergy [Podcast 75]

    In this episode, Kathy and I will be revealing the steps we took to significantly improve our family's allergy symptoms this fall.


    The Truth About Allergies Revealed blogpost

    Sleep Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired

    Allergy-free bedsheets

    Micro-poop theory blogpost

    Dyson HEPA vacuum cleaner

    The Sinus, Allergy and Migraine Study (SAMS)

    Dr. David Buccholz: Heal Your Headache

    Long term nasal saline irrigation and increased infections blogpost

    #8 Is Breast Implant Illness Real? Learn the facts and myths regarding BIAI and BIA-ALCL!

    #8 Is Breast Implant Illness Real? Learn the facts and myths regarding BIAI and BIA-ALCL!

    Join us this week as Dr. Daniel Barrett speaks about important issues with fellow board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ritu Chopra.  You’ll hear about the latest news and evidence regarding Breast Implant Associated Illness (BIAI) and Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
    Learn the facts regarding breast implants and how to navigate the dangers.  The lines are becoming blurred between accurate information regarding what constitutes real danger, versus widespread myths. This episode focuses on delivering the correct information and the importance of being informed by board certified plastic surgeons vs. random voices of the internet. 
    Dr. Ritu Chopra also shares the importance of informed consent and the difference between good and bad sources of information.  This episode is entertaining and extremely informative even diving into subjects like the gut biome.  Don’t miss this one!  

    Check out this episode and more on our Youtube channel and be sure to subscribe, comment, and click the notifications bell for our latest! 

    Visit our website at www.drdanielbarrett.com for more information.