

    Explore "sanction" with insightful episodes like "Un refus d’Idrissa Gana Gueye de s’associer à la lutte contre l’homophobie ne pourrait rester sans sanction ! ».", "#211 - 1 technique infaillible pour faire porter les EPI !", "The Impact of the Ukraine Conflict on Treasury", "Breaking Down the Crypto Executive Order" and "FAUT-IL ASPHYXIER LA RUSSIE?" from podcasts like ""Cancelled Culture TODAY", "COBEL® - Développeur de culture® : QHSE - RSE - Management", "The Treasury Update Podcast", "The FinReg Pod" and "C ce soir"" and more!

    Episodes (56)

    Un refus d’Idrissa Gana Gueye de s’associer à la lutte contre l’homophobie ne pourrait rester sans sanction ! ».

    Un refus d’Idrissa Gana Gueye de s’associer à la lutte contre l’homophobie ne pourrait rester sans sanction ! ».
    Will God answer your prayer if you don't end with, "In Jesus' name, Amen?" Learn what praying in the name of Jesus really means.   I taught this week on the call of Abraham and the development of God's missionary call through the nation of Israel as they were responsible to communicate the truth of God to the cultures around them. They were given that great commission. The great commission didn't start in Matthew 28.  It started with Abraham in Genesis 12 —the first three verses there —Abraham, chosen by God to raise up a nation who would then be God's priests to the world so that they would be a blessing to all of the nations.   They had a unique role in the great monotheistic religion. The Jews were supposed to reflect morality to the world. Israel was to witness to the name of God. When they talked about the name of God and witnessing to God's name, that does not mean that they were to let everybody know what they called God, "Yahweh." Their goal wasn't to cover the countryside with evangelists who just let everybody know what the right word for God was. It meant something different.
       ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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    The Impact of the Ukraine Conflict on Treasury

    The Impact of the Ukraine Conflict on Treasury

    Strategic Treasurer released a flash survey probing what implications the conflict in Ukraine has had and will have on treasury. With roughly 100 survey respondents, you will see results in the following categories: impacts already being felt, preparing for repercussions, economic & business concerns, and awareness & expectations. Download the report here: strategictreasurer.com/conflict

    Breaking Down the Crypto Executive Order

    Breaking Down the Crypto Executive Order

    Ari Redbord is the head of legal and government affairs for the blockchain intelligence firm, TRM Labs. Prior to joining TRM Labs, Ari held public sector roles involving cryptocurrency and national security at the Department of Justice and U.S. Department of the Treasury. In this episode, Ari and Lee break down President Biden’s executive order on cryptocurrency.

    Ari Redbord’s Twitter: @ARedbord

    TRM Labs Twitter: @TRMLabs

     Lee’s Twitter: @leereiners

    GFMC Twitter: @DukeGFMC

    Related Links

    *Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets* https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/

    *FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets* https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/09/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-sign-executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-innovation-in-digital-assets/

    *Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the President’s New Digital Assets Executive Order* https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/03/09/background-press-call-by-senior-administration-officials-on-the-presidents-new-digital-assets-executive-order/




    Des mots rassurants voire optimistes venus à la fois des camps russes et ukrainiens où le président ZELENSKY évoque même un possible “compromis” ; et puis les images, toujours aussi sanglantes et choquantes, notamment en provenance de Marioupol, en train de devenir une ville martyre de ce conflit… Alors que croire ? Qui croire ? Peut-on vraiment imaginer une trêve ou une désescalade ? L’asphyxie économique de la Russie est-elle une arme efficace pour faire reculer Vladimir POUTINE ?

    Avec : 

    • Nicolas Tenzer, Directeur de la publication de Desk Russie, spécialiste de la Russie, enseignant à Sciences-Po, président du Centre d’étude et de réflexion pour l’action politique (CERAP)
    • Natalia Turine,  Éditrice, directrice de la librairie du Globe à Paris
    • Alla Lazareva,   journaliste, correspondante en France de l’hebdomadaire ukrainien “Ukrainian Week”
    • Jacques Rupnik,  Politologue
    • Jean-Dominique Merchet,  Journaliste à l’Opinion, spécialiste des questions militaires et internationales, auteur du blog « Secret Défense »

    Commentary - Can Russia evade sanctions using crypto? Should crypto exchanges ban Russian clients?

    Commentary - Can Russia evade sanctions using crypto? Should crypto exchanges ban Russian clients?

    In this very special edition of Crypto Capsule Commentary, Henri Arslanian breaks down the latest crypto-related developments stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war, specifically: should Russian users be banned from centralized crypto exchanges? And can the Russian government use crypturrency to evade sanctions? This Crypto Capsule Commentary is ideal for anyone looking to learn more about some of the biggest details surrounding recent events.

    Schaftlein Report | Conflict Escalates - Ukraine Requests Additional Help from NATO

    Schaftlein Report | Conflict Escalates - Ukraine Requests Additional Help from NATO

    1) Should and will the U.S. and NATO supply more offensive and defensive weapons to Ukraine? Russia threatens retaliation
    *Are we willing to risk escalation? What are the dangers and unintended consequences of greater U.S. and NATO confrontation of Russia?
    **What is the risk of NOT addressing Russian aggression?
    2) Why is NATO in this position? Was Ukraine joining NATO the core issue that lead to the invasion or was Russia planning this regardless?
    *Both Obama and Trump viewed Ukraine as NOT in the U.S. strategic interest
    3) 40-mile convey headed to the capital Kiev - Shelling is escalating and significant more destruction is pending
    *500K refugees have fled Ukraine
    4) There are reports of Vacuum bombs being used which is a war crime - Civilian buildings are being targeted
    5) Ukraine calls for no-fly zone - Conventional wisdom says this leads to war with Russia over Ukraine
    6) The effect of Economic Sanctions - The Ruble is down 30% and interest rates are now at 20% in Russia
    *What is the risk of Economic collapse in Russia?
    7) There is a risk of global stagnation - Allies agree to 60M barrel release from strategic reserves
    *This is a very short-term effort that will not be effective in the long run - There is a risk of liquidity drying up globally
    8) Russia is a 3rd world economy with a 1st rate nuclear arsenal - Financial markets across the globe are reeling
    9) Turkey to restrict transit of Russian warships through the straights it controls
    *How much pressure should be turned up on the Russians by other NATO countries? Norway considers sending weapons

    Le Législateur Zaleucos

    Le Législateur Zaleucos

    Salut !

    Petits podcasts rapides qui vont à l'essentiel sur des essentiels de la culture juridique.

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    Merci beaucoup pour ton écoute !

    #74 - A New Era Of Greener Property Profiles?

    #74 - A New Era Of Greener Property Profiles?

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #5 - Neil Robertson - Le Droit du sport

    #5 - Neil Robertson - Le Droit du sport

    Durant cet épisode, Neil Roberston, avocat intervenant dans le milieu du sport, revient sur les coulisses juridiques du monde du sport, notamment sur les enjeux de la rédaction des contrats et la gestion des litiges.

    Lorsque nous assistons à un match, nous sommes loin de nous imaginer les coulisses juridiques qui l’ont rendu possible.

    « En France on a de la chance, on a eu la Ryder Cup en 2018, on va avoir la Coupe du Monde de Rugby en 2023 et surtout les J. O. en 2024. On a des événements exceptionnels, des actualités à fortes retombées médiatiques et cela crée beaucoup d’activité pour un avocat. »

    Passionné par le sport, Neil Robertson, avocat en Droit des sociétés – Fusions-Acquisitions et Private Equity, intervient dans ce domaine depuis une vingtaine d’années. Il gère à la fois des questions d’acquisition de clubs, de sponsoring et de transferts de joueurs. Grâce à sa double culture anglo-saxonne, son expertise est précieuse sur le terrain international.

    Dans le domaine du sport professionnel, il faut organiser un dialogue serein entre agents, sportifs, clubs, mais aussi familles. En effet, les litiges nécessitent un véritable travail de négociations compte tenu des enjeux financiers qui peuvent être colossaux. Le joueur a un réel « droit d’image»,  il incarne non seulement le club dans lequel il joue mais aussi et surtout des marques, des sponsors. Le joueur doit à chaque instant respecter les stipulations de ses multiples contrats : publicitaires, contrat de travail, contrat de prestation de service.

    « Le monde du sport est très dur et différent du monde des entreprises » précise Neil. « Les joueurs ont des contrats de durée déterminée et y mettre fin n’est pas facile. Il faut une faute grave, un contentieux important. » Le moindre dérapage est prévu dans les clauses du contrat et peut faire l’objet d’une « sanction qui peut aller d’une simple amende jusqu’à la suspension du joueur. »

    Aujourd’hui, le monde du sport se transforme. « Les joueurs sont sanctionnés de plus en plus sévèrement, les arbitres sont très stricts.» Les fédérations, les clubs et les compagnies d’assurances sont d’une grande vigilance sur l’encadrement du sport. La moindre erreur peut avoir des répercussions médicales ou financières lourdes. Dans le sport aussi bien professionnel qu’amateur, il faut être en capacité de gérer non seulement un aspect sportif, mais aussi une structure et des ressources humaines pour avancer.

    Que ce soit par curiosité de la découverte de ce milieu au travers des enjeux juridiques ou pour découvrir une nouvelle spécialité proposée par le cabinet Bignon Lebray nous vous souhaitons une bonne écoute ! 

    Retrouvez également Neil Robertson sur LinkedIn pour en savoir plus sur ses activités 

    #73 House Prices Rise By 11.8% - 16/11/2021

    #73 House Prices Rise By 11.8% - 16/11/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #72 The Weekly Property Market Update - 9/11/2021

    #72 The Weekly Property Market Update - 9/11/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #71 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 4/10/2021

    #71 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 4/10/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #70 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 29/10/2021

    #70 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 29/10/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #69 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 20/10/2021

    #69 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 20/10/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco

    #68 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 13/10/2021

    #68 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 13/10/2021

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco 

    #67 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 7/10/2021

    #67 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 7/10/2021

    Hello! and welcome to another episode of The Weekly Property Market and Industry Update with #askrobco and James Wild.

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco 

    #66 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 28/9/2021

    #66 The Weekly Property Market Update with #askrobco and James Wild - 28/9/2021

    Hello! and welcome to another episode of The Weekly Property Market and Industry Update with #askrobco and James Wild.

    The Weekly Property Market Update is for anyone involved in the property finance and valuation market - from banks, funds and lenders, to estate agents, legal and brokers. Hosted by Rob Cohen on #askrobco. Listen in for current market trends, data and intel. Rob and James share everything you need to know on commercial and residential property to impact lending, pricing and product, all across the property market - from governance and regulation, lending and finance to inspections, valuations & conveyancing, right the way across the supply chain including credit risk and sales. If you have an interest in property investing, this is the show for you. Rob shares valuable insights and market knowledge, intel and data with transparency to leave you in the best position to close property deals.

    Any questions please fire away! @askrobco 


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