

    Explore "sceneggiatura" with insightful episodes like "3' grezzi Ep. 632 Quando l'ex dell'amica", "#18 - Sceneggiatori in sciopero. Con Vinicio Canton e Stefano Sardo.", "Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia", "Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia" and "Aspettando gli Oscar - Miglior Regia, Miglior Fotografia e Migliori Sceneggiature" from podcasts like ""3' Grezzi di Cristina Marras", "Decisione Critica - Cinema", "ANSA Cinema: ieri, oggi, domani", "ANSA Cinema: ieri, oggi, domani" and "Blow Out - Frammenti di cinema"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    3' grezzi Ep. 632 Quando l'ex dell'amica

    3' grezzi Ep. 632 Quando l'ex dell'amica
    Perché l'ex dovrebbe avere voce in capitolo? Boh!

    TRASCRIZIONE [ENG transation below]

    Ecco, non capisco come si possa pensare di avere dei diritti sul proprio o sulla propria ex.
    A cosa mi riferisco? Sto guardando una serie tv, non vi dico quale perché non voglio spoilerare nessun aspetto della trama, una serie che mi piace moltissimo, vabbè, comunque in questa serie di cui non vi dico il titolo, a un certo punto una ragazza si innamora dell'ex della sua amica, però sia lui che lei si sentono in colpa perché si sentono in dovere di dover quasi chiedere il permesso alla ex perché altrimenti lei ci rimane male.
    E io lo guardo ed è uno show che mi piace molto, una serie anche molto intelligente, scritta benissimo, con una sceneggiatura molto bella, e però questa cosa qua io veramente non la capisco. Cioè tu sai con una persona, vi lasciate e finisce lì, non è che se la mia amica si vuol mettere col mio ex deve chiedere il permesso a me o deve sentirsi in colpa nei miei confronti, ma che è sta storia qua?
    Ed è una cosa che trovo spesso sia nei film che nelle serie che anche nei racconti ed è una cosa che proprio non riesco a spiegare, a capire in base a quale criterio, cioè se a me ancora mi devi chiedere il permesso e perché ancora a me ne frega qualcosa? Non lo so ma tutto questo discorso di chiedere il permesso agli altri per mettersi con qualcuno per poter mostrare i sentimenti a qualcuno, come se le persone fossero degli oggetti che appartengono a qualcuno, è una cosa che da quando l'ho vista ieri sera continuo a rimuginarci sopra, e a riflettere com'è che una serie così intelligente poi, dove anche i personaggi sono ben descritti, ben delineati eccetera, e però poi fa queste cose qua.
    Vabbè, se poi vi chiedete ma l'amica come ha reagito? Le ha detto sì, mettiti pure col mio ex, non me ne frega niente, no? Le ha detto no, ora, in questo momento ho altre cose per la testa perché avevo altre cose per la testa, non posso gestirmi una situazione del genere, non parliamone adesso, parliamone più avanti. Quindi dando ancora più peso al fatto che lei abbia voce in capitolo perché la sua amica si vuole mettere col suo ex.
    No, son proprio cose che non riesco a capire non riesco a gestire, gestire? Non riesco a spiegare. Vabbè no volevo condividere con voi questo mio stato di frustrazione perché da quando l'ho visto ieri continuo a pensarci, quando l'ho visto ieri notte, era notte tarda, era il terzo episodio che guardavo di seguito. Ah, devo smetterla di fare certe cose che la mattina non riesco ad alzarmi, poi non mi rimane più niente da guardare. Sono tutte finite le serie belle che vi piacciono, sono alla disperata ricerca di nuove serie. Suggeritemene qualcuna.

    Here, I don't understand how you can think you have any rights to your ex.
    What am I referring to? I'm watching a TV series, I won't tell you which one because I don't want to spoil any aspect of the plot, a series that I like very much, whatever, anyway in this series of which I won't tell you the title, at one point a girl falls in love with her friend's ex, however both he and she feel guilty because they feel they almost have to ask the ex for permission because otherwise she gets hurt.
    And I watch it and it's a show that I really like, a very intelligent series as well, very well written, with a very good script, and yet this thing here I really don't understand. I mean you are with a person, you break up and that's it, it's not like if my friend wants to get with my ex she has to ask permission from me or she has to feel guilty towards me, but what is this story here?
    And it's something that I often find both in movies and series and also in novels and it's something that I just can't explain, or understand by what criteria, that is if you still have to ask my permission is it because I do still care? I don't know but all this talk about asking permission from others to get involved with someone in order to be able to show feelings to someone, as if people are objects that belong to someone, is something that since I watched it last night I keep mulling over, and pondering how it is that such an intelligent series then, where the characters are well described, well delineated and so on, and yet then it does these things here.
    Whatever, if you then ask but how did the friend react? Did she say yes, go ahead and get with my ex, I don't care, right? She told her no, right now I have other things on my mind - because she had other things on her mind - I can't handle such a situation, let's not talk about it now, let's talk about it later. So giving even more weight to the fact that she has a say because her friend wants to get with her ex.
    No, these are just things that I can't understand I can't handle, handle? I cannot explain. Whatever, I wanted to share with you this state of my frustration because since I saw it yesterday I kept thinking about it, when I saw it last night, it was late at night, it was the third episode I watched in a row. Ah, I have to stop doing certain things that I can't get up in the morning, then I have nothing left to look at. All the good series that I like have ended, I am desperately looking for a new series. Suggest me some, please!

    #18 - Sceneggiatori in sciopero. Con Vinicio Canton e Stefano Sardo.

    #18 - Sceneggiatori in sciopero. Con Vinicio Canton e Stefano Sardo.
    Dal 2 maggio 2023 gli sceneggiatori americani iscritti alla WGA sono in sciopero, seguiti a partire dal 14 luglio dagli attori aderenti al sindacato SAG - AFTRA. Quali sono le ragioni di un'agitazione così massiccia, come non se ne vedevano dal 2007? Ce ne parlano Vinicio Canton (Il restauratore, La nuova squadra, They Talk) fondatore della Writers Guild Italia e Stefano Sardo (1992, 1993, 1994, La doppia ora, Il ragazzo invisibile), per diversi anni Presidente di 100autori.

    Seguici su https://www.pigrecoemme.com/

    Decisione Critica è il podcast della Scuola di Cinema Pigrecoemme.

    Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia

    Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia
    Compie 50 anni il film di Federico Fellini che è diventato un modo di dire (proprio come la madeleine proustiana per i francesi). Un Oscar e l’ennesima consacrazione per un autore che parlando di Rimini, di infanzia, di sogni e di illusioni (anche erotiche) ha saputo parlare dell’Italia intera. Per questo lui stesso (e anche gli storici del cinema) lo ha definito il suo film più politico.

    Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia

    Auguri Amarcord, Rimini metafora dell’Italia
    Compie 50 anni il film di Federico Fellini che è diventato un modo di dire (proprio come la madeleine proustiana per i francesi). Un Oscar e l’ennesima consacrazione per un autore che parlando di Rimini, di infanzia, di sogni e di illusioni (anche erotiche) ha saputo parlare dell’Italia intera. Per questo lui stesso (e anche gli storici del cinema) lo ha definito il suo film più politico.

    Mattia Torre Oltre Boris - Sussidiario Illustrato Cultura Pop Ep. 0

    Mattia Torre Oltre Boris - Sussidiario Illustrato Cultura Pop Ep. 0
    Sussidiario Illustrato della Cultura Pop.
    Un viaggio alla scoperta delle opere e dei personaggi che sono alla base della nostra cultura Pop!
    Con me in questo viaggio Boban Pesov (che ha anche disegnato questa bellissima copertina).
    In questoa puntata parliamo di Mattia Torre!
    Ultima Mini-Storia a fumetti assieme a Boban ‣‣‣ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-FgQ7Dd0d
    In questo episodio abbiamo parlato di:
    ‣ Buttafuori (serie disponibile su youtube)
    ‣ Boris (serie disponibile su disney+)
    ‣ Boris (film disponibile su Disney+)
    ‣ Ogni Maledetto Natale (film disponibile su Netflix)
    ‣ Dov'è Mario? (serie su NowTV)
    ‣ La Linea Verticale (serie su Rai play)
    ‣ Figli (film su NowTv)
    ‣ Sei pezzi facili (serie su Rai play)
    Segui Boban su i suoi social:
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobanpesov
    ‣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bobanpesov
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://goo.gl/VvlnMj
    Raccolta "Better Call Boban" ‣‣‣ https://toraedizioni.it/prodotto/better-call-boban/
    Acquista Underdogs, la mia nuova serie a fumetti ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Underdogs
    L'amazon shop di FREKT dove ti consiglio fumetti e libri belli ‣‣‣ https://www.amazon.it/shop/ios...
    Acquista i biglietti di VEGETA E' morto (e l'ho ucciso io) ‣‣‣ https://linktr.ee/vegetaemorto
    Unisciti al gruppo telegram dei Frektiani ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFre...
    Contatti di Frekt
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    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt
    Altre cose di Frekt ‣‣‣ https://linktr.ee/iosonofrekt
    Prova Amazon Prime Video ‣‣‣ https://www.primevideo.com/?&a...
    La voce della sigla è di Gianluca Iaconohttps://www.instagram.com/gian...
    la sigla è stata prodotta da Silvio Benvenuto https://www.instagram.com/eart...

    Leopolo Caggiano - Corso di speleologia cinematografica - Wes Anderson I ABC live

    Leopolo Caggiano - Corso di speleologia cinematografica - Wes Anderson I ABC live
    Un eterno ritorno ai temi dell'infanzia, della famiglia e della perdita nell'estetica inarrivabile di un malato di prospettive e palette di colori ricercate: Wes Anderson. Regista statunitense (Houston, Texas, 1969). Caratteristica di A. è lo stile creativo e surreale, sullo sfondo di commedie brillanti accompagnate da tinte di lucida ironia. Costante attenzione viene rivolta alla resa fotografica di tale stile. Tra le sue opere, Rushmore (1998), The life with tenembaums (2001), The life acquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), The Darjeeling limited (2007), Moonrise Kingdom (2012), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014, Orso d'argento e Golden Globe 2015 come migliore commedia, Oscar 2015 per la migliore scenografia, i migliori costumi, il miglior trucco e la migliore colonna sonora), Isle of dogs (2018, Orso d'argento per il miglior regista) e The French Dispatch (2021).

    Guarda i nostri prossimi eventi live, iscriviti e partecipa: https://bit.ly/3sFRlqM

    E se vuoi sostenere il nostro progetto, visita il sito: www.abclive.it


    Regista e sceneggiatore. Dal 2015 ha lavorato a diversi film (“Dear Susie”, “How to Save Your Darling”) premiati a livello internazionale grazie alla sua regia curata, dallo stile leggero e intelligente. Ha partecipato alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia e all’Italian Cinema Style di Los Angeles per due anni consecutivi. Lavora da sempre a stretto contatto con le aziende come autore di branded content e branded entertainment.

    Gomorra e I Soprano sono opere sopravvalutate?

    Gomorra e I Soprano sono opere sopravvalutate?
    Consigli Non Richiesti.
    "Gomorra è la miglior serie italiana!".
    "I Soprano sono la miglior serie di sempre!"
    Quante volte abbiamo sentito queste affermazioni? Tante... troppe volte!
    In questa puntata scopriremo la verità!
    RAMIRO il mio fumetto ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Ramiro
    Unisciti al gruppo telegram dei Frektiani ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFrekt
    Contatti di Frekt
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iosonofrekt
    ‣ Twitch: https://rebrand.ly/twitchFrekt
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt
    Altre cose di Frekt ‣‣‣ https://linktr.ee/iosonofrekt
    Prova Amazon Prime Video gratis per 30 giorni ‣‣‣ https://www.primevideo.com/?&tag=frekt-21
    La sigla è di Chiara del podcast "Avrei qualcosa da dire show".
    Per ascoltarla -> https://www.spreaker.com/show/lo-show-di-avreiqualcosadadire
    oppure ->https://linktr.ee/aqddshow
    Blog di Avrei qualcosa da dire show ->https://aqddshow.blog
    ► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Better Days"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLzv...
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Better Days" for free HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music by: LAKEY INSPIRED
    • SUBSCRIBE to the LAKEY INSPIRED YouTube channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/lakeyinspired/
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zDGj...
    • Support LAKEY INSPIRED on Patreon HERE - (Optional) https://www.patreon.com/lakeyinspired

    ►The Background Image Is From: https://unsplash.com.
    • Unsplash commercial use license: https://unsplash.com/license


    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video has been modified and adapted. The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. This video was made to create artistic visuals for entertainment purposes to promote the music and original artist.

    ––– ♪♫ [NCM] -♫♪ –––

    • Follow NCM on Twitter HERE - https://goo.gl/VF8ggk
    • Follow NCM on Facebook HERE - https://goo.gl/aaTtyF
    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel or an artist that would like your music removed, please contact NCM @ (nocopyrightmusicarchive@gmail.com)

    No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download the all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music Credits:
    ● Track Name: 'Childhood Imagination'
    ● Music By: Homie Cat
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/01eWi...
    ● Official "Homie Cat" SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/homie-cat/
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/homiecatbeats/
    ● DOWNLOAD @ https://www.chilloutmedia.com/download
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    ● Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Childhood Imagination" for free HERE: https://www.chilloutmedia.com/

    ►The footage used in this video is licensed to Chill Out Records by: Digital Kite Aerial Photography & Videography. Check out more of their amazing work @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video is original content being released under Chill Out Records LLC for use by other content creators in their own videos. You may use the music Chill Out Records shares but we kindly ask that you do not attempt to claim the music we publish as your own.

    ––– ♪♫ CHILL OUT RECORDS ♫♪ –––

    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel please visit www.chilloutmedia.com/submissions

    Chill Out Records - No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing almost daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the Chill Out Records - NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    Leopoldo Caggiano - Tutto quel che sapete sul cinema non è vero I ABC live

    Leopoldo Caggiano - Tutto quel che sapete sul cinema non è vero I ABC live
    Che vogliate entrare nell’Olimpo dei cineasti o giudicare tra un pop-corn e l’altro il lavoro altrui, mettete in dubbio tutto ciò che sapete.
    La voce
    Ci sono le mode, e da quelle non si scappa. Eppure alcuni autori e alcuni interpreti sembrano planare sopra le onde del mercato e dell’audience e non invecchiare mai. Cosa li rende sempre attuali è la loro voce. Nel tempo, ho imparato ad ascoltarla, fidarmi di lei, per distinguermi. E usarla. Ecco come…
    Un sacco di -one
    Qualunque sia la vostra idea di come si fa un film, il processo è talmente complesso da non poter essere chiaro fino a quando non ci sei dentro fino al collo. Vi porto dentro a tutti i passaggi che fanno un film: ideazione, preparazione, produzione, post-produzione, distribuzione e…

    Guarda i nostri prossimi eventi live, iscriviti e partecipa: https://bit.ly/3sFRlqM

    E se vuoi sostenere il nostro progetto, visita il sito: www.abclive.it


    Regista e sceneggiatore. Dal 2015 ha lavorato a diversi film (“Dear Susie”, “How to Save Your Darling”) premiati a livello internazionale grazie alla sua regia curata, dallo stile leggero e intelligente. Ha partecipato alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia e all’Italian Cinema Style di Los Angeles per due anni consecutivi. Lavora da sempre a stretto contatto con le aziende come autore di branded content e branded entertainment.

    La follia controllata di Charlie Kaufman

    La follia controllata di Charlie Kaufman
    Consigli Non Richiesti.
    Charlie Kaufman è lo sceneggiatore più folle di Hollywood, ma siamo sicuri che le sue trame siano davvero così pazze o nascondono qualcosa di più strutturato, più logico, meno folle di quello che potrebbe sembrare? Scopriamolo in questo episodio!
    Compra il mio fumetto ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Ramiro
    Link puntata su Buffy ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/buffyCNR
    Contatti di Frekt
    ‣ Gruppo Telegram https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFrekt
    ‣ Twitch: https://rebrand.ly/twitchFrekt
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iosonofrekt
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt

    Altre cose di Frekt:-
    La sigla è di Chiara del podcast "Avrei qualcosa da dire show".
    Per ascoltarla -> https://www.spreaker.com/show/lo-show-di-avreiqualcosadadire
    oppure ->https://linktr.ee/aqddshow
    Blog di Avrei qualcosa da dire show ->https://aqddshow.blog
    ► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Better Days"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLzv...
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Better Days" for free HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music by: LAKEY INSPIRED
    • SUBSCRIBE to the LAKEY INSPIRED YouTube channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/lakeyinspired/
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zDGj...
    • Support LAKEY INSPIRED on Patreon HERE - (Optional) https://www.patreon.com/lakeyinspired

    ►The Background Image Is From: https://unsplash.com.
    • Unsplash commercial use license: https://unsplash.com/license


    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video has been modified and adapted. The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. This video was made to create artistic visuals for entertainment purposes to promote the music and original artist.

    ––– ♪♫ [NCM] -♫♪ –––

    • Follow NCM on Twitter HERE - https://goo.gl/VF8ggk
    • Follow NCM on Facebook HERE - https://goo.gl/aaTtyF
    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel or an artist that would like your music removed, please contact NCM @ (nocopyrightmusicarchive@gmail.com)

    No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download the all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music Credits:
    ● Track Name: 'Childhood Imagination'
    ● Music By: Homie Cat
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/01eWi...
    ● Official "Homie Cat" SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/homie-cat/
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/homiecatbeats/
    ● DOWNLOAD @ https://www.chilloutmedia.com/download
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    ● Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Childhood Imagination" for free HERE: https://www.chilloutmedia.com/

    ►The footage used in this video is licensed to Chill Out Records by: Digital Kite Aerial Photography & Videography. Check out more of their amazing work @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video is original content being released under Chill Out Records LLC for use by other content creators in their own videos. You may use the music Chill Out Records shares but we kindly ask that you do not attempt to claim the music we publish as your own.

    ––– ♪♫ CHILL OUT RECORDS ♫♪ –––

    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel please visit www.chilloutmedia.com/submissions

    Chill Out Records - No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing almost daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the Chill Out Records - NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    [Non-Copyrighted Music] Chill Jazzy Lofi Hip Hop (Royalty Free) Jazz Hop Music

    Superman ci insegna quali sono i limiti di un dio [spolier: le contraddizioni]

    Superman ci insegna quali sono i limiti di un dio [spolier: le contraddizioni]
    Consigli Non Richiesti.
    Superman è invincibile! Superman è il più forte! Superman non ha limiti! Superman è perfetto! Ma se il suo più grande difetto fosse questo? Essere costretto alla "perfezione"? Ne parliamo in questa puntata.
    Compra il mio fumetto ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Ramiro
    Contatti di Frekt
    ‣ Gruppo Telegram https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFrekt
    ‣ Twitch: https://rebrand.ly/twitchFrekt
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iosonofrekt
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt

    Altre cose di Frekt:-
    La sigla è di Chiara del podcast "Avrei qualcosa da dire show".
    Per ascoltarla -> https://www.spreaker.com/show/lo-show-di-avreiqualcosadadire
    oppure ->https://linktr.ee/aqddshow
    Blog di Avrei qualcosa da dire show ->https://aqddshow.blog
    ► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Better Days"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLzv...
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Better Days" for free HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music by: LAKEY INSPIRED
    • SUBSCRIBE to the LAKEY INSPIRED YouTube channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/lakeyinspired/
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zDGj...
    • Support LAKEY INSPIRED on Patreon HERE - (Optional) https://www.patreon.com/lakeyinspired

    ►The Background Image Is From: https://unsplash.com.
    • Unsplash commercial use license: https://unsplash.com/license


    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video has been modified and adapted. The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. This video was made to create artistic visuals for entertainment purposes to promote the music and original artist.

    ––– ♪♫ [NCM] -♫♪ –––

    • Follow NCM on Twitter HERE - https://goo.gl/VF8ggk
    • Follow NCM on Facebook HERE - https://goo.gl/aaTtyF
    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel or an artist that would like your music removed, please contact NCM @ (nocopyrightmusicarchive@gmail.com)

    No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download the all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music Credits:
    ● Track Name: 'Childhood Imagination'
    ● Music By: Homie Cat
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/01eWi...
    ● Official "Homie Cat" SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/homie-cat/
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/homiecatbeats/
    ● DOWNLOAD @ https://www.chilloutmedia.com/download
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    ● Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Childhood Imagination" for free HERE: https://www.chilloutmedia.com/

    ►The footage used in this video is licensed to Chill Out Records by: Digital Kite Aerial Photography & Videography. Check out more of their amazing work @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video is original content being released under Chill Out Records LLC for use by other content creators in their own videos. You may use the music Chill Out Records shares but we kindly ask that you do not attempt to claim the music we publish as your own.

    ––– ♪♫ CHILL OUT RECORDS ♫♪ –––

    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel please visit www.chilloutmedia.com/submissions

    Chill Out Records - No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing almost daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the Chill Out Records - NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    [Non-Copyrighted Music] Chill Jazzy Lofi Hip Hop (Royalty Free) Jazz Hop Music

    La narrazione del vincente è una truffa!

    La narrazione del vincente è una truffa!
    Consigli Non Richiesti.
    Se ti impegni e credi in te stesso prima o poi riuscirai... ma sarà davvero così? Abbiamo sentito storie di gente che non ha mai smesso di crederci e ora è Bill Gates, Elon Mask ma per ogni persona che ce l'ha fatta, quanti sono i perdenti? E perchè nessuno parla di loro?
    Ne parliamo noi in questa puntata!
    Compra il mio fumetto ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Ramiro
    Contatti di Frekt
    ‣ Gruppo Telegram https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFrekt
    ‣ Twitch: https://rebrand.ly/twitchFrekt
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iosonofrekt
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt

    Altre cose di Frekt:-
    La sigla è di Chiara del podcast "Avrei qualcosa da dire show".
    Per ascoltarla -> https://www.spreaker.com/show/lo-show-di-avreiqualcosadadire
    oppure ->https://linktr.ee/aqddshow
    Blog di Avrei qualcosa da dire show ->https://aqddshow.blog
    ► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Better Days"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLzv...
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Better Days" for free HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music by: LAKEY INSPIRED
    • SUBSCRIBE to the LAKEY INSPIRED YouTube channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/lakeyinspired/
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zDGj...
    • Support LAKEY INSPIRED on Patreon HERE - (Optional) https://www.patreon.com/lakeyinspired

    ►The Background Image Is From: https://unsplash.com.
    • Unsplash commercial use license: https://unsplash.com/license


    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video has been modified and adapted. The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. This video was made to create artistic visuals for entertainment purposes to promote the music and original artist.

    ––– ♪♫ [NCM] -♫♪ –––

    • Follow NCM on Twitter HERE - https://goo.gl/VF8ggk
    • Follow NCM on Facebook HERE - https://goo.gl/aaTtyF
    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel or an artist that would like your music removed, please contact NCM @ (nocopyrightmusicarchive@gmail.com)

    No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download the all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music Credits:
    ● Track Name: 'Childhood Imagination'
    ● Music By: Homie Cat
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/01eWi...
    ● Official "Homie Cat" SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/homie-cat/
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/homiecatbeats/
    ● DOWNLOAD @ https://www.chilloutmedia.com/download
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    ● Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Childhood Imagination" for free HERE: https://www.chilloutmedia.com/

    ►The footage used in this video is licensed to Chill Out Records by: Digital Kite Aerial Photography & Videography. Check out more of their amazing work @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video is original content being released under Chill Out Records LLC for use by other content creators in their own videos. You may use the music Chill Out Records shares but we kindly ask that you do not attempt to claim the music we publish as your own.

    ––– ♪♫ CHILL OUT RECORDS ♫♪ –––

    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel please visit www.chilloutmedia.com/submissions

    Chill Out Records - No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing almost daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the Chill Out Records - NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    [Non-Copyrighted Music] Chill Jazzy Lofi Hip Hop (Royalty Free) Jazz Hop Music

    [Scuola di Sceneggiatura #1] - Il soggetto che roba è? Ma serve? E come lo faccio?

    [Scuola di Sceneggiatura #1] - Il soggetto che roba è? Ma serve? E come lo faccio?
    Consigli Non Richiesti.
    Oggi parte una nuova rubrica aperiodica: Scuola di Sceneggiatura.
    Pillole e dritte per realizzare la parte più importante di un proposal (proposta di progetto): il soggetto!
    Compra il mio fumetto ‣‣‣ https://rebrand.ly/Ramiro
    Contatti di Frekt
    ‣ Gruppo Telegram https://rebrand.ly/TelegramFrekt
    ‣ Twitch: https://rebrand.ly/twitchFrekt
    ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iosonofrekt
    ‣ Pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefrekt

    Altre cose di Frekt:-
    La sigla è di Stefano del podcast "AEW italian podcast".
    Per ascoltarlo -> https://www.spreaker.com/user/aewitalianpodcast
    oppure-> https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZXX5SQfFfD9HEcRiBS32M
    Pagina Instagram ->https://www.instagram.com/aewitalian/
    Pagina FB ->https://www.facebook.com/AEWItalianPodcast

    ► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Better Days"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLzv...
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Better Days" for free HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music by: LAKEY INSPIRED
    • SUBSCRIBE to the LAKEY INSPIRED YouTube channel HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy...
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/lakeyinspired/
    • Follow LAKEY INSPIRED on Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zDGj...
    • Support LAKEY INSPIRED on Patreon HERE - (Optional) https://www.patreon.com/lakeyinspired

    ►The Background Image Is From: https://unsplash.com.
    • Unsplash commercial use license: https://unsplash.com/license


    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video has been modified and adapted. The original music has been remixed/edited and converted into video format. This video was made to create artistic visuals for entertainment purposes to promote the music and original artist.

    ––– ♪♫ [NCM] -♫♪ –––

    • Follow NCM on Twitter HERE - https://goo.gl/VF8ggk
    • Follow NCM on Facebook HERE - https://goo.gl/aaTtyF
    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel or an artist that would like your music removed, please contact NCM @ (nocopyrightmusicarchive@gmail.com)

    No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download the all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    ––– ♪♫ Artists' Links ♫♪ –––

    ► Music Credits:
    ● Track Name: 'Childhood Imagination'
    ● Music By: Homie Cat
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Spotify HERE - https://open.spotify.com/artist/01eWi...
    ● Official "Homie Cat" SoundCloud HERE - https://soundcloud.com/homie-cat/
    ● Official "Homie Cat" Instagram HERE - https://www.instagram.com/homiecatbeats/
    ● DOWNLOAD @ https://www.chilloutmedia.com/download
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
    Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
    ● Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @

    ––– ♪♫ FREE DOWNLOAD ♫♪ –––

    ► Download "Childhood Imagination" for free HERE: https://www.chilloutmedia.com/

    ►The footage used in this video is licensed to Chill Out Records by: Digital Kite Aerial Photography & Videography. Check out more of their amazing work @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    • (C) Copyright Notice: This is FREE royalty free music that has been released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 4.0) license." Details about the license can be found HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

    - Disclaimer: The creative commons music featured in this video is original content being released under Chill Out Records LLC for use by other content creators in their own videos. You may use the music Chill Out Records shares but we kindly ask that you do not attempt to claim the music we publish as your own.

    ––– ♪♫ CHILL OUT RECORDS ♫♪ –––

    • If you're an artist who wants your music featured on the channel please visit www.chilloutmedia.com/submissions

    Chill Out Records - No Copyright Music is a YouTube channel dedicated to releasing almost daily uploads to help creators enhance the creativity and popularity of their content. You can download all of the songs featured on our channel for free, simply read the YouTube music video description to download the free music mp3. We hope you enjoy our FREE YouTube music library of royalty free music, copyright free music, no copyright music, non copyrighted music, and creative commons music for content creators to use in their YouTube videos. If your new to the channel, you can SUBSCRIBE to the Chill Out Records - NCM YouTube channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ic...

    [Non-Copyrighted Music] Chill Jazzy Lofi Hip Hop (Royalty Free) Jazz Hop Music

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