

    Explore " #season2" with insightful episodes like "S2 Ep. 1: Life Update and Mansion Madness!", "Al Burke ... Mr. Outrageous | People Junkie Podcast Season 2 Ep 2", "Season 2 recap", "Things Change, People Change, Feelings Change Too" and "Two Old Farts Making Noises #72, with Rolad Woods aka World Voice Guy Along with Kimchi Chick....." from podcasts like ""Friends Without Benefits", "People Junkie", "A_Slice_of_chisme", "Empathetic Black Hotties" and "Two Old Farts Making Noises"" and more!

    Episodes (24)

    S2 Ep. 1: Life Update and Mansion Madness!

    S2 Ep. 1: Life Update and Mansion Madness!

    Sunshine, laughter, and a touch of nostalgia - that's what we're serving up as we swing open the doors to Season 2, all from the splendor of an $18 million mansion in Fort Lauderdale. Dale and I decked to the nines in our Florida best, are back to inject your day with our signature comedic flair. And let's not forget our new producer, who's quickly learning that when we talk about locked doors and wardrobe choices, it's not just chatter – it's an invitation to join in on the fun. From celeb rider revelations to the enigmatic charm of Inside Out Oreos, we're zigzagging through topics with the ease of a pontoon on calm waters (some with topless gals waving hello), ready to reel you back into the fold of Friends Without Benefits.

    As we settle into luxurious patio furniture with a perfect view of the Intracoastal and lots of snacks, we're digging into some life updates to kick off the season. Dale, in a move that might divide the room, stands up for the underdog of confections: Raisinettes. Huge thanks to Courtney and the whole team at Fidelity Real Estate for letting us start the season at the gorgeous 74 Isla Bahia in Harbor Beach. Here's to laughter, unexpected confessions, and the sweet life of Friends Without Benefits.

    Contact Rachel Sobel:
    Website: www.whineandcheezits.com
    Facebook:  Whine and Cheez - its by Rachel Sobel   
    Instagram: @whineandcheezits
    TikTok: @rachel.sobel.writes

    Contact Dale Mclean:
    Website: dalethehost.com
    Instagram: @UptownDale

    Two Old Farts Making Noises #72, with Rolad Woods aka World Voice Guy Along with Kimchi Chick.....

    Two Old Farts Making Noises #72, with Rolad Woods aka World Voice Guy Along with Kimchi Chick.....

    Today we speak about KPOP, this should be entertaining.......Happy New Year!! First show of 2023 and season 2.

    And Welcome to season 2 of TOF.... hope you enjoy!!!

    And you can find us on Apple, Amazon or where ever you get your podcasts

    And this time , we discuss, #twooldfartsmakingnoises  #kpop #kimchichick #worldvoiceguy #bts #straykids #icon #blackpink #dpr #rachalpark #globalization #korea #squidgame #globalwarming #stans #season2 #happynewyear #2023 

    ======= Our Media====
    You can find all our podcasts ,shows  and merch at our website
    Two Old Farts website: https://2oldfarts.vip/

    Our Media

    Our Merch

    S02E10: Petra Eujane's Interview

    S02E10: Petra Eujane's Interview

    Petra Eujane is a mother of two, and an incredible individual who has continuously reinvented herself throughout her lifetime and three careers - first working as a dental nurse, then a teacher, and now a photographer.

    Petra's photography career initially began through her love for live music, and her passion and desire to capture something of the live music energy through a purely visual format.  Developing her use of photography by exploring new music in London's various gorgeous venues, she was also drawn to portraiture and location shoots. 

    Her photography packages Include location shoots, portrait sessions, live music events, social and formal events, and school sports and event photography.

    Petra is a member of the 'Photography Squad'. This is a group of photographers who work together to support businesses, individuals and charities to promote their brand, using photography and video.  They also deliver exciting and engaging workshops to nurture all levels of photographer. 

    Our Identity in Christ

    Our Identity in Christ

    We as humans often attach our identity to earthly associations.  For example, we might find our identity in our occupation.  But, to the Christian our identity is found in CHRIST JESUS.  GOD is the only ONE who can tell you your identity.  But even more so, a Christian's identity IS CHRIST JESUS.  The Christian has exchanged all that CHRIST is for all that he is.  When a believer realizes this, their walk is more profound and filled with more joy. 

    13      For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
    14      in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
    (Col 1:13–14)

    26      that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints,
    27      to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
    (Col 1:26–27)

    20      “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
    (Ga 2:20)

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    Hell, Fire and Brimstone - A Loving Judgement

    Hell, Fire and Brimstone - A Loving Judgement

    There is perhaps no other doctrine more difficult to grasp and reconcile than Hell.  People have a very difficult time trying to reconcile a finite person, committing finite sins, paying for those sins consciously for eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.  More than that it seems so difficult to reconcile a GOD who is love punishing people like that.

    In this episode, we look at how a loving GOD, who is love, can and will have those who reject HIS love pay for their sins in hell.  We will also look at one alternative to eternal suffering in hell called Annihilationism.  A very well known theologian, John Stott, is one of the first to put this alternative forward (We have included a link to his views here).  we examine the Scriptures if this view should truly be considered.

    What is important to remember is in Genesis when GOD said to Adam, on the day he would eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he (Adam) would surely die.  Most of the time when "death" is mentioned we think of physical life.  But there is also mental, emotional and spiritual death.  Understanding this helps to understand why hell is a place where GOD'S justice and holiness is carried out for those who reject HIM.  A good book to help work through this is called, "Biblical Teaching on the Doctrines of Heaven and Hell" by Edward Donnelly (a link for that book is also listed here).

    May the LORD JESUS give us all a deeper and more clear understanding of this essential doctrine.

              6      For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you,
              7      and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well awhen the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire,
              8      dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
              9      These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,
    (2 Thessalonians  1:6–9)

              9      Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
              10      he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
              11      “And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
    (Revelation 14:9–11)

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    S02E08: Lea Neuhoff's Interview

    S02E08: Lea Neuhoff's Interview

    Born and raised in Paris, Léa was first introduced to music at a very young age through her grandfather, a great music enthusiast himself, who encouraged her to pursue a music education in a music school. There, she was first introduced to classical and jazz and played the piano for over 15 years. Her natural curiosity led her to expand her musical taste to a very eclectic range of genres over the years: from blues to traditional jazz from New Orleans and Arabic music.

    At the age of 23, she moved to London to follow a career in
    the music industry and cut her teeth for over 5 years at PIAS, one of the
    leading independent labels. Four years later, she joined Islington Radio first
    as host and producer of her debut radio show Let The Good Times Roll, radio programmer and now Operations Director
    for Islington Media where she leads and supervises exciting creative

    Dealing with Disappointment

    Dealing with Disappointment

    Perhaps one topic everyone could use some help with is how to handle disappointment.  We all encounter it and for most we usually just try and bury the pain it causes.  GOD gives us direction, from HIS Word, on how to deal with disappointment. Join with us as we look within and discover how to handle disappointment.

    11      Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
    12      I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
    13      I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

    (Philippians 4:11–13)

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    Ain't nobody got time for that!

    Ain't nobody got time for that!

    GOD has compassion - for all HIS creation, especially HIS image bearers.  This episode we look at compassion through the eyes of GOD in the book of Jonah.  In the Book of Jonah we see the unfathomable depth of GOD'S compassion and at the same time examine how shallow are is.  This episode is a good heart check to see where you land in regards to how you value mankind and all of GOD'S creation.  Glory to GOD! Worthy is the LAMB!

    1      But it greatly displeased Jonah and he became angry.
    2      He prayed to the LORD and said, “Please LORD, was not this what I said while I was still in my own country? Therefore in order to forestall this I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity.
    3      “Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for death is better to me than life.”
    4      The LORD said, “Do you have good reason to be angry?”

    (Jonah 4:1–4)

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    S02E06: Amir Sharma's Interview

    S02E06: Amir Sharma's Interview

    Born in North-London to a Punjabi father and a mother from the midlands, Amir has always had a burning passion for music. Since the tender age of two, Amir has been an all-out music obsessive. Spending his formative years learning guitar, piano and drums, Amir has worked to become the complete musician. Amir crafts all his own melodies and lyrics,delivering them with his trademark funky vocal style. As an artist, he’s constantly writing and honing his craft. Combining accessible pop appeal with issues such as the search for good in bad, or how to move on when stuck, in love and life. His songwriting talents have lead to opportunities to work with work with Grammy winning producers in the United States and Europe and supported Gabrielle and played at Glastonbury 2019 for BBC introducing.

    Happy New Year!!!

    Happy New Year!!!

    To contact Kara, please visit her website by clicking here.

    To contact Cheri, please visit her website here.

    Click to learn more about HymnTalkTwinTalk.

    For comments, questions, or prayer requests, please send an email to cheeruppodcast at gmail dot com or visit us on:

    Twitter - @CheerPodcast

    Instagram - @cheeruppodcast

    Facebook - We have a Facebook Group! Search for Cheer UP! Podcast and we'd love it if you'd join us by clicking here.

    The Cheer UP! Podcast is available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Podchaser, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, and the Castbox apps as well as the Roku, Downcast, and Chromecast, devices.       

    Support the show

    Would you like to support the Cheer UP! Podcast? You can do so by clicking here

    Kara's website - click here.
    Cheri's website- here.
    Email - cheeruppodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram - @kararhunt
    Leave reviews on - Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Google Podcasts,

    S02E02: Neil Hinder's Interview

    S02E02: Neil Hinder's Interview

    Neil hinder is the founder of the Male Bereavement Support charity , the discerning dad caring community #TDDCC. The charity was founded as a platform where men can come and talk about their losses and be listened too. Going against the tradition of having to man up or just get on with it.⠀
     Neil Hinder lost his 3rd child, Saul, in 2019 .He was born with this rare genetic disorder called Cognitive Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) meaning he couldn’t breathe very well when he got tired or slept, he required plugging into a ventilator and would have always needed this treatment the rest of his life. 

    I AM ATHLETE (S2E37) | Best Moments Of Season 2

    I AM ATHLETE (S2E37) | Best Moments Of Season 2

    Looking back on Season 2, it's been a wild ride! Thank you for sticking with us and coming on this journey. It's been a lot of fun and we continue to learn as we expand always working hard to create real and impactful content while keeping it relatable. We love that you have laughed with us, cried with us and grown with us...Enjoy looking back at some of our favorite moments!

    With Season 2 of I Am Athlete wrapped, the platform will continue to feature special content on Mondays at noon throughout the summer until the new season launches in August!

    I AM ATHLETE is a thought provoking and in-depth podcast that offers multiple perspectives
    on subjects ranging from sports to controversial topics to fashion to lifestyle covering all cultural conversations and building a platform to educate but encourage viewers to engage.

    For I Am Athlete merchandise and apparel, visit www.HouseOfAthlete.com and for Chef Nancie's collection, visit www.ChefNancie.com.

    Is your Car ready for an Emergency Situation?

    Is your Car ready for an Emergency Situation?

    Car Safety : Emergency Supply kit for your car .
    Plan long trips carefully and listen to the radio or television for up-to-date weather forecasts and road conditions. In bad weather drive only if absolutely necessary.

    In case you are stranded, have your emergency supply kit in the car along with:
    * Jumper cables
    * Flares or reflective triangle
    * Ice scraper
    * Car cell phone charger
    * Blanket (We love these  https://amzn.to/37SpMAx )
    * Map
    * Cat litter or sand (for better tire traction)
    Prepare Your Car for Emergencies
    Having a AAA membership not only helps with travel plans and travel discounts, but also helps you when you are stranded on the road. 
    Have a mechanic check the following on your car before an emergency:
    * Antifreeze levels
    * Battery and ignition system
    * Brakes
    * Exhaust system
    * Fuel and air filters
    * Heater and defroster
    * Lights and flashing hazard lights
    * Oil
    * Thermostat
    * Windshield wiper equipment and washer fluid level
    Car Safety Tips
    * Keep your gas tank full in case of evacuation or power outages. A full tank will also keep the fuel line from freezing.
    * Install good winter tires and make sure they have enough tread, or any chains or studs required in your local area.
    * Do not drive through flooded areas. Six inches of water can cause a vehicle to lose control or possibly stall. A foot of water will float many cars.
    * Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
    * If a power line falls on your car you are at risk of electrical shock. Stay inside until a trained person removes the wire.
    * If it becomes hard to control the car, pull over, stop the car and set the parking brake.
    * If the emergency could affect the stability of the roadway avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards.

    Thanks for your ongoing support!
    Alexa and Rory
    The ROAMies
    Please subscribe, rate and share our podcast!
    Follow us at:
    The ROAMies: Facebook and Instagram
    YouTube and Twitter.
    GET YOUR TCHIBO coffee and machine HERE!

    What to Pack and How to Prepare for an Evacuation

    What to Pack and How to Prepare for an Evacuation

      **Your Disaster supplies Kit that we covered on our previous episode:
    Evacuations are actually more common than most would imagine. Several months ago, Rory’s family had to evacuate for Hurricane Laura, we had huge fires in California and Oregon which caused lots of evacuations, and those events were what really inspired us to start this little mini-series on what to pack for EMERGENCY on -the-go. So whether its a because of a chemical leak from a nearby industrial accident, bad weather or any other circumstance where you and your family feel threatened or endangered, you might need to leave your home, school, or workplace to avoid danger.  In some cases, you may have a day or two to prepare while other situations might call for an immediate evacuation. Planning is vital to making sure that you can evacuate quickly and safely no matter what the circumstances. And we all like to think, “well, this won’t happen to me.” And hopefully it won’t. But be advised, that the prep you do now for an emergency (besides potentially saving a life and/or making a horrific situation less horrific), will only help you in your travels. There are so many similarities because in both cases, planned travel verses evacuation, you’re still packing and you’re leaving your home. So the work you do now -especially during quarantine when you have extra time at home, it’s the perfect time to take care of yourself and your family. Hopefully you’ll never have to evacuate, but you will have the peace of mind of feeling prepared and develop skills and the tools that enable you to have the travel and on-the-go lifestyle you want to have.
    So here’s what to have on hand at work, car and home:
    Before an Evacuation
    Learn the types of disasters that are likely in your community and the local emergency, evacuation and shelter plans for each specific disaster.
    Plan how you will leave and where you will go if you are advised to evacuate.
    Identify several places you could go in an emergency such as a friend’s home in another town or a motel. Choose destinations in different directions so that you have options during an emergency.  If needed, identify a place to stay that will accept pets. Most public shelters allow only service animals.
    Check with local officials about what shelter spaces are available for this year.  Coronavirus may have altered your community’s plans. If you evacuate to a community shelter, follow the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for protecting yourself and your family from possible coronavirus: people over 2-years-old should use a cloth facial covering while at these facilities.
    Be prepared to take cleaning items with you like masks, soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes or general household cleaning supplies to disinfect surfaces.
    Maintain at least 6 feet of space betwee

    Thanks for your ongoing support!
    Alexa and Rory
    The ROAMies
    Please subscribe, rate and share our podcast!
    Follow us at:
    The ROAMies: Facebook and Instagram
    YouTube and Twitter.
    GET YOUR TCHIBO coffee and machine HERE!