
    sh1ft fitness

    Explore " sh1ft fitness" with insightful episodes like "Having the Confidence to be Unique with Ellen de Werd", "The Year of 'AND' w/ Shannon Fable", "Understand Your Value: The 5 Things Every Instructor Must Know", "Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Growing Your Audience with The Martinez Brothers" and "3 Key Predictions for Group Fitness in 2021...And How to Capitalise on Them" from podcasts like ""Group Fitness Real Talk", "Group Fitness Real Talk", "Group Fitness Real Talk", "Group Fitness Real Talk" and "Group Fitness Real Talk"" and more!

    Episodes (61)

    Having the Confidence to be Unique with Ellen de Werd

    Having the Confidence to be Unique with Ellen de Werd

    Do you often worry about what people think of you? Or been concerned people might judge you for a certain aspect of your life or your body image? 

    These are all difficult, but common things for humans to feel, and they can be even more exaggerated for us as Group Fitness Instructors, as by nature of our jobs, we are putting ourselves in front of people every day, and that can make us feel very vulnerable. 

    Today on the show, I’m speaking to Ellen de Werd, former Beachbody Master Trainer, and creator of the Warrior Method. Ellen opens up very honestly about how she got into fitness, the struggles she had to overcome and also her constant friction between becoming comfortable in her skin and worrying that others would judge her for her decisions. 

    Ellen has had some challenging moments and has gone through an amazing personal journey to get to where she is today. But what is really inspiring about Ellen's story, is that by allowing herself to free her mind from the worry of others judgement, she was able to become the person she wanted to be, and in doing so, has created a life and fitness career where she feels truly happy and fulfilled.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Year of 'AND' w/ Shannon Fable

    The Year of 'AND' w/ Shannon Fable

    2021 is the year of ‘and’...but what does that mean? Well, here to explain more, is this week's podcast guest Shannon Fable. Shannon has been IDEA ACE Instructor of the Year and has spent more than two decades helping impressive brands such as Anytime Fitness, Schwinn and Bosu fitness business and programming consultant. She has a lot of expertise to share and I was super excited to have her on the podcast this week.

    So what does the year of ‘and’ actually mean? Shannon explains this further and also how she believes the key to success in fitness this year is having a cooperative and collaborative mindset. If we all stop competing and comparing ourselves to one another and instead work together we can achieve not only individual success but also the collective goal of getting as many people as possible active - which we can all agree is the reason most of us love what we do! 

    Shannon provides some awesome actionable tips on how you can open your mind to the opportunities in the fitness industry and ensure you play a pivotal role in the fitness journey of your class goers. 

    It’s a great talk and I really hope you love it... 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Understand Your Value: The 5 Things Every Instructor Must Know

    Understand Your Value: The 5 Things Every Instructor Must Know

    Are you making smart decisions today that will set you up for the next 5, 10 or 20 years? When we are go, go, go it’s very easy to get caught in the moment, but now, more than ever, it's really important to take the time out to sit back and reflect on where you are at and where you want to be in future. 

    Today on the podcast, I’m excited to welcome Barbara Brodowsky. Barb has dealt with some big career and life changes in the last couple of years, including losing her ‘dream job’ that have challenged her and really forced her to think about what is most important to her. And today, she’s here to share all of her wisdom with you! 

    Barb’s got five very wise tips that will help you to ensure you are getting the most out of your current role but that will also help you to future-proof your career and carve out the future YOU want. I guarantee there is something in here to help everyone! 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Growing Your Audience with The Martinez Brothers

    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Growing Your Audience with The Martinez Brothers

    Have you managed to make it through 2020 but feel like you are just holding on? Maybe you’re feeling a bit lost or unmotivated about how to grow your Group Fitness Business in 2021. Or are you rearing to go and looking for some tips that will help you in your journey?

    No matter how you are feeling right now, today’s episode should prove useful. My guests today are brothers abd business parnters Chris and X Martinez - these guys have a great story. Their background is as PTs, but they have since launched a coaching business for fitness professionals. They have gone on to help 1,000s of fit pros build their own successful and businesses and they are here on the podcast today with their top tips for success. 

    We cover everything from self-limiting beliefs and re-framing your mindset, to more practical tips like how to price your offering and how to win more clients. 

    Definitely worth having a pen and paper handy as you’ll want to write some of these tips down!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    3 Key Predictions for Group Fitness in 2021...And How to Capitalise on Them

    3 Key Predictions for Group Fitness in 2021...And How to Capitalise on Them

    In the fitness industry of 2020, just staying afloat was an achievement in itself. But as we move into 2021 with hope of a more optimistic future, now is a great time to focus on the changes that have happened and how they have altered the fitness industry forever. So how do we try to get back to a place where we all feel a bit more comfortable and what exactly will this new normal look like this year? 

    In this podcast, Will is sharing three key predictions, as well as some actionable tips to ensure you maximize these opportunities to your advantage.

    Enjoy this solo episode with Will!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Real Talk with a Beachbody Supertrainer w/ Joel Freeman

    Real Talk with a Beachbody Supertrainer w/ Joel Freeman

    I was so excited to have Joel Freeman on the podcast this week! Joel is a Beachbody Super trainer, a Group Fitness legend and an all round great guy! 

    Joel has the dream job that many Group Fitness Instructors would love - but it wasn’t pure chance or luck that got him there. Today Joel and I discuss how he went from working the graveyard shift on reception at a local gym to being a Group Fitness Superstar. There was a lot of hard work, grafting and perseverance along the way and Joel also has some great tips to share and some brilliant insight into a day in the life of a super trainer! 

    Joel and I also touch on another issue that’s really important, and one we covered in depth in episode 5 of the podcast and that’s body image. From talking to Joel, and also from my own experiences and struggles with body image, what our conversation reiterates is that it doesn’t matter whether you are in a smaller, bigger, rounder or leaner body - body image issues can affect everyone - even those you least expect. 

    Enjoy my conversation with Joel! 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    From Group Fitness Instructor to Gym Owner & New Mother (During A Pandemic)

    From Group Fitness Instructor to Gym Owner & New Mother (During A Pandemic)

    Imagine having your first baby, opening your first fitness business and dealing with a global pandemic all within the space of a few weeks. This was the reality back in March for today’s podcast guest, Kate Slee.   

    In today’s episode, we talk about what it’s like to start your own fitness studio, dealing with finding out you are going into lockdown on the day that studio is due to open and finally - fitness whilst pregnant and with a newborn. Kate is a self-proclaimed fitness addict, so for anyone who has been through or is considering a pregnancy, Kate shares some brilliant lessons she learnt through the process and how her relationship with fitness has changed because of it.  

    Kate doesn’t do things by halves and her ambition, drive and optimism is truly inspirational.  

    I hope you enjoy my chat with Kate! 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Music in Fitness Classes - Why All The Rules?

    Music in Fitness Classes - Why All The Rules?

    Music is a topic that I get asked about A LOT from Instructors. It’s always been a complex topic, but with the rise of teaching virtually this year, everything Instructors thought they knew about music rights was flipped on its head. And that’s exactly why today's podcast episode is dedicated to the subject.

    Today’s guest is Denise Imbesi, CEO and Founder of Muscle Mixes Music. Denise got into the music side of fitness back in the 80s - when people still used vinyl to teach a class! We chat about what life was like for a fitness Instructor back then, as well as everything an Instructor needs to know about music rights and restrictions in 2020.

    We unpack the subjects of music rights, licenses and the key differences between teaching live and virtually. If you teach Group Fitness to music - particularly online, then this is well worth a listen.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Learning from UK's Biggest Gym Chain

    Learning from UK's Biggest Gym Chain

    How does the UK's biggest gym chain approach Group Fitness? What are the differences between low cost Group Fitness and the rest of the market? 

    In this week's podcast, I’m talking to Dave Cross, Group Fitness Manager for Pure Gym, the UK's biggest gym chain. We talk about how they approach programming, being a low cost provider, what formats they focus on and how they empower their staff to teach Group Fitness. And finally, we touch on how they pivoted when lockdown hit - and I think Dave’s approach to this is up there with the best I’ve seen from anyone! 

    This is the first time we’ve looked into the low-cost segment of the market, which makes up a HUGE portion of fitness. It’s a really interesting perspective, and, if you’re a very experienced Instructor, quite different to what you might be used to. Enjoy the episode!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Future of Fitness w/ Emma Barry

    The Future of Fitness w/ Emma Barry

    2020 has seen huge upheaval of our lives and many of the past podcast episodes have centered around supporting Instructors during this very difficult time. But today I wanted to flash forward to the future, to a time when COVID is a distant memory and ask - what will the fitness industry look like in 3 years time? 

    To help answer that question is today's podcast guest and good friend - Emma Barry. Emma has her finger on the pulse of the fitness industry like no one else I know and she’s my go to person for chats on innovation and future trends! 

    Our conversation touches on a number of topics from hot new fitness trends, to creating connection, to the dangers of technology and what to watch out for. Now you could look at technological advances in fitness as a threat to your Instructor career. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not. I want you to go into this conversation with an open and curious mind, because the world is changing and those of us that can embrace these changes and find creative ways to incorporate them into what we love, are the ones that will continue to thrive in the future on fitness. 

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Studio Fitness in Your 50s with Tracy Minnoch

    Studio Fitness in Your 50s with Tracy Minnoch

    What’s it like working in the fitness industry in your 50s? How do you set up and run a successful fitness studio? What makes an incredible studio experience? These were some of the many topics covered in this week’s podcast with guest Tracy. 

    Tracy is an incredibly successful boutique fitness owner in Asia and she was full of great tips and inspiration for those running their own fitness business. Plus, if you’re a spin instructor, she’s got some great ideas on how to create an awesome spin experience. 

    Tracy also talks about her experience working at Les Mills, training Instructors around the world and the fitness Industry in Asia. 

    Finally Tracy talks about how her view on the Industry is different now that she’s in her 50s compared to 30 years ago and also gives us some awesome advice on how to stay at the top of your game, no matter how long you’ve been around. 

    I think there is something for everyone in this interview - so I hope you enjoy it!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Impact of Apple Fitness+, Coping with Lockdown 2.0 & More with Will Brereton

    The Impact of Apple Fitness+, Coping with Lockdown 2.0 & More with Will Brereton

    In the last few weeks, we've been focused on bringing you some great interviews with people from in and out of fitness, giving you insights into how they're dealing with the challenges that this year is throwing at them. 

    This week, we’re throwing it over to the listeners and I’m answering some of the biggest questions I’ve been asked recently by you - our podcast listeners. I’ll be covering my thoughts on how Apple Fitness+ will impact the fitness industry, how to build a digital community, coping with toxic gym culture and more!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    5 Pro Tips For Creating Better Virtual Classes w/ Richard Playfair

    5 Pro Tips For Creating Better Virtual Classes w/ Richard Playfair

    How do you deliver a super professional virtual class? This is a question Will gets asked a lot, so rather than fielding this one, we wanted to invite SH1FT Fitness Video Producer and owner of Sweatlife Films, Richard Playfair, onto the podcast. 

    Now if you’re just starting with digital and feeling a bit overwhelmed, then this isn’t the podcast for you. We’d recommend going back and listening to episode 2 first and then coming back to this once you’ve got your head around the basics. But if you’re running comfortably with digital and looking for a few ways to improve your production, then Richard’s here with five great quick wins that you can implement today and see immediate improvements. 

    Today’s podcast is a shorter episode because we wanted to keep the tips quick and simple to action! 

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    The Secret to Longevity as a Group Fitness Instructor w/ Les Mills legend Bevan James Eyles

    The Secret to Longevity as a Group Fitness Instructor w/  Les Mills legend Bevan James Eyles

    What’s the secret to longevity as a Group Fitness Instructor? That’s the million dollar question - and if anyone’s going to be able to answer it, it’s this weeks podcast guest Bevan James Eyles. Bevan is a really good friend and was one of my biggest role models when I came into Group Fitness. 

    Bevan has been a world leading Instructor for a LONG time and one of the things I love most about him is he still has just as much passion and gets just as much joy out of teaching today as he did 20 years ago when I met him.

    So what’s his secret? Today Bevan is going to talk you through how he sees the Group Fitness Industry right now and what he thinks is the single most important thing you need to be doing to succeed. But he also gives some amazing advice on what you can do right now, to ensure you are still getting joy out of teaching for many years to come.  

    Whether you’ve been teaching for decades, or you’re just starting your Group Fitness career, Bevan has sooo much wisdom to impart - so let’s get to the episode.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Digital Fitness: Pricing, Packaging and Platform

    Digital Fitness: Pricing, Packaging and Platform

    We’ve all been thrown into teaching virtually this year and for, I would say, 99% of Instructors, this has been a MASSIVE learning curve. Trying to figure out the audio, the staging, the platform, the booking system, the payment provider. It’s been a lot to learn in a very short amount of time. 

    I’ve had a lot of Instructors asking for advice on how to simplify virtual and so I wanted to bring Kal from Onpodio onto the podcast. Onpodio provides a full-service product for Instructors that facilitates the running of live and virtual classes. Onpodio is one of a number of different providers available to Instructors that take all of the complication out of virtual and, if you’re struggling with trying to manage a million different elements of the virtual process, then I’d highly recommend considering this type of approach. 

    In the first 15 mins of our chat, we talk about the platform, so if you’re looking for a better digital solution then listen in. But if you’re already pretty happy with your digital delivery, then you can skip ahead 15 mins to the really juicy stuff. This is where we discuss some of the trends that have emerged in digital in 2020 and Kal also talks about how to set your class pricing (which I know is a very hot topic) and also manage your membership packages. There are some great nuggets of advice which I’m sure will be helpful no matter what stage you are in the digital journey.

    Links from the episode:

    Mindset 101: The Key To A Happier Life w/ Sacha Coburn

    Mindset 101: The Key To A Happier Life w/ Sacha Coburn

    We can all agree that this year has not been anything like we expected - 2020 has really challenged us all. Today I’m interviewing Sacha Coburn. Sacha is a wise giver of wisdom, outspoken and kind 

    Sacha has a wealth of knowledge and advice and we talk about a lot of things in today’s podcast. But what stood out to me most, was mindset. She talks about two mindset holes that people get stuck in; the negativity space and the ‘hope for a miracle’ space. Both of which have their own problems. 

    She also talks about how to turn those mindsets into views that are much more productive and healthy and she gives you actionable tips on how to do so. Sacha really challenged me to look hard at my own behaviors this year, and to reframe my views on some of the challenges I’ve been faced with. I encourage you to listen to this episode with an open mind and to really honestly evaluate yourself and how you have approached situations this year.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    How To Create A Healthy Relationship with Social Media

    How To Create A Healthy Relationship with Social Media

    Have you found that your relationship with social media has changed since COVID? As a fitness instructor, social media is a necessary tool for building your profile, now more than ever. It’s benefits can be hugely positive, but it can also quickly have a negative or even toxic impact on your life.  In today’s episode, I’m interviewing my good friend Danielle Natoni, former Format Expert for INSANITY LIVE and a person I have often looked to for inspiration when thinking about social media. In this episode, Danielle talks frankly about the reframing of her relationship with social media since COVID, and how to find the right balance between building your business and sharing with your community, and taking care of yourself in an environment that has its downsides.

    There are some great takeaways in this episode to help you to formulate the best way to approach building your brand with confidence and in a way that brings you joy and allows you to share that with the world.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    ‘You're too fat’ and other BS that has no place in Group Fitness

    ‘You're too fat’ and other BS that has no place in Group Fitness

    Have you ever felt pressured by the fitness industry to to look a certain way? Unrealistic stereotypes of what a fitness professional should be - around body type, age, skin colour or physical ability - is something that many, if not most of us have struggled with. Today on the show we are talking to my good friend Vanessa Labort about a her career, and her particular experience of working in an industry where body image is sadly often more important than the skills and talent you bring to the table. 

    This is a must listen episode for every instructor whether you have experienced this personally or not because we all have a responsibility as an industry to be more inclusive of diverse bodies - the more inclusive we are, the bigger opportunity we have to improve the lives of the people in our community!

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Vanessa’s Facebook and Instagram

    Brands Vanessa loves: Lululemon and Nike

    The Foundry

    Laura Hoggins

    Peloton Bike

    Will’s Facebook, Instagram and Email Address

    SH1FT Fitness Website

    Turning a Pandemic into an Opportunity | A How-To Guide

    Turning a Pandemic into an Opportunity  | A How-To Guide

    Group Fitness Instructors all around the world have been put in a difficult position in 2020, we’ve all been either forced to shut up shop indefinitely, or move to teaching virtually - a situation that was uncomfortable and way out of most Instructors comfort zones. 

    Today I’m interviewing two Instructors and friends Jen and AJ who both jumped into teaching virtually after COVID hit. They each have very different teaching backgrounds and strategies for virtual - but both are absolutely killing it! This episode is jam packed full of inspiration, and guidance to help you succeed in the virtual Group Fitness world. 

    We’ve also created a great downloadable guide for this episode which gives you the top tips that Jen and AJ share in the episode and well as further details on their virtual set up and equipment recommendations. Check out the below for your copy.

    Links mentioned in the episode:


    Jen’s Instagram

    Take class virtually with Jen here

    AJ’s Instagram & Website

    Register for AJ’s classes here

    Will’s Facebook, Instagram and Email Address

    Les Mills Life & Uncovering your Instructor Superpower

    Les Mills Life & Uncovering your Instructor Superpower

    What’s it really like at the top of the Group Fitness Industry? Today I interview Susan Renata as she takes us behind the scenes at Les Mills and shares an insiders look at what it’s like to work for the biggest group fitness brand in the world. In true Susan style, expect a lot of real talk including the ups, the downs and the lessons Susan has learnt across her Group Fitness career. 

    Plus, checkout the show notes for an amazing free worksheet - ‘Finding your unique strength as an Instructor’ it’s a super valuable exercise that every Group Fitness Instructor should do!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    FREE DOWNLOAD: Finding your Unique Strength as an Instructor

    Susan’s Instagram

    Susan’s Facebook

    Will’s Facebook, Instagram and Email Address

    SH1FT Fitness Website

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