

    Explore "shiraz" with insightful episodes like "72: Cheers to Australia! – So schmeckt Wein aus Down Under", "Episode 204: The Baha'i Faith [Part 2] with Steve Matthews and James Walker", "Episode 203: The Baha'i Faith [Part 1] with Steve Matthews and James Walker", "Pause Stop Reset from Pain to Letting Go and Resetting with Shiraz Baboo" and "Red Wine Blends" from podcasts like ""Cheers! Der Weinpodcast mit Lou", "Apologetics Profile", "Apologetics Profile", "PauseStopReset" and "Connoisseurs Corner With Jordan Rich"" and more!

    Episodes (35)

    72: Cheers to Australia! – So schmeckt Wein aus Down Under

    72: Cheers to Australia! – So schmeckt Wein aus Down Under
    Bei Australien denken viele vermutlich an atemberaubende Natur und Kängurus – aber dass der Kontinent auch zu den bedeutendsten Weinanbaugebieten der Welt gehört, gilt aktuell noch eher als Insider! Damit sich das ändert, nehmen wir Dich mit auf eine vinophile Rundreise von den filigranen Schaumweinen aus Tasmanien bis hin zu den knackigen Rieslingen im Clare Valley. Denn was viele auch nicht wissen: Australien hat viel mehr im Fass als nur opulent-würzigen Shiraz. Wein der Woche: OverSeas Chardonnay Australien https://bit.ly/3qxcplr Dieser trocken ausgebaute Weißwein aus dem Südosten Australiens gilt als perfekter Chardonnay für den Einstieg! Im Glas überzeugt er durch feinfruchtige Aromen und eine dezente Holznote, eine lebendige Säurestruktur rundet das Geschmackserlebnis ab. Schmeckt hervorragend zu hellem Fleisch und Salat. Frage der Woche: Lou, kannst Du Apps zum Thema Wein empfehlen? Vinous Delectable Vivino Hello Vino Preferabli Genau das Richtige für Deine Weinprobe und zum Üben von Verkostungen: Das Cheers! Aromarad https://www.edeka.de/services/edeka-medien/cheers-podcast/index.jsp Lust auf den perfekten Weinmoment? Mit den Cheers! Weinplaylisten findest Du tolle Musik zu jeder Flasche Wein https://open.spotify.com/user/31umv65e2qkqtw3xamou2qwcoska Möchtest Du uns eine Frage stellen, etwas loswerden oder ein Thema vorschlagen? Dann schreib uns gerne an cheers@edeka.de. Wir freuen uns, von Dir zu hören – Cheers! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findest Du unter edeka.de/cheers. Besuche uns auch gerne auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheers_weinpodcast/

    Episode 204: The Baha'i Faith [Part 2] with Steve Matthews and James Walker

    Episode 204: The  Baha'i Faith [Part 2] with Steve Matthews and James Walker

    204 The  Baha'i Faith [Part 2] with Steve Matthews and James Walker

    Jesus once asked His disciples who they thought He was. Rightly did Peter confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Such a confession was not revealed to Peter by flesh and blood, but by the Father, as Jesus told Him. 

    There are adherents of the Bahai'i Faith, an offshoot of Shiite Islam that began in 1844, who claim they follow the teachings of Jesus too. There are some 8,000 Baha'i centers of worship in the U.S. and many Americans adhere to the Baha'i faith. But who do the Baha'i say that Jesus is? Is he the same Jesus of the Bible? This week on the Profile we continue our conversation with counter-cult apologist Steve Matthews, who continues to unpack the syncretistic and contrary doctrines and practices of the Baha'i faith. 

    Steve Matthews
      is a Christian countercult apologist who is not only passionate about researching the more established cults, but also in responding to the newer emerging groups as well. He has his M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Trinity International University and is involved in launching ExaminingTheCults.

    Related Links: Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

    Additional Resources
    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Episode 203: The Baha'i Faith [Part 1] with Steve Matthews and James Walker

    Episode 203: The Baha'i Faith [Part 1] with Steve Matthews and James Walker

    You have probably seen the bumper sticker "COEXIST" made up of several different symbols representing different belief systems and religions. But that bumper sticker is a command, an imperative. The fundamental question about that bumper sticker is "Who is issuing this command?" 

    The Baha'i Faith
    is no exception to this inclusivism. They attempt to affirm that other religions are valid revelations of God and even ascribe to some of the teachings of Jesus. But this inclusivism is not really inclusive, as the only proper interpretation of the world's religions is given through the ultimate authority of the Baha'i faith, Baha’u’llah, who died in 1892. 

    This week James Walker, the president of Watchman Fellowship, speaks with counter-cult apologist Steve Matthews who gives us an in-depth analysis of the Baha'i faith and why their doctrines of inclusivism and of Jesus are both contradictory and in error. 

    Steve Matthews
      is a Christian countercult apologist who is not only passionate about researching the more established cults, but also in responding to the newer emerging groups as well. He has his M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Trinity International University and is involved in launching ExaminingTheCults.

    Related Links: Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

    Additional Resources
    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Pause Stop Reset from Pain to Letting Go and Resetting with Shiraz Baboo

    Pause Stop Reset from Pain to Letting Go and Resetting with Shiraz Baboo

    In this episode Simon introduces you to Shiraz Baboo, who shares his journey from arthritis and pain, to learning how to really reset thanks to a great guide who helped him reset his story.

    Shiraz comes with a strong science background and a personal experience of the real results from ontology.

    He has a strong frame for how the mind creates our world and he shares this and more during the show.

    Learn more about Shiraz at www.energeticmagic.com


    This host and creator of this podcast is Simon Hedley. Building on his strong background in banking, business & strategy he’s passionate about learning, sharing, and making the difference to people and projects. As “Strategic Alchemist” he’s been the secret weapon of many well-known leaders, founders and thought leaders for over two decades.

    You can learn more about Simon at www.SimonHedley.com ,  connect and follow him on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/mrsimonhedley ,  Twitter.com/simonhedley or www.Instagram.com/thesimonhedley, and you can book a consulting call with him at book.simonhedley.com

    Remember at www.PauseStopReset.com you can find out more about Pause Stop Reset, how to access The Podcast Portal and get more resources to help you on your journey including the Journal and Book.

    Simon's new book is called Chaos To Clarity .. learn more at www.ChaosToClarity.com 

    Pause Stop Reset is published by www.TheSimpleIdea.com and for any queries, questions, opportunities or suggestions get in with the team via help@thesimpleidea.com.

    19: Syrah oder Shiraz? – Eine Rebsorte, zwei Gesichter

    19: Syrah oder Shiraz? – Eine Rebsorte, zwei Gesichter
    Lou nimmt dich in dieser Episode mit in das historische und weltberühmte Weinanbaugebiet der nördlichen Rhône. Dort liegt das Zuhause der roten Rebsorte Syrah – in der neuen Welt besser bekannt als Shiraz. Bei den beiden Begriffen handelt es sich aber nicht nur um bloße Synonyme. Es können damit auch durchaus Unterschiede definiert werden. Welche, das erzählt dir Lou in dieser Folge. Wein der Woche: Overseas Shiraz Australien https://bit.ly/3gvfmhg Typische Nase, die einen an Waldfrüchte wie Blaubeeren, Johannisbeeren und Erdbeeren sowie gehackte Vollmilch Schokolade und grünen Pfeffer erinnern lässt. Im Geschmack überzeugt dieser Shiraz aus dem Süden Australiens mit seinem warm-würzigen Charakter. Tipp: leicht gekühlt servieren! Frage der Woche: Was meint "Doppio Passo" auf dem Weinetikett? Bei einem Primitivo aus Apulien sieht man oft den Zusatz „Doppio Passo“ auf dem Weinetikett. Doppio Passo steht dabei für traditionelles Herstellungsverfahren aus Apulien. Die Trauben werden in zwei Lesedurchgängen geerntet. Die Trauben des zweiten Lesedurchgangs hängen dabei wesentlich länger am Stock als die Trauben des ersten Lesedurchgangs. Bedingt durch die längere Reifezeit am Stock beziehungsweise an der Rebe konzentrieren sich auf natürliche Weise die Inhaltsstoffe der Beeren. Die Trauben aus dem ersten und aus dem zweiten Lesedurchgang werden anschließend gemeinsam verarbeitet. Das Resultat ist ein in Geruch und Geschmack intensiver, weicher und fruchtbetonter Rotwein. Genau das Richtige für Deine Weinprobe und zum Üben von Verkostungen: Das Cheers! Aromarad https://www.edeka.de/services/edeka-medien/cheers-podcast/index.jsp Lust auf den perfekten Weinmoment? Mit den Cheers! Weinplaylisten findest Du tolle Musik zu jeder Flasche Wein: https://open.spotify.com/user/31umv65e2qkqtw3xamou2qwcoska Möchtest Du uns eine Frage stellen, etwas loswerden oder ein Thema vorschlagen? Dann schreib uns gerne an cheers@edeka.de. Wir freuen uns, von Dir zu hören – Cheers! Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findest Du unter edeka.de/cheers. Besuche uns auch gerne auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheers_weinpodcast/

    (2.4) Leadership: The Next Generation

    (2.4) Leadership: The Next Generation

    Two middle aged guys harping on about leadership may be interesting to some, but clearly that is never going to be enough. If Leadership Practice is in any way forward looking, surely we need to look to those who are nipping at our heels. What do today's youth think of Leadership? What do they expect of those who claim to lead? And how do they aspire to practice leadership that speaks to their generation and beyond?

    In this episode Paul & KG are joined by Paige, Cal, Hugh and Rosa. They are a breath of fresh air, bringing the conversation into sharp focus around their understanding, expectations and aspirations on the topic of Leadership with incredible intelligence, clarity, focus and a huge dose of hope.

    The wine for this conversation is a juicy, fruit-driven 2017 Langhorne Creek, McLaren Vale Shiraz, sourced from Naked Wines.   Sláinte!

    We'd love to hear what you thought of this conversation. Please let us know through either of the options below.

    Please reach out on askus@leadershipdecanted.com or visit us at www.leadershipdecanted.com

    Disagree or agree with anything we've said? How wrong are we?!? Are there any leadership topics you'd like us to discuss (or perhaps other books or podcasts that might set us straight!)? Maybe you'd like to recommend a favourite wine!

    Whatever tickles your fancy, we'd love to hear from you!!

    Links & Resources from this conversation:

    1. Naked Wines
    2. The Prince (Niccolò Machiavelli)

    Episode 44 - Sarah Pidgeon - Wynns Coonawarra

    Episode 44 - Sarah Pidgeon - Wynns Coonawarra

    Sarah Pidgeon - Wynns Coonawarra

    In this episode, I was talking with Sarah Pidgeon, assistant wine maker at Wynns, the historic Coonawarra Estate. We discussed her route into winemaking, What makes Coonawarra so unique and suitable to produce great Cabernet Sauvignon (and Shiraz!).

    Her line of wine under the V&A Lane label, the threat of global warming, whether other varieties can be introduced into Coonawarra, how their wines age over time and what she will be happy to drink on a desert island.


    EP133 國際希哈日了解 Syrah 轉換 Shriaz 的趣聞小故事

    EP133   國際希哈日了解 Syrah 轉換 Shriaz 的趣聞小故事
    唷唷 ~ 下週三 2/16 ,是國際希哈日,是希哈,不是嘻哈~愛喝酒的人要找藉口的International Syrah Day,就來跟大家聊聊Syrah 如何轉換成 Shriaz 的?聽哈林說,Check out~ #SyrahDay #Syrah #Shiraz #InternationalSyrahDay #哈林說 #wine #葡萄酒 #葡萄酒節日 #節慶 很歡迎大家的支持,請我喝一杯的( 威士忌/葡萄酒/咖啡), 下次播出時,我會跟大家說誰請我們喝哪一杯了….. ^^ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d4e0f6d1-aca5-4885-ac96-c1041dd25d60

    Iran: Mystery, History, Persian Delights

    Iran: Mystery, History, Persian Delights

    Iran is one of the great destinations of the world, but many travelers are hesitant to go. After listening to Pattie Ehsaei, born and raised in Iran, you'll want to, soon. She describes her birth-country's beauty, history and culture in cities including Tehran, Esfahan, Persepolis and Shiraz. She tells of castles, mosques, ziggurats, lagoons, islands, beaches, scenic mountain roads, and ancient pigeon towers.

    Pattie came to the U.S. when she was seven, on the last plane out, in the Iranian Revolution. Pattie and Lea discuss the expat community of Persians in the U.S. and  what travelers need to do in terms of visas and such.

    Besides the sites, Pattie reflects on family gatherings in Iran, the food and drink, and friendliness of the people.

    She ends, as all our episodes do,  with a favorite travel memory.  And we end knowing so much more of what makes Iran an exceptional country to visit.
    Born in Iran, Pattie Ehsaei (TikTok: “duchessofdecorum”),has established herself as the expert of “P’s and Q’s” on the platform where she's received over 1.8 million likes and nearly a half million followers as she teaches social and workplace etiquette, along with financial literacy. A lawyer by trade and currently a Senior Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions lending for a major national bank, she believes that success comes from information and empowerment.
    Podcast host Lea Lane blogs at forbes.com, has traveled to over 100 countries, written nine books, including Places I Remember, and contributed to guidebooks. She's @lealane on Twitter; PlacesIRememberLeaLane on Insta; on  Facebook, it's Places I Remember with Lea Lane. Website: placesirememberlealane.comPlease follow, rate and review this award-winning travel podcast!

    And exciting news! In 2022  we'll be dropping podcasts bi-weekly, on Tuesdays. Every other week, starting mid- February, we'll be on YouTube with travel tips and trips. Now you can watch us one week and listen the next!

    Pepper flavour in wine- what's going on in the vineyard?

    Pepper flavour in wine- what's going on in the vineyard?
    Sheridan Barter grew up in the Barossa with strong ties to the wine industry. After studying forensic and analytical chemistry, she turned back to her wine roots by joining the research team at the AWRI. Sheridan chatted to Drew about her work investigating how pepper character in red wine forms in grapes in the vineyard.



    Website: www.awri.com.au

    Subscribe to our newsletters: www.awri.com.au/subscribe

    Episode 26: S2_E26_The story of ant and bee _ داستــان زنبور و مورچه

    Episode 26: S2_E26_The story of ant and bee _ داستــان زنبور و مورچه
    شاپرك ، پادكست داستانهاى بزرگ و كوچك از مجموعه داستانهای هزارویک شب- داستان زنبور و مورچه ـ برگزیده از قابوسنامه اگه ميخواى گوش كنى ، رو لينك اين صفحه كليك كن ☕️ هدفون يادت نره  . . . dastan shab ghesse persian radio podcast قصه‌های كهن، مانند تمام داستان‌های فولكلور به ما کمک می‌کند که پیوندمان را با گذشته حفظ کنیم، از گنجینه‌ی ادبیات گذشته بهره بگیریم و دایره‌ی واژگانمان را تقویت کنیم. این پادكست با زبانی ساده، سعى در اين دارد كه در اين امر گام بردارد.

    Understanding regional flavours in Australian Shiraz

    Understanding regional flavours in Australian Shiraz
    Dr Wes Pearson is a snowboarder turned sensory scientist and winemaker, originally from Winnipeg in Canada. He chatted to Drew about regional characters in Australian Shiraz.


    Understanding regionality in Shiraz (conference presentation).


    Subscribe to our newsletters: www.awri.com.au/subscribe


    This podcast is supported by Australia’s grapegrowers and winemakers through their investment body Wine Australia and matching funds from the Australian Government. The AWRI is a member of the Wine Innovation Cluster.

    EP61 葡萄酒新手100問系列-026-跟著FreedomWine的浪潮來了解一下澳洲酒

    EP61  葡萄酒新手100問系列-026-跟著FreedomWine的浪潮來了解一下澳洲酒
    對,跟著 #freedomwine 的浪潮來了解一下澳洲酒,最近感覺上好像很多人都在喝澳洲酒,Google一下,發現除了國際新聞外,台灣政府單位及官員也跟進了買澳洲葡萄酒及喝澳洲葡萄酒,即然這樣,凡正也是要買要喝,那就來帶大家快速認識一下澳洲酒,這集會有的內容大概有: 1. #freedomwine 的原因 2. 了解澳洲酒的重點 3. 澳洲酒品種 4. 利害的要買那幾支酒 5. 澳洲酒拒買名單,網路上有流傳 41家,手邊己有的內容不止,歡迎來信索取 harlem.wine@gmail.com 內容會提到的澳大利亞首批葡萄酒家族(澳洲第一批葡萄酒11家酒莊): Brown Brothers, Campbells, d’Arenberg, Henschke, Howard Park, Jim Barry Wines, McWilliam’s Wines, Tahbilk, Taylors, Tyrrell’s Wines, Yalumba 蘭頓澳大利亞葡萄酒分類,第7版:https://www.langtons.com.au/classification/explained 另外兩個 hashtag # #AussieAussieAussieOiOiOi! #SolidaritywithAustralia #澳洲酒 #shiraz #syrah #希哈 #哈林說 #wine #Australia #經驗 #新手 #100問 是的你沒有看錯,就是葡萄酒新手100問,2020年我在教學西班牙酒的時,學員總是會一些看似很簡易,但網路卻有很多神奇的答案,所以他們也不知道對不對,也不好意思在公開社團去問,因為人家會說你為什麼不Google或爬文? 所以就有這個系列啦~ 如果大家也有難以啟齒,不好意思問的問題,都歡迎留言給我,我會盡所能,跟以過去所學習的經驗來幫大家回應。 留言連結 : https://open.firstory.me/user/ckc1qfuzf9d890918s9gd3jgw/comments 很歡迎大家的支持請我喝一杯的( 威士忌/葡萄酒/咖啡), 下次播出時,我會跟大家說誰請我們喝哪一杯了….. ^^ 歡迎抖內 ( $$$ ) --> https://pay.firstory.me/user/harlemsay

    11: Intro to Australia

    11: Intro to Australia

    Australia is a geographically large country and while each state does make wine, the premier wine growing regions are located in the southern part of the country. To kick off the Boozie Biddies passport tour of major global wine regions, the biddies dive into South Australian wines from the Barossa and Eden Valleys while touching on each major region, varietals, labeling laws, and history. 


    Wines Featured:

    Kara: Henschke Henry’s Seven, 2017; Baby Bush Mourvedre, 2015

    Calla: Pewsey Vale Eden Valley Dry Riesling 2018


    For more info: www.boozybiddies.com/11

    11: Intro to Australia

    11: Intro to Australia

    Australia is a geographically large country and while each state does make wine, the premier wine growing regions are located in the southern part of the country. To kick off the Boozie Biddies passport tour of major global wine regions, the biddies dive into South Australian wines from the Barossa and Eden Valleys while touching on each major region, varietals, labeling laws, and history. 


    Wines Featured:

    Kara: Henschke Henry’s Seven, 2017; Baby Bush Mourvedre, 2015

    Calla: Pewsey Vale Eden Valley Dry Riesling 2018


    For more info: www.boozybiddies.com/11

    Shiraz- How To Rewrite Reality and Destroy Your Limiting beliefs

    Shiraz- How To Rewrite Reality and Destroy Your Limiting beliefs

    Richard Killen interviews Shiraz about How To Rewrite Reality. 

    Shiraz believes in the premise that our beliefs create our realities and he helps people to destroy their limiting beliefs. He is the author of the book “How to Rewrite Reality” and hosts the Energetic Magic radio show every Tuesday at 7pm. 

    In this interview Shiraz will talk about:

    • How his Rheumatoid Arthritis was cured with "Combined Therapy".
    • How $40,000 in back taxes went away by rewriting reality.
    • How to find the beliefs that are holding you back.
    • Do you choose to be right or being wealthy?
    • Aligning with the energy of money
    • How to Rewrite Reality
    • Why people's expectations of programs are different based on cost.
    • Resistance and the speed of change.

    Shiraz is the founder of Energetic Magic. He is a life coach and energy facilitator.

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