

    Explore "siam" with insightful episodes like "#122 Das alte Ayutthaya erwacht zum Leben - Einschlafen mit Nale", "Les rhums de NAGA", "#276 Siam Park mit Christoph Kiessling", "GAG349: Konstantin Phaulkon im Königreich Ayutthaya" and "Épisode 28 – Maëlle et un voyage au Siam au XVIIème siècle (Passion Modernistes)" from podcasts like ""Geschichten zum Einschlafen", "Culture Spi'", "Heute Couch, morgen Strand.", "Geschichten aus der Geschichte" and "Passion Modernistes"" and more!

    Episodes (20)

    #122 Das alte Ayutthaya erwacht zum Leben - Einschlafen mit Nale

    #122 Das alte Ayutthaya erwacht zum Leben - Einschlafen mit Nale
    Heute begeben wir uns auf Zeitreise in die kosmopolite Stadt Ayutthaya, das Handelszentrum und die religiöse Metropole von Siam. Wir werden eintauchen in eine vergessene Welt von Reichtum und internationalem Miteinander. Lass uns die Ruinen zum Leben erwecken und das alte Thailand in seiner ganzen Schönheit erleben. Wir, das sind Nale und Balto, möchten dich auf eine Reise schicken, damit du so die Sorgen des Tages hinter dir lassen kannst. Unsere Geschichten sollen dir dabei helfen, zur Ruhe zu kommen und langsam in einen verdienten und erholsamen Schlaf zu gleiten. Wir wünschen dir eine gute Nacht, schlaf schön! Konnten wir dir beim Einschlafen helfen? Hast du eine Idee, wo die nächste Reise hingehen soll? Dann schreib uns gerne an geschichtenzumeinschlafen@julep.de. Wir freuen uns sehr, von dir zu hören! ***Werbung*** Informationen zu unseren Werbepartner:innen findet ihr unter: https://linktr.ee/einschlafen Vielen Dank an unsere Partner:innen, die es uns ermöglichen, euch weiterhin beim Einschlafen zu helfen. ***Werbung Ende*** Hosts: Nale & Balto Text: Madeleine Walther Musik: Milan Lukas Fey Produktion & Schnitt: Martin Petermann Eine Produktion der Julep Studios

    Les rhums de NAGA

    Les rhums de NAGA

    Dans la moiteur tropicale, au milieu des volcans de l’île de Java, on peut apercevoir des champs de canne à sucre qui polissent sous le vent. Sur ces terres volcaniques, les cannes profitent de la richesse des sols comme les embruns de la mer toute proche.

    Cela pourrait paraître étonnant, et pourtant on produit en Indonésie de l’alcool de mélasse depuis plus d’un millénaire. 

    C’est un français, Sébastien Folloppe, qui a voulu reprendre ce savoir-faire oublié pour montrer au monde qu’ici, on fait du rhum, et qu’on le fait bien.

    Aujourd’hui une immersion dans l’univers de NAGA, entre l’Indonésie et le royaume de Siam pour retrouver la recette perdue des rhums asiatiques.

    #276 Siam Park mit Christoph Kiessling

    #276 Siam Park mit Christoph Kiessling
    Für zwei Folgen war uns Christoph Kiessling, Vizepräsident der Loro Parque Gruppe, aus Teneriffa zugeschaltet. In der ersten Folge geht es um den Siam Park, seine Historie und Entwicklung bis heute. Die Themen: Der beste Wasserpark der Welt zum achten Mal hintereinander; TÜV Rheinland Zertifizierung; Park-Eröffnung am 17.09.2008; 1,3 Mio. Besucher pro Jahr; ESPN hat die Bauphase begleitet mit über 600 Mio. Zuschauern; Siam ist das alte Königreich Thailands; 63 Thai-Gebäude im Park; Authentischer Park von thailändischen Schreinern gebaut; Hotel Botanico mit vielen thailändischen Elementen; Der neue Eingangsbereich war 1992 schon das größte Thai-Dorf außerhalb Thailands; Vom Tower of Power bis zur „diaper Rutsche“; Twin-Ticket für Siam Park und Loro Parque Dir stehen folgende Informationsquellen und Kontaktmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung: https://www.fti.de/service/reisehinweise.html https://www.fti.de/blog/reiseberichte-und-tipps/expertentipps/urlaub-corona-einreisebestimmungen/ Schreib uns deine Fragen, Reiseerlebnisse und Reisetipps an gluecksmomente@fti.de

    GAG349: Konstantin Phaulkon im Königreich Ayutthaya

    GAG349: Konstantin Phaulkon im Königreich Ayutthaya
    Wir springen in dieser Folge ins 17. Jahrhundert. Ort des Geschehens ist das siamesische Königreich Ayutthaya, das von europäischen Mächten als Handels- aber auch Missionierungsstandort entdeckt wurde. Mittendrin: ein griechischer Abenteurer, der es am Hof des Königs Narai innerhalb kürzester Zeit in die höchsten Positionen geschafft hat. Wir sprechen über den rasanten Aufstieg und noch rasanteren Abstieg dieses Mannes, und was französische Jesuiten und nicht zuletzt der Sonnenkönig Ludwig XIV. damit zu tun hatten. Das Episodenbild zeigt Phaulkon in einer Abbildung aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. //Literatur Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit - "A History of Thailand" Walter J. Strach III. - "Constantine Phaulkon and Somdet Phra Narai Dynamics of Court Politics in Seventeenth Century Siam" //Aus unserer Werbung Du möchtest mehr über unsere Werbepartner erfahren? Hier findest du alle Infos & Rabatte: https://linktr.ee/GeschichtenausderGeschichte NEU: Wer unsere Folgen lieber ohne Werbung anhören will, kann das über eine kleine Unterstützung auf Steady oder ein Abo des GeschichteFM-Plus Kanals auf Apple Podcasts tun. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr den Podcast bei Apple Podcasts rezensiert oder bewertet. Für alle jene, die kein iTunes verwenden, gibt's die Podcastplattform Panoptikum, auch dort könnt ihr uns empfehlen, bewerten aber auch euer ganz eigenes Podcasthörer:innenprofil erstellen. Wir freuen uns auch immer, wenn ihr euren Freundinnen und Freunden, Kolleginnen und Kollegen oder sogar Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn von uns erzählt!

    3.Histoires d'Asie. Une ambassade francaise au Siam (1685)

    3.Histoires d'Asie. Une ambassade francaise au Siam (1685)


    Chères auditrices et auditeurs !

    votre podcast est définitivement de retour ! pourquoi un tel silence ? l'ennuie de passer des heures sur Audacity, l'envie de sortir tous les week end et avant les couvres-feux. Surtout le désir de me refaire une santé en faisant du sport, perdre 10 kg etc  .Enfin, le covid a mis à bas beaucoup de mes projets.

    Mais tel un phenix, Histoires d'Asie revient en mensuel pour des épisodes encore plus étonnants, plus intéressants car le long hiver est terminé !

    Cap vers le Siam 

    Pour ce 3 ème grand entretien d' Histoires d'Asie, je recois Maelle Pennegues, étudiante à l'Université de Lyon II en Histoire. En 2020, elle a soutenu un mémoire consacré à l'ambassade francaise au Siam de 1685 sous le prisme du journal du missionnaire lyonnais Jean Basset !

    Merci de votre fidélité et bonne écoute !

    Nous contacter ; https://twitter.com/HistoiresAsie

    ou par email :  histoiresasie@gmail.com 

    Pour la bibliographie et l'iconographie : www.histoiresdasie.fr

    SIAM - Philip Cornwel-Smith Ep 35

    SIAM - Philip Cornwel-Smith Ep 35

    In this episode I am an Englishman in SIAM, for International travellers, the name SIAM conjures up 'The King and I', tuk,tuks, temples and Buddha's.  But what makes Thailand and its capital, Bangkok so very different to a city like London or Paris? With the answer is author and Thailand expert Philip Cornwel-Smith.

    Buy Philip's original Book "Very Thai" here: https://tinyurl.com/ybcskkwt

    And his new book "Bangkok In The City of Senses here:


    Find out more about Rob Goldstone: https://isanenglishmanin.com


    Neighborhood (Re)Focus: Thonburi, Bangkok’s Brooklyn [Season 4, Episode 16]

    Neighborhood (Re)Focus: Thonburi, Bangkok’s Brooklyn [Season 4, Episode 16]

    In another Neighborhood Focus, the guys revisit an area discussed in Season 2: Thonburi, roughly defined as the ‘other side’ of the river from downtown Bangkok. ‘Revisit’ on the show that is, cause both Greg and Ed have lived in Thonburi for a while - we never left. :) 

    So why talk about it again? Well, a lot has changed on our side of Bangkok in the two years since we first covered it. The mega chic complex at Icon Siam has sparked a lot of development in the area properly known as Khlong San. The guys discuss their thoughts on Icon about a year after its opening and conclude that it seems to have improved considerably, with more food options and a greater community feel. It’s still ‘just a mall,’ but props to the developers for trying to do something different, and both Greg and Ed consider it worth a visit. 

    The boys then wander the neighborhood, noting the ramshackle homes practically touching the super expensive residences at Icon Siam before hitting a few notable bars and restaurants along the river, ending up at Klong San market and noshing on some great raisin bread. Greg ponders that the Khlong San area of Thonburi is poised to possibly become the Thong Lor of the other side of the river.

    Listen in for details and the names of places the guys recommend.

    As always, the podcast will continue to be 100% funded by listeners just like you who get some special swag from us. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

    16 - Siamese Twins

    16 - Siamese Twins

    Eng and Chang Bunker were the original Siamese twins that were taken from the home in Siam in the 1800's and brought to America to perform as a freak show exhibit. They became rich men, settled down, bought a plantation, owned slaves, and then lost all of their money after the Civil War. Their lives are a real rollercoaster of emotions.

    Support America The Bizarre at https://www.patreon.com/americathebizarre

    Sources can be found at https://www.americathebizarre.com/shownotes


    Fin de Semana Contigo (FDS Contigo) 10032019. PROGRAMA COMPLETO. Viajamos a Toronto y a Tenerife. Conocemos la poesia de Sergio Gómez Ortiga

    Fin de Semana Contigo (FDS Contigo) 10032019. PROGRAMA COMPLETO. Viajamos a Toronto y a Tenerife. Conocemos la poesia de Sergio Gómez Ortiga
    Te contamos las noticias más positivas de la semana, con nuestros reporteros Helena Muiños y Ángel Jiménez viajamos a Toronto y, también, a Tenerife para conocer Siam Park y The Orient Spa Garden. Además, Sergio Gómez Ortiga nos presenta, en exclusiva, su libro de poesía “No quiero que te vayas ¡Tú!”

    084: Trading The Daily Chart & Building Multiple Streams Of Income - Siam Kidd

    084: Trading The Daily Chart & Building Multiple Streams Of Income - Siam Kidd

    Siam Kidd: Trading The Daily Chart & Building Multiple Streams Of Income

    In episode 84 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Siam Kidd, a Forex daily chart trader with a passion for building businesses. Siam has a very interesting story of how he transitioned into trading and how he had to learn to trade the hard way.

    Today, however, Siam has used Forex trading as part of its other streams of income to become financially independent. His trading takes on from 5 to 10 minutes a day on average, which means that Siam has enough time to concentrate on other interests/passions/businesses.

    Throughout this interview, Siam placed a lot of emphasis on the fact that replacing a full-time job with full-time trading is none sense. The goal of Forex trading is to increase the freedom in your life, and Siam Kidd sees trading as a stream of income.

    I’d love if you can take a few seconds to leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher. Let me know honestly what you think of the podcast because the only way I can improve is through your reviews.

    Share This!

    You need to be prepared to live like most won't so in the future you can live like most can't. @SiamKidd CLICK TO TWEET

    You need to be diligent (i.e. your trading journal and stats) and nonchalant (not giving a sh** about your trades) CLICK TO TWEET

    In This Episode, You’ll Learn…

    • Siam’s trading and review routines
    • The changes needed to go from not profitable to making little money in trading
    • The changes needed to go from slightly profitable to making high returns in trading
    • What happens when you start to treat trading as a profession
    • How Siam maximizes his returns toward the end of the trading year
    • How to reduce the feedback loop problem of swing trading
    • The type of businesses Siam is interested in building
    • And much more!

    What is one thing you are going to implement after listening to this podcast? Leave a comment below, or join me in the Facebook group!

    DesireToTRADE’s Top Resources

    How To Find Siam Kidd?

    About The Desire To Trade Podcast

    Business Spotlight - Darius Allen CEO (Siam Smartphones)

    Business Spotlight - Darius Allen CEO (Siam Smartphones)
    Welcome to another edition of Po Politickin. In this episode, we politick with the Founder and CEO of SIAM Smartphones Darius Allen.

    Darius R. Allen is an international business magnate, serial entrepreneur, successful investor; self help author, motivational speaker, and financial literacy activist. Darius also operates his own blog writing about his latest thoughts on business education, investing, and financial literacy.

    Bangkok's Shaky Infrastructure That Won't Quit (2.2)

    Bangkok's Shaky Infrastructure That Won't Quit (2.2)

    Hey, you’re still here! How awesome is that? Welcome to the 2nd episode. Today, we’re talking infrastructure. No, wait! Before you decide to skip the episode, this isn’t an episode filled with mechanical engineering terms. Have you met us?

    (Direct download .mp3)

      The Big Mango is… big. Big city with huge skyscrapers and sprawling concrete to help accommodate the millions of people that live in and visit Bangkok. This is the City of Angels, the second largest city in SE Asia. We’re sorry if that damaged your idyllic notion of rice paddies and floating markets. Thailand has them. Bangkok metro? Not so much. Here we have the Mahanakon Tower - some call it the Jenga or Tetris Building -- the fourth tallest building in SE Asia. We’re looking forward to the grand opening, because that rooftop bar is going to rather swank. But Bangkok isn’t stopping there. There are loads of new buildings, both giant and strange, that will continue to give Bangkok it’s own special character. Just one more reason we both love living in this crazy town. We have world class shopping centers, with more on the way. Traffic sucks. Just plan on that when you visit. The good news is the BTS or MRT work pretty good. And if all else fails, jump on a mototaxi. They flow through bad traffic like water. But we’re getting new lines. Greg made a nifty map to show where some of them will be. Will they all connect? If history is any judge, probably not. Ah, Bangkok. Of course, all that new development has to happen somewhere, and often that means old structures -- sometimes interesting and historic -- are knocked out of the way. Progress? Or a loss of culture? We’ll offer our opinions on the topic of how the changing landscape impacts these two expats. And we’d love to hear what you think! Also, The Windup Girl is a good future-of-Thailand book. Will Bangkok look just like that in 200 years? Eh, probably not. But scifi really doesn’t predict the future as much as it portrays the present. So if you want a fantastical look at what we’re talking about, download the book.

    Chris Menist - Paradise Bangkok Mix

    Chris Menist - Paradise Bangkok Mix

    Chris Menist - Paradise Bangkok Mix
    (MP3 Podcast on ParisDJs.com) Soundway, 2011-04-21

    Chris Menist is a Thailand based DJ and writer, and is one half of the team behind the Paradise Bangkok club night, alongside DJ Maft Sai. The pair also put together The Sound of Siam - Leftfield Luk Thung, Jazz, and Molam in Thailand 1964-1975 (Soundway) and Thai? Dai! The Heavier Side of the Luk Thung Underground (Finders Keepers) compilations. Those compilations have blown our minds at Paris DJs headquarters. We're very proud to invite Chris for this mix of rare 7 inches from all over the world, from Thai Folk to Jamaican Reggae, Beninese Afrobeat, Ethiopian Jazz and more…

    Tracklisting :
    01. Unknown Yemeni 7 inch
    02. Kobkul Wongsawad - Lam Plearn Hug Num Ban Na (Phin Kaen 7 inch)
    03. Buppha Saichol - Roob Lor Thom Pai (Star Records 7 inch)
    04. Piya Takoonratch - Isan Ban Kong Hao (Petch Phin Tong 7 inch)
    05. Collins Oke Elaiho and His Odoligie Nobles Dance Band - Omoniyakioya (Philips 7 inch)
    06. Marcia Griffiths - Working To The Top (My Ambition) (Studio One blank 7 inch)
    07. Marion Black - Who Knows (Capsoul 7 inch)
    08. Mahmoud Ahmed - Yefikir Woha Timu (Mahmoud Records 7 inch)
    09. Sextette Camayenne - Kaniba (Syliphone 7 inch)
    10. Maneerat Kaewsadej - Kiew Choo Puen
    11. Kana Petch Plachai Band - Lam Plearn Dok Koon Siang Khaen (CTL 7 inch)
    12. Montein Teinthong - Kor Kai (Phin Kaen 7 inch)
    13. Prince Alla - Their Reward (Dalphin 7 inch)
    14. Dillinger - Freshly (Prophets 7 inch)
    15. Orchestre Poly Rythmo - E Wa Dagbe (Albarika Store 7 inch)
    16. Chailai and Duangdao - Chak Mak Pai (Archer 7 inch)
    17. Plearn Promdan - Wan Maha Sanook (Mocking Bird 7 inch/'Sound of Siam' Soundway Compilation)
    18. Samsak Band - Pu Yai Lee (Three Cats 7 inch)

    Credits :
    Selected and mixed by Chris Menist (soundwayrecords.com)
    Audio mastering by Grant Phabao (grantphabao.com)
    Artwork taken from The Sound of Siam album design by Lewis Heriz (lewisheriz.com
    Layout by Djouls (Djouls.com)


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