

    Explore " sidon" with insightful episodes like "Credința ta", "Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich Part 62: Letter of King Abgarus & Jesus on the Confines of Sidon and Tyre", "Matthew 15:21-28 Grace for Gentiles", "Episode 147: A Class On: Tears of the Kingdom" and "Ezekiel: The Serpent And The City Of Tyre (Pt. 7)" from podcasts like ""Vești Bune - un podcast despre liniștea Duminicii", "Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich - Biography and Complete Visions", "Redeemer Presbyterian Church", "A Novel Console" and "RADIO FPC"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Credința ta

    Credința ta

    Predică la Duminica a șaptesprezecea după Rusalii, pericopa evanghelică de la Matei,  cap. 15,  v. 21-28:

    Pericopa ne prezintă unul dintre cele mai tulburătoare dialoguri ale Domnului, cel cu o mamă canaaneancă (sau feniciană) pe care o pune la încercare, tocmai pentru a scoate la iveală nestemată ascunsă a credinței ei, după cum ne explică însuși Hrisostom.
    Iar asta, ne ridică nouă tuturor, o minge la fileu: cum este credința noastră, cea din adâncurile inimii?
    Rugându-ne pentru pacea și binecuvântarea lumii,  ne dorim ca primăvara care bate la ușă să aducă pace, liniște și sănătate tuturor.

    Dați-ne de veste care e părerea voastră despre podcast, despre acest episod și, mai ales, despre subiectul lui, prin oricare din căile care vi par mai la îndemână. Pe noi ne găsiți aici:

    ·       E-mail la vestibune.podcast@gmail.com,

     ●       Facebook @vestibune.podcast,

    ●       Instagram @vestibune.podcast și

    ·       YouTube: Vești Bune - un podcast despre liniștea Duminicii

    Muzica:            "Angel Piano Main" de ZakharValaha, preluată de pe Pixabay/Patreon.
                                  "Piano Classical Logo" de ZakharValaha, preluată de pe Pixabay/Patreon.                           
    Foto credits: Tudor-Călin CIOCA

    Episode 147: A Class On: Tears of the Kingdom

    Episode 147: A Class On: Tears of the Kingdom

    This week on A Novel Console, Chris and Karradyne finish off the Burgerchamp snacks taste testIng! Afterwards, Chris gives Karradyne a class on Tears of the Kingdom for one of the annual weeks of Zelda. He breaks down his opinion on how the game plays, how sexy Ganon is, and tells Karradyne why he dislikes Sidon so much. They end the episode with an awesome chicken finger lunch from Guthrie's!

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    Instagram: @anovelconsole

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    Ezekiel: The Serpent And The City Of Tyre (Pt. 7)

    Ezekiel: The Serpent And The City Of Tyre (Pt. 7)

    In today's study of Ezekiel 26-28, see the destruction of the island kingdom of 'Tyre.' Tyre's demise was unique in a number of ways - and Tyre's fall has parallels with the fall of the devil. Both are rebuked for their pride in this portion of Ezekiel's book.

    Questions That We'll Answer:
    A) Where was Tyre, and why is its destruction relevant?
    B) Is Chapter 28 referring to the devil? And if so, what does it say about him?
    C) Why was God judging the nations?

    Speaker: Rev. Dr. Toby B. Holt
    Church Website: www.fpcgulfport.org

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode 047: That Time Jesus Called Someone a Dog (Mass Readings for Aug 16, 2020)

    Episode 047: That Time Jesus Called Someone a Dog (Mass Readings for Aug 16, 2020)


    Keener, Craig S. The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI;  Cambridge, U.K.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009.

    Mitch, Curtis, and Edward Sri. The Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2010.

    Mass Readings Explained by Dr. Brant Pitre


    Matthew 11:21 - "'Woe to you, Chorazin! woe to you, Beth-saida! for if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.'"

    Matthew 3:7-8 - "Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a great multitude from Galilee followed; also from Judea and Jerusalem and Idumea and from beyond the Jordan and from about Tyre and Sidon a great multitude, hearing all that he did, came to him."

    Wisdom 12 - Lists sins of Canaanites

    Romans 1:16 - "For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

    Matthew 1:3, 5 - Lists Tamar and Rahab in Jesus' geneology, two Canaanite women

    He Hath Done All Things Well

    He Hath Done All Things Well
    Have you ever felt as if people didn’t approach you at one time or another in your life because you were different or peculiar to them? Well, scripture says that we are different and that none of us are the same. We may have some similarities but in most areas such as character, emotions and beliefs, we are different. Our Lord Jesus Christ shows us in the Bible how we should be to others, which is to be more like Him. He teaches us that no one is too defiled to approach and that people, all people, are important to reach with the Gospel. Let’s follow our Lord in the Book of Mark and see just how valuable one soul is to Him.

    When God Tests Our Tenacity

    When God Tests Our Tenacity
    Do you have a tenacious spirit? Sometimes it can be used for good and sometimes it is used for bad. Either way, it is likely that it is a controlling substance that has a stronghold over you. In the Bible, tenacity has hurt the Jews who basked in their own stubbornness, but sometimes, like in the case of the Syrophoenecian woman, it was persistently used to gloriously praise the Lord Jesus Christ. If during a period of rejection, the God still is asking you to come now, and let us reason together. What comforting words they are to those that persevere and strive to draw close to our Father in Heaven who loves us dearly.