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    Episodes (100)

    Episode 133 - You need to know how to have fun on spring break while being healthy

    Episode 133 - You need to know how to have fun on spring break while being healthy


    Spring break is just around the corner and I don’t want you to get stuck in the typical vacation cycle.

    The typical vacation dieting cycle looks something like this:

    Before vacation, you start restricting yourself. You cut your calories, you spend hours trying to burn extra calories. You lose 5, 10 maybe 15 pounds if you’re lucky.

    Then, you go on vacation and you eat and drink your little heart out. You say yes to everything you’ve been saying no to for the last few weeks. You have so much fun and love every bite of food.

    Then you get home. And you hop on the scale only to watch it go up, up, up. Not only did you gain back all the weight you’d lost before vacation but there’s an extra five pounds just as an extra little vacation present. *eye roll*

    And you’re frustrated. Because you spend so much time and energy losing weight only to have it come back with a vengeance. Now, you have two options, go back to that diet that drove you crazy, or give up.

    And giving up sounds so much easier! So you do it. Until your next vacation or event that forces you to diet again.

    Mama, I used to be stuck in this cycle too. I was stuck in this cycle for years!

    I would restrict, restrict, restrict myself so I’d look just right in my bikini before we’d go on a trip. And then, over the five days we were gone, I’d stuff myself. I’d indulge in everything I had told myself not to eat for weeks, and I’d drink until I wanted to hop on the bar and dance.

    I thought this was the perfect arrangement! Diet for a while, and then go on vacation and cut loose! It seemed easier than trying to eat healthy all the time.

    I thought the fun of vacation eating was worth the restrictive diets and extreme self-control. But I ended up having to do it again, and again, and again and I never moved forward. I was stuck in this frustrating loop and had no idea how to get out of it!

    It wasn’t until I learned about nutrition and how it didn’t have to be miserable or restrictive that I was able to lose weight, go on vacation, enjoy myself and not gain weight.

    Mama, we’re heading into spring break which for most of us means some sort of vacation. And I want to give you this freedom! I want you to go on vacation with your kiddos and have a blast without gaining 10 lbs.

    So, I’m going to give you four seriously easy steps to go on vacation for spring break where you can have fun and be healthy!

    Plan meals & snacks for spring break

    The first step is always to make a plan. If you want to stay on track with your nutrition, then you have to have a plan.

    I know planning your meals and snacks for vacation doesn’t sound fun, but trust me, from one busy mama to another, it’s so worth it!

    When I go on vacation for spring break, I don’t want to think. I spend 90% of the year thinking, planning, organizing and scheduling. So when I go on vacation, I want a break from that.

    Unfortunately, vacation calories count just as much as at-home calories so unless I want to undo all my hard work, I still need to think about what I’m eating.

    But, if I think about it ahead of time, then I can still take a break on vacation!

    Before spring break, I’ll plan out exactly what and how much I’ll eat at every meal, but when I’m on vacation I want more flexibility. Instead of making exact plans, I’ll make a basic outline and try to stick to that.

    I always try to start my vacation breakfast with lots of protein. I do this for two reasons.

    1. Starting your day with protein will help curb cravings for the rest of the day. This helps me make better choices throughout the day even if I go off plan.
    2. It leaves more flexibility for eating out later in the day! If I’ve had plenty of protein early in the day I feel more comfortable having fun with my food later in the day.

    After I have breakfast planned, I can decide if we’re going to eat out for lunch, dinner or both. If the answer is both, then I try to choose healthier options at the restaurant; subbing out fries for fresh fruit, or getting grilled chicken instead of fried.

    If we’re only eating out for one meal I’ll allow myself to have more freedom with my meal out. I still try to eat something more nutritious for my other meal, but I still make sure to have fun with it!

    I also like to plan out a few snacks each day so that I can snack without going too crazy. I like to try and sneak in some extra protein so I’ll pack protein bars or protein shakes with me. I also love to enjoy fresh fruit and veggies on vacation so I’ll plan to have those as snacks as well.

    The goal is to eat well 80% of the time and then have more decadent, fun foods 20% of the time. If you can get this balance down on vacation, you’ll be able to have fun without gaining a ton of weight!

    Prepare your food before leaving for vacation

    Again, I want to actually be able to relax on vacation, so I take time before vacation to prepare anything I want to eat on vacation.

    If you’re driving, then prep for your trip by making a quick grocery run for anything you want to take with you and then pack it in a cooler and throw it in the car!

    If you’re flying somewhere, then you can pack a few things or grab groceries when you get to your destination. I love to use grocery pickup when I’m traveling because I can land, grab groceries on the way to the hotel, and then I’m ready to go once we check in!

    Whenever we travel, I try to make sure all of our snacks are prepped ahead of time too! If you have baggies of fruits & veggies ready to go or yogurt cups in the fridge, it’s easy to grab that instead of hitting up the vending machine - plus my kids don’t have to bug me every time they’re hungry! There’s already food ready to go for them.

    Even though it takes a little bit more work, prepping things before you go on a trip is absolutely worth it! In the long run, It’s going to save you money, and time so that you can spend your vacation relaxing instead of feeding everyone! And Mama, you deserve that!

    Protect your plan so you protect your goals

    Like we talked about earlier, the “vacation calories don’t count” or “just let loose” mindset is almost second nature for most of us. If you have that mindset, then you need to prioritize protecting your plan.

    Protecting your nutritional plan is going to be hard. I wish it was easy, but because so many people think that letting go on vacation is the best way to live, you’re going to face a lot of peer pressure to eat outside of your plans or to drink more than you told yourself you would.

    I want you to think of yourself as a teenager when you’re faced with these challenges. If you were talking to a teenager what would you say when their friends tried to get them to do something they didn’t want to?

    Would you say, “Yeah, give in! Do what your friends want you to do! It’s not that big of a deal!”

    Or would you say, “Hey, it’s OK to not go with the grain. It’s OK to make choices that are best for you, even when it’s not what everyone else is doing.”

    I bet it’s the latter one. That advice is good for our kids and it’s good for us too - even if our kids or spouse are the ones pressuring us.

    Because Mama, no one else has to live in your body! No one else is going to have to live with the hangover you will have if you over-drink. No one else is going to feel uncomfortable, bloated and gross if you overeat.

    You’re the one who has to deal with the consequences, so you should get to be the one who makes the choices.

    One thing I love about learning to protect your nutrition is the lesson it teaches you: that you can trust yourself.

    I used to use excuses like “Oh, I just couldn’t help myself” or “It was too good to stop eating” to justify why I broke my promise to myself to not overeat or over-drink. But any time I used that excuse I was left feeling guilty and frustrated and usually a few pounds heavier.

    When I started to protect my nutrition I realized that I was in full control. I could stop whenever I wanted. I could eat what I wanted. And because I was in control I didn’t have to deal with the consequences like I had before. And I’m so much better off for it! Because I know how to enjoy myself without going too far.

    Get back on track ASAP

    I’ve saved the best for last! This is the most important part of having a healthy and fun spring break: you need to get back to your normal eating as soon as you get home!

    The reason that most people gain weight over vacation isn’t because they ate outside of their normal boundaries for a week. It’s that they don’t stop eating that way when they get home!

    Traveling in and of itself can cause weight fluctuation. Flying or driving can cause you to retain water and that will show up as a weight increase on the scale. That being said, you probably didn’t gain fat.

    However, when people step on the scale after a vacation and see that increase they get frustrated or annoyed and throw in the towel.

    Instead of getting back on track and seeing that weight come back down, they keep eating like they’re still on vacation and that weight never goes away.

    Which is how you get stuck in that yo-yo dieting cycle I talked about before.

    To avoid this I have my clients do two things:

    1. Don’t weigh up for a few days after vacation. Typically I recommend waiting a week. This gives your body time to come back to normal after eating out and traveling.
    2. Get back to your normal eating at your first meal home. When you get back to your normal eating as soon as you get back you don’t let your brain freak out and convince you to give up.

    One of the best ways to get back on track once you’re home is to have a meal plan already in place.

    I like to put in a grocery order for pickup when I’m on my way home so I have fresh, healthy groceries as soon as I get home. Another great option is to have a meal in the freezer so that when you get home you can whip something up that is a normal meal for you.

    However you choose to do it, getting back on track as soon as possible is the best way to not let your vacation eating trickle into your real life.

    I’ve given you the exact steps I teach inside my Macros Made Easy Program to help busy mamas lose weight without feeling restricted. But if you need help learning how to implement these tips and have some accountability on your weight loss journey, then let me help you!

    My blogs, podcasts and social media channels are great for providing basic advice, but mama you aren’t basic! Your nutritional needs are not going to be the same as anyone else’s so if the free advice I share here isn’t enough for you, then schedule a Healthy Mama Blueprint Call. We can chat about where you’re at and where you want to go.

    Then, when you join the Macros Made Easy Program I’ll create a customized plan that will get you to your goals. And we’ll work together to help you learn how to do things like going on vacation without gaining weight! Schedule your free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call today!Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    Episode 132 - You Need To Know the Secret Behind Willpower and How To Harness It To Stop Snacking

    Episode 132 - You Need To Know the Secret Behind Willpower and How To Harness It To Stop Snacking


    I hate talking about willpower. It’s one of those words that instantly turns people off because they feel like they don’t have it. “I don’t have the willpower to stick to a diet! I love cookies too much,” or “I don’t have the willpower to wake up before my kids,” or “I don’t have the willpower to get to the gym every day, it’s just too tough.” However, I know I need to talk to you about willpower because it’s so misunderstood!

    From my experience as a young mom, and talking to hundreds of moms, I’ve learned one of the biggest problems mamas face with our health is mindless snacking.

    Whether that’s grabbing an Oreo from the sleeve every time you pass through the kitchen, eating bites of leftover mac and cheese when you’re clearing your kids’ plates, or mindlessly eating a whole bag of chips at the end of the night, snacking is hurting your health.

    And I bet you’ve tried everything under the sun to stop snacking.

    • You did a kitchen clean out and threw out all the “bad” foods.
    • You tried to get the kids to trash their food before bringing their plates to the sink. (This one never works, but it’s a valiant effort! Bahaha!)
    • You stopped buying chips, cookies and ice cream.
    • You punished yourself when you ate snacks.

    But none of it worked. And you probably thought, I just don’t have the willpower to do it. And you were right! You didn’t have the willpower.

    Because willpower is a belief. The secret to having willpower is believing that you’re capable of it!

    You have to start believing that you have willpower

    I talk about thoughts and feelings a lot, and for a really good reason: everything, literally everything starts with a thought.

    Quick caveat, I’m about to talk a lot about chips and how to avoid mindless snacking on them, but that doesn’t mean that chips are bad. They’re not good either. They’re neutral. They’re food. So you can eat them, or you don’t have to. This is just an example! We’ll go into this later but food accountability is more important than good vs. bad foods!

    Ok, back to our example.

    Before you put a single chip in your mouth, you have to have several thoughts.

    Thought 1: “Ooo, chips!”

    Thought 2: “That sounds good!”

    Thought 3: “Should I get a bowl or eat straight from the bag?”

    Thought 4: “Nah, I’ll just grab a handful.”

    Thought 5: “Oops! Better pick that chip off the floor before the baby gets it.”

    Small, simple thoughts lead to bigger actions and results than we realize. “Ooo chips!” was a small, insignificant thought. But it can lead to eating a whole bag of chips, the result of which is gaining weight!

    If you want to have more willpower, then you have to start paying attention to how your small thoughts are causing unwanted results. Then you need to flip that and use your small thoughts to create the results you want!

    If you want to increase your willpower, start filling your brain with thoughts that result in more willpower!

    Now, Mama, I’m not going to leave you alone to create new thoughts on your own because that’s harder than it sounds! It takes practice to start controlling your thoughts. But I want to help you get started.

    Here are a few new thoughts or affirmations that you can use to increase your willpower around snacking.

    • I’m strong enough to eat the foods that will help me reach my goals.
    • That sounds good, but it’s not in alignment with my goals.
    • I’ll have that later if I’m still craving it.
    • I’m in charge here, and I’d rather have something that fills me up.
    • I’ve already made a plan, and this food isn’t in it. I’ll have it tomorrow instead.
    • Chips are great, but they’re not what I need right now.
    • I’m listening to my body and while chips sound good, I know that it’s craving something more substantial.

    The key to using these affirmations is picking something that sounds true right now, and building on it.

    Right now, “I’m strong enough to eat the foods that will help me reach my goals.” might not feel true to you. You might feel really weak around snack foods. So try, “I’ll have that later if I’m still craving it.” instead.

    As you get used to thinking, I don’t need that snack food/craving food right now, you’ll grow into some of the stronger affirmations. Taking this bit by bit is how you’re going to create the willpower to stop mindlessly snacking!

    How will we do that?

    Set boundaries around snacking to increase your willpower

    Now that we’ve covered the mental part of willpower, I want you to start creating physical boundaries so that you can implement your willpower!

    I want to start with food accountability. When we first started talking today, I mentioned how you may have done a kitchen clean out, stopped buying snacks or treats, you get it. Those things didn’t work for you because you thought you needed to restrict your access to snacks.

    But you don’t.

    Weight loss and general health aren’t about restriction, it’s about moderation. Being able to enjoy things like chips, cookies, ice cream, whatever you love without having to eat it all.

    When I started macro tracking with my own macro coach, she told me to include a treat in my day. And it stunned me.

    I thought I was supposed to sacrifice everything to lose weight. I thought losing weight should be difficult and as close to miserable as you could get.

    I thought I needed to eat salads, boiled chicken and broccoli for every meal.

    When my coach told me to eat a bagel or have an ice cream sandwich (my favorite treat at the time) it didn’t sound right.

    But the truth is that all those restrictive diets I’d done for YEARS hadn’t gotten me any close to my goals. So I was willing to try something new and I had the ice cream sandwich.

    But, and this is key, I made it work within my nutritional boundaries.

    I didn’t eat 5 ice cream sandwiches. I didn’t avoid them until it drove me so crazy that I had to binge eat them. I just planned for it.

    And because it was a part of my nutritional plan I was able to enjoy my treat without feeling bad about it AND I lost weight.

    Food accountability is about owning up to your choices and making them fit into your boundaries instead of ignoring the fact that you ate something “bad.”

    And I say “bad” with quotation marks because food isn’t good or bad! Food doesn’t make choices, it’s just food. It’s neutral.

    Yes, some food is more nutritious than others but that doesn’t make it bad. All food has its place in our diets. Sometimes food is just fun and tastes good and that’s ok!

    As long as you’re accountable for it you can have it! And I’ve seen time and time again that the women who hold themselves accountable for their food choices have so much more success than the women who try to ignore or hide it.

    So how do you know what your boundaries are?

    That’s the part no one ever teaches you, right?

    Everyone says “eat in moderation” but what the heck does that mean?

    The hard thing is it’s different for everyone. You have to learn how much food makes you lose weight, gain weight and maintain weight. And then you can make choices that fit into those boundaries.

    I can’t tell you right now exactly how much you should be eating because there are so many factors that play into that. (Height, weight, exercise levels, age, gender, dieting history, Mindset, old habits thoughts and patterns etc.) But you can learn more about your nutrition needs inside my program, Macros Made Easy, or if you prefer a DIY method, check out my ebook!

    Learning about your nutritional needs is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health! Especially if you’ve been dieting for years and you’re still struggling to reach your goals!

    The coolest part about learning what your nutritional boundaries are is being able to enjoy foods you’ve deemed bad or off-limits!

    I had a client who loved Wheat Thins crackers, but along her health journey she decided she couldn’t eat them because they were “bad.” But after being in my program she learned that Wheat Thins weren’t bad, she just didn’t understand how many to eat or how to fit them into her diet.

    Now they’re always stocked in her pantry and she can eat a few as part of her lunch without feeling bad about it! She’s able to reach her goals and eat the food she loves.

    If you are tired of restricting your favorite snacks but still want to lose weight, let’s chat! Schedule a Healthy Mama Blueprint call and together we’ll discover your nutritional boundaries!Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    Stres je najveći okidač za pad imuniteta i nastanak svih oboljenja - SuperMama

    Stres je najveći okidač za pad imuniteta i nastanak svih oboljenja - SuperMama

    Svaka druga žena u određenom periodu života ima neke od tegoba povezane sa štitnom žlijezdom.

    Sa SuperMamom saznajemo šta nam priča naša štitna žlijezda. Kako osluškivati svoje tijelo i koji simptomi ukazuju na poremećen rad štitne žlijezde, saznaćemo od dr. sci. Amine Godinjak Šeta, specijalistice interne medicine, koja je i dijabetolog i nutricionista.

    Dobili smo i detaljna objašnjenja o tome koje su razlike između hipotireozei hipertireoze, kao i objašnjenja šta su to autoimuna oboljenja, odnosno stanja štitne žlijezde.

    Ukoliko imate problema sa ovim „leptir“ organom trebate i posebnu ishranu kao i neke dodatke ishrani. Jeste li znali da trebate izbaciti gluten iz svakodnevne konzumacije?

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    Episode 131 - 4 Proven Strategies Busy Moms Need to Skyrocket their Libido

    Episode 131 - 4 Proven Strategies Busy Moms Need to Skyrocket their Libido


    Being a mom is amazing. I love it. But if we could get super honest for a minute, there are a few things that have been difficult about being a mom, and losing my libido was one of them. It’s hard to feel sexy and in the mood when you’re knee-deep in dirty diapers, sleep-deprived, and don’t recognize your body anymore.

    When I first started losing weight, looking good naked and improving my libido were at the top of my list. I was so tired of feeling fluffy and frumpy. I wanted to feel strong and confident again.

    And while losing weight, and putting on muscle helped me look better it didn’t completely fix my desire problems. So, I did what we all do, I hopped on Google and searched “how to increase my libido.”

    I got lists and lists of things to eat to improve my drive; like dark chocolate to increase endorphins and beets to increase blood flow.

    However, upon further research, I was going to have to be eating chocolate and beets by the truckload to see any benefits.

    When I realized that adding a few libido-boosting foods into my diet wasn’t going to do the trick, I gave up on Google and went to get real help.

    I got together with my friend, Dr. Kris Wallace, a naturopathic physician who specializes in balancing hormones in men, women and adolescents, and we found four proven strategies to increase your libido - no aphrodisiacs needed!

    1. Make sure your hormones are in order

    Tricks and hacks only go so far. If you want to increase your libido then you need to know what’s going on inside your body. That means going to the doctor and having your hormones tested.

    Testosterone is the most common cause of low libido in women. If your testosterone is low, or any other essential hormones, your doctor can help you find the right solution.

    I do recommend working with a naturopath because, in my experience, naturopathic doctors aren’t looking to give you a quick fix. They want to help you understand your body and will help you get to the root of the problem.

    Once you’ve gotten a plan from your doctor to rebalance your hormones, you can implement these behavior changes that will also improve your sex drive.

    Have a heart-healthy diet

    Diet plays a huge part in your overall health and sexual drive. If you want to have a healthy libido, then you need to be focusing on more than aphrodisiacs. You need to have a healthy diet all the time! I’ve narrowed down three areas of your diet that can improve your sex-life.

    Omega 3 Fatty Acid

    Fat plays an important role in balancing hormones. This is why getting enough fat is essential to a healthy sex drive. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, a type of fat, have been shown to help men and women improve sexual desire.

    Omega 3’s reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Inflammation and oxidative stress cause damage to blood vessels and nerves necessary for sexual function.

    Most people use supplements to reach their Omega 3 goals, but it’s also naturally found in fish.


    Fiber is great for keeping you regular, but did you know that it can help improve the three biggest sex-homrones: estrogen, DHT and testosterone too?

    Fiber helps bind a molecule called the sex hormone-binding globulin to estrogen, DHT and testosterone. When fiber binds to the globulin, it leaves behind more testosterone which increases libido!

    Fiber is found in carbs like leafy greens, beans and lentils, fruits and berries, vegetables, oatmeal, and other whole grains. Which means you need to be eating complex carbs as a part of your healthy diet!


    Protein can help increase testosterone levels and like fiber, protein binds to the sex hormone-binding globulin.

    Chicken, beef and pork are all great sources of protein. Vegetarians can also find nutrients to improve libido in whole grains, and dairy products like milk and cheese.

    When you aim for a balanced diet, you’ll see that your hormones stay at optimal levels and your libido will increase.

    In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I wanted to create a healthy, libido-boosting dinner menu! So I put together a free guide with three different dinner options. You can grab it in my free Facebook group, Busy Mom Simple Nutrition.

    2. Get enough sleep

    Another huge part of a healthy libido is getting enough sleep! Sleep is usually one of the first things busy moms give up to do everything else on their plates, but if you want to feel sexier, you have to start prioritizing it!

    Sleep plays a vital role in sex-drive because when we’re sleeping, our bodies are repairing themselves and our hormones are recouping!

    If you know that you’re lacking in sleep, then create a bedtime and a bedtime routine for yourself! Plan out when you need to go to wake up and then plan your bedtime backwards from that. Make sure you’re allotting at least eight hours of sleep and then stick to that bedtime!

    One hour before your bedtime you should start your bedtime routine. I recommend turning off all of your electronics, or at the very least wear blue-light-blocking glasses if you must look at electronics.

    You can also include the following activities in your nighttime routine:

    • Stretch
    • Read a book
    • Take a magnesium supplement (helps with restlessness and insomnia)
    • Meditate
    • Get ready for bed (brush teeth, wash face, take a shower, etc.)
    • Journal

    Winding down before bed can help you sleep better and signal your body that it’s time to relax and rest.

    3. Reduce stress

    Finally, stress is one of the biggest causes of hormone imbalances and decreased libido. To reverse that, look for the stressors in your life and remove what you can. Then, you need to learn how to healthily deal with any stress that you can’t remove from your life.

    Supplements and vitamins can help you reduce stress. One great vitamin to include in your diet is Vitamin C. According to Psychology Today, “People who have high levels of vitamin C do not show the expected mental and physical signs of stress when subjected to acute psychological challenges. What's more, they bounce back from stressful situations faster than people with low levels of vitamin C in their blood.”

    Another amazing tool to help with stress and your overall mindset is a gratitude journal. Practicing gratitude can help you see the good in your life, even when it is stressful! It can also help you see the good in difficult situations.

    Finally, if you’re feeling stressed in the moment, move your body! As Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.” Elle is 100% right! Going for a walk, dancing in the kitchen or heading to the gym can help you cope with stress!

    I’ve been using these strategies for years and they’ve been the best way to reignite the woman I used to be!

    Remember, living a healthy life is about more than just looking good. You should feel good in your body and if you don’t, then you deserve to get help! (Plus, I’m sure if you tell your hubby that you’re trying to increase your libido he’ll be super supportive!)

    If you want help improving your diet so that you can feel better and sexier, then let’s chat! Schedule a healthy mama blueprint call to get help designing a diet that can improve your libido!

    Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    Jesu li majke realne kada su u pitanju djeca: Tepanje može oštetiti govor - SuperMama

    Jesu li majke realne kada su u pitanju djeca: Tepanje može oštetiti govor - SuperMama

     Vaše dijete još nije progovorilo - progovorit će kaže okolina. Sa prvim naučenim riječima, dijete još ne zna niti može da izrazi svoje emocije i ne može da ih kanališe da pravi način. Tu nastaje ogroman problem kojeg se i roditelji svi oko njih užasavaju – tantrumi ili izljevi bijesa.  

    Djeca se nerijetko susreću sa nekim od problema vezanim za govor. Najčešći su artikulacijski poremećaji i zakašnjeli govorni razvoj, a na trećem mjestu poremećaj u tečnosti govora. Od artikulacijski poremećaja najčešći su poremećaji izgovora jednog ili više od navedenih glasova (S, Z, C, Č, Ć, Š, Ž, Dž i Đ), zatim, rotacizam – poremećaj izgovora glasa „R“, te landacizam – poremećaj izgovora glasa „L“. Zakašnjeli govorni razvoj najčešće može da bude i uzrok nastanka artikulacijskog poremećaja ili poremećaja u tečnosti govora. Brz način življenja, nepravilna upotreba tehnologije neki su od uzroka kašnjenja u govornom razvoju.

    O svim ovim problemima ćemo govoriti sa logopedom-audiologom Eminom Herić i Amrom i Aminom Opanković, mamom i kćerkom koje su se izborile sa svim „teškim i kompliciranim glasovima“, u novoj epizodi SuperMame.

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    Episode 130 - Breaking Free from Martyr Mom Mentality and Prioritizing You

    Episode 130 - Breaking Free from Martyr Mom Mentality and Prioritizing You

    Welcome to another where we explore the challenges and triumphs of motherhood and find balance in our lives with our health and weight loss and nutrition.

    In today's episode/ session it's all about breaking free from the Martyr Mom mentality and prioritizing your needs as a mother.

    A few years back, I had a client named Suzanne who struggled with guilt when it came to spending money on herself. She was caught in the cycle of Martyr Mom syndrome, sacrificing her own needs to make others happy. Suzanne's story is a powerful example of the transformation that can happen when we prioritize self-care.

    So, what is Martyr Mom syndrome? It's when you give up everything for your kids, spouse, or others, neglecting your own well-being. Suzanne, like many others, grew up witnessing the women in her family selflessly giving everything they had. It took joining my program for Suzanne to realize that neglecting her own needs was affecting her health, particularly her struggle with weight.

    In an honest moment I had with Suzanne and with her permission I will share what she told me she said: "I've had so many mind-blowing realizations about how I treated myself. The shift I've made in just a few weeks has not only helped me but improved my relationships because I'm giving to myself as well."

    Suzanne's experience highlights the importance of letting go of the Martyr Mom mentality. It's not about sacrificing everything; it's about finding a balance that benefits both you and your family.

    Martyr moms often wear themselves down, feeling unappreciated and overwhelmed.

    Which then makes us bitter and cranky with the people we want to help and love on and please the most.

    Instead of being a martyr mom, it's crucial to put your needs at the top of your list. Think of it like the safety instructions on an airplane – secure your oxygen mask first before helping others. You can't care for your family if you're running on empty.

    I want to ask you a question…Have you ever considered what your needs are? Have you ever asked yourself this question or more importantly have you taken the time to listen? When we don’t know we do things we don’t even realize we are doing to cope when our own needs are not being met. We Self-soothing with food or shopping or we yell and allow bursts of anger to come up so that we can feel temporary relief. My sweet friend if that is you it's time to address the root problems.

    How? Well let’s focus on three key areas: nutrition, mindset, and physical health.

    Host: Now, let's delve deeper into the three key areas that can truly transform your life when you prioritize them: nutrition, mindset, and physical health.

    1. Nutrition: Fueling Your Body Right**

    When we talk about nutrition, we're not advocating for strict diets or deprivation. Instead, it's about understanding what your body needs to function optimally. Consider it as providing the right fuel for your engine. Are you nourishing yourself with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that sustain your energy throughout the day? Making informed choices about what you eat can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Are you eating too much, too little? Do you know or are you in survival mode and eating the scraps before the next task? In my macros made easy program we get to the nitty gritty on this so you know for certain you are showing up in big easy for yourself ways that will have a long-lasting effect on your health.

    Mindset: Shifting Perspectives**

    Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you navigate the challenges of motherhood. It's not just about positive thinking but understanding and reshaping deep-seated beliefs. Many mamas, like myself and Suzanne, used to self-soothe with temporary fixes like food or shopping. Shifting your mindset involves addressing the root problems, embracing self-compassion, and fostering a positive outlook on your journey to well-being. Having tools to bring yourself back to base when old patterns creep in is key but also having deep compassion for yourself when you are in the rut and trying to figure it out

    1. Physical Health: Investing in Your Body**

    Physical health extends beyond just the number on the scale. It's about embracing a lifestyle that promotes strength, vitality, and longevity. Prioritizing sleep, hydration, and regular exercise are foundational elements. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your physical health ensures you have the energy, STRENGTH and resilience to tackle the demands of motherhood.

    The synergy of these three areas creates a holistic approach to self-care, allowing you to thrive as a mama while setting an empowering example for your family

    So, whether it's making mindful choices in your diet, reshaping your perspective, or investing time in your physical health, know that each step you take is a powerful stride toward becoming the best version of yourself.

    Investing time and effort into understanding these areas can lead to transformative changes. I've been there myself – from a run-down mom surviving on dino nuggets to a strong mama prioritizing sleep and water ans self awareness.

    Taking care of yourself has a ripple effect on your family. When you prioritize your health, you set an example for your children and create a positive shift in your family dynamics.

    Chelsea: "My entire demeanor has changed, everything has been more positive. My husband noticed a shift in my energy and attitude. He said, 'Babe, I think you need to keep going. Let's do it!'"

    Our families want us to be happy and love ourselves. It's not usually them stopping us; it's often our own limiting beliefs. It's time to say yes, give ourselves permission to invest in our health, and seek support if needed.

    If you're struggling and need guidance, consider investing in a coach. I had my own coach, and it changed everything for me. Now, I offer the Macros Made Easy program to address the unique challenges busy mamas face.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey to prioritize self-care and break free from the Martyr Mom mentality. If you're ready to learn what healthy looks like for you, schedule a Healthy Mama Blueprint Call. Until I see ya next week be well and I’ll chat with ya soon!

    Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    Episode 129 - 3 Easy steps busy moms need to plan healthy, macro-friendly meals

    Episode 129 - 3 Easy steps busy moms need to plan healthy, macro-friendly meals


    You know that saying, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” I completely believe that. When I talk to busy mamas who want to improve their health, they say they will do just about anything to lose weight, but when I ask them about meal planning, they say, they can’t meal plan. Most people think meal planning takes too much time and isn’t worth it, but I have an easy 3-step meal planning system that saves busy mamas so much time and it helps them lose weight!

    And I get it, mama, when you start meal planning it can feel so overwhelming. These are a few of the biggest roadblocks mamas have told me that they run into with meal planning.

    • It’s too time-consuming
    • You can’t get your family to agree on one meal
    • You don’t feel like eating what you planned
    • You don’t have the ingredients to eat what you planned
    • You can’t think of a single thing to make

    I used to have these problems too! Then, I implemented my backward meal planning system and now I spend maybe 15 mins a week planning meals and grocery shopping. That’s it! It’s so simple and quick that it’s easier than not meal planning.

    This system is one of the first things I teach my Macros Made Easy clients this system and it makes losing weight infinitely easier!

    “The biggest ‘aha’ moment is planning dinners first, and working backward from there. I don’t have to eat a separate meal from my family.”

    • Joanne Mcmillen

    Mama, I want to give you this system for free so that you can reach your health goals too! When you couple this meal planning strategy with macro tracking it makes the biggest difference in your health and weight loss!

    Plan your whole day - but start with dinner

    When you think of meal planning, you usually just think about planning dinner, but I want to talk about planning for your entire day.

    Making a daily meal plan doesn’t have to be overly complicated! I plan out my meals just one day before - with the exception of dinner. Once a week, I plan all of my dinners because dinner is usually my biggest meal and I want to make sure it fits into my daily meal plan.

    It’s super important to me that my family all eat together and that I don’t have to cook separate meals. By knowing what dinner is, I’m able to plug that in and then plan the rest of my meals around it.

    After I’ve planned my dinner, then I go back in and plan the rest of my meals and snacks for the day.

    If you’re macro tracking, this is the best way to meal plan! If you’re not macro-tracking but are just looking to eat healthier, I still suggest planning your meals like this because it saves you so much time!

    A lot of mamas don’t make meal plans and then spend countless hours worrying about what they’re going to eat. I used to do the same thing and it was exhausting! Until I started meal planning I didn’t realize how stressful it was to go without a plan!

    If you start planning your meals you’ll be able to build healthy meals and you won’t fall victim to mindless snacking, or ordering Doordash because you don’t know what else to do.

    How to put a healthy meal together

    One of the biggest reasons people quit eating healthy is that it’s too hard! Trying to find healthy recipes or cooking a complicated meal every night is too much work! Which is why I don’t recommend that to my clients!

    In macro tracking, there aren’t good or bad foods. Which means you don’t have to eat certain foods to be healthy. You don’t need a new cookbook or a bunch of pinned recipes that claim to be healthy. You can eat the foods you like! So I always recommend eating food you’re already used to, and just tweak how you plan your meals.

    Start with protein

    Start your meal planning by choosing what proteins you will serve for the week. Here’s the key to making your meal-planning process simple: only pick 2-3 proteins for the week!

    You’re still going to have a protein at every meal, but by choosing just 2-3 different types of protein, you’re going to make your prep work so much easier!

    Instead of preparing a different protein each day, you’ll bulk-cook your proteins and then add different seasonings or sauces to them depending on the meal. Bulk cooking is going to save you so much time in the evenings as well! It’s been a game changer as a busy mom who is running around from the time school ends until bedtime.

    Let me show you one of my meal plans so that you can see how I bulk-prep my proteins and still have variety throughout the week.

    Say you choose pork, chicken and shrimp for your proteins. Here are the meals I would make with those proteins to switch things up.

    With the pork you could make:

    • Shredded pork burrito bowls
    • BBQ Pork sandwiches

    I’ll use the chicken in

    • Chicken shwarma salad
    • Chicken shawarma kabobs
    • BBQ chicken nachos

    Then, I’ll have a shrimp meal:

    • Shrimp fajitas

    Add sides to complete your meal

    Once you have your proteins picked out and you’ve decided what you’re going to make, then it’s time to add sides to create a complete meal.

    When I’m adding sides I like to make sure that I add a fruit or veggie to the meal and a substantive carb. Most people think you need to avoid carbs, but they are incredibly important to a well-rounded meal.

    Carbs are the body and the brain’s first source of energy so we need to have carbs as a part of our diet to feel energized and think clearly. If you don’t like serving processed carbs to your family, that’s totally fine! Opt for whole grains or whole foods, but don’t cut carbs out completely.

    Going back to our protein examples, here’s what I would add to them to make a complete meal.

    Shredded pork burrito bowls:

    • Lettuce
    • Salsa
    • 2% Cheese
    • Sour cream
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumbers
    • Black Beans

    Pork BBQ sandwiches:

    • Buns
    • BBQ Sauce
    • Pepperoncini's
    • Alexia Fries

    Chicken shwarma salad

    • Butter lettuce
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumbers
    • Red Onion
    • Tzatziki Sauce
    • Red Onion
    • Feta

    Chicken shawarma kabobs

    • Tzatziki Sauce
    • Corn
    • Squash

    BBQ chicken nachos

    • Tortilla chips
    • Cheese
    • Sour cream
    • Avocado/Guacamole
    • Salsa

    Shrimp fajitas

    • Shrimp
    • Seasoning
    • Jasmin Rice
    • Broccoli
    • Mushrooms

    Because I know that this strategy can be such a huge help for busy moms, I want to help you implement this in your families! If you join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition Facebook group, you can grab a download of my Meal Planning System for free! It will walk you through this process so that you can quickly plan healthy meals for your family! And speaking of family…

    How to get your family involved in meal planning & prepping

    Meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking are a lot for one person to be in charge of, so I strongly recommend getting your family involved in the process. Not to that all of these are vital life skills that your kids need!

    Kids are kinesthetic learners so it’s important to get them in the kitchen working alongside you! When involving your family it helps to look at what kids at each age can do to contribute. Here is how your kiddos can start exploring the kitchen safely.

    2-4 year olds

    • Setting the table
    • Learning to match the silverware as you empty the dishwasher
    • Using the salad spinner
    • Picking the leaves off fresh herb stems

    4-5 year olds

    • Stirring independently
    • Greasing pans (with help)
    • Assisting with measuring
    • Counting

    6-7 year olds

    • Dicing and mincing vegetables (use a pairing knife and start with soft foods like strawberries)
    • Peeling raw potatoes with a peeler
    • Slicing and scooping avocados
    • Draining and rinsing canned beans
    • Pouring liquids into containers

    8-9 year olds

    • Using a pizza cutter or can opener
    • Scooping batter into muffin cups
    • Using the stand mixer
    • Skewering food
    • Make sandwiches and wraps
    • Chopping most foods

    10-12 year olds

    • Cook a full meal
    • Use the Air-fryer
    • Use a griddle
    • Follow Recipes on their own
    • Chop most things
    • Use a cheese grater
    • Choose produce at the grocery store

    I also like to have each of my kids choose one meal a week. This helps them learn how to build a healthy meal and it ensures that there’s at least one meal they like during the week.

    Having your kids (and spouse) help you with this is a win-win. It takes a lot of the burden of feeding the family off of you and it prepares your kids for the day when they become adults and need to do this on their own.

    Planning healthy meals for your family doesn’t have to be overly complicated. You don’t need a new recipe. You just need to do it! Meal planning can be one of the biggest obstacles for busy moms, but I know that if you use this system it can change everything!

    And if you’re ready to include macro-friendly meals into your life to start losing weight without giving up your favorite foods, then let’s chat! Schedule a Healthy Mama Blueprint call with me so we can set goals and get you started on a real lifestyle change instead of another diet.

    Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    Spiritualität: Von Geistern, weiblichen Instinkten & Ex- Freunden

    Spiritualität: Von Geistern, weiblichen Instinkten & Ex- Freunden
    Als Kind war da schon immer ein Gefühl, dass sich in Annis Leben immer mehr verstärkt hat. Könnte es da etwas zwischen Himmel & Erde geben, das wir (noch) nicht verstehen oder ist das alles Unsinn? Und wie kannst du als Frau daraus deine Kraft für den Alltag & die Herausforderungen des Lebens ziehen? Diese Folge wird mystisch. Viel Spaß dabei. 
    Über eure Kommentare & Bewertungen freuen wir uns sehr. 

    Hast du spirituelle Erfahrungen gemacht & möchtest sie teilen? Schreibe es gern. 


    Email: annipunkt-podcast@gmx.de

    Neustart: Deep Talk, neue Äppel & Kita @home

    Neustart: Deep Talk, neue Äppel & Kita @home
    Endlich ist sie wieder da!! Eine neue Folge: Und alles ist neu. Diese Folge wird richtig tiefgründig. Anni erzählt euch über ihre größten Lebensthemen, Gossip, Herzenswünsche & darüber, warum eine Schwangerschaft für sie so sehr erfüllend war. Außerdem gibt’s ein Update über die letzten turbulenten Monate & ihre neuen Brüste. Have fun & vergesst nicht Sterne & ‘ne Bewertung & Kommentare da zu lassen. ♥️

    Folgt mir gern auf Instagram: Anja Zirke (@anipunkt) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
    Für Feedback & Fragen: annipunkt-podcast@gmx.de

    Episode 128 - Unexpected tool that will make busy moms reach their weight loss goals

    Episode 128 - Unexpected tool that will make busy moms reach their weight loss goals

    If busy mamas want to hit their weight loss goals they just have to do one thing! Be more selfish!

    Did alarm bells just go off in your mind? NO! NO! NO! I have to make sure my kids have what they need! I need to take care of the house! I have to show up for work! I need to pour into my relationship! I don’t have the time or energy to think about myself on top of that!

    All of those are valid thoughts. But the problem is that mamas are too selfless.

    We give, and we give, and we give until we’re left feeling worn out, sick and alone. And that’s not how we build a happy life, a happy family or a happy marriage!

    We build beautiful lives by prioritizing our needs, taking care of ourselves and then pouring into the people we love, aka being a little selfish.

    Give yourself permission to do something for you.

    Before you can achieve your weight loss goals you need to give yourself permission to do something just for you.

    I love the idea of getting healthy for our kids. It’s a huge part of my mission with my business, but you also have to be willing to get healthy for yourself.

    Because at the end of the day, you’re the one living in your body. Your kids don’t have to deal with you feeling uncomfortable in your jeans. But you do. Your spouse doesn’t have to deal with the gross, bloated feeling you have when you overeat. But you do.

    At the end of the day, you need to give yourself permission to get healthy for you.

    And Mama, if you’re struggling to give yourself permission to put your needs first, then I’ll give it to you.

    It doesn’t make you a bad mom, or wife, or friend, or daughter to put your health first. In fact, I’d argue it makes you a better mom, wife, friend, daughter, etc.

    One of my favorite analogies for this is what you hear on the airplane. Before any flight, the flight attendant will tell you that in case there is an emergency an oxygen mask will drop down. You should always apply your mask before helping other passengers with theirs - including children.

    When we hear these instructions, we know why they say that. Because if you can’t breathe and you pass out then, you can’t help someone else! You have to be able to breathe to take care of the people around you.

    And Mama, that applies to every other aspect of your health. You can’t take care of everyone else around you if you’re unhappy, or you don’t feel good!

    However, once you do feel good, once you’re confident in who you are in your health, then you can show up better than ever for the other people in your life.

    Be selfish enough to stay committed

    It’s one thing to say you’re willing to prioritize your health, but it takes effort and mindfulness to stay committed to your health. And honestly, staying committed is a huge struggle for women, especially busy moms!

    One of the biggest roadblocks I see my clients hit, is prioritizing their nutritional goals when other people interrupt their plans. That could be your family asking to eat out, being invited out with friends, or having someone drop a treat by your house.

    A lot of women struggle when someone else asks them to abandon their plans and join theirs instead because they want to make everyone else happy.

    They’re being selfless.

    But then they go out to eat, and they end up overeating or eating something that they know is going to hurt their goals. And they come home and are frustrated, disappointed and ashamed because they didn’t stick to their goals.

    They were selfless. They did what everyone else wanted. And they’re left feeling sick because they ate something that wasn’t great for them. Or they’re disappointed because they didn’t get to do what they wanted.

    Which is why it’s OK to be selfish with your health!

    It’s OK to say no to people when you don’t want to go out! It’s OK to go out with your girlfriends and not drink if it’s going to take you away from your goals. It’s OK to not eat something that doesn’t align with your nutritional boundaries.

    No one else has to live with the consequences of your nutritional decisions, but you do, so be selfish!

    Being selfish doesn’t mean that you can’t eat out or have any treats ever again. Inside my Macros Made Easy Program, I teach busy mamas how to handle these situations so that they can enjoy their food and still stick to their health goals.

    Focus on your mindset to reach your goals

    I want to leave you with one last thought because as mamas it’s easy (and a lot of times expected) to give up what we want to accommodate others. The best way to be comfortable with being selfish is to focus on your mindset.

    Living a healthy life is 20% nutrition and 80% mindset. And it’s the piece that is left out of traditional diets! But it makes the biggest difference!!

    One of my clients, who is a mindset coach herself, noticed the same thing.

    “Mindset Matters! The people who I have seen have the most success in my 2.5 years of being in the program are the ones who figure out early on that it’s not about the food.”

    -Nicole Turner

    The way we think and feel about ourselves, our food, our choices, our families, our responsibilities all dictate how healthy we are. And if you ignore all of that, then you’re never going to reach your goals.

    But if you have tools to help you address your thoughts and work through your feelings you’re not just going to reach your weight loss goals, you’re going to become an amazing mom, wife, friend, daughter and woman.

    That’s why I want you to be a little more selfish.

    And a lot of times being a little bit selfish now, means you’re able to be more selfless later. You don’t have to become self-obsessed to be healthy. But you do have to prioritize your needs and if that’s something you struggle to do, we need to talk.

    I help busy mamas just like you lose weight without feeling shame or guilt. And in turn, I get to help generations live healthier lives. If you want to lose weight, prioritize yourself and still be a great mama, then let’s hop on a Healthy Mama Blueprint Call. We can chat about where you’re at and where you’d like to be! Then if it’s a good fit for both of us, we can get you started on your health journey within a week! Get started by scheduling your Healthy Mama Blueprint Call!

    Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

    Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

    Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

    Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

    Love Free Resources Go Here: https://theunraveledmama.com/resources

    #18 MAMA, MMA & 2 años EXP KPOP

    #18 MAMA, MMA & 2 años EXP KPOP

    Por fin de meses de espera, tuvimos una respuesta a una de las preguntas más importantes del año... Blackpink ¿Renovó su contrato con YG Ent?

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    El chisme de la semana cae esta vez sobre la rapera Jessi, quien al parecer una vez más esta abandonando una agencia ¿Será Jessi una artista conflictiva?

    Un nuevo programa llega a Corea para poner aprueba de las cuerdas vocales de los idols. Tiny Desk Korea ¿Será un buen o mal programa?

    Cuando menos lo esperábamos ATEEZ volvió con su 4to full álbum "The World EP.Fin: Will" un album compuesto por 12 canciones. Su canción principal "Crazy Form" dejó en claro lo ATEEZ esta en lo más alto de su carrera.

    NMIXX nos presenta su pre-lanzamiento "Soñar" ¿Habrá sido del gusto de MC Choco? ¿A MC Cote por fin le gustara NMIIX? ¿MC Chacha aprobó musicalmente este pre-lanzamiento?

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    Para finalizar, las MCs cuentan como han sido estos 2 años como Experiencia Kpop y aprovechan de dar algunas recomendaciones.

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    Bog nije mogao da bude na svakom mjestu, pa je stvorio majku - SuperMama

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    Neplodnost je ta koja krade snove, slama srca, donosi tugu i bol. Troši živote. Jedan za drugim negativan test za trudnoću, injekcije, lijekovi...

    Cijena visoka, i fizički i psihički i emocionalno.

    Nekada, uz toliku želju i upornost da ostanemo u drugom stanju, budemo vrlo razočarani ukoliko do trudnoće ne dođe. U tom bolu jedno od najgorih pitanja koje možete postaviti nekome je "Šta čekate? Kada će ta beba?".

    Uče nas kako nekom izraziti saučešće jer je izgubio blisku osobu, ali ne uče nas kako nekom izraziti podršku kad izgubi nerođenu bebu ili kad "samo" izgubi još jedan mjesec čekajući pozitivan test za trudnoću.

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    Ko daje uputstvo za bebe novim mamama - Koja je uloga dule? - SuperMama 001

    Ko daje uputstvo za bebe novim mamama - Koja je uloga dule? - SuperMama 001

    Lana Lekić je profesorica na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija, kao i profesorica na Farmaceutskom fakultetu, gdje je praktikovala rad sa pacijentima posljednjih 20 godina. Lana Lekićje jedini certificirani instruktor masaže beba i djece u Bosni i Hercegovini. Govoreći jezikom ljudi, Lana je super čovjek, super žena i SuperMama, a da pri tom ne posjeduje nikakvu vanzemaljsku super moć, osim dobrih namjera i ogromne topline koju nosi u srcu, iz kojeg je iznjedrila jednog divnog dječaka, a putem usvajanja i hraniteljstva, širom otvorila za još dvoje djece. 

    Ali naša SuperMama nije jedina, i ti si SuperMama, i svaka mama je baš super i najbolja mama svojoj djeci. Ona koja je tu uvijek da im pomogne i vodi ih kroz život, ali i mami nekada treba pomoć, jer bebe ne dolaze uz uputstvo za upotrebu, pa nam je potrebna pomoć dule.

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    Čitajte nas na: https://www.oslobodjenje.ba FB :https://www.facebook.com/oslobodjenjeba IG: https://www.instagram.com/oslobodjenj... Twitter: ...

    Beauty Guide für Mamis: erwecke die Göttin in dir

    Beauty Guide für Mamis: erwecke die Göttin in dir
    Die heutige Folge ist vollgepackt mit Beauty. Wie vereinbart Anni Beauty mit dem Mamaalltag? Was sind ihre Tipps & Tricks frisch & schön auszusehen trotz Schlafmangel? Gibt es Beauty Must Haves? Und warum ist es so wichtig sich selbst zu spüren & anzufassen? Dies und mehr gibt’s in dieser Folge. Wie freuen uns immer über euer Feedback & eure Rezensionen. 

    Email: annipunkt-podcast@gmx.de
    Instagram: @anipunkt 

    Oslobođena: Koliko je prepreka za usvajanje djece u BiH?

    Oslobođena: Koliko je prepreka za usvajanje djece u BiH?

    Usvajanje, iako plemenit i ljubavlju ispunjen čin, u našoj državi je to zaista zahtjevan proces. Volje ima, ali nažalost postoji i sve više djece kojoj je potrebna porodica, ali je sistem taj koji u ovom slučaju znatno usporava postupak. U Bosni i Hercegovini usvojiti dijete je zaista uspjeh s obzirom na cjelokupnu proceduru i birokratiju. Dokaz navedenom je da je u 2022. godini u BiH samo 30 parova uspjelo usvojiti dijete, a preko 2.000 djece je bez roditeljskog staranja.

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