
    stack overflow

    Explore " stack overflow" with insightful episodes like "OverflowAI and the holy grail of search", "How Stack Overflow is partnering with Google to encourage socially responsible AI" and "Down the rabbit hole in the Stack Exchange network" from podcasts like ""The Stack Overflow Podcast", "The Stack Overflow Podcast" and "The Stack Overflow Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (3)

    OverflowAI and the holy grail of search

    OverflowAI and the holy grail of search

    OverflowAI is a GenAI-powered add-on for Stack Overflow for Teams that does the heavy lifting of discovering and distilling information into a coherent answer. It encompasses three modules: Enhanced Search, an upgraded search experience; Stack Overflow for Visual Studio Code, an IDE extension; and Auto-Answer App for Slack, which automates access to essential team knowledge. 

    Read about why OverflowAI is a big step toward integrating GenAI offerings into knowledge communities and dig into what’s launching and why it’s valuable.

    Connect with Ash on LinkedIn.

    Big props to Stack Overflow user Jennifer M., who earned both a Great Question badge and a Famous Question badge by wondering How to combine the sequence of objects in jq into one object?.

    How Stack Overflow is partnering with Google to encourage socially responsible AI

    How Stack Overflow is partnering with Google to encourage socially responsible AI

    Stack Overflow has teamed up with Google Cloud to develop an API—Overflow API—to give Gemini, Google’s AI model, access to Stack Overflow knowledge communities. 

    Learn how Ryan’s team is working toward socially responsible AI.

    Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn.

    Stack Overflow user verygoodsoftwarenotvirus earned a Great Question badge by asking something at least 87,000 people have also wondered: How can I get all keys from a JSON column in Postgres?.

    Down the rabbit hole in the Stack Exchange network

    Down the rabbit hole in the Stack Exchange network

    Discussions are now taking place across all tags on Stack Overflow. Check out this one about why people keep proclaiming the death of PHP or this one on whether Jenkins is still the dominant player in the CI/CD space.

    What would happen if you suddenly lost consciousness? The Philosophy Stack Exchange has thoughts.

    Did knights wear glasses? Historical records don’t really answer this question, but the History Stack Exchange does.

    The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has deemed AI-generated robocalls illegal.