
    Down the rabbit hole in the Stack Exchange network

    enFebruary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Stack Overflow DiscussionsStack Overflow introduces discussions, a new feature allowing users to engage in non-question related conversations, expanding the platform's offerings beyond Q&A format and fostering a stronger sense of community

      Stack Overflow has introduced a new feature called "discussions," which allows users to engage in casual, non-question related conversations on the platform. This marks a significant shift from the site's traditional Q&A format to a more open, conversational space. Users can now discuss various topics related to programming and technology, fostering a sense of community and allowing for more organic interactions. This new feature is particularly noteworthy as it expands upon the limited discourse previously allowed through articles in certain collectives. With over 150 discussions already underway, users are exploring a range of topics, including the ongoing debate about the viability of PHP. Despite the perception that PHP is outdated, the language continues to thrive due to its widespread use in applications like WordPress and its longevity in the development world. Overall, the introduction of discussions represents an exciting evolution for Stack Overflow, providing users with a more diverse and inclusive platform to engage with one another.

    • PHP evolution, CICD toolsPHP has evolved into a fully object-oriented language and is capable of producing strongly typed quality code. The debate about the best CICD tool, such as Jenkins, depends on the specific needs and preferences of the development team.

      PHP has evolved from a less-than-ideal scripting language to a fully object-oriented language capable of producing strongly typed quality code. While it may not be as flashy as newer technologies, its simplicity makes it a viable option for certain projects. Regarding the CICD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) landscape, the question of whether Jenkins still reigns as the top choice is debatable. Jenkins, an open-source automation server, has both pros and cons. Its extensibility and customizability are loved by developers, but its requirement for extensive customization can also be a drawback. Ultimately, the answer depends on the specific needs and preferences of the development team. Moving on from the technical aspects, another observation from the discussion was the human tendency to seek engagement and validation, even if it means stirring up controversy. This was illustrated through the use of discussion bait on subreddits, which can generate engagement and dopamine release. In summary, PHP's evolution into a more robust language and the ongoing debate about the best CICD tool highlight the importance of understanding the unique strengths and limitations of various technologies. Additionally, the human inclination towards engagement and validation can impact the way we approach and discuss these topics.

    • CI/CD with JenkinsJenkins is an outdated CI/CD tool with numerous plugins, some of which are outdated open-source projects. CI/CD automates processes, including testing and cloud integration, making them more efficient. The new Stack Overflow site offers a platform for community engagement and knowledge sharing.

      Jenkins, an aging software used for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), is known for its vast number of plugins, many of which are open-source projects that haven't been maintained. Ira, who has worked at other software companies, has heard of CI/CD pipelines but hasn't had much personal experience with them. He mentions that once code is committed and approved, various actions can be run, including testing and cloud integration. CI/CD is an automation platform that can make processes more efficient. Ira also expresses excitement about the potential for bringing more community activity to their blog and podcast through the new Stack Overflow site. The site attracts a diverse range of users, some with long-standing Stack Overflow profiles. This new platform offers an official space for these users to engage in discussions and share their knowledge. Overall, the new Stack Overflow site presents an opportunity to streamline processes, foster community engagement, and bring more valuable content to the forefront.

    • Collaborative learning on online platformsOnline discussion platforms like Stack Overflow foster a collaborative learning environment through dynamic conversations, refining questions, and enabling users to learn from each other, ultimately leading to better answers.

      The value of online discussion platforms like Stack Overflow goes beyond just finding answers to specific questions. The back-and-forth exchanges between users can lead to a deeper understanding of complex topics and improved question formulation. Cassidy Williams' video emphasizes that everything depends on something else, making it impossible to give a straight answer in all cases. This dynamic conversation fosters a collaborative learning environment, where users can engage with each other and refine questions, ultimately leading to better answers. Additionally, this format allows users to participate in the conversation more freely, reducing the intimidation factor of asking questions. While the platform is optimized for providing answers, the community aspect adds value by enabling users to learn from each other and engage in meaningful discussions. However, some users' contributions may be misunderstood or undervalued through the voting system, which could be improved to better reflect the value of collaborative learning.

    • Downvoting on online platformsProvide constructive feedback through comments instead of downvoting for unclear reasons. Engage in discussions or provide suggestions instead of downvoting when encountering insufficient context. Recognize the value of intellectual discussions and thought-provoking conversations in online debates.

      Downvoting on online platforms like Stack Overflow can serve various purposes, from expressing disagreement or signaling inadequate content, to simply indicating a lack of relevance or helpfulness. However, it's crucial to remember that downvotes don't always come with clear context or explanations. To promote more effective communication and understanding, it's essential to provide constructive feedback through comments. Moreover, in some cases, downvotes might not be necessary at all. For instance, when encountering a block of code or a question with insufficient context, it might be more productive to engage in a discussion or provide suggestions instead of downvoting. Additionally, it's important to recognize that online debates, such as those found in various Stack Exchange communities and newsletters, can foster intellectual discussions and thought-provoking conversations. These exchanges often result in valuable insights and engaging debates, which can contribute positively to the learning experience for all participants.

    • Knights and GlassesKnights could wear glasses under their armor, enhancing historical inquiries' intrigue, while critical thinking, historical context, and understanding technology's limitations are crucial for accurate research

      In the context of historical inquiries, sometimes the most intriguing questions lead to surprising answers. For instance, could a knight wear glasses? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. Knights wore glasses under their armor, as their weapons were large and inaccurate, and glasses would not hinder their combat abilities. However, it's essential to consider the historical context and the limitations of technology during that era. Moreover, in today's era of AI, it's crucial to remember that AI provides answers, not the context of a whole discussion. Therefore, while using LLMs, it's essential to be aware that they may provide multiple perspectives and prevaricate, making it essential to critically evaluate the information presented. Furthermore, plagiarism is a significant concern, especially in academic settings. However, at younger ages, such as 4th grade, students are expected to understand the concept of summarizing information from a text, but they should not simply copy and paste information without adding their unique perspective or understanding. In conclusion, the discussion highlights the importance of critical thinking, historical context, and understanding the limitations of technology, especially in the context of academic research and inquiry.

    • AI-generated voices in robocallsThe FCC has made AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under the Telephone Protection Act to prevent the spread of malicious calls and protect consumers.

      There has been a regulatory ruling by the FCC in the United States making AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under the Telephone Protection Act. This means that while recorded voices are still allowed, they must have been produced by a live person at some point. This decision was made to prevent the proliferation of robocalls using artificial voices, which can be more difficult for individuals to distinguish from genuine calls. During the discussion, there was a mention of the challenges faced by students in academic research, with concerns raised about plagiarism and the lack of original contributions to the field. The conversation also touched on the regulatory landscape for robocalls and the potential implications of the FCC's ruling. For those with a more cynical perspective, it was suggested to look up a hearing in the United States where an older gentleman received a distressing call from someone claiming to be his son, who had supposedly been involved in a car accident and was asking for bail money. This incident underscores the potential for malicious use of robocalls and the importance of regulations to protect consumers. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of original contributions in academic research and the need for regulations to address the challenges posed by robocalls and AI-generated voices.

    • AI voice clonesVerify authenticity of calls from unknown numbers or suspicious situations by asking for a pre-established password or code phrase to prevent potential AI impersonation and financial loss.

      Technology has advanced to the point where AI voice clones can convincingly mimic human voices, potentially leading to dangerous situations. A father received a call from an AI clone of his son, claiming to be in an accident, and the father, in his urgency, sent bail money. This incident serves as a reminder to always verify the authenticity of calls, especially in emergency situations, by asking for a pre-established password or code phrase. In the past, families used secret codes to ensure safety, but now, with the rise of technology, it may be necessary to implement more advanced security measures, such as iris scans or facial recognition, to prevent AI impersonation. It's essential to stay vigilant and be aware of the potential risks of AI voice clones. Additionally, engaging in discussions on platforms like Stack Overflow can provide valuable insights and knowledge on various topics, including security and technology.

    • React testing state changeLeo's expertise on changing state values in React testing library has helped over 2,000 individuals and can be found on podcasts and Stack Overflow

      Leo, a helpful member of the React community, shared his expertise on changing state values in React testing library. His guidance has benefited over 2,000 individuals, earning him a badge as a result. This badge can be awarded multiple times for popular questions, which have amassed 10,000 views. Ben Popper, the podcast host, shared this information, encouraging listeners to reach out with questions or suggestions. The podcast and Stack Overflow are common platforms for this interaction. As an editor at Stack Overflow blog, Ryan Donovan can be contacted there, while Arthur Donovan and Ira May, both writers at Stack Overflow, can be found on the blog and Twitter, respectively. The podcast aims to bring on guests based on emails received, so listeners are encouraged to engage. If you enjoy the show, consider leaving a rating, review, or participating in discussions.

    Recent Episodes from The Stack Overflow Podcast

    How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry

    How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry

    Before Medplum, Reshma founded and exited two startups in the healthcare space – MedXT (managing medical images online acquired by Box) and Droplet (at-home diagnostics company acquired by Ro). Reshma has a B.S. in computer science and a Masters of Engineering from MIT.

    You can learn more about Medplum here and check out their Github, which has over 1,200 stars, here.

    You can learn more about Khilnani on her website, GitHub, and on LinkedIn.

    Congrats to Stack Overflow user Kvam for earning a Lifeboat Badge with an answer to the question: 

    What is the advantage of using a Bitarray when you can store your bool values in a bool[]?

    A very special 5-year-anniversary edition of the Stack Overflow podcast!

    A very special 5-year-anniversary edition of the Stack Overflow podcast!

    Cassidy reflect on her time as a CTO of a startup and how the shifting environment for funding has created new pressures and incentives for founders, developers, and venture capitalists.

    Ben tries to get a bead on a new Moore’s law for the GenAI era: when will we start to see diminishing returns and fewer step factor jumps? 

    Ben and Cassidy remember the time they made a viral joke of a keyboard!

    Ryan sees how things goes in cycles. A Stack Overflow job board is back! And what do we make of the trend of AI assisted job interviews where cover letters and even technical interviews have a bot in the background helping out.

    Congrats to Erwin Brandstetter for winning a lifeboat badge with an answer to this question:  How do I convert a simple select query like select * from customers into a stored procedure / function in pg?

    Say goodbye to "junior" engineering roles

    Say goodbye to "junior" engineering roles

    How would all this work in practice? Of course, any metric you set out can easily become a target that developers look to game. With Snapshot Reviews, the goal is to get a high level overview of a software team’s total activity and then use AI to measure the complexity of the tasks and output.

    If a pull request attached to a Jira ticket is evaluated as simple by the system, for example, and a programmer takes weeks to finish it, then their productivity would be scored poorly. If a coder pushes code changes only once or twice a week, but the system rates them as complex and useful, then a high score would be awarded. 

    You can learn more about Snapshot Reviews here.

    You can learn more about Flatiron Software here.

    Connect with Kirim on LinkedIn here.

    Congrats to Stack Overflow user Cherry who earned a great question badge for asking: Is it safe to use ALGORITHM=INPLACE for MySQL?

    Making ETL pipelines a thing of the past

    Making ETL pipelines a thing of the past

    RelationalAI’s first big partner is Snowflake, meaning customers can now start using their data with GenAI without worrying about the privacy, security, and governance hassle that would come with porting their data to a new cloud provider. The company promises it can also add metadata and a knowledge graph to existing data without pushing it through an ETL pipeline.

    You can learn more about the company’s services here.

    You can catch up with Cassie on LinkedIn.

    Congrats to Stack Overflow user antimirov for earning a lifeboat badge by providing a great answer to the question: 

    How do you efficiently compare two sets in Python?

    The world’s most popular web framework is going AI native

    The world’s most popular web framework is going AI native

    Palmer says that a huge percentage of today’s top websites, including apps like ChartGPT, Perplexity, and Claude, were built with Vercel’s Next.JS. 

    For the second goal, you can see what Vercel is up to with its v0 project, which lets developers use text prompts and images to generate code. 

    Third, the Vercel AI SDK, which aims to to help developers build conversational, streaming, and chat user interfaces in JavaScript and TypeScript. You can learn more here.

    If you want to catch Jared posting memes, check him out on Twitter. If you want to learn more abiout the AI SDK, check it out 


    A big thanks to Pierce Darragh for providing a great answer and earning a lifeboat badge by saving a question from the dustinbin of history. Pierce explained: How you can split documents into training set and test set

    Can software startups that need $$$ avoid venture captial?

    Can software startups that need $$$ avoid venture captial?

    You can find Shestakofsky on his website or check him out on X.

    Grab a copy of his new book: Behind the Startup: How Venture Capital Shapes Work, Innovation, and Inequality. 

    As he writes on his website, the book:

    Draws on 19 months of participant-observation research to examine how investors’ demand for rapid growth created organizational problems that managers solved by combining high-tech systems with low-wage human labor. The book shows how the burdens imposed on startups by venture capital—as well as the benefits and costs of “moving fast and breaking things”—are unevenly distributed across a company’s workforce and customers. With its focus on the financialization of innovation, Behind the Startup explains how the gains generated by tech startups are funneled into the pockets of a small cadre of elite investors and entrepreneurs. To promote innovation that benefits the many rather than the few, Shestakofsky argues that we should focus less on fixing the technology and more on changing the financial infrastructure that supports it.

    A big thanks to our user of the week, Parusnik, who was awarded a Great Question badge for asking: How to run a .NET Core console application on Linux?

    An open-source development paradigm

    An open-source development paradigm

    Temporal is an open-source implementation of durable execution, a development paradigm that preserves complete application state so that upon host or software failure it can seamlessly migrate execution to another machine. Learn how it works or dive into the docs. 

    Temporal’s SaaS offering is Temporal Cloud.

    Replay is a three-day conference focused on durable execution. Replay 2024 is September 18-20 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Get your early bird tickets or submit a talk proposal!

    Connect with Maxim on LinkedIn.

    User Honda hoda earned a Famous Question badge for SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column.