

    Explore "strife" with insightful episodes like "2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday Morning, Pre-Service Prayer (8:30 a.m. CT)", "From the Heart: Memorial Day Weekend 2020", "6 Traits Destined For Divorce (Episode 134)", "DEALING WITH TENSION IN RELATIONSHIPS" and "DEALING WITH TENSION IN RELATIONSHIPS" from podcasts like ""Kenneth Copeland Ministries 2020 Events", "Rebranded Christianity", "Mama Says Namaste Podcast", "PRINCE HANDLEY PODCAST" and "PRINCE HANDLEY PROPHECY"" and more!

    Episodes (69)

    From the Heart: Memorial Day Weekend 2020

    From the Heart: Memorial Day Weekend 2020
    A text I received on Memorial Day troubled my heart about an issue that is very familiar to me. What troubled me even further is how the media covered what happened over Memorial Day Weekend 2020, which is also very familiar, and what motivation is behind that coverage. This episode of the ReBranded Christianity podcast begins a series entitled, From the Heart. I am a speaking on current events and cultural issues that have been deeply within my heart for some time and putting them in a biblical context. This series will be therapeutic, enlightening, revelatory, and cross-corrective.




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    Do you want to WIN the argument .. OR … save and heal the relationship? In this podcast teaching you will learn HOW to use tension to strengthen God-ordained relationships. Also, you will learn five (5) processes in dealing with tension in relationships and solving problems




    Tension in relationships is NOT bad. It is a "way mark" if handled correctly. That is, it is a marker along the way to further progress, an ensign for the strengthening of the relationship.

    There are four (4) types of mentalities:

    • Survival

    • Contract

    • Traditional (family)

    • Covenant

    In the covenant relationship, you are being concerned MORE for the other party. Dr. Livingstone, the great missionary to Africa, reached many tribes for Christ that could not have been reached otherwise by making a blood covenant with them.

    In such covenant relationships each party is telling the other:
    "Whatever I have is yours if you need it." Livingstone had a life threatening condition that required him to drink goats' milk. Because of this, he would keep a goat with him. One day, a tribal chieftain that had made a blood covenant with Livingstone told him that he wanted his white goat. That reminds me of the saying "Got your goat!" Knowing the seriousness of this request, and the danger it could pose for himself, Livingstone honored the request and gave the chieftain his white goat.

    Many of our problems appear in our relationships with other people. Has anyone ever had problems with you?

    Moses was a problem solver; he was an intercessor. You can read about his intercession and leadership through using prayer in Numbers Chapter 14. The FIRST thing to do when tension arises in a relationship is to PRAY.

    Because there are problems in interpersonal relationships doesn't mean you are sinning; for example, problems with family members. If you are praying for the other person or people, if you are forgiving, and if you are doing what the Holy Spirit is showing you to do (which never contradicts scripture), then be at peace. However, many people - and some Christians - "stumble" in life because they are proceeding in darkness. Some Christians even experience lots of sickness and repeated physical conditions ... or even accidents ... because of this.

    Our beloved brother John admonishes us in his writings as follows:

    • He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now.

    • He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.

    • But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (1 John 2:9-11)

    • This is also why it is important NOT to cause trouble in a relationship between other people. The Bible says that one of the seven things that are an abomination to Godand that he hatesis the person "who causes discord among brethren." (Proverbs 6:19)


    If a person who is NOT in either a traditional (family blood) relationship with you or a covenant relationship with you, comes to you and says something negatively about, or brings charges against, a person in your family or with whom you are in relationship, BEWARE! Many families and relationships have been injured by such people. Your first reaction / response should be as follows: "I will consult with my relative or partner about this (what you have told me) and then I will pray and take it to the Lord."

    Many people have received lies about their own family members or partners while never having even asked about "the other side of the story," or WHY the accusations have been made, or even IF they were true. My mother used to say, "Blood is thicker than water."

    Moses led 3,000,000 people. In Numbers Chapter 14, Moses had just finished asking – interceding – for God's mercy on Israel when Korah, Dathan, and Abiram started their rebellion against him. Korah was Moses' cousin and a member of the tribe of Levi in the family of Aaron. (Numbers 16:3)

    Notice five (5) processes in the life of Moses in dealing with tension in relationships and solving problems:

    • Personal Prayer

    • Confrontation

    • Let God Fight for You

    • Separate Yourself from Strife

    • Intercede for Others


    In Numbers 16:4-7 notice that Moses positioned himself face down in prayer. First, always PRAY and SEEK GOD'S WISDOM. Are you facing a problem? Are you causing a problem?

    Korah's complaint against Aaron was strictly a complaint against God:
    it was not a complaint about qualifications, but against God's order. This can often be a cause of spiritual impotence ... and of judgment ... among churches, ministries, or families.

    In 1 Corinthians 11: 3 we see God's order for the home:

    "But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God."

    It is NOT a matter of who is better than another, but rather of order, so that love and power can flow unhindered from God: to effect BLESSING upon the unit and upon the individuals of the unit. In cases where an individual is NOT performing their duties ... for example, when a man is not being the spiritual leader of the home, then God has ways to circumvent the hindrance so that blessing will flow. This is where prayer and obedience come into play by each member. PRAY, LISTEN, and OBEY!


    Dathan and Abiram were members of the tribe of Reuben, while Moses was of the tribe of Levi. It was important for Moses to control his anger. We are to approach people in God's wisdom and love so they will receive BENEFIT of confrontation (which is an alternative to unacceptable behavior).

    1. Pray for God's wisdom; and,

    2. Follow up with appropriate confrontation.

    Let people know, if it is possible, that you are confronting them because you love them and want the best for them.

    As parents, God tells us to correct without anger. We may have to spank (use the rod, not the hand) at times, but we should always,
    after the discipline, pray with our children and let them KNOW they are FORGIVEN and LOVED. God did NOT invent “time out.” “Time out” has probably done more to make it hard for young people to honor, hear from, and serve God than any other socially devised concept during the ages. It is probably one of the major factors for the increased number of teen pregnancies.

    "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the LORD." (Ephesians 6:4)


    After you have first prayed and done what God has showed you to do . . . then REST! We see two good examples of this in Exodus Chapter 14 and 2 Chronicles Chapter 20.

    "Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today ... the LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." (Exodus 13-14)

    "Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's."
    (2 Chronicles 20:15)

    We also see what happened to those who rebelled against Moses and Aaron in Numbers 16:28-30.

    Has God ever lost a battle? NO! Have you? YES!


    When you need deliverance, separate yourself from struggle . . . and let God do a MIRACLE!


    If you are thinking negative thoughts, separate yourself from these and renew your mind with the promises in God's Word.


    You may have to separate yourself from either a SITUATION or a PERSON. In Exodus Chapter Two we read where Moses killed a man. He then spent 40 years in the wilderness of Midian, probably in the eastern part of the Sinai peninsula or northwestern Arabia. I, personally, have walked alone with 19 camels in that Sinai desert. There, under the tutelage of God, Moses learned how to control himself . . . and how to control a flock. After that, he became Israel's pastor for 40 years.

    Think about YOUR lifestyle. You may have to separate yourself from ungodly relationships or counter-productive relationships.


    Six times Moses interceded for the lives of Israel. On one occasion, God told Moses that he would even wipe out the complaining Israelites and give Moses a NEW nation, greater and mightier than they, to start over. However, Moses interceded for the people and talked God into sparing them. (Numbers 14:11-24)

    After the incident where God judged Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, the children of Israel went immediately back to complaining, and accused Moses of killing them. Because of this,
    another 14,700 people died. (Numbers 16:41)

    "the children of Korah died not." (Numbers 26:11) Years later, we read about the children (descendants) of Korah being ministers in the tabernacle (1 Chronicles 9:19). They also wrote many Psalms. God had warned the people to depart from the rebels and get away from their tents before judgment fell. Evidently, someone in Korah's family made a quality decision.

    There is a truth here:
    You may have to walk away from a relationship . . . or a relative . . . at some time in your life. But only do it after MUCH PRAYER, seeking God's will and not yours; and KNOWING it is what God wants at that time! It doesn't mean that you don't love them, or that you're not willing to help them. Read Genesis Chapter 13 and Mark 10:29.

    Above all, never forget what Jesus promised you,
    "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) And . . . always forgive! Forgiveness can save most relationships. God is our perfect model. In the Book of Hosea, God pictures Israel as a harlot gone away from her husband. After all the times Israel disobeyed God, as a disobedient wife, He still promises her a glorious future:
    "I will betroth you to Me forever; yes I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in loving kindness and mercy; I will betroth you to me in faithfulness, and you shall know the LORD." (Hosea)

      Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.

    Your friend,
    Prince Handley
    President / Regent
    University of Excellence

    Podcast time: 15 minutes, 13 seconds.

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    Servants Of Christ, 1Corinthians 3,4

    Servants Of Christ, 1Corinthians 3,4

     Paul warns the church at Corint that there must not be any jealousy or strife in the body of Christ. 

    There are no big I's or little U's. Christ is the One, that causes the church to grow.

    We plant and water, but it is Him who causes the growth and supplies the power for us all to be His witnesses.

    We can build on no other foundation but that of Christ Jesus.

    We are not to judge because God is the only one who knows our heart. We don't judge righteously anyway.

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord.

    Music intro and outro by Scott Holmes, Corporate Uplifting 

    Music theme through out the narrations by Anton Khoryukov, The Moment of Light

    TLP 195: God’s Cure for Family Strife

    TLP 195: God’s Cure for Family Strife

    Is there strife and contention in your family? Join AMBrewster today as he shares God’s cure for family strife.


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    15 Minutes w/ Ms.B - Strife

    15 Minutes w/ Ms.B - Strife
    15 Minutes w/ Ms.B - Strife
    Scripture:2 Timothy 2:23-25

    Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,


    50. Genesis 31:1-21 – Jacob Flees from Laban

    50. Genesis 31:1-21 – Jacob Flees from Laban

    As Jacob’s wealth increased, Laban’s sons became envious, and Laban’s attitude changed toward him. After twenty years, it was time for Jacob to return to Canaan.

    Join Pastor Daryl as he journeys through the entire Bible.
    Next episode
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    Join Pastor Daryl as he journeys through the entire Bible.
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    74 - Cloud Strife vs. Himura Kenshin vs. Siegfried Schtauffen

    74 - Cloud Strife vs. Himura Kenshin vs. Siegfried Schtauffen

    Beautiful boys with beautiful blades battle in beautiful, beautiful ways in this week's contest of deadly swords and unspeakable regrets. When word reaches him of the existence of the demonic weapon known as Tōkijin (possibly via the mysterious yet sarcastic bartender serving drinks nearby) the scar-faced rurouni Himura Kenshin is determined to destroy it. But when he arrives at the mouth of the cave in which the sinister blade rests, he quickly finds that he is not alone. Cloud Strife, fresh off the depressing realization that his fantasy is still somehow not final, is in the mood to break something with all six parts of the Fusion Sword. And Siegfried Schtauffen, a man no stranger to living in his own personal nightmare, is ready to bring the full power of Soul Calibur to bear against evil...at least, until both he and his sword are corrupted by evil, themselves.

    Which beautiful sword boy will win the three-way duel (truel?) and earn the right to destroy Tōkijin (and to incorporate it into bluntly symbolic trauma flashbacks at some point in the future)? Will Kit, Liz, and MeganBob survive their collective salivation over this group of characters? And how will they fare when Dan unleashes the most fearsome villain of all in the Lightning Round?


    TLP 44: Practical Anti-Terrorism | Applying Truth to a Terrorist with The Communication House and Revolving Priorities

    TLP 44: Practical Anti-Terrorism | Applying Truth to a Terrorist with The Communication House and Revolving Priorities

    Today Aaron and Johanna Brewster role-play a real-life parent/child conflict and demonstrate for Christian parents how to use The Communication House, Revolving Priorities, and Anti-Terrorism techniques to apply Truth to our children’s lives.


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    Discover the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app:

    Parenting a Terrorist | what to do when your child explodes” (episode 37)

    The Communication House” (episode 38)

    The Indispensable Parenting Tool Called Revolving Priorities” (episode 39)

    Fearless Parenting” (episode 40)

    Applying Truth to Our Children’s Lives” (episode 41)

    The Most Potentially Destructive Influence in the Life of Your Child” (episode 42)

    Training Your Children to Rebel” (episode 43)


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    Getting Rid of Fear

    Getting Rid of Fear

    (No Commercials. Too Important to miss.) Fear is coming from almost everywhere these days and unfortunately, it's being spoken out of people mouths, more and more.  Remember, whatever is spoken about on a consistent basis will eventually be framed and given life.  Buying into old wives tales, limited thinking and flat out falsehoods is what stimulates fear, but we do not have to tolerate fear in any way.  When fear attacks, you must power up and attack it, subdue it and get rid of it!  The question is how do you get rid of it?  Pat Council shares 3 ways to get rid of fear and 4 weapons to use that will guarantee that you take control of your life and not let fear have the control.  

    Book Mentioned:

    12 Months to Be Your Own Boss. Click Here. 




    BROTHERS IN STRIFE (SCI-FI / DARK COMEDY) LANGUAGE Our Fair City is a post-apocalyptic science fiction / dark comedy audio drama set in the not so distant future where the skies are stormy, and the landscape is a vast frozen tundra. Lightning rigs high above the city gather energy from thunderstorms, mad scientists walk the earth, and adorably monstrous Molepeople dig tunnels deep underground to expand the city’s habitable space.

    In which Andrew Snidge grows a backbone just at the wrong time, Mrs. Rourke takes a nap, and we uncover the mysterious supply thief. 

    Hartlife Studios





    We hardly can, but we are super grateful and honored that you guys have stuck around and shared the gospel of Battlecast with anyone who wouldn't be immediately disgusted by the prolifically phallus-related discussions.

    James is coming in hot with 5 characters- Cloud Strife, Agent Smith, Joe Fattone (lol), Dexter, and Scarecrow. Andy's doing aight with Godzilla, Brain (no Pinky), and Sonic the Hedgehog. And Dan... oh Dan. He didn't win a single match this season himself. He's got Mulan. And Maybe Space Ghost.

    Grasp the ancient monkey paw betwixt your fingers, but be careful what you wish for; it's time for Battlecast.


    Records after last episode:
    Dan 1-5, Andy 3-3, James 5-1

    <3 <3 <3 Thanks for listening, thanks for telling a friend, thanks for rating us on iTunes, thanks for buying tickets to our live show on April 9th, and thanks for being a doll. <3 <3 <3

    S05E04 Vash the Stampede vs. Cloud Strife

    S05E04 Vash the Stampede vs. Cloud Strife

    It's one of the most epic battles in Battlecast history. Two of the ballerest protagonists in all of the late 90s. It's the most dangerous man in the world, with a bounty of 60 billion double dollars on his head, The Humanoid Typhoon, Vash the Stampede (Dan) of the much beloved anime, Trigun. He meets former soldier, wielder of materia, and main character of one of the most acclaimed RPGs of all time, Cloud Strife (James). All this goes down in none other than a map from Team Fortress 2. Perfect right? You'll see.

    It's time to strap in and watch the world go KABOOM in this weeks installment of Battlecast.


    Warning: Andy is the most confusing judicator ever.

    Records after last episode:
    Dan 1-1, Andy 1-1, James 1-1

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