

    Explore " surah" with insightful episodes like "How to Be Thankful to Allah so He Provides More", "Ditching the Game Controller Means Controlling Your Life", "Allah Advises the Key to Success in An-Nahl (16 The Bee)", "Focusing on Faith and Guidance from the Final Messenger ﷺ" and "3 Qualities of Success from Surat Al-Ambya (23 The Prophets)" from podcasts like ""Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy", "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy", "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy", "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy" and "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    How to Be Thankful to Allah so He Provides More

    How to Be Thankful to Allah so He Provides More

    In this season of thanks, Ustadh Michael Wolfender provides lessons from Surat An Naml (27 The Ant) focusing on a father and son who naturally and genuinely thanked Allah (27:15-16) Who thusly granted them more and more. The father Dawood and his son Suleiman were kings in their time who recognized how Allah provides individuals favors specific to each of us. You simply have to look and recognize them and be thankful to Allah. Like when Suleiman was leading an army and heard an ant as referenced in 27:18: “And when they came across a valley of ants, an ant warned, “O ants! Go quickly into your homes so Solomon and his armies do not crush you, unknowingly.” And then in the next ayat where instead of ignoring a small creature’s concern, Suleiman turns to Allah: “So Solomon smiled in amusement at her words, and prayed, “My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favours which You have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you. Admit me, by Your mercy, into ˹the company of˺ Your righteous servants.”

    He made this dua to Allah thanking Him for the blessings He provides and parents, recognizing that what matters is doing good deeds pleasing to Allah over seeking the acceptance of other people.  He concluded this dua asking Allah to make him among the righteous people who go to Paradise.

    In 27:17, Allah advises how He provided Suleiman the capacity to speak to birds and other measures of power and control specific to Suleiman. This is also true how Allah endows each of us individually. Recognizing this helps to understand how we need Allah to be pleased with us to earn paradise.

    27:20 provides another example of Suleiman connecting with animals: “˹One day˺ he inspected the birds, and wondered, “Why is it that I cannot see the hoopoe? Or could he be absent?”

    The bird advised him (27:22 – 25) of a queen who led her people in worshipping the sun instead of Allah. And when she received his letter (27:28 – 31), she decides to send a gift (27:35). To which upon receipt, Suleiman replies (27:36) that what Allah provides is better and that he doesn’t need the gift. Typically, humans are gratified upon receiving gifts, rather than considering the best provision consistently is provided by Our Creator. Suleiman declares the fact that the gift givers are sun worshippers, which is wrong. He cares about their belief and not about any gift from this society. This conviction ends well as the queen comes to understand Suleiman’s true interest and she accepts the beliefs he so wishes to convey of Islam’s tenets (27:44).

    This surah entails many actual realities commonplace in fictional blockbusters such as

    super powers, super heroes and magical powers. The Qur’an, as Truth, advises of this reality: Allah gave Suleiman more because he was alert, he knew what comes from Allah and he was appreciative. Allah then gave him more as reward for Suleiman’s consistently keeping Allah on his mind. 

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    Ditching the Game Controller Means Controlling Your Life

    Ditching the Game Controller Means Controlling Your Life

    Qur'an will give us cure and is a mercy for believers. Ustadh Michael Wolfender provides the example of one of the early believers in Islam, a slave, and how the Qur’an made him strong despite torture he endured for his faith. Ustadh Michael uses this example to illustrate how many are slaves to video games, which inherently, due to addictive behavior, teach you how not to take care of yourself. As stimulating activities, the psychology of video games makes the participants eager for further engagement, primarily due to dopamine release. This chemical release trains the brain to thus determine nothing is more fun than video games. Ustadh Michael explains how the 'triumph circuit' propagates a distortion of reality causing the participant reduced ability to overcome real life challenges, partly because of perceived false senses of victory derived from video games. Anxiety presents itself as the participant misperceives values of social status, sincere friendship and family relationships due to silo’ed activity. The body loses the ability to correctly identify and control emotions, as brain cells are killed. Video games move gray matter from one part of the brain to another. Actual socializing time is reduced, hindering building nurturing relationships. Video games commonly train poor social behavior, instilling blaming, shaming, cyberbullying and foul language. Studies show video games are linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Allah’s Book, The Qur’an, will not make you strong in video games. It will make you strong in life. Ustadh Michael encourages students to leave video gaming and to start by seeking assistance and talking with parents. Replace video games with quality time with family, outdoors and Qur'an. Qur'an will free you so you are in control of your life. Ustadh Michael concludes with two measures of guidance to keep believers on the straight path. 

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    Allah Advises the Key to Success in An-Nahl (16 The Bee)

    Allah Advises the Key to Success in An-Nahl (16 The Bee)

    Nothing is perfect except Allah summarizes Ustadh Michael Wolfender, referencing An-Nahl (16 The Bee), the 14-page surah wherein Allah lists many of His Blessings (see ayat 78 – 81). For example, Ayah 8 advises His Favor of what animals have been provided to ride without which some areas could not be reached. Ayat 10 – 11, 65 and 67 discuss how Allah sends rain as water for drinking and for plants to grow which then makes food for cattle to graze. As Brother Michael phrases: “flavors in fruit, food and juice.” In Ayat 5 – 7 and 66, Allah illustrates how He has provided cows for warm, food and many other benefits.  And the namesake of the surah, the bee, is addressed in ayat 68 and 69, including the healing power of honey. Brother Michael remarks on how in seeking pollen, bees will each travel the same route to designated flowers, such is the amazing detail Allah endows His Creation. Animals provide clothing, and at the time of revelation, means to create tents as mobile living.

    With these examples, Ustadh Michael recounts how Allah articulates humans cannot count His Blessings. And after this, despite our failings, Allah declares He is Forgiving. While we cannot and do not thank Him enough, He continues to provide. Ayat 49 – 50 conclude with requiring prostration before Allah, explaining how everything in the universe acknowledges Allah's Omnipotence.

    Every blessing comes from Allah so we should recognize this and be grateful. Most don't recognize the blessings of Allah. Those who do appreciate Allah and thank Him ensure they protect this by continually thanking Him. Brother Michael counsels the more you are thankful, the more Allah says He will make you thankful as He will provide more for you to be thankful for.

    As An-Nahl nears its end, in Ayah 90, Allah warns to be fair and forbids to do what is wrong. Our job is to be honest, sincere and do our part with the capabilities Allah has showered us with. With this,appreciate what Allah provides and be content. As we learn in ayat 30 – 32 and 95 – 96 that the reward for the patient will be everlasting. The key to success is outlined in Ayah 97: Allah promises those who do good deeds and believe in Him will have a good life. 

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    Focusing on Faith and Guidance from the Final Messenger ﷺ

    Focusing on Faith and Guidance from the Final Messenger ﷺ

    At the beginning of Surat Al-Azhab (33 The Combined Forces) Allah swt addresses the value of believing in His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In verse 21, saying: "Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often." And then affirming those who follow, from verse 23: " Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge ˹with their lives˺, others are waiting ˹their turn˺. They have never changed ˹their commitment˺ in the least."

    Ustadh Michael Wolfender recites the beginning of this surah, referencing the final messenger ﷺ as an excellent example for us to follow as a role model, hoping to meet Allah, remembering Him a lot. The battle of Al Azhab was difficult for the believers fighting in Allah's cause at the time behind His prophet ﷺ. 

    This verse comes among others referencing hypocrites doubting faith in Allah's messenger ﷺ and even Him. So Allah sent revelation indicating that what His messenger ﷺ says is from Him, which affirms believers' faith because what Muhammad ﷺ says is truth. 

    Ustadh Michael shares a picture of the sunrise showing the last crescent moon of the month and discusses the phases of the moon. Allah talks about the sun and moon in His Book, the Qur'an. A poet remarked on seeing the final messenger ﷺ and how he is beautiful like the sun and the pleasure of looking at him is akin to appreciating the beauty of the moon lit in the night sky. 

    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ made everyone feel like he loved them, including prisoners of war. He ﷺ advised to make things easy, not hard. Give people good tidings and make them feel happy. 

    What role models do you look up to? Is Prophet Muhammad ﷺ at the top of your list?

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    3 Qualities of Success from Surat Al-Ambya (23 The Prophets)

    3 Qualities of Success from Surat Al-Ambya (23 The Prophets)

    Learn three qualities to ensure Allah provides an immediate answer. Ustadh Michael Wolfender takes us through Surat Al-Ambya (21 The Prophets) where Allah details the stories of at least a dozen prophets and lessons we can learn from, including the commandments provided to Moses, Ibrahim’s destroying of idols, Noah’s ultimate dua, Job’s calling out to his Master, and the famous dua from Jonah trapped in a whale. 

    Of the prophets mentioned, each embodied three qualities warranting Allah’s immediate answer: 

    1. They rushed to do good and bring good to other people. Their intent and actions were to do good to people wherever they would go. 
    2. They always made dua to Allah; not only just calling out when in need. Their sincere hopes included meeting Allah.
    3. They remained humble.

    After mentioning these prophets in Al-Ambya, Allah mentions Mary and Jesus as a sign for the entire universe. He then mentions Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a mercy for the entire universe. 

    After migrating to the city of Medina, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ instilled brotherhood and peace with a constitution instituting rights including freedom of worship. Citizens would mutually defend the community. Peace and goodness were spread to make those around each other live in happiness, taking care of those who have less. Share food with all people. Worship, turn to Allah, make dua, especially at night. This is the way to success. 

    These measures help define how Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a mercy to the entire universe, promoting the spread of Islam, as in the verse after Ayat ul Kursi (2:255) where Allah says there is no coercion in religion. Rather, the message of Islam is to be delivered with humility, peace and mercy as declared in Surat Al-Ambya. This is how Islam brings justice and fairness. 

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    19. Surah Maryam | سورة مريم

    19. Surah Maryam | سورة مريم

    The name of this chapter is taken from the story of Mary, mother of Jesus (verses 16–35).  It begins with an account of the birth of John and of Jesus, the last representatives of prophecy in the house of Israel.  The claim that Jesus is the son of God is firmly denied, as is the assertion of the pagans of Mecca that the angels are God’s daughters.  It then mentions the missions of some earlier prophets, showing that only human beings are raised to reform the world.  Consisting of 93 verses, this is one of the early Meccan chapters, and was recited to Negus (Christian king of Abyssinia) in the presence of hostile ambassadors of Quraish, in the fifth year of Prophet Muhammad’s advent, nine years before Hijrah, by Ja’far, the head of the Muslim refugees, whereupon, according to the earliest Muslims chroniclers, the king and the bishop wept saying, ‘Indeed, this revelation and that of Moses proceed from one and the same source.’

    The Quran makes us believe in the power of God in such a way that it enables us to see beyond the predictability of cause and effect.  Although God has made this universe in such a way that for everything there is physical reasoning but at the same time God has also made miracles happen which make us realize that God is not dependent on these laws.  We find in the Quran such examples which make us "see" this power, so that the closer we come towards Him with love and submission, the more belief we have in our hopes and dreams turning into reality.

    Verses 1-11 Story of Prophet Zechariah

    In the Bible, Zechariah is husband of Elisabeth who is the cousin of Mary.  The Quran tells us that Zechariah was also the guardian of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

    Zechariah was a prophet of God whose office was in the temple in Jerusalem.  He was in charge of services at the temple.  Zechariah’s wife was barren and both were very old.  Zechariah began to worry over who would carry on the daily services of the temple and preach the message of God after his death.  In response to Zechariah’s earnest prayer to God for a son, an angel announced that God will provide him a son whose name will be John (Yahya).

    Verses 12-15 Prophet John

    God made John compassionate, wise, pure, and kind to his parents who diligently practiced the commandments of the Torah.

    Verses 16-22 Mary and her pregnancy with Jesus

    An angel appears to Virgin Mary in the form of a man to convey the birth of a son – a mercy and a miracle from God.  Fearing reaction from people toward an unmarried pregnancy, she goes to Bethlehem.

    Verses 23-26 Birth of Jesus

    Supported by an angel at the time of childbirth, God provides her fresh water and ripe dates at the time of delivery.

    Verses 27-33 Jesus speaking in the cradle

    The baby Jesus miraculously speaks from the cradle in defense of his mother when Mary is probed about the child, announcing that he is God’s blessed servant and prophet, and has been commanded to pray, give charity, and be kind to his mother.

    Verses 34-36 Reality of Jesus

    God does not take a son and has no need for one.  The above narrative is the truth about Jesus who declared that God is his Lord, so worship Him.

    Verses 37-40 Disagreement of factions over Jesus and their status on the Day of Resurrection

    Remind all the sects who still differ about Jesus of the dreadful "Day of Remorse" when all will return to God.

    Verses 41-47 Story of Abraham and his father

    The truthful prophet, Abraham, gently reminds his father not to worship idols that cannot hear, see, or benefit themselves.  Threatened by physical violence and expelled from home, Abraham, vows to pray for his father.

    Verses 48-50 Abraham’s leaving his people and those who invoked other than God

    Leaving home with continued prayers for his father and others, Abraham is later gifted with two prophets by God - Isaac and Jacob.

    Verses 51-55 Characteristics of Moses and Ishmael

    Moses was a chosen prophet called into close communion by God next to Mt.  Tur (the burning bush).  Ishmael was also a sincere prophet and messenger of God who was true to his word and cared for his family’s spiritual well-being; he reminded them to pray and be charitable.

    Verses 56-57 Characteristics of Prophet Idris

    Idris (probably Enoch of the Bible) was a sincere, prophet of God, elevated in status.

    Verse 58 Other prophets from among the descendants of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Israel

    God favored the prophets listed above and they would fall weeping in prostration before Him.

    Verses 59-65 Conditions of the successors that came after the prophets

    A distinctive attribute of those whose character is molded by the teachings of the prophets, is that they are no longer slaves of their base desires, but rise above them.  They turn into people who remember God, the organized expression of which is prayer (salah).

    The generations that came after the prophets became negligent of God and started following their base desires.  Being affiliated to a prophet shall be of no use to them.  They shall receive what they deserve.  Of them, only those shall be spared who return to the original religion and adopt a life of faith and virtuous deeds.

    Verses 66-75 Deniers of resurrection, their punishment, and attitudes

    The Arabs, who were first addressed by the Quran, accepted life after death, but their acceptance was purely formal and as such had no impact on their lives.  This indifference persists because people do not give serious consideration to this matter.  If they did, they would realize that the initial, first birth is in itself an argument in support of re-birth.

    Verse 76 Reward of the guided

    Just as one who keeps worldly interests in view, progresses in this world, similarly, one who acts with the afterlife in view, keeps accumulating his good deeds. 

    Verses 77-95 Annulling plurality of the deities and the ascription of sons to God

    Man wants to be able to do as he likes in this world, but he does not want to suffer the consequences of his wrongdoings.  Therefore, man courts beings supposedly near and dear to God who could plead his case to Him.  Such useless pleading are based on false assumptions.  Those beings whom he ritually worshipped will disown him on Judgment Day, showing him nothing but hatred.

    Belief in existence of God’s children can be explained in one of two ways: that God needs assistants like ordinary people or He desires having children.  Both propositions are baseless.

    Verses 96-98 Conclusion

    God loves those who believe and act righteously.

    Quran is only in the Arabic language, but has been made easy for one to learn and memorize.

    Those who oppose the call for Truth err in thinking that, in doing so, they will not come to any harm.  There is evidence of the opponents of Truth being wiped out, but they do not take any lesson from it. 

    Let us wake up to the reality of our powerlessness by acknowledging the power of God.  Total submission is the real strength in this world and a hope for everlasting success and happiness in the Hereafter.
    By Imam Mufti (© 2015 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    18. Surah al-Kahf | سورة الكهف

    18. Surah al-Kahf | سورة الكهف

    This 110 verse chapter was revealed in Mecca.  It takes its name from the story of the people who fell asleep in a cave, told in verses 9 to 26.  It contains three stories and a parable while opening, and closes with references to the Quran itself.  It is believed to have been revealed as a comfort because the fledgling Muslims were suffering ongoing torment and persecution at the hands of the ruling classes of Mecca.  It was also sent down to answer three questions that had been put to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, in order to test him.

    Verses 1 – 13 A straightforward book

    Praise be to God who has revealed an uncomplicated book; a book that does not deviate from the straight path.  It warns of a severe punishment, but also gives good news to those who do good deeds of an excellent and everlasting reward.  It warns those who declare that God has an offspring by telling them that they have no evidence of such a monstrous lie.  Prophet Muhammad is told that he is in danger of worrying himself to death over the people who do not believe in his message.  However the fact of the matter is the earth has been filled with attractive things in order to test people and in the end everything will be reduced to dust.

    Do you think that the story about the sleepers in the cave is a wonder?[1]  The young men sort refuge in the cave, praying that God, the most merciful, would guide them to a way out of their predicament.  God put them into a deep sleep and awakened them after a long period of time.  How long they had been sleeping is argued about by believers and nonbelievers alike but now God reveals the truth of the matter.  They were young men with strong faith and God gave them even more guidance.

    Verses 14 – 26 The sleepers in the cave

    (Before taking refuge in the cave) They declared that God was the Lord of the heavens and the earth and they would never call upon any deity other than Him.  Those who have taken other deities have done so without any clear authority and there is nothing more wicked than a person who lies about God.  They discussed it amongst each other and withdrew to the cave knowing that God would cover them with His mercy and guide them out of the ordeal they found themselves in.

    And if you had been there with the sleepers you would have seen that the sun rose on their right and set on their left.  All the while they lay in an open space within the cave.  This is one of God’s signs.  Some are rightly guided while others are left to go astray.  If you looked at the sleepers you might have thought that they were awake, they turned from one side to the other and their dog lay stretched out at the entrance to the cave. 

    If you had seen them you would have ran away filled with terror.  In the same way that He put them to sleep God woke them up.  The youths began to question one another, asking, how long have we been sleeping.  It felt like only a day or part of a day and they agreed that only God knew for sure how much time had passed.  One of them went to the town with a silver coin to look for food.  The others warned him to be cautious and not disclose their whereabouts.  If he was caught he would be stoned to death or worse he would be forced to change to their religion.

    So God brought them to people’s attention so that everyone may know that His promises of Resurrection and the Last Hour were true.  The people who found them argued and disputed amongst themselves and those who prevailed decided to build a house of worship over them.  The people who heard the story argued about how many sleepers there were, but they guess at the unseen because only a few people have any real knowledge.   

    Therefore adhere to what is clear and never say that you will do something without saying God willing.  If you do forget then remember God and hope that He will guide you to even better conduct.  Some say they stayed in the cave for 300 years, others say 309, but Prophet Muhammad is told to say that only God knows exactly how long they were there, because He is the one who knows all the secrets of the heavens and the earth.  There is no protector besides God and He does not let anyone share in His rule.

    Verses 27 – 31 Make a choice

    Prophet Muhammad is told to recite what has been revealed to him and there is no authorisation to change anything in any way.  Be content to be among those who seek God’s approval and do not let the notable people of Mecca drive away the weak and humble among your followers.  Tell them that now the truth has come; let the people choose whether to believe it or deny it.  The wrongdoers will end up surrounded by Fire with nothing but a wretched drink or and a pain filled resting place.  Good works will never be wasted; they will be rewarded with gardens of bliss with flowing streams.  They will wear garments of silk and golden bracelets and recline on soft couches in a pleasant resting place.

    Verses 32 –  44 A moral tale

    Tell them, Prophet Muhammad, about the parable of two men both with beautiful gardens and land for cultivation.  Both gardens produced abundantly and there was a river between the two properties.  One man told the other that he was wealthier and had more followers then the other, and he walked into his garden saying that this will never end and the Last Hour will never come and even if it did God would reward him with something even better.  The other man asked, do you disbelieve in the One who created you, for I do not, and you should have said that all is as God willed and no one has power except Him.   Although I have less, God might give me something better and destroy what you have.  And so it was that the first man’s fertile property was destroyed and he wished he had not attributed his prosperity to himself rather than God.  Then he realised that the only real protection comes from God.

    Verse 45- 59 Reminders

    And give them an example.  The life of this world is like vegetation that flourishes but then dries up and withers away, blown in the wind.  Here one day gone the next.  Your wealth and your children are only adornments in this life, but your good deeds hold the promise of everlasting reward.  A day will come when the earth will be flat and bare and all humankind will be gathered together.  They will stand in rows before God and their book of deeds will be held out to them.  Some people will be in great terror for nothing is missing from their records.

    Remind the people about when the angels prostrated to Adam.  Iblees (Satan, one of the jinn) was amongst them and he refused.  Taking Satan and his offspring as Masters would be a grave mistake.  Be warned that anything that you declare as an offspring of or partner to God will not respond to you on the Day of Judgement.  The wrongdoers will see the Fire and realise what is going to happen.  There is no escape.

    Quran is full of examples to make people understand, but humankind is quarrelsome.   Guidance has come and nothing prevents you from believing.  The messengers are sent to bring good tidings and to warn the people, yet there are those who make fun and ridicule these warnings.  There is no one more unjust than the one who is reminded of the verses, proofs and lessons sent by His Lord but turns away from them and forgets the evil he has done.  They will have veils cast over their hearts and their ears are deaf.  There is an appointed time for their punishment.

    Verses 60 – 82 Moses and Khidr

    Moses said that he would never give up travelling until he reached the appointed place but he and his servant boy forgot about the fish and missed the junction.  The place where the fish was forgotten was the appointed place, so they turned back and there was the man they were looking for, Khidr.  He was very knowledgeable and Moses hoped to learn from him but Khidr expressed doubts that Moses would have the patience he needed.

    They set off in a boat but Khidr made a hole in the boat.  Moses forgot his promise not to question Khidr about his actions.  They travelled on until they met a boy and Khidr killed him.  Again Moses questioned him as to why he kill an innocent child.  Khidr reminded him of his promise not to question anything.  They travelled on until they came to a town where they asked for food but the townspeople refused to help or feed them.  Nevertheless Khidr and Moses repaired a wall that was falling down.  Moses told Khidr that he could have asked for payment for the work, to which Khidr replied that this was the end of their time together.

    Before Moses left, Khidr explained to him the reasons behind his actions.  The boat belonged to poor people.  There was a King who was seizing every boat; if their boat was defective they would be able to keep it and repair it.  The boy’s parents were true believers and he would have grown up to incite them to wickedness and disbelief.  God planned to replace him with a better and purer child.  The wall belonged to two orphans and there was buried treasure underneath it.  Their father had been a righteous man, so God intended that the treasure remain buried, safe from the orphan’s caregivers until they reached maturity.  Khidr said he did not do these things of his own accord, he was following God’s plan.

    Verses 83 – 102 Dhul Qarnayn

    Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is told that when the people ask about Dhul Qarnayn[1], he should tell them about him.  He had been given power and the means to achieve many great things.  Once on an expedition he came across a group of people.  God told him to either punish them or show kindness to them.  Dhul Qarnayn chose to punish the ones who had done evil and noted that they would also be punished a second time by God.  He spoke gently to the ones who were not doing evil. 

    Then he set out on another expedition.   He came upon another group of people for whom God had not provided any shelter.  And so it was; he travelled on until he came to a point between two mountains.   Dhul Qarnayn could barely communicate with the people there.  The people managed to ask him if they could pay him to build a wall.  The wall was to keep out Gog and Magog who were destroying their land.  Dhul Qarnayn said that what God provided him with was better than any tribute they could pay him but if they provided him with men to help he could put up a fortification.

    They filled the gap between the mountains with iron and poured molten copper over it.  Gog and Magog could not scale it or tunnel through it.  This is a mercy from God, Dhul Qarnayn said, but one day God will flatten it to the ground, this is a promise from God.  Know that on that day the two parties, (Gog and Magog) will surge against each other like waves.  This is one of the signs that the Day of Resurrection is near.  On Judgment Day, Hell will be shown to the disbelievers, because they thought they could take God’s servants as their Masters.  They will rest in Hell.

    Verses 103 – 110 Worship is for God Alone

    Prophet Muhammad is told to tell the people that the person who loses the most, by his or her actions, is the one whose efforts are lost even though they think they are doing well.  These people disbelieve in God’s verses and signs, and deny that they will ever come face to face with Him.  This disbelief renders their deeds worthless.  All they will gain is Hell.  On the other hand, those who believe and do good deeds will find themselves in the gardens of Paradise, where they will live forever and never have any desire to leave.

    If all the oceans were ink for writing, the ink would run dry before the words of God’s attributes, grandeur, and knowledge were exhausted.   Even if another amount of ink just like it were to be added it would not be enough.  Prophet Muhammad is told to say that he is just a human being, the same as everyone else, and it has been revealed to him that the Lord God is One.  Everyone amongst the people who fears their meeting with God should do good deeds and never let anyone else or anything share in the worship that is due to God alone.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2016, 2017 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    16. Surah al-Nahl | سورة النحل

    16. Surah al-Nahl | سورة النحل

    An-Nahl is the 16th chapter of the Quran. It is named after the bee mentioned in verses 68 and 69.The bee is one of many examples mentioned in this chapter of God’s grace towards His creation. An-Nahl was revealed in Mecca and contains 128 verses. Up to verse 88 its contents are addressed to the idolaters and polytheists. In the concluding verses Prophet Muhammad and his companions are instructed how to act in the face of antagonism and persecution.

    Verses 1-9 There is no true deity but God

    The Day of Judgement is coming so do not be impatient to experience it.  God sends down angels to inspire some people to warn others that there is no true deity but God.  Fear Him for He is far above anything they associate with Him. People are created from a tiny drop of sperm but soon they become strong and openly challenge God. For the benefit of humankind God created cattle for food, clothing and to carry burdens. He also created horses, mules and donkeys to ride and other things that are beyond the comprehension of humankind.  For some, God distinguishes the right path from the wrong paths and He could have done this for everybody had it been His desire to do so.

    Verses 10 – 21  God’s blessings for humankind

    God sends down rain. It provides drinking water and it nourishes crops and fruit including olives, date palms and vines. This is a sign for those who ponder. God has made the day, the night, the sun, the moon and stars for the benefit of humankind. These are signs for those who think. The Earth is filled with things of many different colours; these are signs for those seeking to learn a lesson from them. God has made the sea for the benefit of humankind; it is a source of food and adornment.  Ships to sail through it so that humankind may seek God’s bounties and perhaps give thanks.  God has also set the mountains firmly into the earth to prevent it from shaking and He has made rivers and paths with landmarks and stars to guide people through the lands.

    This is a reminder of His power and generosity and if a person wanted to count all the blessings that God had sent down he could not do so. God is Forgiving and Merciful and He knows what people keep hidden. The deities that are invoked along with God are unable to create anything for they are creations themselves, who do not even know when they will be resurrected.

    Verses 22 – 29  Punishment for arrogance

    God is One, those who do not believe in the Hereafter are arrogant and their hearts contain no faith. God does not like the arrogant because He knows what they keep hidden and what they say or do openly. When they are asked about what God has revealed they say that it is nothing but fairy tales from the old days. On the Day of Resurrection they will bear their own burdens plus some of the burdens of those they led astray.

    People from earlier times felt the punishment come upon them from out of nowhere. On the Day of Judgment they will be humiliated once again. Those with knowledge know that it will be a day of misery for the disbelievers. Those who die doing wrong will deny their wrongdoing but God is aware of what they were doing. So they enter Hell and will remain there in the evil home of the arrogant.

    Verses 30 – 40 The good are rewarded and God’s promise is true

    Those who feared God and were righteous will be asked about what God sent down and they will describe it as good. There are rewards in this world for the righteous but their home in the Hereafter is even better, it is an excellent abode. They will be rewarded with gardens under which rivers flow and they will have whatever they desire. When the pious people die the angels greet them with words of peace and show them into the gardens of reward.

    God was not unjust to the disbelievers, they were unjust to themselves. They will be struck by the consequences of their actions and will be swallowed up by what they used to mock and ridicule. Those who face the punishment say they would have worshipped God alone if that is what God had willed; their forefathers said that too. Messengers were sent to every nation and their only duty was to warn. If anyone travels through the earth they can see what happened to those who did not heed the warning. Those who God led astray cannot be guided. God’s promise to raise the dead to life is true. Everything will be made clear and the disbelievers will realise how wrong they were. When God intends anything to happen He need only say, "Be", and it is.

    Verses 41 – 50 Reflection

    Those who had to leave their homes in order to worship God will find a home in a good place but the home they have in the Hereafter will be even better. A very happy end awaits those who are steadfast and put their trust in God. All the messengers God sent were human beings, the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) know this, so ask them if you need to. Now this Quran has come so that Prophet Muhammad can explain things clearly and the people can think and reflect. Are those who do wrong really sure that the punishment will not come upon them suddenly, or perhaps it will sneak up on them gradually. The disbelievers have not truly reflected on what God has created - everything humbly fulfilling its purpose, fearing God and doing what He commands.

    Verses 51- 60 False worship

    God says do not worship two deities because there is only One God and He has dominion over everything in the heavens and the earth. All blessings are from God and it is to God that the distressed person turns. Yet as soon as the relief comes some people turn to something other than God. There will be consequences for the ingratitude. Even the sustenance God provides is sometimes spent on false deities but anyone who does this will be called to account. They wrongly say that God has daughters but they themselves want to have only sons. When the birth of a female child is announced the father is consumed with grief and has to decide whether to bear their perceived humiliation or bury the girl alive. Those who do not believe in the Hereafter set the worst example to follow.

    Verses 61-69  A warning to make things clear

    If God punished humankind for the evil that they do there would not be one person left on the earth.  Instead He gives them respite, until an appointed time.  It is a time that cannot be delayed or bought forward.  They attribute to God the daughters that they themselves dislike.  They think they will have a good reward but their reward is Hell and they will be among the first to be sent there.  The followers of Satan will face a painful punishment.  The Quran was revealed in order to make the things they argue about clear and it is a guidance and a mercy for those who believe.

    God has sent down rain to revive the earth.  The cows produce milk and the vines and gardens grow wholesome foods of all kinds.  These things are a sign of God’s bounty; in them is a lesson to be learned.  And God created the bee, which feeds on all kinds of fruit and produces honey for the benefit of humankind.  It comes in many colours and has healing properties.  This is another sign for those who think.

    Verses 70 – 81  God gives examples

    God created you and it is He that will cause you to die.  Some people will live well into old age and will lose their faculties.  Some people have been given more provision than others and many of them do not share their wealth.  Is that a way of rejecting the blessings of God? God has given you spouses and children and grandchildren, yet still some people deny His blessings.  Those deities worshipped other than God have no power.

    God gives examples.  Are slaves and those who have been provided with everything equal? Is a person unable to care for himself equal to one who is righteous and dispenses justice? The Day of Judgment is coming.  Babies emerge from their mother’s wombs knowing nothing but God provides them with hearing, sight and minds so that they can be thankful to Him.  God has made the birds able to fly without falling.  He provides humankind with shelter and warmth and everything you need for the term of your lives.  You have garments that protect you from the heat and the cold and other garments that protect you in battle.  He bestows the favours so that you will submit to Him. 

    Verses 82 – 89 The disbelievers will feel no respite

    The Prophet’s duty is only to deliver the message.  Most people understand but are ungrateful and turn away.  On the Day of Judgment there will be a witness (their Messenger) from every nation.  Then it will be too late for excuses.  The disbelievers will see what awaits them and there will be no respite.  When the disbelievers appeal to their false gods, the gods will call them liars and disassociate themselves from the ones who worshipped them.  Those who disbelieve and prevent others from believing will have their punishment increased.  God will bring a witness from every nation and Prophet Muhammad will be the witness over the Muslims.  And the Quran has been sent down as guidance, mercy and good tidings.

    Verses 90 – 100 God commands righteousness

    God commands humankind to be just and behave with righteousness whilst being supportive of their relatives.  He forbids immorality and oppression.  This is a reminder.  Fulfil any oaths you take in the name of God, and do not deceive each other or conspire against others.  This is a test.  On the Day of Judgement the things you argued about will be made clear.

    God could have made everybody one nation but He allows people to practice their free will – however you will be responsible for your actions.  Do not deceive each other or hinder other people from worshipping God.  To do so will result in a great punishment.   Do not break agreements and oaths.  Worldly things are transitory but what is from God is everlasting.  The righteous will have a new life in the Hereafter.  Whenever you recite from the Quran seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan.  Satan has no power over those who are submitted to God; his power only affects those who align themselves with him (Satan) and worship something other than God.

    Verses 101 – 111 God does not guide the disbelievers

    When God substitutes one verse for another they say that Prophet Muhammad has invented lies but they do not understand that angel Gabriel has brought the verses down piecemeal in order to gradually strengthen the believers.  They say that a human being has taught Prophet Muhammad the revelations but this Quran is in clear Arabic.  If people do not believe, God does not continue to guide them and a painful punishment will be the end result.  They love this world more than the Hereafter.  God has sealed the hearts, ears and eyes of the heedless, but those who must flee persecution or are compelled to say words of disbelief will feel God’s mercy and forgiveness.  Anyone who denies the correct faith willingly will feel the wrath of God.  On the Day of Judgement everyone will be dealt justly with and get what they deserve.

    Verses 112- 117 Eat from the good things provided

    God presents an example of a town that was secure with provisions in abundance.  The people became ungrateful so they were afflicted with famine and fear.  They denied their Messenger and the punishment overtook them.  So eat from the good things God has provided and be grateful.  God has forbidden only carrion, blood, pig meat and that which has been dedicated to something other than God.  But if a person must eat these things out of necessity God will be forgiving.  Do not invent lies about what is lawful and what is unlawful because those who tell lies about God will have only a little enjoyment before the punishment overtakes them.

    Verses 118 – 128 Follow the example of the righteous and use wisdom when you talk about God

    The Jews were prohibited certain things but it was not a hardship upon them, they turned it into a hardship.  God is most forgiving to those who do wrong out of ignorance and then repent.  Prophet Abraham is a good example, he was devout and obedient.  He was grateful and did not associate anything with God.  He had a good life and will be amongst the righteous in the Hereafter.  The Sabbath day was made obligatory because they argued and differed about it and on the Day of Judgment God will judge between them.

    Call the people to God with wisdom and good advice.  Reason with them in a courteous manner.  God knows best who will be guided and who will go astray.  If you must retaliate make your response proportionate to how you were harmed, however it is better to be patient.  Prophet Muhammad is told to be patient and not to grieve or be distressed by the conspiracies of the disbelievers.  God is with those who are mindful of Him and have an attitude of righteousness.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2016 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    14. Surah Ibrahim | سورة إبراهيم

    14. Surah Ibrahim | سورة إبراهيم

    This is a Meccan chapter that is named after Prophet Abraham who prays to God in verses 35 to 41.  Throughout the chapter the ungrateful are condemned and the grateful praised and assured of their reward in the Hereafter.  The chapter is a warning to humankind and a cautionary tale for the disbelievers. 

    Verses 1 – 13 The message

    Twenty-nine chapters of the Quran open with a short combination of letters.  Chapter Abraham opens with the letters Alif, Lam, Ra.  The meaning of these combinations is known only to God.

    This Quran was sent to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, so that he could use it to lead the people out of darkness and ignorance and into the light of God.  It immediately gives a stern warning to the unbelievers or those who hinder people from following the straight path.  The torment for those who have gone astray will be severe.  All the messengers speak in the language of their people so that the message is clear to them.  God will guide or send astray, according to His will.

    Prophet Moses was also told to bring his people into the light and to remind them of their divine history, particularly the troubled times when they were living under the yoke of Pharaoh.  If they had been thankful and grateful God would have given them more but they were thankless to their own detriment.  God is self-sufficient and has no need of thanks.  Moses told his people that even if everybody on earth disbelieved, God would not be affected in any way whatsoever.

    The message was denied and rejected by the people of Noah, and Ad and Thamud, as well as the people who came after them.  The messengers came with clear proofs of their truthfulness but they were disbelieved because they wanted the people to reject the false religion of their forefathers.  The messengers were only men and could not bring miracles according to the wishes of the people.  They only produced miracles which God gave them.  The messengers said that we put our full trust in God and will bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us.

    Verses 13 – 17 The suffering of the disbelievers

    The disbelievers wanted the messengers to return to their old religion but God made them understand that He would destroy the disbelievers and then the messengers and their followers would live in the land after the disbelievers were gone.  This was a reward for those who fear their meeting with God.  The messengers asked God for help and victory and the disbelievers were brought to a complete loss and destruction.  Hell awaits them where they will have festering water to sip but never swallow.  Death will approach but they will not die, their suffering will only intensify.

    Verses 18 – 22 Satan rejects his followers

    The good deeds of those who disbelieve are like ashes blowing in the wind; they are unable to hold onto them and will not benefit them in any way.  The creation was designed for a purpose and God could wipe it away and bring another creation if He so desired.  When the weak appear before God they will call out for help to those who considered themselves mighty.  They will answer by saying if God had guided us we would have guided you, but there is no escape now whether we panic or bear it in silence.  Satan will tell them that God’s promise was true however he (Satan) deceived them.  They followed him (Satan) of their own free will.  Satan rejects those who followed him and they will face a severe punishment.

    Verses 23 – 27 Reflect and ponder

    Those who believe and do good deeds will be admitted to Paradise, where gardens bloom and rivers flow.  Their greeting will be the word ‘Peace’.   In order that we may ponder and reflect, God compares a ‘good word’ with a good tree whose branches reach high into the sky, roots are firmly planted in the ground and it yields fruit every season.  A ‘good word’ could mean Islam or the statement ‘there is no deity worthy of worship except God’ and it is firmly established in the heart of a believer.  His good deeds ascend to the heaven all the time.  Likewise, a ‘ bad word’ is like a bad tree.  It is easily uprooted and has no endurance.  Words of disbelief have no basis and will not benefit the disbeliever is any way.  God keeps the believers firm but allows the disbelievers to stray where they will.

    Verses 28 – 34 God’s bounty

    There are some people who have responded to the favors of God with ingratitude.  They cause others to end up burning in the fires of Hell by encouraging the worship of false gods.  Their pleasure will be in this life only for they have no hope of Paradise.  The believers must continue to pray and give openly and secretly now before it is too late.   The Creator sends down rain, causes the plants to bear fruit, and allows the ships to sail safely across the seas and the rivers to benefit humankind.  The sun and the moon and the alternation of the night and day – all created for the benefit of humankind.  Everything has been provided yet most of humankind is ungrateful.

    Verses 35 – 41 Prophet Abraham

    Prophet Abraham implored God to keep the city of Mecca secure and to keep himself and his descendants free from the sin of worshipping idols.  He settled his family in the barren valley (Mecca) and prayed that they would establish the prayer and build a thankful community there.  God knows what humankind revels and what they conceal, nothing is hidden from Him.  Abraham praises God for the birth of his sons, Ishmael and Isaac, in his old age and asks for forgiveness for the believers on the Day of Judgment.

    Verses 42 – 52 A warning and a message

    God knows exactly what the disbelievers do; He gives them respite until the Day when they will be staring around in horror.  Prophet Muhammad is asked to warn humankind of the Day when they will beg for respite again.  It will not be granted but they will be reminded that they were warned and presented with many examples of what would become of them.  They had plans but their plans were never hidden from God.

    God will not break his promise to the messengers.  The people should be warned that a Day will come when the earth and the heavens will change into another earth and heavens and everyone who ever lived will stand before God.  On this Day the guilty will be bound together in chains, their faces will be aflame and their bodies will be covered in tar.  Everyone will be judged and every soul will get exactly what it deserves.

    This Quran is a message for all the people.  It is a warning.  Let the people know that God is One and Alone.  Those who understand will be reminded. 
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2016 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    13. Surah al-Ra'ad | سورة الرعد

    13. Surah al-Ra'ad | سورة الرعد

    The majority of scholars agree that Chapter Thirteen was, apart from a few scattered verses, revealed in Mecca.  It takes its name from the thunder mentioned in verse thirteen.  It is a powerful and emotional chapter that appeals to the heart while making use of logic and reason.

    Verses 1 – 4 Where is God?

    This chapter opens with a combination of letters, Alif, Lam, Meem, and Ra.  God Alone knows the true meaning of this combination and why 29 chapters of Quran open in a similar way.  God reminds us that the Quran has been revealed to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him.  It is the truth although most people do not believe it.   God created the heavens; they are above us without any visible means of support.  Then He established Himself above the heavens on His throne.  He created the universe for the benefit of humankind. 

    The sun and the moon float in their orbits, they are on a specific course for a specified amount of time.  The world around you is full of signs and the revelations are clear in order that you have no doubt concerning your meeting with God in the Hereafter.  God filled the universe with signs to ponder and reflect upon; there are rivers, mountains, fruit and plants, and the regular cycle of night and day.  The earth is filled with all sorts of vegetation, they are all watered with rain but some are of better quality.  These signs are obvious for those who think.

    Verses 5 – 15 God knows the obvious and the unseen

    Some people ask Prophet Muhammad astonishing questions about whether or not they will be resurrected.  They are destined for the Fire.  They challenge Prophet Muhammad to bring about the punishment he refers to rather than asking God for forgiveness.  God is full of forgiveness but also severe in punishment.  They stubbornly demand a miracle of their choice, but Prophet Muhammad is a warner, nothing more.

    God knows everything about birth and wombs; He knows both the obvious and the hidden.  Speaking in whispers or being in the cover of darkness does not conceal anything from Him.  Each person has two guardian angels.  God will not change the condition of a people unless they change themselves.  If God intends to punish a people, then no one can prevent it.  The only real protection is from God Himself. 

    God shows His signs in the sky; lightening causing fear and hope, heavy clouds filled with rain and thunder that exalts Him yet can strike whomever God chooses.  The unbelievers dispute these signs.  Prayer to God is the only true prayer, praying to false deities will elicit no response.  Everything in the heavens and the earth prostrates to God, willingly or unwillingly.

    Verses 16 – 27 Who are the believers?

    Tell the unbelievers that God is the Lord of the heavens and the earth.  Ask them why they would worship something other than God.  Are the blind and the seeing equal? Is the darkness and the light equal? Do these false deities create? No! God creates.  He sends down rain and floods that carry foam like the foam that forms after melting metal.  This is an example of the difference between truth and falsehood.  The foam vanishes but what remains is useful.  Those who respond to God will have an excellent reward whereas those who do not will not be able to ransom their way out of the punishment that awaits.  Is someone who understands the truth of the revelations equal to someone who does not? Those with common sense will fulfil the agreements they make in God’s name and are afraid of the coming Reckoning.  They also pray, give in charity from what God has provided them with, and fend off evil with good.  They will enter Paradise with their families and the angels will welcome them to their wonderful home, but those who are cursed will find themselves in a terrible home.  This worldly life is brief compared to the life in the Hereafter.

    Verses 28 – 30 God’s promise

    Remembering God and His excellent promises makes a believer’s heart tranquil.  God provides a beautiful resting place for those who believe and do good deeds.  Prophet Muhammad was sent to his own community to recite what God had revealed.  Yet they still disbelieve.  Prophet Muhammad is told by God to respond to the unbelievers.  Tell them (he is told) that God is your Lord, there is none but Him and that you have put your trust in Him knowing that you will return to Him.

    Verses 31 – 34 God is the One who guides

    If there was ever to be a recitation that could move mountains, shatter the earth, or make the dead speak it would be this one.  God commands everything and He could have guided all of humankind if that had been His will.  The unbelievers will never be far from disaster, until the end when God’s promise will be fulfilled.   You, Muhammad are not the first messenger to be mocked.  Even though the unbelievers were granted a respite, they were taken to task with a terrible punishment.

    They know God watches over every soul yet they insist on associating partners with Him.  Name them; could you tell God something He does not already know? Their fantasies are made to seem desirable and the path to Paradise for them is blocked.  God has let them go astray and there is no one who can guide them to the right path.  When the punishment arrives no one can defend them against God.

    Verses 35 – 43 An invitation

    Those who remember God will have a reward that looks like this; flowing streams, everlasting fruit and shade.  But the unbelievers have nothing but the Fire.  Those who accepted Islam from among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) rejoice at the new revelations (Quran) but some from among the People of the Book deny parts of it.  Prophet Muhammad must say, "I have been commanded to worship God and associate nothing with Him, I invite you to do the same, and to Him will I return".  Quran has been revealed in Arabic and if Prophet Muhammad was to follow the vain desires of some of his community after knowledge had been given to him nothing could protect him from the wrath of God. 

    Some of the messengers before Muhammad had wives and children but none had the power to perform miracles without God’s permission.  In every time period there was a book (or revelation) and God confirms or erases whatever He wills because He is the source.  Prophet Muhammad is told that he may not see in his lifetime the punishment that awaits them but that is of no consequence because his task is only to deliver the message.  It is God who will call them to account.  Do they not see that God shrinks the borders of what they control? God’s plan overcomes all plans.  If they say to Muhammad that he is not a messenger then he should reply that God is the only witness he needs.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2016 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    12. Surah Yosuf | سورة يوسف

    12. Surah Yosuf | سورة يوسف

    The story of Joseph was revealed after an Israelite asked Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, what he knew about Prophet Joseph.  The story of Joseph was not known to the Arabs at the time and it was part of a test the Jews concocted to test Prophet Muhammad’s claim to prophethood.[1]  Stories in the Quran are usually told in small bites and revealed over several chapters; the story of Joseph however, is different.  It was revealed in one chapter, from the beginning to the end.   

    The story of Joseph is framed by a three verse introduction and a 10 verse epilogue.  It is generally agreed that it was revealed in Mecca in a year that is known as the Year of Sorrow.  Prophet Muhammad lost two of his closest supporters, his uncle Abu Talib and his beloved wife Khadijah.  The story of Joseph confirms unconditionally that God has total control over all affairs.  It is a story of patience in the face of adversity and trust in the face of sorrow.

    Verses 1-3  The best story

    The Quran is a book revealed to make things clear, it is revealed in the Arabic language and contains information that Muhammad did not know.  This story is called the best of stories meaning that it contains information relevant to events happening at the time of revelation and it contains lessons for all humankind.

    Verses 4-18  Dreams and deception

    Joseph has a dream in which he sees the sun, moon and eleven stars prostrating before him.  This is interpreted as men bowing down to him.  He confides in his father who advises him to keep it secret from his brothers. 

    Joseph and Benjamin were the sons of Jacob’s second wife.  The older boys considered themselves men.  They were older, they were stronger and saw in themselves many good qualities.  Blinded by jealousy they plan to kill Joseph.  One of the brothers convinces the other brothers to throw him in a well instead.  They carry out their devious plan and using their father’s worst fear (a wolf attack) and a blood stained shirt, they try to convince him of Joseph’s death.   Meanwhile, God eases Joseph’s fear.   God inspires him that one day he will inform his brothers of their deed while they do not realize who he is.  Joseph’s father Jacob sensed treachery but turned to God and accepted the news with trust and patience.

    Verses 19-22 Joseph is established in Egypt

    Joseph is rescued from the well and sold into slavery.  He is sold for a small price to an influential man from Egypt, who comments to his wife that Joseph may be of some service to them.  God remarks that He established Joseph in the land and provided him with sustenance in order to teach him the interpretation of dreams.  God has full power and control over all affairs but most people are blind to this.   Joseph grows up in comfortable conditions and God bestows upon him good judgment and knowledge.  He is in the house of a politician learning how to negotiate and make wise decisions.

    Verses 23-30 The failed seduction

    The wife of the Egyptian politician watches Joseph grow to manhood and is attracted to him.  She tries to seduce him but he seeks refuge in God.  The wife chases Joseph to the front door just as her husband is entering the house.  The wife tries to blame Joseph but a member of the household points out that his shirt was torn from the back.   The women of the city began to gossip about Joseph and the politician’s wife.

    Verses 31-35 Joseph prefers prison

    After she hears the gossip, she invites the women to her house in order to show them how beautiful and attractive Joseph is.  She hands each of them a knife and calls for Joseph to show himself.  The women are astounded and cut their hands.  She explains that she tried to seduce him but he resisted.  She threatens that if he does not obey now he will go to prison.  Joseph is afraid that he will let himself be seduced so he asks God to protect him, saying he would prefer prison to what the women are planning. 

    Verses 36-40  More Dreams

    He is imprisoned along with two other men.  The two other prisoners discuss their dreams with Joseph and ask him to interpret them.  One of them said, ‘I dreamed that I was pressing grapes’; the other said, ‘I dreamed that I was carrying bread on my head and that the birds were eating it.’  Joseph mentioned their next meal reminding them that God provides their sustenance then replies that he is able to interpret dreams because God has taught him to do so.  He spells out his belief in God and in the Day of Judgement.  Joseph asserts that his family, the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob hold the knowledge of the Oneness of God, and that his religion and family do not attribute partners to God.  Most people however do not realise this.

    Verses 41-42 Joseph languishes in prison

    Joseph interprets the dream.  One will serve wine to his master; the other will be crucified and the birds will peck at his head.  Joseph asks the one to be saved to mention him (Joseph) to his master.  But Satan makes the man forget and Joseph languishes in prison for more time.

    Verses 43-57 Joseph’s innocence is established

    The King (of Egypt) asks his counsellors to interpret his dream.  ‘I dreamed about seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones; seven green ears of corn and [seven] others withered.’ They were unable to do so and the ex-prisoner remembered Joseph.  He ran to Joseph, Joseph interprets the dream and the King asks for Joseph to be brought into his presence.  The ex-prisoner goes back to Joseph but Joseph asks him to ask his master (the King) about the women who cut their hands.  The King establishes Joseph’s innocence.  Joseph says he wanted his master, the politician to know that he did not betray him or abuse his trust.  Joseph appears before the King who offers him a position of high rank.  Joseph asks to be put in charge of the storehouses.  In this way God settles Joseph in the land.  God points out that He grants mercy to whomever He wishes, and does not fail to reward good.  The reward in the Hereafter, He points out, is the best. 

    Verses 58–66 A dream prediction fulfilled

    Joseph’s brothers present themselves asking for their measure of grain.  Joseph recognizes them but they do not recognize him.  He asks them to come again, this time with their younger brother.  Without him they will not be permitted to have the grain.  They reply that they will try to persuade their father and get his permission.  Joseph tells his servants to put the goods his brothers traded for grain back in their saddle bags in order to make them eager to return.  The brothers ask Jacob to let them take their younger brother but he is wary asking "Am I to entrust him to you as I did his brother before?" The brothers open the saddle bags and find their good returned to them.  Jacob says he will not send the boy unless the brothers swear they will do everything humanly possible to keep him safe.  They gave their pledge and Jacob said, ‘Our words are entrusted to God.’

    Verses 67-76 The brothers return

    Jacob advises his sons to not all enter the city by the same gate as a precaution but at the same time tells them that this will not help them against the will of God.  All power is in God’s hands, says Jacob. 

    The sons of Jacob present themselves to Joseph and he draws his youngest brother (Benjamin) aside and reveals his identity to him.  Joseph gives his brothers their portion of grain but places his drinking cup in his youngest brother’s pack.   Someone calls out and accuses the caravan of thievery.   ‘What is lost?’ the brothers ask.  ‘The King’s drinking cup’, is the reply, and ‘whoever returns it will be given a camel’s load of grain’. 

    The brothers respond that they did not come to make mischief.  Joseph’s men ask the brothers what penalty should apply if they are found to be lying.  They answered, ‘the penalty will be the enslavement of the person in whose bag the cup is found: this is how we punish wrongdoers.’ Joseph did not want his brother punished under the laws of Egypt but wanted the opportunity to keep his brother with him while the others returned to their father Jacob.  The bags are searched and the cup is found in the youngest brother’s belongings.  God explains that He devised a plan for Joseph and that He will raise the status of whomsoever He wills.

    Verses 77-82

    The brothers allude to Benjamin’s brother (Joseph) being a thief, but Joseph controls himself and does not disclose his identity.  The brothers beg that one of them be allowed to stay in his brother’s stead; this is refused.   Finally the eldest brother, remembering the pledge he gave to his father, vows to stay in Egypt until Jacob gives him permission to leave or God decides on another course of action.  The remaining brothers return to their father Jacob saying, we tried to keep our pledge but we could not have foreseen that your son would steal.   Ask the people we travelled with if you need proof.

    Verses 83-86

    Their father said, ‘No! Your souls have prompted you to do wrong!’ He turned away from them saying ‘Alas, my grief for Joseph!’.  Jacob’s eyes went white with grief (he was blind) and the brothers said, ‘If you don’t stop thinking about Joseph you will ruin your health or even die.’ He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to God, and I know from God that which you do not know’.  When this new sorrow overwhelmed Jacob, his first reaction was to be patient.   He knew, without a shred of doubt, that the affairs of his beloved youngest sons were controlled by God.

    Verses 87-98

    Jacob said, ‘My sons, go and seek news of Joseph and his brother and do not despair of God’s mercy– only disbelievers despair of God’s mercy.’ So they presented themselves before Joseph without knowing his real identity.  They explained that misfortune had afflicted their family and asked Joseph to be charitable towards.  God, they said, rewards the charitable.  Joseph replied by ‘Do you now realize what you did to Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?’ The brothers were astounded and asked if he was Joseph and he said, ‘I am Joseph’.  They said God really did favour you over all of us; we were in the wrong.  Joseph replied that no reproach would be on them and may God forgive them.

    Joseph then handed them his own shirt telling them to lay it over their father’s face and all would be well, then he asked them to come back altogether.  Back at home Jacob was saying that he could smell Joseph, and those around him looked upon him with derision thinking him lost in an old illusion.  When the shirt was placed on Jacob’s face his eyesight returned and he said, ‘Did I not tell you that I have knowledge from God that you do not have?’ The brothers asked their father to ask God to forgive them and he replied that his Lord is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful.

    Verses 99-101

    Later when the whole family was presented before Joseph he drew his parents close to him and welcomed them telling them that, God willing they will be safe.  They all bowed down to Joseph and he commented to his father that this was the fulfilment of the dream he had so long ago.   Joseph said that God had been gracious towards him after Satan had sowed discord between he and his brothers.  Joseph prays to God acknowledging his blessings and asking to live and die as a Muslim and be joined with the righteous.

    The story of Joseph is a lesson for all of humankind.   True patience and the ability to forgive are lofty characteristics worthy of inculcating.

    Verses 102-111

    That concludes the story of Joseph and in this final 10-verse epilogue God tells Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, that this was the story of which he had no previous knowledge and that he was not present when the brothers made their evil plans.  God then tells him that he cannot make the people believe no matter how much he desires to do so.  God also mentions that Muhammad asks for no reward yet people ignore the signs in the heavens and the earth and only believe in God while joining partners with Him.  How can they be so sure that an overwhelming punishment or the Last Hour will not come upon them when they least expect it?  Can the people not see the lessons all around them; how can they travel and see the signs of what happens to the disbelievers and still not understand, do they not have a mind? Here is a lesson for those who understand, this is no fabrication; it a confirmation of the truth and an explanation for everything (‘everything’ refers to either the story of Joseph or the religion as a whole, or perhaps both).

    In this chapter God was advising Prophet Muhammad that the road may be long and difficult but the ultimate victory belongs to those with God-consciousness and patience.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2015 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    10. Surah Yonas | سورة يونس

    10. Surah Yonas | سورة يونس

    Chapter 10 of the Quran, entitled Jonah was revealed in Mecca. It takes its title from the reference to Prophet Jonah in verse 98 and concentrates primarily on the Oneness of God.  This chapter emphasises God’s power and His anger towards those who consistently deny the truth of His revelations and signs. Prophet Muhammad is encouraged to be patient and to be aware that he is unable to force the people to believe.

    Verses 1 – 10  A book of wisdom

    These are the verses from a wise book says God. It is a book full of wisdom that holds the decision about all matters. Why then do people call the warner chosen from among themselves a sorcerer? God is the One who created all that is in the heavens and the earth in six periods of time (Day is the word used here but it is not the 24 hour period as we know it). He then established Himself upon the Throne, overseeing and overlooking everything that is below Him. Worship Him, believers will be rewarded but those who refuse will taste the punishment. His signs are everywhere throughout the universe and they are not without purpose. Those who believe understand. Some pay no heed to the signs but their eternal home will be in the Fire. However those who are saved because of their faith will praise God.

    Verses 11 – 20  Who is the most wicked?

    If God was to hasten the punishment for those who deserve it, then their worldly life would be over but that is not His way. Instead he leaves the wrongdoers to wonder blindly in their ignorance. When a person is in need he calls out to God but when God removes the affliction he (the person) returns to disobedience as if he had never called upon God at all. Whole generations have been destroyed because of the evil they did. The messengers came but were ignored and abused. God observes the successive generations.

    When the Quran is recited to those who hold no hope of meeting God they ask Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessing of God be upon him, to bring a different or changed Quran. God tells Prophet Muhammad to tell them that it is not for him to change it.  He (Prophet Muhammad) brings only what is revealed to him and he too fears a day of account. God asks who is more wicked than the one who invents lies against God or denies His signs!? Wrongdoers will never prosper. They worship things other than God that cannot harm or benefit them. God is far above those they associate with Him.  Humankind was once one nation, but they differed. Only God knows the unseen, so wait for it to be revealed.

    Verses 21 – 30 God invites you to Paradise

    People call upon God when they are suffering but plot and scheme against Him when they are returned to comfort. When they are returned to God He will tell them the result of the schemes. People think they have some power over the life of this world but it is God’s decree that will come to pass. The signs are there for those who choose to reflect. God invites everyone to the Home of Peace (Paradise) and guides whomever He wills to the straight path. Those who do good will have a good reward; they are the companions of Paradise. And those who do evil will find an evil outcome in the Fire. On the Day of Judgment, those who worshipped other than God will find that their false deities deny all knowledge of their worship and behavior. Some are not even aware that they are being worshipped and those who consented to be worshipped will lie and deny it.

    Verses 31 – 40  Who will believe?

    God addresses the disbelievers asking who provides for you, who allows you to see and hear, who brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living and who arranges every matter? They answer God but why then do they not take heed? God is the Giver of life, the one who can end creation but then bring it all back again. Can any of the associates you turn to do that? No they cannot. What is wrong with people? The One who guides to the truth is more worthy to be followed then those who do not.

    God is All-Knowing and it is not possible for this Quran to have been produced by anyone but God. It is a confirmation of what came before it. If people say that Prophet Muhammad invented the Quran then ask them to bring forth a chapter like it. They are not able to do so even when they ask for assistance. They cannot grasp the truth because they have not seen its prophecies fulfilled. The Quran shows the end waiting for the disbelievers. Some will believe but some will not. God knows who causes corruption.

    Verses 41 – 56 Losers in the Hereafter

    God tells Prophet Muhammad what to say if they deny him - "For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do."  There are some that listen but Muhammad cannot cause the deaf to hear, there are some who look but he cannot cause the blind to see. God does not wrong people but people wrong themselves.

    On the Day of Judgement people will feel as if they have been in this world for an hour or less and they will recognise one another. Those who denied this meeting will be the losers. All will return to God and this will happen whether Prophet Muhammad sees the punishment fall or not. For every nation there is a messenger. When the messenger comes they will be judged and there will be no injustice. There is an appointed time for every community and when it is reached it cannot be delayed or hastened.

    On the Day of Judgement there is no way out for the disbelievers. They have denied it for so long, will they even believe it when it overtakes them? They will be told to taste the punishment, God’s promise is true. He gives life, and causes death. To Him we will all be returned.

    Verses 57 – 60 Guidance has come

    Instruction from God has been given to humankind; it is a mercy, a cure, and guidance.  Tell them, Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, that these things are a blessing and better for humankind than all the riches of this world that they try to accumulate.  Ask them to think about the provisions that have been sent down by God.  He has made some lawful and others unlawful, why then do some people change the rules and try to make the illicit permissible? Has God given permission for this or are you inventing a lie about God? How will this be dealt with on the Day of Judgment? Think.  God is indeed full of grace towards humankind but most people are ungrateful. 

    Verses 61 – 67 God witnesses everything

    Whatever matters people are engaged in, from reading the Quran to the mundane, God is a witness to it and it is all, the large and the small of it, recorded in a book.  Not even a speck, the weight of dust escapes God’s knowledge, and it is kept in a clear record.  For those who believe and fear God there will be no fear; they will receive good tidings both in this world and the Hereafter.  God tells Prophet Muhammad not to let the words of the unbelievers grieve him.  God is All-Powerful; All-Hearing and All-Knowing.  Everything in the heavens and on the earth belongs to Him.  Those who call on other than God are following only assumptions and lies.  God made the day and the night and surely this is a sign for those who listen to the message.

    Verses 68 – 70 The consequence of lying about God

    Some people say that God has a son.  He is free of all needs, the master of the heavens and the earth.  They have no authority to make such a claim, why do they invent lies about God? Those who lie about God will not succeed, they may have some brief enjoyment in this world but in the Hereafter they will face severe punishment.

    Verses 71 – 86 Stories from the past

    Tell the people about the story of Noah.  He said to his people, "If my presence among you reminds you too much of that which you do not wish to hear about God’s signs and warnings then do what you will.  But let it be clear and decisive.  Remember however that I have not asked for any kind of payment, my reward is from God alone.  I am among those commanded to worship Him Alone."  They did not listen, they rejected Noah.  God saved him and those with him in the ship.  Those who denied the signs were left to drown.

    Then God sent others, each to their own people.  They came with clear evidences but the succeeding generations were persistent in their disbelief.  Moses and Aaron were sent to Pharaoh and his people but they behaved arrogantly towards them and their message.  Moses said, "Do you think I bring you magic; because magicians will never succeed." Haughtily Pharaoh called for all the magicians in the land and Moses exposed the worthlessness of their magic.  God does not promote the work of mischief makers. 

    Nobody believed Moses except some of the youth amongst his own people; most of the people were too scared of Pharaoh’s regime.  Moses asked the believers to put their trust in God and they prayed to Him to release them from the hands of the unjust people.

    Verses 87 – 95 Deliverance

    God revealed to Moses and Aaron that they should take their people to Egypt where they would build their houses and establish the prayer.   Moses then prayed that the wealth and splendour of Pharaoh’s people be taken away from them.  Obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts he asked.  God said that this prayer would be answered and told Moses to remain steadfast.  So Moses led his people across the sea; Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them until they were drowned.

    At the very last minute Pharaoh said that he believed in the God of Moses and that he submitted to Him but God replied, "Now?" God saved his body but not his life so that he may be a sign for those that come after him.  Many people still fail to heed the signs.  The people of Moses were settled in a good place and were provided with the things required for a good life.  They did not differ amongst themselves until after knowledge had come to them but on the Day of Judgment God will judge between the things they failed to agree on.  Prophet Muhammad had complete certainty in that which was revealed to him.   Even if the People of the Book do not give heed to your call, they will still find evidence of you in their books. 

    Verses 96 – 103 Forced conversion is prohibited

    There are many for whom the love of this world has sealed their hearts and eyes.  They cannot see the signs in front of their faces.  They will not believe.  No town ever saw the scourge then believed and it profited them except for the people of Jonah.  When they believed the punishment was removed, and they had enjoyment, for a time.  If God had so willed all the people on the earth would have believed.  Prophet Muhammad is asked if he would compel the people, against their will to believe.  Belief comes only by the will of God and He disgraces those who will not use their common sense.  Tell the people to see the signs in the heavens and the earth but no signs will convince those who will not believe.  God asks the question, "What are they waiting for?" In the end God will save the messengers and the believers, that is God’s way and He says that it is only right that He saves those who believe.

    Verses 104 – 109  Guidance has arrived, so choose

    Prophet Muhammad is commanded by God to say, "People, doubt my religion if you will, I will never worship those you worship other than God, but I worship God who will cause you to die, and I am commanded to be a believer".  He is further commanded to dedicate himself to the religion and not to be amongst those who associate others with God.  God says you will not pray to others because they cannot benefit or harm you and if you do you will surely be one of the losers.  If God afflicts you with a calamity, none can remove it but He; and if He intends to bestow a favour, none can withhold His bounty.  He bestows it on whoever He pleases; He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

    Prophet Muhammad is further told to tell the people that the truth has come.  Whoever chooses to follow the right path does so for his own benefit and whoever strays does so at his own risk.  I (Muhammad) am not set over you to oblige you for guidance.  God tells Prophet Muhammad to follow what has been revealed to him and to be patient until God judges.  He is the best of judges.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2015 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    9. Surah al-Tawbah | سورة التوبة

    9. Surah al-Tawbah | سورة التوبة

    Verses 1-12 are about the party of treaties and rules and regulations which must be strictly followed by Muslims unless the other party does not break them.

    Verses 13-37 direct the Muslims to fight with the nonbelievers (The Jews & Christians) and warn the non-believers about the consequences of their mischievous acts.

    Verses 38-70 are about rewards they will receive as promised by God if they take active part in conflict with disbelief. Because this is the criteria that distinguish the Muslims from Hypocrites and true Muslims should take part in jihad without caring about dangers, difficulties, and temptations.

    Verses 73-90 are about the problems of hypocrites and also distinguish the characteristics of hypocrites from true Muslims. These verses also provide the rules to govern the hypocrites.

    Verses 91-110 are about the people who did not accompany the Holy Prophet in Jihad to Tabuk (Ghazwa Tabuk) and talk about the different categorize of people who could not join Prophet (PBUH). The categorize included the disabled people, the sick, the indigent, hypocrites, believers who confessed their mistake of not joining upon the return of Holy Prophet (PBUH). All the categorize of the people will be judged on the day of judgment based on their intention and circumstances of not joining Tabuk.

    Verses 111-118 are about characteristics of the believers and they have been assured to have the help and guidance from God. The Chapter states that three categorize of the believers which could not take part in Tabuk will be forgiven because of their sincerity.

    verses 119-127 deal with the general instructions of guidance for believers.

    Verses 128-129 conclude the message, that follow the massager who is true well-wisher and trust God, the Lord of Universe.
    By Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal (© 2019 Muhammad Farooq and Nagina Kanwal)
    All rights reserved. 
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: Summary of Holy Quran: An Ultimate Guide Series

    8. Surah al-Anfal | سورة الأنفال

    8. Surah al-Anfal | سورة الأنفال

    The Spoils of War is a seventy-five verse chapter revealed in Medina after the Battle of Badr.  It is, for the most part, a lengthy commentary on the first battle between the believers and the Meccan disbelievers.  The believers, some of whom were originally very reluctant to fight, won a great victory even though they were vastly outnumbered.  Some then began to question the distribution of the war booty and thus the chapter is named The Spoils of War.  God reminds them that He brought about the victory and details the distributions of the spoils.  The chapter articulates the general Islamic principles of war and peace and uses them as a morality lesson. 

    Verses 1 – 27 God establishes a victory

    God instructs Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, to inform the believers that the distribution of the war booty is a matter to be decided by God and His Messenger.   The booty is in fact a bounty from God thus they should be mindful of Him and obey Him.  The faith of the true believer increases upon hearing the Quran recited, and they establish the prayer and spend (give charity) from what God has provided.  The true believers will have a high status with God, forgiveness, and a generous provision.

    The believers ventured from their homes for a true purpose (fighting in God’s cause).  Many were hesitant, but God promised them victory because He wanted to establish the truth and cut down the disbelievers.  He promised one thousand angels as a message of hope and to help the believers.  On the night before the battle, God gave the believers a secure sleep, cleansing rain to wash away the whisperings of Satan, and made them steadfast.   

    God instructed the angels to strike the enemy above their necks and to cut off their fingertips.  They oppose God and His messenger, and the penalty is severe.  And the believers were instructed not to flee, unless as a war strategy, because those that flee earn God’s anger.  The believers had insufficient strength to vanquish the enemy, but God supported them.  When Prophet Muhammad threw a handful of dust into the faces of the enemy, God caused it to fill the eyes and nose of every soldier, and it prevented their advance.  If the disbelievers do not cease hostilities, God will continue to strengthen the believers.

    Verses 28 – 40 God separates the bad from the good

    There are some who pretend to listen, but they do not.  God instructs the believers to beware of discord and to remember how He supported and sheltered them.  Do not betray God and His messenger, or the trusts you are given.  Children and wealth are a trial, but the reward that is with God is better and longer lasting.  Fear God, and He will grant you the knowledge between right and wrong and make a way out of all difficulties for you.  The disbelievers planned to take you captive or kill you, but God also planned.   The disbelievers heard God’s revelation but mocked and boasted that they too could fabricate such words; they called the Quran tales of the ancients.  They also called on God to rain down stones from the sky, but God would not punish them while the believers were in their midst nor does He punish those who seek forgiveness. 

    God has every reason to punish them when they obstruct people from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca; they are not the rightful guardians.  Those that are mindful of God are the rightful guardians.  The disbelievers don’t understand this, and their prayers there are nothing but clapping and whistling.  They use their wealth to stop people from worshipping God, and they will continue on this path; eventually they will be overcome and herded towards Hell.  God will separate the bad from the good and heap the bad on top of one another.  Prophet Muhammad is told to tell the disbelievers that if they desist, they will be forgiven.  But if the return to hostilities God will be on the side of the believers, and they will fight the disbelievers until all worship is directed to God alone. 

    One-fifth of the spoils belong to God and His messenger, his close relatives, orphans, the needy, and the travelers.  The remaining four-fifths are divided among the soldiers.

    Verses 42 – 58 Lessons from Badr

    Remember the day at Badr when the two armies met.  It looked as if you would certainly fail, but God wanted to establish clear proof that He was on the side of the believers.  In a dream Prophet Muhammad saw the disbelievers as few, because if God had shown him the disbelievers as many, he would have lost courage and rethought his decision to fight.  God also made the believers appear as few in the eyes of the disbelievers so that He may establish a matter He had already ordained.

    God instructs the believers to be firm in battle, to be mindful of God, and not to quarrel.  Do not be full of conceit or bar others from the way of God.  Satan gave the disbelievers false confidence, but when the battle began, he fled.  He fears God.

    Those that are arrogant say the believers are deluded, but if only you could see what happens when the angels take the souls of the disbelievers; they strike their faces, and they are destined for the fire.  The ones who break their treaties and pledges do not fear God thus if Prophet Muhammad gains dominance over them God instructs him to kill them and make an example of them, to discourage others.  Dissolve the treaties with those who show signs of treachery. 

    Verses 59 – 75 Disbelievers and believers are not the same

    Let the disbelievers escape if they can because they will not escape God, and prepare for war.  Whatever is spent in the way of God will be repaid.  If they incline towards peace make peace.  Trust God because if they intend to deceive you, He will know. 

    The believers are urged into battle.  Twenty believers can overcome two hundred disbelievers, and if there are one hundred believers, they will overcome one thousand, and God lightens the hardship even more.  There can be no prisoners until the believers have thoroughly subdued the land.

    Those who emigrated for the sake of God and those who gave them shelter (in Medina) are allies.  Those who believed but did not emigrate must emigrate if they want support.  The disbelievers support one another, and if the believers do not become staunch allies there will be oppression and corruption in the land.  The believers are brothers, but those believers with blood relationships are more entitled to inheritance.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2018 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

    7. Surah al-A'araf | سورة الأعراف

    7. Surah al-A'araf | سورة الأعراف

    This chapter is one of the longer chapters found at the beginning of the Quran.  It is generally accepted that it was revealed in Mecca.  It is named after the height of the barrier that will divide the saved and the damned on the Day of Judgement.  It begins by reassuring Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, that the stories about disobedient communities of the past should serve as encouragement to the believers to take heed and repent before the great Day is upon them.

    Verses  1- 10 Take lessons from history

    God addresses Prophet Muhammad telling him not to feel any distress.  He (God) reassures him that this book (the Quran) has been revealed as a warning and a reminder to those who believe.  Follow, (and tell the people), what has been sent down and do not follow any other master apart from God alone.  How often have previous civilsations been destroyed? But still humankind does not heed the warnings.  Some were taken at night, others when they rested in the heat of the day.  When the punishment was upon them they admitted their wrongdoing.

     God will surely question those to whom a message was sent and those who carried the message.  Humankind will be questioned by God who has full knowledge of their deeds, both good and bad.  The weighing of the deeds on that Day will be just.  Those who scales are heavy (with good deeds) will be successful and those whose scales are light will be lost. 

    Verses 11 – 18 The story of Adam and Satan

    God established humankind in the earth and provided a means with which to make a livelihood.  Humankind is ungrateful yet it is God who created you, and shaped you into human form.  The angels were asked to prostrate before the first of your kind, Adam.  The angels obeyed; all except Iblis.[1]  Iblis (Satan) proceeded to argue with God, when asked why he did not obey God’s instructions.  Satan considered himself better than the Adam.  He was created from smokeless fire whereas Adam was created from clay.

    God ordered Satan to descend from Paradise stating that it was not an abode for the arrogant and that Satan would henceforth be one of the contemptible ones.  Satan asked for a reprieve (from judgment and punishment) until the Day of Resurrection.  The reprieve was granted.   In his arrogance Satan told God he planned to deceive mankind, to lie in wait for them on the straight path and come at them from all sides.  You, Satan said to God, will find most of them ungrateful.   God ordered Satan out and swore to fill Hell with Satan and those who followed him.

    Verses 19 – 25 Acceptance of repentance

    Adam and his wife were directed to live in Paradise and eat from wherever they will.  There was however one exception, the tree which God pointed out to them.  Satan whispered to Adam and Eve to make them aware of their nakedness, he also encouraged them to eat from the forbidden tree; saying to do so would make them immortal or angels.  Satan swore to be a sincere advisor to them.  After eating from the tree their nakedness became clear to them and Adam and Eve tried to gather leaves to cover themselves.  God questioned them as to why they disobeyed Him and did not take His warning to stay away from Satan.  Adam and Eve admitted their wrongdoing and asked for forgiveness.  Earth became their abode, where they would live, die and be raised back to life.

    Verses 26 – 32 A warning

    God then addresses the children of Adam (humankind).  He explains that they have garments to cover their nakedness, and as an adornment, but the best garment of all is the garment of God-consciousness.  This is a sign He says.  Again they are warned that Satan is a sworn enemy so be not deceived.  The evil ones are allied to those who do not believe.  God did not order immorality, thus what your forefathers did is not an excuse.  God commanded righteousness, therefore direct your worship to Him alone and be devoted entirely to Him.  God created humankind and will repeat the process on the Day of Judgment.  Some are guided but some are doomed because they take the evil ones as their masters. 

    God advises the children of Adam to dress well, when and wherever they pray, and to eat and drink from what He has provided.  However He warns them not to be extravagant for He does not love those who do so.  Prophet Muhammad is then advised to ask his followers as to who forbids them  from what God has provided.  They are for humankind to enjoy but will be for the believers alone on the Day of Resurrection.

    Verses 33 – 41 The closed gates

    Prophet Muhammad is advised to tell the believers that God forbids disgraceful deeds, those openly done as well as those hidden away.  Every nation’s life span is set, it cannot be hastened nor can it be delayed for even an instant.  When the messengers come, those who believe will be saved but those who ignore the warnings will abide in the Fire.  The most unjust is the one who invents lies about God or denies the revelations.  They will live out their days, and the ones they used to invoke besides God will not help them; they will abide in the Fire.  They will curse and blame each other as they are herded into the Fire to face a double punishment.  The gates of Heaven will not be opened to those who deny the verses or are arrogant towards them.  Even if a rope was to be threaded through the eye of a needle they would not enter the Everlasting Garden.  This is the punishment for the guilty and the evildoers.

    Verses 42 – 58 A Day of Fulfilment (Judgment)

    Those who believe and do good deeds are the people of the Garden.  They will not be burdened with what they are unable to bear and the gates of Heaven will be open to them.  They will praise God because of the Paradise they have inherited and call out to the people of the Fire that the promise of God was true.  The people of the Fire reply that they too have found the promise to be true.  Next a caller will announce that the curse of God is upon the wrongdoers.  There will be a partition between both parties.  The people of the Heights will recognise each other and call out to each other.  The inmates from Hell then beg for food and water from the inmates of Paradise, but their answer is that God has forbidden them sustenance.  They will be forgotten just as they had forgotten the inevitability of this Day which is the fulfilment of what was promised in the Quran.

    The Lord God created the universe and then rose over the Throne in a manner that suits His Majesty, so call upon him with humility, and invoke Him with fear and hope.  He is the one who sends the wind and the rain bringing forth all kinds of fruit, likewise He will raise the dead.  Vegetation emerges by the permission of God.

    Verses 59 – 73 The stories of Noah and Hud

    God sent Noah to his people and he asked them to worship God alone.  They denied Noah so God saved him and those with him in a ship, the others, who denied God’s signs, were drowned.  Prophet Hud was sent to the people of Aad, saying worship God alone but they denied him.  They called him a liar and a fool when he was giving them sincere advice.  Hud reminded them of the people of Noah and of the favours God has bestowed upon them, he warned them of a terrible punishment but they taunted him and asked Hud to bring on the punishment.  Hud said he would wait with them for the decision from God.  The disbelievers were annihilated; Hud and his companions were saved by the mercy of God.

    Verses 74- 94 The stories of Saleh, Lot and Shuaib

    Then, to the people of Thamud, God sent Prophet Saleh.  He asked them to worship God alone.  Saleh asked them to protect the she-camel sent from God and reminded them that they were the inheritors of Aad, capable of building great mansions in valleys and carving out homes from the sides of mountains.  Remember God’s blessings Saleh told his people, however the arrogant ones asked the believers if they really thought Saleh was sent from God.  They answered yes but the arrogant ones rejected this and hamstrung the camel they had been charged with protecting.  So bring us this promise (of God’s wrath) they said, so an earthquake seized them and they fell down dead.  Saleh turned away.

    Lot was sent to his people and confronted them with the promise of punishment for the indecent acts they performed with each other, but their only response was to try to evict Lot and his family from their city.  God saved Lot and all his family, except for his wife who was among the evildoers, when the rain of stones destroyed them.

    Shuaib was sent to the people of Midian and he asked them to worship God alone.  He asked them to cease their corrupt business practices and to stop waylaying visitors and wayfarers in their cities.  He reminded them that God increased their numbers and of the shocking ends to some previous nations but they did not want to heed the warning.  Instead of being grateful to God they attributed changing fortunes to the passage of time.  The people of Midian were stuck down by an earthquake, those who had disbelieved Shuaib’s warning ceased to exist.  Shuaib turned away without grieving for the disbelieving people.

    Verses 95 – 100 A lesson to learn

    Whenever God sent a prophet to a town (or nation) he afflicted the people with adversity and misfortune in order that they might humble themselves before Him.  Then God changed their hardship to prosperity but the people did not recognise God’s grace.  Had they believed they would have been showered with riches but they did not so they were seized for their misdeeds.   God asks, did those people feel secure at night, or in the day? The only people who feel secure from the plan of God are those doomed to destruction.  Do people not understand, from the stories of those before them, that God can afflict them for their sins and seal their hearts?

    Verses 101 – 126 God sends Moses to Pharaoh

    The people in the cities in the previous verses were sent messengers with warnings but they refused to believe in them.  Then God sent Moses to Pharaoh and his priests but they too treated the message unjustly.  See then what happened to those who spread corruption.  Moses told Pharaoh that he (Moses) was a messenger from the Lord of all the worlds and Pharaoh asked for a sign.  Moses threw his staff to the ground and it tuned into a slithering serpent.  Then he pulled his hand out from under his robe and it was shining white and radiant.  The leaders around Pharaoh said that Moses was a sorcerer and suggested a competition.  Pharaoh’s sorcerers arrived and were promised a place in the inner circle if they won.

    The sorcerers threw their sticks and they turned into snakes.  God inspired Moses and he threw down his staff that turned into a snake that devoured all the snakes the sorcerers had conjured.  The sorcerers were defeated; the truth was clear so they fell to their knees saying that they believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses.  Pharaoh declared that he would cut off their hands and feet on opposite sides and crucify them all because they believed before he (Pharaoh) had given his permission for them to do so.  They cried out to God asking Him to keep them steadfast and let them die devoted to Him alone.

    Verses 127 – 137 Plagues afflict Egypt

    The leaders amongst Pharaoh’s people asked if he intended to let Moses and his people cause corruption in the land.  He answered that he would put their sons to death and spare their daughters.  Moses advised his people to be steadfast and turn to God for help.  Moses’ people complained that they were used to persecution before and are still being persecuted, but Moses gives them hope. 

    Pharaoh’s people were afflicted with several years of famine in the hope that they would come to their senses but they thought good provision their right and bad circumstances were due to Moses (an evil omen).  Their fortune however was in the hands of God but still they did not recognise it.

    Next the people of Pharaoh were inflicted with a flood, followed by plagues of locusts, and lice, and frogs, and blood.  Pharaoh’s people asked Moses to intervene with his Lord and have Him remove the punishment, saying that if he did so they would let the enslaved people of Israel go.  However when the punishment was removed they broke their promise.  God drowned them and caused those who had been oppressed to inherit the land.

    Verses 138 – 143 God rescues the Children of Israel and talks to Moses

    God took the Children of Israel across the sea where they came across people who worshipped idols.  The children of Israel asked Moses to make them an idol to which he replied that they were an ignorant people.  He told them the cult the idol worshippers were following was doomed to destruction.  God summoned Moses on the mountain for forty nights.  He asked his brother Aaron, who had been with him from the beginning, to take his place to lead the people and being careful to keep them away from the idol worshippers.  Moses arrived at the appointed time and asked God to show Himself.  God answered, you will not see Me, but look at the mountain, if it can look at me and remain in place you will see me.  The mountain crumbled before Moses’ eyes and he fell down unconscious.  When he recovered he said to God, ‘Glory be to You! To You I turn in repentance! I am the first to believe!’

    Verses 144 – 147

    God told Moses that he was chosen, from amongst all of humankind, to be the one who could hear God and receive His message, thus he should be grateful for such an honour.   God inscribed all details and instructions on the tablets, saying hold firmly to them.  Those who deny the signs of God will be kept distracted.  The deeds of those who deny the signs and the meeting in the Hereafter will become worthless.

    Verses 148 – 156 The wrath of God

    While Moses was gone the people began worshipping a shape like a calf made from their jewellery and ornaments but they perceived that they were doing wrong and when Moses returned they said if God does not forgive us we will be among the losers.  Moses was angry and upset with them but especially his brother Aaron.  He threw down the tablets, seized his brother by the hair and pulled towards him.  Aaron said, "Oh son of my mother, (reminding Moses of their kinship) they would have overpowered me and killed me".  Moses asked God to forgive both his brother and himself.

    Those who worshipped the calf would gain the anger of their Lord but those who realised their misdeeds and repented would be forgiven.  When Moses had calmed down he picked up the tablets on which were inscribed guidance and mercy for those who feared their Lord.  Moses chose 70 men from among their number and they came towards Moses fearful and shaking.  They were supposed to apologise and beg forgiveness for worshipping the calf but instead they demanded to see God.  The mountain convulsed in a massive earthquake and they fell down dead.  Moses prayed for forgiveness and God’s mercy encompasses all things.  Mercy is for those who are God conscious, pay the prescribed alms and believe in the revelations.

    Verses 157 – 158 Mohammad in the Torah and Gospel

    Special mercy will be assigned to those who follow the unlettered Prophet who they will find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel.  He enjoins them to good and forbids them from evil.  He makes good things lawful and bad things unlawful.  He relieves them of their burdens.  Those who follow him will succeed.   God says to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, to declare to the people that he is the Messenger of God sent by the one who controls the heavens and the earth and that there is no true deity worthy of worship except God.

    Verses 159 – 168 The Children of Israel are tested

    In the nation of Moses there were some who were guided and thereby established justice.  God divided them into twelve tribes.  When the thirsty people asked for water God revealed to Moses where to strike the rock with his staff.  Twelve springs gushed forth and each tribe had its own drinking place.  God sent down mana (pure things) from heaven for them to eat.  They rebelled, but they did not harm God by their rebellion; they harmed only themselves.

    God said to them, reside in this town, eat whatever you please, ask for forgiveness and enter the gate with humility.  God would then forgive their sins and multiply the reward of the good-doers but there were wicked amongst them who changed the wording of God’s commandment.  So God sent down upon them a scourge from heaven.  God tells Prophet Muhammad to ask them about the town by the sea and what happened when they transgressed the laws of the Sabbath.  They were tested because of their disobedience.  On the Sabbath the fish came easily but did not appear on other days.  Ask them also, God said, about the warners and why they preached to a people who surely would be destroyed or punished by God.  The warners said they wanted to discharge their duty to God and they hoped some would take admonition.  However they disregarded the warning, continued with their behaviour and God said to them "Be thee detested apes".

    Remind them also that God said he would raise against them those who would inflict them with grievous harm right up until the Day of Resurrection.  God broke their unity as a nation and dispersed them all over the world.  Some are righteous and others are not, they were tested with both blessings and misfortunes.

    Verses 169 – 180 Including the covenant with the descendants of Adam.

    Then they were succeeded by an evil generation.  They enjoyed a low life thinking everything would be forgiven.  Why do they not see that the Hereafter is better? Those who follow the Book and establish the prayer will never have their deeds go to waste.  And mention to them the mountain that was suspended over them as if it were an umbrella.  They thought it was going to fall on them but God said hold fast to what we have given to you and remember so that you will return to God consciousness.

    Remind them Oh Prophet about the time when God brought into existence every single descendant of Adam (every human) and made them testify asking, "Am I not your Lord?" God did this, in case on the Day of Resurrection, anyone said, "but we were not aware".  Or in case they should try to blame their ancestors for idolatry or ascribing partners to God, saying we just followed our forefathers.  Everything is made clear.

    Tell them also the story of the man in the time of Moses to whom we gave our stories but he chose to ignore them and Satan pursued him until he became one of the deviators.  He would have been exalted through the revelations but he clung to his earthly life.  He was like a dog; if you chase him he pants, if you leave him he still pants.  Tell them the stories that they may reflect, whomever God guides is truly guided, whoever he forsakes is a loser.

    God says He created Hell for those of the jinn and humankind who have hearts but do not understand, eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear.  They are worse than animals because they are heedless.  And to God belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.  And leave the company of those who use them improperly.

    Verses 181 – 188

    God created a community (the followers of Prophet Muhammad) who guide to the truth and establish justice.  Those who deny God’s revelations are drawn step by step towards destruction.  Their companion (Prophet Muhammad) is not mad, but he is a warner.  What could they believe in if they do not believe in this? Whoever God leads astray cannot be guided, He leaves them wandering blindly.  When they ask (you, Prophet Muhammad) about the Hour say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord.  None will reveal its time except Him.  It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth.  It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." Prophet Muhammad is told to tell the people he has no power to benefit or avert harm from himself and that he is nothing more than a warner and bearer of good news for those who believe.

    Verses 189 – 206  God created everything – worship Him

    It is God who created everyone from one soul (Adam).  The people are ungrateful and set up partners with God but He is far exalted above the partners they ascribe to Him.  God says to Prophet Muhammad, say that your protector is God who sent the Quran and protects the righteous.  Be tolerant and say what is right, if Satan should tempt you seek protection with God.  When those who fear God are tempted by Satan they only need to remember God and they will know the right course of action.

    Tell them Muhammad that you follow only what is revealed from God; the Book (Quran) is a guidance and a blessing.  When you hear it recited, be silent and listen.  Remember God with humility and reverence in the morning and in the evening.  Do not be heedless; those who are close to God are never too proud to worship Him.  Glorify Him and bow down before Him.
    By Aisha Stacey (© 2015, 2018 IslamReligion.com)
    Copyright © 2006 - 2021 IslamReligion.com. All rights reserved.
    Used with permission.
    The source of this article is: www.IslamReligion.com

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