

    Explore "symptom" with insightful episodes like "2. Ulighed i sundhed", "E216: What I Wish I Knew Before Taking ADHD Medication: Your Questions Answered! Best Of Series", "E215: I Don’t Know What Else To Do! 5 Ways to Find Fresh Solutions When You Feel Stuck and Hopeless in the Same Old Frustrating Problems", "E214: Parenting Lessons from Bad Bosses: When Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) affects our Parenting and Partners" and "E213: ADHD Junk Drawer: I Read My Bad Reviews, Late Diagnosis Grief, and When You Forget to Take Your ADHD Medication" from podcasts like ""Endometriose Foreningens Podcast", "Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD", "Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD", "Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD" and "Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    2. Ulighed i sundhed

    2. Ulighed i sundhed
    Blodig alvor (2:3) Ulighed i sundhed

    Sofie Lorenzen bliver indlagt på akutmodtagelsen på Svendborg Sygehus. Først mistænker lægerne, at hun har blindtarmsbetændelse, men så bliver hun undersøgt af en gynækolog, som fortæller hende, at hun formentlig har endometriose.

    Hun skal bare have en henvisning fra sin praktiserende gynækolog, før hun kan blive udredt på sygehuset. Men så let går det ikke.

    I episoden møder vi desuden journalist Louise Dreisig midt i forberedelserne til høringen om endometriose på Christiansborg, mens Ulrik Bak Kirk fra FEMaLe-projektet gør os klogere på den ulighed, der er i sundhed, når det kommer til køn. Han mener, at endometriose står i skyggen af de mere etablerede folkesygdomme såsom diabetes og kræft.

    Ny forskning fra FEMaLe-projektet viser nemlig, at den manglende diagnosticering af endometriose ikke handler om, at kvinder ikke søger læge, når de oplever tegn på endometriose. Tværtimod faktisk.

    🎧 Lyt med i tredje og sidste afsnit af Blodig alvor-serien i Endometriose Fællesskabets podcast, hvor vi følger journalist Louise Dreisig til høringen om endometriose på Christiansborg - og så får Sofie et afgørende svar fra hospitalet.

    Podcasten er produceret og tilrettelagt af Anne Bjørnskov Matthiesen og Asta Holst Bach.
    Intromusik og speak er designet og produceret af Rasmus Schwenger.
    Musik: Epidemic Sound.


    Husk at du kan støtte Endometriose Fællesskabets arbejde ved at:
    Blive medlem på www.endo.dk (nu med mulighed for delt betaling)
    Sende et valgfrit beløb via MobilePay: 601184
    Blive erhvervssponsor (læs mere på www.endo.dk eller kontakt administation@endo.dk)

    Vil du vide mere om endometriose og foreningens arbejde, så besøg vores hjemmeside www.endo.dk og følg os på sociale medier:
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    👥 Meld dig ind i gruppen Sammen om endometriose, hvor du kan stille spørgsmål og dele dine erfaringer med over 1.000 andre som dig.

    E216: What I Wish I Knew Before Taking ADHD Medication: Your Questions Answered! Best Of Series

    E216: What I Wish I Knew Before Taking ADHD Medication: Your Questions Answered! Best Of Series

    How do you feel when you think about taking ADHD medication?




    The process of obtaining and finding the right medication can feel like A LOT.

    First, you have to approach the subject with your doctor (who may or may not be well-informed about ADHD) -- and then there is finding the right type and dosing of medication, dealing with potential side effects, and the whole process of trial and error.

    It never goes perfectly. But it can go more smoothly -- when you take a few steps to plan and prepare for it.

    On this episode of Motherhood in ADHD, I share all my best tips and strategies for starting ADHD medication that I learned the hard way -- from tackling that first conversation with your doc, to riding out your first few months.

    You'll learn:

    • Tips for remembering to take your medication daily (No more, "Ugh, did I actually take that today?" moments)

    • How to take your medication for maximum effectiveness

    • How to work with your doctor to start and stop medication safely

    • Tips for finding the right dosing

    • What to do if you can't afford your ADHD medication

    • Tips for approaching the topic of ADHD medication with your doctor (No, you're not a "drug seeker"!)

    • And so much more!

    Your first go-round with ADHD medication doesn't have to be a disaster. You deserve to feel confident, informed and fear-free while you find a treatment plan that works for you.

    **This material is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or a trained medical professional to find the treatment plan that best fits your personal situation.**

    This episode is part of our Best Of Series by your requests and originally aired in June 2022.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-216-what-i-wish-i-knew-before-taking-adhd-stimulants-best-of-series 

    What if you could feel productive and accomplished, knowing you showed up for the people and things you love most? What if you could look back at your day, and know you did what was on your to-do list? 

    It’s possible with the Daily Planning for Moms with ADHD course, where I teach you how to keep a calendar and organize your to-do lists in a way that makes sense for your ADHD brain. 

    Join today at: bit.ly/adhdplan

    E215: I Don’t Know What Else To Do! 5 Ways to Find Fresh Solutions When You Feel Stuck and Hopeless in the Same Old Frustrating Problems

    E215: I Don’t Know What Else To Do! 5 Ways to Find Fresh Solutions When You Feel Stuck and Hopeless in the Same Old Frustrating Problems

    “I’ve tried everything!” 

    When you’re dealing with a particularly frustrating problem that’s gone on for years, like parenting your exasperating child, looking for relief from a chronic health issue, or advocating for your child struggling at school, you start to run out of energy AND optimism.

    When you’ve got a situation that feels hopeless…

    When you’ve run out of ideas…

    When you’ve looked under every rock and barked up every tree…

    Should you just give up? 


    Except you REALLY want to find a solution. You’re not ready to give up on your kid, your health, the things that truly matter to you.

    What’s a mom to do? 

    My kindergartener surprised me with his fresh take on counting last week, and it made me think twice about how I look at the same-old-same-old. 

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing five valuable ways to find a fresh perspective when you feel overwhelmed or stuck. Let’s look outside the box and past the same advice you’ve heard 37 times to find what you actually need or could use. 

    These are the kinds of problems that are worth another go. You’re worth it, too.


    Get some cheerleaders in your corner and join our free Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/motherhoodinadhd


    After our first session together, you’ll know how to stay cool when your Uncle Roger starts with his political BS at the next holiday party. It won’t ruin the day for you.

    Early Bird Registration of my next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching ends today! Registration reopens in January.

    The group starts in 2024, so put your name on the waitlist now to get signup details, so you’ll know that after the holidays are over and the kids are back in school, you are ready to get your life together and your emotions in control.

    You’ll learn the skills you wish you knew growing up to make adulting easier as someone with ADHD and you’ll be able to teach your kids how to live well with ADHD. 


    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-215-dont-know-what-else-to-do-how-to-solve-hopeless-problems-feel-stuck


    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

    E214: Parenting Lessons from Bad Bosses: When Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) affects our Parenting and Partners

    E214: Parenting Lessons from Bad Bosses: When Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) affects our Parenting and Partners

    What’s your story of working under an unqualified or unsupportive boss? I’m sharing a few of my terrible boss experiences. 

    But today’s episode is not just about the bad bosses in the workplace. As a parent, we often feel underqualified. You don’t want to be a “bad boss”, but no one handed you an instruction manual when your children arrived! 

    What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

    When you don’t feel sure of your choices, it starts to seep into your confidence level. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) shows up to make you doubt your parenting decisions, increasing the guilt around what you should have done, and layering in the shame on how you’re ruining your kids forever with your mess ups.Yikes!

    RSD also taints how we relate to our partners, which can stir up the same conflict over and over again. It influences how we react to the slightest eyebrow raise and every “what if” scenario. It makes you scared to bring up important conversations. 

    Knowing it’s not just you is half the battle. Let’s dive into how we can better support and care for our families and partners, by starting with ourselves.


    Stop Medusa Mom in her tracks with these 10 tips to calm down before you lose your cool! Watch (or read) the free video here: https://www.patriciasung.com/calm


    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:  https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-214-parenting-lessons-from-bad-bosses-when-rejection-sensitive-dysphoria-adhd-rsd-affects-parenting-partners 


    When you know how to stay calm, your child’s meltdown over leaving the holiday party won’t ruin your day. You can respond firmly and lovingly because you’re in control of your emotions.

    Next week, Early Bird Registration of my next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching is open to the waitlist for 3 days only.

    The group starts in 2024, so put your name on the waitlist now so you’ll know that after the holidays are over and the kids are back in school, you are ready to get your life together and your emotions in control.

    You’ll learn the skills you wish you knew growing up to make adulting easier as someone with ADHD and you’ll be able to teach your kids how to live well with ADHD.


    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

    E213: ADHD Junk Drawer: I Read My Bad Reviews, Late Diagnosis Grief, and When You Forget to Take Your ADHD Medication

    E213: ADHD Junk Drawer: I Read My Bad Reviews, Late Diagnosis Grief, and When You Forget to Take Your ADHD Medication

    What does the inside of your kitchen junk drawer look like?  

    And why is it always in the kitchen? 

    We all have a random smattering of ideas laying around and today I’m sharing a few that wouldn’t necessarily make a whole episode in and of themselves, so I’m combining these random thoughts rattling around my brain into one Junk Drawer episode. 

    First, we cover a few questions around ADHD medications with some crowdsourced helpful tips on how to find medicine with shortages happening everywhere, as well as what it feels like when I forget to take my medicine (a clear indicator towards it not being addictive when you use it as prescribed).

    We’re also talking about emotions surrounding a late ADHD diagnosis, exploring feelings of frustration and grief while questioning if things would have been different had we known earlier? Shout-out to listener Sara, who suggested this topic!

    Then, I’m celebrating our amazing sponsors: Skylight Calendars, Calm Strips, and Time Timers, who believe in our mission and help keep this podcast free for you. I’m so thankful to be working with great companies who are amplifying our goal of sharing quality ADHD info in the world. You’ll only hear recommendations for great products that I love and use myself. 

    Finally, I’m wrapping up by courageously reading some of my bad reviews (yikes!), an experience that can be both daunting and enlightening. Here’s how I deal with negative feedback and RSD, and still choose to share so much of myself online.

    Let's dive into this "ADHD Junk Drawer" together!

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-213-late-diagnosis-grief-find-forget-to-take-adhd-medicine

    Curious how ADHD shows up frequently in women? Download this free checklist of ADHD symptoms to help you feel confident at your diagnosis assignment or in your own knowledge of ADHD.

    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free! I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed. Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com.


    E212: Should I Become a Mom if I Have ADHD? How Pregnancy Influences ADHD and How to Treat Your ADHD when Pregnant with Therapist and Mom-to-Be Candin Phillips

    E212: Should I Become a Mom if I Have ADHD? How Pregnancy Influences ADHD and How to Treat Your ADHD when Pregnant with Therapist and Mom-to-Be Candin Phillips

    “Should I become a mom if I have ADHD?”

    Here’s an episode you’ve been asking for - pregnancy and ADHD! You ask me so many questions around pregnancy friendly symptoms management, ADHD medication while pregnant, and the big question of should I even have kids if I can’t take care of myself??? 

    It’s been almost 6 years since I was pregnant, so I called in a friend who’s in the thick of it. 

    Today’s guest is Candin Phillips of Humanity Hive. Candin is a licensed therapist with over ten years of experience working with people with ADHD. While her little one just arrived, she was pregnant with her second child during the recording of this conversation.

    Candin and I recount some of the struggles that come with being pregnant with ADHD and share what’s working for us and our clients. We discuss how pregnancy can affect your ADHD (spoiler alert: it’s different for everyone!) and answer YOUR questions submitted through Instagram and my free facebook group.

    Neither Candin nor I are licensed medical doctors, so please take all of our advice as advice you got from friends and talk with your medical team to find the best decision for you.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-212-pregnant-with-adhd-should-I-become-a-mom-if-I-have-adhd-pregnancy-with-candin-phillips 


    Looking for support on how to treat your ADHD beyond medicine? Grab my free list of strategies and ADHD treatments at patriciasung.com/beyond-meds


    Thank you to our sponsor, Skylight Calendars, whose support allows me to share this podcast with you for free!

    I only partner with brands I know and love, so I bet you’ll love this amazing digital calendar frame as much as I do - it will help keep your family coordinated and less stressed.

    Use the coupon code PATRICIA to get 10% off your family calendar at SkylightCal.com

    E210: I'm Sorry, I Forgot! Please Don't Be Mad At Me...It Was My ADHD

    E210: I'm Sorry, I Forgot! Please Don't Be Mad At Me...It Was My ADHD

    Appointments, birthdays, permission slips, library books, names, the one thing you went into the store for…

    In today's episode, I delve into one of the most frustrating features of ADHD: forgetting important things. 

    From my personal experiences of forgetting to pick up THE ONE THING that my husband had requested while I went backpacking through Spain to missing my child's swim lesson due to a mix-up in scheduling, we’ll explore the guilt and shame that often accompany these forgetful moments. 

    But it's important to remember that having ADHD is not an excuse for forgetfulness, but rather an explanation. But how do you clearly make the distinction in your intention so everyone’s not mad at you for forgetting the thing for the 300th time???

    In this episode, we explore the delicate balance between understanding the role of ADHD and taking personal accountability for our actions. Join me as we uncover strategies and insights to navigate through forgetfulness and rewrite our stories from shame spiral to success story. 

    Get ready for a powerful (and uncomfortable) discussion on forgetfulness in motherhood and ADHD.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:  


    Time blindness. YES. It's a very real thing and it can be a challenge for lots of people with ADHD. 

    I'm here to tell you there IS HOPE! 

    I created a resource for mamas like you so you can stop waiting until the last minute to complete the project, send in the forms, or do the shopping. 

    Stop stressing about time. It doesn't have to be that way. 

    Grab my Secrets for Overcoming Time Blindness, a free resource on my website here:


    E208: Live Coaching: How to Stop Yelling at Your Family with Successful Mama Meetup Member Jess

    E208: Live Coaching: How to Stop Yelling at Your Family with Successful Mama Meetup Member Jess

    When you want to help your kid, but you’re triggered yourself, it’s really hard to show as the mom you want to be.

    Today I’m taking you behind the scenes of one of our July meetups in Successful Mama Meetups. The theme for the month was "Angry Moms Unite," focusing on how to stop yelling at your family and regulate your emotions, so you can show up as the mom you want to be more often.

    We’re not looking for perfection, but progress.  Empowerment. Giving you the confidence that you can change the things you want to change cuz you’re not doomed to be a hot mess. 

    This is a two-part episode, so you can go back and listen to last week’s episode with the exclusive group discussion and this week you get a peek into the free monthly coaching available to Meetup members. 

    Mamas inside of our community volunteer to be coached about whatever’s on their mind, and I help them work through it. Jess shares her struggle with anger and yelling at her family, which I think we can all relate to! 

    When you use your emotional regulation tools, you’ll feel more clear and connected in those overwhelming moments. With visualization techniques and a reminder to embrace who you are and how your brain works, you can find peace and happiness amidst the chaos.

    In last week’s episode, I dove into our monthly theme, talking about why we get so upset and what we can do about it. How do we manage our emotions throughout the day to be able to have something left in the tank for after school and homework, or the witching hour and bedtime, without losing your ish and shutting everyone out?

    Each week we start the meeting with 30 minutes of getting stuff done, then social time for the second half. 

    Every week is different because ADHD needs a lot of variety! However, there are some repeating themes, like once a month I do free live coaching and every month I share exclusive lessons and discussions within the Successful Mama Community only.

    Other weeks, we hang out in small groups and chat, because there is so much power in showing up, getting things done, and finding support in a community of moms who understand the struggles of parenting with ADHD.

    Ready to join us? Head to patriciasung.com/meetup and sign up for Successful Mama Meetups before our next meetup! 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-208-live-adhd-coaching-how-to-stop-yelling-as-a-mom 

    We have 2 bonuses inside of Successful Mama Meetups this month:

    Want to set up your day in a way that feels exciting instead of exhausting? Join the ADHD Energy Recharge Workshop on September 21st at noon eastern (yes, there’s a replay.) 

    No matter if you’re an early bird or a night owl, I’m sharing how I work with my daily energy cycles with a splash of cycle syncing, to cater to my fluctuating energy levels and lessen the effects of PMDD. 

    And when you opt to join the Meetups with an annual membership, I’m giving you my original course for free: Daily Planning: How to Use a Planner for ADHD Moms, which is normally $267.

    It’s all inside of Successful Mama Meetups this month.  See you there!

    E207: Angry Moms Unite! How to Stop Yelling at Your Family: Behind the Scenes Peek into Successful Mama Meetups

    E207: Angry Moms Unite! How to Stop Yelling at Your Family: Behind the Scenes Peek into Successful Mama Meetups

    Did you spew angry volcano-vomit on your family today? Or yesterday? Or right before this, which is why you’re listening to this episode right now? IYKYK.

    Today I’m taking you behind the scenes of one of our July meetups in Successful Mama Meetups. The theme for the month was "Angry Moms Unite," focusing on how to stop yelling at your family and regulate your emotions, so you can show up as the mom you want to be more often.

    We’re not looking for perfection, but progress.  Empowerment. Giving you the confidence that you can change the things you want to change cuz you’re not doomed to be a hot mess. 

    In this portion of our July meetup, I’m talking about why we get so upset and what we can do about it. How do we manage our emotions throughout the day to be able to have something left in the tank for after school and homework, or the witching hour and bedtime, without losing your ish and shutting everyone out?

    Each week we start the meeting with 30 minutes of getting stuff done, then social time for the second half. 

    Every week is different because ADHD needs a lot of variety! However, there are some repeating themes, like once a month I do free live coaching and every month I share exclusive lessons and discussions within the Successful Mama Community only.

    Other weeks, we hang out in small groups and chat, because there is so much power in showing up, getting things done, and finding support in a community of moms who understand the struggles of parenting with ADHD.

    This is a two-part episode, so you’ll hear the exclusive group discussion this week and next week you get a peek into the free monthly coaching available to Meetup members. Jess shares her struggle with emotional outbursts, which I think we can all relate to! 

    This monthly theme aims to help us understand ourselves better, find strategies to take care of ourselves, and connect with the mothers we truly want to be. 

    Ready to join us? Head to patriciasung.com/meetup and sign up for Successful Mama Meetups before our next meetup! 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:  


    We have 2 bonuses inside of Successful Mama Meetups this month:

    Want to set up your day in a way that feels exciting instead of exhausting? Join the ADHD Energy Recharge Workshop on September 21st at noon eastern (yes, there’s a replay.) 

    No matter if you’re an early bird or a night owl, I’m sharing how I work with my daily energy cycles with a splash of cycle syncing, to cater to my fluctuating energy levels and lessen the effects of PMDD. 

    And when you opt to join the Meetups with an annual membership, I’m giving you my original course for free: Daily Planning: How to Use a Planner for ADHD Moms, which is normally $267.

    It’s all inside of Successful Mama Meetups this month.  See you there!

    E206: Lots of Ideas and No Action: When You're Too Tired to Plan or Do the Plan and Need an ADHD Energy Recharge

    E206: Lots of Ideas and No Action: When You're Too Tired to Plan or Do the Plan and Need an ADHD Energy Recharge

    You want to grab dinner with your best friend…

    You want to do that cool volcano science project with your 4 year old…

    You want to snuggle on the couch with your partner and watch a movie…

    But you also need sleep.

    You feel like the worst friend, daughter, mom, partner, when you promise to do something and then cancel plans at the last minute because you don’t have the energy to do it when the time comes around. 

    You’re feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and at capacity on top of the guilt. Ugh.

    Having ADHD can feel really unpredictable when you never know what you’ll have the energy to do.

    How can we set up a system that works for you and prioritizes what matters most to you?

    When we’re not leaning into the kind of plans that make sense for our brains and energy patterns, it all feels way harder than it needs to be. 

    So how can we make this feel easier? Let’s discuss!

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-206-lots-of-ideas-moms-too-tired-to-plan-need-energy

    Want to set up your day in a way that feels exciting instead of exhausting? Join the ADHD Energy Recharge Workshop on September 21st at noon eastern (yes, there’s a replay.) 

    No matter if you’re an early bird or a night owl, I’m sharing how I work with my daily energy cycles with a splash of cycle syncing, to cater to my fluctuating energy levels and lessen the effects of PMDD. 

    It’s all inside of Successful Mama Meetups this month.  See you there!


    E205: Emotional Sponges: How to Stop Absorbing Other People's Feelings by Defining Your Boundaries and Building Your Emotional Regulation Tools - A Behind the Scenes Look into my Small Group ADHD Coaching Program Lighthouse

    E205: Emotional Sponges: How to Stop Absorbing Other People's Feelings by Defining Your Boundaries and Building Your Emotional Regulation Tools - A Behind the Scenes Look into my Small Group ADHD Coaching Program Lighthouse

    When your child charges in the room raging or super sour, how do you react? 

    Do you immediately tense up, knowing that the battle is about to begin?

    When your spouse arrives home, do you listen to the noises they make outside the door to prepare yourself if they’ve had a rough day at work?

    Does your stomach fall into the pit of your stomach, because you know the rest of the night is ruined?

    For most of my life, someone else’s bad mood would ruin my mood. Every time. 

    And I hated it. 

    It didn’t matter if it was family, friends, waitress, teacher… I felt them.

    I didn’t want their sour, grumpy, or angry feelings poisoning my mentality. But I didn’t know how, or even that I could, separate their feelings from my own.

    Many of us with ADHD, especially those who are more inattentive or socialized as women, are emotional sponges when it comes to other people's feelings, problems, and struggles. 

    From a strength side makes us super empathetic and great friends. Where it can become a struggle bus is when we don't know how to turn it off. Our big, messy emotions don’t have to be a liability!

    It may have taken me 40 years, but I want you to know that it is possible to still be a highly empathetic and kind person who also holds tight boundaries and takes care of themselves. 

    Today I’m sharing one of the strategies to do it!

    I pulled a clip from the last round of my ADHD group coaching program, Lighthouse, teaching how you can begin to define your boundaries, understand where and how you feel safe, and lean into your big emotions as a strength. 

    So get comfy, lower as many distractions as you can, and let’s dive into how you can keep the yuck out while still connecting with your children, spouse, or coworkers in a way that is comfortable and secure for you.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:  https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-205-emotional-spongs-stop-absorbing-others-feelings-boundaries-emotional-regulation-adhd

    If you’d like more support like this, the next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching starts September 14th. 

    In 3 months together, we’ll get your daily schedule sorted and your emotional regulation tools sharpened, so that you can connect home to what matters to you, start trusting yourself again, and and build the life you want to live.

    Register now, as there are only a couple of spots left: patriciasung.com/lighthouse

    E204: Are You a Good Mom? The Gift of Presence in Joyful or Joyless Motherhood

    E204: Are You a Good Mom? The Gift of Presence in Joyful or Joyless Motherhood

    How many times have you questioned whether you are a “good mom”?

    In the last 2 months, I’ve asked myself this at least 4000 times. This summer did not go as expected which made me doubt if I’m being a good mom.

    Am I spending enough time with my boys?

    Am I putting my phone down and paying attention when they talk?

    Am I making my kids a priority over endless stress and anxious thoughts swirling around my head? 

    Here’s some wise advice I received recently from an older, more experienced mom, on how to deal with challenging decisions and seasons. Plus, I’m sharing what is working for me to keep my head above the water and continue paddling (upstream) right now. 

    For more emotional regulation support so you can feel like you’ve got this even when life feels like you’re paddling upstream, join me at the Create the Calm all-inclusive luxury weekend retreat or for the next round of small group ADHD coaching. 

    Retreat registration closes TODAY, August 31st! 

    The next round of group coaching starts September 14, 2023.

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here:  https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-204-how-to-be-a-good-mom


     Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is coming up October 6-8, 2023 in Houston, Texas!

    You're officially invited :)

     “Gift yourself the opportunity to meet like-minded people (literally), make instant friendships, and the space to finally be yourself.” –ADHD Mama T.H. 

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy. 

    Put it on your calendar now.

    Because you deserve to take care of yourself too. Grab your all-inclusive ticket here: https://www.patriciasung.com/adhd-mom-retreat

    E203: Create the Calm: Lesser Known and Underappreciated Ways to Reduce Stress as a Mom with ADHD

    E203: Create the Calm: Lesser Known and Underappreciated Ways to Reduce Stress as a Mom with ADHD

    Are you juggling 6,358 things? 

    If life’s been a little too much today or in general, let’s talk. I’m hanging on for dear life as things get next-level chaotic over here in the Sung house…

    And I haven’t lost my ish on anyone yet! *celebration*

    Last year, I couldn’t have said that. 

    I would have yelled at kids or my spouse or both, felt awful about it, and then hid under my covers and as I sunk into shame and guilt.

    But this year is different.

    I’m prioritizing different things, and they aren’t fancy or obvious self care ideas. It’s the little things. It’s the tools I’ve built up in my emotional regulation toolbox to take care of myself, which allow me to keep moving forward and get stuff done without shutting down or exploding. Even with a giant weight on your shoulders, you can be mentally present with your family. (You can watch my Instagram stories @motherhoodinadhd for the behind the scenes of the chaos LOL.)

    Listen in for what’s helping me right now, as I hope it helps you, too.

    I’m also sharing behind the scenes of the retreat in this episode, because you are invited! Come hang out with me and 8 other mamas next month! You deserve rest, care, and relaxation, too. Because taking care of yourself IS taking care of your family.

    Learn how to Create the Calm in your life at this year’s luxury retreat for ADHD Moms. 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-203-create-the-calm-retreat-adhd-lesser-known-ways-to-reduce-stress-for-moms 

    You’re not alone.

    “This is a chance to invest in yourself and build a community that will empower your future. Worth it!” –ADHD Mama D.B.

    Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is coming up October 6-8, 2023 in Houston, Texas! And we hope you’re coming, too!

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy.

    Put it on your calendar now.

    Having a circle of moms who support you and believe in you matters. Register for your all-inclusive ticket here: 


    E202: The Same Fight Again: How to Improve Your Romantic Relationship When it's Impacted by ADHD with Melissa Orlov

    E202: The Same Fight Again: How to Improve Your Romantic Relationship When it's Impacted by ADHD with Melissa Orlov

    “My partner says I’m using my ADHD as an excuse. They’re not really understanding ADHD at all or how it affects me!” 

    You shared your relationship struggles and you’re not the only one!

    Today’s guest, Melissa Orlov, answers YOUR questions from my free Facebook group. We discuss ADHD as an excuse, partners who don’t understand ADHD, communication obstacles between ADHD partners and non-ADHD partners. 

    We also dive into guilt, shame, trust, coping with RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) when it feels like your partner is constantly criticizing you, how all of this affects intimacy, and life after divorce.

    Melissa is the founder of ADHDmarriage.com and works with couples impacted by ADHD.  There’s hope for your relationship, too, mama. 

    Let’s dive into your questions!

    Links mentioned in this episode :

    Melissa’s recent read: Barbara Kingsolver's Poisonwood Bible

    Melissa’s Blog post:  https://www.adhdmarriage.com/content/maybe-just-maybe-adhd-excuse-act-heartless-jerk

    How to connect with Melissa: 

    Her website: http://www.ADHDmarriage.com

    Her instagram:  @adhd_marriage

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: 

    https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-202-Same-Fight-Again-how-to-Improve-Romantic-Relationship-when-Impacted-by-ADHD-with-Melissa Orlov

     Stop Medusa Mom in her tracks with these 10 tips to calm down before you lose your cool! Watch (or read) the free video here: https://www.patriciasung.com/calm

    #094 Was sagt Dir Dein Körper? - Interview mit der Ärztin Maren Bükesoy

    #094 Was sagt Dir Dein Körper? - Interview mit der Ärztin Maren Bükesoy
    In diesem Interviewsommer hier im Podcast gibt es heute ein aufschlussreiches und spannendes Interview mit der Ärztin Maren Bükesoy. Nachdem sie lange Jahre als Chirurgin gearbeitet hatte, ist sie nun ganzheitlich tätig und widmet sich dem Thema Frauengesundheit. Wir sprechen darüber, was hinter den Symptome unseres Körpers liegen kann und wie auch Du für Deine Gesundheit und Dein inneres Gleichgewicht losgehen kannst. Wir thematisieren unter anderem: - die Unterschiede zwischen klassischer und ganzheitlicher Medizin - Lebensanfang und Lebensende - die sichere Geburt - wie Du in Verbindung mit Deinem Körper kommen kannst - was Vertrauen und Eigenverantwortung bewirken kann.

    E201: Practice Makes Progress, Not Perfect: ADHD and Perfectionism from the Journey With Me Through ADHD Podcast with Guest Host Katelyn Mabry - Best of Friends Series

    E201: Practice Makes Progress, Not Perfect: ADHD and Perfectionism from the Journey With Me Through ADHD Podcast with Guest Host Katelyn Mabry - Best of Friends Series

    How do you explain ADHD to your child?  

    Start with the Journey with Me Through ADHD, a podcast for kids. Katelyn’s humongous heart for helping kids understand their ADHD is contagious! She knows just how to explain tough or complicated stuff in a digestible manner so kids can feel confident and empowered.

    Katelyn speaks straight into the heart and mind of kids with ADHD. Helping them learn and understand the way their brain is wired differently and come up with tools and strategies that work best for them. Her podcast is a great conversation tool for trusted adults to use as you navigate this diagnosis alongside your child.

    In this episode, Katelyn Mabry and I chat about Practice Makes Progress Not Perfect: ADHD and Perfectionism on her podcast, Journey With Me Through ADHD, where Katelyn helps educate, empower, and encourage kids with ADHD and their families to understand their unique minds and discover tools and strategies that will help them thrive day by day. All this while gaining confidence in who they were created to be!

    "Practice makes perfect" has always been a phrase that drives me bonkers because it's just not true!!! NO ONE is or ever will be perfect! We all make mistakes and then are faced with the choice of how to respond to our mistakes!

    Who else here struggles with perfectionism? You may even have it and you don't even realize it's a struggle! Often times, kids are asked to "try harder" or are told that they are making "careless mistakes" and over time, this can lead to becoming a perfectionist because of fear of failure or simply not wanting to make a mistake and upset someone. In this episode, you will hear from Patricia Sung, who has ADHD like we do and she is on a mission to help other mamas with ADHD through her podcast titled, "Motherhood in ADHD." 

    You may be wondering why she's on a podcast for kids with ADHD and the answer is simple...she was a teacher for 7 years to kids from grade 4th-7th and has a passion for sharing her own journey through childhood with ADHD. One of her biggest challenges has been battling being a perfectionist. She shares about the kind of armor she found helpful as an ADHD warrior and uses a great visual of becoming a scientist as we face new things! 

    Be sure to subscribe to the Journey With Me Through ADHD Podcast.

    Katelyn Mabry’s website: www.katelynmabry.com

    Katelyn Mabry’s instagram: @journey_with_me_through_adhd

    Katelyn Mabry’s Facebook: Katelyn Mabry's ADHD Journey

    Katelyn Mabry’s Twitter:  @katelyn_mabry

    While I’m slowing down for the summer, making space for more family time and accounting for our emergency construction project, I simply couldn’t leave you hanging for the next few weeks. And my ADHD brain didn’t want to do another vanilla Best Of series… Cue Light Bulb! 

    Welcome to the Best Of Friends Series, where you are meeting a few of my favorite friends in the podcast community. I’m sharing interviews that I have done on other friends’ podcasts. Not only do you get a new episode, I hope that you’ll find a few shows to add to your podcast queue. There’s a wide variety of topics coming your way, so keep an eye out for a new friend each week of the summer. 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-201-practice-makes-progress-not-perfect-adhd-perfectionism-journey-with-me-through-adhd-podcast-katelyn-mabry  

    Struggling to let go of perfectionism?

    Hop into Successful Mama Meetups because you deserve to make mom friends who are letting go of perfection, too! Join us here: https://www.patriciasung.com/meetup

    E200: Understanding ADHD in Neurodiverse Kids and Their Parents from the On The Hard Days Podcast with Guest Host Megan Champion - Best of Friends Series

    E200: Understanding ADHD in Neurodiverse Kids and Their Parents from the On The Hard Days Podcast with Guest Host Megan Champion - Best of Friends Series

    Have you ever hated your own child? 

    While you may not want to say it out loud, sometimes parenting is just. so. hard. that this burning hatred overtakes you in a fiery blaze. And when your child is extra… extra needy, extra sensitive, extra different, extra angry, extra aggressive, extra anything, the usual parenting advice doesn’t work. 

    Maybe you feel like a failure or a terrible mom.

    Meet Megan Champion, who started her podcast as a “regular mom” who needed to know she was not alone struggling to parent her out-of-the-box child. So she shares stories from other “regular” parents, who are navigating out-of-the-box kids. Megan’s vulnerability and openness is refreshing in a world of glossy Instagram photos. We finally got to meet in person in May and she is just as kind and honest in person as she is online, which is a delight! 

    In this episode, Megan Champion and I chat about Understanding ADHD in Neurodiverse Kids and Their Parents on her podcast, On The Hard Days, where Megan validates the experience of her listeners through story-telling so that they feel seen, heard, and understood. Today, you’re hearing part of my story as both a mom and as someone with ADHD. Megan shares:

    Patricia Sung is just the person I needed to talk to. She has ADHD and understands its nuances to a fault. She has her own podcast, Motherhood in ADHD, and is a featured guest speaker in my support group community, Mothers Together. In this episode, she was able to answer so many of my questions. We could've talked for hours longer! Here's just some of the things we discuss:

    -Postpartum anxiety and the tie to ADHD

    -The hyper vigilance in recognizing the same diagnosis in our kids as we have

    -How everyone's ADHD looks different

    -Building up your ADHD child

    -Supporting undiagnosed kids by looking for behavioral patterns

    -Tantrums vs. meltdowns

    -ADHD and setting parental boundaries

    Be sure to subscribe to the On The Hard Days podcast. 

    Megan Champion’s website: www.ontheharddays.com

    Megan Champion’s instagram: @on.the.hard.days

    While I’m slowing down for the summer, making space for more family time and accounting for our emergency construction project, I simply couldn’t leave you hanging for the next few weeks. And my ADHD brain didn’t want to do another vanilla Best Of series… Cue Light Bulb! 

    Welcome to the Best Of Friends Series, where you are meeting a few of my favorite friends in the podcast community. I’m sharing interviews that I have done on other friends’ podcasts. Not only do you get a new episode, I hope that you’ll find a few shows to add to your podcast queue. There’s a wide variety of topics coming your way, so keep an eye out for a new friend each week of the summer. 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-200-understanding-adhd-neurodiverse-kids-parents-on-the-hard-days-megan-champion

    You’re not alone.

    “This is a chance to invest in yourself and build a community that will empower your future. Worth it!” –ADHD Mama D.B.

    Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is coming up October 6-8, 2023 in Houston, Texas! And we hope you’re coming, too! 

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy.

    Put it on your calendar now.

    Having a circle of moms who support you and believe in you matters. Register for your all-inclusive ticket here: https://www.patriciasung.com/adhd-mom-retreat

    E199: Feeling the Rage before your Period? Beyond PMS: Symptoms & Treatment for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with Heidi Hogarth (Part 1) - Best of Friends Series

    E199: Feeling the Rage before your Period? Beyond PMS: Symptoms & Treatment for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with Heidi Hogarth (Part 1) - Best of Friends Series

    When you've got PMS on steroids, the rage and depression are exponential.

    Ever hear of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

    They call it PMDD for short, and it's a very real and serious hormonal disorder that affects up to 10% of women! And it’s much more common when paired with ADHD.

    Symptoms include things like mood swings (aka rage attacks), sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, and even severe panic attacks.

    Many women with PMDD are either extremely tired or have bouts of insomnia. And then there's excessive crying and other emotional swings. Not to mention all the bloating, gastro issues, food cravings, and possible weight gain.

    Phew. I need a nap after writing that alone!

    Today my guest Heidi and I unpack what PMDD is, the symptoms of PMDD, how PMDD can be linked to postpartum issues, and how to talk to your doctor about getting a diagnosis.

    If you've been following along in 2022, we've talked a lot about menstrual health, hormones, and cycle syncing. We've uncovered numerous ways our menstrual cycle relates to ADHD symptoms in women. It's fascinating and disturbing at the same time. But there is hope, Successful Mama!

    Heidi Hogarth is a naturopath, a mom of two, and a PMDD survivor. She's on a mission to support women who suffer from PMDD and help them find the best natural health tools so they can get off the hormonal emotional rollercoasters & back to their calm, positive, and loving selves.

    She's a wealth of knowledge when it comes to understanding symptoms of PMDD. She offers insight into what supplements and dietary changes can help you when you feel like you are suffering from PMDD.

    A big thank you to Heidi for helping women understand their bodies so they can do what they can to live a happy and healthy life.

    Find Heidi here: https://fundamentalwellbeing.life/

    Follow Heidi on instagram: @heidihogarth_naturopath

    If you are looking for more resources to help you along in your ADHD journey, grab my free ADHD Mama Toolkit. It’s full of great resources, including support for emotional regulation, taking care of yourself, and a checklist of ADHD symptoms to bring to your diagnosis appointment.

    Go to patriciasung.com/toolkit. Not only will you be able to download ADHD resources on the spot, but you'll also get more ADHD mom tips right to your inbox. :)

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-199-feeling-rage-before-your-period-pms-symptoms-treatment-premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder-adhd-pmdd-heidi-hogarth 



    Need an Energy Recharge after your unending fickle energy fluctuations, mama?

    There's a new workshop coming just for Successful Mama Meetup mamas called ADHD Energy Recharge.  

    I’ll explain how I set up my days to work WITH my “unpredictable” energy fluctuations, so I’m not burnt out, overwhelmed, and canceling last minute plans.

    You’ll walk away knowing how to uncover your patterns and work with your fickle energy levels, so you can quit guiltily cancelling plans last minute and kick some booty when you're feeling good!

    Successful Mama Meetups' September theme is all about energy regulation and supporting your natural energy patterns! Come join us!

    Join us at patriciasung.com/meetup before the workshop goes live and it's yours as a welcome bonus for joining. 

    With a community of ADHD moms to lift you up when you’re struggling, you’re ready to take a baby step forward, even with ADHD.

    Part 2 of thiis episode is located in episode 128

    E198: What Moms with ADHD Really Need to Know from the Making the Invisible VISIBLE Podcast with Guest Host Christina Crowe - Best of Friends Series

    E198: What Moms with ADHD Really Need to Know from the Making the Invisible VISIBLE Podcast with Guest Host Christina Crowe - Best of Friends Series

    When your ADHD is invisible, we can start to feel like maybe we’re making it up…

    Maybe you aren’t really struggling more than others…

    Errrrrrrt.  Stop that.

    Today we’re talking to Christina Crowe about how to make the Invisible Visible. Because ADHD is real even when you can’t SEE its impact on everything. I love Christina’s super practical way of explaining the hard stuff, as well as how she always links her information back to real research and science.

    In this episode, Christina and I chat about what moms with ADHD really need to know on her podcast, Making the Invisible VISIBLE, where Christine believes great mental health information should be available to everyone, and loves creating content that makes all of the invisible things VISIBLE.

    Christina Crowe is a Canadian Registered Psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and RELENTLESS mental health advocate. Christina believes great mental health information should be available to everyone, and loves creating content that makes all of the invisible things VISIBLE. This show features Christina’s favorite experts on mental health topics like anxiety, ADHD, relationships, self-advocacy, health system navigation and, of course, the occasional rant.

    Be sure to subscribe to the Making the Invisible VISIBLE podcast.

    Christina’s website: https://digalittledeeper.ca/christina-crowe-podcast-ontario.html

    Christina’s instagram: @digalittledeepertherapy

    Join Christina’s course, DIY * ADHD

    Christina was also a guest on my podcast on Episode 143: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-143-why-you-choose-to-take-adhd-medication-decide-for-your-child-christina-crowe

    While I’m slowing down for the summer, making space for more family time and accounting for our emergency construction project, I simply couldn’t leave you hanging for the next few weeks. And my ADHD brain didn’t want to do another vanilla Best Of series… Cue Light Bulb! 

    Welcome to the Best Of Friends Series, where you are meeting a few of my favorite friends in the podcast community. I’m sharing interviews that I have done on other friends’ podcasts. Not only do you get a new episode, I hope that you’ll find a few shows to add to your podcast queue. There’s a wide variety of topics coming your way, so keep an eye out for a new friend each week of the summer. 

    This episode includes an affiliate link, which does not change the amount you pay, but may direct a portion of the purchase price to me. 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-198-what-moms-with-adhd-need-to-know-making-the-invisible-visible-christina-crowe

    Wish you could get a sneak peek before joining? You can!

    You’re invited to Successful Mama Meetup’s very first Open House!

    Join us on July 26th for either of our meetups, and meet the other moms, see who you’d hang out with at the retreat, so you know we’re the kinda people you wanna hang out with before you jump in. (hint, we’re pretty amazing IMHO.)

    No charge, no pressure. Just come hang out at one or both of the events!

    Let me know you wanna come right here and I’ll send you the zoom link. 

    And since it's on Zoom, everyone can come no matter what part of the world you live in. And for our mamas in Asia and Australia, the second meetup is on Thursday, July 27th for you.

    E197 : Coping with ADHD as a Mom from The Balanced Parent Podcast with Guest Host Laura Froyen, PhD - Best of Friends Series

    E197 : Coping with ADHD as a Mom from The Balanced Parent Podcast with Guest Host Laura Froyen, PhD - Best of Friends Series

    When was the last time your ADHD affected your kids and you were kicking yourself for it?

    While you get frustrated enough that your ADHD affects your own life, it's 100 times worse when it hurts your kids. Meet my friend, Laura Froyen, PhD. Laura and I connected over our mutual love for advocating for kids. Her take on gentle parenting is refreshing and doable. 

    In this episode, Laura and I chat about how to deal with ADHD as a mom on her podcast, The Balanced Parent Podcast, where she helps families connect more deeply and authentically.

    Laura writes:

    ADHD is getting a lot of buzz out there in the world recently, and many adults, especially women (who as girls perhaps had their symptoms overlooked) are getting diagnosed, sometimes alongside their kids. I've spoken to quite a few of you who have gone through this process and so many of you have expressed initial feelings of relief, that there is a real, true reason that things have always seemed a bit harder for you, and it's not because you're a failure, you're just wired a bit differently. But after that relief there tends to be a feeling of... "Ok, what now?"

    So, if you're newly diagnosed with ADHD , or even if you have some suspicions that this may be going on for you or your kids, this episode is for you! I have brought in a friend and a colleague, Patricia Sung, who is an ADHD expert and the host of the Motherhood in ADHD podcast. She helps moms with ADHD get themselves together one step at a time and feel confident in running their family life. After years of serial entrepreneurship and teaching middle school, she has a uniquely practical perspective on strategies for building a life that works when your brain is different.

    Whether you have it yourself and it complicates your life or if you're noticing it in your kids, Patricia will help us figure out how to make things a little bit easier for you.

    Here's what we talked about:

    • Learn about your (or your child's) brain and how your ADHD affects you (or your child)

    • Recognizing you need help and finding the right person (therapist/coach)

    • Common symptoms of ADHD that we need to look out for

    • How ADHD affects your motherhood

    • Strategies to help overwhelmed moms

    Be sure to subscribe to The Balanced Parent Podcast!

    Laura’s website: https://www.laurafroyen.com/

    Laura’s instagram: laura@laurafroyen.com

    Laura’s Facebook – Laura Froyen, PhD

    Find our episode details here: https://www.laurafroyen.com/podcast-internal/127

    Laura's previous Episode 122: Tantrums or ADHD Meltdown? How to Deal with our Children’s BIG Emotions with Dr. Laura Froyen

    While I’m slowing down for the summer, making space for more family time and accounting for our emergency construction project, I simply couldn’t leave you hanging for the next few weeks. And my ADHD brain didn’t want to do another vanilla Best Of series… Cue Light Bulb! 

    Welcome to the Best Of Friends Series, where you are meeting a few of my favorite friends in the podcast community. I’m sharing interviews that I have done on other friends’ podcasts. Not only do you get a new episode, I hope that you’ll find a few shows to add to your podcast queue. There’s a wide variety of topics coming your way, so keep an eye out for a new friend each week of the summer. 

    Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-197-coping-with-adhd-mom-balanced-parent-podcast-laura-froyen-phd 


    You’re not alone.

    “This is a chance to invest in yourself and build a community that will empower your future. Worth it!” –ADHD Mama D.B.

    Our annual ADHD Moms Luxury Weekend Retreat is coming up October 6-8, 2023 in Houston, Texas! And we hope you’re coming, too! 

    I’ll take care of all the details - you simply show up and enjoy.

    Put it on your calendar now.

    Having a circle of moms who support you and believe in you matters. Register for your all-inclusive ticket here: https://www.patriciasung.com/adhd-mom-retreat


    Wish you could get a sneak peek before joining? You can!

    You’re invited to Successful Mama Meetup’s very first Open House!

    Join us on July 26th for either of our meetups, and meet the other moms, see who you’d hang out with at the retreat, so you know we’re the kinda people you wanna hang out with before you jump in. (hint, we’re pretty amazing IMHO.)

    No charge, no pressure. Just come hang out at one (or both) of the meetups!

    Let me know you wanna come right here and I’ll send you the zoom link. 

    And since it's on Zoom, everyone can come no matter what part of the world you live in. And for our mamas in Asia and Australia, the second meetup is on Thursday, July 27th for you.



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