
    thoughtful ramblings

    Explore " thoughtful ramblings" with insightful episodes like "Thank you for 2", "Whole New Fresh Start", "Right this way, please", "And he (or she) got up." and "It's Alive" from podcasts like ""Thoughtful Ramblings, Michelle Rogers", "Thoughtful Ramblings, Michelle Rogers", "Thoughtful Ramblings, Michelle Rogers", "Thoughtful Ramblings, Michelle Rogers" and "Thoughtful Ramblings, Michelle Rogers"" and more!

    Episodes (49)

    Thank you for 2

    Thank you for 2

    Thank you for being a part of Thoughtful Ramblings for the past 2 years! 

    In this episode we talk about Matthew 4, Jesus just got baptized and is led out in the wilderness to be tested,.  Jesus had to pass through all these crazy temptations, all while face to face with Satan.  I can't even imagine, honestly.  And think about it, how many people do we see in today's world, who have made eternal decisions for worldly position or posesssion?  

    Anyways, we also go on a hundred different rabbit trails, but honestly, isn't that part of the allure?  

    Love you guys awful, and thank you for listening to my Thoughtful Ramblings, 




    Whole New Fresh Start

    Whole New Fresh Start

    In this episode we talk about Matthew 3, when John the Baptist comes on the scene.  I think Heaven was watching and cheering as he called out the pharisees and religious leaders for being snakes, so cool.  That John was told by God, he would get to see the Messiah, and then... it's his cousin!  

    Of course we can barely ever have a conversation staying on the same topic for long, but admit it... that's what keeps you coming back, begging for more.  

    If you have any prayer requests or whatever, email me. miss.shellrogers@gmail.com

    Hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, Love, Michelle


    Right this way, please

    Right this way, please

    So, this week I had plans for this podcast, we were going to continue our journey in the book of Matthew, but I believe God had other plans for us and for you.  My work life gets shaken up again, and I fully believe it is God orchestrating all of it.  My work life, podcast, finances, have all been rattled this week, but God... For the first time in my life, instead of fear, I feel excited to see what God is going to do.  I feel like He has been waiting for me to leap as soon as he began stirring things, especially in my work life.

    Anyways, I fully trust Him is everything and I am kind of excited to see what He is going to do, since I jumped (He loves that) My God loves a bold faith, He loves when we are scared and do it anyways, He loves when we rely, trust and fully put our faith in Him, and wowzas, He not only loves it, He moves mightily through it.  

    I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, Love, Michelle



    And he (or she) got up.

    And he (or she) got up.

    In this episode we are getting deep into the book of Matthew.  The literal New Testament Genesis, and it is so good.  Not only did Christ come to bring us into everlasting, eternal life, but He came to bring us life and life more abundantly.  Excuse me, I may need a minute while my head explodes over how amazing and insane that is.  

    One thing really jumped out at me while I spoke on the podcast, even to when I am typing now, and that is when the angel of the Lord, spoke to Joseph and told him to do something, it was immediately followed with, and Jospeh got up...  Imagine the blessing in our own lives if we got up?  Imagine the blessing by taking a leap? Putting yourself out there? I could go on and on, but, I digress (I have been using that word a lot lately, this is my 4th time today).

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings.

    Love, Michelle 



    It's Alive

    It's Alive

    In this episode we continue talking about the book of Matthew a little bit more, we continue into chapter 2.  The cool thing about the book of Matthew is you can almost picture Jesus reciting or Matthew taking intense notes and meticulous record of our Lord as he walked alongside Him.  God is so good, He choses people the world would never, He moves in ways that our so high above ours, He is so good to us, and man, what He did for us... come on, He is just too good.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings this week and please let me know if I can pray for you, is you have any ideas for show topics, whatever... miss.shellrogers@gmail.com

    Love, Michelle


    Aint that the Gospel Truth!

    Aint that the Gospel Truth!

    In this episode Eric and I found ourselves being led to start sharing God's Word.  I felt the Lord wanted me to speak about the book of Matthew for so many reasons.  I feel like the Lord is shifting our podcast, just a little, to include more scripture, and more of us talking about it.  There is a Bible scripture that says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6.  That is serious, that is ETERNITY, and that should be very concerning.

    If you are on the fence about Jesus, if you would like prayer for anything, if you would like me to send you a Bible free of charge, email me at miss.shellrogers@gmail.com 

    Thank you so much for listening to my Thoughtful Ramblings , love Michelle 



    We got your sociology right here! part: 2

    We got your sociology right here! part: 2

    Well, our conversation from last week spilled over and we kept talking for another 40 minutes.   So, I figured I would get an episode "in the bank" and that way...if life pops up, I will have these extra episodes in there, ya know?   

    I invite you to write to me with any prayer requests, maybe topics, maybe whatever... I don't know, LOL


    Be blessed and hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, love Michelle


    We got your sociology, right here!

    We got your sociology, right here!

    In this episode Eric and I ramble on about all the crazy stuff going on in the world.  Thank God He saved us years ago, I think the news and social media would send me over the edge, otherwise.  God being the center, the anchor, is so good!  I just want to scream it for all the world to hear.   He really does change your life.  Anyways, this episode is just us rambling on about anything and everything going on and how good our God is.  Taste and see. <3  Hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, love, Michelle


    Everybody's Thankin'

    Everybody's Thankin'

    Hey everyone, hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Eric and I did.  Much different this year for a lot of reasons, but no matter how bad the stuffing came out, the day was nice.  I just love to take a minute to pause and reflect on the blessings I have, and this year made it more clear than ever, that family and people in your life are the best blessing.  

    Even the crummy stuff that can hit you in life, after it is over... you are different, more discerning, wiser and overall better.  Come on, isn't that something to be thankful for?  Man, I serve a good good God <3

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving 2023 and thank you for listening to my Thoughtful Ramblings.

    Love, Michelle 


    Hurry up and wait

    Hurry up and wait

    What would life look like if you waitied on God before making a move?  Before changing jobs? before getting married? Starting a family?  Sometimes God moves quickly and things can change instantly, but often times he has us wait.  Waiting produces fruit, patience.  During the waiting, I usually find myself praying and seeking the Lord, maybe that's one of the reasons He has us wait along with producing patience?  

    Dont' get me wrong, I have had a lot of awesome things happen quickly in my life, getting married and starting a family happened very fast for us, but what if I waited or sought the Lord when it came to my careers?  What if I waited on Him when it came to going back to school, maybe my loans wouldn't be as huge as they are?  I don't know what my past would have looked like if I waited a little bit on some major decisions, but I know in my future, I am going to wait on Him!  His ways are higher, His plans are better and I know He has plans for me, and I want His plans for me and my life.  

    Well... I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings.

    Love, Michelle 


    I'll take my moon, medium please.

    I'll take my moon, medium please.

    The full moon always seems to bring out the in crazy in people, I have to admit, it brings out mine, LOL.  Full moons are also an occasion that is used for all sorts of witchcraft rituals.  Sure there are the fires burning with people dancing around them naked in the woods,  but I'm talking about the rituals that society supports and defends. I'm talking about charging crystals, and water, to use spiritually, reiki  angel communication,  things like that.  Witchcraft is so accepted in society, people will get upset if you call it what it is, demonic.  Honestly, with having practiced those things in my past, I know, and Eric knows, and my kids know, praise God.  It is extremely deceptive and comes in disguised as light, and we need to be on guard.  

    Humans need to worship something, if they don't have God, they have a God sized hole.  That hole needs to get filled but nothing outside of God alone can fill it, not money, not sexual conquests, not family, and certainly not messing with demons.  

    OOOeeeee, this was a good one, y'all (been workin on my southern talk).  Anyways, I hope you all Enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, especially you, God.




    Unexpected Guests

    Unexpected Guests

    Since Eric and I have been living in S.C. we haven't had many visitors stop by the house, well...not human visitors.  We've had a couple fluffy, feather friends come to us.  I almost feel like they know we will help them, like God put them in our path.  My whole life changed when the most unexpected guest, I ever expected  came into my life. Goes to show you, being open and joyful in all things makes life pretty great.

     I never saw myself feeding a vulture chicken broth nursing him back to health, but there I was.  Goes to show ya, God can do just about anything in anyone who has a willing heart to love Him.  I never thought I'd be buying extra cat food in these times of Biden size inflation, but there I was, there I am, LOL.  

    God was truly the most unexpected, miraculous, glorious, beautiful guest I could have ever imagined would knock on my door, bu, yup, and my life has never been the same, thank God.  Hope you enjoy my thoughtful Ramblings, love, Michelle


    Moods, Attitudes, and Sexy Squirrels

    Moods, Attitudes, and Sexy Squirrels

    Eric and I tried something new this week, we took the podcast outside.  While we usually only have to worry about our dogs and cats interrupting, this time, in addition to our normal fuzzy guests, we added in some feathery ones, as our chickens were making themselves heard.  But the cherry on top, the unplanned, sexcapades of our local squirrel friends.  They definitely made themselves known, honestly I was so distracted, but it was one of the funniest interruptions I have ever had.  I almost wonder if God planned that... 

    Although our podcast was about being in a bad mood or mindset as a Christian (which I was when we first began recording) God decided He wanted more joy, I guess.  Because listening back.on this episode was hysterical and reminded me, not to take things so serious.  Sometimes I need that reminder and I am so thankful for this one.

    I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, Love Michelle 


    Give it up.

    Give it up.

    We've all heard that old saying, it is better to give than to receive... I don't always think I believed that, but man... I do now.  For instance when I was young my lottery dream was very self serving, houses, travel, cars... as an adult, my lottery dream is blessing others at Walmart, grocery stores, and people in the street. .  When I was a kid, I would imagine what I would get for Christmas, and as an adult, I imagine the faces of my family opening gifts I picked out for them.  I love giving, but I never thought I would love it more than receiving, and here I am.  Eric and I had a great time reliving some awesome God sized giving moments in our lives,   and of course, all those wonderful little rabbit trails you've all come to love.  Hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings.  Love, Michelle


    Mixed Tape Days

    Mixed Tape Days

    God is so amazing to me, He is in everything good, even when we think we are walking alone, He is with us.  I can see my life so clearly before I met Him and He was there.  I remember the quiet moments, I remember what dangerous situations I found myself in and always seemed to be takin out of unscathed (well...most of the time). 

    Even talking about my memories about something as obscure as mixed tapes, it isn't just a piece of plastic.  Those painstaking hours in front of the radio with your fingers ready to lurch on record and play .  Life was so much simpler, people were more tolerant and neighborly, I honestly feel so much has regressed since everything went digital, especially music.

    We would go to the record store, buy what we wanted and then we'd be able to see these epic performers for $20.  We weren't glued to our phones, we were enjoying life, Praise God!!  I am so thankful to be able to have lived in that time and this time too, every day is a gift, be thankful and get up!!

    I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings


    Crack is Whack

    Crack is Whack

    You are never too far from the love of God.  Even before I knew Him, I can look back and clearly see what He took me from.  My Egypt He delivered me from.  In this episode we talk about some of our mistakes... It's so awesome how God can be glorified through our messes and mistakes.  I love Him so much, He truly changed my life, and I will do everything He empowers me to do to let the world know it.  I love you Lord, it's all for You.  I hope you and You, Lord Jesus enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings. 


    Undah Presha

    Undah Presha

    In this episode, Eric and I  discuss the things we  struggle with daily, the things I think we all struggle with daily.  Running late, traffic, people that may not go about something the same way you would.  It can be so easy to get distracted, to get our eyes off the Lord, and our eyes fixed on whatever crummy little circumstance that may come your way.  You know...if Satan has something that he knows will make you lose your cheese, he will use it as much as possible, why waste times on trying new things if he knows, traffic will make you curse your neighbor.  Yes, that same neighbor we are called to love as ourselves, ouch.  Anyways, thank you, Jesus, there is always hope in You, and. you never leave or forsake us, even if we think there is no way, He is the way.  He is also the truth and the life!  I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings,






    Let's face it, people hurt people, not always intentional, but hurt happens.  Hurt has a bit more of a sting when the do-er is a Christian (at least in my eyes).  You feel like the people who know the Lord should know better, period.  But the fact of the matter is, people are people, and I have forgiven ALL of them, trusting people again... now, that's a different story.  I felt like the Lord wanted me to begin with kids, with VBS (Vacation Bible School, with this new season upon us.  

    I have to admit, it was really tough moving in this thing, I felt super awkward, I didn't know a soul, and I did not want to be there at first, but God...  Wow!, by the end of the week, it was like a whole new thing began inside of me, this urge to serve more, to do more, to pursue purpose, but mostly God.  

    I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings,

    Love, Michelle


    Ridin The Wave

    Ridin The Wave

    It felt good to rock the mic again, back to basics, LOL.  I do love having Eric on, but I was alone this day and I felt such an urge to sit down and talk about getting back into church ministry,  So, I know that  getting involved in church may not seem like that big of a deal to a lot of you, but to me... yeah.  Anyways, I just felt like the Lord prompted me to get up, get behind the mic and just start rambling about it, so I did.  I hope you enjoy my Thoughtful Ramblings, Love, Michelle.  



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