

    Explore " tik-tok" with insightful episodes like "EV backlash, Tik-Tok ban, and more. (Ep.140)", "Teens need sunscreen not retinol – combating the skinfluencer effect", "Lisa Lopez, l'aide médico-psychologique qui aborde Alzheimer sur Tik-Tok ! - Focus", "Barbare Ruscher: Hot Chip Challenge" and "USA-CHINE : LES DESSOUS D’UNE GUERRE TOTALE | LAURENT MICHELON" from podcasts like ""News Folder 19", "Life Matters - Separate stories podcast", "Podcasts sur Radio France Alzheimer", "WDR 2 Kabarett" and "GÉOPOLITIQUE PROFONDE (www.geopolitique-profonde.com)"" and more!

    Episodes (42)

    Teens need sunscreen not retinol – combating the skinfluencer effect

    Teens need sunscreen not retinol – combating the skinfluencer effect

    Paediatric dermatologist Dr Deshan Sebaratnam spends his days combating online misinformation about what you should and should not put on your face.

    This means he gently steers teenagers away from unnecessary retinol skin potions, suggesting instead that sunscreen is really the only thing most need. His advice for adults? Spend no more than $20 on any skin product.

    Lisa Lopez, l'aide médico-psychologique qui aborde Alzheimer sur Tik-Tok ! - Focus

    Lisa Lopez, l'aide médico-psychologique qui aborde Alzheimer sur Tik-Tok ! - Focus
    Lisa Lopez est aide médico-psychologique en unité de vie protégée Alzheimer. Sur le réseau social Tik Tok, elle mène une action de sensibilisation à la maladie d'Alzheimer et aux maladies apparentées. Avec ses vidéos, elle offre son regard de terrain, informe et propose aux aidants et soignants ses conseils pratiques au quotidien.



    Laurent Michelon est un entrepreneur basé en Chine qui partage son temps entre Hong Kong et Pékin.

    Diplômé de Sciences Po et de l’INALCO, il est établi dans la région depuis plus de 20 ans, où il a travaillé dans la diplomatie culturelle française et pour plusieurs groupes de communication internationaux avant de développer ses activités de conseil pour sociétés européennes en Chine et pour multinationales chinoises en Europe.

    Laurent Michelon est l’auteur de Comprendre la relation Chine Occident : La superpuissance réticente et l’hégémon isolé aux éditions Perspectives Libres.

    Dans cet essai, il propose une analyse dépassionnée et originale des rapports entre la Chine et les États-Unis, basée sur la méthode de l’historionomie, qui étudie les schémas historiques récurrents et les lois qui régissent l’Histoire.

    La fin de l’empire américain, la guerre totale entre la Chine et les USA, sont les thèmes que nous  abordons avec Laurent Michelon.

    Nous explorerons avec lui les causes et les conséquences du déclin de la puissance américaine, confrontée à la montée en puissance de la Chine, qui aspire à devenir le leader mondial du XXIe siècle.

    Nous examinons également les stratégies et les tactiques des deux superpuissances, qui se livrent une guerre économique, technologique, commerciale, diplomatique et idéologique, sans exclure le recours à la force militaire.

    Nous nous nous interrogeons enfin sur les impacts de cette rivalité sur le reste du monde, notamment sur l’Europe, qui se trouve prise entre deux feux.


    Opet Laka: Za mene nije bilo brojeva odjeće – nisam plakala, bila sam kreativna

    Opet Laka: Za mene nije bilo brojeva odjeće – nisam plakala, bila sam kreativna

     Kroz novo izdanje podcasta Opet Laka vodiće vas Selma Krifica - Čoloman, poznatija kao Big Mama. Osim što je žena sa najviše imena, prezimena i nadimaka, svestrana je i kada je u pitanju profesija. Svoje dugogodišnje voditeljsko iskustvo, na društvenim mrežama svakodnevno kombinuje sa glumom i imitacijom. Njen specifičan smisao za humor okupio je ogroman broj pratitelja, pa tako danas važi za jednu od najpoznatijih influenserica u BiH. 

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    Episode 152 - The Sicknote Episode

    Episode 152 - The Sicknote Episode

    European Security Blogger Awards 2023

    Vote for us (and Thom and teissTalk) here:



    This week in InfoSec (11:24)

    With content liberated from the “today in infosec” twitter account and further afield

    15th May 2011: Sony Begins Restoration of Its PlayStation Network after Cyber Attack

    After a malicious cyber attack compromises Sony Computer Entertainment's data center in San Diego, California, the PlayStation Network is shut down on April 20. 

    The ensuing investigation revealed a number of security flaws, and in tandem with outside security firms, Sony implemented a number of upgrades to deter and mitigate future attacks to its network and its customers’ personal information. The Americas, Oceania, Europe and the Middle East were the first regions to regain access to the PlayStation Network, and among other measures, customers were required to reset their passwords upon initially signing in. 

    As more and more personal information is posted online, whether for financial, social, or business transactions, the safekeeping and protection of this data has come to the forefront of Internet consumer concerns. 


    20th May 2003: Rain Forest Puppy reflected on change in the security industry and made a declaration of his personal change. 




     Rant of the Week (18:00)

    Upstart encryption app walks back privacy claims, pulls from stores after probe

    A new-ish messaging service that claimed to put privacy first has pulled its end-to-end encryption claims from its website and its app from both the Apple and Google software stores after being called out online.

    Converso – a comms app launched in September 2022 – billed itself as a "next-generation messaging app that keeps your conversations completely private." This, according to the developer's website, included "proprietary state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption technology," no storage of messages on servers, and "absolutely no use of user data." It claimed it could stand up to the likes of Signal and WhatsApp in the security stakes. 

    A blogger who goes by Crnković and has an interest in encryption protocols heard about Converso from an ad on a podcast and decided to poke around to see if the software lived up to the hype. 

    Crnković found the app talked to a Google Cloud-hosted database that was left completely open to the public by the software's developers. This Firestore database, we're told, included encrypted message content, metadata about people's messages, their private encryption keys, phone numbers, and more. Essentially, it would be possible for anyone to fetch that information and decrypt a stranger's message that went through the app, according to the researcher.

    Crnković concluded:

    Not only is metadata public, but so too are the keys used to encrypt messages. Anyone can download a Converso user's private key, which could be used to decrypt their secret conversations.

    There's no longer any real distinction between cleartext and encrypted messages – nothing is meaningfully encrypted. For your security, you shouldn't use Converso to send any message that you wouldn't also publish as a tweet.

    "Dissecting Converso was in large part a learn-as-you-go exercise for me, as I don't have prior experience reverse engineering mobile apps," Crnković told The Register. "I was shocked at each exponentially worse mistake."

    Telegram vulnerability: https://danrevah.github.io/2023/05/15/CVE-2023-26818-Bypass-TCC-with-Telegram/


    Billy Big Balls of the Week (27:37)

    Microsoft decides it will be the one to choose which secure login method you use

    Microsoft wants to take the decision of which multi-factor authentication (MFA) method to use out of the users' hands and into its own.

    The software maker this week is rolling out what it calls system-preferred authentication for MFA, which will present individuals signing in with the most secure method and then alternatives if that method is unavailable.

    Redmond first unveiled the feature in a disabled state in April and is now making it generally available to all commercial users through the Azure Portal or Graph APIs, with the decision whether to enable it for tenants now resting with administrators.

    That said, in July Microsoft will make system-preferred authentication a default feature in its Azure Entra portfolio for all user accounts, with more information coming out next month.

    The goal is to shore up security by not only delivering new features to harden products and services but to, at times, strong-arm people into using them.

    More security, fewer problems?

    "This system prompts the user to sign in with the most secure method they've registered and the method that's enabled by admin policy," Alex Weinert, vice president and director of identity security at Microsoft, wrote in a blog post. "This will transition users from choosing a default method to use first to always using the most secure method available. If they can't use the method they were prompted to use, they can choose a different MFA method to sign in."


    Industry News (36:43)

    Ex-Ubiquiti Employee Imprisoned For $2m Crypto Extortion Scheme

    NSO Group Spends Millions Lobbying US Government

    Cyber-Resilience Programs Failing on Poor Visibility

    New Cloud Data Leak Adds to Capita's Woes

    Government Publishes Playbook to Enhance Smart City Security

    ChatGPT Leveraged to Enhance Software Supply Chain Security

    Montana Signs Ban on TikTok Usage on Personal Devices

    Apple's App Store Blocks $2bn in Fraudulent Transactions

    Cyber Warfare Escalates Amid China-Taiwan Tensions


    Tweet of the Week (48:17)


    Come on! Like and bloody well subscribe!

    Δημιουργία περιεχομένου για βιβλία στα social media

    Δημιουργία περιεχομένου για βιβλία στα social media

    Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο, η Αγάπη μας μιλά για το #bookstagram και το #bookTok, τους δημοφιλείς χώρους για τους βιβλιόφιλους στις πλατφόρμες Instagram και TikTok. Θα ανακαλύψουμε πώς να δημιουργήσουμε περιεχόμενο για τα βιβλία μας στα social media. Θα μάθουμε συμβουλές και ιδέες για την παρουσίαση βιβλίων, είτε για συνεργασίες είτε για προσωπική μας ευχαρίστηση. Θα μοιραστεί εμπνεύσεις από το Pinterest και ποιες εφαρμογές να χρησιμοποιήσουμε για επεξεργασία φωτογραφιών. Ετοιμαστείτε για ένα επικό επεισόδιο γεμάτο booklove!

    #46 - Algorithmus vs. Mensch – Wofür du Content produzieren solltest

    #46 - Algorithmus vs. Mensch – Wofür du Content produzieren solltest
    Ich stelle mir die Frage: Für wen produzieren wir eigentlich Content? Für wen schreiben wir? Schreiben wir für Algorithmen? Meine Meinung dazu, welche Spielregeln Du kennen solltest und wo ich mich richtig reinsteigern könnte, erzähle ich Dir in der heutigen Folge.

    Wenn Du Content für Social Media erstellst musst Du heute soviel beachten, um dem Algorithmus zu gefallen. Das ist Dir sicherlich bekannt.

    Vielleicht hast Du folgendes in letzter Zeit selber schon gesehen? Reels, die nur wenige Sekunden dauern, aber extrem viel Text beinhalten. Das heißt bis Du den kompletten Text dieses Reels oder dieses Tik-Tok-Videos gelesen hast, ist das Reel vielleicht schon 3 oder 4 mal gelaufen. Gewisse Marketingkollegen empfehlen dies, um die Reichweite zu steigern. Für mich ein echtes Problem. Ich könnte mich da reinsteigern....

    Da frage ich mich: Produzieren wir für den Algorithmus oder für den Menschen? Keine einfache Frage. Die Herausforderung ist, dass wir beides brauchen. Wir müssen Know-How haben was den Algorithmus an geht und auf der anderen Seite sollten wir den Menschen im Fokus haben. Der Algorithmus der Plattformen wie Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin oder Tik-Tok bestimmt die Spielregeln und diese Spielregeln müssen wir kennen, wenn wir bei diesem Spiel mitspielen wollen - ganz einfach. Andererseits wollen wir uns vom Algorithmus auf der Nase herumtanzen lassen und uns eingezwängt fühlen in bestimmte Regeln? Ich will es nicht!

    Ich will in erster Linie für Menschen schreiben. Content der Menschen begeistert, der sich gut anfühlt, bei dem man merkt ich schreibe nicht um Reichweite zu bekommen, sondern in erster Linie, damit Du etwas davon hast.

    Jetzt fragst Du dich sicher: Wie mache ich das ganze? Wie sehr soll ich meinen Content auf den Algorithmus oder auf den Menschen ausrichten?

    Es geht hier um einen Balance-Akt. Mein Tipp an dich: Du solltest die Spielregeln für Social-Media kennen! Drei wichtige Spielregeln habe ich dir im Podcast mitgebracht. 

    Viel Freude beim Anhören!

    Bleib Dir treu,

    Dein Julian

    Wichtige Links:

    Lass uns gerne vernetzen auf Facebook, LinkedIn und Instagram.

    PS: Dir gefällt mein „Branding Barista“-Podcast? Dann freue ich mich sehr über Deine Rezension oder Bewertung bei Apple Podcasts oder Spotify. Oder Du schickst mir eine E-Mail an podcast@julianheck.de. Danke vorab für Deine Wertschätzung! :)

    WTF: What's the 4-1-1?

    WTF: What's the 4-1-1?
    Welcome to 2023. New year, same old weirdness. Telephone Operators who man the 4-1-1 lines are now out of a job. We have a big list of things that will probably happen in 2023. Or not. The Two Princes of England has us rooting for Oliver Cromwell to make a comeback. No matter what Tik Tok tells you, putting potatoes in your socks is stupid. Almost as stupid as people who call 9-1-1 (which we should also retire) because they can't delete a voice mail. It's the first episode of a new year for What the Frock?


    以短视频内容起家的抖音,早已坐拥数亿 DAU 。将内容用户转化为电商消费者,这是抖音电商此前已经用直播和短视频带货找到的路径,称之为「兴趣电商」,带货本身也成为了内容。而如何将基于直播短视频带货的购物行为,转化为基于全部用户需求场景的持续性购物,就是抖音电商今年推出的「全域兴趣电商」概念了。 我们在之前讨论 618 的节目里,其实就曾经感受过各家消费品 CEO 们对抖音电商的热情。本期节目,我们将对谈抖音电商活动营销负责人范瑞真,一起聊聊抖音电商的新玩法和未来的走向,并试图回答以下问题: - 品牌、商家、达人现在入局抖音电商,还有红利期吗? - 从兴趣电商到「全域」兴趣电商,抖音电商发生了什么变化? - 抖音电商、品牌商家、消费者,利益各方如何实现长效而稳定的收益? 本期人物 杨轩,36 氪主编、深氪发起人 范瑞真,抖音电商活动营销负责人 主要话题 [06:10] 回望初期的抖音直播电商:四个月成交额增长几十倍 [10:52] 当雷军出现在直播间,小米与抖音电商如何实现双赢? [20:53] 现在入局抖音电商,算晚吗? [31:30] 内容池 + 商品池,抖音正在种草拔草一体化 [43:20] 从百万点赞的小白鞋中,挖掘消费新场景 [55:05] 直降 or 满减,大促中营销玩法如何选择? 延伸阅读 往期节目:S2E08|真相了618:今年消费还会好吗? (https://msbussinesswhy.fireside.fm/s2e08) 使用音乐 - El Marsiano - Don Bacilon - Just Playing - Jules Gaia 幕后制作 后期:可特、溢辰 监制:信宇 编辑:小敖 设计:饭团 运营:陈太太 关于节目 在这个快速变化、信息爆炸的世界,跟随资深商业编辑杨轩,和各行各业的聪明人一起,聊点文字报道中看不到的料,探寻商业背后的关键问题和本质逻辑。 加入听友群:在公众号「声动活泼」对话框回复「商业why」,即可直接扫码入群。或者添加 shengfm1 备注 商业why 等待小助手拉你入群。 欢迎加入声动胡同会员计划 订阅方式: 国内支付渠道(年付) (https://sourl.cn/G4B2Wt) 国外支付渠道(月付) (https://sourl.cnde/UXhR7j) 「声动胡同」是以声动活泼北京办公室所在的前永康胡同为灵感,为喜欢我们的听众打造的一款社区产品。我们希望在这样的社区里,能让有价值共识的年轻人们在此获得更多源源不断的思考养料,彼此支持和成长。如果你加入成为我们的街坊,将获得以下与我们保持更亲密连接的机会: 每周三封 newsletter 形式的「胡同来信」,获得更多节目之外的信息与故事。 胡同来信试读:声东击西之外|一种人生诅咒 (https://sourl.cn/kphUwx) 每季度举办一场线上或线下活动,例如已举办了三期的「露天演讲台」 (https://sourl.cn/BzAURb)、「胡同里的清醒梦」快闪活动。 你也可以在邮件中和我们讨论或询问任何事,我们都会一一邮件回复。 关于声动活泼 「用声音碰撞世界」,声动活泼致力于为人们提供源源不断的思考养料。 我们还有这些播客:声动早咖啡 (https://sheng-espresso.fireside.fm/)、What's Next|科技早知道 (https://guiguzaozhidao.fireside.fm/episodes)、反潮流俱乐部 (https://fanchaoliuclub.fireside.fm/)、泡腾 VC (https://popvc.fireside.fm/)、声东击西 (https://etw.fm/)、跳进兔子洞 (https://therabbithole.fireside.fm/) 欢迎在即刻 (https://okjk.co/Qd43ia)、微博等社交媒体上与我们互动,搜索 声动活泼 即可找到我们 期待你给我们写邮件,邮箱地址是:ting@sheng.fm 如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎 打赏 (https://etw.fm/donation) 支持或把我们的节目推荐给一两位朋友 Special Guest: 范瑞真.
    zh-cnSeptember 23, 2022

    Komm, ich geb einen aus!

    Komm, ich geb einen aus!
    Wurdet ihr schon mal eingeladen oder eher ausgebeutet? Wie stehst du zum Thema Geld in einer Beziehung, ob Freundschaft oder Partnerschaft? Änn und Frän haben natürlich wieder eine Meinung dazu. 
    Ihr Lieben schreibt uns während der Sommerpause fleißig und erzählt uns doch mal, worüber oder mit wem wir als nächstes sprechen sollen. 
    Okay bye

    Episode 115 - We're All Going On a Summer Holiday

    Episode 115 - We're All Going On a Summer Holiday

    This week in InfoSec (9:23)

    With content liberated from the “today in infosec” twitter account and further afield

    29th July 1985: An article in the New York Times cited multiple experts who alleged the vote counting systems of Computer Election Systems are vulnerable to tampering.

    Yep. Election systems vulnerabilities aren't a new phenomenon. Not even close. 



    30th July 2013: Chelsea Manning was found guilty of espionage, theft, and computer fraud, as well as military infractions. 

    United States v. Manning


    6th August 1997: Microsoft Buys $150M of Apple stock.  In an effort to help save Apple Computer and possibly deflect criticism in its own anti-trust trial, Microsoft Corp. buys $150 million in shares of Apple Computer Inc. Apple, which had been struggling to find direction and profits for years, agreed to the boost in funding with terms that dictated cooperation in the design of computers as well as shared patents. Microsoft agreed to continue supporting MS-Office for the Mac for another five years as well.

    Rant of the Week (18:11)

    India scraps data protection law in favor of better law coming … sometime

    The government of India has scrapped the Personal Data Protection Bill it's worked on for three years, and announced it will – eventually – unveil a superior bill.

    The bill, proposed in 2019, would have enabled the government to gather user data from companies while regulating cross-border data flows. It also included restrictions on sharing of personal data without explicit consent, proposed establishment of a new Data Protection Authority within the government, and more.

    On Wednesday, telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw tweeted that the bill was nixed because the Joint Committee of Parliament (JCP) recommended 81 amendments to the Bill's 99 sections.

    "Therefore the bill has been withdrawn and a new bill will be presented for public consultation," said Vaishnaw.


    UK Parliament bins its TikTok account over China surveillance fears

    Plan to educate the children turned out to be a 'won't someone think of the children?' moment

    The UK's Parliament has ended its presence on TikTok after MPs pointed out the made-in-China social media service probably sends data about its users back to Beijing.

    The existence of the account saw half a dozen MPs write to the presiding officers of the Houses of Lords and Commons — Lord McFall of Alcluith and Sir Lindsay Hoyle, respectively — to ask for the account to be discontinued.

    "While efforts made to engage young people in the history and functioning of parliament should always be welcomed, we cannot and should not legitimise the use of an app which has been described by tech experts as 'essentially Chinese government spyware'," wrote MPs Nusrat Ghani, Tim Loughton, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Tom Tugendhat, plus Lord Alton of Liverpool and Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws.

    Billy Big Balls of the Week (26:21)

    Ex-T-Mobile US store owner phished staff, raked in $25m from unlocking phones

    A now-former T-Mobile US store stole at least 50 employees' work credentials to run a phone unlocking and unblocking service that prosecutors said netted $25 million.

    Argishti Khudaverdyan, 44, of Burbank, California, was found guilty of 14 criminal charges [PDF] by a US federal jury on Friday.

    According to the Dept of Justice, Khudaverdyan co-owned a T-Mobile US store in Los Angeles, operating as a business called Top Tier Solutions, for about five months in 2017. 

    T-Mo ended its contract with Khudaverdyan in June 2017 after being sketched out by his suspicious use of the carrier's computer system. It turned out he had been unlocking phones for customers without T-Mobile US's permission so that the devices could be used on different networks.

    Even after the self-styled un-carrier gave him the boot, he continued his illicit scheme, advertising unlocking and unblocking services through brokers, email spam, and websites that Khudaverdyan and Gharehbagloo controlled, such as unlocks247[.]com and swiftunlocked[.]com.

    Industry News (33:37)

    UK’s Top 10 Universities Failing on DMARC

    Thousands of Apps Leaking Twitter API Keys

    LockBit Ransomware Exploits Windows Defender to Sideload Cobalt Strike Payload

    Tory Leadership Voting Delayed Over Security Concerns

    T-Mobile Retailer Guilty of $25m Fraud Scheme

    xperts Warn of Fake Football Ticket Scams

    Ukraine Shutters Major Russian Bot Farm

    Users Still in the Dark Over $5m Theft From Blockchain Firm Solana

    CREST and OWASP Partner on Verification Standard Program

    Tweet of the Week (40:16)


    Come on! Like and bloody well subscribe!


    Nach dem wir direkt zu Beginn mal wieder abgeschweift sind, teilen wir unsere Expertise bezüglich tiktok und Instagram mit euch. Wer ist hot und wer not. Wer schleicht sich auf eure fy und wer weiß überhaupt nicht was damit gemeint ist? #folgtpelvrich #folgtunsüberall 


    Leute, Leute, wir haben es geschafft! Wir feiern goldene Hochzeit. Die 50ste Folge FrÄnnship. Natürlich haben wir uns etwas ganz Besonderes für diese Folge einfallen lassen. Kennt ihr dieses Gefühl, ihr sitzt mit einer Person am Tisch und im Laufe des Gesprächs bekommt ihr Kieferschmerzen, weil euch ständig der Mund offen steht und ihr aus dem Staunen garnicht mehr raus kommt. Wir nach diesem Gespräch zu 100% und das obwohl wir diesen Gast schon kannten. Aber was wir schon wussten, unser Gast steht auf zwei ziemlich gesunden Füßen mitten im Leben. Ja ihr dürft gespannt sein. Und wir geben euch einen guten Tipp: macht euch Notizen: Gern geschehen.

    Youth Political Engagement in the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential Election

    Youth Political Engagement in the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential Election
    In this special episode, we feature Drs. Mary Neuburger and Oksana Lutsyshyna, and former SlavX hosts Matthew Orr and Lauren Nyquist who together undertook a phenomenal investigative project in spring 2019 to examine and closely follow Ukrainian youth political engagement during the presidential election in which Volodymyr Zelenskyy ultimately beat incumbent Petro Poroshenko. The team discusses the fascinating process by which they began their research, how they connected with Ukrainian students via Skype (not Zoom!), and what it was like when they eventually traveled to Ukraine itself. The lasting relationships and connections they made during that memorable month abroad in summer 2019 inform their thinking and processing of the War in Ukraine today. Take a listen! PRODUCER'S NOTE: This episode was recorded on March 14th, 2022 for The Other Side of Campus podcast at UT Austin. Visit https://www.texasptf.org/28 for more information and to listen to the original episode. ABOUT THE GUESTS Dr. Mary C. Neuburger is a Professor of history, the Director of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREEES), and the Chair of Slavic and Eurasian Studies at the University of Texas of Austin. She is the author of The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria (Cornell 2004), and Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria (Cornell, 2012). Dr. Neuburger is also the co-editor with Paulina Bren of Communism Unwrapped: Consumption in Cold War Eastern Europe (Oxford, 2012) and has authored numerous articles on Bulgarian history. Her latest book, Ingredients of Change, is a cultural history of food in Bulgaria and recently came out with Cornell University Press. She is also co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary History. Dr. Oksana Lutsyshyna was born in Uzhhorod in 1974. She is a writer and translator, and lecturer in Ukrainian studies at the University of Texas in Austin, where she teaches Ukrainian language and Eastern European literatures. She holds a PhD in comparative literature from the University of Georgia. Lutsyshyna's most recent novel Ivan and Phoebe (2019) won two of the most prestigious literary awards in Ukraine, in 2020 and 2021, respectively: the Lviv City of Literature UNESCO Prize and Taras Shevchenko National Prize in fiction. The novel is forthcoming in the English translation by Nina Murray from Deep Vellum Publishing in 2022. Oksana Lutsyshyna's poetry collection, Persephone Blues, in the English translation, was released in 2019 by Arrowsmith. Matthew Orr is a Eurasia analyst at RANE, a risk intelligence company that provides geopolitical information and consultation to consumers and corporate clients with business interests around the globe. Prior to starting at RANE, Orr received dual Master’s degrees in Global Policy Studies and Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Lauren Nyquist is a former undergraduate student at UT Austin and is currently pursuing her PhD in Geography at Texas A&M University. PRODUCER'S NOTE: This episode was recorded on March 14th, 2022 via Zoom. If you have questions, comments, or would like to be a guest on the show, please email slavxradio@utexas.edu and we will be in touch! CREDITS Associate Producer/Host: Lera Toropin (@earlportion) Assistant Producer: Misha Simanovskyy (@MSimanovskyy) Associate Producer: Cullan Bendig (@cullanwithana) Assistant Producer: Sergio Glajar Assistant Producer: Zach Johnson Executive Assistant: Katherine Birch Recording, Editing, and Sound Design: Michelle Daniel Music Producer: Charlie Harper (Connect: facebook.com/charlie.harper.1485 Instagram: @charlieharpermusic) www.charlieharpermusic.com (Main Theme by Charlie Harper and additional background music by Charlie Harper, Holizna, Scott Holmes, Shaolin Dub, and Exetexe) Executive Producer & Creator: Michelle Daniel (Connect: facebook.com/mdanielgeraci Instagram: @michelledaniel86) DISCLAIMER: Texas Podcast Network is brought to you by The University of Texas at Austin. Podcasts are produced by faculty members and staffers at UT Austin who work with University Communications to craft content that adheres to journalistic best practices. The University of Texas at Austin offers these podcasts at no charge. Podcasts appearing on the network and this webpage represent the views of the hosts, not of The University of Texas at Austin. https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/9/9a59b135-7876-4254-b600-3839b3aa3ab1/P1EKcswq.png Special Guests: Mary C. Neuburger and Oksana Lutsyshyna.

    Knitting, Crocheting and Felting! OH MY!

    Knitting, Crocheting and Felting! OH MY!

    Darrin Morris was taught to crochet a chain by his mother when he was only 2 years old! Even though he had the basics down at such a young age, he didn’t get started in Fiber arts until he was 35. Darrin worked at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio as a Fiber Arts Instructor for 10 years teaching classes about Knitting, Felting, Spinning, Yarn dyeing, and Embroidery. Now Darrin works at the Lion Brand Corporate office with the product development team.

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