

    Explore " trust" with insightful episodes like "The Silent Struggle of Sibling Forgiveness", "Infidelity and Life Stage: Destructive or Self-Discovery", "Resentment is Relationship Cancer", "Supa Fresh Experience "Its not just a podcast Bro!" Ep.4" and "Fifty Shades of Infidelity" from podcasts like ""Be Real with Lav", "Romancipation", "Romancipation", "eFFray Studios: Your one stop shop for all types of PODCASTS!" and "Romancipation"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    The Silent Struggle of Sibling Forgiveness

    The Silent Struggle of Sibling Forgiveness

    When the unspoken bonds of trust within a family fray, what's left behind? Join me as I recount a deeply personal tale involving my brothers, where the fragile threads of loyalty were tested by secrecy and misunderstandings. We unravel the complexities of familial trust, revealing how easily it can be shaken and the profound consequences that ensue. As I share my journey of navigating these turbulent emotional waters, you'll gain insights into the importance of privacy and the powerful role of direct communication in repairing the delicate tapestry of sibling relationships.

    The path to reconciliation is often lined with the dual stones of forgiveness and memory. In this episode, we grapple with the nuanced task of rebuilding sibling bonds after they've been compromised. I reflect on the intricate dance of forgiving without forgetting and the indelible marks left by familial strife. My story serves as both a cautionary tale and a beacon of hope for anyone wrestling with similar issues. Together, we celebrate the power of open dialogue to foster understanding and respect, leaving you with a sense of hope as we journey through the complexities of life as a family.

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    Infidelity and Life Stage: Destructive or Self-Discovery

    Infidelity and Life Stage: Destructive or Self-Discovery

    S5 Episode 4: Infidelity and Life Stage: Destructive or Self-Discovery


    Episode Summary

    Just as people evolve over time, so do their relationships.  As a person enters a new life stage, their priorities shift and their needs, wants and expectations change.  Unfortunately, as feelings and circumstances change, dissatisfaction in the relationship creates the opportunity for infidelity to enter into the picture.

    When a partnership is built on respect, trust, communication, and acceptance, the two people involved are either able to jointly navigate the challenges and stay together, or they part ways amicably. For relationships that are missing one or several of the foundational elements, infidelity often serves as a catalyst for ending the unhappy union.

    Self-discovery is an important aspect of self-awareness.  Instead of engaging in destructive behavior, honor your commitment and your partner by being honest with them about your feelings before rushing off to find Mr. or Ms. Right.  If you choose to leave the relationship, be mindful of the short-term and long-term impact it will have on you and your ex-partner. Everyone deserves to be in a fulfilling relationship.  Just be thoughtful about how you go about it. 

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss when a person changes their manner of dress or appearance to please a new partner.


    Show Notes

    Infidelity has a significant impact on people in their romantic relationships. Cheating in a long-term, monogamous relationship is a bad choice. But sometimes, down the road in a relationship, you simply realize it isn’t working—and you feel trapped. For some people, infidelity is sort of a tool they use to free themselves.


    Some people want to have it all—someone to share the division of labor while also having fun on the side. But in other cases, a relationship has stopped being beneficial or has simply fizzled out. These people may cheat and use this new relationship as a catalyst to leave. It’s not an excuse for the behavior, but it’s easier to understand. 


    If you are a person who is cheating as an avenue of self-discovery, you still owe it to your partner to tell them the truth. Your feelings are still valid, but you’ve made a commitment to the other person, so you should be honest with them. The only way a relationship can be truly beneficial is if both people are having a positive experience. 


    As humans, we have a base need for connection. When that’s missing in a relationship, it can lead to exploration of other options. You may also find yourself looking for another partner if you didn’t take the time to find your right-fit partner at a younger age. Rushing is not the answer. Building a strong relationship with the right person is.


    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When people change their style of dress or appearance to please a new partner. Adjusting the way you dress to appease your partner’s insecurity will lead to resentment—towards them and yourself. Because personal style is such a big part of someone’s personal choices, this could signal something sinister about the relationship.


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    Visit us at www.romancipation.com

    Resentment is Relationship Cancer

    Resentment is Relationship Cancer

    S4 Episode 6: Resentment is Relationship Cancer


    Episode Summary

    Resentment is natural and inevitable.  Hence the reason it is responsible for so many relationships coming to an end. It can come from internal or external sources and can wreak havoc on your love life.  Every person should be aware of what their resentment triggers are, and clearly communicate them to their partner.

    Whether it is a power imbalance, mistreatment or feelings of inadequacy, you must be vigilant with how your partner’s behavior and actions are impacting your feelings about the relationship.  Letting things fester is never a good idea, nor is ignoring an issue that keeps coming up.

    Empathy is the best way to combat resentment.  By actively placing yourself in your partner’s shoes, you may be able to catch yourself or a situation before it breeds negative feelings.  Practice self-awareness and ask your partner to do the same.  Together you can manage any feelings of resentment by addressing them head-on.

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss when your partner lets you fight their battles with family, friends and work colleagues.


    Show Notes

    Resentment is a heavy word, and it can also have a heavy impact on your relationship. It is the number one relationship killer. It’s an open wound that kills the relationship if it’s not taken care of. Once it sets in, it’s next to impossible to erase it unless you’re aware, thoughtful, and intentional about ridding your relationship of resentment.

    Power imbalances, feeling mistreated, and disrespect can lead to resentment. The moment something is perceived as unfair, it makes space for this feeling to sink in. The experience itself is quite common and almost unavoidable, so the key is identifying when it’s building before it takes over your relationship.

    Communicating your wants and needs can keep resentment at bay. However, it’s also just as important to hear your partner’s wants and needs, too. Keep in mind that these can also evolve over time on both sides. Infidelity, financial irresponsibility, and decisions made when raising children are all circumstances that can welcome resentment.

    Lack of privacy, lack of free time, and lack of alone-time are also smaller issues that can lead to significant feelings of resentment. It can also come from past trauma – without a person even consciously realizing it. The cure for resentment is empathy. Place yourself in your partner’s position, so you can appreciate and address their resentment.

    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When your partner makes you the bad guy to save face. It’s manipulative, pathetic, and it violates boundaries. It is an underhanded way of letting someone else fight your battles for you. Nothing speaks to a lack of respect of your partner quite like this.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com

    Supa Fresh Experience "Its not just a podcast Bro!" Ep.4

    Supa Fresh Experience "Its not just a podcast Bro!" Ep.4

    1. **Eating Ass – Do you do it?**  

    An intimate act some enjoy. Personally, it's a matter of comfort and mutual consent with a partner.

    2. **Oral Sex – Is it important in a relationship?**  

    Oral intimacy can enhance connection. Personally, it's about mutual enjoyment and understanding with my partner.

    3. **Dating in 2023**  

    Navigating a mix of virtual and in-person connections. Finding authenticity remains key in forming meaningful relationships.

    4. **Face tattoos – Do you like them?**  

    Personal expression; some designs are appealing. Personally, it's more about the individual's story than aesthetics.

    5. **Work wives and Work Husbands**  

    Close, platonic office bonds. Valuable for emotional support, making work more enjoyable. Communication is key.

    6. **Cheating**  

    A breach of trust, causing emotional pain. Personally, believe in open communication and loyalty in relationships.

    7. **Should women pump gas?**  

    Not gender-specific. Personally, believe in equality; everyone's capable. It's about comfort and personal choice.

    Fifty Shades of Infidelity

    Fifty Shades of Infidelity

    S4 Episode 2: Fifty Shades of Infidelity


    Episode Summary

    For many, the concept of infidelity in a romantic relationship is black and white.   However, what constitutes cheating is open to interpretation, hence the fifty shades.  Your partner’s perception of behavior that they deem as unacceptable may be very different from your own.  Make sure to understand your partner’s boundaries and comfort level, so that you don’t accidently step over the line. 

    Moreover, make sure you have a clear understanding of what your own boundaries are and communicate them to your partner.  Would you be okay with your partner’s harmless flirting or provocative dancing with a friend at a party? Maybe.  Would your feelings change if the same behavior took place outside of your presence? Probably.  The point is boundaries are fluid, depending on the time, place and people involved.

    Trust is a necessary component for a healthy relationship.  If you have been cheated on in the past, your perception of innocuous behaviors may take on a more sinister tone.  Make sure your partner knows your triggers so they can avoid creating unnecessary stress in the relationship.  If both people are on the same page and are respectful of one another’s boundaries, hurtful mistakes and misunderstandings can be avoided.  

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss when your partner gives the family pet more attention than they give to you.


    Show Notes

    Different people have varying perspectives on infidelity. Some people will see it very black and white, while others will see all the shades of infidelity in between. In that sense, the idea of cheating can be subjective. What violates your boundaries or breaches your trust might be defined differently between people and couples.

    When a couple first gets together, they rarely have an in-depth conversation about what it actually means to cheat. It’s so important to communicate your definition so you can be sure you’re on the same page, and sometimes you need to broach this topic no matter how serious the relationship is.

    Consider this: If you found out your booty call was seeing another person, would you feel cheated on? Some people would; some people wouldn’t. If you haven’t had this conversation, how confident are you that you know where your partner’s boundaries are? That’s why it really comes down to proper communication.

    We’ve talked about cyber-cheating in a previous episode, and this is a subject where the conversation with your partner can be very nuanced. Watching porn might be okay in your books, but only if it’s a specific type. You might draw the line at interacting with the performers, or you might not.

    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When your partner gives the family pet more attention than you. This happens a lot. On one hand it’s understandable, but on the other it can be infuriating for the person being ignored. A bond with a pet is unconditional and therefore can transcend a human relationship. However, it can cause resentment towards the animal.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com

    Stop Trying to Create Movie Moments

    Stop Trying to Create Movie Moments

    S2 Episode 10: Stop Trying to Create Movie Moments


    Episode Summary

    Who doesn’t love a good romcom, chick flick or trashy novel?  While these types of stories entertain and move us, they unfortunately also have a sinister side.  They create unrealistic ideas about what love, passion and a romantic relationship should look like.  Too many of us fall prey to the idea that if someone really cares, they will fight for us or move mountains to make it work. 

    Romantic relationships can and should have moments of passion and gestures of love, but there is so much more to a successful relationship.  Instead of focusing on grand displays of affection, people should appreciate the subtler signs that a partner respects you, admires you and wants to make your life better by meeting your emotional and physical needs.

    When you focus on the partnership, instead of the picture-perfect idea of romance and love, you can find your own definition of happiness.  Creating drama in hopes of inciting a positive reaction rarely works and often just creates confusion and tension in a relationship.  Live in reality with your partner. Let fantasy be entertainment, not a relationship goal.

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss snooping in your partner’s phone without permission.


    Show Notes

    Almost all of us are all guilty of trying to recreate movie moments in our relationships. We’ve been programmed to fall in love with a particular idea of a romantic relationship, but this type of love is improbable. Whether good or bad, you may find yourself trying to create drama in your relationship for the sake of these moments.

    A lot of people build up unrealistic expectations to create situations and scenarios that reflect movie moments, when in reality, no matter what the grand gesture is, it will probably never meet your expectations. Some of the best moments in your relationship aren’t the big passionate gestures, but rather the small caring ones.

    Your relationship does not need to be perfectly orchestrated, nor does it need to reflect a picture-perfect relationship like those you see on social media. Figure out what happiness looks like for you and go with that. Remember what the value of a partner is for you and be thankful for the everyday things your partner already does.

    You may miss out on a wonderful partnership because you don’t get the over-the-top gestures you think you should be experiencing. Ideal concepts of passion, attraction, and commitment can lead you to lose sight of what’s right in front of you. Remember that grand romantic gestures don’t guarantee a committed, long-lasting relationship.

    Today’s vent session topic is: When people read their partner’s text messages without the person’s knowledge. It’s a huge violation of trust, boundaries and is a serious red flag. It signals insecurity, and if you feel the need to do this, you shouldn’t be in the relationship.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com

    Relationship Dirty Laundry Should Stay in the Hamper

    Relationship Dirty Laundry Should Stay in the Hamper

    S1 Episode 11: Relationship Dirty Laundry Should Stay in the Hamper

    Episode Summary

    We are all guilty of it!  Airing complaints about our partner and our relationship to anyone who will listen.  As satisfying as it may feel short-term, there could be serious consequences from your vent session.

    By letting family and friends know intimate details about your partner (even the flattering ones) you can create discomfort, embarrassment, and a violation of boundaries and trust between you and your partner, or the people you shared with.  Moreover, you open yourself up for judgment, criticism and potential backlash.

    Airing relationship dirty laundry should be reserved for a therapist or trusted advisor, where you can expect confidentiality and advice.  Put yourself in the place of your partner.  Practice empathy and imagine how you would feel if your partner was sharing negative things about you, your habits or behaviors.

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss when partners apply a double-standard between their family members and yours.


    Show Notes

    Have you been airing out your relationship dirty laundry? You should not be doing this—that information needs to stay in the hamper. That said, almost all of us are guilty of airing dirty laundry about our relationships to family, friends, or coworkers at least once, whether for venting or validation.

    However, by sharing this information, you risk it making its way back to your partner. Plus, if you put yourself in the position of your partner, it probably wouldn’t feel very good knowing that conversation was had. What you say could also influence the people you’re telling negatively against your partner and may change the way they look at them. While you may be able to get over the situation, the person you shared this intimate information with may not.


    When you air your dirty laundry, the people you tell aren’t usually getting the full story. Rather, they are getting your perception about what happened. You may realize later on that you contributed to the situation or just experienced a simple miscommunication.

    You may also want to consider that airing your dirty laundry may make the person you’re telling uncomfortable. This could be because the topic itself makes them uncomfortable, or it could make them feel uncomfortable around your partner, or even both. There are just so many reasons to keep your relationship dirty laundry in the hamper.

    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When your partner applies a double-standard between their family member versus your family member. It’s unfair and creates animosity towards the favored family member. It reflects a power imbalance in the relationship and should not be tolerated.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com


    Rehoboth - Audio

    Rehoboth - Audio
    In this episode, Pastor Christian discusses the first message in the Difference Maker series at Journey. In this series, Pastor Christian will challenge us to chase the vision God has called us to. Journey Church International is in a another season of growth. Pastor Christian shares the new vision we are chasing as a church and how important it is that we all have a personal vision for our lives.

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