

    Explore "tta" with insightful episodes like "84. Les pertes auditives et leur impact sur le langage - avec Andréanne Trudeau", "EP221 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃06】智慧醫療前瞻力 X 2023 Meet Greater South", "EP219 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃05】淨零科技實踐力 X 2023 Meet Greater South", "EP217 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃04】From Start-up to scale up X 2023 Meet Greater South" and "EP215 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃03】智慧科技洞察力X 2023 Meet Greater South" from podcasts like ""L'orthophonie simplement", "克萊兒的展覽異想世界", "克萊兒的展覽異想世界", "克萊兒的展覽異想世界" and "克萊兒的展覽異想世界"" and more!

    Episodes (84)

    84. Les pertes auditives et leur impact sur le langage - avec Andréanne Trudeau

    84. Les pertes auditives et leur impact sur le langage - avec Andréanne Trudeau

    Dans cet épisode, je reçois Andréanne Trudeau, audiologiste, et on parle de différents facteurs qui peuvent provoquer une perte auditive chez les enfants. On discute de l’impact d’une perte auditive sur le développement langagier et on explore plus en détail le trouble du traitement auditif (TTA).

    Un peu plus sur mon invitée :

    Andréanne exerce comme audiologiste depuis 2016. Elle est diplômée de l'École d'Orthophonie et d'Audiologie de l'Université de Montréal. Elle pratique en clinique privée chez Audio Logique depuis le début de sa carrière et est maintenant copropriétaire de la clinique de Granby avec Marie-Ève Lessard depuis 2020. Elle a également occupé un emploi au CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS de 2018 à 2022 en tant qu'audiologiste en diagnostic général auprès d'une population de 0-99 ans. Son parcours l'a amenée à être formée pour différents services spécialisés comme l'audiologie pédiatrique, le PQDSN, la surdité professionnelle et l'exérèse de cérumen. Elle s'implique également dans la formation des audiologistes en supervisant des stagiaires à chaque année.

    Pour consulter les liens et/ou les documents mentionnés dans cet épisode, c'est par ici.


    EP221 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃06】智慧醫療前瞻力 X 2023 Meet Greater South

    EP221 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃06】智慧醫療前瞻力 X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓: 矽響先創 吳崇媛業務總監 袥弼科技 翁瑞侑經理 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️穿比不穿還舒服?零著感智慧鞋墊踩上身 ✔️地表醫界福音!創全球首例左心耳封堵術 ✔️櫻花粉芭比風!穿戴健康裝置還能顧顏值 ✔️輕鬆呷百二!預防勝於治療不再老生常談 ✔️聞香下馬尋商機!跨海參展插旗各大市場

    EP219 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃05】淨零科技實踐力 X 2023 Meet Greater South

    EP219 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃05】淨零科技實踐力 X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓: 宜科循環 李杰翰技術長 恰口科研 柯志諭創辦人 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️2050北極熊疾呼!零廢棄達標最後一哩路 ✔️冷鏈不再貴鬆鬆?產地到餐桌無縫接軌術 ✔️傻傻分不清楚?AI精準回收不再做白工! ✔️蔬果凍齡保鮮術!低耗損不掉價友善農民 ✔️垃圾也要人臉辨識?回收產業升級大躍進 點我了解更多: 集氣大南方.放眼全球.TTA助攻新創規模化https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/7394706 TTA官網:https://www.taiwanarena.tech/ FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwantecharena

    EP217 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃04】From Start-up to scale up X 2023 Meet Greater South

    EP217 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃04】From Start-up to scale up X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓: 鴻躉公司-洪嘉聰執行長 魚瑞生技-呂明偉創辦人 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️越在地越國際!獨角獸海外落地串資源 ✔️太陽能板暗黑面?百分百回收才叫環保 ✔️重返養殖榮光!魚苗頭號敵人竟然是他 ✔️海外爭相取經!德國光電展獲獎拓市場 ✔️十年磨一劍!東南亞漁業來台尋獲解方 點我了解更多: 集氣大南方.放眼全球.TTA助攻新創規模化:https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/7394706 TTA官網:https://www.taiwanarena.tech/ FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwantecharena

    EP215 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃03】智慧科技洞察力X 2023 Meet Greater South

    EP215 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃03】智慧科技洞察力X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓: 睿加科技 鄭富宗商務開發經理 毫米波科技 林育正執行長 臺灣人工智慧學校 郭秉宸產學長 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️你的洞察力夠智慧嗎?系列節目神之進化 ✔️就在一瞬間!專利申請搶占市場分秒必爭 ✔️跑在法規前!車內即時生命監測黃金救援 ✔️人都跑哪去?AI人才全球短缺培訓不能等 ✔️結盟海外打群戰!TTA佈局全球知名展會! 點我了解更多: 集氣大南方.放眼全球.TTA助攻新創規模化https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/7394706 TTA官網:https://www.taiwanarena.tech/ FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwantecharena

    EP213 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃02】高齡科技新創力X 2023 Meet Greater South

    EP213 | 【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃02】高齡科技新創力X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓: 智遊科技 張虔祥技術長 福寶科技 何侑倫總監 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️天使版魔鬼終結者!智慧客製化精準復健 ✔️為母親圓一個夢,跨出第一步首次量身高 ✔️阿公阿嬤下戰帖?遊戲化玩Switch呷百二 ✔️團隊領域跨很大?新創走得快更要走得遠 ✔️打開潘朵拉盒子!數據整合開啟第二人生 點我了解更多: 集氣大南方.放眼全球.TTA助攻新創規模化https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/7394706 TTA官網:https://www.taiwanarena.tech/ FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwantecharena

    P211|【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃01】臺灣科技新創基地 X 2023 Meet Greater South

    P211|【Let’s Scale Up with TTA特別企劃01】臺灣科技新創基地 X 2023 Meet Greater South
    🥂本集來賓:國科會產學處 曲明玉科長 🍸本集節目重點: ✔️新創圈南北大串聯!齊聚亞灣新創大南方 ✔️TTA South落腳台南連接在地!鏈結國際! ✔️獨角獸孕育中?新創規模化秘技大公開! ✔️淨零循環、精準健康、智慧科技現場放送 ✔️新創打國家戰?進軍國際海外參展募集中 點我了解更多: 集氣大南方.放眼全球.TTA助攻新創規模化:https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/7394706 TTA官網:https://www.taiwanarena.tech/ FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwantecharena

    300 Seconds with Douglas Quinby | ARIVAL & Charlotte Lamp Davies | A Bright Approach

    300 Seconds with Douglas Quinby | ARIVAL & Charlotte Lamp Davies | A Bright Approach
    “Bringing loads of people together to have amazing experiences”, that’s basically the essence of the Technology, Tours & Activity sector. Just like many other segments, TTA has undergone some pretty big changes in the last couple of years. Especially the consumers have changed: who are they, what do they want? Eavesdrop this conversation between Charlotte Lamp Davies, Founder, A Bright Approach & Douglas Quinby, Co-Founder & CEO, ARIVAL, on how to master transformation in the TTA sector and what to expect from the TTA Forum on 8 March at this year’s ITB Berlin Convention.

    The People Mover | Tomorrowland Transit Authority

    The People Mover | Tomorrowland Transit Authority

    Board an elevated tram for a leisurely voyage through Tomorrowland. During your narrated tour, go behind the scenes of attractions like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, Space Mountain and Star Traders retail shop. See architectural models of Progress City, the prototype for EPCOT. You’ll enjoy amazing up-close views of the park from a unique vantage point.



    The People Mover | Tomorrowland Transit Authority

    The People Mover | Tomorrowland Transit Authority

    Board an elevated tram for a leisurely voyage through Tomorrowland. During your narrated tour, go behind the scenes of attractions like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, Space Mountain and Star Traders retail shop. See architectural models of Progress City, the prototype for EPCOT. You’ll enjoy amazing up-close views of the park from a unique vantage point.



    From Designer to Engineer, New Roles for Learning Professionals

    From Designer to Engineer, New Roles for Learning Professionals

    Learning engineering may not be new (it emerged in the 1960s) but new applications of AI in our industry, specifically adaptive learning, bring increased focus on that specialized skillset. How will learning analytics and adaptive solutions radically improve the speed and quality of learning?

    In this episode of "Bring Out the Talent," we speak with Michael Noble, PhD, President (Americas) for Area9 Lyceum, the industry leader in adaptive learning. We discuss the emergence (or re-emergence) of a unique role for learning engineers, how that role differs from that of instructional designer or LX designer, and why it's not just another trend. Innovations in technology are creating a demand for increased competencies in data analysis and data-driven design. And with a much more ambitious aim--to accelerate expert performance and mastery in our organizations. 

    Tune in and discover the next big shift in the future of learning.

    From Designer to Engineer, New Roles for Learning Professionals

    From Designer to Engineer, New Roles for Learning Professionals

    Learning engineering may not be new (it emerged in the 1960s) but new applications of AI in our industry, specifically adaptive learning, bring increased focus on that specialized skillset. How will learning analytics and adaptive solutions radically improve the speed and quality of learning?

    In this episode of "Bring Out the Talent," we speak with Michael Noble, PhD, President (Americas) for Area9 Lyceum, the industry leader in adaptive learning. We discuss the emergence (or re-emergence) of a unique role for learning engineers, how that role differs from that of instructional designer or LX designer, and why it's not just another trend. Innovations in technology are creating a demand for increased competencies in data analysis and data-driven design. And with a much more ambitious aim--to accelerate expert performance and mastery in our organizations. 

    Tune in and discover the next big shift in the future of learning.

    Session Producers: Supporting Your Virtual Learning Experiences

    Session Producers: Supporting Your Virtual Learning Experiences

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Pearl Walker, the Senior Learning Operations and Delivery Manager at SAE International. With millions of employees now working remotely, most businesses are placing a heavier reliance on video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Teams, WebEx, and others. With the increase of virtual meetings and training sessions, many organizations have found the need for a technical Session Producers to help support their virtual training deliveries. 

    As the leader in connecting and educating engineers, SAE International utilizes Session Producers to help ensure that their trainings run seamlessly so that their virtual hosts have the support they need in order to focus on training. 

    Tune in as we discuss the importance of Session Producers and how they are a vital role in SAE’s virtual deliveries. 

    Session Producers: Supporting Your Virtual Learning Experiences

    Session Producers: Supporting Your Virtual Learning Experiences

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Pearl Walker, the Senior Learning Operations and Delivery Manager at SAE International. With millions of employees now working remotely, most businesses are placing a heavier reliance on video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Teams, WebEx, and others. With the increase of virtual meetings and training sessions, many organizations have found the need for a technical Session Producers to help support their virtual training deliveries. 

    As the leader in connecting and educating engineers, SAE International utilizes Session Producers to help ensure that their trainings run seamlessly so that their virtual hosts have the support they need in order to focus on training. 

    Tune in as we discuss the importance of Session Producers and how they are a vital role in SAE’s virtual deliveries. 

    Using Digital Neuroscience To Address Mental Health In The Workplace

    Using Digital Neuroscience To Address Mental Health In The Workplace

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Matt Resteghini, Chief Marketing Officer of Total Brain. It is no secret that there is a Mental Health Crisis impacting our world. Studies have found that 19% of people have a mental health condition and 51% are at risk for a mental health condition. So how can business leaders better understand employee stress levels, risks of mental conditions, and their impact on brain capacities? And more importantly, what can we do about it? 

    Matt discusses their powerful work surrounding neuroscience-based mental health and brain performance. With digital neuroscience, mental health can be measured, improved, and managed - just like physical health. Matt will also discuss their recent work developing the Mental Health Index: U.S. Worker Edition, the impact of COVID on mental health risks and brain capacities, some of the biggest challenges of the broader mental health crisis, and how to help remove the stigma around mental health. Tune in and learn how you can proactively support some of the challenges around the mental health crisis for your employees.


    Using Digital Neuroscience To Address Mental Health In The Workplace

    Using Digital Neuroscience To Address Mental Health In The Workplace

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Matt Resteghini, Chief Marketing Officer of Total Brain. It is no secret that there is a Mental Health Crisis impacting our world. Studies have found that 19% of people have a mental health condition and 51% are at risk for a mental health condition. So how can business leaders better understand employee stress levels, risks of mental conditions, and their impact on brain capacities? And more importantly, what can we do about it? 

    Matt discusses their powerful work surrounding neuroscience-based mental health and brain performance. With digital neuroscience, mental health can be measured, improved, and managed - just like physical health. Matt will also discuss their recent work developing the Mental Health Index: U.S. Worker Edition, the impact of COVID on mental health risks and brain capacities, some of the biggest challenges of the broader mental health crisis, and how to help remove the stigma around mental health. Tune in and learn how you can proactively support some of the challenges around the mental health crisis for your employees.


    Work Without Limits: Inclusion that Encompasses People with Disabilities

    Work Without Limits: Inclusion that Encompasses People with Disabilities

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Bonnie Rivers, Director of Employer Relations for Work Without Limits at UMass Chan Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine. With one in four adults in the US living with a disability, what can business leaders do to support their success? 

    With so many organizations increasing their focus on inclusion and diversity, many are looking to find ways to better support employees with disabilities. Bonnie and the team at Work Without Limits provide training and consulting services to help build the capacity of employers, employment service providers, state agency personnel, and educational institutions in advancing workplace disability inclusion. Bonnie will discuss how their programs work, training programs they offer, how to address neurodiversity in the workplace, and much more. Tune in and learn how you can support a more diverse workplace that thrives without limits.  

    About Work Without Limits: Work Without Limits is an initiative of Commonwealth Medicine, the consulting and operations division of UMass Chan Medical School. Their goal is to position Massachusetts as the first state in the nation where the employment rate of people with disabilities is equal to people without disabilities.

    Work Without Limits: Inclusion that Encompasses People with Disabilities

    Work Without Limits: Inclusion that Encompasses People with Disabilities

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Bonnie Rivers, Director of Employer Relations for Work Without Limits at UMass Chan Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine. With one in four adults in the US living with a disability, what can business leaders do to support their success? 

    With so many organizations increasing their focus on inclusion and diversity, many are looking to find ways to better support employees with disabilities. Bonnie and the team at Work Without Limits provide training and consulting services to help build the capacity of employers, employment service providers, state agency personnel, and educational institutions in advancing workplace disability inclusion. Bonnie will discuss how their programs work, training programs they offer, how to address neurodiversity in the workplace, and much more. Tune in and learn how you can support a more diverse workplace that thrives without limits.  

    About Work Without Limits: Work Without Limits is an initiative of Commonwealth Medicine, the consulting and operations division of UMass Chan Medical School. Their goal is to position Massachusetts as the first state in the nation where the employment rate of people with disabilities is equal to people without disabilities.

    Engaging and Cultivating Company Culture in this Hybrid World

    Engaging and Cultivating Company Culture in this Hybrid World

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Erin Diehl on ways to engage and cultivate company culture in this new hybrid world. Erin is the energetic founder of “Improve it!” a unique professional development company that pushes others to laugh, learn, play, and grow. Erin has spoken on stages nationwide for associations including SHRM, HRMAC, and ATD. She has also worked with many amazing organizations such as United Airlines, PepsiCo, Uber, Groupon, Deloitte, Walgreens, and Warby Parker – just to name a few. Erin shares ideas on how leaders can improve engagement for remote, in-office, and hybrid employees. 

    Tune in and learn from an expert how we can all shift our mindsets to focus on the quality of how we connect, ways to maximize engagement, and the tools to cultivate a thriving company culture.

    Engaging and Cultivating Company Culture in this Hybrid World

    Engaging and Cultivating Company Culture in this Hybrid World

    In this episode of “Bring Out The Talent,” we speak with Erin Diehl on ways to engage and cultivate company culture in this new hybrid world. Erin is the energetic founder of “Improve it!” a unique professional development company that pushes others to laugh, learn, play, and grow. Erin has spoken on stages nationwide for associations including SHRM, HRMAC, and ATD. She has also worked with many amazing organizations such as United Airlines, PepsiCo, Uber, Groupon, Deloitte, Walgreens, and Warby Parker – just to name a few. Erin shares ideas on how leaders can improve engagement for remote, in-office, and hybrid employees. 

    Tune in and learn from an expert how we can all shift our mindsets to focus on the quality of how we connect, ways to maximize engagement, and the tools to cultivate a thriving company culture.