

    Explore "undermine" with insightful episodes like "【Ep15|IELTS08】睜大眼睛看出PUA大師!", "Astroturf Lobbying", "Javid said Johnson’s actions threatened to undermine the integrity of the Conservative Party and the British government. “At some point we", "[5min] 五分鐘推好作品#3《地下礦坑(破壞)Undermine》" and "EP44 [硬要奶閒聊#1]《Steam秋季特賣/【魔女之家MV】/【玷汙聖杯Tainted Grail:Conquest】/Netflix近期上映/【JoJo的奇妙冒險:石之海】/Disney+/【夜行神龍】/走鐘獎/【愛情是烤肉的滋味!】/【月老】/【梅艷芳Anita】》" from podcasts like ""管好你的英文!Mind Your English—6分鐘多益TOEIC、美式生活英文", "Going Green", "Cancelled Culture TODAY", "有奶就硬" and "有奶就硬"" and more!

    Episodes (8)


    ✧本集討論: PUA是什麼、女性是如何一步步掉進這些搭訕藝術家所設下的天羅地網,一起來收聽這一集吧~ ✦本集核心單字片語: 1. Hit on (ph.) 搭訕 2. PUA(Pickup Artist) (n.) 搭訕藝術家;情緒勒索、洗腦 3. Manipulate (v.) 操縱、控制 4. Fabricate (v.) 捏造、偽造 5. Undermine (v.) 削弱 ✧ 補充: 1. Negging (ph.) 否定某人 2. Self-esteem (n.) 自尊 3. Brag (v.) 吹牛 ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com

    Astroturf Lobbying

    Astroturf Lobbying

    Astroturfing is a deceptive practice of creating the appearance of a groundswell of support for a particular agenda by using fake or paid individuals to post positive comments, reviews, or testimonials in a coordinated manner. The aim is to manipulate public opinion by giving the impression that a large number of people hold a particular view when in reality, they are part of a coordinated effort by an interest group or organization. The term "astroturfing" is derived from the artificial turf used in sports stadiums, implying that the support being shown is not genuine.

    [5min] 五分鐘推好作品#3《地下礦坑(破壞)Undermine》

    [5min] 五分鐘推好作品#3《地下礦坑(破壞)Undermine》
    地上怎麼有一個油桶阿,來打爆看看好了,唉呦流的到處都是啊!阿那邊怎麼有火焰史萊姆?欸,等下,別跳到那灘油上阿!整片地板都燒起來了啦!阿,我的回血三分熟牛排也順便被烤熟了,讚欸補量增加了哈哈! Roguelike,是指類似Rogue這個遊戲特色的遊戲總稱,特色為角色永久死亡不繼承並且每一場都包含隨機要素的遊戲。如今這個概念被衍伸推廣,許多的類Rogue,也就是Roguelite遊戲都發展成熟。輕度Rogue遊戲雖然有進度不可讀取及無法重玩的要素,但同時也保留了繼承要素,通常是可以讓玩家整個帳號更強大,起始資源更豐富的系統。 今天要和大家介紹的遊戲-Undermine,翻譯為破壞或是地下礦場,是一個操作流暢、大量物件互動、搭配多變的Roguelite動作遊戲。玩家扮演無數個命不值錢的可憐免洗礦工,為了這個世界的和平不斷進入礦場中賺錢拯救世界的遊戲。玩家進入礦坑中會遇到許多的怪物、陷阱、寶物,當然也有最重要的-黃金!玩家必須要手動開採地圖中的金礦,同時也要小心怪物和偷偷怪來干擾,這些金礦不僅可以在每一輪通關中作為資源運用,用來交換本輪遊戲中的各種重要物資來強化我們的農夫,更可以在角色死亡後保留部分的金礦,到家裡購買能讓整個帳號永久變強的資源,像是永久的生命上限增加、攻擊增強、藥水攜帶數量增加、開場就可獲得祝福…等等,逐漸的降低遊戲的難度讓玩家更有機會推進故事。 Undermine最吸引人的就是遊戲中有大量的物件互動,當你拿到火屬性附魔,可以把回血的食物烤熟來增加補量、利用場上會亂衝的怪物來撞開隱藏的房間門、同時也要小心你的鑰匙有可能會被場上的陷阱推到洞裡面消失。遊戲大部分時間都要小心翼翼的前進,除了要安排自己走位和攻擊的節奏,更重要的是巧妙的利用手上的資源,榨乾地圖的經濟,讓自己得到最大化的增強是門很重要的學問。 遊戲除了在基地有許多的強化,像是基礎能力強化、製作祝福、製作藥水、製作寵物,更重要的是每次擊敗頭目後就能獲得徽章,蒐集五個徽章就能開啟主線BOSS的大門。而每通關一個區域拿到圖紙也可以讓技術好的玩家下次遊玩直接跳到後面的關卡,主線全部通關後也有超強詛咒的每日任務、難度打散的特殊地牢任務可以重複遊玩。 今天和大家推薦的Undermine,原價318,冬特更是只要半價的159,是CP值高到爆表的一款遊戲。如果喜歡Roguelite動作遊戲的你,絕對不要錯過這一款佳作。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★有奶就硬Discord頻道 https://discord.gg/ndRwFbCKVu 歡迎聽眾加入★ ★有奶就硬IG專頁創立囉 https://www.instagram.com/unaijoyin/ 歡迎聽眾追蹤★ 到這個網站隨便選一個你喜歡的平台收聽吧! https://linktr.ee/UNAIJOYIN ※ 希望大家可以給我們apple五星評價&聽眾們請傳訊息和信件給我們節目!※

    EP44 [硬要奶閒聊#1]《Steam秋季特賣/【魔女之家MV】/【玷汙聖杯Tainted Grail:Conquest】/Netflix近期上映/【JoJo的奇妙冒險:石之海】/Disney+/【夜行神龍】/走鐘獎/【愛情是烤肉的滋味!】/【月老】/【梅艷芳Anita】》

    EP44 [硬要奶閒聊#1]《Steam秋季特賣/【魔女之家MV】/【玷汙聖杯Tainted Grail:Conquest】/Netflix近期上映/【JoJo的奇妙冒險:石之海】/Disney+/【夜行神龍】/走鐘獎/【愛情是烤肉的滋味!】/【月老】/【梅艷芳Anita】》
    ▼標題是一個放棄每周思考+懇求演算法的結果▼ HololiveJP6期生/沙花叉クロエ /Ado【踊】/【例外配達】【深夜放送】 HowB8/V皮?/【魔女之家MV】/【翌日】/【UnderMine】/【瘟疫傳說:無罪】 【黑森町綺譚】/【迷霧偵探】/【Tainted Grail:Conquest】/【殺戮尖塔】 【Inscryption】/【The Cuphead Show!】/【怪奇物語Season4】 【電馭叛客:邊緣行者】/【獵魔士】/【魔法風雲會】/【JoJo的奇妙冒險:石之海】 Disney+/【尚氣與十環傳奇】/【夜行神龍】/【辛普森家庭】/Fox+/【陰屍路】 【神盾局特工】/【X檔案】/【Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project】 【Running Man向前衝】/YT:黃小潔【全銅製蒸汽噴發機械手臂】/走鐘獎 黃色書刊【勇者系列】/【愛情是烤肉的滋味!】/【月老】/【梅艷芳Anita】 【華燈初上】/XRAGE仲間×鬼滅之刃/Under Armour/鬼洗/No Nut November --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★硬要扯回奶 袴的補充/New Retro & Vaporwave/engelwood【crystal dolphin】 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★有奶就硬Discord頻道 https://discord.gg/ndRwFbCKVu 歡迎聽眾加入★ 到這個網站隨便選一個你喜歡的平台收聽吧! https://linktr.ee/UNAIJOYIN ※ 希望大家可以給我們apple五星評價&聽眾們請傳訊息和信件給我們節目!※

    A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door

    A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door
    Upon the launch of their new book, Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire, join us to talk about what forces have been at work undermining public education in the US. We talk about public funding of religious schools, edupreneurs intent on pocketing tax monies, and edu-marketing, especially of online schools--all ways of diverting money away from traditional public schools--and the growing gap between privileged and disadvantaged students. We also discuss curriculum decisions and why parents might not be the best at recognizing education as a public good, but how our common desire for an excellent education for our children could be just the thing to reunite the country post-election. A lively and accessible episode.

    Jack and Jennifer's book:

    Their podcast "Have You Heard"

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    GotY 2019

    GotY 2019
    2019 is over, so it's time to decide the official DLG Game of the year. We discuss the games we liked the most and hear from our listeners as well. Bobby and Emilio play Risk of Rain 2 and Rey plays the Master Chief Halo Collection.DLG Con 2020 HouseInseedious: Emilio’s gourmet salsa.Gorilla Mind: A cognitive-enhancing supplement that’s great for the gym as well as gaming. HIGHLIGHTSThe Binding of Isaac: Four Souls, Swords and Souls: Neverseen, Risk of Rain 2, Disco Elysium, Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo Reach, Demons Tilt, Rogue Legacy, Undermine, Apex Legends, A Plague Tale: InnocenceNEWSMore people are playing The Witcher 3 right now than on launch day in 2015Apple Rumored to Launch High-End ‘Gaming Focused’ Mac for 2020 for a Somewhat Reasonable PriceNew VR Teslasuit Glove Simulates Real Touch Sense FeedbackXbox Series X GPU is better than any Navi GPU released so far Read moreWebsite ::: Twitter ::: Twitch ::: Discord ::: YouTube