

    Explore " wallstreetbets" with insightful episodes like "Jack Daniels, Mickey Mouse, and Andy Warhol Walk Into a Bar", "#106 - La saga GameStop", "Meme Stock", "Trading Secrets – from Crypto to Congress - with WallStreetBets Founder Jaime Rogozinski" and ""Elon Musk will lose!" Why putting the Twitter deal on hold is not a thing, how to distinguish a correction from a recession, and good buys in tech stocks now w/ Enrique Abeyta" from podcasts like ""​​Patently Strategic - Patent Strategy for Startups", "Distorsion", "Consejo Capital", "Live Richer Podcast with Jaime Catmull" and "Currently by Prometheus"" and more!

    Episodes (61)

    Jack Daniels, Mickey Mouse, and Andy Warhol Walk Into a Bar

    Jack Daniels, Mickey Mouse, and Andy Warhol Walk Into a Bar

    In this month’s episode, we’re talking about Jack Daniels, Mickey Mouse, Andy Warhol, Jason Voorhees, Winnie-the-Pooh, Lizzo, and WallStreetBets … What do they have to do with patents you might fairly be wondering? Honestly, not much.

    Patents are our focus in our business and in this podcast, so we devote a lot of air time to talking about protecting ideas and inventions, but in the realm of intellectual property, patents have some pretty close cousins. In thinking more broadly about creating the largest possible moat with your IP, you also need to be considering what our guest, Mallory King, refers to as “brand protection” – or the copyrights, trademarks, and contracts necessary to protect your brand’s rights and assets.

    Copyrights and trademarks in particular have seen a lot of limelight this year involving some of the biggest brands and pop culture icons. At the same time, major IP rights questions are erupting around the use of generative AI systems like ChatGPT. In addition to covering the basics necessary to help get you booted up, we’re going to use these high profile topics and Supreme Court cases as a vehicle to get a deeper understanding of copyrights and trademarks and some of the sharpest corners you should be aware of when managing your own brand protection.

    ** Topics Highlights **'

    ⦿ Copyright and Trademark Basics
    ⦿ Work made-for-hire and Friday the 13th
    ⦿ Jack Daniels Properties v. VIP Products
    ⦿ Brand protection expiration, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, and Steamboat Willie
    ⦿ Lizzo's "100% That Bitch" trademark appeal
    ⦿ r/WallStreetBets trademark dispute with Reddit
    ⦿ Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith
    ⦿ Generative AI: Humans as authors and fair use implications

    ** Mossoff Minute **

    This month's Mossoff Minute, featuring Professor Adam Mossoff, looks at the introduction of the 2023 Patent Eligibility Restoration Act, its biggest criticisms, and why it needs to be passed. 

    ** Connect With Our Guest **

    Mallory King is the owner and attorney at Breathe Brand Protection, PLLC, a boutique law firm specializing in all things brand protection. Based in Traverse City, Michigan, Mallory is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small businesses protect their most valuable brand assets, both locally and nationwide. You can learn more about Mallory and Breathe Brand Protection at https://www.breathe.law/

    ** Follow Aurora Patents **

    ⦿ Home: https://www.aurorapatents.com/
    ⦿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuroraPatents
    ⦿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aurora-cg/
    ⦿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aurorapatents/
    ⦿ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorapatents/
    ⦿ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurorapatents
    ⦿ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aurorapatents/

    Thanks for listening! 

    Note: The contents of this podcast do not constitute legal advice.

    #106 - La saga GameStop

    #106 - La saga GameStop
    {'br': [None, None, None], '#text': "En janvier 2021, le monde financier est secoué par une crise sans précédent. Une communauté en ligne d'investisseurs réussit à provoquer une hausse spectaculaire du cours de l'action de l’entreprise GameStop. Alors que le prix de l’action monte, ceux qui ont parié sur la chute de Gamestop se retrouvent en danger de tout perdre!\nÉtrangement, lorsque l’action atteint des sommets, les ventes de l’action sont impossibles. Il y a définitivement apparence de complot! Installez-vous confortablement et préparez-vous à plonger dans l'un des événements les plus marquants du monde financier à l’ère numérique.\n\nSi vous cherchez à lancer votre propre entreprise, rendez-vous sur https://cfpriverains.qc.ca/programme-lancement pour vous inscrire. C'est gratuit et en ligne, alors n'attendez plus !"}

    Meme Stock

    Meme Stock

    Los Meme Stocks son acciones de empresas que se han vuelto populares entre comunidades de traders antiestablishment y con alta tolerancia al riesgo, que buscan cambiar el movimiento de una empresa con un porcentaje de posiciones en corto para crear presión y obligar a los short sellers a liquidar posiciones. Estas prácticas han tenido efectos tanto negativos como positivos en el mercado. En este episodio de Consejo Capital, Susana Sáenz platicó con Jaime Rogozinsky, fundador de WallStreetBets, acerca de esta tendencia, su impacto, el tipo de inversionistas que usualmente las buscan y los riesgos que toman. 

    Escucha también el dato de la agenda financiera que impacta tu estrategia. 

    Trading Secrets – from Crypto to Congress - with WallStreetBets Founder Jaime Rogozinski

    Trading Secrets – from Crypto to Congress - with WallStreetBets Founder Jaime Rogozinski

    In this episode, Jaime Catmull speaks with Jaime Rogozinski, the founder of Reddit’s notorious WallStreetBets. Jaime Rogozinski is a published author, serial entrepreneur, and public speaker. Rogozinski shares why he thinks his crypto fund is succeeding while the rest of the market is flailing right now. He talks about tracking trades by members of congress, investing fears, how to start investing, and what to do if you lose money on trades. Catmull also asks Rogozinski about how his life has changed since his subreddit took off last year, and what living richer means to him.

    "Elon Musk will lose!" Why putting the Twitter deal on hold is not a thing, how to distinguish a correction from a recession, and good buys in tech stocks now w/ Enrique Abeyta

    "Elon Musk will lose!" Why putting the Twitter deal on hold is not a thing, how to distinguish a correction from a recession, and good buys in tech stocks now w/ Enrique Abeyta

    It's a particularly great week to be talking about what's going on in the markets with 25-year stock market warrior Enrique Abeyta. Hour by hour, Enrique chews up Twitter with an array of unfiltered perspectives on the economic forces shaping our world. Do yourself a favor and follow @enriqueabeyta if you don't already. 

    One of the former hedge fund manager's current day gigs is writing newsletters for Whitney Tilson's Empire Financial Research. Another is co-hosting Hard Money's Million Dollar podcast, in which Enrique is tasked with helping turn his co-host's 10,000 dollar stake into a cool million. It's highly entertaining and well worth checking out.  

    In the early hours of this Friday, the 13th, Elon Musk took to Twitter to announce that his bid to acquire the aforementioned social media platform was on hold, pending details surrounding the percentage of users that are actually spam or fake accounts. Enrique describes how this possible attempt to strengthen his negotiating position could cost him big should he break the deal and get sued by Twitter. 

    Front here, Enrique segues seamlessly from Twitter's undulating stock price to other tech stocks that have been hit hard of late and could see a pronounced bounce back. He also drops some tantalizing tidbits regarding a SPAC stock he's particularly jazzed about.

    #16 - 🚀 Freebiebox Learnings & Zukunft ⛔️ Ciao Millennial Subsidy 💸 wallstreebets & AMC 🌽 popcorn 4 free 🔎 Zuckerberg goes Affiliate

    #16 - 🚀 Freebiebox Learnings & Zukunft ⛔️ Ciao Millennial Subsidy 💸 wallstreebets & AMC 🌽 popcorn 4 free 🔎 Zuckerberg goes Affiliate

    In der Episode #16 sprechen über das Ende der Millennial Subsidy über AMC bzw. wallstreetbets und warum Unternehmen zukünftig Ihre Shareholder zur Community konvertieren sollten.  Gemeinsam mit unserem Gast Moritz Lechner, CEO und Founder der Freebiebox sprechen wir über die Learnings seiner jungen Karriere und über die Zukunft seines Unternehmens.

    FREEBIEBOX: https://www.freebiebox.eu/

    Gründungsschmerzen Podcast von Leander C. Seidl, Growth Hacker und Philipp Lederle, Innovationsenthusiast, Gründer & Serial Trouble Shooter.

    Ep 171: AMC Stock up 3,000% - Retail Traders Victorious? Hedge Funds suffer $5 Billion Loss

    Ep 171: AMC Stock up 3,000% - Retail Traders Victorious? Hedge Funds suffer $5 Billion Loss

    AMC Stock up 3,000% -  Hedge Funds suffer $5 Billion Loss

    To get the transcript and MP3, go to: https://www.rockwelltrading.com/coffee-with-markus/amc-stock-up-3000-wallstreetbets-victorious/

    IMPORTANT: I was informed that I was wrong: The Reddit Forum /r/amcstock is responsible for the Short Squeeze and NOT WallStreetBets. I apologize for the mistake.

    What Is Going On With AMC?:
    Who Is Buying AMC?:
    What Is The Highest AMC Has Been?:
    How High Can AMC Go?:
    Is AMC Losing Money?:
    Should You Buy AMC Shares/Am I Buying AMC?:

    MC Stock - Here's what you need to know

    We will talk about the 12 most commonly asked questions around AMC stock:

    1.) Why is AMC stock so high?
    2.) Who is buying AMC stock?
    3.) Did AMC sell more shares?
    4.) What's the highest AMC stock has been?
    5.) Can AMC really hit 100,000?
    6.) Is AMC a good buy?
    7.) Is AMC losing money?
    8.) Will AMC go out of business?
    9.) Will AMC go up tomorrow?

    Recommended Links & Videos:
    The PowerX Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBa3sAx-Io2l9ZV4s66J-uNkG6AJvhSPB
    The Wheel Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBa3sAx-Io2nosgosERUhIZwzvIgD-3Vq

    Zarządzanie ryzykiem i ryzyko zarządzania (case study GameStop) - Kinga Szumełda, dr Maciej Mikucki

    Zarządzanie ryzykiem i ryzyko zarządzania (case study GameStop) - Kinga Szumełda, dr Maciej Mikucki
    Świat biznesu i finansów jest nieodłącznie połączony z ryzykiem. Zarządzanie firmą i zarządzanie inwestycjami to działalność, w której można wiele zyskać i równie dużo stracić. Ponownie przekonujemy się o tym obserwując amerykańską sieć sklepów z grami GameStop, której pełna niespodzianek historia jeszcze się nie zakończyła i wciąż jest o niej głośno. Jakie aspekty zarządzania można analizować na bazie zdarzeń związanych z GameStop? Czym są fundusze hedgingowe i „short selling”? Jak turbulentne sytuacje wpływają na organizacje i zarządzanie nimi? Co przyciągnęło legendarnych inwestorów do spółki w opałach? Jak zarządzać przepływem informacji i co robić, gdy organizacja zmaga się z kryzysem - również wizerunkowym? Co w tym wszystkim robi kilkaset tysięcy drobnych inwestorów z serwisu WallStreetBets na Reddit? Jak rozwijała się historia GameStop na przestrzeni kilku miesięcy i czego możemy się z niej nauczyć z perspektywy zarządzania strategicznego? Na te wszystkie pytania, w rozmowie z Kingą Szumełdą, obserwatorką rynków finansowych i inwestorką, odpowiedzi szuka Maciej Mikucki, adiunkt w Katedrze Zarządzania Uniwersytetu SWPS i dyrektor finansowy firmy Provident. 02:40 - Czym jest GameStop? 07:05 - Dlaczego GameStop stał się globalnie zauważalnym zjawiskiem? 09:53 - Czym są fundusze hedgingowe i “short selling”? 16:12 - Co dokładnie wydarzyło się w temacie akcji i funduszy związanych z GameStop? 26:47 - Jaki wpływ na historię GameStop miała narracja i podział na “bogatych” i “biednych”? 28:41 - Czym jest platforma Robin Hood i jaki miała związek ze sprawą GameStop? 32:48 - Zarządzanie strategiczne i zarządzanie kryzysem - jaką rolę w historii GameStop odegrały media społecznościowe? 41:20 - Czy historia GameStop dotknęła również polskie firmy? 43:18 - Zwrot akcji w historii GameStop - dlaczego Robin Hood zawiesił możliwość kupna akcji GameStop? 48:41 - Jak maluje się przyszłość GameStop? 52:21 - Jak w tej historii wygląda kwestia zarządzania regulacyjnego? Strefa Zarządzania Uniwersytetu SWPS to projekt popularyzujący wiedzę z zakresu zarządzania. W jego ramach eksperci przybliżają takie zagadnienia, jak: zarządzanie i przywództwo w czasach zmian, tworzenie innowacji w biznesie, budowa gospodarki relacyjnej zamiast transakcyjnej, tworzenie efektywnej komunikacji wewnętrznej. Założeniem projektu jest udostępnienie rzetelnej wiedzy wszystkim zainteresowanym tą tematyką – niezależnie od czasu i miejsca, w jakim się znajdują. Więcej informacji o projekcie: www.zarzadzanie.swps.pl Interesujesz się zarządzaniem? Dołącz do innych w grupie Strefy Zarządzania Uniwersytetu SWPS na Facebooku.

    #29 Garth Friesen – Building a Diversified Portfolio, Interview Preparation & Applications of Knowledge

    #29 Garth Friesen – Building a Diversified Portfolio, Interview Preparation & Applications of Knowledge

    From a small town in Canada to CEO of a hedge fund and former member of NY Federal Reserve Investor Advisory Committee, Garth Friesen has unique insights into financial markets as a successful trader. Garth is currently CEO of III Capital, a hedge fund management company specializing in fixed-income and credit.

    Garth has served as a member for five years on the esteemed New York Federal Reserve’s Investor Advisory Committee on financial markets, advising the Fed’s senior management on financial, economic and public policy issues. He is a regular columnist for Forbes and Yahoo Finance, and has been featured in various media, including CNBC, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

    In Garth’s book, Bite the Ass Off a Bear, he discusses how hedge-fund traders thrive by developing the interpersonal skills necessary to act and react in a high-stakes field with integrity, reliability, and stress manageability. For aspiring and experienced professionals, having a strong work ethic, persistent attitude, and likeable personality are just as essential as mathematical and computer acumen that will advance your career.

    Purchase Bite the Ass Off a Bear here: https://amzn.to/2P37d5O   

    (00:00) Introduction
    (02:54) Garth Friesen's background
    (05:04) The retail investor movement
    (10:33) Trading vs. investing principles
    (21:10) GameStop/WallStreetBets
    (26:36) Cryptocurrency & hedge funds/institutions
    (33:15) Asset allocation/private markets
    (42:00) Interview preparation and careers
    (45:47) The top 20% rule
    (47:10) Improving interview skills
    (54:30) Completing additional courses/degrees
    (58:55) Side projects/multiple purpose skillset

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    Why GME Stock (GameStop Stock) Consolidating is Good for Bulls?!? | VectorVest

    Why GME Stock (GameStop Stock) Consolidating is Good for Bulls?!? | VectorVest

    GME (Gamestop Stock) consolidating is good for bulls because that makes the rocket fuel more affordable. There has been a lot of talk about options being used to keep this most recent run going and today we are taking a look at how the last couple of days of sideways moves may actually be favoring the bull case for GME.

    Why GME Stock (GameStop Stock) Consolidating is Good for Bulls?!?

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    Castor Maritime Stock (CTRM Stock) - Penny stock with big Potential | VectorVest

    Castor Maritime Stock (CTRM Stock) - Penny stock with big Potential | VectorVest

    This was a stock that may have had some influence by social media but the analysis showed us a bit more. The stock has pulled back but never broke the support level we discussed in the prior video. More news has been released adding to the case of its potential. Can it move higher? You make the call!

    Castor Maritime Stock (CTRM Stock) - Penny stock with big Potential

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Technical Analysis and Follow Up | VectorVest

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Technical Analysis and Follow Up | VectorVest

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Technical Analysis and Follow Up
    After an awesome analysis of what is truly going on behind the scene on this meme stock, we follow up with what is going on today. We also have some fundamental news behind what is helping the stock go up as well. The company is making moves to prove to the investing world that it can "pivot" and make this a more viable company for investors to buy into!

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Rocket Being Fueled by Gamma | VectorVest

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Rocket Being Fueled by Gamma | VectorVest

    GameStop Stock (GME Stock) Rocket Being Fueled by Gamma
    Retail investors are focused on how MM’s hedge their options bets by buying up the stock, but there could actually be more at play that is fueling this $GME rocket than the typical investor realizes. Join me as I try and break down the difference between neutralizing Delta vs. Gamma and how Gamma could be the more powerful fuel source to the moon and beyond!

    Click here for the Jumpstarter Course ➥➥➥https://www.vectorvest.com/jumpstart

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    Nio (Nio Stock) and Nano Dimensions (NNDM Stock) Fundamental and Technical Analysis

    Nio (Nio Stock) and Nano Dimensions (NNDM Stock) Fundamental and Technical Analysis

    Nio (Nio Stock) and Nano Dimensions (NNDM Stock) Fundamental and Technical Analysis
    Many stocks have been making a lot of noise in the stock market whether good or bad. These 2 stocks have been making major buzz in the market. Nio and Nano Dimensions are speculative stocks with a lot of upside potential! Are they any good and how do I know when to buy or sell? This video will answer all of these questions and tell you what is moving them!

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    VectorVest mobile app ➥➥➥ http://bit.ly/2UjF6y6 

    Exro Technologies Stock - EXRO Stock Technical Analysis | VectorVest

    Exro Technologies Stock - EXRO Stock Technical Analysis | VectorVest

    Exro Technologies is an innovative company who is working on making the electric motor better. Why is that important? Have you seen all of the movement in the Electric Vehicle space? More and more manufacturers are commiting to more electric vehicle in the coming years. This may be the wave of the future. Exro has been considered a disrupter in this industry and now someone may be trying to break them down. Check out this analysis on this company to make your own decision on what you think about it!

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    VectorVest mobile app ➥➥➥ http://bit.ly/2UjF6y6 

    Will these stocks take you to the moon? AMC Stock & GME Stock technical analysis | VectorVest

    Will these stocks take you to the moon? AMC Stock & GME Stock technical analysis | VectorVest

    Will these stocks take you to the moon? AMC Stock & GME Stock technical analysis. These stocks are not moving due to fundamental analysis! This is a part of a MOVEMENT on behalf of the Retail Investor! Do they have the stamina to finish the revolution they started? Are investors still "all in"? Is the party slowly coming to an end? In this video, we look at what is and what is not happening with these stocks so you can make YOUR OWN decision on what to do! 

    Chromadex Corp - CDXC Stock - Stock Analysis | VectorVest

    Chromadex Corp - CDXC Stock - Stock Analysis | VectorVest

    Chromadex Corp - CDXC Stock - Stock Analysis. Chromadex Corporation has entered into an agreement with an international investor to grow its dietary supplement business. This company has a supplement that is good for cellular health and aging. This could be an awesome addition to your portfolio from what looks like a really innovative company in the Drug Biomedical Industry!

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT

    VectorVest mobile app ➥➥➥ http://bit.ly/2UjF6y6 

    Torchlight Energy (TRCH stock) Penny Stock possibly merging (MMATF) for the better!

    Torchlight Energy (TRCH stock) Penny Stock possibly merging (MMATF) for the better!

    Torchlight Energy (TRCH stock) Penny Stock possibly merging (MMATF) for the better! Yes, this company is debt-free, but it had to be due to an upcoming reverse merger! Is it true that the merger is just designed to put another company on the Nasdaq exchange or is there more meat to the story?

    Use this link for a FREE Stock Analysis Report - http://bit.ly/2KsZlqz

    Try VectorVest Risk-Free for 30 Days ➥➥➥ https://www.vectorvest.com/YT


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