

    Explore "whisperer" with insightful episodes like "Ep46: Ask the 'Sperm Whisperer,' with Dr. Paul Turek and Dr, Aimee", "#282 - Phil Demers", "The Personal Story of a Soul Baby Whisperer and Pre-Birth Memories", "SPECIALAVSNITT: Cesar Millan - Samtal med och om världens mest kontroversiella hundprofil" and "89 Turn a Whisper Into a WOW: Marketing Expert Diane Curran on How Women Entrepreneurs Can Stand Out From The Crowd" from podcasts like ""The Egg Whisperer Show", "The Grimerica Show", "SPIRIT BABY RADIO", "Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän" and "Wings of Inspired Business"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    #282 - Phil Demers

    #282 - Phil Demers
    Interview Starts 34:20
    Phil Demers joins us to talk about the final stretch in the fight against Sea world in Canada. Also know as the Walrus whisperer Phil tells us about his relationship with walrus from the zoo and the abuses that he has brought to light. We chat about the future of zoo’s, the fake science in the industry, the funding, and how people are waking up to this. 
    We also chat about swimming with dolphins, technology and global awareness of wildlife, hunting (taking the shot), Jordan Peterson and much more, Canadian laws vs the rest of the world and much more. 
    In the Intro we chat about some listener emails, social media feedback, and the UFO quote of the week. Check out Jamie Janover in Calgary this weekend.
    See links below for stuff we chatted about during the show and the intro:
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    Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website.
    http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ link to Napolean Duheme's site 
    Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com  

    The Personal Story of a Soul Baby Whisperer and Pre-Birth Memories

    The Personal Story of a Soul Baby Whisperer and Pre-Birth Memories

    Do you have pre-birth memories?  How can you explore and welcome your inner connection?  What does a soul baby whisper do?  How can you find your inner whisperer?   

    Special Guest Episode: Mica DeSantis - Energy Therapist & Conception Catalyst  / Mica’s work is dedicated to Life Sketching, Miracle Mapping and Soul Baby Touch. Her purpose is to help others take notice of the magic surrounding them, helping them heal, and guiding them to their purpose and their pre-destined MIRACLES.  She feels “we all get to create our masterpieces…what we want to share with the universe.  We can sketch, create, and map out life every day. We aren’t stuck in this program.  We get to write our own stories. We get to conceive and give birth to our own miracles!” Contact: www.lifesketching.com 

    SPECIALAVSNITT: Cesar Millan - Samtal med och om världens mest kontroversiella hundprofil

    SPECIALAVSNITT: Cesar Millan - Samtal med och om världens mest kontroversiella hundprofil

    Cesar Millan väntas till Helsingborg i slutet av april och hans Sverigebesök väcker många frågor. I det här specialavsnittet av Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän samtalar programledarna Gurgin och Maria Hedqvist med hundvärldens mest kontroversiella person, Cesar Millan. 
    Hur kommer det sig att han fyller arenor med exhalterade svenska fans trots att kritiken haglar mot hans metoder och idéer från svenska hundexperter och djurrättsorganisationer?

    I TV-serien "Mannen som talar med hundar", som visas i Sjuan (TV4-gruppen), använder Millan bland annat el- och tagghalsband som är förbjudna i Sverige och Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän frågar Cesar Millan på vilket sätt han tror att de kan vara till hjälp. 
    - De här verktygen finns redan tillgängliga och hundägare vet inte hur man använder de. Jag visar bara hundägare hur de använder dessa, jag säger inte åt hundägare att de ska använda eller köpa produkterna, säger Cesar Millan.

    Etologen Ingrid Tapper reagerar på Millans svar och menar att han inte tar avstånd från felaktiga metoder som leder till att hundägare tar efter honom.
    - Delar av hans tekniker och metoder tycker jag avspeglar en syn på djur som jag inte alls delar. Nackhåren reser sig när han pratar om stackel- och elhalsband, om han hade haft en tydlig inställning mot dessa halsband så skulle han inte lärt ut hur man använder de, säger Ingrid Tapper.

    Djurens Rätt kritiserar Cesar Millans metoder och till Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän säger de att det är viktigt att hanteringen av djur bygger på aktuell kunskap.
    - Stackel och elchocker kan vara rent skadliga och är inget en seriös hundinstruktör sysslar med. Det är viktigt att hanteringen av djur bygger på aktuell kunskap. Vi vet att det är vänligare och mer effektivt att använda sig av positiv förstärkning och att belöna önskade beteenden vid träning och hantering av djur istället för många av de metoder som Ceasar Millan ofta använder, säger Moa Richter Hagert, Kommunikationsansvarig Djurens Rätt.

    Media har stor makt och det behövs mer kritiskt tänkande hos de vanliga hundägarna, menar human- och hundpsykologen Anders Hallgren som säger att Cesar Millan framställer sig på ett sätt samtidigt som verkligheten är en annan.
    - Folk ser upp till experter men glömmer bort att tänka kritiskt. Cesar Millan arbetar med onödiga metoder och han använder sig av tvång och det som skapar rädsla hos en hund, med modern hundpsykologi kan man ta reda på de bakomliggande orsakerna på t.ex. beteendeproblem.

    📞Presskontakt 073-960 42 71


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    89 Turn a Whisper Into a WOW: Marketing Expert Diane Curran on How Women Entrepreneurs Can Stand Out From The Crowd

    89 Turn a Whisper Into a WOW: Marketing Expert Diane Curran on How Women Entrepreneurs Can Stand Out From The Crowd

    What makes a marketing message get heard in our ADD world? “Wow Whisperer” Diane Curran shares her secrets on how women in business can find their unique voice and leverage their innate relationship building skills to master social engagement. Author of The Marketing Deal, Diane provides practical tips on messaging, public speaking and how to grow your business with authentic marketing.

    #136: 3 Habits For Success That Have Been Within You All Along

    #136: 3 Habits For Success That Have Been Within You All Along

    Success. If you’re like me, you can’t get enough of it. And you’ve probably spent way too much time – and possibly money – searching for it. In books and videos. You dress for it. You chase it. You fake it ‘til you make it. You travel far and wide!   But let me ask you […]

    The post #136: 3 Habits For Success That Have Been Within You All Along appeared first on krylyn.com.

    #135: 6 Things You Need to Let Go of This Year

    #135: 6 Things You Need to Let Go of This Year

    My guess is that you are extremely important. There are probably dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people holding their collective breath and waiting on your every move. You are the glue that holds everything together in your world.   It’s exhausting. It’s overwhelming. You are constantly doing at least 10 things at once at any given […]

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    #132: Don’t Let Auld Lang Syne Trigger Your Ol’ Anxiety

    #132: Don’t Let Auld Lang Syne Trigger Your Ol’ Anxiety

    It’s here again. That time of year when you’ve run out of…well…  Year!   Where did the time go? How did another entire year just slip away in the blink of an eye? And more importantly, how did you not make good on that laundry list of resolutions? Why are you still in that job, that […]

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    #131: How to Grow Your Heart 3 Sizes…Stat!

    #131: How to Grow Your Heart 3 Sizes…Stat!

    Last week I talked about how to deal with those rude, obnoxious people you’ve undoubtedly been encountering in spades this holiday season. Bad drivers, selfish shoppers, lazy, incompetent customer service people…and the list goes on.   We joked a little, tongue in cheek, about 5 ways to handle these Grinchy Grinch Grinches without loosing it completely and hauling off and […]

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    #130: 5 Things to Do with Rude People Instead of Punching Them in the Face

    #130: 5 Things to Do with Rude People Instead of Punching Them in the Face

     The woman who cuts in front of you at Starbucks and proceeds to place an order for a small village – and keeps revising it for at least 52 minutes. – The old man who zooms in front of you to steal the parking space you’ve been waiting patiently for, blocks you from driving around […]

    The post #130: 5 Things to Do with Rude People Instead of Punching Them in the Face appeared first on krylyn.com.

    #129: 5 Signs You Need Help – Especially If You Think You Don’t

    #129: 5 Signs You Need Help – Especially If You Think You Don’t

    Hey Buttercup I got your number: You are superwoman. Not only can you bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan…you bought the land, built the farm, selected the pig – after breeding, delivering, raising, and grooming it – cured and smoked the meat, and now your creating dozens of recipes and […]

    The post #129: 5 Signs You Need Help – Especially If You Think You Don’t appeared first on krylyn.com.

    #128: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Your Birthday

    #128: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Your Birthday

    Breaking News: Grown-assed woman found dancing in the streets in a pointy hat holding fistfuls of cake and chanting, “WooHoo, it’s my birthday!” between bites.   Remember when YOU got that excited when your birthday rolled around? How long has it been?   As you get older and wiser, more seasoned and experienced, you probably also experience a […]

    The post #128: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Your Birthday appeared first on krylyn.com.

    #127: Beyond Thankfulness: 4 Things You Need to Be Grateful For If You Want to Grow

    #127: Beyond Thankfulness: 4 Things You Need to Be Grateful For If You Want to Grow

    Today is American Thanksgiving. It’s a day dedicated to giving thanks for all the blessings in our lives. The myth we were taught as children revolved around the colonial settlers from Europe – or Pilgrims – and the native Americans. It was told that they put aside their differences for one day a year to […]

    The post #127: Beyond Thankfulness: 4 Things You Need to Be Grateful For If You Want to Grow appeared first on krylyn.com.

    #126: Don’t Mess with My Toot-Toot

    #126: Don’t Mess with My Toot-Toot

    Have you ever gotten super excited about doing something new…only to be immediately derailed by a well meaning friend or loved one? Of course you have! We all have. And sometimes the warnings, criticisms, and devil’s advocate act can truly come from a place of good intentions. Sometimes you need a reality check. But what about when you really don’t?   Almost […]

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    #124: 4 Easy Ways to Say, “I Don’t Got Your Back!”

    #124: 4 Easy Ways to Say, “I Don’t Got Your Back!”

    Ever wondered how you can let someone know that you just don’t support them? Looking for ways to show someone you really don’t care? We’ve all been there. So I’m here to show you 4 ways to say, “I don’t got your back!” Or…you know…identify which of your own loved ones aren’t truly there to […]

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