
    who is jesus?

    Explore "who is jesus?" with insightful episodes like "From darkness to glory | God's glory, our delight", "Enduring hardship with the perspective of heaven | God's glory, our delight", "Practical steps to delight in God | God's glory, our delight", "Faith in word and deed | God's glory, our delight" and "Who Is Jesus?" from podcasts like ""Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible", "Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible", "Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible", "Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible" and "Northpointe Community Church"" and more!

    Episodes (34)

    From darkness to glory | God's glory, our delight

    From darkness to glory | God's glory, our delight

    This is our final episode in our much-beloved series, God's Glory, our delight! What a journey! Our conclusion today calls us to step from darkness to glory. Stephanie spends a moment reminiscing on the journey we have undertaken together. Over the 12 episodes of this series, we have sought to create a new perspective through which to view the world, our life, our circumstances, our choices, and our identity –by learning to see God as He is.

    We have wondered, How can I delight in God’s glory in…

    -        My identity

    -        My choices + behaviors + thoughts = ever deepening work of the Cross in me

    -        My circumstances – past, present, future.

    -        My relationship with God

    -        Others

    We've looked at understanding what keeps us from delighting in God’s glory - misunderstandings about...

    -  who He is

    -  His heart for us

    -  the depth of our sin nature and ability to overcome and our need for Him

    -  His utter ability to save us from ourselves and give us His resurrection power.

    -  who we truly are in His sight

    -  what glory is, and what delight is

    -  what humility is

    We've pondered our lack of beholding the perspective of heaven, through His eternal purpose in creating us and our eternal glorified state (in body, soul, spirit). We've started on the path to step into His ultimate purpose for our life – delight in His glory. We've studied practical habits of growth in Christlikeness, individually (with a focus on humility as meekness; dependence on Him; correct beholding of Reality/Truth; love), delight through individual spiritual disciplines of Bible intake, prayer/fasting, journaling, worship) and corporately (church, mentoring, love).

    We've tried to approach a definition of the glory of God – who He is, and who we are. He says, " I am, and there is no other." So we are called to choose: His glory, or mine?

    What a journey! So today we are pondering: How can I be different because I delight in His glory? How delighting in His glory changes me?

    Today's verses: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2Corinthians 3:17-18)

    Let's be practical...

    - Reminder – there are listening guides for each episode. They allow you to follow with pen and paper, or with your phone to take notes from the app. These listening guides are part of the workbook you can download for free as a member.

    - Today and each GGOD episode has a listening guide as well as questions for either group discussions or your own personal time, inviting you to ponder what you heard in the days to come.

    - Today we are introducing a new feature which is a listener suggestion: about halfway through the episode, there will be a 30-second musical interlude to allow you to pause and reflect on the lesson. You are also invited to use the second music break at the end of the episode, it is newly expanded, if you feel the need to chew on the lesson some more.

    - Also use our membership page to muse, ask questions, ponder, reflect, connect with us!

    - Please do remember that you can go back and listen again. We aim to give you the best quality content we can teach so it is intense and deep – that is because we highly respect you and your time, and we want to honor you as you seek to deepen your faith. There are all sorts of people listening alongside you, from overseas missionaries to seminary students to brand new believers, people listening as they drive or jog or run errands or do the dishes. So you are welcome, at whatever stage of your spiritual journey you find yourself in. If it means listening twice or taking notes using the listening guide, that’s awesome! Take it slow. These epsidoes are more akin to a slow cooked French meal than a McDonalds drive-thru!

    - Finally, there will be a Gospel Spice online Bible Study starting in a few weeks – go to gospelspice.com for more. It is free, live, weekly for 6 weeks, and on a private Facebook group. Small scale. In depth. More details to come. Sign-up now.

    - Also Sign-up for our newsletter so you know about those things before everyone else! This will also give you access to all our content for free, including a video version of this teaching. All in one easy place: https://www.gospelspice.com/sign-up-to-be-a-member


    We invite you to experience anew the fullness of the God's Glory, our Delight series on VIDEO on our YouTube channel here: 




    First, PAY Gospel Spice Forward: Give a tax-deductible gift so others can experience our ministry for free, just like you! You can pay it forward with any debit, credit card, or via PayPal. See below for more details about your impact.

    Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. 

    And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us!


    Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example,

    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog


    Delighting in the glory of God. Does this concept strike you as reserved for spiritual contemplatives? What if, instead, it proved the highly practical, deeply foundational perspective you need right now?

    Why does God’s glory even matter in our day and age? How can we learn from Jesus to make His glory our true North and lifelong quest? What keeps us from fully stepping into this God-ordained purpose for our life? How do we kindle delight for God on a daily basis? And, once we have embraced God’s glory as our heart’s true delight, how can we then come alongside others?

    Join us to cultivate a sincere delight for God’s glory, rooted in an honest, hard look at the depth of our need, and in the much deeper Reality of His grace. Trace the glory of God through Scripture and in your own life. Behold the exact radiance of God’s glory, revealed in Jesus. Learn to see yourself as Christ does—through the lens of the Father’s love at the cross. Jesus offers to overwhelm our deadly self-centeredness with His resurrection power. He carries us every step of the way, even as He calls us to true humility on the path to glory.

    Who has time to cultivate the delight that comes from pondering the glory of God? And yet, nothing could be more urgent today. Marthas and Marys, Peters and Johns—we are all invited to dare to dream of a lifestyle of God-centered delight. Nothing could be more practical.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    GGOD cover w STR name.jpg

    Do you enjoy Gospel Spice? Then let's deepen our relationship! There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do one (or more!) of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Enduring hardship with the perspective of heaven | God's glory, our delight

    Enduring hardship with the perspective of heaven | God's glory, our delight

    Stephanie invites us today to continue the conversation about depth of faith through trials and tribulation and hardship and suffering this side of heaven. She then moves to a glorious reality: Scripture is quite clear: there is a glorious inheritance that awaits us.

    Warning! This episode is particularly chockfull of Bible verses! It might maybe even contain mentions of some of Stephanie's favorite books- namely, The Lord of the Rings, The Pilgrim's Progress and The Chronicles of Narnia! She explains that Christian fantasy books can be a powerful drawing to point us to the reality of the perspective of heaven!

    So first, we discuss hardships. Hardships force us to decide if we’re going to trust God or self. Trusting self can take many different shapes in afflictions:

    -        Plowing through and trying harder

    -        Swallowing your emotions and pushing through

    -        Crumbling in despair and despondency

    -        Blaming everyone

    -        Self-loathing

    -        Choosing to distrust God.

    Or trusting God. It’s both harder and easier. It has to do with surrender and rest, and it does lead to greater delight in God through the hardship. If you trust God through your affliction, you will find yourself delighting in Him more on the other side of your affliction—and maybe even while you are still in it.

    If you have truly decided to make the glory of God your priority at any cost, then like Paul you can begin to see afflictions and thorns as blessings. Instead of recoiling, you can start embracing and maybe even welcoming afflictions. Don’t go looking for them—Scripture says they will come soon enough. But when God, in His perfect timing, allows afflictions your way, what if we had enough faith to say, “God thank you for this opportunity to learn to trust you, love you, delight in you.” That is exotic faith. It’s not your plain vanilla, slap-on faith that makes you feel good. This is exotic faith from deep inside the trenches.

    Resting in Him means knowing at a deeper, new, more profound level that He is trustworthy AND omnipotent. And then we start pondering our inheritance in Christ. A smattering of deep truth:

    Romans 8:17 - Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

    Ephesians 3:6 - through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.

    Gal 3:29 - If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    Listen to the whole episode for the whole truth!


    Let's be practical...

    - Reminder – there are listening guides for each episode. They allow you to follow with pen and paper, or with your phone to take notes from the app. These listening guides are part of the workbook you can download for free as a member.

    - Today and each GGOD episode has a listening guide as well as questions for either group discussions or your own personal time, inviting you to ponder what you heard in the days to come.

    - Today we are introducing a new feature which is a listener suggestion: about halfway through the episode, there will be a 30-second musical interlude to allow you to pause and reflect on the lesson. You are also invited to use the second music break at the end of the episode, it is newly expanded, if you feel the need to chew on the lesson some more.

    - Also use our membership page to muse, ask questions, ponder, reflect, connect with us!

    - Please do remember that you can go back and listen again. We aim to give you the best quality content we can teach so it is intense and deep – that is because we highly respect you and your time, and we want to honor you as you seek to deepen your faith. There are all sorts of people listening alongside you, from overseas missionaries to seminary students to brand new believers, people listening as they drive or jog or run errands or do the dishes. So you are welcome, at whatever stage of your spiritual journey you find yourself in. If it means listening twice or taking notes using the listening guide, that’s awesome! Take it slow. These epsidoes are more akin to a slow cooked French meal than a McDonalds drive-thru!

    - Finally, there will be a Gospel Spice online Bible Study starting in a few weeks – go to gospelspice.com for more. It is free, live, weekly for 6 weeks, and on a private Facebook group. Small scale. In depth. More details to come. Sign-up now.

    - Also Sign-up for our newsletter so you know about those things before everyone else! This will also give you access to all our content for free, including a video version of this teaching. All in one easy place: https://www.gospelspice.com/sign-up-to-be-a-member

    We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Identity in the battle | Ephesians


    Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience


    Shades of Red | Against human oppression


    God's glory, our delight 




    First, PAY Gospel Spice Forward: Give a tax-deductible gift so others can experience our ministry for free, just like you! You can pay it forward with any debit, credit card, or via PayPal. See below for more details about your impact.

    Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. 

    And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us!


    Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example,

    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog


    Delighting in the glory of God. Does this concept strike you as reserved for spiritual contemplatives? What if, instead, it proved the highly practical, deeply foundational perspective you need right now?

    Why does God’s glory even matter in our day and age? How can we learn from Jesus to make His glory our true North and lifelong quest? What keeps us from fully stepping into this God-ordained purpose for our life? How do we kindle delight for God on a daily basis? And, once we have embraced God’s glory as our heart’s true delight, how can we then come alongside others?

    Join us to cultivate a sincere delight for God’s glory, rooted in an honest, hard look at the depth of our need, and in the much deeper Reality of His grace. Trace the glory of God through Scripture and in your own life. Behold the exact radiance of God’s glory, revealed in Jesus. Learn to see yourself as Christ does—through the lens of the Father’s love at the cross. Jesus offers to overwhelm our deadly self-centeredness with His resurrection power. He carries us every step of the way, even as He calls us to true humility on the path to glory.

    Who has time to cultivate the delight that comes from pondering the glory of God? And yet, nothing could be more urgent today. Marthas and Marys, Peters and Johns—we are all invited to dare to dream of a lifestyle of God-centered delight. Nothing could be more practical.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    GGOD cover w STR name.jpg

    This month we are celebrating the anniversary of Gospel Spice! We launched our first episode in 2019, when we faithfully and haltingly followed God's pretty clear directions!

    Would you please take a moment to celebrate with us? There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice 

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do 1 or more of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup 

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Do you enjoy Gospel Spice? Then let's deepen our relationship! There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do one (or more!) of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Practical steps to delight in God | God's glory, our delight

    Practical steps to delight in God | God's glory, our delight

    Welcome back to our Gospel Spice fall 2022 series, God's glory our delight! We took a break from this theme over the summer with our "summer inspirations" but this is officially our "back to school" episode as we dive back into our favorite series to date. 

    "God's glory, our delight" is Stephanie's personal motto. Today we are pondering 6 steps as practical stepping stones to grow in our delight of God. This is not a guaranteed recipe - it is between you and God! Here are the 6 steps that Stephanie invites you to step into, with much expectation, humility and deep gratitude:

    First, Ponder the life of delight in the glory of God.

    1-          Believe it’s possible and real.

    2-        Embrace the promise for yourself personally.

    Then, look at yourself.

    1-          Admit we’re still in the wilderness.

    2-        Realize we can’t do this on our own strength.

    Finally, enter the promised land.

    1-          Cross the Jordan.

    2-       Expect God to show up.

    Jews believed that the Temple was the place where heaven met earth—literally. They didn’t think of heaven as a galaxy far far away on the other side of the wardrobe. They understood heaven as being closer to us than our own breath. Heaven and earth overlap in intertwining circles, and meet in the Temple. We are the Temple of God because of Christ in us, the hope of all glorious things to come (Colossians 1:27). We are jars of clay, but we hold the surpassing treasure that is the uncontainable God Himself.

    Let's be practical...

    - Reminder – there are listening guides for each episode. They allow you to follow with pen and paper, or with your phone to take notes from the app. These listening guides are part of the workbook you can download for free as a member.

    - Today and each GGOD episode has a listening guide as well as questions for either group discussions or your own personal time, inviting you to ponder what you heard in the days to come.

    - Today we are introducing a new feature which is a listener suggestion: about halfway through the episode, there will be a 30-second musical interlude to allow you to pause and reflect on the lesson. You are also invited to use the second music break at the end of the episode, it is newly expanded, if you feel the need to chew on the lesson some more.

    - Also use our membership page to muse, ask questions, ponder, reflect, connect with us!

    - Please do remember that you can go back and listen again. We aim to give you the best quality content we can teach so it is intense and deep – that is because we highly respect you and your time, and we want to honor you as you seek to deepen your faith. There are all sorts of people listening alongside you, from overseas missionaries to seminary students to brand new believers, people listening as they drive or jog or run errands or do the dishes. So you are welcome, at whatever stage of your spiritual journey you find yourself in. If it means listening twice or taking notes using the listening guide, that’s awesome! Take it slow. These epsidoes are more akin to a slow cooked French meal than a McDonalds drive-thru!

    - Finally, there will be a Gospel Spice online Bible Study starting in a few weeks – go to gospelspice.com for more. It is free, live, weekly for 6 weeks, and on a private Facebook group. Small scale. In depth. More details to come. Sign-up now.

    - Also Sign-up for our newsletter so you know about those things before everyone else! This will also give you access to all our content for free, including a video version of this teaching. All in one easy place: https://www.gospelspice.com/sign-up-to-be-a-member


    This week’s key verses are:

    2Corinthians 4:7 - We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

    John 5:44 - How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?

    We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Identity in the battle | Ephesians


    Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience


    Shades of Red | Against human oppression


    God's glory, our delight 




    First, PAY Gospel Spice Forward: Give a tax-deductible gift so others can experience our ministry for free, just like you! You can pay it forward with any debit, credit card, or via PayPal. See below for more details about your impact.

    Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. 

    And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us!


    Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example,

    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog


    Delighting in the glory of God. Does this concept strike you as reserved for spiritual contemplatives? What if, instead, it proved the highly practical, deeply foundational perspective you need right now?

    Why does God’s glory even matter in our day and age? How can we learn from Jesus to make His glory our true North and lifelong quest? What keeps us from fully stepping into this God-ordained purpose for our life? How do we kindle delight for God on a daily basis? And, once we have embraced God’s glory as our heart’s true delight, how can we then come alongside others?

    Join us to cultivate a sincere delight for God’s glory, rooted in an honest, hard look at the depth of our need, and in the much deeper Reality of His grace. Trace the glory of God through Scripture and in your own life. Behold the exact radiance of God’s glory, revealed in Jesus. Learn to see yourself as Christ does—through the lens of the Father’s love at the cross. Jesus offers to overwhelm our deadly self-centeredness with His resurrection power. He carries us every step of the way, even as He calls us to true humility on the path to glory.

    Who has time to cultivate the delight that comes from pondering the glory of God? And yet, nothing could be more urgent today. Marthas and Marys, Peters and Johns—we are all invited to dare to dream of a lifestyle of God-centered delight. Nothing could be more practical.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    GGOD cover w STR name.jpg

    This month we are celebrating the anniversary of Gospel Spice! We launched our first episode in 2019, when we faithfully and haltingly followed God's pretty clear directions!

    Would you please take a moment to celebrate with us? There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice 

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do 1 or more of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup 

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Do you enjoy Gospel Spice? Then let's deepen our relationship! There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do one (or more!) of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Faith in word and deed | God's glory, our delight

    Faith in word and deed | God's glory, our delight

    Welcome back to our Gospel Spice fall 2022 series, God's glory our delight! We took a break from this theme over the summer with our "summer inspirations" but this is officially our "back to school" episode as we dive back into our favorite series to date. 

    "God's glory, our delight" is Stephanie's personal motto. In the spring, with episodes 146 through to 155, we entered into the deep waters of defining the glory of God and the quest of our hearts. Now with the second half of the series, we are going to the more practical side of delight. Stephanie invites us to ponder two illustrations to help us wrap our minds around the scope of our ambition to make the glory of God the delight of our heart. She quotes one of her favorite authors and theologians, Andrew Murray: “Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for living on trust.”

    Stephanie says, "The Christian life is about growing in our experience of what we know to be true." She adds, "The glory IS there, and it IS real, and it IS delightful." She brings us back to Andrew Murray: “Faith is the organ or sense for the perception and apprehension of the heavenly world and its blessings.” Finally, she invites us to wonder: "how can we live a life that is the practical application of this objective reality?"

    Let's be practical...

    - Reminder – there are listening guides for each episode. They allow you to follow with pen and paper, or with your phone to take notes from the app. These listening guides are part of the workbook you can download for free as a member.

    - Today and each GGOD episode has a listening guide as well as questions for either group discussions or your own personal time, inviting you to ponder what you heard in the days to come.

    - Today we are introducing a new feature which is a listener suggestion: about halfway through the episode, there will be a 30-second musical interlude to allow you to pause and reflect on the lesson. You are also invited to use the second music break at the end of the episode, it is newly expanded, if you feel the need to chew on the lesson some more.

    - Also use our membership page to muse, ask questions, ponder, reflect, connect with us!

    - Please do remember that you can go back and listen again. We aim to give you the best quality content we can teach so it is intense and deep – that is because we highly respect you and your time, and we want to honor you as you seek to deepen your faith. There are all sorts of people listening alongside you, from overseas missionaries to seminary students to brand new believers, people listening as they drive or jog or run errands or do the dishes. So you are welcome, at whatever stage of your spiritual journey you find yourself in. If it means listening twice or taking notes using the listening guide, that’s awesome! Take it slow. These epsidoes are more akin to a slow cooked French meal than a McDonalds drive-thru!

    - Finally, there will be a Gospel Spice online Bible Study starting in a few weeks – go to gospelspice.com for more. It is free, live, weekly for 6 weeks, and on a private Facebook group. Small scale. In depth. More details to come. Sign-up now.

    - Also Sign-up for our newsletter so you know about those things before everyone else! This will also give you access to all our content for free, including a video version of this teaching. All in one easy place: https://www.gospelspice.com/sign-up-to-be-a-member


    This week’s key verses are:

    2Corinthians 4:7 - We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

    John 5:44 - How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?

    We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Identity in the battle | Ephesians


    Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience


    Shades of Red | Against human oppression


    God's glory, our delight 




    Delighting in the glory of God. Does this concept strike you as reserved for spiritual contemplatives? What if, instead, it proved the highly practical, deeply foundational perspective you need right now?

    Why does God’s glory even matter in our day and age? How can we learn from Jesus to make His glory our true North and lifelong quest? What keeps us from fully stepping into this God-ordained purpose for our life? How do we kindle delight for God on a daily basis? And, once we have embraced God’s glory as our heart’s true delight, how can we then come alongside others?

    Join us to cultivate a sincere delight for God’s glory, rooted in an honest, hard look at the depth of our need, and in the much deeper Reality of His grace. Trace the glory of God through Scripture and in your own life. Behold the exact radiance of God’s glory, revealed in Jesus. Learn to see yourself as Christ does—through the lens of the Father’s love at the cross. Jesus offers to overwhelm our deadly self-centeredness with His resurrection power. He carries us every step of the way, even as He calls us to true humility on the path to glory.

    Who has time to cultivate the delight that comes from pondering the glory of God? And yet, nothing could be more urgent today. Marthas and Marys, Peters and Johns—we are all invited to dare to dream of a lifestyle of God-centered delight. Nothing could be more practical.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    GGOD cover w STR name.jpg

    This month we are celebrating the anniversary of Gospel Spice! We launched our first episode in 2019, when we faithfully and haltingly followed God's pretty clear directions!

    Would you please take a moment to celebrate with us? There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice 

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do 1 or more of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup 

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Do you enjoy Gospel Spice? Then let's deepen our relationship! There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us. 

    1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. There is always something new and exciting happening around here, and I don’t want you to miss out! Sign up at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2- Did you know Gospel Spice has a YouTube Channel? There’s exclusive content there too. So, join Gospel Spice on YouTube! It's at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3- Also please give us a star rating and a comment on your podcast listening app. Your reviews actually really do make a difference to help others discover and experience Gospel Spice. You would be surprised how helpful these are! So please leave a star rating and a review of a sentence or two. Thank you!

    4- As always, we are praying for you! You can confidentially email us your prayer requests and praise items at the email address contact@gospelspice.com. It is our privilege to pray for you!

    So, would you please invest 3 to 5 minutes of your time, maybe even right now, to do one (or more!) of the following suggestions:

    1-      signup on our website for our newsletter to receive gifts you’re going to love - at Gospelspice.com/signup

    2-      find us on YouTube, and see what content we’ve put together to help you grow closer to Jesus - at https://www.youtube.com/gospelspice

    3-      rate Gospel Spice on your listening app – it’s one of the easiest ways to share the gospel!

    4-      and finally, tell us how we can pray for you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Who Is Jesus?

    Who Is Jesus?
    We talk a lot about Jesus, but just who IS He? Is He God? Is He a man? Is He both? We do a deep dive into why this question is so important, and discuss what are some of our favorite "Jesus" stories. ___ The resource Rick mentions in this video is "The Gospel According to Matthew" starring Bruce Marchiano

    What Think Ye of Christ? - Marvin Derksen

    What Think Ye of Christ? - Marvin Derksen

    Here's a personal question for you. What do you think of Christ? It's not really an unusual question. You see, it was asked over 2000 years ago. And do you know Who asked the question? The Lord Jesus Christ Himself! He asked the people who followed Him what they thought of Him? Notice He did not ask what they thought ABOUT Him. His question went much deeper than that. So, what if YOU were there that day? What would YOU have said? It's a question that will determine your eternal destiny.

    Who is Jesus? His Resurrection as Our Leader

    Who is Jesus?  His Resurrection as Our Leader
    THE question of all questions is before us in this two-part Passion Week series: "Who is Jesus?" Not, what do others say or think. But, what about you? Who do YOU say Jesus is? In part one we talked about "His Death as Our Forgiver." But the cross means nothing - absolutely nothing - with part two and "His Resurrection as Our Leader." Don't miss the clinching proof of who Jesus is!

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