

    Explore "新興市場/新興經濟體" with insightful episodes like and "*第四季*【EP. 196】#565 看經濟學人學英文 feat. 經濟學人新聞評論【新興市場/新興經濟體、當大家都在通貨膨脹、央行升息:利與弊、脆弱的景氣復甦、每日單字精選】" from podcasts like " and "每日一經濟學人 LEON x The Economist"" and more!

    Episodes (1)

    *第四季*【EP. 196】#565 看經濟學人學英文 feat. 經濟學人新聞評論【新興市場/新興經濟體、當大家都在通貨膨脹、央行升息:利與弊、脆弱的景氣復甦、每日單字精選】

    *第四季*【EP. 196】#565 看經濟學人學英文 feat. 經濟學人新聞評論【新興市場/新興經濟體、當大家都在通貨膨脹、央行升息:利與弊、脆弱的景氣復甦、每日單字精選】
    💪您的一杯咖啡錢 = 我們遠大的目標!捐款支持我們:https://pse.is/3jknpx 👍Andre 老師 - 英文檢定考班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/dGMrDV 👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod 🔴Friday August 20th 2021 🔵2021年8月20日星期五 🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda 每日濃縮 - 今日頭條 ⁠⁠📈⁠💰⁠⁠📈⁠Hard up: inflation in emerging markets 新興市場的通貨膨脹:我了個去! Emerging markets, battered by extreme weather and waves of covid-19, now confront a new headache: rising inflation. Inflation rates across the developing world have leapt well above central banks’ target rates. Over the summer, inflation rose above 5% in Mexico and South Africa, 6% in India and Russia and 9% in Brazil. Blame soaring prices for food and energy. They have surged as a result of recovering global demand meeting supply disruptions, caused by clogged shipping lanes and weather-damaged crops. While high prices help the commodity-exporting sectors of some emerging economies such as Brazil, they are also squeezing household budgets and pushing some central banks to take aggressive action. Both Russia’s and Brazil’s have raised interest rates by a full percentage point over the past month. Further increases could put vulnerable recoveries at risk. For beleaguered governments battling multiple crises, an easing of supply bottlenecks cannot come soon enough. 受到極端氣候與新冠疫情嚴重打擊的新興市場如今又面臨一個頭痛的問題:升高的通膨。綜觀發展中國家的通膨率,(普遍) 都已遠高於其央行所設下的目標利率。這整個夏季,墨西哥和南非的通膨率超過 5%、印度和俄羅斯為 6%、巴西則是 9%。食品和能源價格的飛漲是主因,而這又是由於全球需求復甦碰上農作物受天災影響欠收與航運大塞車導致供應鏈大亂所引發的。雖然高物價有助於巴西等一些新興經濟體的貨貿出口產業,但它們卻也擠壓了家家戶戶的生活開銷,進而迫使一些央行採取積極的作為。在過去一個月,俄羅斯和巴西都將利率提高了整整一個百分點。不過進一步升息可能會使脆弱的景氣復甦面臨風險。對於同時處理多場危機而又腹背受敵的政府們來說,供應瓶頸的緩解還不夠快。 ⚜️Daily takeaway⚜️ 每日單字精選 ✅Emerging market (n.): 新興市場、新興經濟體 (名) ✅Extreme (adj.): 極端的 (形) ✅Blame (v.): 怪罪、責備 (動) ✅Disruption (n.): 中斷、打斷 (名) ✅Commodity (n.): 商品、貨物 (名) ✅Household (n.): 家戶、家庭 (名) ✅Budget (n.): 預算 (名) ✅Aggressive (adj.): 侵略性的、來勢洶洶的 (形) ✅Percentage (n.): 百分比、百分率 (名) ✅Vulnerable (adj.): 易受傷害的、脆弱的 (形) ✅Crisis (n.): 危機 (名) ✅Bottleneck (n.): 瓶頸、極限 (名) — ✔︎ 按讚【每日一經濟學人】Facebook 粉專:https://reurl.cc/Lddode ✔︎ 追蹤【每日一經濟學人】Instagram 帳號:https://reurl.cc/Oqqoq3 ✔︎ 訂閱【每日一經濟學人】YouTube 頻道:https://reurl.cc/Y665dX ✔︎ 閱讀【每日一經濟學人】Medium 平台:https://reurl.cc/k00WZr — 🔶如有商業合作或業務需求,請洽:leontheeconomist@gmail.com 🔴如影音內容有誤,歡迎來信勘誤:leontheeconomist@gmail.com

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