

    Explore "yhwh" with insightful episodes like "Double Portion Inheritance: Daniel’s 70th Week for Leah & Rachel Part 2 (10/30/2014)", "Double Portion Inheritance: Leah & Rachel’s Sons Trade Places in the Last Days Part 2 (10/09/2014)", "Double Portion Inheritance: The Fast of the Bridegroom & the Month of Elul (08/07/2014) Part 2", "Double Portion Inheritance: Does Towrah Silence Women in the Assembly? Part 2 (06/26/2014)" and "Double Portion Inheritance: Pope Francis, the Temple Mount, the Jesuits & the Anti-Messiah Agenda (05/15/2014)" from podcasts like ""Double Portion Inheritance", "Double Portion Inheritance", "Double Portion Inheritance", "Double Portion Inheritance" and "Double Portion Inheritance"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Daniel’s 70th Week for Leah & Rachel Part 2 (10/30/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Daniel’s 70th Week for Leah & Rachel Part 2 (10/30/2014)
    This week, Maria continues part 6 in this series entitled: “The Bridegroom Gives the Bride the Key to His Chamber.” This teaching comes from the blog entitled: “The Key of David: He that Opens & No Man Shuts!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/10/pre-tribulation-or-post-tribulation.html In this episode, Maria explains that Daniel’s 70th Week Prophecy is better understood when we realize that Ya’aqob (Jacob) fulfilled his “week” with Leah, before he could be married to Rachel (Genesis 29:27). The unified House of Yisra’el under King David was later-on divided into Two Houses of Yisra’el in 1st Kings 12. Both Houses of Yisra’el (typified in Leah & Rachel) have been divided in “half,” and this explains why Daniel’s 70th Week has been “divided in half” as our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa confirmed his covenant “in the middle of the week.” Consequently, the timing of the catching away of the bride aka “Rapture” cannot be understood properly unless we first uncover the identity of these “two brides” (Rachel & Leah) and their sons, which are “Both Houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14). Also see the related blogs below: “Pre-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation Rapture?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/pre-tribulation-or-post-tribulation.html “Seven Skinny Cows Become Seven Fat Cows: The Fullness of the Gentiles.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/09/seven-skinny-cows-become-seven-fat-cows.html “Two Conditions of the Human Heart Seen in Ephrayim & Judah.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/03/two-conditions-of-human-heart-seen-in.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Leah & Rachel’s Sons Trade Places in the Last Days Part 2 (10/09/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Leah & Rachel’s Sons Trade Places in the Last Days Part 2 (10/09/2014)
    This week, Maria continues part 4 in this series entitled: “The Bridegroom Gives the Bride the Key to His Chamber.” This teaching comes from the blog entitled: “The Key of David: He that Opens & No Man Shuts!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/10/pre-tribulation-or-post-tribulation.html In this episode, Maria continues to illustrate how the sons of Leah and the sons of Rachel (Both Houses of Yisra’el) trade places in the last days. Understanding this concept is necessary in order to fully understand the timing of the catching away of the bride, or what many in the church refer to as “The Rapture.” The timing of the “Rapture” cannot be understood properly unless we first uncover the identity of these “two brides” (Rachel & Leah) and their sons, which are “Both Houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14). Also see the blog entitled “Pre-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation Rapture?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/pre-tribulation-or-post-tribulation.html Also see the blog entitled: “Seven Skinny Cows Become Seven Fat Cows: The Fullness of the Gentiles.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/09/seven-skinny-cows-become-seven-fat-cows.html Also see the blog entitled: “Two Conditions of the Human Heart Seen in Ephrayim & Judah.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/03/two-conditions-of-human-heart-seen-in.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: The Fast of the Bridegroom & the Month of Elul (08/07/2014) Part 2

    Double Portion Inheritance: The Fast of the Bridegroom & the Month of Elul (08/07/2014) Part 2
    In Ancient Biblical times, traditionally, the Yahuwdiy (Jews) celebrated a time of fasting and repentance for “forty days” leading up to Yom Kippur. This is the time that foreshadows the preparation for the bride to meet her bridegroom on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), and on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). These two feast days, represent the marriage of two different brides typified in Leah & Rachel to Ya’aqob (Jacob). Our Messiah has two different houses (Ephraim & Judah). From “Both Houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14), our Messiah will make them one bride and he will marry them both during what is called “The Ten Days of Awe” (Revelation 3:10). The month of Elul is the 6th month on the Hebrew Calendar and it is called “chodesh ha’cheshbon,” which is a month of accounting. The name of the month Elul is spelled with four Hebrew Letters, Alef-Lamed-Vav-Lamed which is said to be an acronym of “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li.” This is translated “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine,” a quote from Song of Songs 6:3, where the Beloved is YaHuWaH, and the “I” is his covenant bride, Yisra’el. In Aramaic (the vernacular of the Jewish people at the time that the month names were adopted), the word “Elul” means “search,” which is appropriate, because this is the time of the year when we search our hearts and farmers search for the harvest. http://www.jewfaq.org/elul.htm Mosheh (Moses) went to Mount Sinai to prepare the second set of tablets after the incident with the golden calf (Exodus 32; 34:27-28). He ascended on Rosh Chodesh Elul and he descended on the 10th of Tishri, at the end of Yom Kippur, when repentance was complete. The 1st day of Elul commences a period of 40 days where Moses prayed for YaHuWaH to forgive the people after they committed adultery with the golden calf. After this, the commandment to prepare the second set of tablets was given. Could this be the reason why our Messiah fasted during these very same forty days? Could it be that he was also preparing to present the very same commandments that would be written upon the heart of his bride for Yom Kippur? See the blog entitled: “Messiah’s Forty Days of Fasting Leading Up to Yom Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/messiahs-forty-days-of-fasting-leading_4090.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Does Towrah Silence Women in the Assembly? Part 2 (06/26/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Does Towrah Silence Women in the Assembly? Part 2 (06/26/2014)
    This topic has become a subject of much controversy in the body of Messiah today, as many are using only one isolated passage of scripture from 1st Timothy 2:12 in order to divide the female and male gender within the congregations. On this week’s episode, Maria Merola clears up some misunderstandings surrounding the role of women in the ministry. Also see Maria’s blog entitled: Does the Mosaic Law Silence Women in the Assembly? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/10/does-mosaic-law-silence-women-in.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Pope Francis, the Temple Mount, the Jesuits & the Anti-Messiah Agenda (05/15/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Pope Francis, the Temple Mount, the Jesuits & the Anti-Messiah Agenda (05/15/2014)
    In this episode, Maria exposes the agenda of the Vatican & the Papacy for hundreds of years to take over Jerusalem and to seat a Pope in the 3rd Jewish Temple as “The Visible Image of Christ on Earth.” Maria explains: Beloved, do not believe for one minute that Pope Francis is a man of Peace! The office of the Papacy is the office of the “Man of Sin” or the Anti-Messiah (2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12). Pope Francis is the 8th Pope since 1929 (when Mussolini restored the Papal Government). This means that he is the 8th King of Revelation 17:10...in other words the Beast Power! Please understand that this man is a Jesuit. The Jesuits are the Assassins of the Vatican. Please read the Jesuit Blood Oath that every Jesuit takes when he is inducted: http://www.remnantofgod.org/blackpope.htm Maria also shares her concerns with the body of Messiah: “Beloved, do we need to worry about petitioning the Israeli government to be allowed to pray at the Temple Mount? Do we need to ask the Anti-Messiah Pope for his help to be allowed to pray at the Temple Mount?” It is the REAL Messiah who will rebuild the Tabernacle of David that has fallen down when he returns (Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16). We don’t need to worry about praying in Jerusalem for right now, because Revelation 11:8 tells us that Jerusalem is currently called “Sodom & Egypt.” What did our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa say about where we should worship the Father? Yahuwchanon (John) 4: 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and you say, that in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Yahuwshuwa said unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), worship the Father. 23 But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. Ibriym (Hebrews) 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly: wherefore Elohiym is not ashamed to be called their Elohiym: for he has prepared for them a city. Ibriym (Hebrews) 12:22 But you are come unto Mount Tziyown (Zion), and unto the city of the living Elohiym, the Heavenly Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), and to an innumerable company of malak (angels). We have access to the Heavenly Jerusalem right now through the blood of Messiah: Ephsym (Ephesians) 2:6 And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Mashiyach, Yahuwshuwa. Beloved, I don’t care what reasons and excuses that anyone has for asking Pope Francis for his help to allow the Jewish people to pray at the Temple Mount! We are clearly commanded to not have agreement with the TEMPLE of IDOLS! 2nd Qorintiym (Corinthians) 6: 14 Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what concord has Messiah with Belial (Baal)? or what part has he that believes with an infidel? 16 And what agreement has the temple of Elohiym with idols? for you are the temple of the living Elohiym; as Elohiym has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Elohiym, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says YaHuWaH, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Please see the blogs below: “Fourteen Identifiers of the Beast:” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/eleven-identifiers-of-beast_17.html Vatican Getting Ready to Move Their Headquarters to Jerusalem! http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/11/vatican-getting-ready-to-move-their.html The Abomination of Desolation Getting Closer! http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/the-abomination-of-desolation-getting.html Who is “That Woman Jezebel?” & Who is “The Beast?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/who-is-that-woman-jezebel-who-is-beast_13.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 1 (03/27/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died? Part 1 (03/27/2014)
    In this episode, Maria explains that this “age-old” controversy is easily solved once we understand that the commandment to kill the lamb “in the evening” on the 14th day of the 1st month of Abib/Nisan reads in Hebrew “between the two evenings” (beyn ha’ereb). Maria also shares some historical evidence that there were two evenings for slaughtering lambs (just after the 13th of Abib & just before the 15th of Abib) in the days of our Messiah’s earthly ministry, and this was obviously “by design” so that our Messiah would be killed for “Both Houses of Yisra’el.”  On the night of the 13th (going into the 14th of Abib), he ate the Passover Meal with the House of Yahuwdah (Judah). But by the following evening (between 12 noon and 3:00 p.m.) he actually became the Passover as well as the Red Heifer for those who were “outside” of the covenant. This is why he actually went “outside the city limits” of Jerusalem to be killed as the Red Heifer (Numbers 19). To see the entire study that Maria did on this topic, see the blog entitled: “Did Messiah Eat the Passover the Night Before He Died?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/04/messiah-ate-real-passover-night-before.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Gnosticism & Damnable Heresies (03/06/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Gnosticism & Damnable Heresies (03/06/2014)
    In this episode, Maria uncovers the damnable heresies of Gnosticism and denying the deity of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. The Apostle Keefa (Peter) warned us in his day about these false prophets and teachers: 2nd Keefa (Peter) 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying YHWH that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. You will notice that these false teachers and prophets will bring in these deceptions “privily” (privately) or subtly. This means that they will be undetected by the masses because they will mix in a lot of “sound” teaching that sounds good. It is like masking a drop of deadly poison in a delicious bowl of chocolate pudding. One would eat the chocolate pudding and never know there was poison in it and they would die! And such is the case with the majority of Evangelists on Television who are teaching these heresies. Maria had a dream in March of 2002, where she was shown that these false shepherds are nothing more than “hirelings” meaning that they don’t care for the sheep. They are in the ministry for the money, and when the “wolf comes” (Anti-Messiah) they will flee, leaving the sheep alone and defenseless with the wolf. See Maria’s blog entitled: “Damnable Heresies of the Word of Faith Doctrine:” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/damnable-heresies-of-word-of-faith.html

    TE: The Deuteronomy 13 Test

    TE: The Deuteronomy 13 Test
    Have you ever considered why the Jews reject the Jewish Messiah, our Lord and Savior...What if it was because many today misunderstand Paul...Millions of Jews reject the Christian presentation of Jesus and Paul, alarmingly, because the Word of God says to. Sadly, if the misunderstanding continues, Jews are forever prevented from not only not knowing their Jewish Savior, but also from experiencing the blessings of the New Covenant. This teaching exposes the gap in the misunderstanding, and takes a first step into building a bridge...

    Double Portion Inheritance: What is the Difference Between Water & Fire Immersion (Baptism)? (01/23/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: What is the Difference Between Water & Fire Immersion (Baptism)? (01/23/2014)
    Maria explains on this week’s show that being born-again by the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) involves two things as Yahuwshuwa illustrated to us in John 3:5. He said that a man must be born of “water” (signifying his death and burial) and then being born “of the spirit” (his resurrection). Water baptism deals with death to the old nature because it is a baptism of repentance. Holy Spirit baptism deals with being immersed into his resurrection power which is actually “putting on Messiah.” Water immersion (baptism) involves washing away “the old sinful man,” but Spirit baptism involves “putting on the new man” which is Messiah! Qolasiym (Colossians) 3: 9 Lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds; 10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: There is a difference between the “infilling” of the Holy Spirit and the “outpouring” of the Holy Spirit. The end-time believers in Messiah will not be able to stand up to the deceptions of the devil without the “outpouring” of the Holy Spirit. We must be baptized in the water of repentance first before we can be baptized (immersed) in the fire of the Holy Spirit. His refining fire will purify and cleanse the true believers before we receive the latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Yahuwchanon (John) the Immerser (Baptist) spoke of two baptisms: Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. But he that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit), and with fire. Yahuwshuwa himself illustrated this when he said we must be born of water and of the Spirit: Yahuwchanon (John) 3:5 Yahuwshuwa answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohiym. Some bible teachers believe that the “water” in this passage is speaking of the amniotic sack in a mother’s womb when a baby is born physically. They reason that we must first be born of water physically and then we must be born spiritually. I can see this application, but I also believe that the “water” in this passage is speaking of repentance symbolized by the baptism of John. Being born of the “Spirit” is being baptized in the “fire” of the Holy Spirit which is what Yahuwshuwa’s baptism is all about. We must be born of “water” (repentance) and then the blood of Yahuwshuwa (the new wine) is offered to us so we can be baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit! All three of these elements must be present in order to be a complete covenant: water, blood and spirit as 1st John 5:8 bears this out: 1st Yahuwchanon (John) 5:8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.  Twin Goats on Yom Kippur Fulfilled in Yahuwshuwa Messiah: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/06/copyright-double-portion-inheritance_19.html The Feast of Weeks & Speaking With “New” Tongues: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/wine-of-covenant-speaking-with-new_05.html

    TE: Heaven & Earth and the Law of God

    TE: Heaven & Earth and the Law of God
    Did the Law of God change after the cross? In Matthew 5:17-19, what does the passing of the first Heaven and first Earth have to do with fulfilling all of the Law and Prophets? What relationship do Heaven and Earth have with our receipt of God's law? How does Heaven and Earth relate to all prophecy being fulfilled? Was Yeshua referring to the passing of Heaven and Earth just to sound cool, or was there a purpose? We review all of these questions and more in HEAVEN & EARTH AND THE LAW OF GOD.

    Double Portion Inheritance: Operating in the Gifts of the Ruwach ha’Qodesh! (01/09/2014)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Operating in the Gifts of the Ruwach ha’Qodesh! (01/09/2014)
    In this episode, Maria explains why there are “schisms” within the body of Messiah, and even more particularly within the Hebraic Root’s Community. Maria not only gives her own personal testimony of how she was immersed (baptized) in the Holy Spirit & Fire back in 1981; But she also teaches the proper understanding of the gifts of the Ruwach (Spirit) from 1st Corinthians 12-14. See the blog entitled: “The Feast of Weeks & Speaking With New Tongues.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/wine-of-covenant-speaking-with-new_05.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: How is “Christ-Mass” the “Mark of the Beast?” (12/19/2013) Part 2

    Double Portion Inheritance: How is “Christ-Mass” the “Mark of the Beast?” (12/19/2013) Part 2
    In this show, Maria illustrates what the “Mark of the Beast” is by first showing us what the “Mark of YaHuWaH” is. In Deuteronomy 6:4-8, we are told to “bind the commandments” upon our “hand and forehead” as a “sign” of our eternal covenant with YaHuWaH! The Hebrew word for “sign” is “owth” which literally means “a mark!” In Exodus 31:13-17 and in Ezekiel 20:12 & 20 we are told that YaHuWaH’s “Sabbaths” are a “sign” or a “mark” between his covenant bride and himself! Now we can fully understand what Revelation 20:4, calls the “The Mark of the Beast” because Satan has his counterfeit “Sabbaths” (pagan holidays) and commandments that he wants to “mark” his people with! The Feasts of YaHuWaH are like an “engagement ring” showing the world who we are in covenant with! If you are keeping pagan holidays, you are in covenant with the Papacy and Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of all Harlots (Revelation 17:5). But if you are in covenant with YaHuWaH the Almighty one of Abraham, Yitzchaq (Isaac) and Ya’aqob (Jacob), then you will wear the “sign” of the covenant on your right hand and upon your forehead! In other words, you will not only be a “hearer of the word” (taking it into your mind) but you will be a “doer of the word” by “working out” your own salvation with fear and trembling. The “hand” symbolizes our “works or deeds” and the “forehead” symbolizes our mind and will. An Illustration of Messiah & the Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance.html The Mark of YaHuWaH or the Mark of the Beast?: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/mark-of-yhwh-or-mark-of-beast.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: How is “Christ-Mass” the “Mark of the Beast?” (12/12/2013)

    Double Portion Inheritance: How is “Christ-Mass” the “Mark of the Beast?” (12/12/2013)
    In this show, Maria illustrates what the “Mark of the Beast” is by first showing us what the “Mark of YaHuWaH” is. In Deuteronomy 6:4-8, we are told to “bind the commandments” upon our “hand and forehead” as a “sign” of our eternal covenant with YaHuWaH! The Hebrew word for “sign” is “owth” which literally means “a mark!” In Exodus 31:13-17 and in Ezekiel 20:12 & 20 we are told that YaHuWaH’s “Sabbaths” are a “sign” or a “mark” between his covenant bride and himself! Now we can fully understand what Revelation 20:4, calls the “The Mark of the Beast” because Satan has his counterfeit “Sabbaths” (pagan holidays) and commandments that he wants to “mark” his people with! The Feasts of YaHuWaH are like an “engagement ring” showing the world who we are in covenant with! If you are keeping pagan holidays, you are in covenant with the Papacy and Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of all Harlots (Revelation 17:5). But if you are in covenant with YaHuWaH the Almighty one of Abraham, Yitzchaq (Isaac) and Ya’aqob (Jacob), then you will wear the “sign” of the covenant on your right hand and upon your forehead! In other words, you will not only be a “hearer of the word” (taking it into your mind) but you will be a “doer of the word” by “working out” your own salvation with fear and trembling. The “hand” symbolizes our “works or deeds” and the “forehead” symbolizes our mind and will. An Illustration of Messiah & the Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance.html The Mark of YaHuWaH or the Mark of the Beast?: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/mark-of-yhwh-or-mark-of-beast.html

    An Illustration of Messiah & The Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua

    An Illustration of Messiah & The Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua
    Christianity today is no different than Ancient Yisra’el in the days of the prophet Hosea. They thought that they could celebrate unholy days offered up to Ba’al, but they had no idea that their compromise with pagan mixture would cause them to be divorced by YaHuWaH and sent away into exile (see Jeremiah 3:8; Amos 5:21-27; Galatians 4:8-11). If you are one of those people who would rationalize “But God knows my heart” or if you say “We can take back these pagan holidays for Christ,” I urge you to please read this short story about Rachel Lucas & Joshua. After you read this short story, you will finally understand how our Messiah feels when his beloved bride wants to celebrate the important days that commemorate her ex-lover, Baal! “An Illustration of Messiah & The Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: “A House Divided by Sister Rivalry” (11/21/2013)

    Double Portion Inheritance: “A House Divided by Sister Rivalry” (11/21/2013)
    In Hebrew, Leah’s name means “weak-eyed” but it also means “cow,” and the name Rachel in Hebrew means “lamb.” These two sisters are the mothers of “Both Houses of Yisra’el” (Ephrayim & Judah). In Leviticus 16, the instructions are given for the Kohan ha’Gadowl (High Priest) for Yom Kippur, as he is commanded to “mix” the blood of these two animals together: a bullock and a goat. And then he is to sprinkle the blood of these two animals together before sprinkling it onto the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies. This is a beautiful picture of Melchizedek, our eternal High Priest who will also “mix” the blood of these two families (Rachel & Leah), and thus the “Two Houses of Yisra’el” will become “one stick” or “one olive tree” in the hand of YaHuWaH at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Our Messiah will make these two families as “one blood” and they shall no longer be two separate houses. The prophet Isaiah speaks of this phenomenon: Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 11:13 The envy also of Ephrayim shall depart, and the adversaries of Yahuwdah (Judah) shall be cut off: Ephrayim shall not envy Yahuwdah (Judah), and Yahuwdah (Judah) shall not vex Ephrayim. What is this prophecy about? Well, you see Leah was jealous (envious) of her sister Rachel, because she was loved by & Ya’aqob (Jacob) and Leah was not. But Rachel was also envious of her sister Leah, because YaHuWaH looked with kindness upon her by giving her more children to compensate for the fact that she was unloved. Jacob was tricked by his father-in-law Laban into marrying both sisters, which is actually against the Towrah: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 18:18 Neither shall you take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time. So you see, YaHuWaH in his wisdom knew the vexation that is brought on by plural marriages, which is why he did not want a man to take his sister’s wife to vex her. But in-spite of the fact that Jacob’s marriage to both sisters violated Towrah, YaHuWaH ultimately used it to multi-ply Abraham’s seed in the nations. In these last days, YaHuWaH is going to bring both (the children of Rachel and the children of Leah) back together again. This means that Judah (typified in Rachel) shall no longer “vex” Ephrayim (typified in Leah). And Ephrayim (typified in Leah) shall no longer envy Judah (typified in Rachel). These two families will finally live in harmony with one another when Messiah returns! This is why the animal pieces in Abraham’s covenant were “divided” in order to restore the “schism” in both houses! And this is also why “in the midst of the week” the last seven years of Daniel’s 70th Week was “divided” into two parts of 3 ½ years! Our Messiah fulfilled only “half” of Daniel’s 70th Week and then he will fulfill the other “half” through his Two Witnesses, so that both families will no longer be “divided!” To understand this phenomenon more fully see both blogs below: “Who Confirms the Covenant in Daniel’s 70th Week?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/who-confirms-one-only-covenant.html “Jacob’s Time of Trouble & Daniel’s 70th Week:” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/01/jacobs-time-of-trouble-daniels-70th_8110.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Ten Days of Tribulation for Ten Virgins (09/12/2013)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Ten Days of Tribulation for Ten Virgins (09/12/2013)
    This week Maria teaches us the deeper understanding of the “Ten Days of Awe” between the Feast of Trumpets (Yowm Teruw’ah) and the Day of Atonement (Yowm Kippur). Did you ever wonder why the Congregation at Smyrna in Revlation 2:10 must “suffer tribulation for ten days?” The Mystery of the meaning of the “Ten Virgins” from Matthew 25 is now going to be unlocked for you in this teaching. We read in Revelation 14: 4 “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first-fruits unto Elohiym and to the Lamb.” The word “women” in the above passage is the Greek word “gune” which is a singular word “woman, wife.” Jezebel was the “wife” of King Abab from Yahuwdah (Judah), yet she corrupted the Kingdom with her pagan religion that she taught to the nation of Yisra’el. The Mother Harlot Church claims to be the wife of the King of Judah. But she is full of pagan mixture and idolatry, so she commits spiritual fornication against him. To be a virgin means to “come out of this woman” or the “Mother Harlot Church” system. These are not male virgins who have never propagated seed of their own. This term “virgin” simply means to be undefiled by the religion of the woman “Jezebel” with all forms of Baal worship. But why are there “ten virgins?” In many of the parables that our Messiah taught, he uses the number “ten” to illustrate the “Ten Northern Tribes of Ephrayim” who were scattered to the four corners of the earth. Then he divides the ten virgins into two groupd of five virgins. What does the number “5” represent? There are “5” books in the Towrah (Mosaic Law). So the five wise as well as the five foolish are both “virgins” because they are not defiled by the Mother Harlot Church system. And they are defined by the number “5” because they love the Towrah (Mosaic Law) and they seek to obey it. But only one thing separates the five wise from the five foolish virgins. What is it? Oil in their lamps! And what exactly is this oil in their lamps? The Ruwach ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit) is figurative of oil in the scriptures. But what does the Spirit of YaHuWaH teach these virgins? He teaches them to call upon his true name! Shir ha’Shiriym (Song of Solomon) 1:3 Because of the savour of your good ointments (shemen) your name (shem) is as ointment (shemen) poured forth, therefore do the virgins love you. Did you see this? The virgins who love the Messiah have oil (shemen) because they are intimate with him and they know him by name (shem)! Out of seven congregations in the book of Revelation, only two of them were not rebuked by our Messiah. Who are they? Smyrna & Philadelphia. Both of these congregations are compared to false Jews in Revelation 2:9 & Revelation 3:9. This means that both of these congregations obey the Towrah, and our Messiah tells them that they are genuine Yahuwdiy (Jews) as compared to those who “say that they are Jews, but are not.” But Smyrna is lacking something that Philadelphia has. What is it? Philadelphia has not denied his name! And because Philadelphia has not denied his name, she has an “open door that no man can shut!” But the foolish virgins will find that the door to the wedding for them is “shut!” Mattithyahuw (Matthew) 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Because Philadelphia has not denied his name, she is able to go into the marriage with the bridegroom on the Feast of Trumpets, but Smyrna must wait ten more days to go and buy oil----the oil of his name! And those who learn his name during the Ten Days of Awe or Tribulation (Guwr) will also be married to him on Yowm Kippur! To learn more, see Maria’s blog entitled “Ten Days of Awe Leading Up to Yowm Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/ten-days-of-awe-leading-up-to-yom.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Walking in the Light of YaHuWaH’s Feasts or Caught off Guard by the Thief in the Night? (09/05/2013)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Walking in the Light of YaHuWaH’s Feasts or Caught off Guard by the Thief in the Night? (09/05/2013)
    When the Apostle Shau’wl (Paul) wrote to the Thessalonians, they were already familiar with this metaphor concerning the High Priest and “the thief in the night.” These New Covenant believers were already celebrating the prophetic feasts year after year, and this is why Paul called them “children of the light.” Shau’wl (Paul) knew that these followers of Messiah were not in darkness because they were keeping their “oil lamps filled” and ready for “the day that no man knows.” Our Messiah Yahuwshuwa is our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek and he will not come as a thief in the night for those who are walking in the “light” of his instructions (Towrah). In 1st Thessalonians 5, Paul wrote: 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. To learn more about the Hebrew Idioms known as “the thief in the night” and “the day that no man knows,” see Maria’s blogs below: Yowm Teruw’ah: “The Day that No Man Knows!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/yom-teruah-day-that-no-man-knows_3315.html Times, Seasons & the Thief in the Night: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/times-seasons-thief-in-night-when-is_25.html Also see Maria’s Latest Newsletter: “The Fall Feasts of YaHuWaH in the Seventh Month of Tishri.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-fall-feasts-of-yahuwah-in-seventh.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Vatican Bans Divine Name in Exchange for Allah! (08/01/2013)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Vatican Bans Divine Name in Exchange for Allah! (08/01/2013)
    In the second century, a man by the name of Clement of Alexandria translated the divine name of Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey (YHWH) from the Hebrew Scriptures as “Yahweh.” Over time the Roman Catholic Church began using this pronunciation in their hymnal and prayer books. But the “Yahweh” pronunciation is Greek---not Hebrew. The Greek scribes changed all Hebrew names ending with the “ah” sound to the “eh” due to the fact that male names in Greek never end with “ah,” but female names in Greek do. Hence, to avoid the idea that YaHuWaH was a feminine deity; the vowels were changed to make his name sound more Greek. See more evidence for this at this blog: “Proof that ‘Yahweh’ is a Greek Pronunciation.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/proof-that-yahweh-is-greek_29.html But now, since 2008, the Vatican has now come into agreement with the “Noahide Laws” of Judaism in banning the divine name for so-called “Gentile Christians.” See the news article below: http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0804119.htm The Vatican instead is calling for the use of the Muslim deity name of “Allah!” See the news article below: http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/008584.html Beloved, this is precisely why we cannot use the excuse that “any name will do” or “any pronunciation will do.” Can you see where this ambiguity about the name is leading to? It is leading to the one world religion of the Anti-Messiah! To read more about how the ban on the divine name of YaHuWaH began, see the article by author and Hebrew Scholar Nehemia Gordon: The Ban on the Divine Name by Nehemia Gordon http://chronosynchro.net/pdf/yhwh1.pdf One of the maladies of modern Judaism is the strict prohibition against uttering the name of the Creator. The modern Rabbinic law code Mishnah Berurah explains: It is forbidden to read the glorious and terrible name as it is written, as the sages said “He that pronounces the name as it is written has no portion in the world to come.” Therefore it must be read as if it were written Adonai (Mishnah Berurah 5:2). This is hardly a modern innovation. It appears already in the early 3rd century CE in the Mishnah tractate of Sanhedrin: “The following have no portion in the world to come: Abba Saul says: one who pronounces the divine name as it is written” (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1). What are the Noahide Laws? Now I want to illustrate why the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) will decapitate those who call upon the true name of our Creator: Chazown (Revelation) 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuwshuwa, and for the word of Elohiym, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Mashiyach (Messiah) a thousand years. The Noahide Laws are based purely upon man-made traditions of Judaism and not upon scripture. Scripture is clear that the Towrah (Mosaic Law) is to be obeyed by both the “stranger” and the Yisraelite who is “natural-born:” Shemoth (Exodus) 12:49 One Towrah (law) shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you. Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 24:22 You shall have one manner of Towrah (law), as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am YHWH Elohiym. Bemidbar (Numbers) 15:16 One Towrah (law) and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourns with you. The Noahide Laws are growing in popularity. They have even reached the U. S. Congress: http://bewareofthenoahidelaws.followersofyah.com/ “The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.” Sadly, this is not just for the state of Yisra’el (Israel) or even the United States, but for the whole world: “This obligation, to teach all the peoples of the earth about the Laws of Noah, is incumbent upon every individual in every era” -- (Mishnah Torah, Law of Kings 8:10). “Gentiles May Not Be Taught the Torah. Inasmuch as the Jews had their own distinct jurisdiction, it would have been unwise to reveal their laws to the Gentiles, for such knowledge might have operated against the Jews in their opponents’ courts. Hence, the Talmud prohibited the teaching to a Gentile of the Torah, the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob (Deuteronomy 33:4).” R. Johanan says of one such teaching: “Such a person deserves death” (an idiom used to express indignation). “It is like placing an obstacle before the blind” (Sanhedrin. 59a; ‘ag. 13a). “A Gentile observing the Sabbath deserves death” (Sanhedrin 58b)...….All Gentiles found keeping the 7th day Sabbath shall be found guilty of breaking the Noahide Law and must be punished to the fullest… Decapitation….No gentile shall be permitted to speak (Ha’shem) the name of YHWH, all who have blasphemy and are found guilty of breaking the Noahide Law and shall be punished to the fullest... Decapitation.” Now stop and ponder this prophecy: Chazown (Revelation) 14:12 Here is the patience of the qodesh ones (saints) here are they that keep the Commandments of Eloah and testimony of Yahuwshuwa. According to Judaism, if a person believes in Messiah Yahuwshuwa, they are considered a Gentile and not recognized as a Yahuwdiy (Jew) as taught by the Apostle Sha’uwl (Paul) in Romans 2:26-29. Therefore, to believe in the Messiah and to call upon the Heavenly Father’s name buys you a ticket to the guillotine! To those who would say “the pronunciation is not that important,” let me ask you a question. If the pronunciation is not that important, then why then does Satan care enough to kill us over this? See Maria’s blogs below: “Does the Name ‘Jesus’ Really Come from Zeus?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/does-name-jesus-really-come-from-zeus_18.html “The Hidden Character of ha’Shem.”   http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/06/copyright-double-portion-inheritance_16.html “The Name of Salvation Revealed.”   http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/set-apart-name-of-salvation-revealed.html

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