

    Explore "yhwh" with insightful episodes like "Allow Me to Introduce Myself Pt. 4", "Bow Before The Great I Am | John 4:25-26", "5.39 - Prayer - Part 9", "What is Light?" and "Three “T”s of Glory" from podcasts like ""Movement Church Podcast", "Vince Miller Podcast", "After Class Podcast", "4TWS Radio" and "Grace 242"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Three “T”s of Glory

    Three “T”s of Glory

    Exodus is not about leadership lessons from Moses. Exodus is not about moral lessons from Israel. Exodus is about fellowship with God. 

    This week we see that God’s glory is: 1. Transcendent 2. Terrifying 3. Transforming. In the same way that Moses reflected that he had been with God, what or who are you reflecting? 

    The LORD

    The LORD
    Today's word in our series of Big Themes and Words of the Bible is more than a word; it's a name. It's the most important name in the Bible. We are talking about the Lord, and all of Scripture is the Story about the Lord. Brandon Pisacrita leads us in today's Devotionable. Devotionables #319: Exodus 3:14, Philippians 2, John The LORD Big Themes and Words of the BibleDevotionables is a ministry of The Ninth & O Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.  naobc.org

    Sopra la croce di Gesù la scritta in ebraico rivela che egli è Dio

    Sopra la croce di Gesù la scritta in ebraico rivela che egli è Dio
    TESTO DELL'ARTICOLO ➜http://www.bastabugie.it/it/articoli.php?id=6392

    In Esodo 20,2 Dio rivela il suo nome a Mosè: "Io sono il Signore, tuo Dio, che ti ho fatto uscire dalla terra d'Egitto". La parola tradotta con "il Signore" è il famoso Tetragramma che gli ebrei non possono neanche pronunciare: "YHWH", vocalizzato in diversi modi tra i quali "Yahweh". Le quattro lettere ebraiche che lo compongono sono queste: "יהוה", yod-he-waw-he. Ricordiamo che l'ebraico si legge da destra verso sinistra.
    Nel Vangelo di Giovanni, capitolo 19 versetti 16-22, leggiamo:
    "Essi presero Gesù ed egli, portando la croce, si avviò verso il luogo detto del Cranio, in ebraico Gòlgota, dove lo crocifissero e con lui altri due, uno da una parte e uno dall'altra, e Gesù in mezzo. Pilato compose anche l'iscrizione e la fece porre sulla croce; vi era scritto: «Gesù il Nazareno, il re dei Giudei». Molti Giudei lessero questa iscrizione, perché il luogo dove Gesù fu crocifisso era vicino alla città; era scritta in ebraico, in latino e in greco. I capi dei sacerdoti dei Giudei dissero allora a Pilato: «Non scrivere: «Il re dei Giudei», ma: «Costui ha detto: Io sono il re dei Giudei»». Rispose Pilato: «Quel che ho scritto, ho scritto»."

    Nonostante il brano in questione sia famosissimo, la scena che si è svolta davanti a Gesù crocifisso dev'essere stata un po' diversa da come ce la siamo sempre immaginata. Giovanni, forse, ha provato a sottolinearlo, ma il lettore, non conoscendo la lingua ebraica, è impossibilitato a comprendere.
    L'iscrizione di cui parla Giovanni è la famosa sigla "INRI", raffigurata ancora oggi sopra Gesù crocifisso. L'acronimo, che sta per il latino "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum", significa appunto "Gesù il Nazareno, il re dei Giudei".
    Ma Giovanni specifica che l'iscrizione era anche in ebraico. Non solo: in un momento così importante l'evangelista sembra soffermarsi su dei particolari apparentemente di poco conto:
    1) il fatto che molti Giudei lessero questa iscrizione, perché il luogo dove Gesù fu crocifisso era vicino alla città
    2) i capi dei sacerdoti che si rivolgono a Pilato per far modificare l'iscrizione
    3) Pilato che si rifiuta di cambiarla.
    Ponzio Pilato, che era romano, probabilmente non capiva che, senza volerlo, aveva creato un po' d'imbarazzo - se vogliamo definirlo così - agli ebrei che osservavano Gesù crocifisso con quell'iscrizione sopra la testa.

    Henri Tisot, esperto di ebraico, si è rivolto a diversi rabbini per chiedere quale fosse l'esatta traduzione ebraica dell'iscrizione fatta compilare da Pilato. Ne parla nel suo libro "Eva, la donna" nelle pagine da 216 a 220.
    Ha scoperto che è grammaticalmente obbligatorio, in ebraico, scrivere "Gesù il Nazareno e re dei Giudei". Con le lettere ebraiche otteniamo "ישוע הנוצרי ומלך היהודים". Ricordiamo la lettura da destra verso sinistra.
    Queste lettere equivalgono alle nostre "Yshu Hnotsri Wmlk Hyhudim" vocalizzate "Yeshua Hanotsri Wemelek Hayehudim".
    Quindi, come per il latino si ottiene l'acronimo "INRI", per l'ebraico si ottiene "יהוה", "YHWH".
    Ecco spiegata l'attenzione che Giovanni riserva per la situazione che si svolge sotto Gesù crocifisso. In quel momento gli ebrei vedevano l'uomo che avevano messo a morte, che aveva affermato di essere il Figlio di Dio, con il nome di Dio, il Tetragramma impronunciabile, inciso sopra la testa.
    Non poteva andar bene che YHWH fosse scritto lì, visibile a tutti, e provarono a convincere Pilato a cambiare l'incisione. Ecco che la frase del procuratore romano "Quel che ho scritto, ho scritto" acquista un senso molto più profondo.
    Sembra incredibile? Pensate che Gesù aveva profetizzato esattamente questo momento. In Giovanni 8,28 troviamo scritto: "Disse allora Gesù: «Quando avrete innalzato il Figlio dell'uomo, allora conoscerete che Io Sono"
    Per "innalzare" Gesù intende la crocifissione. "Io Sono" allude proprio al nome che Dio ha rivelato a Mosè in Esodo 3,14:
    "Dio disse a Mosè: «Io sono colui che sono!». E aggiunse: «Così dirai agli Israeliti: «Io-Sono mi ha mandato a voi»"

    Yahweh: All Mighty (Omnipotent), All Knowing (Omniscient)

    Yahweh: All Mighty (Omnipotent), All Knowing (Omniscient)

    Yahweh (YHWH) is the name of God commonly considered to mean "I AM", or "I AM that I AM", or "the existing One". Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning may be "He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists". Having 4 letters "YHWH", the Jewish people consider it too sacred to even utter the name, so they simply say "HaShem" meaning "The Name" to be sure they don't use the Name of the Lord God in vain. I'm certain God deserves more honor and praise we ever give Him. Our God created everything that exists...and still creates every moment of our future. God is Omnipotent which means He is the Almighty, ruler of all and holds sway over all things. He is also Omniscient which means that He has perfect knowledge of all things. He does not have to learn anything and He has not forgotten anything. God knows the end from the beginning and He knows all the possible/potential endings. You see, God is everything to me and every one of us need God to be God right now. We all have many needs and we don't need a little god that fits our understanding or can sit on our shelf. We need "YHWH"! 

    062 CJC WBS - Genesis 18:1-16 - Is Anything Too Hard For The LORD?

    062 CJC WBS - Genesis 18:1-16 - Is Anything Too Hard For The LORD?

    "Is Anything Too Hard For The LORD?" That's the title of today's episode, which has Genesis 18:1-16 as its main text. In this study, Sarah laughs at the promise that she will bear a child in her old age. But the LORD challenges her perspective by asking, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" And that same question challenges (and encourages!) us today!

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    Double Portion Inheritance: Called, Chosen & Faithful: Are you a Hebrew, an Israelite or a Jew? (05/06/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Called, Chosen & Faithful: Are you a Hebrew, an Israelite or a Jew? (05/06/2016)
    In Revelation 17, we are shown MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, and the ten horns on the BEAST which carries her. We are also shown that these ten horns on the beast shall make war against our Messiah and his bride who is called, chosen and faithful: Chazown (Revelation) 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Master of Masters, and King of kings: andthey that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. There are three stages to our redemption: 1.) Those who are called (Matthew 22:14). 2.) Those who are called and chosen (Matthew 22:14). 3.) Those who are called, chosen & faithful (Matthew 22:14; Revelation 17:14). This is why there are three groups of people present at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! 1.) The guests who are called. 2.) The bridal attendants who are chosen. 3.) The bride who is faithful. We finally become a Yahuwdiy (Jew) when we learn to praise YaHuWaH no matter what the circumstances are. This is the mark of a mature believer who is ready to be the bride! 1.) Hebrew = called out (Genesis 12:1; Revelation 18:4). 2.) Yisra’el = an overcomer or one who prevails (Genesis 32:28; Revelation 3:12). 3.) Yahuwdiy (Jew) = one who praises Yah (Genesis 29:35; Revelation 19:5). To learn more, see the blogs below: CALLED, CHOSEN & FAITHFUL: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/05/called-chosen-faithful-are-you-hebrew.html WHO IS A TRUE ISRAELITE? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2013/07/who-is-true-yisraelite-who-is-true.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 7 (02/26/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 7 (02/26/2016)
    In this episode, Maria continues with the study that she has been doing for the past few weeks, as she expounds on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephrayim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5). See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 3 (01/29/2016)

    Double Portion Inheritance: Melchizedek & the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Part 3 (01/29/2016)
    In this episode, Maria expounds on the story of Tamar & Judah from Genesis 38. From this account, we can see a prophetic picture of the Heavenly Father (typified in Judah) who promised to send his son Shelah (typified in Messiah). Tamar is a picture of the “Ten Northern Tribes of the House of Ephraim” who were divorced and widowed. In order for Tamar to be restored (like the lost sheep of Yisra’el), she must give birth to a male heir, a son of promise. Tamar’s kinsman redeemer was promised to her by an oath given by her father-in-law, Judah. But Judah himself fulfilled the oath when he himself became her kinsman redeemer, and the father of her twins. Tamar’s twins are a symbol of the “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) or the “man-child” (Revelation 12:5). In other words, “both houses of Yisra’el” (Isaiah 8:14) will be “born-again” of the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15) by the kinsman redeemer who is the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Revelation 5:5). See the blogs below: The Father & the Son Seen in Judah, the Kinsman Redeemer: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-father-son-as-kinsmen-redeemer_3.html Who is Melchizedek? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2016/01/who-is-melchizedek.html

    Double Portion Inheritance: The Roman Catholic Mass & Christ-Mass Part 1 (12/20/2015)

    Double Portion Inheritance: The Roman Catholic Mass & Christ-Mass Part 1 (12/20/2015)
    In this episode, Maria Merola dissects the Roman Catholic Catechism which shows that the Mass of Christ is pure and utter blasphemy. In Revelation 2:20-23, our Messiah warned the Congregation at Thyratira not to even TOLERATE “that woman Jezebel.” But who is Jezebel? Just like original Queen Jezebel in 1st Kings 16-21 & 2nd Kings 9, the Spirit of Jezebel teaches the servants of YaHuWaH to EAT THINGS SACRIFICED TO IDOLS AND TO COMMIT SPIRITUAL FORNICATION! This woman is described in Revelation 17 as THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH who SITS ON SEVEN HILLS. This “woman” is seen with a “golden cup” in her hand full of abominations and filthiness. Yahuwshuwa Messiah said that whoever tolerates this “woman Jezebel,” THE MOTHER HARLOT CHURCH WHO SITS ON SEVEN HILLS (JEZEBEL) WILL BE KILLED BY HIM PERSONALLY! (see Revelation 2:20-23). The Roman Catholic Mass is a reenactment of the sacrifice of our Messiah on the cross, because they teach that his “once-for-all-sacrifice” was not sufficient to atone for sins. The Catholic Catechism states that “Christ must daily perform the functions of the victim anew at every Catholic Mass, as though he were never sacrificed.” When people say “Merry Christ-Mass” they are declaring that they are merry about the blasphemy of the Roman Catholic Mass. The Latin word for “mass” (missa) means “a dismissal.” Hence to say “Merry Christ-Mass” is to say “Merry Dismissal of Christ!” Since 1981, Maria Merola has done extensive research on the subject of the Roman Catholic Mass of Christ and Christ-Mass, as well as the birth of the true Messiah, named Yahuwshuwa. See the blogs below to understand fully how Satanic Christ-Mass is: Should You Be Merry About Christ-Mass? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-is-christ-mass-should-you-be-merry_06.html What is the Catholic Mass? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/12/what-is-catholic-mass-why-is-it.html December 25th: Birth of the Antichrist http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/december-25th-birth-of-antichrist_22.html When Was the Real Messiah Born & Why Does it Matter? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/messiah-of-israel-born-on-feast-of.html Sixteen Crucified Saviors? Why Messiah’s Birth-date Matters! http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance_20.html An Illustration of Messiah & The Christian Church: The Story of Rachel, Lucas & Joshua http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance.html Santa Claus or Satan Claws? http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/11/santa-claus-or-satan-claws.html

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