
    About this Episode

    There are three different ways of running HRM depending on the level of institutionalization and depending on whether a company operates more towards hierarchies and stability or towards agility and networks. This is a significant strategic foundation for strategic HRM. All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    Recent Episodes from Human Resources Strategies

    #37 Employee Retention. One Problem, multiple Views

    #37 Employee Retention. One Problem, multiple Views
    Losing a valuable employee could just be a pity or even a tragedy. The problem seems to be clear. However, the way how companies deal with this topic really differs. Some do everything to protect themselves from missing loyalty. Some deal with voluntary turnover in an open way and mainly see a chance in it. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #36 Strategies to get Employee Surveys straight

    #36 Strategies to get Employee Surveys straight
    Employee survey are among the most commonly used approaches in HR. The classic idea is to ask everyone everything so that all people work on almost anything. This episode proposes an alternative view, that is more focused on what really matters for selected stakeholders. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #35 What makes flexible working conditions really flexible?

    #35 What makes flexible working conditions really flexible?
    There are a lot of measures known about how to shape flexible working arrangements. However, the most important question is, who decides upon those measures. By any mean, there must be a match between structural conditions and cultural beliefs. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #33 The Puzzle of Compensating High Performers in Teams

    #33 The Puzzle of Compensating High Performers in Teams
    Even in teams there might be high performers. Treating high performers differently might be a mistake. Not doing so might be a mistake too. You might either kill collaboration or you lose or not attract high performers. There is no perfect solution. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #32 Does Pay for Performance really motivate?

    #32 Does Pay for Performance really motivate?
    Contingent pay could either increase or decrease employees’ motivation. It is an oversimplified and often wrong idea about money being a motivator only. Often rewards could even do harm. Whether or not money motivates heavily depends on the nature of the task. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #31 Fundamentals and Strategies of Base Pay

    #31 Fundamentals and Strategies of Base Pay
    Base pay could be seen as a kind of flat rate. It mainly becomes relevant when it comes to attracting and retaining people. While most companies share a common approach on how to manage compensation with pay structures there still are various strategic decision to be made. You'll find all slides here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #29 Managing Careers of Experts who do not manage

    #29 Managing Careers of Experts who do not manage
    Some experts might be more critical to a company’s organizational success than some managers or executives. However, experts have a different impact and their careers look different. Once a company thinks about managing expert careers, they will be faced with various strategic decisions. All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/

    #28 The Power of Experience for personal Growth

    #28 The Power of Experience for personal Growth
    To a large extend people learn through experience. There are powerful ways to manage this particular way of development. In this episode we talk primarily about, action learning, which is a commonly used approach. All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/human-resources-strategies/